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Career Objective

Logistics Manager/Senior Supervisor; Supply Chain Manager/Senior Supervisor     Full-time

Personal Particulars

Name: 2264.com

Gender:  Female

Birthday: May.31th, 1979

Political Status: CCP member

School: Nanjing Forestry University

Specialty: Traffic Transport (Automobile Application Engineering)

Degrees: Bachelor of Science

Work Life: Five Years

Email: pingchen1999@2264.com


Education Background

1999/09 -- 2003/06:Nanjing Forestry University | Traffic Transport (Automobile Application Engineering) | Bachelor

Thesis Topics: Designing and Optimization of Distribution Center

Work Experience

2007/11 -- 2008/09 Shanghai Guthy-Renker Trade Co., Ltd. | Operations Dept. | Logistics Manager

Responsible for the below work in Guthy-Renker Appliance:

1. Responsible for third logistics selection from the view of logistics operation cost and service quality;

2. Responsible for presenting logistics KPI requirements towards the third logistics company and developing suitable logistics supply chain operation process with collaborating partner;

3. To participate in working performance assessment for the third logistics company staff including warehouseman, customer servicer and project supervisor;

4. To participate in the discussion of company internal CRM system to third logistics company WMS&EPR system transition. Also present suggestions towards company internal logistics operation and to deal with issues happened during both company system daily works;

5. Responsible for inventory forecasts for all China company according to sales, order cycle and shipment time consumption and providing forecast report to US headquarter and tracking the above response from US;

6. Responsible for label Chinese translation validation for all goods imported from US headquarter and all affairs import related. Also be responsible for tri-party import process remediation for US headquarter, import&export company and local that highly increased the goods import efficiency;

7. Responsible for giving the suggestion of the wholly operations from the logistics management.

Main Achievements in the Past Work Time:

Changed the third logistics company to decrease logistics cost by 30%; raise the standard safety inventry cycle according to sales, order cycle and shipment timing, etc. to decrease the pressure of over inventory and to increase the efficiency of inventory makeup and put order scientifically.

2005/08 -- 2007/10 Shanghai Watsons Commodity Co., Ltd. | Supply Management Dept. | Supply Chain Supervisor

Responsible for the below work in Watsons Appliance:1. Cooperate with dept manager to establish dept annual and monthly work plan and goals and to efficiently classify them to be implemented.;

2. Root-cause investigation according to the dept monthly KPI result to make out resolutions;

3. Fully involved in the company new resource management system OROCAL transition including transition preparation and roll forward issues solving;4.Led dept to complete commodity supplement utilizing the new system as well keeping good communication with suppliers to ensure sound inventory turns;

5. Responsible for dealing with annual supply affairs;

6. Responsible for sustaining a healthy storage through proposing efficient stock decrease resolutions with the inventry expiration method and mass inventory method;7.Proposed a supplement/classification/refund/service performance assessment procedure which was accepted and extended in the company and it well linked and controlled supply dept; ect.

Main Achievements in the Past Work Time:

Led a team to set up and run supplement & supplier service assessment and control procedure; Led dept staff to apply new system and well reached monthly KPI targets by which we took the lead in China area.

2003/06 -- 2005/07 Suning Appliance | Logistics center | Supervisor

Responsible for the below work in Suning Appliance:

1.Distribution management and company-owned vehicle management book establishment and refinement ;2.Company vehicle annual budget establishment and audit, company vehicle procurement bidding;4.Company assets and vehicles insurance bidding, negotiation, tracking and compensation complaint;5.Company logistics employee construction optimization;6.Company assets, vehicle and other insurances compensation complaint ;7.Participated in company ISO9001 certificate application.

Main Achievements in the Past Work Time:

Established Group Logistics Management and Operation Manual; Made logistics dept annual budget; efficiently decreased sticker and bad stock and remained a healthy stock status.


* English: Reading & Writing Expert | Listening & Speaking Proficient

* Computer: Proficient in Office, Viso and other office software, skillfully utilizing the various functions of Excel to make statements, Statistics and Analysis; skillfully utilizing ERP/SAP/WMS/EXE/ Oracle/MRP, etc. management software.


Reading/Music/( light music)/Tour/Playing Badminton/Swimming ;Yoga etc.


Strong both physically and mentally, team oriented, with good leadership and interpersonal skill, can be able to work under pressure.


Career Objective

Logistics Manager/Senior Supervisor; Supply Chain Manager/Senior Supervisor Full-time

Personal Particulars

Name: 2264.com

Gender: Female

Birthday: May.31th, 1979

Political Status: CCP member

School: Nanjing Forestry University

Specialty: Traffic Transport (Automobile Application Engineering)

Degrees: Bachelor of Science

Work Life: Five Years

Email: pingchen1999@2264.com


Education Background

1999/09 -- 2003/06:Nanjing Forestry University | Traffic Transport (Automobile Application Engineering) | Bachelor

Thesis Topics: Designing and Optimization of Distribution Center

Work Experience

2007/11 -- 2008/09 Shanghai Guthy-Renker Trade Co., Ltd. | Operations Dept. | Logistics Manager

Responsible for the below work in Guthy-Renker Appliance:

1. Responsible for third logistics selection from the view of logistics operation cost and service quality;

2. Responsible for presenting logistics KPI requirements towards the third logistics company and developing suitable logistics supply chain operation process with collaborating partner;

3. To participate in working performance assessment for the third logistics company staff including warehouseman, customer servicer and project supervisor;

4. To participate in the discussion of company internal CRM system to third logistics company WMS&EPR system transition. Also present suggestions towards company internal logistics operation and to deal with issues happened during both company system daily works;

5. Responsible for inventory forecasts for all China company according to sales, order cycle and shipment time consumption and providing forecast report to US headquarter and tracking the above response from US;

6. Responsible for label Chinese translation validation for all goods imported from US headquarter and all affairs import related. Also be responsible for tri-party import process remediation for US headquarter, import&export company and local that highly increased the goods import efficiency;

7. Responsible for giving the suggestion of the wholly operations from the logistics management.

Main Achievements in the Past Work Time:

Changed the third logistics company to decrease logistics cost by 30%; raise the standard safety inventry cycle according to sales, order cycle and shipment timing, etc. to decrease the pressure of over inventory and to increase the efficiency of inventory makeup and put order scientifically.

2005/08 -- 2007/10 Shanghai Watsons Commodity Co., Ltd. | Supply Management Dept. | Supply Chain Supervisor

Responsible for the below work in Watsons Appliance:1. Cooperate with dept manager to establish dept annual and monthly work plan and goals and to efficiently classify them to be implemented.;

2. Root-cause investigation according to the dept monthly KPI result to make out resolutions;

3. Fully involved in the company new resource management system OROCAL transition including transition preparation and roll forward issues solving;4.Led dept to complete commodity supplement utilizing the new system as well keeping good communication with suppliers to ensure sound inventory turns;

5. Responsible for dealing with annual supply affairs;

6. Responsible for sustaining a healthy storage through proposing efficient stock decrease resolutions with the inventry expiration method and mass inventory method;7.Proposed a supplement/classification/refund/service performance assessment procedure which was accepted and extended in the company and it well linked and controlled supply dept; ect.

Main Achievements in the Past Work Time:

Led a team to set up and run supplement & supplier service assessment and control procedure; Led dept staff to apply new system and well reached monthly KPI targets by which we took the lead in China area.

2003/06 -- 2005/07 Suning Appliance | Logistics center | Supervisor

Responsible for the below work in Suning Appliance:

1.Distribution management and company-owned vehicle management book establishment and refinement ;2.Company vehicle annual budget establishment and audit, company vehicle procurement bidding;4.Company assets and vehicles insurance bidding, negotiation, tracking and compensation complaint;5.Company logistics employee construction optimization;6.Company assets, vehicle and other insurances compensation complaint ;7.Participated in company ISO9001 certificate application.

Main Achievements in the Past Work Time:

Established Group Logistics Management and Operation Manual; Made logistics dept annual budget; efficiently decreased sticker and bad stock and remained a healthy stock status.


* English: Reading & Writing Expert | Listening & Speaking Proficient

* Computer: Proficient in Office, Viso and other office software, skillfully utilizing the various functions of Excel to make statements, Statistics and Analysis; skillfully utilizing ERP/SAP/WMS/EXE/ Oracle/MRP, etc. management software.


Reading/Music/( light music)/Tour/Playing Badminton/Swimming ;Yoga etc.


Strong both physically and mentally, team oriented, with good leadership and interpersonal skill, can be able to work under pressure.



目前所在: 白云区 年 龄: 22

户口所在: 梅州 国 籍: 中国

婚姻状况: 未婚 民 族: 汉族

培训认证: 未参加  身 高: 165 cm

诚信徽章: 未申请  体 重: 53 kg

人才测评: 未测评



人才类型: 应届毕业生

应聘职位: 销售人员:

工作年限: 3 职 称: 初级

求职类型: 兼职 可到职日期: 随时

月薪要求: 1000--1500 希望工作地区: 天河区,白云区,海珠区


顺德益万家超市 起止年月:2009-04 ~ 2009-09

公司性质: 私营企业 所属行业:服务业

担任职位: 理货员,防损员,食品部领班


离职原因: 返校上课



毕业院校: 广东省技师学院

最高学历: 大专 获得学位: 大专 毕业日期: 2010-08

专 业 一: 汽车运用工程 专 业 二: 电子电工

起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号

2008-09 2010-08 广东省技师学院 汽车检测与维修 中级技工证 -


外语: 英语 较差 粤语水平: 一般

其它外语能力: 客家话

国语水平: 优秀









基本信息 个人相片
姓 名: 性 别:
民 族:汉族出生年月:1971年8月24日
证件号码: 婚姻状况: 
身 高:170cm体 重:68kg
户 籍:广东湛江现所在地:广东珠海
毕业学校:广西农业大学(广西大学)学 历:专科
工作年限:十年以上职 称: 
职位性质:全 职
待遇要求:可面议 ; 不需要提供住房
语言能力:英语 良好 ;
1992年9月 - 1995年7月广西农业大学(现广西大学)专科




于鹤山世逸电子科技有限公司(公司为港资企业,员工七千人左右),职务为制造工程部副经理,主要负责Touch Pad & Clear Sensor 等电脑周边产品的制造工艺和质量改善方面工作。




于珠海伟创力科技有限公司(世界500强美资公司, 员工五万多人),职务为PE工程师. 主要负责无绳电话、手机、充电器、解码器、打印机、掌上电脑、电脑主板和电脑外围配件等项目制造工艺控制及质量改善方面的工作。


于东莞新进电子有限公司ME 部, 职务为PIE 高级技术员, 主要负责PCBA制程方面工作及生产流程的安排和生产线线的平衡等。


9年多电子产品制程方面(PCBA+装配)及4年多晒鼓制造及设计改造方面的工作经验, 对产品的生产计划内及流程的安排,生产工艺的改善,产品质量的保证,产能的提升,成本的控制等有丰富的经验;熟悉工装夹具的制作; 作业指导书的`编写; BOM的维护;ECO的确认及发放;生产线的布置及工位的平衡;生产效率的提高和标准工时的研究;精益生产的推广; 生产成本 的控制; CIP的实施;RMA的分析和MRB的决策等。


对丝印机, 波峰炉, 回流炉, 分板机, 超声波, Heat seal 机, Hot Bar 机, X-ray 机, BGA 返工机和打印机等的使用和保养有丰富的经验; 能根据工艺要求设定相应的profile 和编写相应的程序等;熟悉SMT 工艺。

能说流利的普通话和白话; 英文良好(读/写/说); 熟悉电脑的操作, 会AUTOCAD; 熟悉ISO系统和5S 的运作; 熟悉 FEMA, DOE, SPC和Lean Manufacturing等;对6δ也有一定的认识.

工作积极,主动; 能在压力下工作; 善于与人沟通,富有团队精神.




name junjun du

sex male

birthday november,8th,1978

nationality han dynasty

english name bobo

nativeplace beijing

telephone 010-12345678

present address no.29 beisanhuan road, xicheng district, beijing


--wuhan automobile polytechnic university (sept xxxx-july xxxx) b.a in automobile major. courses includes: mechanical design, automobile structure, automobile design, computer and business administration etc.

--tianjin university adult education department xxxx graduated from a correspondence course of computer

summary of qualifications

--computer operating, programing, manitaining very familiar with dos, windows and windows95; programing with tc, vb, vc++;graphic works of computer with 3ds, photoshop ect; gained the national computer rank examination certificate-grade two. (xxxx).

--internet operating having completed a internet training course, experience with internet operating and creation of hyper text markup language (html). with the internet operator certificate of landscape internet service center. (may xxxx).

--english intermediate in reading and listening. passed college english test-band six(jan xxxx).

--automobile maintenance having completed a automobile maintaining course, gained the technique licence of automobile maintenance(jan xxxx).

--mechanical drawing i win the first prize of college mechanical drawing competitions.(sept xxxx)

work experience

picc life hu bei branch (sept xxxx-may xxxx)

--salesman of life insurance

--under the leads of manager, training department, i engaged in promoting and saling life insurance. and took charge of training some salesmen. also, i organize some publicizing work. it was a benificial experience for me, i not only learnt the theory of changing failure into success, but also examed the ability of how to organize and challenge salesmen.

wu han xingcheng science & technology company(sept xxxx-mar xxxx)

--marketing and sales

--i took charge of marketing and sales in wuchang district and hongshan district. also, i wrote detailted and complete reports. during the time there, i firstly faced the failures and challenges of being a salesman.

wu han guanshengyuan edible factory(aug xxxx-sept xxxx)

--temporary worker

--this was temporary work, i must work 12 hours every day, sometimes must work all night. during the whole month, i learnt how to suffer hardship and make pastry.

assumed office

--director of wushu society in the university xxxx-xxxx

--the commissiary in charge of studies in the class xxxx-xxxx

--vice-chairman of new concept automobile association xxxx-xxxx



sex: male

age: 23 years education: vocational

professionals: the use and maintenance of motor vehicles

job search intention:

treatment of job-seekers:

tel: 13627591977

work experience:

october XX -XX in hainan in june cheung瑞奇瑞repair service learning;

june XX -XX in the country in november in hainan to engage in奇奇瑞service parts management;

may XX -XX in hainan in august in hong sing chery unhung service charge duties as accessories.

i am thinking the hard-working, modest progress, seriously, a strong sense of responsibility, his sincerity, discipline, wide in others, there are more independent and strong learning ability, have a good teamwork spirit. cheerful personality, willing to communicate with people, so make a lot of friends, with good adaptability and proficiency in communication skills, to assist the leadership of the work completed, work on several occasions during the recognition by the leadership.

low job-seekers holding a book, read the mind of self-confidence sincere, and i look forward to your company as a staff member! thank you for your interest! wait for your good news!


Name Junjun Du

Sex Male

Birthday November,8th,1978

Nationality Han dynasty

English Name Bobo

Nativeplace Beijing

Telephone 010-1XXXXXX

Present Address No.29 Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing


--WuHan Automobile Polytechnic University (Sept xxxx-July xxxx) B.A in Automobile Major. Courses includes: Mechanical Design, Automobile Structure, Automobile Design, Computer and Business Administration etc.

--TianJin University Adult Education Department xxxx Graduated from a correspondence course of Computer


--COMPUTER operating, programing, manitaining Very familiar with DOS, WINDOWS and WINDOWS95; Programing with TC, VB, VC++;Graphic works of computer with 3DS, PhotoShop ect; Gained the National Computer Rank Examination Certificate-Grade two. (xxxx).

--INTERNET operating Having completed a Internet training course, Experience with Internet operating and creation of Hyper text Markup Language (HTML). With the Internet Operator Certificate of Landscape Internet Service Center. (May xxxx).

--ENGLISH Intermediate in reading and listening. Passed College English TEST-Band six(Jan xxxx).

--AUTOMOBILE MAINTENANCE Having completed a automobile maintaining course, Gained the Technique Licence of Automobile Maintenance(Jan xxxx).

--MECHANICAL DRAWING I win the first prize of College Mechanical Drawing Competitions.(Sept xxxx)


PICC LIFE HU BEI BRANCH (Sept xxxx-May xxxx)

--Salesman of life insurance

--Under the leads of Manager, Training Department, I engaged in promoting and saling life insurance. And took charge of training some salesmen. Also, I organize some publicizing work. It was a benificial experience for me, I not only learnt the theory of changing failure into success, but also examed the ability of how to organize and challenge salesmen.


--Marketing and Sales

--I took charge of marketing and sales in WuChang district and HongShan district. Also, I wrote detailted and complete reports. During the time there, I firstly faced the failures and challenges of being a salesman.


--temporary worker

--This was temporary work, I must work 12 hours every day, sometimes must work all night. During the whole month, I learnt how to suffer hardship and make pastry.


--Director of WuShu society in the university xxxx-xxxx

--The Commissiary in charge of studies in the class xxxx-xxxx

--Vice-chairman of New Concept Automobile Association xxxx-xxxx

















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