英 [leg] 美 [lɛɡ]
1. Does this dress make my legs look too stumpy?
2. Legs of pork were cured and smoked over the fire.
3. He was wearing shorts which showed his long, muscular, hairy legs.
4. He had to have one leg amputated above the knee.
5. He was six feet four, all lanky and leggy.
6. Roy swung his legs carefully off the couch and sat up.
7. Put stuffing into the cavity and truss the bird.
8. The bullet lodged in the sergeant's leg, shattering his thigh bone.
9. He was kicking his legs like a Can Can dancer.
10. She turned back to the Bible lying open in her lap.
11. She offered Molly tidbits: a chicken drumstick, some cheese.
12. Pigs were butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.
13. He felt a sudden compulsion to drop the bucket and run.
14. Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.
15. My kick wasn't half a bad effort for an old man.
1. He had to have one leg amputated above the knee.
2. He heaved his crippled leg into an easier position.
3. First he kicked the left leg, then he kicked the right.
4. The bullet lodged in the sergeant's leg, shattering his thigh bone.
5. Is there an alternative to traction for a broken leg?
6. Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.
7. I bandaged the leg up and gave her aspirin for the pain.
8. Of course I won't tell them; I was only pulling your leg.
9. Forsyth is doubtful for tonight's game with a badly bruised leg.
10. She awoke with a numbed feeling in her left leg.
11. She has one slightly withered leg, noticeably thinner than the other.
12. He was knocked over by a bus and broke his leg.
13. Scott's muscle atrophied, his leg became stunted, and he was left lame.
14. He was barely able to drag his poisoned leg behind him.
15. It has caused a bad break to Gabriella's leg.
Judy was in, you can learn a lot. Just returned from the orphanage came to the school when the world around her was full of curiosity. And become Uncle Long Leg tell her only object. However, slowly, she found her with those who have families in the gap between the students, because conditions are different, they know a lot, she did not even know who is the Michelangelo, I do not know Jane Eyre ... ... her in front of their classmates out too ugly, has been ridiculed by classmates. But she did not go so depressed, she used an active approach to deal with, she discovered that the inadequacy of their own after reading every day, and actively make up a missed lesson.She never concealed his own vanity, she was very honest. Forever Uncle Long Leg may not know the answer, she also appeared antagonistic feelings, but she soon realized his mistake and apologize to the brave. She knew her from him there has been a lot, and should not ask for more. She likes pretty skirt, stockings beautiful ... ...She is a very strong-minded girl, want to know what, and step by step, down-to-earth efforts to move away from the goal of getting closer to him. She chose to live their lives. She chose to do home, took a scholarship.Knew nothing until everything has been lost until after all really know how to cherish and learn handout, know how to Thanksgiving.
This is a fast-tempo society, everybody has an established time schedule and lives in his own world. It is love and communication that combines our different worlds together. However, as we spend too much time chasing our goals and dreams, we have ignored the partners and friends around us more or less. So that one day, when we suddenly pause and think, we find ourselves getting lost in the human crowd.
After reading Daddy-Long-Legs, I am forced to stop and rethink, and save myself out of the confusing crowd. When I was young, I read a lot of romantic fairy tales, and have builded up a wonderful fictitious world in my mind. However, when I gradually grow up and enter the society, the real world appears to be completely different from what I have thought. Hence, I feel very upset about the fraudulent tales, and begin to refuse the deceptive social intercourse. This attitude has helped me to maintain a pure heart, but meanwhile drived the love and friendship away from me. As a result, I’ve always been alone. So although I study very hard and obtain good grades, I’m not happy at all, my life has been filled with depression and coldness for a long period. It is Daddy-Long-Legs that makes me believe in love and miracles again.
Just like the fairy tales, this story is very romantic and beautiful, too. However, as there are no princess or beast, this novel is more close to our real life. It is about an orphan who is so humorous and hardworking that she finally gains her true love.
Judy Abbott was the heroine of the whole book, she was brought up at an old-fashioned asylum. When she was young, she had to wholly depend on the charity and wear other people’s cast-off clothes, this makes her very self-contemptuous. Nevertheless, the miserable fact doesn’t sweep away her good sense of humor, on the contrary, it gives her a special ability to express her feelings in a funny way.
One day, Judy is informed by the asylum’s dour matron that one of the trustees has offered to send her to college. This mysterious man believes that Judy has potential to become an excellent writer, he decides to pay her tuition fees and gives her a generous monthly allowance. He doesn’t ask for any thanks or repayment, but requires Judy to write him a monthly letter to practise her writing skills. However, Judy will never know his real identity; she must address the letters to Mr. John Smith, and he will never reply.
Judy catches a glimpse of the shadow of her benefactor, and knows he is a tall man. Because of this, she jokingly calls him “Daddy-Long-Legs”。 Later, Judy attends a women’s college, and begins to write letters to her trustee. As she is good at describing anecdotes with childlike line drawings, her letters appear to be interesting and meaningful. Afterwards, Judy gets stuck in the affection entanglement with Jervie, this makes her extremely confused. She tries to consult her Daddy-Long-Legs and finally succeeds. However, when she meets the secret man, miracle happens. She finds that Jervie, the man she really loves, is Daddy-Long-Legs, who has always supported her as a relative. Then the story comes to an happy ending, they get married and live a happy life.
I love this story because it demonstrates an ideal world which is full of kindness and warmth, although there is a huge gap between the main roles. It shows that miracles do happen to those who are always hopeful. So no matter how bitter the life is, we should never lose our faith, we must believe that tomorrow will be better. Life is a long way filled with misfortune and adversity, we should learn to confront it bravely. Because when we shed tears for missing the sun, we shall also miss the stars.
When Judy is in the orphanage, she is all alone in the world and almost doesn’t have anything belong to her, but she still lives happily with optimism. Compared with Judy, today’s adolescents are much more fragile. Take a glance at the newspapers and TV programmes, you may not be surprised to find so many youngsters committing suicide, because it is just too common in today’s society. This reveals that today’s young people are too pessimistic and hopeless, thus they won’t treasure their life seriously. This problem is quite alarming among the poor students from the countryside, since they have to face more obstacles and barriers, they are more stressful than their peers. For example, last year a college girl who named Liu wei ended her life because of the unbearable financial pressure. As a result, it is quite urgent for the society to show their loving care to the disadvantaged group.
However, the fact is still far from being. In China, the rich people seem to be more and more cruel and coldhearted toward the poor class. They prefer to take advantage of their dominant strength to exploit others’ industrial fruits rather than help the people who are not so lucky as them. So the economic gap between the rich and poor is still expanding. Furthermore, the wealthy people also discriminate and look down upon the impecunious group, which gives them a strong feeling of inferiority. I experienced this feeling when I just attended the university, at that time, many classmates tended to exclude and spurn me, my roommates even refused to use the same washing machine with me just because my dressing was antipathetic to them. I felt insulted. Hence, I am confused that why don’t the well-fixed people be like Daddy-Long-Legs?
In this book, Daddy-Long-Legs is not only a successful entrepreneur but also a kindhearted philanthropist. He always uses his fortune to help others without expecting any return, and respects the poor people just as his friends. So although he is among the hypocritical trustees, Judy likes him specially. This proves that conscience and kindness will lead to love and happiness, moreover, if everyone treats others sincerely and selflessly, the world will become a better place to live.
In addition, Daddy-Long-Legs also reminds me to treasure the love and friendship in my life. I realise that I’m not alone at all, at least I’m not an orphan, so I am much luckier than Judy to some extent, because she has nobody to rely on except her Daddy-Long-Legs, but I have my parents and friends who will always be there for me to turn to. As a result, I decided to write letters to my parents by imitating Judy’s writing style. When my parents received the letters, they were pleased, which indicated that my letters were grateful and effective. As my parents never went to college, they were quite interested in the campus life, and my letters presented them an active and wonderful university image, so they were delighted. Besides, since I have got a channel to express my feelings and understandings about different people and circumstances, I don’t feel lonely any longer, especially when I received their reply, I felt very happy and contented. It is true that Daddy-Long-Legs has made my family life more joyous and harmonious.
What’s more, Daddy-Long-Legs also teaches me to show my gratitude to the people who really care and love me. For quite a long time, I live in my own world solely and gloomily, regardless of others’ feeling or doing, thus my world has become so small and cold. But when I try to view things in an appreciative way, subtle changes occur in my life. I find more friendly greetings and smiles on the way, and I usually feel accommodative in the class. I think I’m blending into the group and my life circle is being enlarged, this feeling is quite joyful for me.
In conclusion, Daddy-Long-Legs is a book full of love, warmth and miracles, it shows us how to live happily and meaningfully with hope and kindness. In the blue days, we should keep optimistic and work hard to earn a better life; while in the bright days, we should pay more attention to the poor people who are not so fortunate as us, then the world will become more beautiful and cozy. Moreover, It also reminds us to value the love and friendship around us. We are all living in the same world, but if we don’t keep contact with each other, all of us will live in different worlds. As Judy has set a good example for us to write letters in a humourous way, we should also contact our parents and friends, share our happiness and tears with them, and show our gratitude to them. In that way, our little worlds will be combined together, then we will never feel lonely or helpless.
All in all, we should believe in love and miracles. With love and miracles, our life will be filled with sunshine and surprises.
地理位置金刚腿位于闽江下游福州长乐航城镇的石龙山峭壁之下,距福州市区30公里。它是一条从山麓一直伸到江面的花岗条岩,形如金刚天王的大腿,脚底穿靴,脚尖跷起,故被称为“金刚腿”,十分形象。金刚腿处于闽江江水和海水分界线上,这条“腿”两侧的水有咸淡之。 金刚腿附近江面宽达450米,水深50米,每秒能通过2万多立方米水量,是上游台江地段的`10余倍,但历来大水都不会淹过金刚腿的脚踝,故有“大水淹不过金刚腿之说”,它因而被人们视为洪水峰高水位和闽江航行的天然标志。
相关传说据说,金刚腿原有两条,另一条在北岸,与现存这条隔江相望。古时福州万寿桥有座桥墩塌了,投了许多石料都被湍急的江水冲走,想了许多方法都建不起来。后来一位高僧认为此处水流湍急,寻常石块当然无从存身,只有将具有神力的金刚腿凿来沉入江底,方能镇住江水。后来人们将那条金刚腿凿下来投入江中后,桥墩果然很容易就修复了。此事载于《长乐县志》。 至仍存留的这条金刚腿上方有我国著名海军宿将萨镇冰题的“金刚濯足”四字石刻。 金刚腿和闽江口的五虎礁、南北龟、皇帝井等同列为“闽江七景”。周边景点还有:渔人码头、郑和广场、月亮湾、郑和雕像、琴江满族村、三江口水师营房旧址等。
每天起床后,可以在客厅或房间做五组高抬腿运动,每组一分钟,每做完一组可以休息一会。高抬腿是一种很好 的瘦大腿运动,它很好地运动到大腿上的肌肉,促进腿部脂肪的燃烧。爱美的MM们,不想大象腿一直跟着你,想穿上短裙,那每天起床就让我们大腿运动一下,让自己拥有纤细修长的美腿吧!
吃完饭可别直接坐着不动,这样会让你的脂肪积累到你大腿和臀部的。去洗洗碗,收拾一下厨房很不错,这样可 以让你站一会。你知道吗?饭后站半个小时可以防止脂肪积累在你下半身。如果你有时间的话,可以饭后出去散个步。“饭后走一走,活到99”,出去走走看以运动到大腿的肌肉,消耗吸入的热量,达到瘦大腿的目的,并且让自己变得更 加健康。
洗澡的时候最好是站着洗,这样可以消耗热量。用热水冲洗两分钟,用手帮大腿按摩;然后换冷水冲洗两分钟,再用手帮大腿按摩。这样反复几次,可以很好地促进大腿的血液循环,帮助燃烧大腿上面多余的脂肪,从而达到瘦腿的 目的。
骑脚踏车是一种很悠闲的活动,也是一种很好玩的运动。有空的时候,可以骑脚踏车出去郊外或附近的公园玩玩。我个人很喜欢这样的运动,因为骑脚踏车可以很好地减掉大腿的赘肉。骑车的过程中可以很好地锻炼到自己大腿的肌 肉,让它得到充分的锻炼,上面多余的脂肪就会很容易消失了。爱美的MM,不妨多骑脚踏车吧!
★ 腿的作文
★ 长腿叔叔读后感
★ 俯卧撑腿教学反思
★ 形容腿的词语




