
时间:2022-11-28 14:56:07 作者:成人学历提升 作文大全 收藏本文 下载本文




Will the second child policy force the career women return to family

Good evening everyone. My name is from school of Maxism. It is my pleasure to join in this competition in this delightful evening. I appreciate the organizers for giving me this opportunity to stand here discussing the interesting topic. As you are watching “will the second child policy deprive our jobs?” is a fascinating question proposed by the feminists.

Recently China government pronounces a new policy that endows the citizens right to have a second child. Abolishment of the single child policy also leads controversies.

The anxiety of “women career crisis” actually comes from the nowadays career status which shows that it is more difficult for women to get a job compared with men because employers think the pregnancy will take much time. Therefore it is salient the feminist will have such worry when they will spend double time in giving birth of two kids. Besides feminists always deeply believe the second child policy is a kind of contempt on equality since the policy may treat women as “reproduction machine”.

However the feminists’ worry enters a logic trap. They don’t treat “reproduction” as the basic human-being’s right and they actively abandon the basic right. It seems ridiculous some American feminists criticized the Chinese single child policy harshly before and nowadays they come to question the Chinese single child policy abolishment. It can be seen that there is no single word compelling women to have the second child in the policy. It only endows the people right not duty. Therefore the policy doesn’t invade the women willing so the anxiety of “career crisis” has no meaning.

In all in my perspective there is no need to worry about whether the second child policy will deprive our job. Thank you for attending my speech.


China is a great country with the largest population in the world. In order to solve the population problem our government decides to implemented one-child policy. When it is carried out for some time many people not only see its advantages but also disadvantages. Thus people argue that two-child policy should be put into effect. In my opinion two-child policy should be carried out.

First of all two-child policy is the gift for some only child. For some families maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only child. Put aside the loneliness of their child when their child grows up and they grow older their child marry with an only child girl accidentally the burden on their child and his wife is unimaginable heavy. Their child and his wife have to take care of two old couples. Usually a young couple looking after an old couple is a little difficult; if the pressure increasing twice how can they stand it. But if their parents have two children they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much better.

Secondly two-child policy can guarantee the number of Chinese population. As the widely spread of one-child policy some people have changed their conception about giving birth. If they firmly believe one-child policy there will be more and more the dink. After several decades our country will famous for lack of population.

In conclusion one-child policy has out of date. And tow-child policy is needed and necessary. It can solve the problem of nowadays and the future.


Fashion is the style and custom prevalent at a given time, and is most commonly used to describe the popular clothing style. For the purpose of beauty, people like to chase fashion, we can find the company promote different styles in different season. On my opinion, the pursuit of fashion has positive significance, while we should not over the limitation.


On the one hand, fashion promotes the development of economy. When the company promotes the new style, people will be longing for the products, so they are willing to spend money on them. This also gives the company motivation to develop the new products.


On the other hand, the pursuit of the fashion should be controlled in the certain limitation. Some people pursue the fashion just for the purpose of showing off, so they buy the newly products as more as possible. It is known to all that the newly style is very expensive, not everyone can afford them. Some even borrow money to buy the products. These are unwise consumption.


Chasing the fashion is acceptable, everyone wants to look beautiful, but we should spend money at the certain level.



As is vividly depicted in the picture, two disabled men are running fast through teamwork although each of them has only one leg. Obviously, it is teamwork that makes it possible for them to go anywhere they want to.

Simple as it is, what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking. With the development of economy and society, competition is increasingly fierce. It is impossible for anyone to finish a work all by himself. Hence, people in mounting numbers put great emphasis on teamwork. In fact, it has been universally acknowledged that the ability of teamwork is the most essential qualification that anyone who wants to achieve success should possess.

Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take some measures to enhance the sense of teamwork in our society. We should bear in mind that teamwork is of great significance to both our society and ourselves. Every one should have the ability of teamwork. Only in this way can we achieve success and only in this way can our society become more harmonious to live in.





As people respond to incentives, they will change their behaviors if they perceive that costs or benefits change. This principle seems to find wide application in our daily lives. When college graduates learn that receiving a master degree will give them an upper hand in the job market, many decide to take part in post-graduate entrance examinations. In China, it is regarded as following suit. Though we admire those who pride themselves on sticking to their ideals and principles, odds may not be against those who follow suit.Generally speaking, there are both advantages and disadvantages of following suit.


Firstly, following suit is indicative of the fact that followers have no indispensable beliefs or fixed principles and hence they are flexible in the vicissitudes of lives. When the social context changes and opportunities arise, those followers are the first to respond and make decisions.Take the English training service for example. In early 1990s, increasing number of college graduates decided to study overseas and hence English training service was in large demand.Given that forerunners had make a fortune by providing training programs to those graduates,many businessmen just followed suit and established several training schools. Undoubtedly,those who followed suit when the market did not reach saturation did make money.


Secondly, it is noteworthy that following suit can avoid making mistakes. For those forerunners, there is no previous information at their hand, and therefore, it will take a longtime to learn and improve by trial and error. During the period of trial and error, forerunners will encounter unexpected difficulties and pressures. As a result, when those become successful in certain domains, they have proved that the path will lead to success, providing both pros and cons. On the contrary, followers need not experience the process of trial and error. They can just imitate their forerunners' proven pattern of behaviors and have easier access to success.There are also some disadvantages of following suit. When there are so many followers, the world will become crowded and odds are against those later followers.


Furthermore, following suit prevents innovation and creation, which is to the detriment of our society. However, whether one should follow suit or not is not simply a to-be-or-not-to-be question. A basic assumption of individual person is that everyone is rational. So one should carefully calculate costs and benefits in specific circumstances before they decide to follow suit or not.



Nowadays, there are more and more students becoming short-sighted. Some students get short-sightedness when they are little. There are fifteen students wearing glasses in my class. Being short-sighted is common among students, even in primary school. That is too serious. Therefore, we should protect our eyes carefully. When we are reading and writing, we should keep a standard posture. Besides, we should not watch TV or play computer for too long. They are bad for our eyes. And, we should do eyes exercises regularly. A good rest is also important to our eyes. In all, eyes are the windows of our mind. We should keep it healthy.




















①促进资源可持续利用和经济可持续发展 ②促进经济增长方式的转变,提高经济效率 ③全面提高经济增长的水平和质量 ④更实际地测算一国或地区的经济生产能力

A.①②③④ B.①②③ C.①② D.①


A. GDP不再是衡量一国经济发展的重要指标

B. GDP不能进行国际经济的横向比较




A.农业是基础,工业是基础中的基础 B.农业是第一位的,工业是第二位的

C.农业与工业相比较,农业更重要 D.农业是基础,工业是主导,相互促进


A.促进企业建立现代企业制度 B.避免对一个经营额重复征税

C.激励企业积极推进设备升级 D.推进工业化和信息化的发展





A.提高劳动者的素质 B.提高劳动生产率

C.有效地推进我国的工业化和现代化 D.快速地增加就业量


①提高了劳动者的竞争意识 ②实现了劳动者权利和义务的统一

③保护了劳动者获得合法报酬的权利 ④体现了劳动关系双方当事人的意志

A.①③ B.②③ C.②④ D.③④


A.扩大直接投资 B.拉动国内需求 C.促进经济增长 D.平衡财政收支


A.扩大信贷规模和优化信贷结构 B.提高农村低收入人口的扶贫标准

C.提高小麦和稻谷的最低收购价 D.实行结构性减税和推进税费改革

69. 2009年1至4月份,我国居民消费价格总水平同比下降0.8%;工业品出厂价格同比下降5.1%,其中,原材料、燃料、动力购进价格下降7.7%。在此情况下,政府若要刺激经济增长,可采取的财政政策有

①加大政府的社会保障支出 ②加大国企上缴财政的利润比例

③ 扩大国债发行规模 ④扩大财政收支盈余

A. ①③ B. ②③ C. ①④ D. ③④








①使餐馆少缴纳6元税款 ②使餐馆多获得6元收益

③不利于保护消费者的权益 ④不利于刺激消费需求

A. ①③ B. ②③ C. ①④ D. ②④


















A.750元 B.3000元 C.450元 D.325元

第Ⅱ部分 非选择题














1.经过点和的直线的斜率等于1,则的值是 ( )

A.4 B.1 C.1或3 D.1或4

2.若方程表示一条直线,则实数满足 ( )

A. B.

C. D.,,


M(1,-1),则直线l的斜率为 ( )

A. B. C.- D. -

4.△ABC中,点A(4,-1),AB的中点为M(3,2),重心为P(4,2),则边BC的长为( )

A.5 B.4 C.10 D.8

5.直线kx-y+1=3k,当k变动时,所有直线都通过定点 ( )

A.(0,0) B.(0,1) C.(3,1) D.(2,1)

6.如果AC0且BC0,那么直线Ax+By+C=0不通过 ( )

A.第一象限 B.第二象限

C.第三象限 D.第四象限

7.下列说法的正确的是 ( )





8.如果直线l沿x轴负方向平移3个单位再沿y轴正方向平移1个单位后,又回到原来的位置,那么直线l的斜率是 ( )

A. B.-3 C. D.3

9.直线在轴上的截距是 ( )

A. B.- C. D.

10.若都在直线上,则用表示为 ( )

A. B. C. D.



11.直线l过原点,且平分□ABCD的面积,若B(1, 4)、D(5, 0),则直线l的`方程是 .

12.一直线过点(-3,4),并且在两坐标轴上截距之和为12,这条直线方程是_____ _____.

13.若方程表示两条直线,则的取值是 .

14.当时,两条直线、的交点在 象限.













19.(14分)的三个顶点是O(0,0),A(1,0),B(0,1). 如果直线l: 将三角形OAB的面积分成相等的两部分,且.求和b应满足的关系.

20.(14分)已知中,A(1, 3),AB、AC边上的中线所在直线方程分别为 和,求各边所在直线方程.



1.关于曲线运动,下列说法中正确的是( )





2.如图所示,物体在恒力作用下,沿曲线A点运动到B点,这时突然使它所受的力反向而大小不变(即使F变为-F)在此力作用下,物体以后的运动情况,下列说法正确的是( )





3.某人以不变的速度垂直对岸游去,游到中间,水流速度加大,则此人渡河时间比预定时间:( )

A.增加 B.减少

C.不变 D.无法确定

4.关于平抛运动,下列说法中正确的是( )





5.从同一高度以不同的速度同时水平抛出两个质量不同的石子,不计空气阻力,下面说法正确的是( )

A.速度大的先着地 B.质量大的先着地

C.两个石子同时着地 D.题中未给出具体数据,因而无法判断

6.做平抛运动的物体,在水平方向通过的最大距离取决于( )

A.物体的高度和重力 B.物体的重力和初速度

C.物体的高度和初速度 D.物体的重力、高度和初速度

7.一个物体以速度V0水平抛出,落地速度为V,则运动时间为( )

A. B. C. D.

8.关于物体做匀速圆周运动的线速度,下列说法中正确的是 ( )

A.线速度的大小和方向都不变 B.线速度的大小和方向都改变

C.线速度的大小改变,方向不变 D.线速度的.大小不变,方向改变

9.关于匀速圆周运动的角速度和线速度,下列说法正确的是 ( )





10.下列关于向心加速度的说法中,正确的是 ( )





11.如图所示,一圆盘可以绕一个通过圆盘中心且垂直于盘面的竖直轴转动,在圆盘上放置一木块,当圆盘匀速转动时,木块随圆盘一起运动,那么 ( )





12.甲、乙两个物体都做匀速圆周运动.转动半径比为3:4,在相同的时间里甲转过60圈时,乙转过45圈,则它们所受的向心加速度之比为 ( )

A.4:3 B.3:4 C.4:9 D.9:16

13.以下说法中正确的是( )

A. 在光滑的水平冰面上,汽车可以转弯

B. 火车转弯速率大于规定的数值时,内轨将会受压力作用

C. 火车转弯速率大于规定的数值时,外轨将会受压力作用

D. 汽车转弯时需要的向心力由司机转动方向盘所提供的力

14.发现万有引力定律和测出引力常量的科学家分别是( )

A.开普勒、卡文迪许 B.牛顿、伽利略

C.开普勒、伽利略 D.牛顿、卡文迪许

15.对于万有引力定律的表达式下面说法中正确的是( )





16.火星的质量是地球质量的m倍,它的公转轨道半径是地球公转轨道半径的n倍,则太阳对火星的引力是对地球引力的( )

A.mn倍 B.mn2倍 C.mn-2倍 D. n2m-1倍

17.关于公式r3 / T2=k,下列说法中正确的是( )

A. 公式只适用于围绕太阳运行的行星

B. 不同星球的行星或卫星,k值均相等

C. 围绕同一星球运行的行星或卫星,k值相等

D. 以上说法均错

18.设月球绕地球运动的周期为27天,则地球的同步卫星到地球中心的距离r与月球中心到地球中心的距离R之比r/R为 ( )

A. 1/3 B. 1/9 C. 1/27 D. 1/18

19.一飞船在某行星表面附近沿圆轨道绕该行星飞行,认为行星是密度均匀的球体。要确定该行星的密度,只需要测量( )

A.飞船的轨道半径 B.飞船的运行速度

C.飞船的运动周期 D.行星的质量

20.设地球表面的重力加速度为g0,物体在距地面3R(R是地球半径)处,由于地球作用而产生的加速度为g,则g/ g0为( )

A.1:16 B.16:1 C.1:9 D.9:1

21.关于环绕地球运转的人造地球卫星,有如下几种说法,其中正确的是( )





22.某物体在地球表面,受到地球的万有引力为F。若此物体受到的引力减小为F/4,则其距离地面的高度应为(R为地球半径)( )

A.R B.2R C.4R D.8R

23.下列关于第一宇宙速度的说法中正确的是( )







24.河宽60m,船在静水中的速度为4m/s,水流速度是3m/s,则船渡河的最短时间为 s,最小位移为 m。

25三个轮的半径分别为r、2r、4r,b点到圆心的距离为r,则 ,









(3) 若已知该行星的半径为R,试求该行星的密度。


















1.关于曲线运动,下列说法你认为正确的是 ( )





2.关于平抛物体的运动,下列说法中正确的是 ( )

A.物体只受重力的作用,是 的匀变速运动




3.关于做匀速圆周运动的物体,以下描述正确的是 ( )

A.线速度不变 B.角速度不变

C.周期不变 D.加速度不变

4.一只小船在静水中的速度为4m/s,它要渡过一条宽度为30m的河,河水的流速为3m/s,则下列说法正确的是 ( )

A.船不能渡过河 B.船过河的速度一定为5m/s

C.船过河的最短航程为30m D.船过河的最短时间为10s

5.如图所示的皮带传动装置中,轮A和B同轴,A、B 、C分别是三个轮边缘的质点,且 ,则三质点的向心加速度之比 等于 ( )





6.关于万有引力公式 ,以下说法正确的是 ( )





8.如图汽车以速度 通过一半圆形拱桥的顶点时,关于汽车受力的说法正确的是 ( )






( )



10.若已知太阳的半径为R,行星绕太阳公转的半径为r,公转的周期为T,万有引力常量为G,则由此可求出 ( )



二.填空题(本题共2小题, 共12分)


(1)、(2分)在提供的下列器材中,不需要的有 (填字母代号)

A. 天平B. 小铁球 C. 重垂线 D.白纸






12.(6分)A、B两质点分别做匀速圆周运动,若在相同时间内,它们通过的弧长之比为 ,而通过的角度之比 ,则它们的周期之比为 ,向心加速度之比 。



14.(10分) 从20m高处以15m/s的速度水平抛出一个物体,不计空气阻力, .求:



15.(13分)如图所示,质量为0.5 kg的小杯里盛有1 kg的水,用绳子系住小杯在竖直平面内做水流星表演,转动半径为1 m,小杯通过最高点的速度为4 m/s,( 取10 )求:



(3)为使小杯经过最高点时水不流出, 在最高点时最小速率是多少?




第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)



1. What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Manager and employee.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Salesman and customer.

2. What does the man mean?

A. He will show the woman his MP4 player.

B. There's something wrong with his MP4 player.

C. He has some questions to ask the woman.

3. Who designed the room?

A. The woman.

B. The man.

C. The man's wife.

4. What do we learn from the conversation?

A. The woman followed the man's suggestion.

B. The man went to New York by train.

C. The woman's baggage was very heavy.

5. Why didn't the man get the job?

A. He was inexperienced.

B. He didn't attend the interview

C. He didn't do well in the interview

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



6. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. In a ticket office C. On a train

7. Which train's ticket is the most expensive?

A. The 7:15 pm train.

B. The 8:00 pm train.

C. The 10:00 pm train.


8. What do we learn about the woman?

A. Her work is boring but easy.

B. She needs to relax after work.

C. She is satisfied with her life.

9. What does the man want to do after supper?

A. Lose weight B. Watch TV C. Walk the dog.

请听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题

10. Where are the two speakers going after class?

A. To a shopping mall.

B. To the Pizza Hut.

C. To the Courtyard Restaurant.

11. What do we learn about Mark?

A. He knows both Lily and Tony well.

B. He is waiting for Mr. Johnson in the classroom.

C. He will meet Lily and Tony at the library door.

12. What is Mr. Johnson?

A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A librarian.


13. What is the main cause of the man's headaches?

A. Fever. B. Smoking C. Drinking.

14. What do we learn about the man?

A. He smokes more than before.

B. He drinks a little.

C. Something is wrong with his stomach.

15. What should the man eat?

A. Beef and mutton.

B. Vegetables and red meat.

C. White meat and vegetables.

16. What does the woman suggest the man do?

A. Change his dietary habits.

B. Remember to take pills.

C. Stop drinking and smoking.


17. How many girls between 6 and 18 are overweight in China?

A. 6% B. 15% C. 10%

18. What do we learn about overweight kids?

A. The youngest kids are only 5 years old.

B. The heaviest kids weigh over 100 kg.

C. They suffer from high blood pressure.

19. What are schools doing to prevent students from becoming overweight?

A. Making new supper menus for them

B. Taking them to see doctors.

C. Making them do more physical exercise.

20. What do we learn from the speaker?

A. Parents shouldn't give kids pocket money.

B. Overweight kids have many health risks.

C. Parents play the most important role in keeping kids healthy.




21. ---Jack,do you mind if I use our computer for a while?

---Not at all.___.

A. You’ll use it. B. Go ahead. C. Come on. D. Take it easy.

22.Think about ___ you enjoy doing, and look for others that enjoy it too.

A .what B. which C. that D. whether

23. Zhang Ming has an unusual view of Chinese traditions because he was _____ in America.

A. grown up B. brought up C. put up D. picked up

24. Have you prepared for the sports meeting which ___soon?

A. has taken place B. will be taken place

C. is to take place D. is to be taken place

25. He ______to help me work out the problem, but I’d prefer to depend on myself.

A. managed B. offered C. suggested D. refused

26. The winner of the race is tall and thin; he ___be my friend, Mike, who is short and fat.

A. might B. mustn't C. can't D. should

27. “I ___asleep all afternoon, so I didn't hear the phone. ”he ___to me.

A. lied; lay B. lay; lied C. lay; lay D. lied; lied

28. At first his plan seemed impossible to put into practice, but ___it turned out to be quite easy.

A. ever since B. so far C before long D. above all

29. It is only ___our power to carry out ( 执行) the rules, rather than make them.

A. within B. on C without D. off

30. I can still recognize Mr. Johnson, who is standing by the door, even though he looks ___different now.

A. mostly B. slightly C. unlikely D. finally

31. He is very humorous, while his brother is rather serious. That is ___their difference lies.

A. why B. where C. how D. when

32. You should pay a lot of attention to children’s ideas; sometimes they ___be really creative.

A. must B. can C. need D. should

33. It was quite ___accident that I met him; he was homeless and ___rags at that time.

A. by; in B. on; in C. at; by D. in; in

34. Can you ___me to call Mr. Smith this afternoon? You know how forgetful I am.

A. permit B. persuade C. remind D. allow

35. ______ you are alone at home, why don’t you go with us to the party?

A. Even though B. As though C. So that D. Now that


My husband hasn’t stopped laughing about the thing that happened to me. It’s 36 now but it wasn’t that time.

Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town, I 37 a rest before catching the train, so I bought a 38 and some chocolate and went to the station coffee shop that was a cheap, self-service place with long 39 to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to 40 a place and went to get a cup of coffee.

When I came back with the coffee, there was someone in the 41 seat. It was one of those 42 young man, with dark glasses and torn clothes, and hair colored bright 43 at the front, not so unusual these days. What did 44 me was he’d started to eat my chocolate! Naturally, I was annoyed. However, to avoid trouble—then really I was rather uneasy about him—I just 45 down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee, and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me 46 . then he took another piece of my chocolate. I could hardly 47 it. Still I didn’t want to start an argument. When he took a 48 piece , I felt more 49 than annoyed. I thought, “ Well, I shall have the last piece.” And I 50 it.

The boy gave me a 51 look, and then stood up. As he left, he shouted out, “This woman is mad!” Everyone 52 . That really made me feel silly, but it was 53 when I finished my coffee and got ready to leave. My face went red—as red as his hair when I 54 I’d made a mistake. It wasn’t my chocolate he’d been taking. There was mine, unopened, just under my 55 .

36. A. serious B. wonderful C. funny D. exciting

37. A. enjoyed B. took C. had D. wanted

38. A. cake B. newspaper C. magazine D. bag

39. A. chairs B. tables C. benches D. beds

40. A. order B. find C. keep D. visit

41. A. very B. same C. free D. next

42. A. wild-looked B. wild-looking C. good-looking D. good-looked

43. A. red B. black C. brown D. white

44. A. interest B. surprise C. frighten D. hurt

45. A. looked B. lay C. sat D. put

46. A. eagerly B. friendly C. closely D. shyly

47. A. believe B. hear C. notice D. stop

48. A. last B. big C. single D. third

49. A. angry B. lucky C. happy D. curious

50. A. covered B. threw C. got D. wrapped

51. A. strange B. exhausting C. nervous D. pleasant

52. A. agreed B. promised C. stared D. followed

53. A. better B. worse C. later D. easier

54. A. wondered B. realized C. decided D. recognized

55. A. bags B. clothes C. book D. newspaper

第三部分 阅读理解(共两节20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



Shane Thomas is a 10-year-old pianist from England. He’s being called the next Mozart because of his amazing abilities.

He has only been having piano lessons for four months, and practices four hours a week, but he has already played difficult classical pieces. He was just seven when he sat down at the piano, and could play at once. He also says he never gets nervous.

When Shane was three years old, he said that he could play the piano, but nobody took him seriously. At school, he could listen to the teacher and do his work while composing (作曲) in his head. Shame remembers all the melodies(旋律),and when he gets home he plays them on the piano, while his father records them. Shane loves playing the piano, and when he grows up he wants to be a composer.

His tutor, Richard Goffin-Lecar, says he is like Amadeus Mozart, who lived during the 18th century in Salzburg, Austria, and was one of the most famous composers ever. Mr. Goffin-lecar says, “I don’t teach Shane very much. I just give him directions, then sit back and watch.”

His father, a single parent with two other children, says that although he has little money, he wants to send Shane to a good music school. “I’m a single father, but I have this gifted child. I don’t have much money, but I want to give him the best teachers, and also take him into a studio to record.”

56. When did Shane tell others that he could play the piano?

A. At age three. B. At age ten. C. At age seven. D. At age four.

57. Which of the following is TRUE about Shane?

A. He feels nervous while playing the piano

B. He can compose in his head while doing his work.

C. He wants to be a piano tutor when he grows up.

D. He doesn’t like to listen to the teacher at school.

58. What do we learn about Shane’s father?

A. He also plays the piano well.

B. He’s a single father with two children.

C. He believes in Shane’s talent for music and will support him.

D. Not having enough money, he will ask the teachers for help


One Canada, Two Languages

Canada is one of the few nations in the world to have two official languages: English and French. There are 10 provinces in the country but only one of these—Quebec is known as “French Canada”. This is because it was founded by French explorers while British adventurers discovered the rest.

Canada left the British empire(帝国) in 1867 to become an independent country and English and French have been recognized as the official languages ever since.

Most people speak English as their first language and the two national television networks broadcast in English throughout the country. Apart from in Quebec and a few places on the east coast, French television is very rare.

The same goes for traffic signs and menus, for example, outside of Quebec, there are only a few places where you’ll see traffic signs in French. In restaurants, it’s almost impossible to find French on the menu unless you are in the heartland (中心地带) of French Canada. However, all products sold in Canada must, by law, have labels (标签) and instructions in both languages.

In Canada’s English speaking provinces, official bilingualism (双语) means that students can choose to complete a special French language course. Under this program, they are taught most of their subjects in French.

If a student begins the course in kindergarten (幼儿园) or Grade One, it is likely that all their lessons will be in French. However, if they start at junior high school, 25 percent of the teaching will continue to be in English.

59. How many provinces are there in Canada?

A. Ten. B. Nine. C. Eleven. D. Two.

60. Which country controlled Canada before its independence?

A. France. B. Britain. C. America. D. Germany

61. Where can you watch French television programs?

A. Only in Quebec.

B. In Quebec and a few other places.

C. From the two national television networks.

D. All over Canada

62. What do we know about the education in Canada?

A. In English speaking provinces only English courses are offered.

B. If you choose a special French language course, most of the subjects are taught in French.

C. The courses in primary school are all taught in English.

D. Most of the courses in junior high schools are taught in English.


The Los Angeles Zoo has many public programs that aim to teach the public about animals and natural protection.

Safari shuttle(旅游电车)

While you’re here, take the Safari shuttle for a quick trip from one end of the Zoo to the other. All day long, seven days a week (from 10 am to 5 pm), the Safari Shuttle picks up passengers, circles the Zoo, and returns to the main flamingo (火烈鸟) exhibit near the front entrance. You can get on and off the shuttle as often as you like.


Safari Café (at the Zoo entrance) offers Starbucks coffee, fresh-baked cookies, and ice cream. Gorilla Grill is the spot for grilled (烤的) food, kids’ meals, refreshments (点心), and ice cream. La Casita serves a variety of Mexican food and refreshments. Silverback's Cafe offers sandwiches, salads, bread bowls, cold beer, and refreshments.


The Zoo is open from 10 am to 5 pm every day of the year except Christmas Day. Special summer long hours are until 6 pm from July 1 to September 7. Please remember, the Zoo starts putting animals in for the night at 4 pm during regular hour, and at 5 pm during summer hours.

Admission Prices(票价)

Adults (aged 13 and above):$9

Seniors(aged 62 and above):$6

Children(aged 2 to 12):$4

Children(under 2):free

Items Not Allowed on Zoo Grounds

Alcohol, Glass bottles, Pets, Bicycles, Skateboards, and In--line skate.

If you are planning a picnic while visiting the Zoo, please do not bring any glass items or other things that are easy to break. Also for the safety of the animals, no plastic bags are allowed within the Zoo.

63. Which of the following provides kids' meals?

A. Safari Cafe. B. Gorilla Grill. C. La Casita. D. Silverback's Café

64. People can see all the animals at the Los Angeles Zoo at ___.

A. 11 am on Christmas Day B. 4:30 pm on May 5

C. 3 pm on March 5 D. 6 pm on September 7

65. How much does it cost if a couple with their one-year-old twins visit the Los Angeles Zoo?

A. $18 B. $26 C. $22 D.$17

66. When visiting the Los Angeles Zoo, people can___.

A. ride a bike through the Zoo B. have a picnic on the Zoo grounds

C. take food with plastic bags D. take their pets along


It has always been said that women are not good drivers, because they simply don't have very good driving ability. On the other hand, most car accidents happen to men; very few happen to women.

From this, we can see that women are much more careful while driving. Another very interesting fact that we should point out is that in the past, women preferred to let their husbands be the only driver in the family rather than have a driving license. Somehow they were prevented from making this step in their lives, but nowadays there are many women that want to pass their driving tests from an early age.

However, we have to admit that men are more skillful drivers than women, but this does not mean that a woman cannot become a good driver by accumulating (积累) experience. So more and more teenagers and women around the age of thirty now want to pass their driving tests. While taking their driving lessons, they also have a number of special lessons with their parents or somebody in the family that has a driving license, this is just to improve their driving abilities and help them to pass the tests more easily.

To conclude, we can say that women are not such bad drivers. They just need more experience than men in order to be able to drive well. And on the other hand, there are a number of women that show better driving skills than the men around them.

67. Compared with the past, nowadays many women___.

A. prefer to have a driving license

B. have more accidents while driving

C. are somehow prevented from driving

D. are the only driver in the family

68. What advantage do women have over men in driving?

A. They have more skills.

B. They are much more careful

C. They know more traffic rules

D. They have more driving experience

69. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Teenage girls cannot take driving tests.

B. Men didn't allow women to drive in the past.

C. With enough experience, women can become good drivers.

D. Women can easily pass their tests by taking driving lessons.

70. The passage mainly talks about___.

A. women and their driving ability.

B. men and their driving ability.

C. why men are better drivers than women.

D. why more women like to have a driving license


I made a pledge (发誓) to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father. Totally loving . No ifs, ands or buts.

The idea had come to me as I listened to a talk on my car radio. The speaker was quoting (引用) a Biblical (圣经的) passage about husbands being thoughtful(体贴的) of their wives. Then he went on to say,“ Love is an act of will. A person can choose to love.” To myself, I had to admit that I had been a selfish husband. Well , for two weeks that would change.

And it did. Right from the moment I kissed Evelyn at the door and said,“ That new yellow sweater looks great on you.”

“Oh, Tom, you noticed,” she said, surprised and pleased, maybe a little puzzled.

After the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn suggested a walk on the beach. I started to refuse, but then I thought, “Evelyn's been alone here with the kids all the week and now she wants to stay with me. ” We walked on the beach while the children flew their kites.

So it went. Two weeks of not calling the Wall Street firm where I am a director; a visit to the shell museum though I usually hate museums. Relaxed and happy, that's how the whole vacation passed, I made a new pledge to keep on remembering to choose love. There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment, however. Evelyn and I still laugh about it today. Last night at our cottage, preparing for bed, Evelyn stared at me with the saddest expression.

“What’s the matter?” I asked her.

“ Tom ,” se said in a voice filled with distress, “ do you know something I don’t?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well...that checkup(体检) I had several weeks ago...our doctor...did he tell you something about me? Tom , you've been so good to me... am I dying?”

It took a moment for it all to sink in. Then I burst out laughing.

“No, honey,” I said, wrapping her in my arms. “You're not dying; I'm just staring to live.”

71. In the first paragraph, “No ifs, ands or buts” probably means___.

A. unnecessarily B. unexpectedly C. impossibly D. unconditionally

72. From the story we may infer that Tom went to the beach cottage___.

A. with his family B. with Evelyn C. alone D. with his children

73. During the two weeks on the beach, Tom showed more love to his wife because___.

A. she looked lovely in her new clothes

B. he had made a lot of money in Wall Street

C. he was determined to be a good husband

D. she was seriously ill

74. The underlined words “one thing” in the passage refer to the fact that___.

A. he praised her sweater, which puzzled her

B. she insisted on visiting a museum, which he hated

C. he knew something about her illness but didn't tell her

D. he was so good to her that she thought she must be dying

75. By saying “I'm just starting to live”, Tom means that___.

A. he is just beginning to understand the real meaning of life

B. he is just beginning to enjoy his life as a loving husband

C. he lived an unhappy life before and is now starting to change

D. he is beginning to feel regretful for what he did to his wife



1-5 CACAA 6-10 BABCB 11-15CAABC 16-20ACBCB


21-25 CABCB 26-30 CBCAB 31-35 BBACD

Ⅲ. 完型

36-40 CDBBC 41-45 DBABA 46-50 CADAC 51-55 ACBBD


A. 56-58 ABC B. 59-62 ABBB C. 63-66 BCAB

D. 67-70 ABCA E. 71-75 DACDB


1.permission 2.benefit

3. fault 4. contrary

5. multiplies 6. genuine

7. passage 8. strength

9. harmful 10. passers-by


When I was in high school, most of my friend had bicycles. I hoped I could also have it. One friends one day I saw a second-hand bicycle, that was only one hundred yuan. I asked my father ∧the which for money. But he said he could only give me half of the money. He should find the other half I myself. So I went to sell newspapers after the school. My father was pleased if I showed when him the money a month late. He gives me the other fifty. You can imagine how much happy I later gave was when I rode to school on my own bicycle.


Dear Jason,

I'd like to tell you about the “Network Class Plan” in my school.

This plan helps us a lot. Firstly, each enables us to communicate with each other. We can form several study groups, through which we are able to share some good learning materials. We can also post some of the difficulties that we meet in our studies on the school forum. It helps us to have a discussion about our studies. As a result, our grades improve. Last but not least, we can have some activities regularly to share our good learning experiences. We all appreciate this “Network Class Plan”.

Do you have such a network class in your school? Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

























高一期末英语考试作文 My family




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