
时间:2024-04-24 03:40:27 作者:皇名 综合材料 收藏本文 下载本文



20.What must you do before you return a book to the library?

21.If two's company and three's crowd, what's four and five?

22.The farmers in this village used modern methods but harvested no apples this year ,why?

23.The injured dog had some difficulty going home. Every step he took, he slipped back two. However, he still managed to get home. How did he do it?

24.Why are girls afraid of the letter C ?

25.Why is the letter E so important?

26.Why are the letter G and letter S in “gloves” close to each other?

27.What letter is an animal ?

28.What letter is a question?

29.Why is U the jolliest letter?

30.How do you feel today?

31.How can you make 6 out of three 7's?

32.How can you make 6 out of three 5's?

33.how(can you make 1000 out of eight 8's?

34.Can you name the capital of every state in the U.S. in ten seconds?

35.A police officer had a brother ,but the brother had no brother. How could that be?

36.Why does a cat look first to one side and then to the other side when it enters a room?

37.How do you know policemen are strong ?

38.Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?

39.If you throw a stone into the Red Sea, what will it become?



2.He passed by a cosmetics store without looking in the window!

3.Every month has at least 28 days!

4.One's appetite!

5.From a hen!

6.He fell off the last step!

7.Because their heads are far from their bodies!

8.Take a longer rope and compare with it!

9.What else is there to wish for? You cease to wish for it once you get it!

10.He didn't cheat!

11.Grow old!

12.The other half!

13.Santa Claus

14.When there's two of them.

15.They don't know how to cook!

16.Two. The inside and the outside!

17.All animals, for trees can't jump!

18.Sleep at night!

19.Neither. I use a pen!

20.Borrow the book from library.


22.They planted peach trees!

23.He walked in the other direction!

24.Because it makes fat fact!

25.Because it's the beginning of everything!

26.Because there is love between them!

27.It's the letter B!

28.It's the letter Y!

29.Because it's in the midst of fun!

30.With my hands ,of course!

31.Easy . 7- 7/7=6!

32.Easy. 5+5/5=6!

33.Easy. 8+8+8+8+88+888=1000!

34. Washington, D.C.!

35. The police officer was a lady!

36.Because it can't see both sides at once.

37.Because they can hold up traffic with just one hand!

38.At the bottom!



1. 没有尾巴的熊是无尾熊,没有鸡鸡的熊是什么熊?答案:母熊

2. 什么布切不断?答案:瀑布

3. 小王一边刷牙,一边悠闲的吹着口哨,他是怎么做到的?答案:刷的是假牙

4. 什么门永远关不上?答案:球门

5. 船边挂着软梯,离海面米,海水每小时上涨半米,几个小时海水能淹没软梯?答案:水涨船高,所以永远不会淹没软梯。

6. 汽车在右转弯时,哪一条轮胎不转?答案:备用轮胎

7. 什么书你不可能在书店里买到?答案:秘书

8. 什么水永远用不完?答案:口水

9. 一人被老虎穷追不舍,突然前有条大河,他不会游泳,但他过去了,为什么?答案:吓昏过去了

10. 模样相同的哥俩同时应征入伍,他们有血缘关系且出生日期及父母的名字完全相同。连长问他俩是不是双胞胎。他们说不是。请问这是为什么?答案:三胞胎中的两个

11. 监狱里关着两名犯人,一天晚上犯人全都逃跑了,可是第二天看守员打开牢门一看,里面还有一个犯人?答案:逃跑的犯人名字叫“全都”。

12. 用什么可以解开所有的谜?答案:答案

13. 当今社会,发财的个体户大都靠什么吃饭?答案:嘴巴


1. 请仔细想一想,你所见到的最大影子是什么?答案:地球的影子,即每天的晚上

2. 金太太一向心直口快,可什么事竟让她突然变得吞吞吐吐了呢?答案:金太太在吃甘蔗的时候吞吞吐吐

3. 有一种药,你想吃上药店却买不到,这是什么药?答案:后悔药

4. 有人经常从十米高的地方不带任何安全装置跳下,为什么?答案:高台跳水

5. 什么雨可以淋死人?答案:枪林弹雨

6. 为什么大家都喜欢坐着看电影?答案:因为站着看脚会酸

7. 废除早自习会造成什么影响?答案:少睡半小时

8. 请龟兔赛跑,请猪来当裁判,请问龟兔谁会赢?答案:不能说!说的人是猪…

9. 上完厕所,要用左手还是右手擦屁屁会比较好?答案:用卫生纸比较好

10. 参加联考时,除了准考证之外,最重要的是什么?答案:记得起床

11. 一个男人加一个女人会成了什么?答案:两个人

12. 小马哥的老爸在市立图书馆(四字成语)?答案:识途老马(市图老马)

13. 一个新老公和一只新买的狗有什么不同?答案:新买的狗一年后看到你还是很兴奋




1.What word can be made shorter by adding something to it


2.What is full of holes but still holds water


3.What is both over and under the water but doesn't touch

the water


4.What is smaller than a humming-bird's mouth



1.The word “short”.


2.A sponge.


3.A girl crossing a bridge with a pail of water on her head.


4.Anything it eats.





1. Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.

2. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.

3. There was a fisherman named Fisher who fished for some fish in a fissure..Till a fish with a grin, pulled the fisherman in.

Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher.

4. To sit in solemn silence in a dull dark dock .In a pestilential prison with a life long lock.Awaiting the sensation of a short sharp shock From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block.

5. Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut-Butter, 'tis the peanut-butter picky people pick.

6. Luke's duck likes lakes. Luke Luck licks lakes. Luke's duck licks lakes. Duck takes licks in lakes Luke Luck likes. Luke Luck takes licks in lakes duck likes.

7. There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through.

8. One-one was a race horse.Two-two was one too.One-one won one race.Two-two won one too.

9. If Pickford's packers packed a packet of crisps would the packet of crisps that Pickford's packers packed survive for two and a half years?

10. Did Dick Pickens prick his pinkie pickling cheap cling peaches in an inch of Pinch or framing his famed French finch photos?


Who was the first man?


A teacher said to her class:

Who was the first man?

George Washington, a little boy shouted promptly.

How do you make out that George Washington was the first man? asked the teacher, smiling indulgently.

Because, said the little boy, he was first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.

But at this point a larger boy held up his hand.

Well, said the teacher to him, who do you think was the first man?

I don't know what his name was, said the larger boy, but I know it wasn't George Washington, ma'am, because the history book says George Washington married a widow, so, of course, there must have been a man ahead of him.










1. What can you break with only one word? 答案:Silence.

2. What stays indoors no matter how many times you put it out? 答案:The light.

3. A policeman saw a truck driver going the wrong way down a one-way street, but didn't give him a ticket. Why? 答案:Because the truck driver was walking.

4. Where can milk be best stored? 答案:In a cow.

5. Which can move faster, heat or cold? 答案:Heat, because you can catch cold easily.

6. What's the hardest thing about learning skating? 答案:The ice.

7. What has cities with no houses, rivers without water and forests without trees? 答案:A map.

8. What can be measured but has no length, width or thickness? 答案:

9. The temperature.

10. What makes the Tower of Pisa lean? 答案:It never eats.

11. Why is writing called handwriting? 答案:If people wrote with their feet, we would have to call it footwriting.

12. If there were only three girls in the world, what do you think they would do? 答案:Two of them would get together ans talk about the other one.

13. How many great men have been born in London? 答案:None. Only babies.

14. When can you have an empty pocket and still have something in it? 答案:When you have a hole in your pocket.

15. The greater it is, the less it can be seen. What is it? 答案:Darkness.


脑筋急转弯分类比较广泛:有益智类,搞笑类,数学类,成人类等。 脑筋急转弯是种娱乐方式,同时也是一种大众化的文字游戏。下面是学习啦的小编为你们整理的文章,希望你们能够喜欢

1、What's the smallest bridge in the world?


2、What's the difference between a woman and an unbrella?


3、What sport do waiters and waitresses excel in?



1、The bridge of a nose


2、伞可以shut up关上,女人不会shut up停止说话

shut up:关上,停止说话

3、Tennis. They really know how to serve


serve: 服务,发球


1.What has teeth but cannot eat?

A comb.

2. What is smaller than an insect's mouth?

Anything it eats.

3. What large instrument do you carry in your ears?

Drums, that is eardrums.(鼓膜)

4. What's too much for one, just right for two, but nothing at all for three?

A secret.

5. What person tried to make you smile most of the time?

A photographer.

6. What animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat?

A kitten.(小猫)

7. What surprising things happen every 24 hours?

Day breaks, but doesn't fall; night falls, but doesn't break.

8. What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth? An echo.(回声)

9. What do you know about the kings of France?

They are all dead.

10. What question can you never answer 'yes“ to”

Are you asleep?

11. Why do some old people never use glasses?

They must prefer bottles to glasses.

12. Why is the person wearing two coats while painting the house?

Because the instructions on the paint can say “Put on two coats for best results.”

13. What two words have thousands of letters in them?

Post office.

14. What do workers do in a clock factory?

They make faces all day.

15. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?


16. When do you go as fast as a racing car?

When you are in it.

17. How many sides does a house have?

Two - inside and outside.

18. What never asks any questions but always gets answers?

A doorbell.

19. Where did Columbus stand when he discovered America?

On his feet.

20. When the boy fell into the water, what's the first thing he did?

He got wet first of all.

21. Who isn't your sister and isn't your brother, but is still a child of your mother and father? I myself.












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