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Dear _,

I am applying for acceptance into your graduate program for a Doctor’s degree in statistics. I plan to begin my studies in the fall of 1998. Nature is full of mysteries, one of which seems to be its apparent readiness to conform with mathematical principles. Such mysteries have fascinated me since my childhood, prompting me to avidly read scientific writings by Hua Lougeng, China’s most celebrated mathematician in the modern era, even while I was still in primary school. Unable to fully understand Hua’s books as I must have been, I learned that mathematics was itself wrapped with mysteries.

My intense interest, coupled with my hard work, in mathematics paid off. During my third year in senior middle school, I took part in the National Mathematics Contest for students in secondary education, and succeeded in winning the tenth spot in a lineup of some two hundred thousand selected participants. It was at that time that I made up my mind to pursue a career in mathematics. In 1985, I entered into the East China Normal University to major in mathematics. The mandatory courses ware concentrated mainly in two areas: statistics and application technologies. There were also many elective courses. In addition to courses of statistics and mathematics, I spent a lot of time and energy learning such practical skills as computer programming and the application of some new software systems in statistics. After graduation in 1990, I taught statistics for four years at another university until I decided that I had to satisfy my curiosity further and learn more. In 1994, I joined a graduate program at the Beijing Polytechnic University, where I concentrated my studies in the area of artificial intelligence.

Never a bookworm, I presided over a sampling survey of the middle schools in Shanghai, and published my findings in the ECNU journal. The topic for my graduation paper, the problem of slow server, was actually culled from an article published in pursuing more advanced studies in a technologically more advanced country such as the United States. These journals provided me the necessary quality and amount of reference materials t keep me informed of the cutting edge of the field. The new method that I used in my research and my smooth answers at my defense of the paper could all trace their origin back to the journals that I had read. On the basis of my strong defense, the supervising committee decided unanimously t grant me an unequivocal A for my graduation paper. During the period of my graduate studies, I learned more about the realization technology (not sure what you are trying to say) by using computer programming. In image processing, I used the multianalysis and category theory in statistics, and I helped to institute a recognition system for major fingerprint characteristics. I have been working as a lecturer at the Beijing Polytechnic University since I obtained my Master’s degree. Besides teaching, I have been conducting market analysis as part of several research teams.

I have basically two main reasons to wish for further studies abroad. First, the rapid development of the statistical science fascinates me, and I would like to stand firmly on the cutting edge of the field by having myself grounded in more advanced theories. Second, the market research that I am now involved in is pushing me to master newer and better methodologies, I believe that graduate studies with your department is one of the best ways for me to attain both purposes.

I am convinced that the academic foundation I have laid in both theoretical frameworks and practical skills will help me make a competent student in my proposed studies. I am looking forward to the day when I shall return to China with a Doctor’s degree to make more contribution to the development of the science of statistics in this country.

Yours sincerely,



































Dear _,

I am applying for acceptance into your graduate program for a Doctor’s degree in statistics. I plan to begin my studies in the fall of 1998. Nature is full of mysteries, one of which seems to be its apparent readiness to conform with mathematical principles. Such mysteries have fascinated me since my childhood, prompting me to avidly read scientific writings by Hua Lougeng, China’s most celebrated mathematician in the modern era, even while I was still in primary school. Unable to fully understand Hua’s books as I must have been, I learned that mathematics was itself wrapped with mysteries.

My intense interest, coupled with my hard work, in mathematics paid off. During my third year in senior middle school, I took part in the National Mathematics Contest for students in secondary education, and succeeded in winning the tenth spot in a lineup of some two hundred thousand selected participants. It was at that time that I made up my mind to pursue a career in mathematics. In 1985, I entered into the East China Normal University to major in mathematics. The mandatory courses ware concentrated mainly in two areas: statistics and application technologies. There were also many elective courses. In addition to courses of statistics and mathematics, I spent a lot of time and energy learning such practical skills as computer programming and the application of some new software systems in statistics. After graduation in 1990, I taught statistics for four years at another university until I decided that I had to satisfy my curiosity further and learn more. In 1994, I joined a graduate program at the Beijing Polytechnic University, where I concentrated my studies in the area of artificial intelligence.

Never a bookworm, I presided over a sampling survey of the middle schools in Shanghai, and published my findings in the ECNU journal. The topic for my graduation paper, the problem of slow server, was actually culled from an article published in pursuing more advanced studies in a technologically more advanced country such as the United States. These journals provided me the necessary quality and amount of reference materials t keep me informed of the cutting edge of the field. The new method that I used in my research and my smooth answers at my defense of the paper could all trace their origin back to the journals that I had read. On the basis of my strong defense, the supervising committee decided unanimously t grant me an unequivocal A for my graduation paper. During the period of my graduate studies, I learned more about the realization technology (not sure what you are trying to say) by using computer programming. In image processing, I used the multianalysis and category theory in statistics, and I helped to institute a recognition system for major fingerprint characteristics. I have been working as a lecturer at the Beijing Polytechnic University since I obtained my Master’s degree. Besides teaching, I have been conducting market analysis as part of several research teams.

I have basically two main reasons to wish for further studies abroad. First, the rapid development of the statistical science fascinates me, and I would like to stand firmly on the cutting edge of the field by having myself grounded in more advanced theories. Second, the market research that I am now involved in is pushing me to master newer and better methodologies, I believe that graduate studies with your department is one of the best ways for me to attain both purposes.

I am convinced that the academic foundation I have laid in both theoretical frameworks and practical skills will help me make a competent student in my proposed studies. I am looking forward to the day when I shall return to China with a Doctor’s degree to make more contribution to the development of the science of statistics in this country.

Yours sincerely,



































Dear _,

I am applying for acceptance into your graduate program for a Doctor’s degree in statistics. I plan to begin my studies in the fall of 1998. Nature is full of mysteries, one of which seems to be its apparent readiness to conform with mathematical principles. Such mysteries have fascinated me since my childhood, prompting me to avidly read scientific writings by Hua Lougeng, China’s most celebrated mathematician in the modern era, even while I was still in primary school. Unable to fully understand Hua’s books as I must have been, I learned that mathematics was itself wrapped with mysteries.

My intense interest, coupled with my hard work, in mathematics paid off. During my third year in senior middle school, I took part in the National Mathematics Contest for students in secondary education, and succeeded in winning the tenth spot in a lineup of some two hundred thousand selected participants. It was at that time that I made up my mind to pursue a career in mathematics. In 1985, I entered into the East China Normal University to major in mathematics. The mandatory courses ware concentrated mainly in two areas: statistics and application technologies. There were also many elective courses. In addition to courses of statistics and mathematics, I spent a lot of time and energy learning such practical skills as computer programming and the application of some new software systems in statistics. After graduation in 1990, I taught statistics for four years at another university until I decided that I had to satisfy my curiosity further and learn more. In 1994, I joined a graduate program at the Beijing Polytechnic University, where I concentrated my studies in the area of artificial intelligence.

Never a bookworm, I presided over a sampling survey of the middle schools in Shanghai, and published my findings in the ECNU journal. The topic for my graduation paper, the problem of slow server, was actually culled from an article published in pursuing more advanced studies in a technologically more advanced country such as the United States. These journals provided me the necessary quality and amount of reference materials t keep me informed of the cutting edge of the field. The new method that I used in my research and my smooth answers at my defense of the paper could all trace their origin back to the journals that I had read. On the basis of my strong defense, the supervising committee decided unanimously t grant me an unequivocal A for my graduation paper. During the period of my graduate studies, I learned more about the realization technology (not sure what you are trying to say) by using computer programming. In image processing, I used the multianalysis and category theory in statistics, and I helped to institute a recognition system for major fingerprint characteristics. I have been working as a lecturer at the Beijing Polytechnic University since I obtained my Master’s degree. Besides teaching, I have been conducting market analysis as part of several research teams.

I have basically two main reasons to wish for further studies abroad. First, the rapid development of the statistical science fascinates me, and I would like to stand firmly on the cutting edge of the field by having myself grounded in more advanced theories. Second, the market research that I am now involved in is pushing me to master newer and better methodologies, I believe that graduate studies with your department is one of the best ways for me to attain both purposes.

I am convinced that the academic foundation I have laid in both theoretical frameworks and practical skills will help me make a competent student in my proposed studies. I am looking forward to the day when I shall return to China with a Doctor’s degree to make more contribution to the development of the science of statistics in this country.

Yours sincerely,









1. 语言


2. 区域


3. 经济以及政治




朱拉隆宫大学(Chulalongkorn University)是泰国最负盛名的高等学府,创建于19。当时的泰国国王朱拉隆宫(即拉玛五世)非常重视教育,他认为教育必须从当时泰国的寺院中走出来,让普通的泰国人接受现代教育,为国家的发展培养人才。1917年,拉玛六世将当时的国家行政学院命名为朱拉隆宫大学,以纪念他父亲对教育的贡献。朱拉隆宫大学以拉玛五世的皇 冠作为校徽的图案,一直沿用至今。




泰国农业大学(Kasetsart University)是泰王国久负盛名的国立综合类大学,目前有7个分校,分布在全国各地.泰国农业大学是位于泰国曼谷的重点大学,也是泰国历史最悠久的学府之.该校目前包括研究生院在内,共设有23各学院,是一所综合性的大学,也是泰国的国立农业大学。



泰国国立法政大学(Thammasat University)是泰国最为古老的大学之一,位于湄南河畔的曼谷历史文化中心。她作为艺术大学始创于1933年,1934年时被批准成为法学与政治学方面的“开放大学”。1952年,正式成为泰国国立法政大学,并于1960年结束她的开放大学的历史,成为一个有严格入学要求并通过入学考试的正规大学。









泰国玛希隆大学(Mahidol University)是泰国较早建立的大学,学校的前身为国立医学院后泰国八世国王为纪念父亲玛希隆所以更改了学校名字。学校和包括澳大利亚卧龙岗大学在内的国际知名大学保持有很好关系,并且是联合国卫生组织的合作伙伴。以培养高素质的基础学科以及医学、生物、化学人才而。该校一直致力于拓展其国际交流合作空间,和世界上30多个国家的近200所大学建立了校际友好合作交流关系。与世界卫生组织及下属的9个合作中心、联合国科教文组织、国际粮农组织、联合国发展计划署、世界银行、亚洲开发银行及世界贸易组织等国际性机构有着紧密的联系,并得到美国洛克菲勒基金的有力支持,使学校的学术成就得到国际上的广泛认可。


Dear x,

Whilst there is depth enough in examining the aesthetic beauty of wellconstructed prose for it to warrant study in itself, it is not primarily forthis reason that I wish to read English literature. To be 'a fly on the wall ina far wider array of times and places', as A. C. Grayling puts it, 'is the giftthat comes from thoughtful reading of even the most averagely good novels.' Anintegral part therefore of a novel's value to us is, in my opinion, its abilityto transport us to a time or situation alien to our own. In this way ourknowledge and potential to learn can be immeasurably expanded by the possibilityof vicarious experience. Be it through the satire of Chaucer, the emotionalarticulacy of Shakespeare or the bleak frankness of Orwell, good literature can,and should, enlighten us to some degree about life, furthering our understandingof our fellow human beings.

Shakespeare and Chaucer are, among others, writers I have had the goodfortune to study at A-level. Through the plays 'Hamlet' and 'Antony andCleopatra' and the Tales of the Franklin and Merchant, tragedy and the ideal ofcourtly romance, are key themes I have explored. I have, however, delighted inalternative interpretations, particularly of the Canterbury tales, making meespecially excited about studying the critical theory component of an Englishdegree. I am aware that the restrictions of the A-level syllabus have perhapsresulted in a narrow, monocultural examination of rich texts and I thus relishthe chance that university will bring to broaden my literary horizons.

My complementary 'A' levels, History and Philosophy, highlight further theubiquity of literature, penetrating almost every other field of study. Just asthe plays of Arthur Miller can further our understanding of America's post war'Red Scare,' so can Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment lead us to question themoral values of utilitarianism and our innermost conception of our own identity.Indeed the expression of philosophical concepts within English literature is atopic I would love to explore further at some point during my universitystudy.

I have welcomed the opportunity of sharing this enthusiasm with othersduring the final year in Sixth Form by helping struggling 12 and 13 year olds ata local comprehensive improve their reading skills. The experience has beenparticularly rewarding for me, and evocative of my own battle with dyslexia as ayounger child. Outside of academia, I enjoy sports, having represented myCollege 1st XV Rugby team and Hockey 2nd XI. In further pursuit ofself-development, I recently undertook a month long 'World Challenge' expeditionto Outer Mongolia. The trip, which involved renovating classrooms of a remoteprimary school, gave me an insight into foreign culture as well as a freshappreciation of beauty in the natural world. In an effort to complete the'campfire scene,' I managed to take my acoustic guitar and accompany oursinging; I continue to enjoy composing my own songs, inspired by the poeticlyrics of artists such as Bob Dylan.

I feel it is important to emphasise then that my interest in literature isnot exclusively limited to its role in providing a window into the unfamiliar.Indeed the intrinsic value and resonating power to convey emotion which lieswith 'the best words in their best order' is a fascinating and life-enrichingtopic of study in its own right. As Aldous Huxley's wonderful, autodidacticsavage realises in A Brave New World, the limits of ones language truly are thelimits of ones world. In the light of this, I happily anticipate spending thenext few years of my life immersed in as many aspects of literature as possible,and subsequently, furthering the expansion my own 'world' through interactionwith similarly passionate and like-minded people.

Yours sincerely,


Dear _,

My name is ___, female, _ years old this year. It is... a student in the third grade of the middle school (provincial model high school).

All the time, I have excellent grades and unite my classmates. I have been class leader since the first grade and have been until the first year of high school. I have won many awards: “Three Good Students”, “Excellent Class Cadres”, “Excellent League Cadres”... These honors are not something I deliberately fought for or grabbed. It is an affirmation of my enthusiasm for school work by the teacher and the school. Therefore, I have always been grateful for these rewards: thank them for the honor they bring to me. At the same time, I am even more grateful to the teachers who always care about me and love me. They taught me how to be a person and how to be self-reliant.

I have a two-way personality. Sometimes I think and deal with problems quietly. But most of the time, I am a “Ma Daha” who bounces and speaks without a word. This may be related to my calmness and sense of humor. The family environment is related!

I like reading books very much. I am a “bookworm” like my father. I also like skating, playing the piano (guzheng) and other recreational activities. Speaking of my favorite and good at, nothing is more than recitation and playing the piano. When a sentence of poetic language shocks my soul, the best way I usually treat it is to read it out loud, and I feel that in this way can I get the sublimation of my soul.

When it comes to learning, I feel that I am still a more self-controlling person, knowing that I should not be distracted when I am learning, and I can abide by it. But I think I am not a “nerd” that people usually think of-focusing on learning instead of interacting with people, entertainment and the like. I am a person with higher EQ than IQ. My greatest strength is empathy. I will quietly take care of my friends when they are most helpless and sad; I will also persuade them to think about their positions after a quarrel, and finally reconcile them. In fact, this is also derived from a sentence my mother told me when I was a child: “To make others happy is your own greatest happiness!” Of course, my extroverted personality gave me a strong curiosity and desire to explore the outside world. I have developed the habit of not giving up until I reach my goal. It is also a “red thread” for me to know your school

I remember that it was during the military training period when I was just entering high school. During the break, I took a friend to watch the “Hall of Fame” in No.1, _...The names of the universities that made people's heart greeted me, “Hall of Fame.” The elder brothers and elder sisters who went to school smiled brilliantly, as if they were saying: elder brothers, elder sisters, work hard, the victory will belong to you! ... Just when I was fascinated and admired, my friend touched I said: “Look,'_University of Posts and Telecommunications', the name is quite funny!” I laughed at that time: “What?'University of Posts and Telecommunications', is it a university that trains postmen?” She smiled and said : “I don't know, I want to know that you have to check it yourself!” So this question became the “mystery” in my heart that I wanted to solve the most. When I got home that day, I checked the information about _. I gradually learned a series of information about _'s historical evolution, discipline setting, and school-running philosophy.

I see. Although it features information technology as its main feature and focuses on engineering, it is a multidisciplinary national key university that combines engineering, management, liberal arts, and science. It is the first postal and telecommunications university in New China. . ……Understanding this, I found myself deeply attracted by _. Since then, I have decided that no matter what the result is, I will aim for _ and strive for 3 years...

Yours sincerely,



























Dear _,

“Accounting is like Art”. You have to analyse every aspect before making a just decision.

A teacher of mine once told me that if you were good at art, you would be good at accounts. It was hard to find his logic at first, but having spent two years doing GCSE Art and a further two on Accounts A Level, it all began to make sense. You need logic; everything has a set order and method. Each piece is placed carefully and has a high significance amongst its environment. You need analytical skills. Take apart every piece of information and use it to make your own decisions.

Having excelled in both these exams, I can proudly say that I possess the skills that will lead me to university. I have developed an interest in studying accounts or and would therefore like to continue doing so at university. The course that I would like to do at university is Business Accounts or Accounts and Finance. I feel that the two subjects combine well with one another and on many occasions I have founds that my knowledge of one has helped me with the other. Studying Maths and Business has also provided me with logic and a greater understanding of various concepts and methods. I have become more flexible in identifying what concepts need to be used and when, thus, helping me achieve the greatest results possible. I have the ability to pick up skills and knowledge quickly and am independent enough to conduct my own study and research. On many occasions at college I have taught myself various chapters in maths in order to remain ahead of the class.

My main ambition for the future is to become an Accountant Executive or a Financial Advisor. I am hoping university will provide me with an understanding of the business world as well as offering me a wide range of choices and connections after my course. However, I have also helped to teach mathematics. I have taken part in a project at school where we taught younger pupils the basics of maths. I also helped to tutor many of my classmates in preparation for exams, which they found helpful. I enjoyed teaching and so this will be my third choice of career.

Outside of studying, one of my many passions is Art. I enjoy visiting art galleries and studying art in depth. My favourite type of art is symbolism and surrealism and my favourite artists are Dali and Escher as they both deal with ‘double possibilities’. Recently, however, I have developed a new interest in contemporary art, of which I have done a number of paintings on canvas on commission for friends and family who have all been pleased with my work.

Most of my spare time on the weekend is taken up by my part time job as a sales associate at Skechers USA, Bullring, Birmingham. I have been working at Skechers since the opening of the store in September 2003 and am one of only two of the original members of staff left. This is an advantage for me as I can offer the highest level of customer service and have a good knowledge of the overall running of the store, which makes me committed, reliable and adaptable as I have found that I need to adjust myself to the many changes that have occurred over the year. My job has also taught me to be more tolerable and patient with others.

I have thoroughly enjoyed college and believe that university is the next step for me. College and my part time job have changed me as a person. They have given me a greater sense of independence and success. I feel that college has really made me grow and has introduced me to a wider range of people. I have opened up to people more and am now a better team player as I have learnt to listen to others and take in their opinions. I have become accepting to other cultures and beliefs and feel that I am much more open-minded.

I hope that you have analysed this piece carefully enough to offer me a place at your university, and trust that you have yet to see the bigger picture of me.

Yours sincerely,


































Dear _,

I am applying for acceptance into your graduate program for a Doctor’s degree in statistics. I plan to begin my studies in the fall of 1998. Nature is full of mysteries, one of which seems to be its apparent readiness to conform with mathematical principles. Such mysteries have fascinated me since my childhood, prompting me to avidly read scientific writings by Hua Lougeng, China’s most celebrated mathematician in the modern era, even while I was still in primary school. Unable to fully understand Hua’s books as I must have been, I learned that mathematics was itself wrapped with mysteries.

My intense interest, coupled with my hard work, in mathematics paid off. During my third year in senior middle school, I took part in the National Mathematics Contest for students in secondary education, and succeeded in winning the tenth spot in a lineup of some two hundred thousand selected participants. It was at that time that I made up my mind to pursue a career in mathematics. In 1985, I entered into the East China Normal University to major in mathematics. The mandatory courses ware concentrated mainly in two areas: statistics and application technologies. There were also many elective courses. In addition to courses of statistics and mathematics, I spent a lot of time and energy learning such practical skills as computer programming and the application of some new software systems in statistics. After graduation in 1990, I taught statistics for four years at another university until I decided that I had to satisfy my curiosity further and learn more. In 1994, I joined a graduate program at the Beijing Polytechnic University, where I concentrated my studies in the area of artificial intelligence.

Never a bookworm, I presided over a sampling survey of the middle schools in Shanghai, and published my findings in the ECNU journal. The topic for my graduation paper, the problem of slow server, was actually culled from an article published in pursuing more advanced studies in a technologically more advanced country such as the United States. These journals provided me the necessary quality and amount of reference materials t keep me informed of the cutting edge of the field. The new method that I used in my research and my smooth answers at my defense of the paper could all trace their origin back to the journals that I had read. On the basis of my strong defense, the supervising committee decided unanimously t grant me an unequivocal A for my graduation paper. During the period of my graduate studies, I learned more about the realization technology (not sure what you are trying to say) by using computer programming. In image processing, I used the multianalysis and category theory in statistics, and I helped to institute a recognition system for major fingerprint characteristics. I have been working as a lecturer at the Beijing Polytechnic University since I obtained my Master’s degree. Besides teaching, I have been conducting market analysis as part of several research teams.

I have basically two main reasons to wish for further studies abroad. First, the rapid development of the statistical science fascinates me, and I would like to stand firmly on the cutting edge of the field by having myself grounded in more advanced theories. Second, the market research that I am now involved in is pushing me to master newer and better methodologies, I believe that graduate studies with your department is one of the best ways for me to attain both purposes.

I am convinced that the academic foundation I have laid in both theoretical frameworks and practical skills will help me make a competent student in my proposed studies. I am looking forward to the day when I shall return to China with a Doctor’s degree to make more contribution to the development of the science of statistics in this country.

Yours sincerely,
































Dear _,

I am applying for acceptance into your graduate program for a Doctor’s degree in statistics. I plan to begin my studies in the fall of 1998. Nature is full of mysteries, one of which seems to be its apparent readiness to conform with mathematical principles. Such mysteries have fascinated me since my childhood, prompting me to avidly read scientific writings by Hua Lougeng, China’s most celebrated mathematician in the modern era, even while I was still in primary school. Unable to fully understand Hua’s books as I must have been, I learned that mathematics was itself wrapped with mysteries.

My intense interest, coupled with my hard work, in mathematics paid off. During my third year in senior middle school, I took part in the National Mathematics Contest for students in secondary education, and succeeded in winning the tenth spot in a lineup of some two hundred thousand selected participants. It was at that time that I made up my mind to pursue a career in mathematics. In 1985, I entered into the East China Normal University to major in mathematics. The mandatory courses ware concentrated mainly in two areas: statistics and application technologies. There were also many elective courses. In addition to courses of statistics and mathematics, I spent a lot of time and energy learning such practical skills as computer programming and the application of some new software systems in statistics. After graduation in 1990, I taught statistics for four years at another university until I decided that I had to satisfy my curiosity further and learn more. In 1994, I joined a graduate program at the Beijing Polytechnic University, where I concentrated my studies in the area of artificial intelligence.

Never a bookworm, I presided over a sampling survey of the middle schools in Shanghai, and published my findings in the ECNU journal. The topic for my graduation paper, the problem of slow server, was actually culled from an article published in pursuing more advanced studies in a technologically more advanced country such as the United States. These journals provided me the necessary quality and amount of reference materials t keep me informed of the cutting edge of the field. The new method that I used in my research and my smooth answers at my defense of the paper could all trace their origin back to the journals that I had read. On the basis of my strong defense, the supervising committee decided unanimously t grant me an unequivocal A for my graduation paper. During the period of my graduate studies, I learned more about the realization technology (not sure what you are trying to say) by using computer programming. In image processing, I used the multianalysis and category theory in statistics, and I helped to institute a recognition system for major fingerprint characteristics. I have been working as a lecturer at the Beijing Polytechnic University since I obtained my Master’s degree. Besides teaching, I have been conducting market analysis as part of several research teams.

I have basically two main reasons to wish for further studies abroad. First, the rapid development of the statistical science fascinates me, and I would like to stand firmly on the cutting edge of the field by having myself grounded in more advanced theories. Second, the market research that I am now involved in is pushing me to master newer and better methodologies, I believe that graduate studies with your department is one of the best ways for me to attain both purposes.

I am convinced that the academic foundation I have laid in both theoretical frameworks and practical skills will help me make a competent student in my proposed studies. I am looking forward to the day when I shall return to China with a Doctor’s degree to make more contribution to the development of the science of statistics in this country.

Yours sincerely,



























Dear _,

I am applying for acceptance into your graduate program for a Doctor’s degree in statistics. I plan to begin my studies in the fall of 1998. Nature is full of mysteries, one of which seems to be its apparent readiness to conform with mathematical principles. Such mysteries have fascinated me since my childhood, prompting me to avidly read scientific writings by Hua Lougeng, China’s most celebrated mathematician in the modern era, even while I was still in primary school. Unable to fully understand Hua’s books as I must have been, I learned that mathematics was itself wrapped with mysteries.

My intense interest, coupled with my hard work, in mathematics paid off. During my third year in senior middle school, I took part in the National Mathematics Contest for students in secondary education, and succeeded in winning the tenth spot in a lineup of some two hundred thousand selected participants. It was at that time that I made up my mind to pursue a career in mathematics. In 1985, I entered into the East China Normal University to major in mathematics. The mandatory courses ware concentrated mainly in two areas: statistics and application technologies. There were also many elective courses. In addition to courses of statistics and mathematics, I spent a lot of time and energy learning such practical skills as computer programming and the application of some new software systems in statistics. After graduation in 1990, I taught statistics for four years at another university until I decided that I had to satisfy my curiosity further and learn more. In 1994, I joined a graduate program at the Beijing Polytechnic University, where I concentrated my studies in the area of artificial intelligence.

Never a bookworm, I presided over a sampling survey of the middle schools in Shanghai, and published my findings in the ECNU journal. The topic for my graduation paper, the problem of slow server, was actually culled from an article published in pursuing more advanced studies in a technologically more advanced country such as the United States. These journals provided me the necessary quality and amount of reference materials t keep me informed of the cutting edge of the field. The new method that I used in my research and my smooth answers at my defense of the paper could all trace their origin back to the journals that I had read. On the basis of my strong defense, the supervising committee decided unanimously t grant me an unequivocal A for my graduation paper. During the period of my graduate studies, I learned more about the realization technology (not sure what you are trying to say) by using computer programming. In image processing, I used the multianalysis and category theory in statistics, and I helped to institute a recognition system for major fingerprint characteristics. I have been working as a lecturer at the Beijing Polytechnic University since I obtained my Master’s degree. Besides teaching, I have been conducting market analysis as part of several research teams.

I have basically two main reasons to wish for further studies abroad. First, the rapid development of the statistical science fascinates me, and I would like to stand firmly on the cutting edge of the field by having myself grounded in more advanced theories. Second, the market research that I am now involved in is pushing me to master newer and better methodologies, I believe that graduate studies with your department is one of the best ways for me to attain both purposes.

I am convinced that the academic foundation I have laid in both theoretical frameworks and practical skills will help me make a competent student in my proposed studies. I am looking forward to the day when I shall return to China with a Doctor’s degree to make more contribution to the development of the science of statistics in this country.

Yours sincerely,







































Dear x,

I am applying for acceptance into your graduate program for a Doctor’sdegree in statistics. I plan to begin my studies in the fall of 1998. Nature isfull of mysteries, one of which seems to be its apparent readiness to conformwith mathematical principles. Such mysteries have fascinated me since mychildhood, prompting me to avidly read scientific writings by Hua Lougeng,China’s most celebrated mathematician in the modern era, even while I was stillin primary school. Unable to fully understand Hua’s books as I must have been, Ilearned that mathematics was itself wrapped with mysteries.

My intense interest, coupled with my hard work, in mathematics paid off.During my third year in senior middle school, I took part in the NationalMathematics Contest for students in secondary education, and succeeded inwinning the tenth spot in a lineup of some two hundred thousand selectedparticipants. It was at that time that I made up my mind to pursue a career inmathematics. In 1985, I entered into the East China Normal University to majorin mathematics. The mandatory courses ware concentrated mainly in two areas:statistics and application technologies. There were also many elective courses.In addition to courses of statistics and mathematics, I spent a lot of time andenergy learning such practical skills as computer programming and theapplication of some new software systems in statistics. After graduation in1990, I taught statistics for four years at another university until I decidedthat I had to satisfy my curiosity further and learn more. In 1994, I joined agraduate program at the Beijing Polytechnic University, where I concentrated mystudies in the area of artificial intelligence.

Never a bookworm, I presided over a sampling survey of the middle schoolsin Shanghai, and published my findings in the ECNU journal. The topic for mygraduation paper, the problem of slow server, was actually culled from anarticle published in pursuing more advanced studies in a technologically moreadvanced country such as the United States. These journals provided me thenecessary quality and amount of reference materials t keep me informed of thecutting edge of the field. The new method that I used in my research and mysmooth answers at my defense of the paper could all trace their origin back tothe journals that I had read. On the basis of my strong defense, the supervisingcommittee decided unanimously t grant me an unequivocal A for my graduationpaper. During the period of my graduate studies, I learned more about therealization technology (not sure what you are trying to say) by using computerprogramming. In image processing, I used the multianalysis and category theoryin statistics, and I helped to institute a recognition system for majorfingerprint characteristics. I have been working as a lecturer at the BeijingPolytechnic University since I obtained my Master’s degree. Besides teaching, Ihave been conducting market analysis as part of several research teams.

I have basically two main reasons to wish for further studies abroad.First, the rapid development of the statistical science fascinates me, and Iwould like to stand firmly on the cutting edge of the field by having myselfgrounded in more advanced theories. Second, the market research that I am nowinvolved in is pushing me to master newer and better methodologies, I believethat graduate studies with your department is one of the best ways for me toattain both purposes.

I am convinced that the academic foundation I have laid in both theoreticalframeworks and practical skills will help me make a competent student in myproposed studies. I am looking forward to the day when I shall return to Chinawith a Doctor’s degree to make more contribution to the development of thescience of statistics in this country.

Yours sincerely,



Dear _,

I am applying for acceptance into your graduate program for a Doctor’s degree in statistics. I plan to begin my studies in the fall of 1998. Nature is full of mysteries, one of which seems to be its apparent readiness to conform with mathematical principles. Such mysteries have fascinated me since my childhood, prompting me to avidly read scientific writings by Hua Lougeng, China’s most celebrated mathematician in the modern era, even while I was still in primary school. Unable to fully understand Hua’s books as I must have been, I learned that mathematics was itself wrapped with mysteries.

My intense interest, coupled with my hard work, in mathematics paid off. During my third year in senior middle school, I took part in the National Mathematics Contest for students in secondary education, and succeeded in winning the tenth spot in a lineup of some two hundred thousand selected participants. It was at that time that I made up my mind to pursue a career in mathematics. In 1985, I entered into the East China Normal University to major in mathematics. The mandatory courses ware concentrated mainly in two areas: statistics and application technologies. There were also many elective courses. In addition to courses of statistics and mathematics, I spent a lot of time and energy learning such practical skills as computer programming and the application of some new software systems in statistics. After graduation in 1990, I taught statistics for four years at another university until I decided that I had to satisfy my curiosity further and learn more. In 1994, I joined a graduate program at the Beijing Polytechnic University, where I concentrated my studies in the area of artificial intelligence.

Never a bookworm, I presided over a sampling survey of the middle schools in Shanghai, and published my findings in the ECNU journal. The topic for my graduation paper, the problem of slow server, was actually culled from an article published in pursuing more advanced studies in a technologically more advanced country such as the United States. These journals provided me the necessary quality and amount of reference materials t keep me informed of the cutting edge of the field. The new method that I used in my research and my smooth answers at my defense of the paper could all trace their origin back to the journals that I had read. On the basis of my strong defense, the supervising committee decided unanimously t grant me an unequivocal A for my graduation paper. During the period of my graduate studies, I learned more about the realization technology (not sure what you are trying to say) by using computer programming. In image processing, I used the multianalysis and category theory in statistics, and I helped to institute a recognition system for major fingerprint characteristics. I have been working as a lecturer at the Beijing Polytechnic University since I obtained my Master’s degree. Besides teaching, I have been conducting market analysis as part of several research teams.

I have basically two main reasons to wish for further studies abroad. First, the rapid development of the statistical science fascinates me, and I would like to stand firmly on the cutting edge of the field by having myself grounded in more advanced theories. Second, the market research that I am now involved in is pushing me to master newer and better methodologies, I believe that graduate studies with your department is one of the best ways for me to attain both purposes.

I am convinced that the academic foundation I have laid in both theoretical frameworks and practical skills will help me make a competent student in my proposed studies. I am looking forward to the day when I shall return to China with a Doctor’s degree to make more contribution to the development of the science of statistics in this country.

Yours sincerely,





































Dear _,

I am applying for acceptance into your graduate program for a Doctor’s degree in statistics. I plan to begin my studies in the fall of 1998. Nature is full of mysteries, one of which seems to be its apparent readiness to conform with mathematical principles. Such mysteries have fascinated me since my childhood, prompting me to avidly read scientific writings by Hua Lougeng, China’s most celebrated mathematician in the modern era, even while I was still in primary school. Unable to fully understand Hua’s books as I must have been, I learned that mathematics was itself wrapped with mysteries.

My intense interest, coupled with my hard work, in mathematics paid off. During my third year in senior middle school, I took part in the National Mathematics Contest for students in secondary education, and succeeded in winning the tenth spot in a lineup of some two hundred thousand selected participants. It was at that time that I made up my mind to pursue a career in mathematics. In 1985, I entered into the East China Normal University to major in mathematics. The mandatory courses ware concentrated mainly in two areas: statistics and application technologies. There were also many elective courses. In addition to courses of statistics and mathematics, I spent a lot of time and energy learning such practical skills as computer programming and the application of some new software systems in statistics. After graduation in 1990, I taught statistics for four years at another university until I decided that I had to satisfy my curiosity further and learn more. In 1994, I joined a graduate program at the Beijing Polytechnic University, where I concentrated my studies in the area of artificial intelligence.

Never a bookworm, I presided over a sampling survey of the middle schools in Shanghai, and published my findings in the ECNU journal. The topic for my graduation paper, the problem of slow server, was actually culled from an article published in pursuing more advanced studies in a technologically more advanced country such as the United States. These journals provided me the necessary quality and amount of reference materials t keep me informed of the cutting edge of the field. The new method that I used in my research and my smooth answers at my defense of the paper could all trace their origin back to the journals that I had read. On the basis of my strong defense, the supervising committee decided unanimously t grant me an unequivocal A for my graduation paper. During the period of my graduate studies, I learned more about the realization technology (not sure what you are trying to say) by using computer programming. In image processing, I used the multianalysis and category theory in statistics, and I helped to institute a recognition system for major fingerprint characteristics. I have been working as a lecturer at the Beijing Polytechnic University since I obtained my Master’s degree. Besides teaching, I have been conducting market analysis as part of several research teams.

I have basically two main reasons to wish for further studies abroad. First, the rapid development of the statistical science fascinates me, and I would like to stand firmly on the cutting edge of the field by having myself grounded in more advanced theories. Second, the market research that I am now involved in is pushing me to master newer and better methodologies, I believe that graduate studies with your department is one of the best ways for me to attain both purposes.

I am convinced that the academic foundation I have laid in both theoretical frameworks and practical skills will help me make a competent student in my proposed studies. I am looking forward to the day when I shall return to China with a Doctor’s degree to make more contribution to the development of the science of statistics in this country.

Yours sincerely,




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