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摘要: 随着空气质量的恶化,阴霾天气现象出现增多,危害加重。中国不少地区把阴霾天气现象并入雾一起作为灾害性天气预警预报。统称为“雾霾天气”。本文对此进行广泛调查,研究发现大气污染治理存在许多不科学的问题。研究表明城市大气污染治理方法需要完善,设计要可行、科学,规划要合理,才能达到和谐环境。
关键词: 雾霾治理、依法治理、改善水环境、大气监测网络、重金属污染治班主任工作计划 理
1. 寻找并探究中东部地区严重的大气污染的原因;
2013.02.25 - 2013.03.25
深层次的原因则是我国快速工业化、城镇化过程中所积累环境问题的显 事迹材料现,高耗能、高排放、重污染、产能过剩、布局不合理、能源消耗过大和以煤为主的能源结构持续强化,城市机动车保有量的快速增长,污染排放量的大幅增加,建筑工地遍地开花,污染控制力度不够,主要的大气污染排放总量远远超过了环境容量等多种原因造成一些大中城市的雾霾不断发生,不但冬天有,夏天也时有发生,尤其是在京津冀、长三角、珠三角出现的频次和程度最为严重。
(一) 针对重污染地区出重拳、用猛药
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一开始,我们之间就研究课题的选定产生了很大的分歧,每个组员都坚持认为自己的最好,僵持不下,于是我们通过筛选的方式来选定,每个组员提出自己认为可以研究的两个课题,集中起来,通过讨论对每个问题的价值性、普遍性、深刻程度进行定位。最终选出最 好的课题。
中国是柴油消耗大国;雾霾的第二大元凶是我国有不少柴油及柴油机未能达标。 各种车辆排放的污染物大约占雾霾的25%左右(包括一次和二次颗粒)。由于使用高硫柴油,以及没有安装柴油发动机尾气处理系统,国内柴油发动机的污染物排放较高。中国每年消耗约2亿多吨柴油,因此柴油机减排就是散煤之后雾霾产生的第二要素。
由于这天的雾霾实在是太大了,视线非常地不好,十来米之外就看不清楚。爸爸骑的电动车也犹如“乌龟”慢行,走走停停,停停走走,行车速度一点也快不起来,而且还 要顾及擦身而过的车辆,稍不留神就会发生意外。我和爸爸就这样耗在上学的路上,真是让我心急如焚。眼看着上学的时间就要到了,但只能听天由命。
我们终于到达了学校门口,一下车我就向教室直奔而去,“千万不能迟到!”我为自己默默祈祷道着,可不幸的事还 是发生了。当“叮铃铃――”一阵铃声响过后,我奋力冲进了教室,可还 是迟到了。这就是命运的安排。我不禁抱怨起雾霾:你可真是个恶魔!三番五次地来困扰我们的生活,让我们不得安宁。
原来霾称灰(mái ), 空气中的灰尘、硫酸、硝酸、有机碳氢化合物等粒子使大气混浊,视野模糊并导致能见度恶化,如果水平能见度小于10000米时,将这种非水成物组成的气溶胶系统造成的视程障碍称为霾或灰霾,香港天文台称烟霞。他是怎么形成的呢?
Haze and weather, pollution emissions and so on.
In fact, haze weather continued, air quality decline, not a new phenomenon this year. In recent years, every autumn and winter, especially after the winter, China's eastern region from time to time encounter such a situation, both for meteorological reasons, but also pollution reasons.
Central Meteorological Station chief forecaster Ma Xueqian said that the recent emergence of fog in the eastern part of the meteorology known as radiation fog, the main reasons for the formation of three points: First, these areas near the ground relative humidity is relatively large; Second, there is no obvious cold Air activity, the wind is small, the atmosphere is relatively stable; Third, the sky sunny little cloud, is conducive to the night of radiation cooling, near the ground near the original humidity is relatively high air saturation condensation fog.
Large fog haze weather mainly occurs in the cold air and water vapor conditions better large-scale atmospheric circulation situation, near the ground low altitude for the static wind or breeze. Controlled by near-ground static weather, air in the horizontal and vertical mobility are very small, atmospheric diffusion conditions are very poor. By its control, regardless of the size of the city, the local traffic, life, production of energy consumption required for the production of pollutants are accumulated in the low level. At the same time, due to the high humidity of the haze weather, the water vapor is large, the droplets provide the adsorption and reaction sites to accelerate the conversion of the reactive gaseous pollutants to the liquid particulate matter, and the particles are also easy to accelerate the formation of haze as condensing nuclei , The two interact, the rapid formation of pollution.
Environmental experts say that if there is a long haze in the winter, usually in the northern region because of the heating period of the soaring energy consumption emissions, moderate urban population concentration of large urban areas of the main city for three consecutive days of air pollutant accumulation may To the extent of heavy pollution in the southern region if the production and traffic emissions may also reach the extent of heavy pollution.
Just go out and find the day yellow, too wrong! Mother said; “it seems to be under the storm!
Walking, feeling the chest is boring, look like something like floating, head dizzy. Floating in the sky I do not know the soil or dust, there is a trace of fear. The sky is dark and the air is wet, giving a very depressing feeling.
The next day on the language class, the teacher let us discuss yesterday's haze weather. Some students say that some farmers caused by burning weeds, and some students said that the environment was caused by pollution ... ... I think it should be caused by pollution of the environment. Finally, the teacher for us to solve the mystery. Originally, this weather is due to the pollution of the environment and the formation of farmers combined with weeds, but the teacher added: ”farmers are just a catalyst for weeds, the most important thing is that we pollute the environment.“ In addition, the teacher also to us Added some knowledge, let us say that yesterday and what is the difference? I found that in the afternoon, some cars to open the lights. Xiao Yao found that the morning can not see the toilet on the toilet, and yesterday did not turn on the lights simply can not see ... ...
This haze so I know must protect the environment Caixing!
Haze, as the name suggests is fog and haze. But the difference between the two great. Air and the ground near the tiny water droplets or ice crystals composed of aerosol system called fog, although the fog will reduce the visibility of the traffic to bring hidden dangers, but the fog itself will not directly cause harm to the human body; and haze is the air of dust, Nitric acid, sulfuric acid and other particulate matter composed of aerosol system caused by visual barriers called haze, haze can be directly into the human lower respiratory tract and lung lobe, harmful to human health. Nowadays, many cities in the country are suffering. ”Haze“ has become a hot word in the 21st century.
Haze is not only harmful to humans, but also has a direct impact on the growth of roads, railways, aviation, power supply systems and crops. But also lead to the spread of infectious diseases and the occurrence of a variety of human diseases, it is reported that this winter compared to the previous winter respiratory tract incidence increased by 30% to 40%, which is a surprising number. Therefore, to prevent fog haze urgent.
The collapse of the haze of each tree will be more arrogant, we should be a lot of trees and grass to clean up the air. The state should also support such behavior, and issued a strict control of the factory's waste emissions, reduce the production of factories, a lot of new energy vehicles, such as strong environmental regulatory system. I must start from their own, so that parents open less private cars, take the bus, subway and other green travel, I also use to introduce the haze of the harm so that everyone involved in the ranks of governance haze. As long as everyone gave a big, China will be blue sky and white clouds of green mountains and a touching scene.
From now on, let us join in the ranks to prevent the haze, to defeat the cliff of the haze. Common with their own hands, to create a natural, green, beautiful world, out of the haze!
Cannon sound in addition to old age, family reunion spring. The fireworks and firecrackers are the traditional customs of our country. However, the fireworks are good for us.
Why this winter is always a gray, the sky was covered with white air? ”Dad told me that this winter because of poor air quality, the formation of a typical“ haze weather. ”“ Haze weather ”is because the air floating in a lot of small even the naked eye can not see the small particles caused In order to reduce air pollution, improve air quality, reduce haze, let us start from their own, from the Spring Festival to start, with practical action to promote green ideas, less put one Whisper, less pollution, less a haze, add a touch of blue to the sky, let us in the blue sky and white clouds under the happy life in this, I made the initiative, this year's Spring Festival, we do a “abandon the gun family”, hold Firecrackers, away from the haze, had a green year.
Haze hail how do we prevent it?
First, do not come out at home activities, tell the elderly, children want to know how to protect themselves.
Second, in the haze weather, reduce travel, travel time to bring a mask, to avoid the tiny particles in the air inhaled into the lungs.
Third, in the haze weather, do not open the window at home ventilation.
Haze hail weather, we not only want to “prevent”, but also to “attack”:
First, the Spring Festival, first of all I have to do not set off firecrackers, and discourage friends and family do not smoke, no firecrackers.
Second, as far as possible green travel, with a bicycle, less car, do not discharge the exhaust, do not blow the road dust.
Third, save electricity, save energy, chemical plants to improve the discharge capacity of emissions.
Four, planted green plants, clean the environment.
A big morning, I came out of the door will embrace a lot of mist, I looked confused around the environment, a white flower, which makes me unexpected, I have their own memory to find the station, I thought about why the fog came so far today, and then went to school geography class, just today, talk about the climate, so the teacher and we said: “The main reason for the formation of haze because we did not properly protect the environment , Resulting in rapid deterioration of the environment, so that the air are filled with bacteria, so go out must remember to wear a mask, the so-called disease from the mouth ... ”The teacher said a lot but I have no intention to listen, afternoon school Home, fog or so big, I suddenly found a problem is that I was a road blind, coupled with such a weather, but can not find a home, and I quickly with their own feelings to run home, but several times But all sit and eat the mountain empty, I panting sit in the district stone bench, waiting for my mother to get off work will see me, half an hour later, my mother finally came back, my mother saw the door sitting at the door Is surprised, said: “Why do not the outside why not into the house?” I actually sit at home for half an hour but do not know their door at home, home to see the newspaper also found a lot of people are looking for the wrong home, more outrageous Some people in the day the wedding team lost, hey, had known to protect the environment well, and our pollution will cause a lot of natural damage, so we still wake up a little bit, we do not like nature, let She hurt the heart, but hurt us, so we usually bit by bit will affect our lives, if we live in the land gone, when the regret too late, so to protect the environment, please From the young people to start!
Bus outside the park is not your real side of the face.
Plastic cup change the sound of the collision, wandering in 10 ℃ publicity in the air.
He gave you a side face, she turned away, occasionally on the view, for a small coin, or friendly, or difficult to perceive contempt. You bend the figure in the cold days can not change the appearance.
She was carrying a red shoulder bag, is so bright colors, but can not cover the long hair under the mask of sadness, so straight and you pass by, and occasionally lifted by the wind under the bangs are no eyes Mou, the platform is full of people, she put down the backpack in a corner, after all, set foot on the bus line. The following are the same as the “
He shook his cell phone, walked to the platform, standing, micro-wrinkled brow betrayed his heart, after all, could not contain himself, again and again dial, messy pace, no one connected. You dragged the thin body slowly walked up, jittering the hands of the plastic cup, mouth whispering words alone in front of that person can hear. I see you standing for a long time, his body shaking, you can imagine no one connected tone. You go away, accustomed to, to the next ”life“, and he, on the bus, toward unknown.
Someone is laughing, the voice of the birds like; silence, hands in the pocket to learn the warmth; some people filled with sad taste; some people pretend to be strong ... ... you are so cold, the habit of all this enough to make you become cold.
The air in the commotion, where the dark wind from where to go, nobody questioned.
Is the gloomy weather makes people quiet, or people let the weather is also unpredictable?
You may have been accustomed to the life without hope.
But 10 ℃ publicity air will be tired, change the stirring when the collision will hurt, drowned for a long time the eyes will be acid, any life without things have their own ”law of life“, let alone you And her?
Buses from the bus station, bring or take away the warmth, so that this small open space has become depressed.
Bright red bus to see long enough, go two steps away, you can see a richer color, see more people. To see the world, it is not so bad. Do not limit yourself, do not live in the haze, only to see what they are concerned about the inch of soil The following are the same as the ”
Where there is a waiting to have to leave.
You have seen too many happy unhappy people, they have their story, their process is waiting, the outcome is to leave.
Put down the small lift the hand, hold up the chest, out of the iron gate, out of your “haze”, look at the world, it is as always beautiful. You wait long enough.
Do not waste your life, he is God to give you the most beautiful sunshine, accept him, modify him, as only to their own return.
Haze and weather, pollution emissions and so on.
In fact, haze weather continued, air quality decline, not a new phenomenon this year. In recent years, every autumn and winter, especially after the winter, China's eastern region from time to time encounter such a situation, both for meteorological reasons, but also pollution reasons.
Central Meteorological Station chief forecaster Ma Xueqian said that the recent emergence of fog in the eastern part of the meteorology known as radiation fog, the main reasons for the formation of three points: First, these areas near the ground relative humidity is relatively large; Second, there is no obvious cold Air activity, the wind is small, the atmosphere is relatively stable; Third, the sky sunny little cloud, is conducive to the night of radiation cooling, near the ground near the original humidity is relatively high air saturation condensation fog.
Large fog haze weather mainly occurs in the cold air and water vapor conditions better large-scale atmospheric circulation situation, near the ground low altitude for the static wind or breeze. Controlled by near-ground static weather, air in the horizontal and vertical mobility are very small, atmospheric diffusion conditions are very poor. By its control, regardless of the size of the city, the local traffic, life, production of energy consumption required for the production of pollutants are accumulated in the low level. At the same time, due to the high humidity of the haze weather, the water vapor is large, the droplets provide the adsorption and reaction sites to accelerate the conversion of the reactive gaseous pollutants to the liquid particulate matter, and the particles are also easy to accelerate the formation of haze as condensing nuclei , The two interact, the rapid formation of pollution.
Environmental experts say that if there is a long haze in the winter, usually in the northern region because of the heating period of the soaring energy consumption emissions, moderate urban population concentration of large urban areas of the main city for three consecutive days of air pollutant accumulation may To the extent of heavy pollution in the southern region if the production and traffic emissions may also reach the extent of heavy pollution.
保护环境 我热爱地球,热爱我们赖以生存的家园。爱她的青山绿水,爱她的碧草蓝天……
I just opened the window and was stunned by the sight. I saw the outside world became milky white, but also not see the outside. My mother got up, I took my mother to the window to see, my mother was shocked. I asked my mother: “Why is it haze today, and so much?” Mom answered me: “Because the air is contaminated, so there is haze, after we have to protect the environment.
9 o'clock, we have to go out, I thought the haze has been dissipated, but when I went to the floor of the mouth, outside or a vast expanse of what can not see. Mom said to my father: ”Do not drive today, too dangerous, not you drive into someone else is driving someone else to break into you, we still do it!“ I suddenly felt very strange, asked my mother: ”Mom, You said fog haze weather can not drive, then we take the bus that is not the same as the father and drive! “Mom smiled and answered me:” Oh, the bus big ah, easy to let other car attention.
I and my father, my mother at the station waiting for the car, this time, I went abroad to see an uncle's hand is slowly close to the mother's bag, I think it is a thief. So, I pulled my mother's clothes, my mother asked me how, I stared at the uncle one. Mom looked, took the handbag off and put it on another arm, the thief thought was found, and quietly slip away. At this time, I think: fog haze weather when those thieves, but in order to steal my mother's things, can be very rare, because my mother and I are very alert.
In order to manage the haze, I would like to make a few suggestions to you:
1, let the people travel as much as possible by bus or ride a bike, reduce the chances of driving, reduce motor vehicle exhaust emissions.
2, the Spring Festival is coming, many people will put fireworks. You can let the people less fireworks, fireworks to reduce the dust.
3, stressed that people want to classify, recycling garbage, do not throw waste batteries and other harmful garbage.
For our beautiful home, for our healthy body, let us act together, fight with the haze in the end!
In the last week, there was an “unusual situation” in our city - haze. Haze has seriously affected the lives of residents. When I go to school, the surrounding gray, nothing can not see. This Saturday, my father sent me to Guzheng class, approaching, then I did not see the surrounding high-rise buildings, but also thought that my father opened the wrong way miles!
General fog is the same with pure milk, is milky white, and haze is gray, and some choking nose. I do not understand the fog, haze, so I deliberately checked the Internet today. Oh, the original is ah, the fog is a large number of suspended in the ground near the air in the tiny droplets or ice crystals composed of aerosol system, is near the ground layer of water condensation products in the air. The presence of fog will reduce the air transparency, so that the visibility deteriorated, if the target level of visibility reduced to less than 1000 meters, will be suspended in the ground near the air condensation of water weather is known as fog.
Haze also known as haze, dust in the air, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, organic hydrocarbons and other particles to the atmosphere turbid, blurred vision and lead to deterioration of visibility. With the deterioration of air quality, haze weather phenomenon increased, the harm increased. Recently, many areas of China to the haze weather phenomenon into the fog as a catastrophic weather forecast. Collectively referred to as “haze weather”.
Haze can make people “old disease recurrence”, because the haze contains bacteria, dust and viruses and other pollutants, coupled with artificial industrial waste gas, automobile exhaust, seriously affecting people's health. Now, some of the classmates in our class got a bad cold, doing nothing is languid, a sick look. So we must protect the already full of holes in the earth ah, to protect the environment, from my start, so that the blue sky and white clouds will always accompany us!
During this time, our beautiful scenery was covered by haze weather, many cities in the country are caught in a misty situation. Haze weather brought about by the impact, in addition to poor air quality, daily travel has become a difficult, which for people's influence Needless to say, I believe you know.
In recent years, haze weather not only seriously affect the quality of the air, it is easy to cause asthma and other diseases, the main source. Fog haze weather in the air, contains some dust-like tiny particles, these tiny particles that we can not see with the naked eye. These tiny particles are enough to make people get lung disease. They can be regarded as invisible killer. So, what is the haze of the weather caused by it? In fact, the haze weather is from the car tail, cooking fumes, as well as smoking spit out the smoke, fireworks smoke formation, which led to the emergence of haze weather.
Do not say fog haze weather is a killer, not to mention fog haze weather is terrible, in fact, the real murderer or our human beings, human beings do not know how to protect the environment, is to destroy their own homes, so it caused haze weather, these are Is the human self-eating fruit.
Of course, the situation is still irreversible, we can still stop the haze weather. We can put the car into a bike; can not eat cooking, eat stew; you can quit smoking or cigarette smoke can still smoke the cigarette butts; can be less fireworks; can also plant a variety of flowers and trees, to purify the environment The Only we choose low-carbon life, in order to prevent the occurrence of haze weather. Sometimes, I wish that the car is not sprayed out of the unpleasant exhaust, but a touch of fragrance, chimneys spit out is not thick black smoke, but crystal dew. I hope that our home can become more green trees, more red flowers, birds singing more beautiful, more melodious.
I am here to promote everyone, to act together to protect the environment we live together, out of the haze weather, so that our homes become more beautiful!
随着空气的恶化,阴霾天气现象出现增多,危害加重。近期我国不少地区阴霾天气都会有预警预报。统称为“雾霾”。通过我的了解,雾与霾从某种角度来说是有很大差别的。例如:出现雾时,空气潮湿。出现霾时,空气则相对干燥。形成就是因为这细微的灰尘,大家用符号 “∞”表示。霾的变化一般不明显。当气团没有大的变化,空气团较稳定时,持续出现时间较长,有时可持续十天以上。由于阴霾、轻雾、扬沙、烟雾等天气现象,有时使气象专业人员都难于区分。必须结合天气背景、天空状况、天气温度、颜色气味,才能得出正确结论。
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