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颜集中学集体备课教案 9月1日 科  目 九年级思想品德 课 题 关心社会发展 课型 新授   参加人员 宋加年、李金龙、李炳才   中  心 发言人 宋加年 地点 初三办公室 教具 课件等 课件   教学目标 【知识与能力】 1、把握人与社会关系,培养关心社会、参与社会的实践能力。 2、能运用实例,说明个人离不开社会,社会离不开个人。 3、能知道关心时政的道理,学会关心时政的方法。 【情感态度价值观】正确认识人与社会的关系,增强关心社会的兴趣和情感。   教  学 重难点 教学重点:个人与社会的关系。 教学难点:个人与社会的关系。   板书设计     (1)个人离不开社会   1、探究人与社会的关系  (2)社会发展是人们共同努力的结果 关心社会发展   (1)具体途径 2、从关心时事做起  (2)重要意义  (3)辨明认识     教       学       过       程 一、【导入示标】 教学点拔 学法指导 叙述故事:简要讲述文本中P6的两则故事。   设疑导思:从中你能悟出什么道理?我们生活在社会上,社会的发 展与我们是否有关系? 自由畅谈:学生依据自己的思考自由陈述自己的意见。 归结导入:事实说明个人的成长和发展离不开社会,因此我们关注 社会发展。(同时板书课题) 展示目标:教师可借助媒体等教具展示或语言直接陈述教学目标。 二、【感悟探究】 探究人与社会的关系 设疑导思:  ◆为什么亚维伦的野童回到人类社会也难以过上正常人的生 活?而“鲁滨孙”却能很快适应社会生活? ◆文本中的两则故事给你什么深刻启示? 讨论探究:引导学生在自由阅读的`基础上先进行小组讨论,再选派 代表发言,最后请学生点评补充。 拓展知识:结合学生探究结果引导学生自读相关的“知识链接”, 强调:社会性是人的本质属性 引领感悟:人们常说:“个人是大海中的一滴水。”大海是有一滴滴 水组成的,而一滴水离开水就会干涸。联系我们个人生活实际,谈 谈对这句话的理解。 讨论交流:先进行分组讨论,再由学生代表发言,最后请其他学生 进行点评补充。 归结提炼:在探究和感悟活动的基础上让学生总结得出―― ◆人类社会的含义; ◆人与社会的关系。 三、【探究交流】 从关心时事做起 教       学       过       程 环节过渡:既然个人的成长和发展都离不开社会,因此我们每个人 教学点拔 学法指导 都必须积极关注社会发展。那么青少年应如何关注、了解社会?   自由回答:从关心时事做起。 设疑导思: ◆我们平时了解时事政治的主要途径有哪些? 讨论归结:关心时事的重要意义――文中P7的三个“有利于”。 的观点各自的看法。 点评补充:依据交流情况,组织学生评价、激励、补充。 内容提炼:我们是社会中的一员,我们离不开社会而独立存在,因 升华认识:关心社会发展,关心祖国建设,不仅是热爱祖国的重要 们:“风声雨声读书声,声声入耳。 家事国事天下事,事事关心。”   五、【训练反馈】 [一]、精挑细选  走进生活 1、人类社会赖以存在的基础是 (  ) A、物质生产活动 B、政治活动 C、精神生产活动 D、文化活动 2、个人不可能离开社会而独立存在,这说明的本质属性是(  ) A、动物性  B、社会性  C、依赖性 D、特殊性 3、青少年学生关注社会了解社会可以从(  )做起。 A、从事政治活动 B、投身经济建设 C、关注时事政治 D、参与重大决策 4、1981年北京一青年曾撰题一联:“风声雨声不吱声,了此一生;家事国事不问事,平安无事!”这说明他  (  ) ①不求上进,缺乏社会责任感②安于现状,无视国家前途命运③缺乏回报社会意识④具有忧患意识,担心自己前途和命运 A、①②③  B、①③④  C、①②④  D、②③④ [二]、明辨是非  关注生活 有些同学说:“关心社会发展是成年人的与我们学生无关。”请 你试加评析 [三]、思考探究  学会生活 1、谈谈关心社会发展的原因; 2、说说关心社会的有效方式、途径及其意义。   有些同学说:“关心社会发展是成年人的与我们学生无关。”请 你试加评析 [三]、思考探究  学会生活 1、谈谈关心社会发展的原因; 2、说说关心社会的有效方式、途径及其意义。     你试加评析 [三]、思考探究  学会生活 1、谈谈关心社会发展的原因; 2、说说关心社会的有效方式、途径及其意义。     教后记:



苏教版六下集体备课教案习作2写读后感 教学目标 ⒈指导学生读书做记号以及边读边思考的读书方法。 ⒉引导学生细细地品读例文,了解读后感的一般写法。 ⒊引导学生学会概述所读作品,了解作品的主题和精彩部分。 ⒋激发学生读书和写读书笔记的兴趣。 教学重难点 引导学生细细地品读例文,了解读后感的一般写法。 教学过程 一.习作准备习作前阅读要求: ⒈读一读海伦・凯勒的作品《假如给我三天光明》,或者读一读《海伦・凯勒传》。 ⒉阅读一组表现母爱的文章。 二.进入习作话题 读书后总会有感受,一定有很多话想说。今天,我们就来交流交流。 三.学习范文 ⒈先介绍关于盲人作家海伦・凯勒的作品,从以下两个方面来交流:①作品内容。②阅读后的'感受。说感受时,可以从文章的内容来说,也可以介绍自己对精彩语言的理解。 ⑴小组内交流。 ⑵大组交流。   ⒉阅读例文。 ⑴学生自由阅读例文。   ⑵交流阅读所得:文章是怎么开头的?中间主体部分写了些什么?是一个怎样的结尾? 四.指导写作   ⒈教师提供阅读文本《谁送给我耳朵》(一个表现伟大母爱的故事)。   ⑴教师范读文章《谁送给我耳朵》。   ⑵师生对话,聊聊听完这个故事的感受。   ⑶学生默读文章,体会语言文字包含的丰富情感。   ⒉讨论交流如何写好这篇文章的读后感   ⑴小组内交流。   ⑵大组交流,师生互提建议。   ⒊学生练笔。 ⒋交流习作片段,师生评议、修改。

篇3:新目标英语八下Unit 2 What should l do?集体备课教案

集 体 备 课











Why don’t you…?结构








要求学生学会运用情态动词should、could、shouldn’t;学会使用What should I do?You shouldn’t…You could…句型。





1.教师列出表格,分为Problem栏和平共处advice栏,然后提出若干与学生生活密切相关的问题,如I want to buy a new guitar but I don’t have enough money.,引导学生提出自己的观点,并写下学生的建议。








1.朗诵3a中的对话,让学生听,并在方框中标出个人观点good idea、okay idea、bad idea.




Section B






首先针对Erin的问题,提出个人的建议,模仿2c部分的对话展开双人交际Pair-work;听老师诵读3a部分的信件,并找出LEFT OUT的问题所在;学生完成3b部分的内容,给Left Out提出书面的建议;学以口头形式提出自己目前存在的某个问题,讲给大家听,让同学们给自己提出一个建议,并作笔录;学生两、三个人分成一组,随意性地进行口语交际,谈论P14的第4部分的某个问题,相互交换意见。


1.请学生朗读1a中的6个句子,引导学生发表意见分为 not important、important、very important。





2.老师朗读3a部分的信件,要求学生找出Left Out的问题所在。

3.要求学生给Left Out是出书面的建议。







drop off,take the middle road。

◆ 教学突破





2.要求学生看该部分短文的标题Fam-ily life suffers from activities,圈出方框中可能出现在短文中的词汇。









篇4:二上第四单元认识除法教案集体备课2 (苏教国标版二年级上册)

课题:认识除法 第一课时


1 通过从平均分的活动中抽象出除法算式的过程,初步理解除法的含义,知道除法算式中各部分的名称。

2 培养积极参与数学活动的情感,并进一步学习与同学合作交流。


课前准备  若干个圆片,小棒

板块 教师活动 学生活动 教学目标及达成情况

一 。创设情景,让学生初步体会除法的含义。







①讲述:6个小朋友,每辆车坐2人,问我们要坐几辆车。这样的问题可以用除法计算。怎样写算式呢?共有6个小朋友,先写6,再写÷(介绍除号,指导写法)每辆车坐2人,就在除号后面写2,刚才你们已经想出来了要坐3辆车,接下去怎样写?(边讲述边板书: 6÷2=3)





二 、继续教学除法的含义和除法算式各部分的名称。


(1) 提问:你从这道题中知道些什么?[板书:6枝铅笔 3人 每人枝]







8÷4=2     15÷3=5    24÷6=4








(学生回答后板书:6个人 每辆车坐2个人 要坐( )人。)


让学生看图、读题、独立完成。订正后提问:结合这道题,说一说在这个除法算式里,12、3、4 各表示什么意思?









篇5:M8 Unit 2 集体备课教案(译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

Module 8 unit 2 The universal language

Period One Welcome to the unit

Teaching aim

Let the students get familiar with the topic of music. Encourage the students to practice their spoken English by talking about their favourite kind of music and discussing the pictures.

Teaching important and difficult points

1. Relate the information given in the book to the students’ own experiences and let them get familiar with different kinds of music.

2. Let them talk about music fully and freely.

Teaching aids

A computer and a projector.

Teaching procedures:

Step I. Lead-in (Discussion)

Do you like music? Why or why not?

How many kinds of music do you know? Can you list some types of music?

What are the common topics of music

Step II. Ask the students to look at the pictures one by one on P17. Then ask some questions about each picture.

Step III. Enjoy some music and ask the students to tell what kind of music they are.

Step IV. Make up a dialogue.

Ask you partner what kind of music he/she likes best and why he/she likes about it.

Step V. Ask the students to tell a story about a famous musician. If there is no, introduce one to the students.

Step VI. Discussion.

Chinese opera is a kind of music with a long history. But some young Chinese don’t like it at all. Some even think that it is noisy. So what do you think about Chinese opera? How can we make more people interested in Chinese opera?

Step VII. Summary.

Step VIII. Homework.

Preview the reading part.

Period Two &Three Reading

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and expressions:

Cast; fall in love; feature; unconditional; be drunk with; exercise control over; break one’s promise; terrify; conduct

2. Train the students’ reading ability.

3. Get the students to learn about the Turandot..

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn to use the following useful phrases:

Cast; fall in love; feature; unconditional; be drunk with; exercise control over; break one’s promise; terrify; conduct

2. Train the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Methods:

1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

2. Careful reading to get the detailed information.

3. Pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

The multimedia

Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Greetings

Step 2 Lead-in

To start the lesson by asking the students some questions

Ask the students to talk freely in order to create an easy atmosphere to encourage the students to practise their spoken language. Ask the students to prepare some information in advance. Get the student to have a general idea of the opera.

Step 3 Reading Strategy

Explain the definition of a review to the students since different types of article have various ways of reading.

1. What’s the definition of a review?

A review is a report or an essay giving some information as well as some opinion or ideas about a book, performance, a painting or something similar.

2. What should we pay attention to while reading a review of an opera?

a. A review of opera usually starts with some background information.

b. The review can five some important such as the actor’s names and finally an evaluation.

c. The review may include lots of very descriptive words that reflect feelings.

Step 4 Fast reading

Ask the student to scan the text to finish the exercises in Part A

Step 5 Listening and comprehension

Listen to the recording and ask the students to finish the exercises on P 20 Part C1


1. Because she felt that she could almost feel the history.

2. She is cold-hearted.

3. He was killed.

4. She does not have to marry him.

5. He promised to allow Turandot to choose her own husband.

6. Eight.

7. Turandot was played by Sharon Sweet from the USA, Liu was played by Barbara Hendricks from the USA and Calaf was sung by Kristian Johannsson form Iceland.

8. The bringing together of the group of people from many countries, the music and the setting.

Step 6 Post-reading

In order to have an accurate understanding of the text, ask the students to finish Part D on P20. And explain some more language points to the students.

1. witness n.

e.g. According to (eye) witnesses, the robbery was carried out by two teenage boys.

witness vt

witness doing sth

e.g. He arrived home just in time to witness his brother being taken away by the police.

2.star vt (e.g. The studio would like to star her in a sequel to last year’s hit.)

cast vt (e.g. The doctor decided not to cast his new film with big-name actors.)

3. setting n.

e.g. The play has its setting in a wartime prison.

be set in … (e.g. The story was set in Britain of the nineteenth century.)

4. take on

a. to accept a particular job or responsibility:

e.g. She took too much on and made herself ill.

b. to employ someone:

e.g. She was taken on as a laboratory assistant.

c. to compete against or fight someone:

e.g. The Government took on the unions and won.

d. to begin to have a particular quality:

e.g. Her voice took on a troubled tone.

5. exercise vt (to use one’s right, power or influence)

e.g. The young employer simply does not know how to exercise his power over his employees.

Since you’re a citizen of our country, you should exercise your right to vote.

6. be desperate to do sth./be desperate for sth.

( to be eager or in great need to do/for sth.)

e.g. The old man was desperate to see his son, Who had left home to study abroad.

The boy is desperate for a new pair of football shoes.

7. leave vt 常用“leave+宾语+宾补”结构

(to let sb. do sth. or be in a state/to let sth. be in a state )

e.g. My grandma is over 80 years old, so do not want to leave her alone at home.

The poor farmer died, leaving his wife and three children in poor conditions.

When the couple went on holiday, they left their pet dog in the care of a friend.

8. transform vt (to make a complete change of the appearance or character of)

e.g. Plenty of rain might transform the area from a desert into a place full of plants.

It is said that the old railway station built about 100 years ago will soon be transformed into a railway museum.

Step 7 Homework

Period Four Word power

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn to read a passage of something about an orchestra and instruments used in an orchestra.

2. Enlarge the students’ vocabulary.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Understand the meanings of words and expressions related to an orchestra.

2. Master the words in this part and use them freely.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. Knowing the main idea of the passage.

2. Remember some new words about an orchestra.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Greetings

1. Greet the whole class as usual.

2. Check their homework if any.

Step 2 Brainstorming

1. What is an orchestra like?

2. What kind of music is performed by an orchestra? (classical music/opera)

3. Do you know any famous orchestras in China or in other countries around the world?

Step 3 Vocabulary learning

1. Read the web page in Part A carefully, and then complete the following chart written on the blackboard.

Complete Part B individually and then check answers with a partner to see if they have got the answers.

Suggested answers:

strings: harp, violas, double basses

brass: saxophones, trombones, tubas

woodwind: oboes, bassoons, piccolos

percussion: timpani, xylophones, gongs

2. Read the report and complete Part C individually referring to Parts A and B.

Suggested answers:

(1) orchestra (2) chamber (3) symphony

(4) strings (5) brass (6) violins

(7) cellos (8) brass (9) trumpets

(10) Flutes (11) woodwind (12) bass drums

Step 4 Vocabulary extension

Please focus on Part D and complete it individually.

Answers to D:

the instruments in red: strings

the instruments in blue: woodwind

the instruments in green: brass

the instruments in yellow: percussion

Step 5 Homework

Period Five& Six Grammar and Usage

Teaching Aim:

Introduce the ellipsis.

Teaching Important Point:

The basic usage of the ellipsis and learn to use it in different situations.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students learn when to use ellipsis and how to use it correctly.

Teaching Methods:

Teaching and practicing.

Individual or pair work.

Teaching Aid:


Teaching procedures:

Step1: Introduction to ellipsis

Ellipsis means leaving out words of a sentence when the meaning can still be understood. Ellipsis is used when you do not want to repeat words or phrases that are obvious. You’re to learn when to use ellipsis and how to use it correctly.

Step 2: Presentation

Sentences on the blackboard

- How is your cousin today? ---(She is )Much better.

(You) Open the the window, please!

(It) Sounds fine to me.

(It is a ) Pity our teacher couldn’t come.

(Is there) Anything wrong?

(Have you) Found your pencil?

Read these sentences and point put the words that have been left out in each sentence.

Step 3: Instructions

1. Go over Part 1& Part 2

Ellipsis is often used in imperative sentences, in short responses, in infinitive phrases and in informal English. Ellipsis is also used after hence, some prepositions or than. You should pay attention to the case in which ellipsis is used when two clauses with the same pattern and the same verb are used in a sentence.

Read the examples in Point 2 and get to know that in some special styles, words are left out just to save space and time. When it comes to signs and labels, newspaper headlines, instructions, postcards, diaries and notes, ellipsis is often used.

2. More examples

Step 4: Practices

1. Read Part A carefully and find out the words that can be left out.


Singer: It was a real privilege for me to be cast. It had always been one of my strongest desires to have a part in Turandot.

Jane: How were you hired for the job?

Singer: Well, I’m a musical performer,………One day, saw a poster that the production company’s Personnel Department had put up saying that they were looking for singers. I applied for the job, and they sent me an invitation to try out for a part in the chorus.

Jane: Was it difficult to try out?

Singer: Yes, it was difficult……


Singer: The best part was visiting Beijing because the performance was staged in the Forbidden City.


Singer: Yes, I would like to visit Beijing again.

Jane: Well, it’s been fun talking to you. I thank you for your time.

2.Read the instructions in Part B and finish the part individually.


1 b 2 c 3 a 4 d 5 e

1 Bob James, the pop star dies of drug abusing.

2 This is the door to the stage.

3 The performance last night was not as good as usual.

4 Please handle this with care.

5 Turandot is really a wonderful performance, and the setting is fantastic too.

3. Do Part C1 and C2 on page110 of the Workbook. After doing the two exercises, they will know more clearly how to use ellipsis correctly.

Step 5: Exercises

1. - Are there any English story books for us students in the library?

- There are only a few, ___________.

A. if any B. if there C. if some D. if has

2. - Would you like to go with us?

- Yes, _____________.

A. I'd B. I'd like C. I'd like to D. I'd like to do

3. - Would you like to have a try once again?

- ________________.

A. Yes, I like B. No, I don’t like it

C. Yes, I want very much D. Yes, I’d like to

4. - What do you think made Mary so upset?

- ___________ her bicycle.

A. As she lost B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing

5. - When did they get down to the job?

- _______________.

A. Until they left B. Till they arrived

C. Since they finished it D. Not until they turned to me

6. - Are you angry?

- Yes. He should at least answer when _____________.

A. speaking B. spoken to C. spoken D. speaking to

7. Be careful while _________ the street.

A. to cross B. crossing C. he crosses D. being cross

8. _______ us for a dinner, don’t you?

A. Don’t you join B. Join C. Have to join D. Let’s join

9. I promise we’ll be there at 6, _________.

A. rainy or shine B. rains or shining

C. rain or shine D. rain or shining

10. In the car accident the child was hurt, but ___________.

A. the mother is killed B. the mother killed

C. the mother being killed D. the mother has killed

11. __________ I don’t remember where I met him.

A. Fact is which B. what the fact is that

C. The fact is what D. Fact is

12. He raised his hand __________ silence.

A. as if to command B. as though he going to command

C. as though to command D. as of he commanding

13. Francis Preston Blair, Jr., _________ born in Kentucky, lived and practiced law in Missouri.

A. was B. he was C. although D. who he was

14. We are to install this instrument ____________.

A. as originally planned B. as it originally planned

C. as was originally planned D. as it being originally planned

15. __________, people and objects are presented in a flat, often angular, abstract manner in Jacob

Lawrence’s paintings.

A. Always able to recognize B. The ability to recognize always

C. While always recognizable D. Always can be recognized


1-5 ACDCD 6-10 BBBCB 11-15 DCCAC

Period Seven& Eight

Task Writing a website negative emotional language

Teaching Aims:

1. To train the students’ ability of listening and writing.

2. To master the skills in the writing of the life story of a composer

3. To practise writing the life story of a composer

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review the last period of the unit

Skills building 1: listening for facts about people

When we are listening for facts about people, there are certain things we need to listen for. These includes:

1. date when they were born and died

e.g. He/She was born/died on 26 May 1962.

2. places where they were born or died. These might be or countries.

e.g. He/She was born in London, England.

3. specific things that they did in their life. This will include dates and places such as when and where they got married or had a child, etc.

e.g. He married Jane in Paris in 1999.

4. information about why they did something and who or what influenced them.

e.g. He wrote this opera because he liked East Asia.

Step 2 Listening

While listening to the recording, ask the students to apply listening skills in practical use, such as note taking. The teacher should be responsible for the speed of the recording and make sure the student can finally understand the text as a whole. After the teacher can check the answers with the students.

Step 3 Table fill-in

In this section, the students first are required to go through three passages on p 27. Since during the listening we have just finished part of the exercise, the teacher can design a skimming and scanning practice here, asking the students to find the relevant information of the table provided on P 26. And later ask the students to check their answers by presentation.

Skills building 2: finding out about people’s lives

Sometimes you need to find out about people’s lives. You can start by asking the following questions.

Which city/country was he/she born in?

When was he/she born?

What instruments did he/she play?

When was …written?

When did he/she die?

Where did he/she die?

Did he/she have brothers/sisters? What were their names?

When did he/she get married?

Who did he/she marry?

Can you tell me any other information about him/her?

Is there anything else you can tell me about him/her?

Step 2 asking for further information

In this section, the students are supposed to work in pair to practice the skills in skills buildings 2. The teacher can encourage the students to pracise their spoken language during this part, and later the teacher can also provide the sample answers to the students.

Skills building 3: writing someone’s life story

When writing someone’s life story on an exhibition board, you need to:

1. Start with his/her name as a little with the dates of his/her birth and death underneath.

2. Perhaps use a timeline to illustrate what the person did in his/her life.

3. Write the information in the order that it happened.

4. Include pictures to make it attractive.

Step 3: writing the life story of a composer

In this section, the students should apply their learned skills to practical use. First they have to collect some facts about the composers, find out about people’s lives and then write someone’s life story. The teacher first of all should remind the students of these steps and then give some instructions to the students. If it is needed, the teacher can also give the students a sample writing to show how they are supposed to phrase their article.

Step 4 Homework

Prepare for next period.

Period Nine& Ten Project The universal language

Teaching aim

Help students use what they have learnt to finish a project by working together.

Teaching important and difficult points

1. Help the students understand the text to collect as much information as they can.

2. Ask the students to have a discussion about which singer or band they will focus on, what they will include in the project and how they can organize their webpage.

Teaching aids

A computer and a projector.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Dictation.

Step 2 Lead-in

In this unit, we have discussed different kinds of music. So today let’s have a closer look at the history and development of pop music.

Step 3 First reading

Ask the students to read the article “From jazz to pop” and then answer the questions.

What is this text mainly about?

It is about the history and development of pop music.

How many periods can pop music be divided into according to the writer?

Five periods. Early jazz, swing music, R&B, rock and roll, and 1960s pop music.

Step 4 Second reading

Read different parts of the text on by one.

Early jazz

1. What was the most important instruments used in jazz?

The trumpet is one of the most important instrument used in jazz

2. Who is considered as one of the founding fathers of jazz?

Louis Armstrong

From wing music to rock and roll

1. What is the difference between swing music and traditional jazz?

Swing music is faster than traditional jazz and have a sort of swinging feel to the music.

2. What are included in “big bands”?

Big bands included a pianist a violinist and a bassist, as well as others.

3. Who is considered as one of the pioneers of rock and roll?

Big Joe Turner.

1960s pop music

1. Which band was the most successful rock and roll band of the 1960s?

The Beatles.

2. What is “Beatlemania”?

The phenomenon that masses of fans of the Beatles welcome this band at the airport.

Step 5 Finish exercises B1 and B2 on the page 109

Step 6 Discussion.

Work in groups to discuss how to research and what to research about a singer or a band and then answer the questions in part B.

Step 7 Homework

Each group should choose a singer or a band to research and then divide the work among group members. Each group member will be responsible for searching for some information. Use the information collected to make a webpage after class and present them to the class on the display wall.












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