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Contact Information

Jeffrey C. Bratton

3718 Luke Lane

Kenton, OK 73946


Email ID- xxxx@freemail.com

Career Objective

Seeking a high position in enterprise planning area, which will allow me to utilize my knowledge and skills to prepare efficient and effective budget plans for the company, thereby improving their profitability.

Skills and Proficiencies

Knowledge of Cognos software tools and applications

Proven track record of implementing enterprise planning and business intelligence strategies and solutions successfully

Experience in working with data warehousing tools

Translate business requirements into processes and make effective decisions to achieve business/project objectives

Communicate fluently and effectively with domestic and international clients and associates

Use easy techniques and solutions to solve complex problems without using complicated languages and scripting

Ability to explore information or data from the right source at the right time

Abreast with latest technologies, applications and processes in the Cognos enterprise planning environment

Technical Skills and Knowledge

Cognos tool - Cognos 8 Planning application, Administrator, Author, Framework Manager, Report Studio, etc.

Business intelligence/OLAP tools, Data stage, Informatica and Abinitio

Software languages including SQL, Java, XML, PL, C, C++, etc.


Operating System and Windows XP, , Unix, MS-DOS

Microsoft suite

TOAD, Enterprise manager, Quality SQA

Educational Qualifications

MBA with specialization in Financial Management (major) and Information Technology (minor) from XYZ University, NY,

Diploma in Computing and Programming from Hightech Institute, NY,

Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Computer Science from ABC College, NY,

High School Diploma from XYZ High School, OK,

Professional Training

Completed one year technical training program from IBM Software Group Training and Certification with specialization in Cognos suite.

Professional Experience

Company- IT Corporation Ltd., NY

Designation: Sr. Cognos Enterprise Planing Consultant

Duration- May 2003 to June

Job responsibilities:

Provide support to enterprise planning requirements through the use of Cognos Planing software of all versions

Plan, analyze and evaluate solutions for Cognos enterprise planning environment by using the appropriate version of the software

Take quick decisions and prepare financial budget and forecast plans in line with the available resources and company objectives

Ensure optimum utilization of resources and plan the overall design solution for the enterprise

Design and deploy complicated software methodologies

Compare past records and the present performance status to build a framework for the future

Involve in identification of drawbacks in the application process and take effective corrective actions

Maintain, develop and upgrade the ETL and data warehousing tools

Apply knowledge and solutions by using latest and updated technologies

Company- XYZ Inc , NY

Designation: Cognos Enterprise Planning Consultant

Duration- Sept 2000 to May 2003

Job Responsibilities:

Develop enterprise planning applications for the company through the use of Cognos planning software

Build new models by comparing with the present and past models

Apply and use the latest version of Cognos Planning tool to the old models/ applications to increase more efficiency

Apply Cognos TM1 and Enterprise to install, configure and maintain the server

Optimize and improve the solutions and applications according to the best industry practices

Maintain cordial relations with the client, colleagues and stakeholders to ensure continuity of information flow, as and when required

Maintain reports and documentation related to Cognos enterprise planning

Make necessary changes to the report, as and when required

Ensure delivery of project within the deadline

Evaluated the performance of the project and analyze the effect of Cognos enterprise planning application

Improve the financial performance of the company and clients

Handle more than one project involving separate applications

Personal Details

Name: Jeffrey C. Bratton

Sex : Male

Age: 28 years

Marital Status: Single

Date of Birth: December 7, 1982

Nationality: American

Languages Known: English and Spanish

Hobbies: Programming and Web Designing


Name: Harry Kleten

Designation: Manager

Organization Name: XYZ Inc., New York

Telephone Number: 893-XXX- XXXX

Email Id: xxx@example.com


Personal Information

Rick E. Uribe

3739 Pennsylvania Avenue

New Brunswick, NJ 08901


Email ID- xxxx@freemail.com

Career Objective

Looking for a growing career in the software industry which will provide me a challenging opportunity to gain knowledge, experience and skills in this field.

Technical Qualifications

Knowledge of Cognos software suite

In-depth knowledge of Cognos Administrator, TM1, Cognos 8 and Framework Manager

Good understanding of business intelligence concepts and practices

Knowledge of:

Microsoft suite - Office, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access

Operating Systems - Windows XP, Windows 98, 2003,

Software languages like Java, C, C+, SQL, HTML and XML

Skills and Proficiencies

Good written and spoken communication ability in English and Spanish

Strong interpersonal skills to deal with all kinds of people

A well organized, confident and positive personality

Flexible to adjust in all work environment

A patient learner with strong ability to handle stress

Academic Projects

Jan to June 2002

ABS Consultancy, NJ



Research data for software development teams

Collect and maintain all reports and data on Excel

Received training on Cognos suite and worked with Cognos professionals

June 2000 - Dec 2000

XYZ College of Engineering

Carried out a project work on IBM Cognos tool. Visited IBM company and received several information on this tool. Interpreted all data, analyzed them and made a report on the software tool and its effectiveness in the market. (Project Report available upon request)

Educational Qualifications

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from ABC College, NJ,

High School Diploma from RST Education Center, NJ, 1999

Co-Curricular Activities

Participated in inter-school level quiz competition

Participated IT fairs and national level seminar during first year college project

Personal Details

Name: Rick E. Uribe

Sex : Male

Age: 26 years

Father's name: Toby E. Uribe

Date of Birth: November 7' 1985

Nationality: American

Hobbies: Reading and watching movies


Brandi. D Potts

4930 Powder House Road

Lake Worth, FL33463


Email ID- xxx@freemail.com

Career Objective

Seeking the position of an architect in a reputed technology/IT firm that offers immense growth opportunities and allows me to utilize my Cognos experience and business intelligence skills for the advancement of a project and the organization.


8+ years of total work experience

Experience in Cognos and OLAP software and solutions

In-depth knowledge of business intelligence and performance management

Proficient in the use of systems architecture

Knowledge and experience of data warehousing practices and applications

Skills and Proficiencies

Expert in developing and designing architectural solutions according to project/business need

Ability to understand end to end scope of work by analyzing the requirements provided

Strong command in written and verbal communication

Ability to deal with both domestic and international clients

Good presentation skills and detail oriented

Professional Experience

Jan to present

ABC Technologies. Ltd., New York

Senior Architect Architect

Job responsibilities:

Designed Cognos framework according to the need of the project

Handled TM1 and Controller products to install, configure and apply in the server

Engaged in project planning, controlling, and documentation

Involved in project budget and cost estimation

Arrange all project solution and transfer it to the testing and production unit

Handled a number of issues and made necessary changes immediately

Coordinated with off-shore clients directly

Managed several projects and completed them successfully

Prepared reports of all Cognos models

June - Dec

RST Corporation, NY

Cognos Architect

Job Responsibilities:

Managed both off-shore and on-shore clients

Designed Cognos and OLAP framework models and reports

Developed, managed and monitored testing and production environment

Handled multiple projects including over 20 application servers

Arranged to obtain the Cognos licenses after negotiation with vendors

Worked on Cognos tools including TM1, Xcelarator, Enterprise and Express

Manage Cognos data in excel and spreadsheets

Ensured delivery of projects within deadline

May - June 2006


Cognos Developer

Job Responsibilities:

Developed and managed projects through Cognos solutions

Applied and worked on Cognos TM1 and Enterprise

Coordinated with the client and took project requirements and feedback

Provided valuable input at all stages of work

Took care of the technical and operational issues

Ensure that the projects were completed within the deadline and budget

Build and installed framework

Ensured proper scheduling and administration of Cognos connection

Educational Qualifications

Master's Degree in Information Technology from XYZ University of Technology, New York, 2002

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from ABC College, FL, 2001

Major Achievements

Received Best Contributor Award consecutively for four years till date

Awarded by IBM for being a part of major development team

Invited as a speaker at The Cognos Global Conference


Name: Eric Hallen

Designation: Sr. Software Manager

Organization Name: ABC Technologies. Ltd., New York

Telephone Number: 793-XXX- XXXX

Email Id: xxx@example.com



拿到《主真是你吗》这本书就爱不释手,一口气在两天内把它读完了,是伴着眼泪读完的, 在这本书里让我看到神是如何引领Loren Cunningham建立起青年使命团和万国大学,使他年轻时看到的海浪一样的异象变成了真实的事情。神一路上真的是在对他说话,一步一步的引领,一个美国人在瑞士建立学校,在德国购买城堡,在威尼斯买下一艘船,在新西兰建立大学,差派成千上万的工人到世界各地宣教,如今DTS已经在150个国家开展。靠着人能做成这样的事情吗?不能,只有神有这样的眼界和构思,让不可能成为可能。上帝要我们做的是去聆听他的声音,并去顺服,他就能让不可能的事情成为极大的荣耀。 我们在聆听神的声音上有12点需要注意的: 听到神的声音不是恩赐,不是特权,是因为我们是他的儿女,是基督徒最基本的,就像我们要和地上的爸爸交谈一样,感情的维系要有说有听,双方的。上帝同样在对我们说话,不是属灵的.人才能听到,我们需要跟神建立一个亲密的敞开的个人的关系。神是人格的神。 第一:不要把带领复杂化。保持谦卑,他就会带领我们。 A顺服神的主权。求他帮助你使那些充满在你心里的自己的想法,渴望和别人的意见都归于沉寂(林后10:5) B抵挡仇敌。用基督的权柄使仇敌闭口。 C期待答案。当你向神求问之后,要耐心等候他回答。爱你的神一定会对你说话。我们常常祷告完就阿门,走了,神还没来得及说,我们就挂电话了。我们需要在神面前的安静等候。 第二:容许神以他自己所选择的方式向你说话。 用顺服的心倾听,不要让神用你喜欢的方式对你说话。顺服和聆听有直接关系。他会透过以下方式对你说话:透过他的话,可能来自你每天的读经,或者他会带领你特别注意某段经文(诗篇119:105),透过可听见的声音(出3:4)透过异梦(太2:2)异象(赛6:1;启示1:12-17)安静细微的内在声音(赛30:21) 第三:为隐藏的罪认罪。要听到神的声音,需要一颗清洁的心(诗篇66:18) 第四:运用斧头原则。从列王纪下6章的故事中出来,如果你迷失了方向,就重新回到上一次你听到神所发出话语的时刻,然后顺服。问题的关键是:你是否顺服了上帝上次要你去做的事情。 第五:找出你蒙引导的方式。神会使用其他人来证实他的带领,但是你必须自己听见他的声音,仰赖别人为你去听神对你说的话,会有危险。 第六:不要谈论你所得的带领,知道神允许你这么做。 有时我们会马上得到神的应许,有时会延迟。等候的主要目的是在于避免落入四个陷阱:(一)骄傲。因为神对你说了一些话。(二)在你完全明白神的带领之前,即自以为是的将所认为的事说出来;(三)错失神的时机和方法;(四)造成他人的混淆,毕竟他们也需要有心理准备。 第七:运用三博士原则。 神会使用两位或多位在属灵上有敏锐洞察力的人,来证实他所告诉你的话。(林后13:1) 第八:提放假冒 撒旦也会模仿带领。分辨的关键是:你的带领是够遵照神经原则,圣灵绝对不会与神的话语冲突的。 第九:人的反对有时也是来自神的带领(徒21:10-14) 第十:每个跟随耶稣的人都有一项独特的职事。 神要我们在正确的地方,正确的时间,以正确的次序,在正确的领袖之下,用正确的心态使用正确的方法,向正确的对象做和说正确的事。 第十一:操练倾听神的声音,它会变得越来越容易。 就像一拿起电话就能认出最好的朋友的声音一样,你认得神的声音,因为你听过很多次了。 第十二:聆听神声音最重要的原因是跟神的关系。神不仅是无限的,也是个人的,你若与他没有交往,就与他没有关系。真正的带领乃是要更亲近那位带领者,因他对我们说话,我们就越加认识主,因为我们聆听和顺服,便使他心里喜悦。   如何分辨是不是神的声音:1心里的平安,喜乐,盼望,强烈的确信,信心等内在的健康的变化;是否与圣经和神的品性一致。 每天清晨的默想也是跟神建立关系的很重要的。我们要知道默想是圣灵的工作,所以我们需要圣灵的引导。为了默想,必要的要素: 1特定的时间,--需要放下生活中的一切,停留在神的面前。 2.安静。 3.隔离。我们需要个独自面对神的空间。 4.沉默。一个聆听的时间,对神说:你借着这段经文要对我说什么呢?并把得到的记录下来。 5.降卑和顺从。务要在主面前自卑,主必叫你们升高。放下自己的意思。 6.敞开的心。 7.神是默想的焦点。 默想的方法: 1.进入神的临在 2.与圣灵一起读圣经(主啊,通过这个你要对我说什么?) 3.听神对我说的话 4。应用 5。分享  








篇7: 你真是个大嗓门作文

















・・・・・・・・・・・     您的儿子:张禹




A man reported to his doctor that he was having trouble going to the bathroom.


“Do you urinate in the morning?” asked the doctor.


“Yeah, every morning at six o’clock.”


“And how are your bowel movements?”


“Seven o’clock very morning, just like clockwork.”


“So what’s the problem?”


“I don’t get up until eight.”



1.have trouble doing sth 做某事有困难

=have difficulty doing sth

=have a hard time doing sth

=have problems doing sth

与此类相反的表示法则为:have a good time doing sth 做某事很愉快)。

例:I'm having trouble getting into these pants.


That's because you have such a hard time losing weight


2.urinate vi. 排尿;小便

=make water

wee-wee 小便(小孩子使用之口语)

take a leak (男孩子)上小号(俚)

3.bowel movement 大号(名词)

move one's bowels 上大号(动词)

bowel n. 大肠

take a dump 上大号(俚)

4.clockwork n. 钟表的机械装置

like clockwork 像钟表一样准确

例:In Germany the trains run like clockwork.




—— Lola M.Coxford

“因为你的 自荐书 可用来突出你 简历 的某些部分,同一份 简历 就可用来寻找不同的工作机会。 自荐书 的美妙之处就在于,你可以通过强调你最重要的资历,能力,以此来投合收到你 简历 的每一个特定公司的所好。

——Adele Lewis


——Barbara B. Vinitsky


——Kenneth and Sheryl Dawson

“如果你 找工作 时,竞争者如云,那么请你写上一封自荐书,即便雇主并未要求你这么做,你还是应该在简历中附上一封自荐书。然而,通过浏览自荐书往往也是雇主清除一些应聘者最常用的办法。自荐书确实什么也不是,只是增加一种受聘的可能。但如果你不把它附上,你的情形只会更糟。”

——Jeff B. Speck


——Richard H. Beatty












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