
时间:2024-02-06 03:40:31 作者:x-anycall 综合材料 收藏本文 下载本文




A friend is, as it were, a second self.


There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.


Boys, be ambitious.


Break up silently, just as we meet silently at the. May the warm breeze, give you the feeling and wishes to me!


Victory won't come to me unleI go to it.M.Moore

6、生命中最值得珍惜的事是友谊。 朋友之间最珍贵的事是相互理解。

The most cherished thing in life is friendship. The most precious thing between us is understanding.


The language of friendship is not words but meanings.


Friendship brings beauty to our days joys to our world.


Cease to struggle and you cease to live.


Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.


Congratulate you on your graduation and may all your hopes and plans turn to fulfillment and success.


Here's to the happy graduate for the job you've already done. And here's to a happy future that's a most successful one. Congratulations!


May you have health, happiness and outstanding success in all your ventures.


May your graduation day be the commencement of a continued series of upward steps to success.



Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control, these three alone lead life to sovereign power.

16、人生最重要的是树立一个远大的目标,并决心实现它。 --歌德

The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it. --Goethe


The possibility of enhancing one's knowledge is limitless. Graduation only marks a stage of one's education. Unceasing acquisition of knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments.


Congratulations on your graduation! Wishing you a future filled with success and joy of seeing your dreams come true.


You're wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every year.

20、生命是火焰,不是存在。 生命是能量,不是物质。

Life is a flame, not an existence. Life is an energy, not a substance.


It's joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know.


My friend, I would press you all to my heart.

23、长相思,天涯海角;情不断,山水难隔。 --拜伦

Think of me sometimes while Alps and ocean divide us, but they ever will, unless you wish it. (Byron)


No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.


Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.

26、凋谢是真实的 盛开只是一种过去。

Fading is true while flowering is past .


If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered .

28、宁愿笑著流泪,也不哭著说后悔 心碎了,还需再补吗?

I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix?


There are no trails of the wings in the sky, while the birds has flied away.


1. 其实,我们毕业那年上的学,一小半是学习,一大半是为了多看看即将分开可能不再相见的同学。

2. 愿你用思索这把金钥匙,去打开疑窦的大门,闯进创造的殿堂。

3. 别离,是有点难舍,但不怅然;是有点遗憾,但不悲观。因为我们有相逢的希望在安慰。

4. 是缘分将我们带到一起,是友情将我们紧紧地相连。

5. 记忆是无花的蔷薇,永远不会败落。

6. 时光静悄悄的溜出指缝,不言不语,已经好几个年头。平静的生活还是如此平静,不温不火的,也不晓得是不是还有人记得我们。自从毕业那一年过后,大家忙着各奔东西。相遇的日子没有怎么样好好珍惜,真正的离别,只剩下徒有的恋念了。那一天下午,好多人哭了。

7. 敬往事一杯老酒,哭着求记忆它别走!

8. 一切的一切都快结束了、还有剩下的几天就要分别了,不是吗?

9. 知了叫了,转眼,过了三年,不知,他日还能否再见,但愿,见时还记得从前。

10. 毕业季来临,朋友们都怀着梦想踏上了征程,一路上有欢乐,也有苦涩。亲,不管我们之间身在何处,我都希望与你一起分享拼搏路上的成功与失败。

11. 要学会接受生命里所有的一切,所有好的不好的,

12. 散场是难免的 尽兴而归就够了

13. 愿那些将要去的地方,都是未曾蒙面的故乡

14. 即使我们只会拥有一个短暂的相遇和短暂的默契,有我们也便是永恒了。

15. 同桌至上,这个夏天,我们不毕业。

16. 六年级毕业后,教室里又坐满了同学,但那些同学已不再是我们了!

17. 毕业是罪人,把我们班一个大集体给分开了。

18. 我怕一毕业,身边就少了那群能让我笑的疯婆娘。

19. 默默地分手,如当初默默地相遇。愿这温馨的微风,给你捎去我深情的祝福与祈祷。

20. 没有人会一直顺利,愿你更加强大,然后有一天你可以笑着讲述那些曾让你哭的瞬间。

21. “为什么毕业季要选在夏天?”“嗯,可能这样子眼泪蒸发的比较快。”

22. 毕业了,全心全意却是一生一世。海誓山盟只是一时敷衍。

23. 我用了六年时光,换来他一句“我以前有个同学”。

24. 历尽千帆,心少年

25. 时间过得好快、好快,让我感觉不到它的速度,没有任何东西可以追上它。

26. 毕业后,有事找我,没事找事找我。

27. 曾经年少的我们终将成长,在人生的漫漫长路上我们会结识很多人,同时也会与很多人道别,这也许就是成长的代价吧。很多人与我们道别之后再无相见之日,但是他们留给我们的回忆是很宝贵的,足以温暖日后的漫漫长路。

28. 空中传来布谷鸟的鸣叫。我知道,该出发了!

29. 那时候天总是很蓝,日子总过得太慢,你总说毕业遥遥无期,转眼就各奔东西。

30. 学习好的人连打架都这么有格调。


1. 桃花诱人,用它裸露在外的艳色;梅花惹人,以它凝聚渐发的芬芳。希望你的前途实而不华。

2. 知识就像内裤,虽然看不见但是很重要。

3. 什么让我们开心?什么让我们伤心?是友谊让我们开心、伤心,毕业了,谁也离不开谁。

4. 重拾昨天乐趣一堆。

5. 熟悉的学校,熟悉的班级,熟悉的同学,熟悉的老师,这次,真的说再见了。

6. 尚未佩妥剑,转眼便江湖。愿历尽千帆,归来仍少年。

7. 晨昏欢笑,情如手足,义重泰山,怎奈光阴流逝,岁月不返。

8. 手,轻敲键盘伴字舞。电脑下,两眼渐迷糊,睡意渐朦胧。君累也,君去也。得闲时,再见也。

9. 怀念那段我们上课睡觉觉,下课蹦跳跳,考试死翘翘的时光。

10. 年少轻狂的日子已然远去。如今的我、站在这片需要承载责任与担当的苍穹之下。我清楚的明白、我面对的是怎样的一种生活。我也知道、我必须让自己强大起来。强大到可以不被脆弱和眼泪湮没岁月。


1.congratulations on your graduation and hope the future will bring you success and a whole wide world of happiness.恭贺学成毕业,愿你吉星高照,鹏程万里!

2.congratulations on your graduation! wishing you a future filled with success and joy of seeing your dreams come true.恭祝学成毕业!愿您前途似锦,梦想成真,

3.may you enjoy to the fullest the happiness of today and the opportunity of each tomorrow.祝你享受今日的无上幸福与欢愉,愿你得到明天的每一个良机与幸运。

1.Life is a profound book. Other's notes cannot replace your own understanding. May you find and create something new in it.


2.Oh, my friend, do you like stars? If you feel lonely far away from home, look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that I've send you.


3.Time is flying away, and years are passing by. Only our friendship is always in my heart. Farewell, my friend! Take care, my friend!


4.Don't be disappointed on the journey of life. There are friends in the world. Seize your chance and value your opportunities. May our friendship be everlasting.



5.Time does not water down the wine of friendship; distance does not separate our hands of longing. Wishing you happiness forever!


6.If I should meet thee,

After long years,

How should I greet thee?

With silence and tears.

—(Britain) George Gordon Byron

多年离别后,抑或再相逢,相逢何所语?泪流默无声。 ———〔英〕拜伦

7.Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and me on the other end.


8.I have three wishes: May our friendship warm our hearts! May joy be always with you and me! May we often meet each other!


9.If life cheats you, don't be disappointed and worried. Calmness is needed in melancholy days. Believe that pleasantness is coming. Long for the bright future though you are unhappy. All will pass by and everything will be over. Past things will be pleasant memories. —(Russia) Alesander Pushkin

假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,不要心急。阴郁的日子需要镇静。相信吧,那愉快的日子即将来临。心永远憧憬着未来,尽管你现在常常是阴沉的。一切都是瞬息,一切都会过去,而过去了的,将会变成亲切的怀念。 ———〔俄〕普希金


i didn’t think i’d regret trying and failing. and i suspected i would always be haunted by a decision to not try at all.


will inertia be your guide, or will you follow your passions?


will you follow dogma, or will you be original?


will you choose a life of ease, or a life of service and adventure?


will you wilt under criticism, or will you follow your convictions?


will you bluff it out when you’re wrong, or will you apologize?


will you guard your heart against rejection, or will you act when you fall in love?


will you play it safe, or will you be a little bit swashbuckling?


when it’s tough, will you give up, or will you be relentless?


will you be a cynic, or will you be a builder?


will you be clever at the expense of others, or will you be kind?







This second does not give up, there will be hope in the next second! Hold on until you succeed!


We are lucky to have this good time. We have the spirit to seize the moment, and the future to us.


Three years of classmates, I and you have forged a deep friendship, I wish you and my heart to communicate, until forever.


I'm not always reluctant to leave you, but I always want to see your smile and listen to your laughter.


The most precious thing in the world is today. The easiest thing to lose is today, and may you treasure each and every day for the rest of the year.


Next summer, the classroom will be full again, but it's not us anymore.


The most precious thing in the world is the sincere friendship, the deep yearning, like the fragrance of small flowers, opened in the deep valley.


Hardship is the fountain of happiness, and leisure is the beginning of misery.


The most cherished friends, greetings, even if life gather, read your heart still.


Meet and farewell, sail away from the shore, is the end of past joy, but also the beginning of the future happiness.


You are a pearl in my memory, a star in my heart.


Perhaps you are reluctant, perhaps you are timid, but as long as you can step out, a warm and vibrant life may be in front of you.


May my valediction is an umbrella, you can block the sun and wind and rain on the journey.


It's my joy to know you, it's my pain to leave you. For the upcoming parting, support for me is the hope of reunion.


In the endless sea of man we meet and divide. May our friendship break through time and space and grow with age.


Parting, tears become messages, you say: “this tears can be condensed into pearls, become a permanent memorial.”.


Several people open the same door with the same key; a few people say goodbye to the empty bedroom with the same eye.


Gathering is not the beginning, nor is it the end, and the countless wonderful moments in which the classmate counts, forever etched in my memory.


When the world to seed weight, it will use a way.


My problem is how to say goodbye, always in a calm mood like ice and fire warm to you.


You make the memory of innocence and friendship when you are young. When I won the memory of the wine would like to invite you to drink, but his first drunk.


You are a beautiful stone, corrugated sea, coral beauty, the sun is shining, the luster of life.


You keep your word, as the saying goes, “faith is a treasure, and should not be thrown at will.”. I hope you can keep it that way.


Liu Yin, do not make every possible melancholy, the number of students carrying youth, long, looking forward to the journey thousands of thoughts, friendship is willing to become the force of progress!


The green leaf bud growth! Growth! The white flower said, “open.”! To open up! The crimson fruit said, “brilliant!”! Brilliant!


Think we have the same table, after the college entrance examination is the heart is really each one pursues his onward journey, don't give up. Schoolmates, the future will treasure!


Your friendship with me will never be lost, and it will last forever! Forever.


There are always some shots of joy, hiding in the corner of the memory, inadvertently gently lifted, shook off a bleak!


Let us abandon the illusion of happiness together, and put our hopes on the persistent pursuit of the cause!


For we all know that there is no more mellow, more beautiful wine than the cup in hand.


You are the bud of the flower season, you are the eagle carrying the wings, tomorrow is our world, everything is shining because of us.


Classmate, let the sweet whispers of the past night bury in the bottom of my heart and turn into beautiful memories!


Life comes from the flow of the brook; innocence shines in the pouring of the current; the value of existence appears in the stream of the river.


We had to part, say goodbye softly, and thank you for the kindness you gave me.


I have three wishes: May the friendship warm our hearts, two may the joy be always with you and me, and may we meet each other often three!


In the face of the years placed under the table, we smile to each other politely Quanjiu, did not say if all the love and sadness, are housed in the back of the statement.


In the future, we must keep in touch with each other so that our friendship will last forever.


No matter how far away the future may be, you will have me on the way to growth; no matter when we meet, we will be friends forever.


In a busy life, don't forget to take time to relax and keep a young and happy heart forever.


Graduation, for some people, students also farewell.


The lotus first season, we have lost in the confusion, feel lonely and miserable, but we are going to.


Today, my classmate broke up and said, “take care!”! Ming alumni meet, congratulations one: success!


Experience is the life of the whetstone stone, life edge in wheting flash; life experience is the release of the vitality of life in ore refining.


We met at a moment when the ship was at anchor. In this happy and meaningful six years, we all have a very good friendship life.


Could you send me a handkerchief? Let my heart as a sail.


Know each other is God, the acquaintance is satisfactory, adding that friendship, love and intention, we can get together, because of the heart.


Don't be angry to blame, don't look to break, do not envy to appreciate, do not delay to be positive, don't move to action.


Envy you -- have a young heart, agile Yoshikatsu heart. May your rhythm and time synchronization, run on the road of life!


Phoenix flower is blossoming, bless you in my dream. When we fly to that don't wander or stop as boundless as the sea and sky.


You have the same springs of wisdom and a pair of hard hands, buddy, buddy, no matter where you are lucky and happy to accompany you!


Dear friends, please shake hands, then to the west towards the east.


Shake hands tightly. The hand has intention, the hand has the sentiment, in the palm in a thousand words, also has my unspeakable secret.


After graduation, my dear, you always want to I wish you a happy voyage!



1.Time is flying away,and years are passing by.Only our friendship is always in my heart.Farewell,my friend!Take care,my friend!流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有友情永存心中。朋友,再见!朋友,珍重!

2.Oh,my friend,do you like stars?If you feel lonely far away from home,look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that I've send you.朋友,你喜欢星空吗?如果有一天你在远方流浪时感到孤独、忧郁,请抬头看看星空,那儿有我送给你的幸运星。

3.Life is a profound book.Other's notes cannot replace your own understanding.May you find and create something new in it.生活是一本精深的书,别人的注释代替不了自己的理解。愿你有所发现,有所创造。

4.Don't be disappointed on the journey of life.There are friends in the world.Seize your chance and value your opportunities.May our friendship be everlasting.人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音。把握机会珍惜缘分,祝愿我们友谊长存。

5.Time does not water down the wine of friendship;distance does not separate our hands of longing.Wishing you happiness forever!时间冲不淡友情的.酒,距离拉不开思念的手,祝福你,永远永远!

6.I have three wishes:May our friendship warm our hearts!May joy be always with you and me!May we often meet each other!我有三愿:一愿友情温暖我们心田,二愿欢乐永驻你我心间,三愿我们常常相见!

7.Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end.思念是一条细长的线,一端系着你,一端系着我,时刻连接着两颗跳动不息的心。

8.If I should meet thee,

After long years,

How should I greet thee?

With silence and tears.

—〔Britain〕George Gordon Byron

多年离别后,抑或再相逢,相逢何所语?泪流默无声。 ——〔英〕拜伦

9.If life cheats you,don't be disappointed and worried.Calmness is needed in melancholy days.Believe that pleasantness is coming.Long for the bright future though you are unhappy. All will pass by and everything will be over.Past things will be pleasant memories. —〔Russia〕Alesander Pushkin

Spring silkworm lifetime had not said the words praising self as , the silver wire that spits out is the rule measuring life value. Teacher esteemed and beloved , you have been never before others florid , the peaches and plums that is in full bloom, is maximal valuation but to you. 春蚕一生没说过自诩的话,那吐出的银丝就是丈量生命价值的尺子。敬爱的老师,您从未在别人面前炫耀过,但那盛开的桃李,就是对您最高的评价。




No matter how long the future will be, please treasure every moment we meet. No matter how many seasons, we are friends forever.


The strong man in life belongs to the diligent man forever.


The noble ideal is the sun of one's heart that lights every step in life.


Fight or quarrel or happy or gas or, you will always be my best friend.


Strength plus self-confidence is a tough sword, but also to the success of the tickets, strength determines success or failure.


Today, we are close classmates; tomorrow, we will be competitors. May friendship deepen in the competition.


Days go by in different spaces, and miss comes at different times.


Many things have been told to you, thank you, without telling you, don't blame them, because you should really figure it out yourself.


Living together for six years, work together for six years, continue to encourage each other!


The sorrow of others, the joy of others, your kindness, enthusiasm and unselfishness are forever engraved on my heart.


Offer distressed at parting wishes, wish the time of happiness with you. Separation makes the friendship stronger, and the first reunion will be brighter in that day.


Fenglin of leaves falling, we have have a number of memories. Wave the maple leaf, will bring us a very beautiful state.


Graduation, and you go, I keep a sincere look at us graduation, as you smile face.


Three years in an instant, so singing, vertical smile, and thus met together, or are not good words, going our separate ways.


In this hot and sunny season, we are going to leave for better parties and more excitement.


Leave your beautiful image, take the budding love grass, only the green postroad loading for parting thoughts.


You fully and delightfully sums pour out their image, no color and ornament, but left rugged beauty, simple beauty, the beauty of nature.


Even if we only have a brief encounter and a brief understanding, we are eternal.


The boat sails in the harbor of youth, we split up temporarily, full of ideals and pursuits. When do you get together again? Where will the harvest be?!


My dear friends, please don't be sad. After you leave, please treasure each other.


You say you love the sea, the sea of heroic, magnificent; I said, you have the character of the sea, the sea hung soul.


Generous and naive girl, why are you always so natural? When you light off long hair flying when you smile, you know, you touched many people's feelings?


Let us cast a ship of common faith, to the sea of life, to plow out the white spray.


Whether you go to the far-off regions, no matter how long you are away, I will be waiting for.


The chirping of birds in the branches, much like we did the whispers, and that a string of giggles.


The true strong man is not the one who runs with tears, but the one who runs with tears.


The most important value of life is the heart of happiness, but nothing else.


We have six together in the spring and autumn, every game, every discussion, every quarrel, will become a precious page in my memory.


In the graduation season, I want to take a graduation picture with a full class name and give a big kiss.


When you don't care, in my mind the fluctuation of far-reaching sound, like the fragrance exudes a quiet orchid.


This period of junior high school, will be the most beautiful memories of my life, it is my life will never forget the day.


In front of obstacles, to put it down, the use of hot passion, turn the expectation in the heart, the blood surging, sweating is what hardship.


With memory, with fantasy, toward life, towards the motherland in all directions.


My life is in you, and you live with me; when we meet again, you and I are still a whole.


Walking with you, recalling the common ideals we once had, breaking up with you and dreaming of the revelry when we meet again.


With your self-confidence, with your cheerful, with your perseverance, as well as a fellow with you, you bless, you will be able to sail to the other side of the ideal.


May we build our lucky house with our own hands on our way to life.


Don't make a decision about yourself and others. It's very important. What you see and hear may be only one side, and it is not worth the lost friend.


The wind blew away the blessing of the heart Xu, expect rain blurred vision, I fastened the memorial complex, believe that one day we will meet again!


No matter how many years passed, no matter how far I traveled, I missed those three years. It once led me to meet you.


Earth, five shells beach, with a staff movement, a colorful way of life.


In the season full of longing, with sincere wishes, may bring you infinite joy and warmth.


And you know, I feel very lucky, and you know, I feel full of life, accompanied by a day before laughing.


Although there are a lot of sediment from time to time, but the surging rivers are always flowing in a certain direction.


Three years, in the journey of life, but a short period of time, but with you at table three, but I will never forget.


Want to say a lot. But such a moment, such an occasion, can leave you, only my silent prayer: “treasure, my friend!”!


Graduation, and want to keep those warm days, how eager to throw into the current of life as soon as possible.


The best wine to drink, old friends the most intimate friends know more to cherish, because together with too many memories.


Youth footprints in the campus road, laughing at the scent of flower.


It's another year of graduation. Brothers, estranged is the distance between us, inseparable from the friendship between us!

篇8:初中毕业留言 英文

初中毕业留言 英文



This second does not give up, there will be hope in the next second! Hold on until you succeed!


We are lucky to have this good time. We have the spirit to seize the moment, and the future to us.


Three years of classmates, I and you have forged a deep friendship, I wish you and my heart to communicate, until forever.


I'm not always reluctant to leave you, but I always want to see your smile and listen to your laughter.


The most precious thing in the world is today. The easiest thing to lose is today, and may you treasure each and every day for the rest of the year.


Next summer, the classroom will be full again, but it's not us anymore.


The most precious thing in the world is the sincere friendship, the deep yearning, like the fragrance of small flowers, opened in the deep valley.


Hardship is the fountain of happiness, and leisure is the beginning of misery.


The most cherished friends, greetings, even if life gather, read your heart still.


Meet and farewell, sail away from the shore, is the end of past joy, but also the beginning of the future happiness.


You are a pearl in my memory, a star in my heart.


Perhaps you are reluctant, perhaps you are timid, but as long as you can step out, a warm and vibrant life may be in front of you.


May my valediction is an umbrella, you can block the sun and wind and rain on the journey.


It's my joy to know you, it's my pain to leave you. For the upcoming parting, support for me is the hope of reunion.


In the endless sea of man we meet and divide. May our friendship break through time and space and grow with age.


Parting, tears become messages, you say: “this tears can be condensed into pearls, become a permanent memorial.”.


Several people open the same door with the same key; a few people say goodbye to the empty bedroom with the same eye.


Gathering is not the beginning, nor is it the end, and the countless wonderful moments in which the classmate counts, forever etched in my memory.


When the world to seed weight, it will use a way.


My problem is how to say goodbye, always in a calm mood like ice and fire warm to you.


You make the memory of innocence and friendship when you are young. When I won the memory of the wine would like to invite you to drink, but his first drunk.


You are a beautiful stone, corrugated sea, coral beauty, the sun is shining, the luster of life.


You keep your word, as the saying goes, “faith is a treasure, and should not be thrown at will.”. I hope you can keep it that way.


Liu Yin, do not make every possible melancholy, the number of students carrying youth, long, looking forward to the journey thousands of thoughts, friendship is willing to become the force of progress!


The green leaf bud growth! Growth! The white flower said, “open.”! To open up! The crimson fruit said, “brilliant!”! Brilliant!


Think we have the same table, after the college entrance examination is the heart is really each one pursues his onward journey, don't give up. Schoolmates, the future will treasure!


Your friendship with me will never be lost, and it will last forever! Forever.


There are always some shots of joy, hiding in the corner of the memory, inadvertently gently lifted, shook off a bleak!


Let us abandon the illusion of happiness together, and put our hopes on the persistent pursuit of the cause!


For we all know that there is no more mellow, more beautiful wine than the cup in hand.


You are the bud of the flower season, you are the eagle carrying the wings, tomorrow is our world, everything is shining because of us.


Classmate, let the sweet whispers of the past night bury in the bottom of my heart and turn into beautiful memories!


Life comes from the flow of the brook; innocence shines in the pouring of the current; the value of existence appears in the stream of the river.


We had to part, say goodbye softly, and thank you for the kindness you gave me.


I have three wishes: May the friendship warm our hearts, two may the joy be always with you and me, and may we meet each other often three!


In the face of the years placed under the table, we smile to each other politely Quanjiu, did not say if all the love and sadness, are housed in the back of the statement.


In the future, we must keep in touch with each other so that our friendship will last forever.


No matter how far away the future may be, you will have me on the way to growth; no matter when we meet, we will be friends forever.


In a busy life, don't forget to take time to relax and keep a young and happy heart forever.


Graduation, for some people, students also farewell.


The lotus first season, we have lost in the confusion, feel lonely and miserable, but we are going to.


Today, my classmate broke up and said, “take care!”! Ming alumni meet, congratulations one: success!


Experience is the life of the whetstone stone, life edge in wheting flash; life experience is the release of the vitality of life in ore refining.


We met at a moment when the ship was at anchor. In this happy and meaningful six years, we all have a very good friendship life.


Could you send me a handkerchief? Let my heart as a sail.


Know each other is God, the acquaintance is satisfactory, adding that friendship, love and intention, we can get together, because of the heart.


Don't be angry to blame, don't look to break, do not envy to appreciate, do not delay to be positive, don't move to action.


Envy you -- have a young heart, agile Yoshikatsu heart. May your rhythm and time synchronization, run on the road of life!


Phoenix flower is blossoming, bless you in my dream. When we fly to that don't wander or stop as boundless as the sea and sky.


You have the same springs of wisdom and a pair of hard hands, buddy, buddy, no matter where you are lucky and happy to accompany you!




by annabelle

within my book of memories,

are special thoughts of you.

and all the many nice things

you often say and do -

as i turn the pages,

and recall each single thought,

i realize the happiness

that knowing you has brought.

there are memories of the times weve shared

both bright and sunny days.

there are memories of your kindness

and your friendly thoughtful ways.

there are memories of all those notes,

we would write back and forth,

when we would just get together,

and talk of this or that.

and when i recall these memories

as i go along lifes way,

i find they grow more precious still

with every passing day.




No matter how long the future will be, please treasure every moment we meet. No matter how many seasons, we are friends forever.


The strong man in life belongs to the diligent man forever.


The noble ideal is the sun of one's heart that lights every step in life.


Fight or quarrel or happy or gas or, you will always be my best friend.


Strength plus self-confidence is a tough sword, but also to the success of the tickets, strength determines success or failure.


Today, we are close classmates; tomorrow, we will be competitors. May friendship deepen in the competition.


Days go by in different spaces, and miss comes at different times.


Many things have been told to you, thank you, without telling you, don't blame them, because you should really figure it out yourself.


Living together for six years, work together for six years, continue to encourage each other!


The sorrow of others, the joy of others, your kindness, enthusiasm and unselfishness are forever engraved on my heart.


Offer distressed at parting wishes, wish the time of happiness with you. Separation makes the friendship stronger, and the first reunion will be brighter in that day.


Fenglin of leaves falling, we have have a number of memories. Wave the maple leaf, will bring us a very beautiful state.


Graduation, and you go, I keep a sincere look at us graduation, as you smile face.


Three years in an instant, so singing, vertical smile, and thus met together, or are not good words, going our separate ways.


In this hot and sunny season, we are going to leave for better parties and more excitement.


Leave your beautiful image, take the budding love grass, only the green postroad loading for parting thoughts.


You fully and delightfully sums pour out their image, no color and ornament, but left rugged beauty, simple beauty, the beauty of nature.


Even if we only have a brief encounter and a brief understanding, we are eternal.


The boat sails in the harbor of youth, we split up temporarily, full of ideals and pursuits. When do you get together again? Where will the harvest be?!


My dear friends, please don't be sad. After you leave, please treasure each other.


You say you love the sea, the sea of heroic, magnificent; I said, you have the character of the sea, the sea hung soul.


Generous and naive girl, why are you always so natural? When you light off long hair flying when you smile, you know, you touched many people's feelings?


Let us cast a ship of common faith, to the sea of life, to plow out the white spray.


Whether you go to the far-off regions, no matter how long you are away, I will be waiting for.


The chirping of birds in the branches, much like we did the whispers, and that a string of giggles.


The true strong man is not the one who runs with tears, but the one who runs with tears.


The most important value of life is the heart of happiness, but nothing else.


We have six together in the spring and autumn, every game, every discussion, every quarrel, will become a precious page in my memory.


In the graduation season, I want to take a graduation picture with a full class name and give a big kiss.


When you don't care, in my mind the fluctuation of far-reaching sound, like the fragrance exudes a quiet orchid.


This period of junior high school, will be the most beautiful memories of my life, it is my life will never forget the day.


In front of obstacles, to put it down, the use of hot passion, turn the expectation in the heart, the blood surging, sweating is what hardship.


With memory, with fantasy, toward life, towards the motherland in all directions.


My life is in you, and you live with me; when we meet again, you and I are still a whole.


Walking with you, recalling the common ideals we once had, breaking up with you and dreaming of the revelry when we meet again.


With your self-confidence, with your cheerful, with your perseverance, as well as a fellow with you, you bless, you will be able to sail to the other side of the ideal.


May we build our lucky house with our own hands on our way to life.


Don't make a decision about yourself and others. It's very important. What you see and hear may be only one side, and it is not worth the lost friend.


The wind blew away the blessing of the heart Xu, expect rain blurred vision, I fastened the memorial complex, believe that one day we will meet again!


No matter how many years passed, no matter how far I traveled, I missed those three years. It once led me to meet you.


Earth, five shells beach, with a staff movement, a colorful way of life.


In the season full of longing, with sincere wishes, may bring you infinite joy and warmth.


And you know, I feel very lucky, and you know, I feel full of life, accompanied by a day before laughing.


Although there are a lot of sediment from time to time, but the surging rivers are always flowing in a certain direction.


Three years, in the journey of life, but a short period of time, but with you at table three, but I will never forget.


Want to say a lot. But such a moment, such an occasion, can leave you, only my silent prayer: “treasure, my friend!”!


Graduation, and want to keep those warm days, how eager to throw into the current of life as soon as possible.


The best wine to drink, old friends the most intimate friends know more to cherish, because together with too many memories.


Youth footprints in the campus road, laughing at the scent of flower.


Bloom the most gorgeous smile, to tomorrow more beautiful dream.


The ideal piano, must pull out the struggle string, can play the life wonderful sound movement.


Ah, the classmates, let us in the fleeting time of the waves, ride the wind and waves, towards the success of the other side!


It's another year of graduation. Brothers, estranged is the distance between us, inseparable from the friendship between us!


After the university entrance exam, should smile smile, should cry cry, this confession of confession.












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