- 目录
- 第1篇:历届奥运会经典口号第2篇:历届奥运会口号第3篇:历届奥运会口号第4篇:历届奥运会口号第5篇:历届奥运会的口号第6篇:历届奥运会口号英文版()第7篇:历届经典英文奥运会口号第8篇:历届奥运会口号回顾(1984-)第9篇:历届奥运会英语口号总结第10篇:历届奥运会回顾:雅典奥运会第11篇:历届奥运会回顾:悉尼奥运会第12篇:历届奥运口号第13篇:历届夏季奥运会吉祥物(1972-)第14篇:奥运会口号是什么第15篇:奥运会口号第16篇:奥运会口号第17篇:历届奥运会回顾:1928年荷兰奥运会第18篇:历届奥运会回顾:1948年伦敦奥运会第19篇:历届奥运会回顾:1952年芬兰奥运会第20篇:历届奥运会回顾1996年美国奥运会
巴西里约热内卢奥运会:点燃你的.激情“Live your passion”。
20 索契奥运会:激情冰火属于你hot cool yours
伦敦奥运会:激励一代人“Inspire a generation”。
温哥华冬奥会:用灼热的心 with glowing hearts 辉煌的探险des plus brilliants exploits <法语>
北京奥运会:同一个世界,同一个梦想 One world,One Dream
都灵冬奥会:永不燃烧的火焰 An Ever Burning Flame
雅典奥运会:欢送回家 Welcome Home
盐湖城冬奥会:点燃心中之火 Light the fire within
悉尼奥运会:分享奥林匹克精力 Share the spirit
长野冬奥会:让世界凝集成一朵花 From around the world to flower as one
亚特兰大奥运会:世纪庆典 The celebration of the century
1994年 利勒哈默尔冬奥会:建立保护好地球 to build unprotect a better planet earth(此口号同时纪念萨拉热窝冬奥会10周年,属于呼唤和平的反战口号)
1992年 巴塞罗那奥运会:永远的友人 Friends for life
1988年 汉城奥运会:协调、提高 Harmony and Progress
1984年 洛杉矶奥运会:参加历史 Play part in History
1984年 洛杉矶 Play part in History 参与历史
1988年 汉城 Harmony and Progress 和谐、进步
1992年 巴塞罗那 Friends for life 永远的朋友
19 亚特兰大 The celebration of the century 世纪庆典
19 长野 From around the world to flower as one 让世界凝聚成一朵花
20 悉尼 Share the spirit 分享奥林匹克精神
20 都灵 Passion lives here 激情在这里燃烧
20 盐湖城 Light the fire within 点燃心中之火
20 雅典 Welcome Home 欢迎回家
20 北京One World One Dream同一个世界同一个梦想
20 伦敦 Inspire a generation 启发一代人
Inspire a generation(激励一代人)
One world,One Dream (同一个世界,同一个梦想)
An Ever Burning Flame (永不熄灭的火焰)
Welcome Home (欢迎回家)
Light the Fire Within (点燃心中之火)
Share the Spirit (分享奥林匹克精神)
From Around the World to Flower as One(让世界凝聚成一朵花)
a)Harmony, Radiance,Grace。(和谐,光辉,优雅) The Celebration of theCentury。(世纪庆典)
Friends for Life (永远的朋友)
Harmony and Progress (和谐,进步)
Play Part in History (参与历史)
Play part in History 参与历史
1988年汉城夏季奥运会 Harmony and Progress 和谐、进步
1992年巴塞罗那夏季奥运会 Friends for life 永远的朋友
亚特兰大夏季奥运会 The celebration of the century 世纪庆典
长野冬季奥运会 From around the world to flower as one 让世界凝聚成一 朵花
悉尼夏季奥运会 Share the spirit 分享奥林匹克精神
盐湖城冬季奥运会 Light the fire within 点燃心中之火
雅典夏季奥运会 Welcome Home 欢迎回家
都灵冬季奥运会 An Ever Burning Flame 永不熄灭的火焰 北京夏季奥运会 One World One Dream同一个世界、同一个梦想 “欢迎回家”堪称经典
作为一句口号,“欢迎回家”的成功之处概有两点:第一,它令主办国在文化声誉和地位方面的收益达到了最大化;第二,它极其精准地找到了雅典奥运会的定位和主题。 “永远的朋友”强调友谊
“永远的朋友”这一主题口号,不仅强调了奥林匹克精神中友谊与和平的永恒主题,表达了全世界人民所共同的期盼与心声,更试图以此来赋予巴塞罗那奥运会荣耀的历史地位,那就是,巴塞罗那奥运会将作为和平与友谊的见证者和纪念物而永存于奥林匹克的历史之中。 “点燃心中之火”暗喻希望 1995年,美国盐湖城获得了20冬季奥运会的主办权,但随即陷入了不尽的申办丑闻之中,迫切需要重新树立和端正自己的公共形象。“点燃心中之火”的主题口号在这种背景下走上舞台,“圣火”是正义与纯洁的象征,而燃烧在内心的“圣火”暗喻了本届冬奥会正义的`内在心灵,表现了组织者直面流言蜚语,勇敢自我辩护的精神。 盐湖城冬奥会开幕之际,又恰逢“911”事件余波未平,这样一句以“正义”为内涵的口号不仅再次为美国作了辩护,其所寓意的激情和希望也起到了令美国人振奋精神的效用,“心中的圣火”自然被理解为了“心中的希望”。
“同一个世界、同一个梦想”深刻大气 北京20奥运会的主题口号,“同一个世界,同一个梦想”简洁大气、内涵深刻,但最终成功与否还要看在奥运会筹备过程中和奥运会举办期间,北京奥组委能否很好地利用其指导赛会组织工作,达成本届奥运会的公共形象构建目标,使其成为奥林匹克历史上的经典。
1984 洛杉矶奥运会 参加历史 Play part in History
1988 汉城奥运会 协调、提高 Harmony and Progress
1992 巴塞罗那奥运会 永远的友人 Friends for life
1996 亚特兰大奥运会 世纪庆典 The celebration of the century
1998 长野冬奥会 让世界凝集成一朵花 From around the world to flower as one
2000 悉尼奥运会 分享奥林匹克精力 Share the spirit
2002 盐湖城冬奥会 点燃心中之火 Light the fire within
2004 雅典奥运会 欢送回家 Welcome Home
2006 都灵冬奥会 永不燃烧的火焰 An Ever Burning Flame
2008 北京奥运会 同一个世界,统一个幻想 One world,One Dream
2010 温哥华冬奥会 用灼热的心 with glowing hearts/des plus brilliants exploits 光辉的险
伦敦奥运会伦口号为Inspire a generation
里约热内卢奥运会口号 点燃你的激情 Live your passion
1984年 洛杉矶 Play part in History 参与历史
1988年 汉城 Harmony and Progress 和谐、进步
1992年 巴塞罗那 Friends for life 永远的朋友
亚特兰大 The celebration of the century 世纪庆典
长野 From around the world to flower as one 让世界凝聚成一朵花
悉尼 Share the spirit 分享奥林匹克精神
盐湖城 Light the fire within 点燃心中之火
雅典 Welcome Home 欢迎回家
都灵 An Ever Burning Flame永不熄灭的火焰
北京 One World, One Dream同一个世界、同一个梦想
20 伦敦 Inspire a generation 激励一代人
1984年 洛杉矶 Play part in History 参与历史
1988年 汉城 Harmony and Progress 和谐、进步
1992年 巴塞罗那 Friends for life 永远的`朋友
19 亚特兰大 The celebration of the century 世纪庆典
19 长野 From around the world to flower as one 让世界凝聚成一朵花
20 悉尼 Share the spirit 分享奥林匹克精神
20 盐湖城 Light the fire within 点燃心中之火
20 雅典 Welcome Home 欢迎回家
20 都灵 An Ever Burning Flame永不熄灭的火焰
20 北京 One World, One Dream同一个世界、同一个梦想
伦敦 Inspire a generation 激励一代人
1984年洛杉矶夏季奥运会 Play part in History 参与历史
1988年汉城夏季奥运会 Harmony and Progress 和谐、进步
1992年巴塞罗那夏季奥运会 Friends for life 永远的朋友
亚特兰大夏季奥运会 The celebration of the century 世纪庆典
长野冬季奥运会 From around the world to flower as one 让世界凝聚成一朵花
悉尼夏季奥运会 Share the spirit 分享奥林匹克精神
盐湖城冬季奥运会 Light the fire within 点燃心中之火
雅典夏季奥运会 Welcome Home 欢迎回家
都灵冬季奥运会 An Ever Burning Flame 永不熄灭的火焰
北京夏季奥运会 One World One Dream 同一个世界、同一个梦想
Inspire a generation(激励一代人)
One world,One Dream (同一个世界,同一个梦想)
An Ever Burning Flame (永不熄灭的火焰)
Welcome Home (欢迎回家)
Light the Fire Within (点燃心中之火)
Share the Spirit (分享奥林匹克精神)
From Around the World to Flower as One(让世界凝聚成一朵花)
Harmony, Radiance,Grace。(和谐,光辉,优雅)
The Celebration of theCentury。(世纪庆典)
Friends for Life (永远的朋友)
Harmony and Progress (和谐,进步)
Play Part in History (参与历史)
第28届夏季奥运会于208月13日至29日在希腊首都雅典举行。奥运会开幕前的圣火传递开创了多项第一。为了纪念奥运会重新回到故乡,组委会对火炬传递路线进行了精心设计。本次奥运会火炬首次传遍了全世界的五大洲,并首次到达了非洲和南美洲,使世界各地的.人们都有机会参与并体验这一盛大活动。圣火传遍历史上举办过夏季奥运会的所有城市,使这些城市有机会再次亲眼目睹奥运圣火,再次体验到奥运会带来的快乐。KEY FACTS
Opening date: 13 August 2004
Closing date: 29 August 2004
Country of the host city: Athens (GRE)
Sports: 30
ATHENS 2004 Games of the XXVIII Olympiad
In 2004 the Olympic Games returned to Greece, the home of both the ancient Olympics and the first modern Olympics. For the first time ever a record 201 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) participated in the Olympic Games. The overall tally for events on the programme was 301 (one more than in Sydney 2000). Popularity in the Games reached soared to new highs as 3.9 billion people had access to the television coverage compared to 3.6 billion for Sydney 2000. Women's wrestling was included in the program for the first time. Swimmer Michael Phelps won 6 gold medals and set a single-Games record with 8 total medals. Leontien Ziljaard-van Moorsel became the first female cyclist to earn 4 career gold medals and 6 total medals, while canoeist Birgit Fischer became the first athlete in any sport to win two medals in each of 5 Olympics. Runner Hicham El Guerrouj won both the 1,500m and the 5,000m, while on the women's side Kelly Holmes triumphed in both the 800m and the 1,500m. In team play, Argentina won the men's football tournament without giving up a goal, and the U.S. softball team won by outscoring their opponents 51-1.
Do You Know? 中国队取得奥运最好成绩
In preparation for hosting the 2008 Games, China had its most successful Olympics ever, with Chinese athletes winning 63 medals including 32 gold medals. (They won 59 total and 28 gold in 2000). Their victories came in 14 sports and included first-time championships in tennis, men's athletics, wrestling and canoeing.
Opening date:15 September 2000
Closing date: 01 October 2000
Country of the host city: Sydney (AUS)
Sports: 28
SYDNEY 2000 Games of the XXVII Olympiad
The Sydney 2000 Games were the largest yet, with 10,651 athletes competing in 300 events. Despite their size, they were well organised, renewing faith in the Olympic Movement. Birgit Fischer earned two gold medals in Kayak to become the first woman in any sport to win medals 20 years apart. Judoka Ryoko Tamura lost in the final in both Barcelona and Atlanta, but came back to win the gold medal in Sydney. Steven Redgrave became the first rower to win gold medals at five consecutive Olympics. The US softball team won in stirring fashion, losing three games in a row and then coming back to defeat each of the teams they had lost to.
Do You Know? 朝鲜和韩国联合组队出现在奥运会的开幕式上
Korea (South Korea) and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) marched together under the same flag.
1984年 洛杉矶奥运会
Play part in History参与历史
1988年 汉城奥运会
Harmony and Progress和谐、进步
1992年 巴塞罗那奥运会
Friends for life永远的朋友
The celebration of the century世纪庆典
From around the world to flower as one让世界凝聚成一朵花
2000年 悉尼奥运会
Share the spirit分享奥林匹克精神
Light the fire within点燃心中之火
Welcome Home欢迎回家
An Ever Burning Flame永不熄灭的火焰
One world,One Dream同一个世界,同一个梦想
With glowing hearts用炽热的心 /des plus brilliants exploits(法语)辉煌的探险
Inspire a generation激励一代人
Waldi - Munich 1972
“Waldi”, the first official mascot to appear for the 1972 Munich Games, was a Dachshund. He was modelled after Cherie von Birkenhof, a longhaired breed of the species. Waldi was the first official Olympic mascot.
Waldi's head and tail are light blue, and his body has vertical stripes with at least three of the five Olympic colours. Waldi was produced in various forms and sizes: plush, plastic, stickers, posters and buttons - but not as a pin until many years later.
Amik - Montreal 1976
“Amik” the beaver was chosen as the official mascot for the Summer Olympic Games of Montreal, 1976.
“Amik” in Indian language means beaver. The beaver has always been associated with hard work.
Misha - Moscow 1980
The Moscow Olympic bear “Misha” was developed by the renowned illustrator of children’s books Victor Chizikov. It took the illustrator six months to draw one hundred variations of the bear that also carried the full name Mikhail Potapych Toptygin. “Misha” was finally unveiled on December 19th, 1977.
Misha was featured on hundreds of different pins, as a plush toy, in plastic, porcelain, rubber, wood, glass and metal. Misha also appeared on a stamp.
Sam - Los Angeles 1984
The eagle “Sam” became the mascot of the Los Angeles Games. He was chosen because the imposing bald eagle is the national symbol of the United States. Robert Moore and his associates from Walt Disney Productions selecte
Live your passion,意思是点燃你的激情
第31届夏季奥林匹克运动会,又称20里约热内卢奥运会,将于2016年8月5日-21日在巴西的'里约热内卢举行。 里约热内卢将成为奥运史上首个主办奥运会的南美洲城市,同时也是首个主办奥运会的葡萄牙语城市;此外,这次夏季奥运会也是继世界杯后又一巴西体育盛事。
1、一九八四年 洛杉矶 Play part in History 参与历史。
2、一九八八年 汉城 Harmony and Progress 和谐、进步。
3、一九九二年 巴塞罗那 Friends for life 永远的朋友。
4、一九九六年 亚特兰大 The celebration of the century 世纪庆典。
5、一九九八年 长野 From around the world to flower as one 让世界凝聚成一朵花。
6、二0 悉尼 Share the spirit 分享奥林匹克精神。()
7、二00二年 盐湖城 Light the fire within 点燃心中之火。
8、二00四年 雅典 Welcome Home 欢迎回家。
9、二00八年 北京“同一个世界同一个梦想”。
1984年 洛杉矶 Play part in History 参与历史
1988年 汉城 Harmony and Progress 和谐、进步
1992年 巴塞罗那 Friends for life 永远的朋友
亚特兰大 The celebration of the century 世纪庆典
长野 From around the world to flower as one 让世界凝聚成一朵花
悉尼 Share the spirit 分享奥林匹克精神
都灵 Passion lives here 激情在这里燃烧
盐湖城 Light the fire within 点燃心中之火
雅典 Welcome Home 欢迎回家
北京 One World One Dream同一个世界同一个梦想
伦敦 Inspire a generation 启发一代人
第9届奥运会于1928年7月28日在荷兰的第二大港口城市阿姆斯特丹举行。奥林匹克火炬传递是也是从这届开始的。本届奥运会上,上届男子田径赛中获金牌最多的.美国和芬兰这次仍居领先地位。8月2日三级跳远决赛中,日本织田干雄以15.21米取胜,这是日本,也是亚洲在奥运会第一次获得金牌。亚洲第一个女子世界纪录创造者、21岁的日本女选手人见绢枝也参加了这次800米比赛,并获得亚军,是亚洲第一个获得奥运会奖牌的女选手。KEY FACTS
Opening date: 17 May 1928
Closing date:12 August 1928
The Host City: Netherlands
Sports: 14
AMSTERDAM 1928 Games of the IX Olympiad
The Amsterdam Olympics of 1928 were held in an atmosphere of peace and harmony that preceded twenty years of economic uncertainty and war. Perhaps the Games were best exemplified by the experience of Australian rower Henry Pearce. Midway through his quarterfinal race, he stopped rowing to allow a family of ducks to pass single file in front of his boat.
Pearce won the race anyway and, later, the gold medal as well. At the Opening Ceremony, the team from Greece led the Parade of Nations and the host Dutch team marched in last. Greece first, hosts last would become a permanent part of the Olympic protocol. Athletes from 28 different nations won gold medals in Amsterdam, a record that would last for 40 years.
The number of female athletes more than doubled as women were finally allowed to compete in gymnastics and athletics. For the first time, Asian athletes won gold medals. Mikio Oda of Japan won the triple jump, while his teammate, Yoshiyuki Tsuruta, won the 200m breaststroke. Meanwhile the team from India swept to victory in field hockey. Between 1928 and 1960, Indian teams won six straight gold medals. Another winning streak began in 1928. Hungary earned the first of seven consecutive gold medals in team sabre fencing.
Do You Know? 德国再次返回奥运赛场?
Germany participated in the Games once again, after 16 years of absence, since the 1912 Games.
19伦敦曾主办第四届奥运会,40年后,世界选手又再次在这里聚会。这是第二次世界大战中断了12年后举行的首届运动会,是奥林匹克运动的新起点。人们在长期的.战争中饱尝了家园被毁、亲人死去的痛苦,但在这里又领略了和平和友谊的幸福。第二次世界大战后,不少国家摆脱了殖民统治。它们虽来不及派训练有素的选手参赛,但纷纷应邀参加了这次盛会。KEY FACTS
Opening date: 29 July 1948
Closing date:14 August 1948
The Host City: London(Britain)
Sports: 17
LONDON 1948 Games of the XIV Olympiad
The 1948 London Games were the first to be shown on home television, although very few people in Great Britain actually owned sets. A women's canoeing event was held for the first time - and won by Karen Hoff of Denmark.
17-year-old American Bob Mathias won the decathlon only four months after taking up the sport. He is the youngest athlete in Olympic history to win a men's athletics event. Two athletes who were Olympic champions in 1936 managed to defend their titles twelve years later. They were Ilona Elek of Hungary in women's foil fencing and Jan Brzak of Czechoslovakia in the canoeing Canadian pairs 1,000m.
Fanny Blankers-Koen of the Netherlands was the world record holder in six events, but, according to the rules of the day, was only allowed to enter four. She won all four: the 100m dash, the 80m hurdles, the 200m and the 4x100m relay. Concert pianist Micheline Ostermeyer of France won both the shot put and the discus throw. Karoly Takacs was a member of the Hungarian world champion pistol shooting team in 1938 when a grenade shattered his right hand - his pistol hand. Takacs taught himself to shoot with his left hand and, ten years later, he won an Olympic gold medal in the rapid-fire pistol event.
Do You Know?第一次有了电视转播
First Games shown on television.
注释:Athletics: n. 运动
在芬兰赫尔辛基举行的第15届奥运会可说是大面积丰收的一次运动会,以破世界纪录为例,举重有5项,射击有2项,游泳有1项。而田径更是突出:男子全部24个项目有21项打破或平奥运会纪录。应邀参赛的'有69个国家和地区的4925名运动员,其中女子518人,男子4407人。KEY FACTS
Opening date:19 July 1952
Closing date:03 August 1952
The Host City: Helsinki (Finland)
Sports: 17
HELSINKI 1952 Games of the XV Olympiad
The 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki started in spectacular fashion with Pavvo Nurmi, then aged 55, entering the stadium with the Olympic flame and lighting the cauldron on the ground. Then, young football players carried the torch up to the top of the stadium tower, where another Olympic cauldron was lit by 62-year-old Hannes Klehmainen.
It seemed appropriate that the most impressive achievements in Helsinki should be those of another long-distance runner, Emil Zatopek of Czechoslovakia, who became the only person in Olympic history to win the 5,000, 10,000 and marathon at the same Olympics. The Soviet Union entered the Olympics for the first time.
Although their athletes were housed in a separate “village”, warnings that Cold War rivalries would lead to clashes proved unfounded. Particularly impressive were the Soviet women gymnasts who won the team competition easily, beginning a streak that would continue for forty years until the Soviet Union broke up into separate republics.
Do You Know? 2个德国的故事
Germany came back under the aegis of a new National Olympic Committee (NOC), that of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). East German had also created a new NOC but did not send any athletes.
注释:Cauldron: n. 大锅炉
Impressive: adj. 感人的
Opening date: 19 July 1996
Closing date: 04 August 1996
Country of the host city: Atlanta (USA)
Sports: 26
ATLANTA 1996 Games of the XXVI Olympiad
The 1996 Games were given a dramatic start when the cauldron was lit by Muhammad Ali. On 27 July during a concert held in the Centennial Olympic Park, a terrorist bomb killed one person and injured a further 110 people, but the Atlanta Games are best remembered for their sporting achievements. A record-setting 79 nations won medals and 53 won gold. Carl Lewis became only the third person to win the same individual event four times and the fourth person to earn a ninth gold medal. Naim Suleymanoglu became the first weightlifter to win a third gold medal. Michael Johnson smashed the 200m world record to complete a 200m and 400m double.
Do You Know? 你知道么?
A women-only sport was introduced: softball.
奥林匹克运动会(希腊语:Ολυμπιακο Αγνε;法语:Jeux olympiques;英语:Olympic Games;中文简称“奥运会”),是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的世界规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年一届,会期不超过16日,是世界上影响力最大的体育盛会。
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