
时间:2023-12-16 03:36:43 作者:cmitszta 作文大全 收藏本文 下载本文




8个>300个  ――读《8个八路军打败300个日本鬼子》有感・・・ 力小分校  四(2)项宇琪    星期二,读了《8个八路军打败300日本鬼子》这篇文章。8个>300个,让我感受甚深。故事是以一名老党员的讲述形式开始的,主要讲述了他年轻时与队员们在一次行动中由于汉奸告发,被日本鬼子包围了起来。在激烈的战争中,全体游击队员发挥智慧,与敌人周旋,最终消灭300多个日本鬼子。英勇的游击队员除了一人受伤以外,其他全部生还。奇迹!8个八路军打败300个日本鬼子,这种勇气是无人能比的!在他们心中只装着祖国,为了国家的强盛,为了赶走侵略者,他们可以付出一切,乃至宝贵的生命!这些老党员们并不知道他们的成功在八年抗战中有多么重要!正是这一个个勇敢的八路军战士为解放祖国不懈努力,不怕牺牲,中国才取得了最终的胜利!转念,想起了我们现在的生活:我们有一个舒适而温暖的家,宽敞的书桌,整齐的`书橱,每天都可以衣食无忧;我们有明亮的教室,先进的多媒体设备,每天都可以坐在这里读书写字,可以在操场上奔腾跳跃;我们有高楼大厦,快捷的交通,每天可以快乐地生活……按理说我们应该知足了,可还是有一部分同学在抱怨地不停:抱怨作业太多,抱怨没有玩的时间,抱怨自己没有手机,抱怨……这些所谓的困难在这些老前辈面前简直是微不足道的!可以这么说,我们所吃的苦远不及那些党员们――为了祖国而献出年轻生命的人。他们的自我牺牲就是为了让我们过上这样的生活,可他们却在解放战争中倒下了……今年就是建党90周年了,让我们一起为它欢呼吧!欢呼党拥有这么一群甘于自我牺牲的党员!让我们一起欢呼吧,在党的领导下我们这些祖国的花朵将会更健康、更幸福!


I have one more friend in preschool teacher again today, zhi yi.

She is a silly, good sister. Although now more or less some worry, but I'm sure she is not a bad man. Now I can put on an undefended, only she and her son. But I am also very happy, at least two people.

Uncle's birthday today, I also bought a suitcase today! Now also in saving money to buy a bike, bike it, I must finish, I want to go for a walk. Even if the far it doesn't matter, can ride it back. While in school a week to come out, but I still want to buy.

Now think I will in a later almost all girls in the class and school. Think about a little excited. He and I, also will slowly forgotten. Do you want to be happy! Have happy memories of before, later will be better.

Even if a person, also want to live happy.


Remember just entered junior high school, ignorant we are all full of curiosity, make us with each other for a while then classroom chirp, then we won't be embarrassed, so a minute we will become good friends. In retrospect will still can't help but smile, smile naive at that time, at the same time also envy, envy nothing at that time. Remember when the teacher came into the classroom, we sent him all sorts of strange questions, the teacher that embarrassed expression, with a flushed face, and I really don't know at that time, little head is how to think, now that I'm always think himself very silly at that time, now want to have that kind of naive, however, is well.

Remember the first to learn English, he always can't pronunciation, so we can use Chinese pinyin, and under every word do serious notation, as a result, every little get the teacher's criticism, hand swelled because it is high. Then, of course, we don't know the teacher's a painstaking, always think they don't understand me, also argue irrationally contradict the teacher, said he did not deserve to be a teacher. Ah, I at that time


Some people about your best friend to go shopping to shopping in the store, the adults all told his friend to meet the old place where; Even the children are playing on the swings in the kindergarten, good friends slide, hide and seek? As points at 7:00 in the evening, each a pair of good friend please friends home to watch TV together, this is who also can't miss the Olympic song - forever friends. People with sing, sing sing ah ah, soon ended. At this moment, probably already 10; 30 points. Everyone has to go, everybody just unwilling to return to their home, looking forward to the next section friends come quickly!

Friend section is really a worthy people linger over the holiday!




1.改革产业结构 reform the structure of industries

2. 亏损企业 loss-making enterprises

3. 搞活企业 enliven enterprises

4. 加快现代化步伐 quicken the modernization drive

5. 跨国公司 transnational corporation / multinational corporation

6. 乡镇企业 township enterprises

7. 国有企业 state-owned enterprises

8. 合资企业 joint ventures

9. 解放生产力 emancipate/ liberate productivity

10.振兴国家经济 invigorate our state economy

11.实行股份制 introduce the shareholding system

12.全面深化改革 deepen reform all round

13.提高经济效益 improve economic results

14.增进效益 increase economic returns

15.宏观经济调控 macro-economic control and management

16. 经济实力 economic strength

17. 经济转轨 economic transformation

18. 经营机制 operative mechanism

19. 整顿经济秩序 rectify economic order

20. 引进竞争机制 introduce a competitive mechanism

21. 建立技术密集型企业 set up technologically-intensive enterprises

22. 招商引资 canvass business and introduce investment

23. 房地产 real estate

24. 经济特区 special economic zone

25. 基础设施 infrastructure facilities

26. 豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects

27. 投资热点 investment hot spot

28. 外向型经济 export-oriented economy

29. 按劳分配 distribute according to the work performance

30. 打破平均主义 break / abandon equalitarian

31. 沿海开放城市 open coastal cities

32. 保税区 bonded zone/ area

33. 金融改革 banking system

34. 国民生产总值 Gross National Product

35. 扶贫项目 anti-poverty project

36. 下海经商 plunge into the private business

37. 协调发展 coordinate the development

38. 住房改革 housing reform

39. 社会保障体系 social security system

40. 数字时代 digital times

41. 信息高速公路 the information superhighway

42. 虚拟社区 virtual communities

43. “菜蓝子”工程 the “shopping-basket” project ( the non-staple food project)

44. 拳头产品 knock-out products/ competitive products

45. 市场萧条 slack market

46. 中国质量万里行 China’s Long March to Quality campaign

47. 冒牌产品 fake brand-name products

48. 假冒伪劣商品 fake and poor quality commodities

49. 谋取暴力 reap colossal profits

50. 提出索赔 lodge a claim

51. 投诉 lodge complaint

52. 贸易争端 trade disputes

53. 乱收费 random charges

54. 市场疲软 sluggish market

55 .贸易顺差 favorable trade balance

56. 贸易逆差 unfavorable trade balance

57. 实行优惠政策 launch a preferential policy

58. 繁荣市场 flourish the market

59. 加入世贸组织 accession to the WTO/ entry into the WTO

60. 最惠国待遇 Most-Favored-Nation treatment

61. 消费者协会 consumer’s association

62. 消费者购买力 consumer purchasing power

63. 新兴市场 emerging market

64. 抑制消费 control / inhibit consumption

65. 无形资产 intangible assets

66. 有形资产 tangible assets

67. 市场占有率 market share

68. 严重违约 grave breach of contract

69. 泡沫经济 bubble economy

70. 品牌效应 brand effect

71. 企业重组 reshuffle of enterprises

72. 贸易壁垒 trade barrier

73. 人才流失 brain drain

74. 清理“三角债” break up the debt chain

75. 企业文化 corporate culture

76. 商业炒作 commercial speculation

77. 扩大内需,刺激消费 expand domestic demand and consumption

78. 拉动经济增长 fuel economic growth

79. 连锁反应 chain reaction / domino effect

80. 竞争优势 competitive edge

81. 经济结构调整 economic restructuring

82. 经济增长点 economic growth point ; growth engine

83. 经济过热 overheated economy

84. 经济滑坡 economic downturn

85. 集约化经营 intensive management

86. 灰色收入 gray income

87. 福利分房 welfare-oriented public housing distribution system

88. 分期付款 installment payment

89. 从粗放经济转变为集约经济 shift from extensive economy to intensive economy

90. 按揭购房 buy a house on a mortgage ; mortgage a house

91. 边际效益 marginal benefit

92. 不良贷款 non-performing loan

93. 裁减冗员 lay off redundant staff; cut down on overstaffing

94. 产品更新换代 upgrade of products

95. 创业园 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park

96. 促进全球经济一体化 foster integration with the global economy

97. 家庭联产承包责任制 household contract responsibility system

98. 人才战 competition for talented people

99. 脱贫致富 shake/cast off poverty and set out a road to prosperity

100. 资源优化配置 optimizing the allocation of resources


101. 不正之风 bad / harmful practice

102. 霸权主义 hegemonism

103. 奔小康 strive for a better-off life

104. 论资排辈 assign priority according to seniority

105. 持续发展 sustainable development

106. 重复建设 redundant project

107. 大锅饭 egalitarian practice ( of everyone taking food from the same big pot)

108. 多极化 multi-polarization

109. 科学技术是第一生产力 Science and technology are the primary productive force.

110. 机构臃肿 overstaffing in organization

111. 机构改革 institutional restructuring; streamlining

112. 反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government

113. 窗口行业 service trade

114. 核心竞争力 core competitiveness

115. 减员增效 downsizing of staff and improving efficiency

116. 减轻农民负担 reduce farmer’s burdens; lighten the burden on them

117. 跨越式发展 great-leap-forward development

118. 跨世纪发展 trans-century project

119. 民主集中制 democratic centralism

120. 讲诚信p反欺诈 honor credibility and oppose cheating

121. 强权外交 power diplomacy

122. 人浮于事 overstaffing

123. 侵吞公款 embezzle public funds

124. 群带关系 networking through petticoat influence

125. 求同存异 seek common ground on major issues while shelving differences on minor ones

126. 滥用权力 abuse one’s power; misuse one’s authority

127. 廉政建设 build a clean and honest government

128. 三步走战略 the three-step development strategy

129. 三讲教育 three emphases education―emphasize theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct

130. 三峡工程 Three gorges project

131. 贪污腐化 corruption and degeneration

132. 思想僵硬 fossilized concept

133. 西部开发 the development of China’s west

134. 发展是硬道理 Development is an invariable truth

135. 坚持四项基本原则 uphold the four cardinal principles

136. 地方保护主义 regional protectionism

137. 拜金主义 money worship

138. 行贿受贿 give and take bribery

139. 走后门 get in by the back door / enter by the back door

140. 和平演变 peaceful evolution

141. 贪脏枉法 take bribes and bend the law

142. 以权谋私 abusing power for money

143. 拉关系 try to establish a relationship with sb.

144. 权钱交易 trading power for money

145. 扫黄运动 anti-pornography campaign





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