- 目录
Certificates Craze on Campus-大学生考证热
Currently, there is a long-lasting fever of obtaining a variety of qualifications among college students, including vocational qualifications and skills certificates. Many students spend their weekends and vocation in preparing for tests on English, Law and Computer Science. Even after their graduation, some of them are still having full enthusiasm on it.
No doubt qualifications have attractions of their own. They are evidences to confirm students’ abilities. Work-related or competence-based qualifications may even help students find a satisfactory job, so students hold the opinion that they are obtaining not credentials but opportunities for their future.
However, as it is known to all that each coin has its two sides, obtaining qualifications also brings negative influences in spite of its advantages. First, some vocational qualifications are obtained at the expense of the basic discipline study or major learning. Second, it will take 300 to 500 Yuan to go in for a certain certificate, leading to great financial burden. Third, better jobs do not always necessarily follow more qualifications.
From my point of view, what matters most is relevant experience or skill, not the number of credentials you have obtained.
On Qualification-obtaining Fever-大学生考证热的利与弊
Currently, there is a long-lasting fever of obtaining a variety of qualifications among college students, including vocational qualifications and skills certificates. Many students spend their weekends and vocation in preparing for tests on English, Law and Computer Science. Even after their graduation, some of them are still having full enthusiasm on it.
No doubt qualifications have attractions of their own. They are evidences to confirm students’ abilities. Work-related or competence-based qualifications may even help students find a satisfactory job, so students hold the opinion that they are obtaining not credentials but opportunities for their future.
However, as it is known to all that each coin has its two sides, obtaining qualifications also brings negative influences in spite of its advantages. First, some vocational qualifications are obtained at the expense of the basic discipline study or major learning. Second, it will take 300 to 500 Yuan to go in for a certain certificate, leading to great financial burden. Third, better jobs do not always necessarily follow more qualifications.
From my point of view, what matters most is relevant experience or skill, not the number of credentials you have obtained.
Certificates Craze on Campus-大学生考证热
In recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly, ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he or she is preparing for a certificate of some kind.
Why does this craze appear? There are two mainly reasons behind this phenomenon. First, it is the employments pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of colleges, a large more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job markets. How can one make himself more competitive, more certificates at hands maybe. Second, the diplomas and certificates are still important standard by which many employers measure a person’s ability in order to increase qualification for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another.
Form my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove one’s ability, being crazy in getting certificates blindly. It is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical value.
It is quite a common phenomenon that college students are enthusiastic over getting all kinds of certificates, such as accountant certificate, teacher certificate and so on. What is the reason for that? And it should be advocated or not?
In my opinion, there are two reasons accounting for the phenomenon. For one thing, many students think that the more certificates they get now, the more chances they can get a good job in the future. They are told that the companies or institutions think highly of the certificate when interviewing. Therefore, they try their best to get all kinds of certificates, even though some have no any relationship with their majors or interests. For another, following others’ choices is another reason. A number of students go to purse the certificates because they find that many classmates around them are doing that so they think it would be safe to follow others.
From my point of view, it is not wise for everyone to follow others’ steps to get all kinds of certificates. I consider that we should make our choices combining with our own concrete conditions. Besides, certificate is not the only one criterion to measure our ability and we should not be too enthusiastic over it.
Now more and more people are keen on various certificates no matter whether he orshe is in college or not. My friend was surprised when she saw a man in hisforties sitting next to her and working on his accounting paper with struggle. Whythey are so addicted to certificates is my concern.
From my perspective, there are various kinds of purposes. First of all, throughworking on a certificate, college students can gain more knowledge and skillsaside from their own major. What’s more, the more certificates students get, themore accesses they have to be offered good jobs. Therefore, students choose towork on certificates, such as CET 4, CET 6 or CAP, and so on. Secondly, people inwork want to get promotions. Companies need professional employees to meet withneed of the company’s development or our society’s development. Thirdly, somecollege students, like me, want to live a meaningful and fruitful college life.
As far as I am concerned, we should choose to work on proper certificates, so thatwe can save our time to develop our practical ability.
Certificate Craze on Campus In recent years, to get a certificate has become anew craze among college students. Just randomly ask a student on campus what he or she isbusy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he is preparing for a certificate ofsome kind. Why does this craze appear? There are mainly two reasons behind this phenomenon. To begin with, it is theemployment pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admissionexpansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the jobmarket. How can one make himself more competitive?
More certificates at hand, maybe.Furthermore, diploma and certificates are still vital standards by which a good many employersmeasure a person’s ability. In order to increase the qualifications for a job, the studentscompel themselves to run from one exam to another. From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, sincecertificates do not necessarily prove one’s ability. Being crazy in getting certificates blindly isnothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but notgetting a certificate of no practical value.
供稿:山东蓬莱市人事局 刘刚篇6:考证热的调查报告
1 调查背景
2 调查方法和内容
3调查内容:大学生考证热情况 4调查时间:5月
3 结论及分析
篇7:小学生英语考证热 培训课程“换汤不换药”
在北京,小学升初中没有统一的考试,学校录取要看学生综合素质,各种证书就成了敲门砖。现在,虽然教育部发出了禁考令,家长们对孩子还是不敢有丝毫的放松。学生家长 :我觉得如果不考的话,可能也要去学,有余力的话还是希望孩子多学一点。 学生家长 因为孩子毕竟英语水平可以有所提高,主要是现在的学生课上学习的那些知识不够用。 家长这种望子成龙的心态到了学生那儿就变成了一种压力。 你喜欢参加这个培训吗? 我不喜欢,家长让来的。 现在多学一点,将来可以找个好工作吧。
而对于学校来说,英语培训市场确实是一块大蛋糕,目前小学生参加的全国公共英语等级考试主要是一到三级,每次考级要经过一学年的培训,学费在1600到1800元左右,这还不包括书本费和考试费用。考试刚一叫停,培训学校就采取了对策。 叫停这个对我们来说,肯定会受到一定的损失,但我们已经调整了培训的内容,引导家长参加一些口语或更实用的培训。除公共英语等级考试的培训外,目前多数英语培训学校都开设了针对中小学生的剑桥英语、朗文国际英语、新概念英语等七、八个培训项目,并且都设有相应的等级考试,每个项目一年的培训费用都在1800元左右。第一关注总编后全国英语等级考试本来不是针对中小学生的,但现在他们却成了主力,在今年3月举行的全国英语等级考试中,北京地区的报名人数为4万6千人,其中中小学生就超过了2万人。占了将近一半。篇8:Certificate Craze On Campus 考证热英语现象类
In recent years, getting a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing; quite possibly, you may get the answer that he or she is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Why does this craze appear?
There are mainly two reasons behind this phenomenon. First, it is the employment pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market. How can one make himself more competitive? More certificates at hand, maybe. Second, diploma and certificates are still important standards by which many employers measure a person’s ability. In order to increase the qualifications for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another.
From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove one’s ability. Being crazy in getting certifications blindly is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical value.
It is quite a common phenomenon that college students are enthusiastic over getting all kinds of certificates, such as accountant certificate, teacher certificate and so on. What is the reason for that? And it should be advocated or not?
In my opinion, there are two reasons accounting for the phenomenon. For one thing, many students think that the more certificates they get now, the more chances they can get a good job in the future. They are told that the companies or institutions think highly of the certificate when interviewing. Therefore, they try their best to get all kinds of certificates, even though some have no any relationship with their majors or interests. For another, following others’ choices is another reason. A number of students go to purse the certificates because they find that many classmates around them are doing that so they think it would be safe to follow others.
From my point of view, it is not wise for everyone to follow others’ steps to get all kinds of certificates. I consider that we should make our choices combining with our own concrete conditions. Besides, certificate is not the only one criterion to measure our ability and we should not be too enthusiastic over it.
If you just randomly ask a student on campus what he is busy doing, very possibly, he may answer you he is working for a certificate of some kind. Going further, you will find that this has become a new craze among college students.
The reasons behind the phenomenon can be summarized into just one: the pressure of finding a job after graduation. With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to compete for the limited job posts. How to make oneself more competitive? Maybe more certificates at hand. Hoping that the employers might find one of them attractive, the students are compelled to run from one exam to another.
As far as I am concerned, the students should have a more rational attitude toward certificates. Because exam certificates do not necessarily represent one's ability. For me, one just should work hard at his or her major. Opportunity will come to you if you are competent enough in your field.
In recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly, ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he or she is preparing for a certificate of some kind.
Why does this craze appear? There are two mainly reasons behind this phenomenon. First, it is the employments pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of colleges, a large more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job markets. How can one make himself more competitive, more certificates at hands maybe. Second, the diplomas and certificates are still important standard by which many employers measure a person’s ability in order to increase qualification for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another.
Form my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove one’s ability, being crazy in getting certificates blindly. It is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical value.
“你报考了文秘培训了吗?” “报考了,上学期已经报名了。你呢?”
“不考怎么行呀?我们班有10多名同学参加培训了。”……如今,随着大学毕业生就业压力增大,大学校园里的考证热也不断地升温。考证成了热门选择时下,用人单位在选择高校毕业生时更加注重考查综合素质,而各类技术证书就是最有说服力的证明。对于高校生来说,多一份证书就多了一份求职砝码,“没有一些证书在手,就意味着将会被淘汰。”这是高校毕业生在求职时的真实体会。纵观大学生考的证书,除了教师资格证、普通话证、电脑过级证、全国英语等级证外,大多数学生还通过参加各类培训,自学考证。这些技能证书适用性强,如会计证、各类管理证等。据调查了解,有的同学在大学四年期间通过努力获得了不少证书。考证费用数目不小为了能够顺利通过考试,不少学生都会参加相关的培训,而这些培训费用动辄就是几百元或者上千元。师院中文系大三学生小徐为了考全国电脑二级证书,去年花了400多元钱在某电脑培训中心参加培训,结果仍然是竹篮打水,今年小徐还打算再考一次。小陈去年搭上了秘书培训的“末班车”,而钱的问题一直让他感到头痛:“上学期交了100元,现在还得再向家人伸手。”相比之下,小蒲的花费就更多了:为了通过全国英语四六级考试,她暑假花了上千元到广州某英语培训中心训练口语。事后顺利通过四级考试的小蒲说:“幸好能够通过,否则1000多元就打水漂了。”为考证,报名费、资料费、试题费是不能省的钱,而这些钱加起来不是一个小数目。就业压力是“催化剂”大学生的就业形势早已被喻为千军万马争过独木桥。由于“人才”供过于求,用人单位在选人时十分挑剔,而各类技能证书成为他们衡量毕业生能力的一个重要标准。“现在的毕业生,哪个手上没有一沓厚厚的证书,如果两手空空去应聘,别人正眼都不看一下。”参加过数场人才招聘会的杨同学说。正是因为就业压力,不少学生早已是未雨绸缪,趁着还没有走出社会时多考证书,为将来就业打好基础。值得注意的是,有的学生为了考取证书,一心只顾做题,常常是顾不上学习专业知识。笔者发现,有的同学虽然有不少证书在手,但不少专业科目的考试却亮起了红灯,这一点值得大学生们警惕。★ 英语作文出国热
★ 考证低龄化令人忧
★ 会计考证模拟试题
★ 真热啊作文
★ 热作文初一
★ 童星热作文
★ 热四年级作文




