
时间:2022-11-28 17:46:48 作者:不要癣脸 教案 收藏本文 下载本文




中级汉语口语课教案   对外汉语中级口语课教案 使用教材《中级汉语口语》北京大学出版社 教学目的:扩展自我介绍的表达,学会介绍他人的表达 教学时间:共4学时 教学对象:中级学生12人左右 教学流程: 一、第一个教学循环 1、教师口述对话第一部分(开头――“好说,好说”),同时把对话中的关键词语写在黑板上,以帮助学生熟悉和记忆。 操作:口述对话,使学生在没有预习的情况下对课文大意有所了解。 板书关键词语:敲、打算、进修、感兴趣、得(děi)、刚、恐怕、打扰了、好说、见面熟 2、教师和学生就课文内容对话,使学生熟悉课文,记忆课文。 3、就课文中的词语进行讲解。 4、学生进行成对会话练习,并要求学生尽量将课文内容记住,教师巡视指导,解决学生的疑难,并适时进行纠音。 5、当学生练习熟练后,请每对学生进行对话操练,要求操练时尽量脱离书本。 6、教师纠正学生普遍存在的问题,包括语音,语调,语气和影响理解的语法方面的`问题。 7、利用练习三进行操练。 8、教师口述对话第二部分(“好说,好说”――文末),同时把对话中的关键词语写在黑板上,以帮助学生熟悉和记忆。 板书关键词语:大吃一惊、没想到、交朋友、招呼、和……一样、和……差不多、挺……的、见面、熟、拿……开心 9、按相同步骤处理课文第二部分。 10、布置练习:请学生复习今天所学内容,课后完成练习一、二(可建议学生组成学习小组共同完成)。 二、第二个教学循环 1、教师总结上次课的内容,请学生复述课文内容。 2、教师和学生利用课文所学内容进行“自我介绍”操练。 操作:课前在黑板上写好相应的问题,给出表达框架―― “我的名字是/我叫/我是……” “(我)是……人/我来自……” “(我)学习汉语已经……了” “(我)喜欢……/我的爱好是……” 教师自我介绍完毕后,向学生提问。 请学生由左到右依次进行自我介绍,要求学生的表达至少要囊括上面所有问题,并鼓励学生发挥。然后将学生的名字和简单情况记录下来。 3、将事先准备好的写有学生姓名和简单情况的字条随机发给学生,请学生用课文所学语句及在“自我介绍”环节中所听到的信息介绍自己手中字条上的同学。 4、布置作业 掌握“介绍和自我介绍”的交际表达: 1、初次见面打招呼:(1)您贵姓?(免贵姓李);(2)您是从美国来的……先生/女士/小姐吧?(是啊,请问您是……)(3)你好。 2、第三方介绍:(1)我来介绍一下,这位是……(2)来,认识一下儿,这是……(3)你们还没见过面吧,……(4)这就是我跟你提起过的…… 3、正式场合的介绍:(1)女士们,先生们,首先,请允许我把出席这次……的来宾介绍给大家。(2)各位老师,各位同学,我把出席这次……的领导向大家介绍一下儿。(3)我们荣幸地请到了几位著名的……来跟大家见面,我来给大家介绍介绍。 4、无人介绍时提出要求(一般用于朋友之间):(1)我很想认识……,你能把我介绍给他吗?(2)这位姑娘是谁啊?怎么也不给我们介绍介绍?(3)我还没见过你的……呢,什么时候给我们介绍介绍。 【原课文】 来,认识一下儿 玛丽是中国一所大学新来的留学生,她的好朋友大卫也在这所大学学习。这天,她到大卫的宿舍去找他…… 玛丽:(敲门) 田中:谁呀? 玛丽:请问,大卫同学是在这儿住吗? 田中:是啊,可他现在不在,出去了。你是…… 玛丽:我叫玛丽,是他的朋友,刚从美国来。 田中:进来坐会儿吧,他马上就回来。 玛丽:打扰了。(进屋) 田中:请坐。我姓田中,日本人,是大卫的同屋。我是前年九月来这所大学的,现在是历史系二年级的学生。 玛丽:我也打算在历史系进修。我对中国历史很感兴趣 田中:那咱们以后就是同学啦! 玛丽:我的汉语还不行,今年恐怕入不了系。以后还得请你多多帮助。 田中:好说,好说。 (大卫和他的中国朋友王峰进来) 玛丽:大卫!还认识我吗? 大卫:玛丽!是你呀!好久不见了!什么时候来的?怎么也不告诉我一声儿? 玛丽:我想让你大吃一惊。怎么样?没想到我们会在这儿见面吧? 大卫:是啊!(招呼王峰和田中)来,认识一下儿,这是我大学时的朋友玛丽,(对玛丽)这是我的中国朋友王峰。 玛丽、王峰:你好! 大卫:(指着田中)这是… 玛丽:他是你的同屋,叫田中,是日本人,历史系的留学生。 大卫:(吃惊地)你怎么知道? 玛丽:我们是刚认识的 大卫:你还是和以前一样,跟谁都“见面熟”,和我这位中国朋友差不多,是吧,王峰? 王峰:(对玛丽)我这个人是挺爱交朋友的,以后有什么要帮忙的,找我好了。 大卫:对,以后你有什么事就问他,他什么都知道。 王峰:(轻声对大卫)可我不知道你还有这么漂亮的女朋友。 大卫:别拿我开心了!    



中级汉语听力课教案 部分内容:   一、今天对小王来说是个不平常的日子   “对……来说”有时也说“对……说来”,表示从某人、某事的角度来看。例如:   1.这种价格对一个学生来说是太贵了。   2.对他来说,目前最大的困难是语言不通。   3.对他来说,目前最急需的是钱。   4.对小王来说,参加不参加这次活动没多大意义。 二、到目前为止,还没有什么需要变动的地方   “到……为止”表示截止到某一时间,一般是比较明确、具体的时间。例如:   1.到记者发稿前为止,那里的情况还没有好转。   2.到今天为止,报名的人已超过了一千。   3.到目前为止,还没有人反对。   4.到上个月底为止,我们已经收到了170封群众来信。 三、转眼就到了分别的时刻   “转眼”形容极短的时间。例如:   1.早上出门时还记得,转眼就忘了。   2.刚刚教过的字转眼就不认识了。   3.满满一桌酒席,转眼就吃得干干净净。   4.刚才还在,怎么转眼就不见了? 今天对小王来说是个不平常的工作日,作为一名导游,他要接待第一批客人了,小王的心里有些紧张,他举着牌子站在机场大厅里,目不转睛地盯着走出的人流。牌子上写着:香港爱讯旅游团。 终于,有一队人向他走来…… 团长:你是中华旅行社的? 小王:对,我姓王,你是高团长吧? 团长:我就是。 小王:欢迎,欢迎,一路辛苦了!这里人多,我们先上车好吗?我们的车在外面等着呢。 团长:好的。 小王:一共是二十二个人吧?都来了吗? 团长:都来了。 小王:那,请大家看一看行李都到齐了没有?都齐了!好,请大家跟我来!(小王带大家上了车) 小王:高团长,你们的住处我们都已经安排好了。这是房间号和房客名单,这是这几天的日程安排,都是按照贵方的要求安排的,请您过目。如果有什么需要临时变动的地方,请您尽早提出来,能办到的我们一定设法办到。 团长:到目前为止,我想还没有什么需要变动的地方,一切先按原计划进行吧。 小王:那好,我向大家宣布一下今天的日程安排,好吗? 团长:请吧。 小王:大家注意啦!我说一下儿今天的安排:到饭店以后,你们先回房间休息一下儿,12点整,在二楼的餐厅吃午饭,下午1点,注意啦,我说的是1点,在饭店的正门前集合上车,咱们去参观本市最有名也是最古老的建筑――大佛寺,然后,我们……   (时间过得多快呀!五天的时间一晃就过去了,转眼就到了分别的时刻) 团长:小王啊,这一趟真辛苦你了,非常感谢! 小王:不用谢,这是我应该做的,有什么地方招待不周,还请您提出来,我们也好加以改进。 团长:没什么不妥的地方,大家对这次的'安排,特别是对你的周到服务都非常满意。 小王:让顾客满意是本公司服务的宗旨嘛! 团长:那,我们就上飞机了,咱们就此分别了。再次对你的热情接待表示感谢,并请向贵公司转达我们的谢意! 小王:一定转达!那么,再见了。大家再见!祝你们一路平安!欢迎再来。   你有朋友吗?朋友在你的生活中是一个什么样的位置呢?“朋友”这两个字对你来说意味着什么呢?请听录音《朋友》……   中国人很喜欢交友,初次见面,如果双方谈得投机,很可能马上就成了朋 友。那么,接下来你就要注意了,由于中外双方在文化上所存在着的一些差异,很可能会给你们的交往带来一些麻烦或问题,甚至会影响到你们的友谊。   要想使你们的友谊健康地发展,首先你要了解中国人的交友观,中国人眼中和心中的“朋友”是个怎样的概念。对待朋友,中国人曾用八个字来形容,那就是“有福同享,有难同当”,也就是说,“朋友的事就是你自己的事”。从这里可以看出,中国人十分重视友谊,认为越是好朋友,就越应该不分彼此,这才叫真正的朋友。所以对朋友,中国人往往会表现出极大的热情,而这对于初次与中国人打交道的外国人来说是会感到很不习惯甚至会产生误会的。见面时,朋友会问你:“过得怎么样?”“饭菜好吃不好吃?”“住得习惯不习惯?”当你出门时,朋友会像嘱咐孩子一样地嘱咐你:“多穿点儿!”“小心别感冒!”当你生病时,朋友会立刻赶来,为你买这买那,守候在你身边。朋友关心的不仅是你的身体,还有你的精神,你有哪些痛苦?你是否过得开心?朋友会一一询问。也许他的提问太突然,你没有任何准备;也许他问得太多,干涉了你的私生活,使你不高兴,使你不愉快,使你不满,但慢慢地,你会发现这里面有着一份浓浓的情谊,会发现你在朋友心中的位置,你从此不再是一个人了,不再孤独,因为你有了朋友。



一、教学目的 (1)熟记生词的正确发音、意思。 (2)掌握并能够运用重点词语:好像、聊、棒、熟 (3)掌握并能够运用下面的表达法: ①自我介绍。 ②请求对方介绍。 ③向别人介绍第三者或某些情况。 (4)理解课文,并能在类似的语境中灵活运用课文中的语句。 二、重点和难点 (1)重点词语:“聊”“、迷”、“追”的用法。 (2)表达法: ①自我介绍; ②请求对方介绍; ③向别人介绍第三者或某些情况。 (3)理解课文,并能在类似的语境中灵活运用课文中的语句。 三、教学步骤 步骤 计划 内容 时间 第一节 导入 1.教师自我介绍 2.学生自我介绍 3-5 分钟 第二节 听力训练 听力练习5-7 分钟 第三节 生词学习1.跟读正音 2.生词例释 3.形成性测试 8-10分钟 第四节 课文学习1.听课文,回答问题。 2.跟读课文。 3.分角色扮演。 15-18分钟 第五节 课后练习1.完成对话 2.布置作业 3-5分钟 四、教学过程 1、导入 教师自我介绍 现在介绍一下你自己,包括你的年龄,你来自哪个国家,你学汉语的时间,你的专业等等。 2、听力练习(A 听录音然后填空) 大家好! 我叫玛丽, 我今年。我来自 。我是云南师范大学的 。 我的专业是 。 我很喜欢 , 更喜欢中国的 。我的'汉语老师们对我都很。我很他们 。 我很喜欢在云南师范大学学习,我希望我们能成为,大家! (B 请根据刚才的录音回答问题) (1)玛丽是哪国人? 玛丽是美国人 (2)玛丽今年几岁了? 玛丽今年十八岁 (3)玛丽学什么专业? 玛丽学中国文学专业 3、生词 生词 拼音 词性 英文解释 报到 bào dào register 聊 liáo 动 chat 起(名字) qǐ(míng zi) 动 give (a name) 出生 chūshēng 动 born 中秋节 zhōng qiūjié 名 The Mid-autumn Festival 学生会 xué shēng huì 名 the student association 组织 z zhī 动 organize 吸引 xīyǐn 动 attract 新生 xīn shēng 名 new student 迷 mí 动 be fascinated by 追 zhuī 动 chase after 才子 cái zǐ 名 gifted scholar 诗 shī 名 poem 棒 bàng 形 excellent 校刊 xiào kān 名 college journal 发表 fābio 动 publish 熟 shú 形 know sb. well 专 名 洛杉机 Luò shān jī Los angeles 纽约 Ni yuē New York 重点词语例释 (1)聊:随便谈谈,不是正式的谈话。 可以说聊天,聊一聊,聊聊。 例如: 有时间我们聊聊。 妈妈和小刚一边走路,一边聊天。 (2)迷:(名词)特别喜欢某个事物的人。 比如:“球迷”, “戏迷”。 (动词)非常喜欢某个人或事,特别爱好。 例如:小丽被天上美丽的云朵迷住了。 (3)追:快快赶上前面的人或事。 例如:小明和小刚在追前面的同学。 张勇被小丽的歌声迷住了,他想追小丽。 (4)才子:特别有学问的人。 例如:高强是计算机系的才子。 4、词语小练习(选词填空) 聊天 出生 迷 追 (1)我 在北京。 (2)我非常喜欢打游戏,朋友们都叫我游戏。 (3)你走慢一点儿,后面的同学不上你了。 (4)有时间来我家 。 听力练习“你叫什么名字?” 美国留学生李大伟第一天报到,不知道办公楼在哪儿,路上遇到了中国学生张勇。 大伟:请问,去办公楼怎么走? 张勇(指着办公楼方向)一直往前走,过了图书馆,马路左边的红楼就是。 大伟: 谢谢! 张勇:不客气。正好我也要去办公楼,你就跟我走吧。 他俩一边走一边聊起来。 张勇:你是新来的学生吧? 大伟:对,我是昨天刚从美国来,现在要去报道。你也是这儿的学生吗? 张勇:是,我是中文系二年级的学生,我叫张勇。你叫什么名字? 大伟:我叫李大伟 张勇:李大伟?是你的中国名字? 大伟:对,这是一个中国朋友给我起的。 张勇:你住在美国哪个城市? 大伟:洛杉矶。不过我不是在那儿出生的,我是纽约人。 练习: 一、听录音回答问题 1.李大伟去办公楼做什么? 他去办公楼报道。 2. 张勇是哪个系的学生? 张勇是中文系的学生。 3. 李大伟是哪儿出生的? 他出生在洛杉矶。 4. 来中国以前,大伟住在哪个城市? 他住在纽约。 二、课后练习1、听录音回答问题 (1)A机场B教室C银行D工厂 (2)A教师和学生 B 医生和病人C 父亲和女儿D导游和游客 2、根据课文内容完成对话 (1)A :? 我叫张勇。 (2)A :? 是,我是中文系的学生。 (3)A :? 我是纽约人。 3、课后作业 向同学介绍一下你的家人



授课时间:50 分钟 授课内容:《中级汉语口语》下册第十课《今天是青年节》第一个段落 授课者:Andrew 授课目的和重点: 让学生理解该段的生词 让学生掌握并运用该段中的几个口语化表达方式 让学生了解“中国的青年节”和“捐献活动”,适当展开讨论 本节课没有新增语法点,对语法的讲解将不作为重点 突出口语课特点,尽量让学生多开口说话。 教学过程: (1)开场白(很高兴有机会和大家一起交流、学习)(1分钟) (2)介绍本课的教学过程和重点,使学生了解今天要学习的内容、方式和重点。 (2―3分钟) (3)讲解生词(15―20分钟) a. 请一位同学朗读生词,同时要求其他人尽量不看书,自我检查预习效果。让学生自己发现哪些词记得清楚,哪些词记得不太清楚。 b. 教师拿着书和笔走到学生中间,把该学生读得不准或读错的词圈出来,尽量让该学生顺着读完,实在读不出再进行领读。(可以找班上程度比较好的学生,学习比较用功的学生进行朗读生词)教师可以重读生词,让全体学生跟读,如果在那个词上学生声音比较零乱,教师可以重点纠正该词,重复2、3次。(注意时间) c. 开始分析生词,进行板书。 (简单讲解,多举例,让学生用所讲词语造句,可以让其他同学纠正) 1. 捐献:动词。(某人 / 团体)拿出(钱、物品)免费送给其他人或团体。特别是那些需要帮助的人们。 例句:1. 他把全部藏书都捐献给了学校新建好的图书馆。 2. 今年北京发生SARS的时候,中韩公司向北京SARS患者捐献了 10万元人民币。 2. 捐:(在本课)动词。免费送出。可以和一些名词搭配,构成一系列表示“免费送出某些物品”的词组。 如:捐钱捐物捐款捐衣服等 有时候亲密朋友间也用这个词开玩笑,表示“送、给” 例句: 1. 我最近没书看了,你给我捐几本吧 2.我有个女同学经常跟我说,她衣柜里的衣服都是她男朋友捐给她的。 3. 灾区:名词。发生灾害的.地区。 灾害:名词。发大水、虫害、干旱、战争等造成的不好的损害 比如:发大水,闹虫害的地方,都叫灾区。 4.水灾:名词。发大水造成的灾难 我们还可以说:火灾虫灾旱灾 5. 老百姓:名词。普通人,不是当官的。 有时我们还在这词前面加上一个“小”字 比如说:我一个小老百姓,能有多大本事。 表示自嘲,是一种开玩笑的说法。 (如果学生问“老”的意思,简单解释“老”指表语法意义,有亲切的意味。 如果不问,就不讲) 6. 冲 (chong) 一声(在本课)动词。 (1)指水多、速度快地流下。(用手式做出“冲”的动作) 例如:大水把堤坝冲倒了。 我们还经常说:冲澡(冲个凉水澡) (离合词:动宾结构的两个语素之间可以插入别的成分 没有人问,不讲。有人问,简要回答,强调见到一个记住一个不要随意扩展) 冲厕所(做出“哗”的声响) (2)快跑,突破障碍 例如:下课铃一响,他第一个冲出教室。(做出冲的样子,双臂摆动) (它还有一个同形异生词,四声,在口语中,表示向着、对着。我们以后会着重讲到,大家有个印象就行了。学生不问,不讲) 7.报道:(在本课)名词。注意读音,四声。 指通过报纸、杂志、广播等把消息(各种事情)告诉人们的文章。 可以说:关于……的报道如:他写了一篇关于南方水灾的报道。 也可以用作动词,如:报道新闻报道了某某事件 8. 响应:动词。表示同意的一种回答,通常是用言语、行动对某个号召做出支持。 例句:南方发了水灾,学校组织捐款,同学们纷纷响应,捐钱捐物。 9. 忙碌:形容词。在本课以“忙忙碌碌”的形式出现,,就是我们平时说的AABB式形容词,这是一种固定的形式。也就是说,汉语中有一些名词、动词、形容词有这样一种格式。 例如:盆盆罐罐前前后后清清楚楚打打闹闹 通常是两个意思相反或相近的单音词重叠,表示繁多。程度上比AB式有所加深和强调。 这种组词方式,我们不能随意乱用,我想大家还是应该见一个记一个,会用一个,没见过的不要乱用。 d. 补遗:本课的重点词语我们就分析到这儿,学生对这些词语还有什么不清楚的,可以提问。如果没有,进入课文讲解。 (4)讲解课文、组织对话(20―25分钟) a. 把对话分成两部分,请两位同学朗读上半部分,另两位同学接着完成。让班内成都好的学生读“王峰”。不要打断学生,在学生出错的地方做标记。 b. 先对学生的朗读表示赞扬,再纠正学生的错误。 (可以利用图例解释“平板车”一词,不用详细解释。) c. 讲解重要的口语用法,进行板书。 (提问学生,是否注意到对话中非常口语化的表达。问两三个学生,如果说到了要讲的知识点,就接着讲。如果不对,再自己引到要讲的地方。) 你这是去哪呀?(把“这是”圈出来) 一般我们说“你去哪呀?”已经可以完整表示这句话的意思了。这里的“这是”是非常具有口语特点的用法,有一种强调的作用,就是说“现在,此时此刻” 例句:他这是干什么去? 他这是上课去了。 A……这不……B(把“这不”圈出来) “这不”本身没有具体意义。 A表示一种观点B表示一个例子,说明A的观点成立。 例句:北京的交通真糟糕,这不,又堵车了。 他汉语学得还不好,这不,又写错字了。 那还用说! 那不用说了,大家都知道的,当然了。 表示对说话人问题的正面回答。 d. 将卡片分给三组同学,AB一组,CD一组,EF一组,要求根据卡片中写的词语组织对话。要求其他同学注意听,试着回答B、D、F要去什么地方,干什么事情。 开始操练对话。 e. 补遗并引入下个环节:提问学生对这段课文有无问题,如果有,简单回答。可以组织其他学生回答。如果没有,进入下一环节。(“我倒有个问题问大家”:“王峰他们为什么要捐献衣服?”根据时间,掌握提问。) 备注:青年节:每年5月4日,为了纪念195月4日的青年学生爱国运动。青年节不放假,但各单位都会组织青年们进行一些活动,比如植树、作义工,还有捐款等。青年节和有的国家的成人节不同,是中国特有的节日。 (学生什么时候问,什么时候讲。没人问,最后再提。) (5)组织讨论(5分钟左右,根据上课情况伸缩时间) 问题:你们看到过这样的捐献活动吗? 你们捐献过钱物吗? 你们国家有没有这种捐献活动? (6) 回顾本课重点,安排预习。(1―2分钟) 预习内容:第二个段落,生词10 到 20 (7)下课(谢谢大家的配合)



1. 通过语言和细节描写分析人物性格特点。




1. 通过语言和细节描写分析人物性格特点。





















一般在分析人物形象时,是从语言、行动、心理描写诸方面着手,主要有以下几种方法:1、比照法 有比较,就会有鉴别。如果对人物个性把握不准时,运用比照法,便一目了然。有以下几种类型:①将同一人物个性发展的不同阶段相比较。②将同一人物在不同情况、不同场合的表现比照。如《范进中举》中的胡屠户,他对范进之所以前倨后恭,皆是因为女婿是否中举,反映了势利小人的丑恶嘴脸,前后对比鲜明。2、置换法 置换法是将原作品中的人物置换成另一个人物(这个人物原作品中没有),来体味人物形象的独特性,进而把握人物个性的脉搏,是假设情况下的比较。


官员们的性格特点 :虚伪透顶,愚蠢可笑,阿谀逢迎。








此题是对词语语境意的理解,语境意往往是词语在特定语言环境中形成的临时意义,只在特定的语言环境中存在,脱离了语境,其临时的词义就不复存在了。词语的语境意一般指以下情况:(1)概括义 概括义指某个词语对上下文的某一段文字内容所概括的意义。(2)比喻义比喻义是指借用一个词的基本意义来比喻另一个事物所产生的新的意义。(3)引申义 引申义是指由词的本义进行推引,从而生出的其他意义。(4)隐含义 隐含义是指词语中暗含着的意义。(5)附加义 附加义是词义中非反映事物本质特点的部分,但也是理解词语的重要根据。附加意义主要表现在词语的感情色彩(褒义、贬义、中性)、态度色彩(严肃、敬重、鄙视等)、语体色彩(书面语、口语等)。在做这类题目时站在文本全局,联系上下文语境,从作者的思想倾向、词语的感情色彩、语体特、风格特点等方面揣摩才能准确解释词语的含义。(推断多义词在文中的特殊含义)




















1.他正在开会。? He is in conference.

2.你需要留言吗? May I take your message?

3.要我请他回你电话吗? May I have him call you back?

4.抱歉陈先生不在,你要不要跟其他人讲话? I am sorry Mr. Chen is unavailable, would you like to speak to anyone else?

5.我把这个电话转给陈先生。 I will transfer this call to Mr. Chen.

6.请你不要挂断,我替你找他的号码。? Would you hold the line, please, I will find out his number for you.

7.真抱歉,让你久等了。 I am sorry to keep you waiting.

8.他的分机号码是285. His extension number is 285.

9.他正在接听别的电话。 He is speaking on another phone.

10.请你代我留话好吗?Would you please take a message?


















课前热身:告诉学生这节课要学习的内容是“方位”,解释这个词。然后复习表示方位的词语,用向全班提问的方法,已经学过表示方位的词语有:前、后、左、右、上、下、东、南、西、北、东南、东北、西北、西南、里、外、旁边、附近、对面。这些词语都是学生很熟悉的词语,引导他们很容易地说出来,加强对本节课 学习的信心。然后让学生回想自己家里有什么东西,逐步引导说出客厅、卧室、厕所、厨房、桌子、椅子、沙发、电视等名词。 听说练习:放一段录音,关于学生中心在宿舍对面的对话(或者由老师有感情地表演出)。问学生都听到了什么词语或者句子,是否知道这段话的主要内容。然后请 两位同学分角色朗读这段对话,其他同学认真听,然后根据对话画出学生中心的方位图。由于学生朗读对话速度很慢,所以其他学生有充足的时间理解和画图。然后 根据学生的描述在黑板上画出学生中心的方位图,并让学生说出对话中的其他信息。然后把这段对话的文字材料发给学生,让他们通读全文,看看黑板上的方位图是 否画对。根据本班同学的水平帮助他们理解这段话的详细内容。例如“中心”、“不完全对”、“新搬的”、“展览”、“什么?你会宿舍?”等。确定全班同学都 明白这段对话后,让学生两个一组练习对话,看看哪一组表演的对话最有感情。(先选择喜欢表演的同学进行对话,有很好的娱乐课堂的.效果。) 应用训练:首先学 新词语,主要包括:          中心 展览  健身房  套房  卧室  厕所  洗澡间  厨房图 平面图  过道  冰箱 微波炉         书架     羡慕  等 句型练 : 1。离……远 例如:我家离学 很远。 食 离教室不远。 曼谷离巴提雅远吗? 2。早知道……就(不)…… 例如:早知道 不喜欢看电影,我就不请 看了。 早知道不下雨,我就去逛街了。 3。“什么东西在哪儿”转换成“哪儿有什么东西” 例如: 的汉语书在厨房里。 电话不在客厅里。 今天的报纸在哪儿? 4。“哪儿是什么”转换成“哪儿有什么”和“什么在哪儿” 例如:他新搬的宿舍对面是健身房。 那条牛仔裤的旁边是一件白衬衫。 咖啡馆的左边是邮局还是电影院。 然后让学生阅读短文,按照短文要求画出大为家的平面图。    叫三个作图比较快的学生在黑板上画出他们的平面图,然后带领其他学生一起检查黑板上的图是否正确,注意引导说出短文中描述方位的句子。   作业:画出理想中的房间摆设,并用汉字 上名称。

























Negotiating a contract with a customer

l Customer needs

l Available budget



可持续的 sustainable 共同愿望common desire

双赢win-win 建立贸易机会conclude business

互惠互利mutual benefit 一致coincides with

通力合作close cooperation 报价quotations

最新商品价格目录表latest catalogues 履行合同observe the contract

商业信誉commercial integrity 国际惯例international practices


I have some comment on…..

The products meet with great favor.

How to precede with 怎样来进行

How to put…. Into practice….


If I am negotiating a contract with a customer, I will firstly take the customers’ needs into consideration. The reason is very simple. It is the basis of the undergoing negotiation; we are sitting around the negotiation table because we need something from each other. It is our common desire to conclude the business.

On the other hand, the success of the negotiation depends on the available budget. Without financial support, all the rounds of discussing and bargaining won’t make any sense. That is why it is an international practice to consider about the budget first and reasonable design of the contract comes after that.

Besides the above mentioned points, long-term cooperation is also an essential element. Although the well-being of our own party is the main concern of us, we should insure that the prices we offered are very favorable, or we may even make some readjustment in our offer if the customer insists. The drive behind these behaviors is that sustainable profit and win-win outcome will make sure the contract can be held good for a long term. That is why we ought to make it our permanent principle to honor the contract and maintain commercial integrity.



Working as a teacher

l Sharing expertise

l Deciding responsibilities



求助于 resort to 零碎的piecemeal

处理tackle with 前提premise

倾向于apt to 灵活的策略flexible policy

指派assign 唤起情绪invoke

有机的,整体的organic 同时simultaneously


The prime concern is… 首要考虑是..

Given this premise…. 基于这样的前提

Be expected to…


When working as a teacher, the prime concern is sharing expertise. The need of the students should receive careful consideration. Through systematic training and teaching, the students should be able to resort to the professional skill of the teacher for reasonable solution of whatever problem they may come across in working experience.

Secondly, the teacher is expected to decide the responsibility of his/her fellowman. In this case, it is better to tackle with the whole thing in an organic way rather than a piece meal basis. In other words, the person on the teaching position should be crystal clear of the strength and weakness of every student and assign them to the right positions based on this judgment. Given this premise, the whole team can work in an efficient way.

Another crucial issue is how to monitor the students. Here we should adopt a flexible policy. It takes wisdom to let the students know that their behavior will be noticed b the supervisor and simultaneously to invoke the creative spirit out of them. In this way, we can improve the behavior pattern of the students and make full of their potentialities.



Considering setting a staff canteen

l Employee’s opinions

l Cost to the company



至关重要的crucial 策略战术tactic

能被利用的available 注意 be aware of….

交换意见compare notes 或者alternatively

长期预定long-tern reservation 可行性feasibility

以员工为中心的employee-oriented 建筑,建造construction


As far as…..concerned

With respect to….关于….

To be specific 具体来说

Be supposed to….

Conserve no effort to…


With respect to setting up staff canteens, I suggest that we should be aware of the following four factors. To start with, employees’ opinions are supposed to play a crucial role. Undoubtedly, we should conserve no effort to meet the needs of the employees. We can benefit a lot from this employee-oriented tactic. To be specific, we can compare notes with employees from different departments, or, alternatively, we can make them vote for a decision.

Secondly, the cost of the company deserves to be taken into consideration. If there can be other more economic options, why bother to build an extra canteen? I mean, if the company can make a long term reservation with a restaurant probably, it saves time and money.

Thirdly, the financial situation tends to interfere in the decision making. If building a canteen is a better choice compared with ordering foods from restaurants in the long run, we still have to consider the expenses in building the canteen--------an undergoing construction is a big deal for the company anyway. Lastly, the location of the canteen is also quite important. If you want to build a canteen, there should be space available for it.



Managing change

Clear objectives



企业目标 business goal 蓝图 blueprint

核心竞争力core competence 与时俱进keep pace with time

大的市场份额The lion’s share


In this information age, the capacity to manage change is becoming increasingly important. Consequently, more and more managers begin to put this issue in the spotlight. In my perspective, when managing change, several factors should be taken into consideration. The first one is to set a clear objective, because it is the blueprint of a company’s future development. Without the guide of a clear objective, one will get lost in the business jungle.

The second factor is communication skill. An effective communication can promote cooperation, and communication is usually considered as an inevitable way to effective management.

The third one is technology and qualified personnel. They are the core competitiveness of the enterprises and they are the software and hardware that drive the enterprise to work in a full speed. Without them, it is hard to keep pace with the time. The last but not the least, creativity is also important. Even a single innovative idea may be capable of helping an enterprise to take the lion’s share of the market.


1、I'm afraid that won't be possible,much as we'd like to.


2、We've got to report back to the head office.


3 、Thank you for you cooperation.


4 、We've arranged our schedule without any trouble.


5、Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends.Would you please have a look at it?



6、If you have any questions on the details, feel free to ask.


7 、I can see you have put a lot of time into it.


8、We really wish you'll have a pleasant stay here.


9 、I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us.


10、Welcome to our factory.













1.Are we all set? 我们完事儿了吗?

A: Are we all set?

B: I have one more question.



2.Get involved and contribute 积极参与和贡献

A: Everyone needs to get involved and contribute during the discussion.

B: We will try our best.



3.Get started 开始开会

A: Okay. Now we got everybody. Lets get started.

B: Lets start with the agenda.



4.Jump in 插入、插话

A: If you have any questions, jump right in.

B: I will.



5.Kick off 启动

A: This meeting was to kick off the program.

B: How did the meeting go?

A: Pretty well. I think we got a good start.





1.你有电话簿吗?? Do you have a phone book(directory)?

2.我想打个长途电话到台北去。? I would like to make a long distance call to Taibei.

3.我想打个电话到美国去。? I want to make an overseas call to the United States?

4.打一个电话到美国去需要多少钱?? How much is a call to the United states?

5.请你回我一个电话好吗?? Will you please call me back?

6.我可以用你的电话吗?? May I use your telephone?

7.有人在用电话。? Someone is using the phone.

8.你有分机吗?? Do you have an extension?

9.我们没有分机。? We dont have an extension.

10.在转角处有个电话亭。? There is a phone booth in the corner.



Export, Import

Dialogue one.

Man: It’s amazing to me how international business has become. Take my store for example. On any given day you will find imported items from more than 20 different countries on our shows.

Woman: How many different varieties of products do you import from China?

Man: China provides the balk of our product inventory for sure. We import more than from 40 different items from China. Most of the imports that come out of China are low grade plastics or toys. Japan produces many electronic exports. Germany produces excellent mechanical exports.

Woman: Do you import any food items?

Man: Generally speaking, food items are difficult to import. Food with the short shelf life is liable to spoil on the time it takes to ship from one place to another. The only food items we import are specialty canned or preserved foods. The shelf life is longer for these products.

Dialogue two.

Man: How long will it take for an order to be delivered?

Woman: Let’s see. You are importing 15 containers of textiles from China. They should be able to place your order before the end of next week. It will take 2 days for shipping to the port city of Ningbo. The freak will take 3 weeks on the open ocean and will arrive in Los Angeles approximately a month from today. Domestic shipping will be your responsibility. You can make arrangements with the peer in Los Angeles.

Man: Fine, we will handle domestic shipping. But what about customs? Will we have to pay terror found on our imports? I hope we don't run into any problems with the border control.

Woman: No, the Chinese company has that all worked out. With the paper work you received with the shipment you should be good to go.



Dialogue 1.

A: Mark is brilliant, I can't believe how many helpful inventions that he has come up with.He sees a problem and he invents a way to solve it. He's amazing.

B:He is.He is always trying to build a better mousetrap, you know, he already holds five patents on his inventions.

A: Really? What kind of patented inventions does he have? Anything that he has been able to make a few bucks on ?

B:He patented a hinge mechanism for water filters.I think later he sold that idea to a major manufacturing company. Also, he came up with an automated fuel injector system for lawnmower.

A:Lawnmowers .He is always tinkering with different types of engines and machinery.How about that idea? Did he register it for a patent?

B:I think he was about to put a patent on it, but someone beat him to the punch. About 2 weeks after he completed his prototype , someone else came out with an identical model.They got the patent first ,even though it was Mark's idea.The guy made a ton of money on it,too.

A:Gee, that's terrible!

B:Some time that the way things go , I guess.

Dialogue 2

A:Can you tell me more about your products?

B:Yes, I'd be happy to . Let me tell you this.We are ahead of the competition because our products have advanced technology.

A:What kind of advanced technology are you talking about ?

B:The technology is in the design.I will show you how these hinge device works...this is our patented design.You won't be able to find anything like it anywhere else.We are the only manufacturer of the unique technology.

A:You have a patent on this design?

B: That's right.This device is the result of years of research by our team of designers.We are the only manufacturer because we came up with the idea.We own the design prints and unique mechanism. It's all our idea.

A: Is it truely superior to other products on the market now?

B: If it wasn't as good as I have said it is, would we have to registered it for a patent?But you don't have to take my word for it , give it a try yourself!


Dialogue 1

M: I can't believe it, Handcup Marketing's lawer just served us with papers, they are suing us for breaching contract on the Anderson's account.

F: Did you get it into our legal counsel Mr Devis? He knows about this, right?

M: Yes, as soon as I got notice, I contacted him right away, he's suposed to be comging into office now.

F: When is the hearing scheduled?

M: In two weeks' time. I hope that Mr Devis has time to make a good defense.

F: Perhaps it wont't even make it to trial, if we're lucky, the judge would dismiss the case in the prenominated hearing, that would save us a fortune in legal fees.

M: If it does go to trial, I'm afaid the prosecution would have a head day marking our company through the press, there could be a lot stake. Where is Mr Devis?

F: I'm sure he's on his way, maybe he's rounding up some witnesses for us now.

Dialogue 2

M: Miss Hubble, as your legal counsel, I want to advise you against making any statements to the press about the trial, it could be very damaging to our case.

F: Mr Lawrence, I appreciate your advice, I know you're good lawer, but I want to prove to the people I'm innocent.

M: Talking to the press won't prove anything, proving your innocent is my job, we can work up good case to withstand the prosecution, other than a few witnesses who gave comforting tesimonies, they don't have any substential evidence against you.

F: Do I have to take the stand tommorrow?

M: Yes, you're scheduled to take this stand, remember, you will be under oath, be careful not to make any misstatements, they could ditch you for perjury.

F: Do you think it's a fair jury?

M: The jury seems fine, we have a fighting


Dialogue 1

A: Did you go over the contract with our supplier? They drafted a new contract after we changed our pricing agreement last summer. Nothing has been signed yet, we only have a verbal agreement so far.

B: I saw the contract before it wen to our legal department. It seemed really detailed this time. I guess they want to make sure we don't leavey any loopholes.

A: I am glad we have our legal team to review it. The legal jargon in all the clauses make my head spin!

B: Mine too! But it's important to have a detailed and specific contract in case there are disagreements that arise later. If there is a problem, we can just go back to what's on the paper. It's a good way to protect us, and them.

A: Sometimes I really long for the time when a man's word was good enough.

B: That time doesn't exist anymore. If you don't have it in writing, then it's your word against theirs. Verbal agreements aren't worth the paper they're written on!

A: I guess you're right!

Dialogue 2

A: Can you help me make sense of this contract? I don 't quite understand this phrase....

B: Let me see, “The two undersigned are in agreement to the following terms. Party A shall be responsible for furnishing Party B with materials as follows.” Well, that's a pretty complicated way to say you both agree to something and sign your names to certify.

A: So if I sign here, that makes me Party A, right?

B: Yes. Then you have to abide by all the requirements listed in this contract for Party A.

A: What about what is says here, “Terms and conditions of this agreement are void in the case of natural disaster or acts of God.”

B: That means unless something very big happens, like an earthquake or a tsunami, you will be bound to the contract and can't get out of it.

A: That serious, huh?

B: Sounds like it. Before you sign this contract, I would go over it with a fine-tooth comb if I were you. Make sure it's what you want.

A: Good idear. I'll probably have to get a dictionary!



Dialogue 1

A: Did you go over the contract with our supplier? They drafted a new contract after we changed our pricing agreement last summer. Nothing has been signed yet, we only have a verbal agreement so far.

B: I saw the contract before it wen to our legal department. It seemed really detailed this time. I guess they want to make sure we don't leavey any loopholes.

A: I am glad we have our legal team to review it. The legal jargon in all the clauses make my head spin!

B: Mine too! But it's important to have a detailed and specific contract in case there are disagreements that arise later. If there is a problem, we can just go back to what's on the paper. It's a good way to protect us, and them.

A: Sometimes I really long for the time when a man's word was good enough.

B: That time doesn't exist anymore. If you don't have it in writing, then it's your word against theirs. Verbal agreements aren't worth the paper they're written on!

A: I guess you're right!

Dialogue 2

A: Can you help me make sense of this contract? I don 't quite understand this phrase....

B: Let me see, “The two undersigned are in agreement to the following terms. Party A shall be responsible for furnishing Party B with materials as follows.” Well, that's a pretty complicated way to say you both agree to something and sign your names to certify.

A: So if I sign here, that makes me Party A, right?

B: Yes. Then you have to abide by all the requirements listed in this contract for Party A.

A: What about what is says here, “Terms and conditions of this agreement are void in the case of natural disaster or acts of God.”

B: That means unless something very big happens, like an earthquake or a tsunami, you will be bound to the contract and can't get out of it.

A: That serious, huh?

B: Sounds like it. Before you sign this contract, I would go over it with a fine-tooth comb if I were you. Make sure it's what you want.

A: Good idear. I'll probably have to get a dictionary!












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