
时间:2023-11-21 03:35:50 作者:町本至 综合材料 收藏本文 下载本文




Good morning. It's a pleasure for me present myself. My name is xx, and I am a candidate for the position of crew

I am honest,steady,considerate ,creative,hit off things with insight ,with passion and energy, have the respensebily, likes challenges ,and I can adjust myself to a new cultural environment ,with good team work .i likes study ,i think i can be put to use in further to develop the company's ng these

years working experise,i am well konw morals of being a man,how to communication with good communication skills .i am active and strict.i have traveled a lot konw different contries's custom and different countries' people speaking english accents.

i am well trained of the professional customer service,and with good smile .i hope i will bring your customer good feeling ng working as a crew ,i think i have enough customer service oriented ,kind and oral speaking skills ,i can handle diffrenent qusetions .i am happy to deal with promblems. I believe the most important things you need in a job are team spirit and responsibility. With these two things, I will be a valuable person for the company and have a fruitful career life










Good morning. It's a pleasure for me present myself. My name is xx, and I am a candidate for the position of crew

I am honest,steady,considerate ,creative,hit off things with insight ,with passion and energy, have the respensebily, likes challenges ,and I can adjust myself to a new cultural environment ,with good team work .i likes study ,i think i can be put to use in further to develop the company's business.During these

years working experise,i am well konw morals of being a man,how to communication with people.have good communication skills .i am active and strict.i have traveled a lot .well konw different contries's custom and different countries' people speaking english accents.i am well trained of the professional customer service,and with good smile .

i hope i will bring your customer good feeling .during working as a crew ,i think i have enough customer service oriented ,kind and soft.good oral speaking skills ,i can handle diffrenent qusetions .i am happy to deal with promblems. I believe the most important things you need in a job are team spirit and responsibility. With these two things, I will be a valuable person for the company and have a fruitful career life


面试前留给船东的第一印象往往是刚刚与船东见面时留下的。经验告诉我们,很多船员尽管英文不错,可是往往不知道如何和船东恰当地打招呼,从而影响了自己的面试成绩。其实,最常见的打招呼办法就很有效。进考官面试房间后,切勿长时间东张西望,而要在外派公司的引导人员的示意下,坐到指定的座位上。然后,通常是由外派公司的人员互相介绍你和面试你的船东。在介绍完后,你要向考官主动打一下招呼,说一声“你好!”或“How do you do?”

及“I am John, very glad to meet you here”。这里要提醒您的是,你落座后,一定要看看对面坐着几位考官。在打招呼时,要和每个人打招呼,包括身体主动前倾,和每个人握握手,或有礼貌地和每个人点点头。千万不能忘了其中的一个或几个。在打完招呼后,要回到指定的座位,端庄坐下。坐下后,通常船东考官会首先向你提出问题,要你回答。






面试前留给船东的第一印象往往是刚刚与船东见面时留下的。经验告诉我们,很多船员尽管英文不错,可是往往不知道如何和船东恰当地打招呼,从而影响了自己的面试成绩。其实,最常见的打招呼办法就很有效。进考官面试房间后,切勿长时间东张西望,而要在外派公司的引导人员的示意下,坐到指定的座位上。然后,通常是由外派公司的人员互相介绍你和面试你的船东。在介绍完后,你要向考官主动打一下招呼,说一声“你好!”或“How do you do?”

及“I am John, very glad to meet you here”。这里要提醒您的是,你落座后,一定要看看对面坐着几位考官。在打招呼时,要和每个人打招呼,包括身体主动前倾,和每个人握握手,或有礼貌地和每个人点点头。千万不能忘了其中的一个或几个。在打完招呼后,要回到指定的座位,端庄坐下。坐下后,通常船东考官会首先向你提出问题,要你回答。




1. 基本要求:友善(Friendly)、真诚(Sincere and Faithful)、不卑不亢、幽默(Humorous)、谨慎(Wariness)





其实,面试时,答非所问,滔滔不绝的船员很多。笔者事后了解到,很多船员之所以想多答一些,是想让船东 对自己有更深的印象,更是为了展示一下自己的“实力”。而这恰恰是考官不喜欢的。为什么呢,试想一下,如果干部船员面试说话那样婆婆妈妈,他工作时可能会更是如此,而这种管理人员下属、上司和同时是不喜欢的。这也许是大多数认得共识。总之,船东提问时要仔细倾听,即使你知道考官下一个问题或下一句话是什么,也一定要等到船东的问题结束时再回答,而不要抢话说,或问题答案远远超出适当的范围。

对于自己不知道的问题,要实事求是。其实,作为船员,即使你在学校学到的理论知识再杂扎实,船上实践知识再丰富,仍可能会在面试中遇到答不上来的问题。硬着头皮乱说一通,掩饰自己的无知,这是极不明智的;回避问题东拉西扯不相干的事情,也是下策。最明智的措施是坦白承认自己不懂。你可以说: “I am sorry,but I really have no idea about your question.If possible,could you give me hints to the answer to the question?”

待人家给了一些启示或暗示而你仍然不能回答时,就不要让人家提供更多的暗示或提示了,而应该大大方方地告诉人家: “I am sorry ,I can not get the answer to your question.”这就足够了,而万万不可以一言不发,任沉默继续下去,因为沉默的时间越长,应试者通常会更加紧张。


3. 回答问题要注意条理性

考官提出的问题可能会有各种各样类型。至于一般常识性问题,不需太多思考就可以回答了;而对于比较复杂的问题,首先一定要仔细倾听,把问题的内容理顺一下,这在英语面试中特别重要。而对于特别负责不是一两句能回答完整的问题,一定要让船东给你一点思考的时间。你可以说:“I am sorry. I haven’t got your idea. But if possible, I would like to think about it for a short moment and then I would give you my answer.”我们的经验说明,对于那些重要职位,船东考官往往要他们回答一些ISM和SMS程序管理(procedures)的问题,对这样的问题,不稍做思考,很难回答得尽善尽美。在回答负责问题时,答案的条理性非常重要,你可以用Firstly,secondly,thirdly …lastly之类的连词来组织你的语言和内容。


还有一种面试题可能是你很难用语言回答清楚。这尤其是在问到某些机器或设备的工作原理时。比如说,考官可能会问轮机员:“Please describe the working mechanism of a purifier(compressor/oily water separator /fresh water generator/generator,etc)。我们发现,很多考官提的问题都涉及到这方面。遇到这样的问题时,首先要仔细考虑,然后,若觉得很难用语言回答,可要求考官允许你画图解释。所以,希望大家在上场之前最好准备一张纸和一支笔,以便在解释时随时使用。其实很多复杂的轮机和机器原理用画图的方式表达既基础又简明扼要。


4.不要问及考官的个人或公司的隐私(Private matters)

考官和你交流时,他可能会问到你很多个人情况。但是,如果考官询问船员太多个人隐私方面的问题,应试者不要鲁莽拒绝,而要稍微客气一些。比如,你可以说:“If you do want to know the answer,I will tell you ;but if you do not mind ,I would rather keep it secret.”这样说完,你向他微笑一下,以示友善。但一般而言,考官不会提问太多让你难以启齿的问题。



5.注意自己的肢体语言(Body Language)





Are you married? Why do you want to be a seaman? (你结婚了吗?为什么你想当一名海员?)这本是一个看上去非常严肃的问题。


No,not yet .But I have got a girlfriend. I won’t marry until I finish one-year working on board. Money can make me more handsome and attractive to my wife .That is why I want to work for a year and get some money before I marry my girlfriend. (意思是说:我还没有结婚。但我有个女朋友,我要等到完成一年的合同后再结婚。金钱能使我对女友来说更加美丽和富有吸引力,所以我要上船上工作赚钱。)


7.面试中“二戒”(Two Mustnots)

一戒逞强好胜、言辞激烈、耍小聪明。有的船员一入面试场所无拘无束、神采飞扬,处处显示比别人高一等,好象什么问题都难不倒的样子。不管人家考官愿不愿意,主动上前握手,然后四平八稳地就坐;或对考官提出的问题表现出轻蔑不在话下的神情,回答问题时总喜欢带上一些诸如:“I thind…”或“Yes ,I know,I know.”“No problem.”之类的口头禅,不管对错均夸夸其谈。本来有些问题自己确实不知道答案,却故作聪明,东拉西扯乱讲一通,宁可答跑了题而不愿意做个老实人。有的甚至和考官争得面红耳赤。这样不但可能会闹出笑话,还可能会让考官觉得你为人飘浮,虚多于实,性格激动,多血质,也会认为,你对面试和考官提的问题干脆就不重视。其实,表现如此的人实际工作和生活中很容易和别人发生冲突。




Presentation Hello! This is xxx! My English name is xxx. You can call me xxx! Training experience I am a student just graduated from xxx in early July. I was major in xxx which was mainly applied in Hardware. But i am interested in software programming! So I participated in the training of Mainframe in ITMS in May. Through the learning of the basic knowledge of mainframe, which contained TSO,JCL,VSAM,COBOL,Db2 and CICS, , I mainly mastered the basic theory of Mainframe. Through the training of programming and practicing on the computer, i can do the basic mainframe application development. I also took part in the soft skill classes which contained many topics about how to be a good team member , effective manner of presentation, communication and negotiation, how to finance your salary properly, how to set your life target and make plans to achieve effectively and so on. Project experience At the end of the training, I participated in the application development for the basic banking operation. The system contained the saving account and fixed deposit operation, transferring between two accounts, interest calculation, cheque operation and loan operation management. The project was done by three persons.

We mainly made use of the language COBOL, DB2, VSAM, JCL etc and programming technique skills. I took charge of the simulation, programming and testing of the interest calculation of fixed deposit, cheque operation management. The structure of the program was: the main part was structured by COBOL sentences embedded with SQL sentence, which dealed with the VSAM file and the table of database. Personal quality Firstly I am an easy-going person. Because I prefer sharing my opinions and feelings with my friends and partners. So I also like cooperating with others to accomplish a hard task. And I think team spirit can help you to succeed. Secondly I am a frank person. Because I think honesty is the most important quality every person in modern society. It will make you popular and trusted by partners. Thirdly I am a brilliant one. Because I am good at information collection, data analyzing and structure designing. I am eager to challenge new situation and learn new knowledge.



I am Zhang XX, I graduated from Wuhan technology and engineer university in June,20xx.my specialized field is computer technology and science and my major course is software engineering. Before graduation ,I passed the interview of Isoftstone company in April, 20xx.and on may 1st,20xx, I won the duty as a java software engineer and worked in Wuxi.After three months,I passed the assessment of the company and I was arranged into the shanghai branch of the company.



Hello, My name is XXX, I come from XXX, and glad to meet you! I like outdoor sports, like childrens Rock climbing CS.I like big black bull “Li Chen” in running man, but I dont want to be a small bull, I want be a young lion! because the lion was brave and clever, so please remember me! A brave young lion! thank you!



Hello,My name is XXX, I come from XX, and glad to meet you! I like sports and challenge, like childrens Rock climbing、CS. Last week, my mother took me to play adventure,which has four layers, the higher the more difficult, the fourth layer only has one tire which hanging on a rope, many uncles afraid and give up when they just reached the third floor, but Im getting stronger and stronger, after an afternoon, again and again, finally, I succeed, I was the only one who complete all challenges. Everyone thought I was brave and never give up, Mom said I was a brave and clever young lion! so please remember me! a brave young lion! thank you!


Hello everybody. I am so glad to meet you guys here and give me the wonderful chance to introduce myself.

My name is..... and as you see.I am a boy.be honest.I felt a litte bit nerves before I am standing here.because I found I am not the most handsome guy here.and guess what .that is one of important reason to push me ahead.

I always told myself. to study English is very usefull for me.either so far or future.I would love to communicate with the people who come from differnet country. and I will tell my friend.“hey .look.I could talk with them easily.


Dear teacher:


My name is _ and I'm from _ middle school. I hope to realize my dream of studying in your university through the independent enrollment of your university

My junior high school is studying in the _ middle school. During the study, I pay attention to the balanced development of morality, cultivate self-study ability, actively participate in various activities organized by the school, won the _ award or honor. I think that physical exercise can not only make people have a strong physique but also has a strong will, these are the future study and work indispensable.

With the unremitting efforts of individuals through hard training teachers, I entered _ middle school to study, and obtain the _ province high school mathematics competition third-prize and _ high school mathematics competition two prize in _ years.

I am cheerful, hardworking, strong interest in natural science, especially fond of mathematics. I have a broad interest in astronomy and geography, domestic and international situation will cause me great interest and concern. I love all kinds of activities, participate in the school organization's love writing, singing, doing campus Gala host, these hobbies, let me not only in learning, but also made progress in many aspects.

Hope to be able to enter their favorite college for further study, especially in your school. I imagine that after entering the university is dedicated to the study of the theory of natural science frontier and the actual application, specializing in mechanical and electronic engineering disciplines, to develop more energy saving and environmental protection, safe and reliable, highly intelligent electromechanical products. Therefore apply to participate in the independent recruitment examination organized by the school. And are anxious to be admitted.


Hello everyone, my name is zhang weiwei, not tall not short, not fat not thin, not lukewarm not hot, not male not female, oh, should be female! How old is this year? I'm a very low-key person. When did you hear me talk about the past? My hobby is thinking ideal, my ideal is to become a philosopher, and philosophy is my strong point, my strong point is also my hobby! Conclusion; Good woman is me, I am zhang weiwei!


Proficient in modern enterprise management and personnel administration personnel administration has a profound theory.

7 years experience in personnel administration manager, good atenterprise management philosophy to employees cohesion, creativity, self-discipline and the ability to tap Training.

Familiar with modern corporate human resources development and management, to develop good policies to adapt the unit to attracttalented people to join, we can plan a good training mechanism for enterprises to continue to nurture talent, to develop objective reasonable and effective incentives for businesses to retain talents.

Genus learning. Pragmatic type of staff. Serious and responsible work.Good at innovation. Courage to meet the challenge. Dare to take responsibility. There is a strong energy to work. Full of passion for work.Enjoy work. He emphasizes teamwork.


My name is xxx I am a major of architecture.I have sudied at the college for four years I am going to be graduate this ng my four years at school ,I studied very hard .I tried my best to learn all my lessons well were offered several chance to exprience by ourselves .I took all the chance to learn more experience gh I do not have much exprience about this kind of I think I am so confident enough to fulfill this job .I think I can .






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