- 目录
- 第1篇:中秋节英语小故事第2篇:中秋节的故事英语作文第3篇:中秋节的故事英语作文第4篇:关于中秋节的故事英语初中第5篇:关于中秋节的故事英语初中第6篇:中秋节故事作文第7篇:中秋节故事第8篇:中秋节故事第9篇:中秋节故事第10篇:关于中秋节的故事英语带翻译第11篇:关于中秋节的故事英语带翻译第12篇:关于中秋节的故事英语带翻译第13篇:中秋节英语作文第14篇:中秋节英语作文第15篇:中秋节英语作文第16篇:中秋节英语作文第17篇:中秋节英语作文第18篇:中秋节英语作文第19篇:中秋节英语作文第20篇:中秋节英语作文第21篇:中秋节英语作文第22篇:中秋节英语作文第23篇:英语作文关于中秋节第24篇:中秋节英语作文第25篇:关于中秋节英语作文第26篇:关于中秋节英语作文
Fox and cock One morning a fox sees a cock.He think,
breakfast.'' He comes up to the cock and says,
understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.'' The fox opens his mouth ang says,
狐狸和公鸡 一天早上,一只狐狸看到了一侄?耀鸡。
给你三篇,你选一篇吧. The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it. Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said,
【译文】 老猫 一位老妇有只猫,这只猫特别老,它跑不快了,也咬不了东西,因为它年纪太大了。
英语故事带翻译《海蒂》: 爷爷的房子Grandfather’s House【二】
Now Heidi was alone with Grandfather, He sat on the wooden scat, looking at the ground. He didn’t say a word.
Heidi walked round the outside of the house. xiaogushi8.com At one side there was a room for the goats, which was empty. At the back were three big, old fir trees, She could hear the wind going through them. The sound was like singing, and she stopped to listen, before going on round the house.
Grandfather was still in the same place. Heidi went and stood in front of him. 爷爷还呆在原地,海蒂走过去站在他面前。
“What do you want to do?” he said at last.
“I want to see what you have inside the house.”
“Come , then.” He opened the door.
There was only one room in the house, but it was large. In one corner was a big fireplace with a table and wooden chair near it. In another corner was Grandfather’s bed. There was also a big cupboard. It had everything in it that he needed: a few clothes; bowls and plates; bread, cheese and dried meat. He put in Heidi’s things, which Dete had brought.
the mid-autumn festival has all interesting history. long ago in one of the dynasties of china there was a king who was very cruel to the people and did not manage the country well. the people were so angry that some brave ones suggested killing the king. so they wrote notes telling about the meeting place and time and put them into cakes. on the 15th day of the 8th luna month every person was told to buy the cakes. when they ate them they discovered the notes. so they gathered together to make a sudden attack on the king. from then on the chinese people celebrate on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month and eat “moon cakes” in memory of that important event.
when the mid-autumn festival is near, shop windows are beautifully decorated. many “moon cakes” are displayed for people to buy. peopl send presents such aswine, fruits and “moon cakes” to their friends and relatives. in the evening of the day, they have a feast. after the feast, they go out to the garden to look at the moon. the children run and laugh on the streets.
it is believed that the moon is at her brightest on this night. many poems have been written about it, and poets are never tired of reading and writing such poems. in chinese literature, the moon of the mid autumn festival has been compared to a looking-glass, a jade rabbit, and so on. it seems that chinese literature takes far more interest in the moon than in the sun.
Mid-Autumn Festival (also known as the Moon Festival), the third major festival of the Chinese calendar, is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month, as the moon is supposed to be at its maximum brightness for the entire year.
The moon definitely spins countless legends throughout the ages. Of course, the most famous legend is the one surrounding the “lady living in the moon” that dates back to ancient times, to a day when ten suns appeared at once in the sky. The Emperor ordered a famous archer to shoot down the nine extra suns. Once the task was accomplished, Goddess of Western Heaven rewarded the archer with a pill that would make him immortal. However, his wife found the pill, took it, and was banished to the moon as a result. Legend says that her beauty is greatest on the day of the festival.
Another legend depicts a possible role that the festival played in Chinese history. Overrun by the Mongols in the thirteenth century, the Chinese threw off their oppressors in 1368 AD. It is said that mooncakes - which the Mongols did not eat - were the perfect vehicle for hiding and passing along plans for the rebellion. Families were instructed not to eat the mooncakes until the day of the festival, which is when the rebellion took place.
The most lunatic mortal in Chinese history could have been the great poet Li Bai (701-762 AD), who once invited the moon to have a drink with him and his shadow to form a band of three. Li finally drowned in a lake in an effort to catch the moon when he was drunk one night.
The festive night can be one of the most charming and picturesque nights and the full moon is an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck. For thousands of years, the Chinese people have related the vicissitudes of life to changes of the moon as it waxes and wanes; joy and sorrow, parting and reunion. In Chinese culture, the family represents an important circle of relations that cannot be broken. Because the full moon is round and symbolizes reunion, the festival is also known as the festival of reunion. All family members try to get together on this special day. It is a happy occasion where people feast on scrumptious mooncakes. Some Chinese families today still stay up late to observe the occasion eating mooncakes, sipping tea and gazing at the beautiful moon. It is regarded the perfect moment if someone catches the moons reflection in the center of his or her teacup. Those who can not return home watch the bright moonlight and feel deep longing for their loved ones.
According to Chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. One day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. The earth was saved when a strong archer,
Hou Yi, succeeded in shooting down 9 of the suns. Yi stole the elixir of life to save the people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, Chang-E drank it.
Thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young Chinese girls would pray at the Mid-Autumn Festival.
它们有四个可爱的女儿,个个生得纯白伶俐。 一天,玉皇大帝召见雄兔上天宫,它依依不舍地离开妻儿,踏着云彩上天宫去。
听完她的遭遇后,兔仙觉得嫦娥无辜受罪,很同情她。但是自己力量微薄,能帮什么忙呢?想到嫦娥一个人关在月宫里,多么寂寞悲伤,要是有人陪伴就好了,忽然想到自己的四个女儿, 它立即飞奔回家。
“如果是我孤独地被关起来,你们愿意陪伴我吗?嫦娥为了解救百姓,受到牵累,我们能不同情她吗?孩子,我们不能只想到自己呀!” 孩子们明白了父亲的心,都表示愿意去。
Moon dao medicine
Long ago, there was a legend, the rabbit practice millennium became immortal. They have four lovely daughter was born to pure cute.One day, the emperor summoned the rabbits, it jidai chaotian wives leave, stepping on the cloud temple. While it is worse,
see come too the platinum star day will lead the moon from the side. The rabbit fairy know what had happened, he asked a guard's door god beside.
After hearing her immortal, that moon rabbit, pity her innocent suffering. But his meager strength, what can I do for you? A man in chang of chang-e, how lonely sad, if someone with good, suddenly thought of their four daughters, it immediately ran home.
The moon fairy rabbit rabbit, and tell the female in a child to say with the moon company. Although females deeply sympathize with moon rabbit, but also to his baby daughter, the heart of flesh cut it!!!!! Daughters also reluctant to leave their parents, with tears in her eyes.
The rabbit to longly say: “if I were alone is locked up, would you like to accompany me?
Moon in order to save the people, we can not tie? Child sympathize with her, we can think only about yourself!”The children understand the father's heart, all wants to go. Males and females rabbit rabbit, with tears in his eyes and smiled.
They decided to let the youngest daughter
相传唐玄宗与申天师及道士鸿都中秋望月,突然玄宗兴起游月宫之念,于是天师作法,三人一起步上青云,漫游月宫。但宫前有守卫森严,无法进入,只能在外俯瞰长 安皇城。在此之际,忽闻仙声阵阵,清丽奇绝,宛转动人!唐玄宗素来熟通音律,于是默记心中。这正是“此曲只应天上有,人间能得几回闻!”日后玄宗回忆月宫 仙娥的音乐歌声,自己又谱曲编舞,这便是历史上有名的“霓裳羽衣曲”。
貂蝉是东汉末年司徒王允的歌女,国色天香,有倾国倾城之貌。传说貂蝉降生人世,三年间当地桃杏花开即凋;貂蝉午夜拜月,月里嫦娥自愧不如,匆匆隐入云中;貂 蝉身姿俏美,细耳碧环,行时风摆杨柳,静时文雅有余,貂蝉之美,蔚为大观。正是因了这种美貌,让弄权作威的董卓、勇而无谋的吕布反目成仇,使得**不堪的 朝野稍有安宁之象。
诗人李白写自己在花间月下独酌的情景。“对影成三人”句构思奇妙,表现了他孤独而豪放的情怀。《李诗直解》:“此对月独饮,放怀达观以自乐也。”诗人上场 时,背景是花间,道具是一壶酒,登场角色只是他自己一个人,动作是独酌,加上“无相亲”三个字,场面单调得很。于是诗人忽发奇想,把天边的明月,和月光下 自己的影子,拉了过来,连自己在内,化成了三个人,举杯共酌,冷清清的场面,就热闹起来了。
一天,玉皇大帝召见雄兔上天宫,它依依不舍地离开妻儿,踏着云彩上天宫去。正当它来到南天门时,看到太白金星带领天将押着嫦娥从身边走去。兔仙不知发生了什么事,就问旁边一位看守天门的天神。听完她的遭遇后,兔仙觉得嫦娥无辜受罪,很同情她。但是自己力量微薄,能帮什么忙呢?想到嫦娥一个人关在月宫里,多么寂寞悲伤,要是有人陪伴就好了,忽然想到自己的四个女儿, 它立即飞奔回家。
传说很久以前,有一对修行千年的兔子,得道成了仙。它们有四个可爱的女儿,个个生得纯白伶俐。 一天,玉皇大帝召见雄兔上天宫,它依依不舍地离开妻儿,踏着云彩上天宫去。正当它来到南天门时,看到太白金星带领天将押着嫦娥从身边走去。兔仙不知发生了什么事,就问旁边一位看守天门的天神。听完她的遭遇后,兔仙觉得嫦娥无辜受罪,很同情她。但是自己力量微薄,能帮什么忙呢?想到嫦娥一个人关在月宫里,多么寂寞悲伤,要是有人陪伴就好了,忽然想到自己的四个女儿, 它立即飞奔回家。 兔仙把嫦娥的遭遇告诉雌兔,并说想送一个孩子跟嫦娥作伴。雌兔虽然深深同情嫦娥,但是又舍不得自己的宝贝女儿,这等于是割下它心头的肉啊!几个女儿也舍不得离开父母,一个个泪流满面。雄兔语重心长地说道:“如果是我孤独地被关起来,你们愿意陪伴我吗?嫦娥为了解救百姓,受到牵累,我们能不同情她吗?孩子,我们不能只想到自己呀!” 孩子们明白了父亲的心,都表示愿意去。雄兔和雌兔眼里含着泪,笑了。
Moon dao medicine
Long ago, there was a legend, the rabbit practice millennium became immortal.
They have four lovely daughter was born to pure cute.One day, the emperor summoned the rabbits, it jidai chaotian wives leave, stepping on the cloud temple.
While it is worse, see come too the platinum star day will lead the moon from the side.
The rabbit fairy know what had happened, he asked a guard's door god beside.
After hearing her immortal, that moon rabbit, pity her innocent suffering.
But his meager strength, what can I do for you? A man in chang of chang-e, how lonely sad, if someone with good, suddenly thought of their four daughters, it immediately ran home.The moon fairy rabbit rabbit, and tell the female in a child to say with the moon company. Although females deeply sympathize with moon rabbit, but also to his baby daughter, the heart of flesh cut it!!!!! Daughters also reluctant to leave their parents, with tears in her eyes. The rabbit to longly say:
“if I were alone is locked up, would you like to accompany me? Moon in order to save the people, we can not tie? Child sympathize with her, we can think only about yourself!”The children understand the father's heart, all wants to go. Males and females rabbit rabbit, with tears in his eyes and smiled. They decided to let the youngest daughter
Mooncakes are to Mid-Autumn Festival what mince pies are to Christmas. The seasonal round cakes traditionally have a sweet filling of lotus seed paste or red bean paste and often have one or more salted duck eggs in the center to represent the moon. And the moon is what this celebration is all about. Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th month, it is the time when the moon is said to be at its brightest and fullest. This year the festival falls on October
1. 中秋节吃月饼就像西方人圣诞节吃百果馅饼一样,是必不可少的。圆圆的月饼中通常包有香甜的莲子馅或是红豆馅,馅的中央还会加上一个金黄的咸鸭蛋黄来代表月亮。而月亮正是中秋节庆祝的主题。每年农历8月15日人们一起庆祝中秋,据说这一天的月亮是一年中最亮最圆的。今年的中秋节恰好是阳历的10月1日(中国的国庆日)。
The second legend has it that during the Yuan Dynasty, an underground group led by Zhu Yuan Zang was determined to rid the country of Mongolian dominance. The moon cake was created to carry a secret message. When the cake was opened and the message read, an uprising was unleashed which successfully routed the Mongolians. It happened at the time of the full moon, which, some say, explains why mooncakes are eaten at this time.
There are many festivals in a year. There is the lively Spring Festival, there is the solemn qingming festival, there is the happy childrens day, there is the celebration of the National Day... And I love the Mid-Autumn festival, which symbolizes family reunion.
The traditional Mid-Autumn festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. Because it is in the middle of autumn, therefore the name is. On this day, there is a bright moon in the sky, which is very round in the form of a jade dish, so there is a “middle autumn moon full circle”. Chinese people regard the yuan as a symbol of reunion, and the Mid-Autumn festival as a family reunion day, so the Mid-Autumn festival also called the reunion festival.
In the August of the lunar calendar, the sky is high, and many crops have been harvested. The Mid-Autumn festival is also celebrated as a harvest festival. On the night of the Mid-Autumn festival, people enjoy the bright moon of jade dish, eat moon cakes, fruit, every family is brimming with the joy of harvest. The moon cake is said to have a remarkable history:
Mooncakes have a long history. According to historical records, as early as the Yin and zhou dynasties, there was a kind of “taishi cake” in the area of jiangzhe area, which commemorates taishis thin heart, which is the “ancestor” of Chinese mooncakes. When the han dynasty zhang qian made the western domain, the introduction of sesame, walnut, to the making of the mooncakes added the auxiliary material, then appeared the round cake, which is filled with walnut meat, called “hu pie”. The tang dynasty, it is said that one year Mid-Autumn festival night, eating Hu Bing li longji and Yang moon, li suspicion “Hu Bing” name is not nice, Yang looking up at the bright moon, surge of emotion surge, freely and out of the “moon cakes”, this became the name of the “moon cakes” gradually widely spread in the folk.
Its Mid-Autumn night, and my family and I are enjoying the moon in the moonlight.
Todays moon is particularly bright, blue sky with white moon, the beautiful full moon with a soft white light to light up the dark night sky, stars shone in the sky the stars, formed the ZhongXingPengYue spectacle. This round moon is like a white jade plate, this jade plate to hold peoples yearning, the peoples thoughts to the relatives.
On the land of the motherland, how many day thoughts and thoughts cant be reunited, how many guards the motherlands frontier, defend the motherlands territory, let us spend the beautiful Mid-Autumn night. However, they cannot be reunited with their families, only to send their love and love to the moon, to send the light of the moon to their hometown, to express their blessings to their loved ones. Looked at the white moon, I was reminded of the story of chang e, whenever the Mid-Autumn festival, people will remember fondly to will be sent to the goddess of the moon in the moon palace, let her bring relatives blessing - peace, make family happiness in this beautiful Mid-Autumn festival night.
My family and I sat in front of the television, watching the paralympic games, the Olympic athletes, they struggle shining made pieces with hard work in joy and happiness of the gold medal, has been added to the Mid-Autumn festival night, let people spent the Mid-Autumn night of passion and joy.
On this Mid-Autumn day, I wish the whole nation a happy family, a round circle and a happy peace.
Today, it is the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is the traditional Chinese festival, the Mid-Autumn festival. After dinner, my father and I took mooncakes and snacks to the small garden in the housing department.
We went to the small garden, the food was delicious, looked up, the moon has slowly risen! The moon was still rising, and there was a lot of mist around it, misty and vague, like a shy bride veiled in a veil, revealing her smiling face. Now the moon is not the same as the original moon, the original is like a big white jade plate, hanging in the sky; Now it is yellow and round, but dad said, “although the moon is round today, tomorrows moon will be more round.” One sentence is “fifteen moon sixteen round” said that is this.
It suddenly occurred to me that the story of chang e lessons, I told my mother, the main content is: the ancient times, ten SUNS appeared, the heaven people pour in the ground out of breath, a hero named hou yi, on this day, he beginning bow and shot down nine SUNS, leaving only one sun, her mother gave hou yi a pack of immortal fairy medicine, the goddess of the moon just gave it to his wife. There is a bad guy trying to get this BaoXian medicine, apart from the hou yi was forced to chang e to this BaoXian medicine, the goddess of the moon used his quick wits, put the medicine to swallow down, her body will float up and fly into the air, because she is reluctant to leave after yi, flew to the earths nearest the moon. This is the story of chang e moon. When I finished, my mother praised me and thought I was good, and I was proud that I could tell my mother a story!
I thought of my grandpa again: he didnt even eat the corn when he was a child! Its difficult to eat a full meal, all eating bark, grass root · · think about us now, there are mooncakes, there are pineapple, strawberry, orange...... and lots of snacks, how happy we are! What parents want to eat, what parents to buy for you. I understand a truth: although we are very happy, but we have to pinch and scrape, if something is broken, we can also try rate out to buy it, if life necessities to buy, if can buy dont buy will not buy!
The Moon Festival is on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. It is one of the traditional Chinese Festivals.
On that day, the Chinese usually have a special family dinner. Each member of the family, even from far away, will go back home to have the dinner. During the dinner, they eat a lot of delicious food, watch TV programmes and chat about everything happily. They also eat moon cakes, an important kind of food of the Moon Festival. Moon cakes are always round like the moon. There is bean paste, egg-yolk, ice cream or some other nice fruits or food in them.
After the dinner, all the family members go out and enjoy the moon and the moonlight. They talk about the stories about the moon and laugh a lot.
They say there is a fairy maiden named Chang E with her rabbit and a sweet osmanthus tree on the moon. Is that true? It is just a legend. But the legend is so wonderful that we would rather believe it, right?
中秋节英语作文编者整理为您送上一篇作参考:the Middle-Autumn Festival
The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is often held in September or October. During the festival, family members get united and have mooncakes together. THere are various kind of mooncakes, such as bean paste, egg-yolk or meat. The shape of a mooncake is round as it symbolizes a big moon. Moreover, in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people get together in a vacant place, eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky. To conclude, the Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people.
Today is Mid-autumn Festival , father takes us to go to the seaside enjoy the glorious full moon. I see that slowly, Luna has risen, when seeming as if the shy little girl , rises to the top of the building, as if bold , has sprung all of a sudden to come out from building angle , moonlight sprinkles the full earth immediately. The moon is very round. We enjoy the glorious full moon as well as, eating moon cake. Happy days has go by all of a sudden , in the mid-autumn this is really happy!
As we all know the Mid-autumn Festival is one of the most important festivals in China, which really has a long history. Nowadays the festival is more famous because we can have a three day break in the festival .We usually get together and have a big dinner .Mooncakes are the mark of the festival in China and in the western it is the turkey ,and meanwhile in this day seeing the moon is a habit because it is more bright
the Middle-Autumn Festival
The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is often held in September or October. During the festival, family members get united and have mooncakes together. THere are various kind of mooncakes, such as bean paste, egg-yolk or meat. The shape of a mooncake is round as it symbolizes a big moon. Moreover, in the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival, people get together in a vacant place, eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky. To conclude, the Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people.
The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals,it is often held in September or October. During the festival,family members get united and have moonquakes together. There are various kind of moonquakes,such as bean paste,egg-yolk or meat. The shape of a moonquake is round as it symbolizes a big moon.
Moreover,in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival,people get together in a vacant place,eating delicious moonquakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky. To conclude,the Middle-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people.
Today is Middle Autumn Day. I love this festival very much when i am a teenager.
At that time , all my family seat around a table and ate mooncakes ,oranges and other delicious food. We admired the moon , talked about the moon and some stories about Godness in the moon and that pig..
But since i was in middle school , i had few opportunities to celebrate Middle Autumn Day with my family because I have to study for the purpose of entering university.
Now i am in the university dormitory, I , therefore have no way to celebrate the day with my family. They are so farway. What i ony can do is to call them and bless them a happy day.
This afternoon, i have two classes untill seven. I think tonight , there will be many people in the supermarket to buy mooncakes.
i want to eat mooncakes ,oranges ....
Wish everyone have a happy Middle Autumn Day.
The Mid-Autumn Day August 15th in ChineSe Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion . Each family will have the members get together to have a big dinner. The most popular food is moon cakes. They are round and look like the moon. The moon is the brightest this night.
People ate the delicious food while they were enjoying a beautiful full moon in their yard. At this time, some old people would like to tell many past events and tell the children a story about thO rabbit. The children really believed that there was a rabbit on the moon. They wanted to go to the moon and have a look one day. What a great festival!
Todays moon is particularly bright, blue sky with white moon, the beautiful full moon with a soft white light to light up the dark night sky, stars shone in the sky the stars, formed the ZhongXingPengYue spectacle. This round moon is like a white jade plate, this jade plate to hold peoples yearning, the peoples thoughts to the relatives.
On the land of the motherland, how many day thoughts and thoughts cant be reunited, how many guards the motherlands frontier, defend the motherlands territory, let us spend the beautiful Mid-Autumn night. However, they cannot be reunited with their families, only to send their love and love to the moon, to send the light of the moon to their hometown, to express their blessings to their loved ones. Looked at the white moon, I was reminded of the story of chang e, whenever the Mid-Autumn festival, people will remember fondly to will be sent to the goddess of the moon in the moon palace, let her bring relatives blessing - peace, make family happiness in this beautiful Mid-Autumn festival night.
My family and I sat in front of the television, watching the paralympic games, the Olympic athletes, they struggle shining made pieces with hard work in joy and happiness of the gold medal, has been added to the Mid-Autumn festival night, let people spent the Mid-Autumn night of passion and joy.
On this Mid-Autumn day, I wish the whole nation a happy family, a round circle and a happy peace.
Today, my grandmother took me to observe the rose flowers in my neighbor's grandmother's house. We walked into the neighbor's grandmother's garden.
As soon as I entered the small garden of my neighbor's house, I smelled the aroma of rose flowers. I immediately ran to see the rose flowers. Looking from a distance, the powder is like Xia, the white is like jade, the yellow is like gold, and all kinds of rose flowers are blooming. They are more beautiful with the foil of leaves and artificial cultivation.
Their postures are different, and each has its own characteristics. Some flowers hold tightly, like a born baby, afraid to show up; Some flowers are in bud, like a girl covering her face with a scarf; Some flowers only bloom like big officials, and their skills are superior to the crowd.
The bright red is like a torch burning. The beige rose looks like it is woven with thin yellow yarn. It is delicate and lovely. The purple spotted flowers are also distinctive. The white petals are covered with purple crystals, dotted and glittering. A breeze blows. The rose sways its slim posture and floats a beautiful green yarn skirt.
Chinese rose not only has charming and moving posture, but also has noble character.
Rose, you are the flower of science and technology, you are the most beautiful flower of the motherland.
The mid-autumn festival has all interesting history. long ago in one of the dynasties of china there was a king who was very cruel to the people and did not manage the country well. the people were so angry that some brave ones suggested killing the king. so they wrote notes telling about the meeting place and time and put them into cakes. on the 15th day of the 8th lunawww.027art.com/r month every person was told to buy the cakes. when they ate them they discovered the notes. so they gathered together to make a sudden attack on the king. from then on the chinese people celebrate on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month and eat “moon cakes” in memory of that important event.
When the mid-autumn festival is near, shop windows are beautifully decorated. many “moon cakes” are displayed for people to buy. people send presents such aswine, fruits and “moon cakes” to their friends and relatives. in the evening of the day, they have a feast. after the feast, they go out to the garden to look at the moon. the children run and laugh on the streets.
It is believed that the moon is at her brightest on this night. many poems have been written about it, and poets are never tired of reading and writing such poems. in chinese literature, the moon of the mid autumn festival has been compared to a looking-glass, a jade rabbit, and so on. it seems that chinese literature takes far more interest in the moon than in the sun.
I heard that on August 15, the clouds covered the moon. Sure enough, the dark clouds covered the shining moon, but the flaws did not hide the jade. The silver moon shone on the earth through the crack of the black cloud, and the edge of the black cloud also flashed light, like ten thousand steel needles trying to pierce the darkness.
I thought I couldn't see the moon, but I didn't expect that before long, the moon came out again. The moon is round and big, like a jade plate carved from white jade, which makes me ecstatic. The closing of the moon and the shame of flowers; The posture of sinking fish and falling geese makes me have to clap my hands and praise.
I love the moon and the stars. The moon is noble and elegant, and the stars are all over the sky.
The autumn wind blows my face. I stand under the night sky. My mood is indescribable: some surging in calm, a little sad in joy, and thousands of thoughts linger in my heart.
I stood silently, clasped my hands and made a wish to the moon, hoping that the wish in my heart could be heard by Sister Moon. Maybe some people think I'm stupid, but in such a moonlit night, I have to admit that I'm cute, right?
The full moon, the lack of moon, the sunny moon and the overcast moon are all unique flavors. I like the rhyme of the moon!
On the evening of the Mid Autumn Festival, our whole family went to the moat to enjoy the moon.
Today's moon seems much brighter than at any other time. The moon is so beautiful! It looks like a white jade plate and a Yaotai mirror. Looking at it, I seemed to see the shadow of Chang'e and jade rabbit. They played in the Moon Palace, and their laughter spread all over the Moon Palace. I also want to fly up and play with them, ask the ancient story of Chang'e, touch the furry fur of the jade rabbit, and see what the beautiful moon palace is like. Also, why does Chang'e fly to the moon... Ah, I have a lot of questions to ask. If I say, I can't say it for three days and three nights.
Looking at the bright moon, I seem to see my grandmother who I think about day and night. She is still so kind and kind; And my sister, who is always so naughty, fights with me every day... I wonder if they are the same as me, looking at a full moon and missing their relatives in the distance. Hey, “I miss my family twice during the holidays!”! May lovers in the world get married and no longer suffer from this parting!
★ 中秋节英语作文
★ 英语故事作文
★ 过中秋节英语作文




