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There was once a poor Prince, who had a kingdom. His kingdom was very small, but still quitelarge enough to marry upon; and he wished to marry.

It was certainly rather cool of him to say to the Emperor's daughter, “Will you have me?” But sohe did; for his name was renowned far and wide; and there were a hundred princesses whowould have answered, “Yes!” and “Thank you kindly.” We shall see what this princess said.

Listen! It happened that where the Prince's father lay buried, there grew a rose tree--a mostbeautiful rose tree, which blossomed only once in every five years, and even then bore only oneflower, but that was a rose! It smelt so sweet that all cares and sorrows were forgotten by himwho inhaled its fragrance.

And furthermore, the Prince had a nightingale, who could sing in such a manner that it seemedas though all sweet melodies dwelt in her little throat. So the Princess was to have the rose, andthe nightingale; and they were accordingly put into large silver caskets, and sent to her.

The Emperor had them brought into a large hall, where the Princess was playing at “Visiting,”with the ladies of the court; and when she saw the caskets with the presents, she clapped herhands for joy.

“Ah, if it were but a little pussy-cat!” said she; but the rose tree, with its beautiful rose came toview.

“Oh, how prettily it is made!” said all the court ladies.

“It is more than pretty,” said the Emperor, “it is charming!”

But the Princess touched it, and was almost ready to cry.

“Fie, papa!” said she. “It is not made at all, it is natural!”

“Let us see what is in the other casket, before we get into a bad humor,” said the Emperor. Sothe nightingale came forth and sang so delightfully that at first no one could say anything ill-humored of her.

“Superbe! Charmant!” exclaimed the ladies; for they all used to chatter French, each one worsethan her neighbor.

“How much the bird reminds me of the musical box that belonged to our blessed Empress,” saidan old knight. “Oh yes! These are the same tones, the same execution.”

“Yes! yes!” said the Emperor, and he wept like a child at the remembrance.

“I will still hope that it is not a real bird,” said the Princess.

“Yes, it is a real bird,” said those who had brought it. “Well then let the bird fly,” said thePrincess; and she positively refused to see the Prince.

However, he was not to be discouraged; he daubed his face over brown and black; pulled hiscap over his ears, and knocked at the door.

“Good day to my lord, the Emperor!” said he. “Can I have employment at the palace?”

“Why, yes,” said the Emperor. “I want some one to take care of the pigs, for we have a greatmany of them.”

So the Prince was appointed “Imperial Swineherd.” He had a dirty little room close by thepigsty; and there he sat the whole day, and worked. By the evening he had made a pretty littlekitchen-pot. Little bells were hung all round it; and when the pot was boiling, these bellstinkled in the most charming manner, and played the old melody, “Ach! du lieber Augustin,Alles ist weg, weg, weg!”* * “Ah! dear Augustine! All is gone, gone, gone!”

But what was still more curious, whoever held his finger in the smoke of the kitchen-pot,immediately smelt all the dishes that were cooking on every hearth in the city--this, you see,was something quite different from the rose.

Now the Princess happened to walk that way; and when she heard the tune, she stood quitestill, and seemed pleased; for she could play “Lieber Augustine”; it was the only piece she knew;and she played it with one finger.

“Why there is my piece,” said the Princess. “That swineherd must certainly have been welleducated! Go in and ask him the price of the instrument.”

So one of the court-ladies must run in; however, she drew on wooden slippers first.

“What will you take for the kitchen-pot?” said the lady.

“I will have ten kisses from the Princess,” said the swineherd.

“Yes, indeed!” said the lady.

“I cannot sell it for less,” rejoined the swineherd.

“He is an impudent fellow!” said the Princess, and she walked on; but when she had gone alittle way, the bells tinkled so prettily “Ach! du lieber Augustin, Alles ist weg, weg, weg!”

“Stay,” said the Princess. “Ask him if he will have ten kisses from the ladies of my court.”

“No, thank you!” said the swineherd. “Ten kisses from the Princess, or I keep the kitchen-potmyself.”

“That must not be, either!” said the Princess. “But do you all stand before me that no one maysee us.”

And the court-ladies placed themselves in front of her, and spread out their dresses--theswineherd got ten kisses, and the Princess--the kitchen-pot.

That was delightful! The pot was boiling the whole evening, and the whole of the followingday. They knew perfectly well what was cooking at every fire throughout the city, from thechamberlain's to the cobbler's; the court-ladies danced and clapped their hands.

“We know who has soup, and who has pancakes for dinner to-day, who has cutlets, and who haseggs. How interesting!”

“Yes, but keep my secret, for I am an Emperor's daughter.”

The swineherd--that is to say--the Prince, for no one knew that he was other than an ill-favoredswineherd, let not a day pass without working at something; he at last constructed a rattle,which, when it was swung round, played all the waltzes and jig tunes, which have ever beenheard since the creation of the world.

“Ah, that is superbe!” said the Princess when she passed by. “I have never heard prettiercompositions! Go in and ask him the price of the instrument; but mind, he shall have no morekisses!”

“He will have a hundred kisses from the Princess!” said the lady who had been to ask.

“I think he is not in his right senses!” said the Princess, and walked on, but when she had gonea little way, she stopped again. “One must encourage art,”

said she, “I am the Emperor's daughter. Tell him he shall, as on yesterday, have ten kisses fromme, and may take the rest from the ladies of the court.”

“Oh--but we should not like that at all!” said they. “What are you muttering?”

asked the Princess. “If I can kiss him, surely you can. Remember that you owe everything tome.” So the ladies were obliged to go to him again.

“A hundred kisses from the Princess,” said he, “or else let everyone keep his own!”

“Stand round!” said she; and all the ladies stood round her whilst the kissing was going on.

“What can be the reason for such a crowd close by the pigsty?” said the Emperor, whohappened just then to step out on the balcony; he rubbed his eyes, and put on his spectacles. “They are the ladies of the court; I must go down and see what they are about!” So he pulledup his slippers at the heel, for he had trodden them down.

As soon as he had got into the court-yard, he moved very softly, and the ladies were so muchengrossed with counting the kisses, that all might go on fairly, that they did not perceive theEmperor. He rose on his tiptoes.

“What is all this?” said he, when he saw what was going on, and he boxed the Princess's earswith his slipper, just as the swineherd was taking the eighty-sixth kiss.

“March out!” said the Emperor, for he was very angry; and both Princess and swineherd werethrust out of the city.

The Princess now stood and wept, the swineherd scolded, and the rain poured down.

“Alas! Unhappy creature that I am!” said the Princess. “If I had but married the handsomeyoung Prince! Ah! how unfortunate I am!”

And the swineherd went behind a tree, washed the black and brown color from his face, threwoff his dirty clothes, and stepped forth in his princely robes; he looked so noble that the Princesscould not help bowing before him.

“I am come to despise thee,” said he. “Thou would'st not have an honorable Prince! Thoucould'st not prize the rose and the nightingale, but thou wast ready to kiss the swineherd forthe sake of a trumpery plaything. Thou art rightly served.”

He then went back to his own little kingdom, and shut the door of his palace in her face. Nowshe might well sing, “Ach! du lieber Augustin, Alles ist weg, weg, weg!”







































































OF course you know what is meant by a magnifying glass-one of those round spectacle-glassesthat make everything look a hundred times bigger than it is? When any one takes one of theseand holds it to his eye, and looks at a drop of water from the pond yonder, he sees above athousand wonderful creatures that are otherwise never discerned in the water. But there theyare, and it is no delusion. It almost looks like a great plateful of spiders jumping about in acrowd. And how fierce they are! They tear off each other's legs. and arms and bodies, beforeand behind;

and yet they are merry and joyful in their way. Now, there once was an old manwhom all the people called Kribble-Krabble, for that was his name. He always wanted the bestof everything, and when he could not manage it otherwise, he did it by magic. There he sat oneday, and held his magnifying-glass to his eye, and looked at a drop of water that had beentaken out of a puddle by the ditch.

But what a kribbling and krabbling was there! All thethousands of little creatures hopped and sprang and tugged at one another, and ate each otherup. “That is horrible!” said old Kribble-Krabble. “Can one not persuade them to live in peaceand quietness, so that each one may mind his own business?” And he thought it over and over,but it would not do, and so he had recourse to magic. “I must give them color, that they maybe seen more plainly,” said he; and he poured something like a little drop of red wine into thedrop of water, but it was witches' blood from the lobes of the ear, the finest kind, at ninepencea drop.

And now the wonderful little creatures were pink all over. It looked like a whole town ofnaked wild men. “What have you there?” asked another old magician, who had no name- andthat was the best thing about him. “Yes, if you can guess what it is,” said Kribble-Krabble, “I'llmake you a present of it.” But it is not so easy to find out if one does not know. And themagician who had no name looked through the magnifying-glass. It looked really like a greattown reflected there, in which all the people were running about without clothes. It was terrible!But it was still more terrible to see how one beat and pushed the other, and bit and hacked,and tugged and mauled him.

Those at the top were being pulled down, and those at the bottomwere struggling upwards. “Look! look! his leg is longer than mine! Bah! Away with it! There isone who has a little bruise. It hurts him, but it shall hurt him still more.” And they hacked awayat him, and they pulled at him, and ate him up, because of the little bruise. And there was onesitting as still as any little maiden, and wishing only for peace and quietness. But now she hadto come out, and they tugged at her, and pulled her about, and ate her up. “That's funny!” saidthe magician. “Yes; but what do you think it is?” said Kribble-Krabble. “Can you find that out?” “Why, one can see that easily enough,” said the other. “That's Paris, or some other great city,for they're all alike. It's a great city!” “It's a drop of puddle water!” said Kribble-Krabble.



















THERE was an old mansion surrounded by a marshy ditch with a drawbridge which was butseldom let down:- not all guests are good people. Under the roof were loopholes to shootthrough, and to pour down boiling water or even molten lead on the enemy, should heapproach. Inside the house the rooms were very high and had ceilings of beams, and that wasvery useful considering the great deal of smoke which rose up from the chimney fire where thelarge, damp logs of wood smouldered. On the walls hung pictures of knights in armour andproud ladies in gorgeous dresses; the most stately of all walked about alive. She was calledMeta Mogen; she was the mistress of the house, to her belonged the castle. Towards theevening robbers came; they killed three of her people and also the yard-dog, and attached Mrs.Meta to the kennel by the chain, while they themselves made good cheer in the hall and drankthe wine and the good ale out of her cellar. Mrs.

Meta was now on the chain, she could noteven bark. But lo! the servant of one of the robbers secretly approached her; they must not seeit, otherwise they would have killed him. “Mrs. Meta Mogen,” said the fellow, “do you stillremember how my father, when your husband was still alive, had to ride on the wooden horse?You prayed for him, but it was no good, he was to ride until his limbs were paralysed; but youstole down to him, as I steal now to you, you yourself put little stones under each of his feetthat he might have support, nobody saw it, or they pretended not to see it, for you were thenthe young gracious mistress. My father has told me this, and I have not forgotten it! Now I willfree you, Mrs. Meta Mogen!”

Then they pulled the horses out of the stable and rode off in rainand wind to obtain the assistance of friends. “Thus the small service done to the old man wasrichly rewarded!” said Meta Mogen. “Delaying is not forgetting,” said the fellow. The robberswere hanged. There was an old mansion, it is still there; it did not belong to Mrs. Meta Mogen,it belonged to another old noble family. We are now in the present time. The sun is shining onthe gilt knob of the tower, little wooded islands lie like bouquets on the water, and wild swansare swimming round them. In the garden grow roses; the mistress of the house is herself thefinest rose petal, she beams with joy, the joy of good deeds: however, not done in the wideworld, but in her heart, and what is preserved there is not forgotten. Delaying is notforgetting!

Now she goes from the mansion to a little peasant hut in the field. Therein lives apoor paralysed girl; the window of her little room looks northward, the sun does not enter here.The girl can only see a small piece of field which is surrounded by a high fence. But to-day thesun shines here- the warm, beautiful sun of God is within the little room; it comes from thesouth through the new window, where formerly the wall was. The paralysed girl sits in the warmsunshine and can see the wood and the lake; the world had become so large, so beautiful, andonly through a single word from the kind mistress of the mansion. “The word was so easy, thedeed so small,” she said, “the joy it afforded me was infinitely great and sweet!”

And thereforeshe does many a good deed, thinks of all in the humble cottages and in the rich mansions,where there are also afflicted ones. It is concealed and hidden, but God does not forget it.Delayed is not forgotten! An old house stood there; it was in the large town with its busy traffic.There are rooms and halls in it, but we do not enter them, we remain in the kitchen, where itis warm and light, clean and tidy; the copper utensils are shining, the table as if polished withbeeswax; the sink looks like a freshly scoured meatboard. All this a single servant has done,and yet she has time to spare as if she wished to go to church; she wears a bow on her cap, ablack bow, that signifies mourning. But she has no one to mourn, neither father nor mother,neither relations nor sweetheart. She is a poor girl. One day she was engaged to a poor fellow;they loved each other dearly.

One day he came to her and said: “We both have nothing! Therich widow over the way in the basement has made advances to me; she will make me rich,but you are in my heart; what do you advise me to do?” “I advise you to do what you think willturn out to your happiness,” said the girl. “Be kind and good to her, but remember this; fromthe hour we part we shall never see each other again.” Years passed; then one day she met theold friend and sweetheart in the street;

he looked ill and miserable, and she could not helpasking him, “How are you?” “Rich and prospering in every respect,” he said; “the woman isbrave and good, but you are in my heart. I have fought the battle, it will soon be ended; weshall not see each other again now until we meet before God!” A week has passed; this morninghis death was in the newspaper, that is the reason of the girl's mourning! Her old sweetheart isdead and has left a wife and three step-children, as the paper says; it sounds as if there is acrack, but the metal is pure.

The black bow signifies mourning, the girl's face points to thesame in a still higher degree; it is preserved in the heart and will never be forgotten. Delayingis not forgetting! These are three stories you see, three leaves on the same stalk. Do you wishfor some more trefoil leaves? In the little heartbook are many more of them. Delaying is notforgetting!























THERE were two cocks- one on the dung-hill, the other on the roof. They were both arrogant,but which of the two rendered most service? Tell us your opinion- we'll keep to ours just thesame though.

The poultry yard was divided by some planks from another yard in which therewas a dung-hill, and on the dung-hill lay and grew a large cucumber which was conscious ofbeing a hot-bed plant. “One is born to that,” said the cucumber to itself. “Not all can be borncucumbers; there must be other things, too. The hens, the ducks, and all the animals in thenext yard are creatures too. Now I have a great opinion of the yard cock on the plank; he iscertainly of much more importance than the weather-cock who is placed so high and can't evencreak, much less crow. The latter has neither hens nor chicks, and only thinks of himself andperspires verdigris. No, the yard cock is really a cock! His step is a dance! His crowing is music,and wherever he goes one knows what a trumpeter is like! If he would only come in here! Evenif he ate me up stump, stalk, and all, and I had to dissolve in his body, it would be a happydeath,” said the cucumber

. In the night there was a terrible storm. The hens, chicks, and eventhe cock sought shelter; the wind tore down the planks between the two yards with a crash;the tiles came tumbling down, but the weather-cock sat firm. He did not even turn round, forhe could not; and yet he was young and freshly cast, but prudent and sedate. He had beenborn old, and did not at all resemble the birds flying in the air- the sparrows, and theswallows; no, he despised them, these mean little piping birds, these common whistlers. Headmitted that the pigeons, large and white and shining like mother-o'-pearl, looked like a kindof weather-cock; but they were fat and stupid, and all their thoughts and endeavours weredirected to filling themselves with food, and besides, they were tiresome things to conversewith. The birds of passage had also paid the weather-cock a visit and told him of foreigncountries, of airy caravans and robber stories that

made one's hair stand on end. All this wasnew and interesting; that is, for the first time, but afterwards, as the weather-cock found out,they repeated themselves and always told the same stories, and that's very tedious, and therewas no one with whom one could associate, for one and all were stale and small-minded. “Theworld is no good!” he said. “Everything in it is so stupid.” The weather-cock was puffed up, andthat quality would have made him interesting in the eyes of the cucumber if it had known it,but it had eyes only for the yard cock, who was now in the yard with it.

The wind had blown theplanks, but the storm was over. “What do you think of that crowing?” said the yard cock to thehens and chickens. “It was a little rough- it wanted elegance.” And the hens and chickenscame up on the dung-hill, and the cock strutted about like a lord. “Garden plant!” he said to thecucumber, and in that one word his deep learning showed itself, and it forgot that he waspecking at her and eating it up. “A happy death!” The hens and the chickens came, for whereone runs the others run too; they clucked, and chirped, and looked at the cock, and were proudthat he was of their kind. “Cock-a-doodle-doo!” he crowed, “the chickens will grow up intogreat hens at once, if I cry it out in the poultry-yard of the world!” And hens and chicks cluckedand chirped, and the cock announced a great piece of news. “

A cock can lay an egg! And doyou know what's in that egg? A basilisk. No one can stand the sight of such a thing; peopleknow that, and now you know it too- you know what is in me, and what a champion of all cocksI am!” With that the yard cock flapped his wings, made his comb swell up, and crowed again;and they all shuddered, the hens and the little chicks- but they were very proud that one oftheir number was such a champion of all cocks. They clucked and chirped till the weather-cockheard; he heard it; but he did not stir. “Everything is very stupid,” the weather-cock said tohimself. “The yard cock lays no eggs, and I am too lazy to do so; if I liked, I could lay a wind-egg. But the world is not worth even a wind-egg. Everything is so stupid! I don't want to sithere any longer.” With that the weather-cock broke off; but he did not kill the yard cock,although the hens said that had been his intention. And what is the moral? “Better to crowthan to be puffed up and break off!














IT is more than a hundred years ago! At the border of the wood, near a large lake, stood theold mansion: deep ditches surrounded it on every side, in which reeds and bulrushes grew.Close by the drawbridge, near the gate, there was an old willow tree, which bent over thereeds. From the narrow pass came the sound of bugles and the trampling of horses' feet;therefore a little girl who was watching the geese hastened to drive them away from the bridge,before the whole hunting party came galloping up; they came, however, so quickly, that thegirl, in order to avoid being run over, placed herself on one of the high corner-stones of thebridge. She was still half a child and very delicately built; she had bright blue eyes, and agentle, sweet expression. But such things the baron did not notice; while he was riding pastthe little goose-girl, he reversed his hunting crop, and in rough play gave her such a pushwith it that she fell backward into the ditch. ”Everything in the right place!“ he cried. ”Into theditch with you.“

Then he burst out laughing, for that he called fun; the others joined in- thewhole party shouted and cried, while the hounds barked. While the poor girl was falling shehappily caught one of the branches of the willow tree, by the help of which she held herself overthe water, and as soon as the baron with his company and the dogs had disappeared throughthe gate, the girl endeavoured to scramble up, but the branch broke off, and she would havefallen backward among the rushes, had not a strong hand from above seized her at thismoment. It was the hand of a pedlar; he had witnessed what had happened from a shortdistance, and now hastened to assist her. ”

Everything in the right place,“ he said, imitating thenoble baron, and pulling the little maid up to the dry ground. He wished to put the branchback in the place it had been broken off, but it is not possible to put everything in the rightplace;” therefore he stuck the branch into the soft ground. “Grow and thrive if you can, andproduce a good flute for them yonder at the mansion,” he said; it would have given himgreat pleasure to see the noble baron and his companions well thrashed. Then he entered thecastle- but not the banqueting hall; he was too humble for that. No; he went to the servants'hall.

The men-servants and maids looked over his stock of articles and bargained with him;loud crying and screaming were heard from the master's table above: they called it singing-indeed, they did their best. Laughter and the howls of dogs were heard through the openwindows: there they were feasting and revelling; wine and strong old ale were foaming in theglasses and jugs; the favourite dogs ate with their masters; now and then the squires kissedone of these animals, after having wiped its mouth first with the tablecloth. They ordered thepedlar to come up, but only to make fun of him. The wine had got into their heads, and reasonhad left them. They poured beer into a stocking that he could drink with them, but quick.That's what they called fun, and it made them laugh. Then meadows, peasants, and farmyardswere staked on one card and lost. “Everything in the right place!” the pedlar said when he hadat last safely got out of Sodom and Gomorrah, as he called it. “The open high road is my rightplace; up there I did not feel at ease.”

The little maid, who was still watching the geese, noddedkindly to him as he passed through the gate. Days and weeks passed, and it was seen that thebroken willow-branch which the peddlar had stuck

into the ground near the ditch remainedfresh and green- nay, it even put forth fresh twigs; the little goose-girl saw that the branchhad taken root, and was very pleased; the tree, so she said, was now her tree. While the treewas advancing, everything else at the castle was going backward, through feasting andgambling, for these are two rollers upon which nobody stands safely. Less than six yearsafterwards the baron passed out of his castle-gate a poor beggar, while the baronial seat hadbeen bought by a rich tradesman. He was the very pedlar they had made fun of and pouredbeer into a stocking for him to drink; but honesty and industry bring one forward, and now thepedlar was the possessor of the baronial estate. From that time forward no card-playing waspermitted there. “That's a bad pastime,” he said; “when the devil saw the Bible for the firsttime he wanted to produce a caricature in opposition to it, and invented card-playing.” Thenew proprietor of the estate took a wife, and whom did he take?-

The little goose-girl, who hadalways remained good and kind, and who looked as beautiful in her new clothes as if she hadbeen a lady of high birth. And how did all this come about? That would be too long a tale to tellin our busy time, but it really happened, and the most important events have yet to be told. Itwas pleasant and cheerful to live in the old place now: the mother superintended thehousehold, and the father looked after things out-of-doors, and they were indeed veryprosperous. Where honesty leads the way, prosperity is sure to follow. The old mansion wasrepaired and painted, the ditches were cleaned and fruit-trees planted; all was homely andpleasant, and the floors were as white and shining as a pasteboard.

In the long winter eveningsthe mistress and her maids sat at the spinning-wheel in the large hall; every Sunday thecounsellor- this title the pedlar had obtained, although only in his old days- read aloud aportion from the Bible. The children (for they had children) all received the best education, butthey were not all equally clever, as is the case in all families. In the meantime the willow treenear the drawbridge had grown up into a splendid tree, and stood there, free, and was neverclipped. “It is our genealogical tree,” said the old people to their children, “and therefore it mustbe honoured.” A hundred years had elapsed. It was in our own days; the lake had beentransformed into marsh land; the whole baronial seat had, as it were, disappeared. A pool ofwater near some ruined walls was the only remainder of the deep ditches; and here stood amagnificent old tree with overhanging branches- that was the genealogical tree. Here it stood,and showed how beautiful a willow can look if one does not interfere with it.

The trunk, it istrue, was cleft in the middle from the root to the crown; the storms had bent it a little, but itstill stood there, and out of every crevice and cleft, in which wind and weather had carriedmould, blades of grass and flowers sprang forth. Especially above, where the large boughsparted, there was quite a hanging garden, in which wild raspberries and hart's-tongue fernsthrove, and even a little mistletoe had taken root, and grew gracefully in the old willowbranches, which were reflected in the dark water beneath when the wind blew the chickweedinto the corner of the pool. A footpath which led across the fields passed close by the old tree.High up, on the woody hillside, stood the new mansion. It had a splendid view, and was largeand magnificent; its window panes were so clear that one might have thought there were nonethere at all. The large flight of steps which led to the entrance looked like a bower covered withroses and broad-leaved plants. The lawn was as green as if each blade of grass was cleanedseparately morning and evening. Inside, in the hall, valuable oil paintings were hanging on thewalls.

Here stood chairs and sofas covered with silk and velvet, which could be easily rolledabout on castors; there were tables with polished marble tops, and books bound in moroccowith gilt edges. Indeed, well-to-do and distinguished people lived here; it was the dwelling ofthe baron and his family. Each article was in keeping with its surroundings. “Everything in theright place” was the motto according to which they also acted here, and therefore all thepaintings which had once been the honour and glory of the old mansion were now hung up inthe passage which led to the servants' rooms. It was all old lumber, especially two portraits-one representing a man in a scarlet coat with a wig, and the other a lady with powdered andcurled hair holding a rose in her hand, each of them being surrounded by a large wreath ofwillow branches. Both portraits had many holes in them, because the baron's sons used the twoold people as targets for their crossbows. They represented the counsellor and his wife, fromwhom the whole family descended. “But they did not properly belong to our family,” said one ofthe boys; “he was a pedlar and she kept the geese.

They were not like papa and mamma.” Theportraits were old lumber, and “everything in its right place.” That was why the great-grandparents had been hung up in the passage leading to the servants' rooms. The son of thevillage pastor was tutor at the mansion. One day he went for a walk across the fields with hisyoung pupils and their elder sister, who had lately been confirmed. They walked along theroad which passed by the old willow tree, and while they were on the road she picked a bunch offield-flowers. “Everything in the right place,” and indeed the bunch looked very beautiful.

At thesame time she listened to all that was said, and she very much liked to hear the pastor's sonspeak about the elements and of the great men and women in history. She had a healthy mind,noble in thought and deed, and with a heart full of love for everything that God had created.They stopped at the old willow tree, as the youngest of the baron's sons wished very much tohave a flute from it, such as had been cut for him from other willow trees; the pastor's sonbroke a branch off. “Oh, pray do not do it!” said the young lady; but it was already done. “Thatis our famous old tree. I love it very much. They often laugh at me at home about it, but thatdoes not matter. There is a story attached to this tree.” And now she told him all that wealready know about the tree- the old mansion, the pedlar and the goose-girl who had metthere for the first time, and had become the ancestors of the noble family to which the younglady belonged. “They did not like to be knighted, the good old people,” she said; “their mottowas 'everything in the right place,' and it would not be right, they thought, to purchase a titlefor money. My grandfather, the first baron, was their son. They say he was a very learned man,a great favourite with the princes and princesses, and was invited to all court festivities. Theothers at home love him best; but, I do not know why, there seemed to me to be somethingabout the old couple that attracts my heart! How homely, how patriarchal, it must have been inthe old mansion, where the mistress sat at the spinning-wheel with her maids, while herhusband read aloud out of the Bible!” “They must have been excellent, sensible people,” saidthe pastor's son. And with this the conversation turned naturally to noblemen andcommoners; from the manner in which the tutor spoke about the significance of being noble,it seemed almost as if he did not belong to a commoner's family. “It is good fortune to be of afamily who have distinguished themselves, and to possess as it were a spur in oneself toadvance to all that is good.

It is a splendid thing to belong to a noble family, whose nameserves as a card of admission to the highest circles. Nobility is a distinction; it is a gold cointhat bears the stamp of its own value. It is the fallacy of the time, and many poets express it,to say that all that is noble is bad and stupid, and that, on the contrary, the lower one goesamong the poor, the more brilliant virtues one finds. I do not share this opinion, for it iswrong. In the upper classes one sees many touchingly beautiful traits; my own mother has toldme of such, and I could mention several. One day she was visiting a nobleman's house in town;my grandmother, I believe, had been the lady's nurse when she was a child. My mother and thenobleman were alone in the room, when he suddenly noticed an old woman on crutches comelimping into the courtyard; she came every Sunday to carry a gift away with her. ”'There is thepoor old woman,' said the nobleman; 'it is so difficult for her to walk.' “My mother had hardlyunderstood what he said before he disappeared from the room, and went downstairs, in order tosave her the troublesome walk for the gift she came to fetch. Of course this is only a littleincident, but it has its good sound like the poor widow's two mites in the Bible, the soundwhich echoes in the depth of every human heart; and this is what the poet ought to show andpoint out- more especially in our own time he ought to sing of this; it does good, it mitigatesand reconciles! But when a man, simply because he is of noble birth and possesses agenealogy, stands on his hind legs and neighs in the street like an Arabian horse, and sayswhen a commoner has been in a room: 'Some people from the street have been here,' therenobility is decaying; it has become a mask of the kind that Thespis created, and it is amusingwhen such a person is exposed in satire.” Such was the tutor's speech; it was a little long, butwhile he delivered it he had finished cutting the flute.

There was a large party at the mansion;many guests from the neighbourhood and from the capital had arrived. There were ladies withtasteful and with tasteless dresses; the big hall was quite crowded with people. The clergymenstood humbly together in a corner, and looked as if they were preparing for a funeral, but itwas a festival- only the amusement had not yet begun.

A great concert was to take place, andthat is why the baron's young son had brought his willow flute with him; but he could not makeit sound, nor could his father, and therefore the flute was good for nothing. There was musicand songs of the kind which delight most those that perform them; otherwise quitecharming! “Are you an artist?” said a cavalier, the son of his father; “you play on the flute, youhave made it yourself; it is genius that rules- the place of honour is due to you.” “Certainly not!I only advance with the time, and that of course one can't help.” “I hope you will delight us allwith the little instrument- will you not?” Thus saying he handed to the tutor the flute whichhad been cut from the willow tree by the pool;

and then announced in a loud voice that thetutor wished to perform a solo on the flute. They wished to tease him- that was evident, andtherefore the tutor declined to play, although he could do so very well. They urged andrequested him, however, so long, that at last he took up the flute and placed it to his lips. Thatwas a marvellous flute! Its sound was as thrilling as the whistle of a steam engine; in fact itwas much stronger, for it sounded and was heard in the yard, in the garden, in the wood, andmany miles round in the country; at the same time a storm rose and roared; “Everything in theright place.”

And with this the baron, as if carried by the wind, flew out of the hall straight intothe shepherd's cottage, and the shepherd flew- not into the hall, thither he could not come- butinto the servants' hall, among the smart footmen who were striding about in silk stockings;these haughty menials looked horror-struck that such a person ventured to sit at table withthem. But in the hall the baron's daughter flew to the place of honour at the end of the table-she was worthy to sit there; the pastor's son had the seat next to her; the two sat there as ifthey were a bridal pair. An old Count, belonging to one of the oldest families of the country,remained untouched in his place of honour; the flute was just, and it is one's duty to be so. Thesharp-tongued cavalier who had caused the flute to be played, and who was the child of hisparents, flew headlong into the fowl-house, but not he alone. The flute was heard at thedistance of a mile, and strange events took place. A rich banker's family, who were driving in acoach and four, were blown out of it, and could not even find room behind it with theirfootmen.

Two rich farmers who had in our days shot up higher than their own corn-fields, wereflung into the ditch; it was a dangerous flute. Fortunately it burst at the first sound, and thatwas a good thing, for then it was put back into its owner's pocket- “its right place.” The nextday, nobody spoke a word about what had taken place; thus originated the phrase, “to pocketthe flute.” Everything was again in its usual order, except that the two old pictures of thepeddlar and the goose-girl were hanging in the banqueting-hall. There they were on the wall asif blown up there; and as a real expert said that they were painted by a master's hand, theyremained there and were restored. “Everything in the right place,” and to this it will come.Eternity is long, much longer indeed than this story.













































IN the midst of a garden grew a rose-tree,in full blossom, and in the prettiest of all the roseslived an elf. He wassuch a little wee thing, that no human eye could see him. Behind each leafofthe rose he had a sleeping chamber. He was as well formed and as beautiful as alittle childcould be, and had wings that reached from his shoulders to hisfeet.

Oh, what sweet fragrancethere was in his chambers! and how clean andbeautiful were the walls! for they were theblushing leaves of the rose. Duringthe whole day he enjoyed himself in the warm sunshine, flewfrom flower toflower, and danced on the wings of the flying butterflies. Then he took it intohishead to measure how many steps he would have to go through the roads andcross-roads thatare on the leaf of a linden-tree. What we call the veins on aleaf, he took for roads; ay, and verylong roads they were for him; for beforehe had half finished his task, the sun went down: hehad commenced his work toolate. It became very cold, the dew fell, and the wind blew; so hethought thebest thing he could do would be to return home. He hurried himself as much ashecould; but he found the roses all closed up, and he could not get in; not asingle rose stoodopen. The poor little elf was very much frightened.

He hadnever before been out at night, buthad always slumbered secretly behind thewarm rose-leaves. Oh, this would certainly be hisdeath. At the other end ofthe garden, he knew there was an arbor, overgrown with beautifulhoney-suckles.The blossoms looked like large painted horns; and he thought to himself,hewould go and sleep in one of these till the morning. He flew thither; but“hush!” two peoplewere in the arbor,- a handsome young man and a beautifullady. They sat side by side, andwished that they might never be obliged to part.They loved each other much more than thebest child can love its father andmother. “But we must part,” said the young man; “yourbrotherdoes not like our engagement, and therefore he sends me so far away onbusiness, overmountains and seas. Farewell, my sweet bride; for so you are tome.” And then they kissed eachother, and the girl wept, and gave him arose; but before she did so, she pressed a kiss upon itso fervently that theflower opened. Then the little elf flew in, and leaned his head onthedelicate, fragrant walls. Here he could plainly hear them say, “Farewell, farewell;”and hefelt that the rose had been placed on the young man's breast.

Oh, howhis heart did beat! Thelittle elf could not go to sleep, it thumped so loudly.The young man took it out as he walkedthrough the dark wood alone, and kissedthe flower so often and so violently, that the little elfwas almost crushed.He could feel through the leaf how hot the lips of the young man were, andtherose had opened, as if from the heat of the noonday sun. There came anotherman, wholooked gloomy and wicked. He was the wicked brother of the beautifulmaiden. He drew out asharp knife, and while the other was kissing the rose,the wicked man stabbed him to death;then he cut off his head, and buried itwith the body in the soft earth under the linden-tree. “Now he is gone,and will soon be forgotten,” thought the wicked brother; “he willnever comeback again. He was going on a long journey over mountains and seas;it is easy for a man to losehis life in such a journey. My sister will supposehe is dead; for he cannot come back, and shewill not dare to question me abouthim.” Then he scattered the dry leaves over the light earthwith his foot,and went ho

me through the darkness; but he went not alone, as he thought,-thelittle elf accompanied him. He sat in a dry rolled-up linden-leaf, which hadfallen from thetree on to the wicked man's head, as he was digging the grave.The hat was on the head now,which made it very dark, and the little elfshuddered with fright and indignation at the wickeddeed. It was the dawn ofmorning before the wicked man reached home; he took off his hat,and went intohis sister's room. There lay the beautiful, blooming girl, dreaming of himwhomshe loved so, and who was now, she supposed, travelling far away over mountainand sea.Her wicked brother stopped over her, and laughed hideously, as fiendsonly can laugh. The dryleaf fell out of his hair upon the counterpane; but hedid not notice it, and went to get a littlesleep during the early morninghours. But the elf slipped out of the withered leaf, placed himselfby the earof the sleeping girl, and told her, as in a dream, of the horrid murder;described theplace where her brother had slain her lover, and buried his body;and told her of the linden-tree,in full blossom, that stood close by. “Thatyou may not think this is only a dream that I havetold you,” he said,“you will find on your bed a withered leaf.” Then she awoke, andfound itthere. Oh, what bitter tears she shed! and she could not open herheart to any one for relief.The window stood open the whole day, and thelittle elf could easily have reached the roses, orany of the flowers; but hecould not find it in his heart to leave one so afflicted. In the windowstood abush bearing monthly roses. He seated himself in one of the flowers, and gazedon thepoor girl. Her brother often came into the room, and would be quite cheerful,in spite of hisbase conduct; so she dare not say a word to him of her heart'sgrief. As soon as night came on,she slipped out of the house, and went intothe wood,

to the spot where the linden-tree stood;and after removing theleaves from the earth, she turned it up, and there found him who hadbeenmurdered. Oh, how she wept and prayed that she also might die! Gladly would shehavetaken the body home with her; but that was impossible; so she took up thepoor head with theclosed eyes, kissed the cold lips, and shook the mould outof the beautiful hair. “I will keep this,”said she; and as soon asshe had covered the body again with the earth and leaves, she took thehead anda little sprig of jasmine that bloomed in the wood, near the spot where he wasburied,and carried them home with her. As soon as she was in her room, shetook the largest flower-potshe could find, and in this she placed the head of thedead man, covered it up with earth, andplanted the twig of jasmine in it.

“Farewell,farewell,” whispered the little elf. He could not anylonger endure towitness all this agony of grief, he therefore flew away to his own rose inthegarden. But the rose was faded; only a few dry leaves still clung to the green hedgebehindit. “Alas! how soon all that is good and beautiful passes away,”sighed the elf. After a while hefound another rose, which became his home, foramong its delicate fragrant leaves he coulddwell in safety. Every morning heflew to the window of the poor girl, and always found herweeping by the flowerpot. The bitter tears fell upon the jasmine twig, and each day, as shebecame palerand paler, the sprig appeared to grow greener and fresher. One shoot afteranothersprouted forth, and little white buds blossomed, which the poor girlfondly kissed. But herwicked brother scolded her, and asked her if she wasgoing mad. He could not imagine why shewas weeping over that flower-pot, andit annoyed him. He did not know whose closed eyes werethere, nor what red lipswere fading beneath the earth. And one day she sat and leaned herhead againstthe flower-pot, and the little elf of the rose found her asleep. Then heseatedhimself by her ear, talked to her of that evening in the arbor, of the sweetperfume of therose, and the loves of the elves. Sweetly she dreamed, and whileshe dreamt, her life passedaway calmly and gently, and her spirit was with himwhom she loved, in heaven. And thejasmine opened its large white bells, andspread forth its sweet fragrance; it had no other wayof showing its grief forthe dead. But the wicked brother considered the beautiful bloomingplant as hisown property, left to him by his sister, and he placed it in his sleeping room,closeby his bed, for it was very lovely in appearance, and the fragrance sweetand delightful. Thelittle elf of the rose followed it, and flew from flower toflower, telling each little spirit that dweltin them the story of the murderedyoung man, whose head now formed part of the earthbeneath them, and of thewicked brother and the poor sister. “We know it,” said each littlespiritin the flowers, “

we know it, for have we not sprung from the eyesand lips of the murdered one.We know it, we know it,” and the flowersnodded with their heads in a peculiar manner. The elfof the rose could notunderstand how they could rest so quietly in the matter, so he flew tothebees, who were gathering honey, and told them of the wicked brother. And thebees told itto their queen, who commanded that the next morning they should goand kill the murderer.But during the night, the first after the sister'sdeath, while the brother was sleeping in his bed,close to where he had placedthe fragrant jasmine, every flower cup opened, and invisibly thelittle spiritsstole out, armed with poisonous spears. They placed themselves by the ear ofthesleeper, told him dreadful dreams and then flew across his lips, andpricked his tongue with theirpoisoned spears. “Now have we revenged thedead,” said they, and flew back into the white bellsof the jasmineflowers. When the morning came, and as soon as the window was opened, theroseelf, with the queen bee, and the whole swarm of bees, rushed in to kill him. Buthe wasalready dead.

People were standing round the bed, and saying that thescent of the jasmine hadkilled him. Then the elf of the rose understood therevenge of the flowers, and explained it tothe queen bee, and she, with thewhole swarm, buzzed about the flower-pot. The bees could notbe driven away.Then a man took it up to remove it, and one of the bees stung him in thehand,so that he let the flower-pot fall, and it was broken to pieces. Then every onesaw thewhitened skull, and they knew the dead man in the bed was a murderer. Andthe queen beehummed in the air, and sang of the revenge of the flowers, and ofthe elf of the rose and saidthat behind the smallest leaf dwells One, who candiscover evil deeds, and punish them also.






































OF course you know what is meant by a magnifying glass-one of those round spectacle-glassesthat make everything look a hundred times bigger than it is? When any one takes one of theseand holds it to his eye, and looks at a drop of water from the pond yonder, he sees above athousand wonderful creatures that are otherwise never discerned in the water. But there theyare, and it is no delusion. It almost looks like a great plateful of spiders jumping about in acrowd. And how fierce they are! They tear off each other's legs. and arms and bodies, beforeand behind;

and yet they are merry and joyful in their way. Now, there once was an old manwhom all the people called Kribble-Krabble, for that was his name. He always wanted the bestof everything, and when he could not manage it otherwise, he did it by magic. There he sat oneday, and held his magnifying-glass to his eye, and looked at a drop of water that had beentaken out of a puddle by the ditch.

But what a kribbling and krabbling was there! All thethousands of little creatures hopped and sprang and tugged at one another, and ate each otherup. “That is horrible!” said old Kribble-Krabble. “Can one not persuade them to live in peaceand quietness, so that each one may mind his own business?” And he thought it over and over,but it would not do, and so he had recourse to magic. “I must give them color, that they maybe seen more plainly,” said he; and he poured something like a little drop of red wine into thedrop of water, but it was witches' blood from the lobes of the ear, the finest kind, at ninepencea drop.

And now the wonderful little creatures were pink all over. It looked like a whole town ofnaked wild men. “What have you there?” asked another old magician, who had no name- andthat was the best thing about him. “Yes, if you can guess what it is,” said Kribble-Krabble, “I'llmake you a present of it.” But it is not so easy to find out if one does not know. And themagician who had no name looked through the magnifying-glass. It looked really like a greattown reflected there, in which all the people were running about without clothes. It was terrible!But it was still more terrible to see how one beat and pushed the other, and bit and hacked,and tugged and mauled him.

Those at the top were being pulled down, and those at the bottomwere struggling upwards. “Look! look! his leg is longer than mine! Bah! Away with it! There isone who has a little bruise. It hurts him, but it shall hurt him still more.” And they hacked awayat him, and they pulled at him, and ate him up, because of the little bruise. And there was onesitting as still as any little maiden, and wishing only for peace and quietness. But now she hadto come out, and they tugged at her, and pulled her about, and ate her up. “That's funny!” saidthe magician. “Yes; but what do you think it is?” said Kribble-Krabble. “Can you find that out?” “Why, one can see that easily enough,” said the other. “That's Paris, or some other great city,for they're all alike. It's a great city!” “It's a drop of puddle water!” said Kribble-Krabble.



















1、A bad beginning makes a bad ending.


2、The longest day has an end.


3、A good medicine tastes bitter.


4、A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.


5、A bad workman always blames his tools.


6、All human wisdom is summed up in two words ?wait and hope.

人类所有的智慧可以归 结为两个词 等待和希望。

7、Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.


8、It is not enough to be industrious, so are the ants. What are you industrious for?


9、A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.


10、A good fame is better than a good face.


11、The darkest hour is that before the dawn.


12、A bad thing never dies.


13、Character is what you are in the dark.


14、A good book is a good friend.


15、Goals determine what you are going to be.



A spendthrift, who had wasted his fortune, and had nothing left but the clothes in which he stood, saw a swallow one fine day in early spring. Thinking that summer had come, and that he could now do without his coat, he went and sold it for what it would fetch. A change, however, took place in the weather, and there came a sharp frost which killed the unfortunate swallow. When the spendthrift saw its dead body he cried, “Miserable bird! Thanks to you I amperishing of cold myself.”

One swallow does not make summer.




An ass and a fox went into partnership and sallied out to forage for food together. They hadn't gone far before they saw a lion coming their way, at which they were both dreadfully frightened. But the fox thought he saw a way of saving his own skin, and went boldly up to the lion and whispered in his ear, “I'll manage that you shall get hold of the ass without the trouble of stalking him, if you'll promise to let me go free.” The lion agreed to this, and the fox then rejoined his companion and contrived before long to lead him by a hidden pit, which some hunter had dug as a trap for wild animals, and into which he fell. When the lion saw that the ass was safely caught and couldn't get away, it was to the fox that he first turned his attention, and he soon finished him off, and then at his leisure proceeded to feast upon the ass.

Betray a friend, and you'll often find you have ruined yourself.





Man can not live like beasts, should pursue knowledge and virtue.


Don't cry because he came to an end, but he happened.


Sell products to customers heart, do not head for the customer.


I only worry about one thing, I'm afraid I don't deserve their suffering.


Youth is like a fire, don't leaving only ashes in his old age.


A gentleman and a gentleman with fellow friends; SIMS with SIMS with benefit as friends.


Love is the most beautiful woman in the photo, the enterprise is a man's best business card.


I have already can't remember at the beginning of memory, because it was just passing.


Miss and drop on the left lonely, fell on the right hand into care.


Don't say who is your favorite, life is also very long, can't predict tomorrow.


There are many happy in life. Happy people, should be the pursuit of a meaningful.


Not decided what taste of life, but taste decided what kind of life.



Cherish those who give you warm eyes and trust, that is an angel with a smile!


As long as everyone sacrificed a little love, the world will become a better human.


Life is like a sea, only the strong will of people, to reach the other shore.


Don't promise to me, that is what you'll never give not.


Some can't help sadness, we always slowly learned to hide.


To also go in a hurry, hurry, also from mio one thousand kinds, looking forward to a reunion.


Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.


We - straight looking for, look for, that we have the ending.


You mustn't entertain foolish ideas, my heart is so big, is full of you.


I walked into my life, I am ready for you for life.


When the tears streaming down, just know, separate is another understand.


Who says you as food to swallow? I will go home for dinner every day!


It's funny? Side without you, good strange, with my whole life?


The dry the tears for you, is finally be together with you.



Dear, again good things, also could not symbol of how much I love you.


Days in different space passes, miss coming at different times.


I am willing to wait for your early spring warm in ten million bursts of Yang yan a smile.


I love you, so I don't want to fall asleep, because real is more beautiful than a dream.


Dear, you today in my mind ran a day, tired not tired?


If you love him, please love deeply, if you are sad, I am waiting for you.


Always thinking of you, although we cannot share every minute.


Afraid of acacia, already acacia, acacia didn't turn in, show a brow.


I always cannot leave you, a dependence on a lingering habit.


If one day we are not together, also like together.


I want to love to you in a very short poem sublime prose for a long life.


Dear, in addition to the moth's family who also don't want to, please you to cherish.


The eyes of the rain, for her heart is his umbrella for her, this is love.


No matter how experienced misfortune, don't forget to coax themselves happy.


Gently rub hazy eyes, want to see you for giving me the clearest.


You have entered my life, I am ready for you for life.


With a bloom time, tell me about your thoughts of the drift from place to place.


8th Aug,2008

Miss binglin,

I'm Gao Shanshan,the one had intended theinterview of your company.

First ,let me express my sincere thanks to you.

Thanks for the enthusiastic reception by you and your company.

Thanks for your telling me the theory of life in the interview.

Today in such a short time i feel the stric work style,everyone units as a team and the easygoing atmosphere of your company.

I was so moved by them,that was so great.

I sincerely hope i could serve in such a active atmosphere of your comapany.

I think i am fit for the position that i apply for.

If i will be employed ,i wouldn't let you down.

Thank you for your enthusiasm and kindness again.

Gao Shanshan









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Dear Lucy,

I am writing to expremy sincere thanks for your beautiful flowers.

I? like you to know how much your flowers meant to me.

You have a positive genius for selecting the right gift.

I not only enjoyed your flowers, but also the delicate vase.

I shall ever remember this gift as one of the most precious things in my life.

I will not be very busy the following days.

I hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating.

Would you kindly let me know what time you are at convenience?

I will feel very happy if you have time to make me a call.

How nice it would be to see you again and I am looking forward to seeing you next time!

I repeat my thanks again for your lovely flowers.

Please give my kind regards to your family.

Yours truly,

























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