
时间:2023-01-22 04:02:10 作者:赤道 其他工作总结 收藏本文 下载本文

















除了自己预习、复习时的笔记之外,上课所记的笔记常常是课程的精华、考试时参考的宝典。大致说来,一至二个学期下来,留学生就能培养出记笔记简单扼要、层次分明的功力。如果教授喜欢写黑板,对记笔记的帮助当然很大;若是讲演或讨论的课,则需特别留意there are some important points、this is the key which或是id like you to remember等类似的开场白,它们几乎都是上课重点所在。



美国学生从小即习惯于表达自己的意见,随时能侃侃而谈。但他们也习惯接纳别人发表意见,一旦外国学生发言,他们通常会耐心听完。刚开始若真不知如何表达,不妨先就上课听不懂、听不清楚的地方提出疑问,例如可以举手向教授表示:i cant follow you.或是can you say that again。当然,最好是能逐渐去除恐惧的心理,进而勇敢积极地在课堂上发表自己的看法,才能达到思想交流的目的。


Dear x,

To me, art is like a mystery which is to be solved. I see anartwork as the concentration of an idea or concept into a physical entity. Theidea or concept is rarely evident through just looking at piece; it requiresanalysis or scrutiny to interpret it. This is why I am rarely happy with a pieceof art unless I can see some meaning behind it. Whether it is my own or anotherperson’s, I feel a great satisfaction when I discover an underlying theme ormessage; deliberate or not. It is like poring over a cryptic riddle or a puzzlefor time until all at once it falls into place.

Perhaps it is my obsession with problem-inducing things: crypticcrosswords, chess, Rubik’s cubes, poker, cribbage and scrabble that have inducedthis vision of art. It is the same either way. If I am looking at a Mark Rothkopainting, Rothko has set the puzzle to be deciphered and I am attempting tosolve it, even if the answer is as simple as, ‘a perfect combination of colour’.If I create an artwork, it will have hidden parameters evident only by scrutiny.It may be easy to interpret or it may be difficult, it doesn’t matter. I don’tmind if people don’t interpret it the way I intended; only that it makes sensein their own minds and that it gives them that same sense of satisfaction that Iget when I solve a puzzle. You could say that that is the ultimate motivationfor the art that I produce.

This theme has also played a strong role in the work that I have been doingover the past year in my Art Foundation course. In the last ’self’-orientatedproject I focussed on my fascination with playing cards and chess combined withthe physical aspects of my life. This has developed into my current project thatconcentrates on aspects of chance (chess, playing cards) combined, symbolically,with aspects of purpose (religion, gods, fate, strategy) through many differentmediums, including customised board games and sculptures. I am intrigued withhidden meanings, so I am looking at artists such as Joseph Beuys and Leonardo DaVinci who are known to use a lot of symbolism in their work.

My current work has developed from many of the foundation course projects Ihave done since the beginning of the year. I feel that this year has been asignificant indication of what path I want to follow in the future. I initiallyenrolled with the mindset of trying it out and deciding what to do later on inthe year. I have worked hard at keeping up with work and have enjoyed being ableto develop my own ideas creatively over the last two terms. The foundationcourse has already taught me how to be broad-minded about what art can be, andthe learning process has been somewhat enlightening. Ultimately I have enjoyedthe course; whether it is experimenting with interesting ideas in my own space,sharing ideas with my peers about what we are doing or constructing sculpturesin the workshops. Upon having wandered around the degree student’s areas a fewtimes just to look at the work that is being produced I feel a connection towhat they are doing and what I am currently learning about and it makes me wantto go further with my work. This is why I wish to continue on at the degreecourse. I believe it will challenge me and help me to evolve the art that I doto an even further level.

Since October 20xx, I have had a Saturday job working as an assistant in abutcher’s. This job requires me to make deliveries, clean the shop, servecustomers, prepare meat and I often help out at the hog roast functions that theshop hires out. I have done my best to work hard at this, as it is the onlyproper job I have had apart from a paper round. Alongside attending thefoundation course I feel that it has made me a much more organised and confidentperson in terms of arranging my life. I have definitely enjoyed working there asmuch as I have worked hard at it. To resound the work I have done I have beenoffered more work at the shop and at supervising hog roasts during thesummer.

Yours sincerely,




校名 英名 地区 城市 学费(美元/年)

1、普林斯顿大学 Princeton University 新泽西州 普林斯顿 40,170

2、哈佛大学 Harvard University 马萨诸塞州 剑桥 42,292

3、耶鲁大学 Yale University 康涅狄格州 纽黑文 44,000

4、哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University 纽约州 纽约 49,138

5、斯坦福大学 Stanford University 加利福尼亚州 帕拉阿图 43,245

6、芝加哥大学 University of Chicago 伊利诺伊州 芝加哥 46,386

7、麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 马萨诸塞州 剑桥 43,498

8、杜克大学 Duke University 北卡罗来纳州 达勒姆 45,476

9、宾夕法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚州 费城 45,890

10、加州理工学院 California Institute of Technology 加利福尼亚州 帕萨迪纳 41,538

11、达特茅斯学院 Dartmouth College 新罕布什尔州 汉诺威 46,752

12、约翰霍普金斯大学 Johns Hopkins University 马里兰州 巴尔的摩 45,470

13、西北大学 Northwestern University 伊利诺伊州 埃文斯顿 45,527

14、圣路易斯华盛顿大学 Washington University in St. Louis 密苏里州 圣路易斯 44,841

15、康奈尔大学 Cornell University 纽约州 伊萨卡 45,359

16、布朗大学 Brown University 罗德岛州 普罗维登斯 45,612

17、圣母大学(美国) University of Notre Dame 印第安纳州 南本德 44,605

18、范德堡大学 Vanderbilt University 田纳西州 纳什维尔 42,978

19、莱斯大学 Rice University 德克萨斯州 休斯敦 38,941

20、加州大学伯克利分校 University of California-Berkeley 加利福尼亚州 伯克利 25,056

21、埃默里大学 Emory University 佐治亚州 亚特兰大 44,008

22、乔治敦大学 Georgetown University 哥伦比亚特区 哥伦比亚特区 44,805

23、加州大学洛杉矶分校 University of California-Los Angeles 加利福尼亚州 洛杉矶 35,574

24、弗吉尼亚大学 University of Virginia 弗吉尼亚州 夏洛茨维尔 39,844

25、卡耐基梅隆大学 Carnegie Mellon University 宾夕法尼亚州 匹兹堡 46,962

26、南加州大学 University of Southern California 加利福尼亚州 洛杉矶 46,298

27、塔夫茨大学 Tufts University 密歇根州 安娜堡 46,598

28、维克森林大学 Wake Forest University 北卡罗来纳州 温莎 44,742

29、密歇根大学安娜堡分校 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 马萨诸塞州 梅德福 40,496

30、北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 北卡罗来纳州 教堂山 30,122

31、波士顿学院 Boston College 马萨诸塞州 波士顿 45,622

32、纽约大学 New York University 纽约州 纽约 44,848


学校名称:美国西佐治亚大学 University of West Georgia











而在研究所课程方面,大学提供了130个不同领域中25种的学士学位,丰富而多样的课程内容,让许多海内外的学生都将佐治亚大学列为主要选择之一。大学校区面积广阔,拥有许多的天然资源,并且主要的校园共计有313栋大楼,以做为教学使用,总学生人数大约是33,000左右,历年来的学校排名位居前茅,《US NEWS》排出的最有价值公立大学中排第7,Kiplinger杂志排出的最有价值公立大学中排第10。《普林斯顿评价》评出的最值大学中排第9,美国大学本科综合排名第56。






企业管理 会计 英语 社会学 统计学 生物学 经济学 运动科学 金融 历史 非洲研究 人类学 天文学 中学教育 细胞生物学 保险 音乐教育 信息管理 公共行政 微生物学 戏剧 比较文学 人力资源 地理 哲学 音乐 舞蹈 数学 宗教 海洋科学 遗传学 劳工教育 体育和运动研究 艺术 社会学 心理学 地质学 哲学 营养学 法律 风险管理 妇女研究 环境保护 教育 药学 分子生物学 物理学 特殊教育 计算器科学 艺术教育 婴幼儿教育 国际贸易 成人教育 植物生物学 语言学


会计 英语 社会学 统计学 生物学 经济学 运动科学 金融 历史 非洲研究 人类学 天文学 中学教育 细胞生物学 保险 音乐教育 信息管理 公共行政 微生物学 戏剧 比较文学 人力资源 地理 哲学 音乐 舞蹈 数学 宗教 海洋科学 遗传学 劳工教育 体育和运动研究 艺术 社会学 心理学 地质学 哲学 营养学 法律 分子生物学 物理学 特殊教育 计算器科学 艺术教育 婴幼儿教育 国际贸易 成人教育 植物生物学 语言学


《美国新闻与世界报道》评为二级国家级大学,20全美大学排名第56,全美学术排名(Academic Reputation Ranking)第58。《美国新闻与世界报道》《纽约时报大学指南》给予三颗星的学术评分。


本科:高中毕业证及成绩单,托福网考成绩80,托福成绩:500分。 SAT成绩1220









I am applying for admission to the Ph.D. program in Electrical and Computer Engineering, at the University of California, Berkeley. I present my research experience and study objectives in this statement of purpose. I would like to build on my solid education and experience as an engineer for a Ph. D. degree in computer science at a distinguished university. I wish in particular to be trained at an advanced level in software systems, database systems, applied-AI and knowledge-based systems. My ultimate goal is to become a professor teaching computer science at a Chinese university. I believe that advanced training in a quality graduate program will help me realize my goal.。(二)叙述故事,说理型 1.叙述自己的.家庭故事My father is a chartered accountant and my mother is a banker. During my days at Engineering College I used to go to my father's office and help him manage his portfolio of equities and other financial instruments. This was the time I learnt the first lesson of finance from my father i.e. risk and return are proportionate. In 1998 when I was in the second year the China stock market crashed. But fortunately, my father had a well-diversified portfolio because of which our returns were protected from the downside risk. This was when I learnt the second principle of finance from my father i.e. diversification reduces risk. While I understood these two principles intuitively, it produced in me a strong urge to learn and understand the complex theory behind the working of Finance. This, I believe, was a turning point in my career. I made up my mind to pursue a career in Finance and hence decided to do a Masters program in Business Administration.2. 叙述事件,引出自己的兴趣、观点。As I was finishing college, my mother had both of her hips replaced with artificial ones because all of the cartilage in her hip joints had worn away and it was very painful for her to walk. I found it fascinating that engineers, orthopedic surgeons, and biologists had all worked together to design these artificial joints that completely transform. people's lives by giving them back pain-free mobility, and I knew at that moment that this was an area about which I wanted to learn more. In China these days, university graduates who have not been lucky enough to settle into their dream jobs often look to graduated studies as a way to kill the time that they cannot otherwise spend meaningfully. I am prepared to go against the social conventions by putting on hold a successful research career that promised to be even more successful. With eight years of productive and highly valued practical research behind me, I now would like to revert to a more intellectual life so that I can conduct more theoretical discourses.(三)引用谚语、名言等。When asked how to manage to mask remarkable statues, the French sculptor Auguste Rodin answered, “I choose a block of marble and chop off whatever I don't need.(法国雕塑家罗丹说:“给我一块大理石,把多余的去掉。”)” For me, life is just a block of marble---whether the marble can be turned into a remarkable statue depends on your natural talents, diligence and a sense of duty. During over four years’ my college life, I have been dreaming of being a perfect female researcher so that I can enhance more young girls’ confidence in scientific research and encourage them to promote the development of science as men do. For Knowledge Itself Is Power.This is one of my favorite precepts and at this point in my life when I am about to complete my graduation and my future spreads in front of me like a dream, this adage has never influenced my life more than this before.(四)对该学科的认识感受型For the past three years, my undergraduate education has exposed me to the various sub-fields of Computer Science (CS). However, our syllabus has focused mainly on “traditional” CS topics, such as Operating systems and single-CPU systems. We have had barely a glimpse of the newer technologies that are likely to change the way computing is done in not-so-distant future. The desire to examine such subjects in greater detail is what has prompted me to opt for graduate study. Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s“reform. and open”policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. As a senior at Beijing University majoring in Economics, I feel that my field is fundamental to the progress of my country. Yet, at the same time, I realize only too well that what I have learned as an undergraduate is far from enough. Therefore, it is my desire to pursue a graduate degree I Economics at your university. If accepted, my intended concentration would be Economic Development and Public Economics


I am applying for admission to the Ph.D. program in Electrical and Computer Engineering, at the University of California, Berkeley. I present my research experience and study objectives in this statement of purpose. I would like to build on my solid education and experience as an engineer for a Ph. D. degree in computer science at a distinguished university. I wish in particular to be trained at an advanced level in software systems, database systems, applied-AI and knowledge-based systems. My ultimate goal is to become a professor teaching computer science at a Chinese university. I believe that advanced training in a quality graduate program will help me realize my goal. 。


1.叙述自己的家庭故事 My father is a chartered accountant and my mother is a banker. During my days at Engineering College I used to go to my father's office and help him manage his portfolio of equities and other financial instruments. This was the time I learnt the first lesson of finance from my father i.e. risk and return are proportionate. In 1998 when I was in the second year the China stock market crashed. But fortunately, my father had a well-diversified portfolio because of which our returns were protected from the downside risk. This was when I learnt the second principle of finance from my father i.e. diversification reduces risk. While I understood these two principles intuitively, it produced in me a strong urge to learn and understand the complex theory behind the working of Finance. This, I believe, was a turning point in my career. I made up my mind to pursue a career in Finance and hence decided to do a Masters program in Business Administration.

2. 叙述事件,引出自己的兴趣、观点。 As I was finishing college, my mother had both of her hips replaced with artificial ones because all of the cartilage in her hip joints had worn away and it was very painful for her to walk. I found it fascinating that engineers, orthopedic surgeons, and biologists had all worked together to design these artificial joints that completely transform. people's lives by giving them back pain-free mobility, and I knew at that moment that this was an area about which I wanted to learn more. In China these days, university graduates who have not been lucky enough to settle into their dream jobs often look to graduated studies as a way to kill the time that they cannot otherwise spend meaningfully. I am prepared to go against the social conventions by putting on hold a successful research career that promised to be even more successful. With eight years of productive and highly valued practical research behind me, I now would like to revert to a more intellectual life so that I can conduct more theoretical discourses.

(三)引用谚语、名言等。 When asked how to manage to mask remarkable statues, the French sculptor Auguste Rodin answered, “I choose a block of marble and chop off whatever I don't need.(法国雕塑家罗丹说:“给我一块大理石,把多余的去掉。”)” For me, life is just a block of marble---whether the marble can be turned into a remarkable statue depends on your natural talents, diligence and a sense of duty. During over four years’ my college life, I have been dreaming of being a perfect female researcher so that I can enhance more young girls’ confidence in scientific research and encourage them to promote the development of science as men do. For Knowledge Itself Is Power.This is one of my favorite precepts and at this point in my life when I am about to complete my graduation and my future spreads in front of me like a dream, this adage has never influenced my life more than this before.

(四)对该学科的认识感受型 For the past three years, my undergraduate education has exposed me to the various sub-fields of Computer Science (CS). However, our syllabus has focused mainly on “traditional” CS topics, such as Operating systems and single-CPU systems. We have had barely a glimpse of the newer technologies that are likely to change the way computing is done in not-so-distant future. The desire to examine such subjects in greater detail is what has prompted me to opt for graduate study. Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s“reform. and open”policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. As a senior at Beijing University majoring in Economics, I feel that my field is fundamental to the progress of my country. Yet, at the same time, I realize only too well that what I have learned as an undergraduate is far from enough. Therefore, it is my desire to pursue a graduate degree I Economics at your university. If accepted, my intended concentration would be Economic Development and Public Economics



被推荐者的签名——为便于对方查询,被推荐者的签名仅写“Mr. Wang”或“Miss Zhang”是不够的。用标准的汉语拼音或英文拼法都可以,但必须由被推荐者自己提供,且前后必须一致。

认识被推荐者的时间(How long have you known him/her?)——何时开始认识,或认识了多久。

认识程度(How well do you know him/her?)——是偶尔见面还是关系密切,或仅教过一年还是担任其导师。





Dear Professor:

I understand that XXX is applying for admission to your Postgraduate Master’s Program, and has requested that I write this letter of recommendation for her.

I have known XXX as a resourceful and goal-oriented individual ever since she attended my Instrumental Analysis course(score:84) in her fourth academic semester. She often raised thought-provoking questions during the course lectures. Thus,it is natural that I like discussing with this young girl and enjoy becoming more familiar with her and her aspirations. In her sixth academic semester, she took my course of Electrochemical Analysis(score:89).The more I get to know her, the more I find she is talented at chemistry. With her outstanding talent and solid background in chemistry, she also did quite well in most of her other courses during her undergraduate study. I feel strongly that XXX’s unusual talents and abilities will stand her in good stead for a quality chemistry education, and your university will provide the best opportunities for her.

While at XXX University, XXX had excellent performances in all subjects of her studies and demonstrated great potential, but she is more than a knowledgable bookworm;she is an outstanding leader. She is not only the President of the Student Union in the College of Chemistry, but also the Minister of Commonweal Department of Students’ Association Union of XXX University. She is adept in speech and debate, which give her great capabilities for expression, abstract reasoning, and cooperation. She also took part in and organised many extracurricular activities, such as “Dream Fly” Party of College of Chemistry and Chemical Knowledge Contest of XXX University.

We at XXX University see an optimistic, highly independent, and easy-going character in XXX, with highly unusual determination. She is not to be defeated by any difficulties. She believes that , with hard work, she can achieve anything she wants. I think her confidence in herself is well grounded in her track record.

Judging by what I know of her, I think XXX is fully qualified to pursue a Master’s degree in your program. Therefore,I recommend her with much enthusiasm and I shall greatly appreciate your favorably consideration for her application for admission.








Wisconsin威斯康辛州 WI



推荐学校? 马凯特大学Marquette University?第77名??

威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校University of Wisconsin Madison?第41名?


美利坚合众国(The United States of America)简称美国(U.S.A.)。位于北美洲中部,领土还包括北美洲西北部的阿拉斯加和太平洋中部的夏威夷群岛。北与加拿大接壤,南靠墨西哥和墨西哥湾,西临太平洋,东濒大西洋。面积962.9091万平方公里(其中陆地面积915.8960万平方公里),本土东西长4500公里,南北宽2700公里,海岸线长22680公里。 对美国的教育体制的了解是想去美国留学的学生必修的一门课程。






Vermont佛蒙特州 VT






佛蒙特大学The University of Vermont第89名。


美利坚合众国(The United States of America)简称美国(U.S.A.)。位于北美洲中部,领土还包括北美洲西北部的阿拉斯加和太平洋中部的夏威夷群岛。北与加拿大接壤,南靠墨西哥和墨西哥湾,西临太平洋,东濒大西洋。面积962.9091万平方公里(其中陆地面积915.8960万平方公里),本土东西长4500公里,南北宽2700公里,海岸线长22680公里。 对美国的教育体制的了解是想去美国留学的学生必修的.一门课程。




篇10:美国留学 哪些美国大学免交申请费?

美国留学 哪些美国大学免交申请费?

1.美国 凯斯西储大学 (Case Western Reserve University)


2. 美国格林奈尔学院 (Grinnell College)


3.美国杜兰大学(Tulane University)


4.美国路易克拉克大学 (Lewis & Clark College)


5.美国巴顿学院 (Barton College)


6.美国科尔比学院(Colby College)

科尔比学院坐落在缅因州的华特维尔市,是国内知名的文理学院。该校园内有珀金斯野外动物保护区(Perkins Arboretum wildlife refuge) ,对于环境研究专业的学生是一项优势。科尔比学院的入学申请竞争非常激烈,入学审查十分重视申请学生的GPA成绩、入学论文、推荐信以及在校表现,录取几率为29%.申请科尔比学院是免费的。

7.美国克拉克森大学(Clarkson University)


8. 美国强生威尔森大学 (Johnson & Wales University)


9. 美国伊利诺伊理工学院 (Illinois Institute of Technology)


10.美国密歇根理工大学 (Michigan Technological University)

密歇根理工大学坐落在密歇根州的霍顿市 (Houghton),是一所中等规模的公立大学,该校以其工程学专业闻名,超过一半的学生在该校修读工程学专业,而另外一半的学生多修读商学、市场营销学以及计算机科学。密歇根理工大学的录取几率为77%.申请密歇根理工大学只能通过线上申请,是免申请费的。




学历要求凡是拥有大学学士学位,美国大学留学条件要求GPA大于3.0的学生均可申请美国大学读硕。部分学校的美国大学留学条件可以接受大专毕业的学生。但是,如果大专生申请硕士最好有较好的工作背景及经验或有良好的研究经验。 美国大学留学条件-语言要求 出国留学美国的部分大学对硕士生的语言最低要求是TOEFL不低于550分,也有的学校对语言成绩要求略低。 美国大学留学条件-GRE和GMAT的要求 美国留学对GRE和GMAT的成绩没有硬性要求,只是要求申请者提供成绩以帮助他们了解申请者的'水平。GMAT成绩是对于申请商科的学生必须出示的,但是美国也有部分学校的商科专业接受GRE成绩,因此对于那些即申请商科专业同时又申请其他专业的学生来说,只要考GRE就可,而不需要两个都考。 赴美国留学是很多国内学生的梦想,但并不是每个学生都可以去美国留学,你只有达到了相应的条件,而且你的兜里也有钱那么留学美国不再是梦。







College of ARTS & Sciences:



Asia Pacific Studies : 托福:560

Computer Sciences: 托福:560 ,gre,数学>720

Biology:有全奖 1300,3.5

Chemistry: 有全奖1300,3.5

Financial Analysis : 托福:600 ,GRE,数学>720

Internet Engineering: 托福:580 ,GRE,数学>720

美国旧金山大学University of San Francisco商学院毕业生素来享有盛誉,已经毕业的中国校友包括新浪董事陈立武、华润置地董事长王印,对外经贸大学前管理学院院长马春光。学校在人文科学、社会科学、自然科学等领域里为本科生设立了17个常规专业,为研究生设立了9个专业。旧金山大学University of San Francisco竭诚欢迎来自美国本土和世界各地的学生,共有来自世界上57个国家的学生在旧金山大学就读。外国学生如欲申请在旧金山大学攻读研究生,可按上述步骤申请。


学习费:34,000.00~38,000.00 USD/年;

生活费:8,000.00~10,000.00 USD/年;

总费用:62,000.00 USD/年。













Michigan密歇根州 MI

简介密歇根州的面积约10万平方英里。人口约1007万人。首府在兰辛 密歇根由北部半岛和南部半岛组成。因为在五大湖旁 所以密歇根州又称大湖州。本州最好的大学为密歇根大学安娜堡校区。

气候 大体而言 密西根的气候特征是潮湿。底特律一月的平均温度是零下七度到零度之间 七月的均温则是二十三度左右。艾斯卡纳巴一月的均温是零下十二度到零下四度 七月的均温则是十九度。


安德鲁大学Andrews University 第三级

中密歇根大学Central Michigan University 第四级

密歇根理工大学Michigan Technological University 第121名

密歇根州立大学Michigan State University 第71名

密歇根大学University of Michigan-Ann Arbo r 第26名

西密歇根大学Western Michigan University 第三级 。


美利坚合众国(The United States of America)简称美国(U.S.A.)。位于北美洲中部,领土还包括北美洲西北部的阿拉斯加和太平洋中部的夏威夷群岛。北与加拿大接壤,南靠墨西哥和墨西哥湾,西临太平洋,东濒大西洋。面积962.9091万平方公里(其中陆地面积915.8960万平方公里),本土东西长4500公里,南北宽2700公里,海岸线长22680公里。 对美国的教育体制的.了解是想去美国留学的学生必修的一门课程。







学校名称: 美国布朗大学(普罗维登斯) Brown University (Providence)




学历:本科 研究生



院校地址:Providence, RI 02912 (401) 863-1000

布朗大学:要求中国高考成绩,仅作为录取参考因素之一 布朗大学要求高考成绩这一消息最近传播很广,提醒大家注意,该校要求高考成绩仅仅是作为录取参考因素之一。经核实,布朗大学意在让非国际背景、结业考试非IB等美式考试的中国学生提供与国际背景的中国学生(如国际班学生)对等的参考材料。

布朗大学要求高考成绩其实自开始。虽然该校不接受仅凭高考成绩申请,但美国已有大学可以接受高考成绩直接申请,如旧金山大学、伊利诺伊理工大学、杨百翰大学、萨福克大学。美国去年就有接受高考成绩直接申请的大学,但相关消息并未像布朗大学这样掀起如此波澜,主要是大众一直认为美国的大学尤其是顶尖名校的申请,完全是参照本土的录取标准,更看重学术成绩、课外活动、校外实践、文书和推荐信等;大众还认为在标准化成绩方面,美国大学要求托福/雅思及美国本土的SAT、ACT等,而非中国的高考。布朗大学这次的要求变更打破了常规,再加上布朗大学作为闻名遐迩的常春藤大学之一,也是众多中国申请者心中的dream school,具有很高的学术声望和广受好评的课程设置,申请者众多,这也是为什么今年新政策一经推出,就引起如此大的舆论反响。



至于这次事件是否意味着更多美国大学会以高考作为申请唯一条件或辅助条件,顾问李佩给出的意见是,未来情况暂时无法预见,但短期内高考不会成为美本招生的主流参考因素。毕竟美国的College Board已经公布SAT将在进行全面改革,中国考生想要攻破新的SAT,也是需要些时日的,所以高考应该短时间内不会成为美国大学主流的录取要求。



学校名称:美国亚利桑那大学 University of Arizona









US News 排名:102





师 生 比:1:19





语言成绩要求:TOEFL 500/61







学 费:$22, 404


生活费:$11, 234


其 它:$8, 805

总费用:$42, 443







l 亚利桑那大学拥有著名的教授阵容、藏书量巨大的图书馆和树木年轮研究实验室、光学研究中心、贫瘠土地研究所、斯拖尔天文台、月亮和行星实验室、国立大气研究中心等研究机构


l 教育学(Education)

l 工程 (Engineering)

l 两位诺贝尔奖获得者(物理方面):Nicolaas Bloembergen和Willis E. Lamb

l 亚利桑那大学坐落在亚利桑那州东南部的第二大城市图森。位于美国西南部,距墨西哥边境只有100公里,为亚利桑那州第二大城市,人口43.5万。它地处沙漠河谷,气候温和干燥、阳光充足,有沙漠绿洲之称,附近有许多优秀的研究机构,如州立博物馆、州立历史协会,并拥有世界一流的基德毕克国家天文台。












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