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要成为一名成功的科研人员,不仅需要学术潜力,还需要独立的研究能力。学生将通过与学者密切合作培养独立研究的能力。为此,我进入了蛋白质工程与植物遗传工程国家重点实验室,参加了蛋白质结构与功能课题组。现在我与两名研究生合作,其中一名将前往哈佛医学院继续他的研究工作。我们的最终目标是开发出国家863高技术计划支持的新型溶栓药物。(详细请查看Research Experience。)到这里三个月,我已经能够独立完成许多实验,并在科学工作中获得了认真的态度和合作。



























3、Max Planck研究奖学金






6、Hanns Seidel海外学生奖学金



Dear xxx,

Brought up in a shabby and cramped small apartment, I was fascinated in mychildhood by the exquisite houses and condominiums I watched on TV in imagesthat had been shot in the developed countries. It has since been my dream tobuild up in China the same kind of quality human habitat. I believe that thisdream can come true if I get to undertake advanced studies in architecture atyour university.

I am now erecting fundamental building blocks towards the realization of mydream at the Harbin Institute of Technology (known as HIT), from which I amscheduled to graduate next year. This elite institution accepted me in 1995 inrecognition of my strong performance in the National University EntranceExaminations, held once every year nationwide to screen high school graduatesfor higher education. Here, I have received vigorous training in structureengineering, an area of study that is essential to the country's frenziedconstruction industry.

Deeply in love with my chosen area of studies, I have turned my mind intoan engine of creativity during three years of disciplined learning. Courses ofmy major, particularly structure mechanics, architecture material, and survey ofengineering, fascinate me so much that I am sometimes completely enthralled instudying them. Looking now at the reinforced concrete structures around me, Inot only detect the configuration inside easily but also arrive at somepreliminary assessment of its strengths and weaknesses quickly. Everything thatcomes into my sight presents itself in the framework of some form of structure.Carefully groomed as the only child in my family, I cannot stand being thesecond best in any group and situation, especially when it comes to a contest ofintellectual caliber. At HIT, I beat the odds and excelled all most of my fellowstudents in academic studies, making myself the undisputed academic leader ofthe class. Students and faculty alike are so accustomed to my academicexcellence that everybody would be surprised in class if I happen not to be ableto answer a question better than others even once. My motto is : one eithercomes out the first, or he is a failure. The university has awarded me a stringof scholarships and other accolades in praise of my academic achievements.

But I am no bookworm. In fact, I am constantly engaged in a host ofextracurricular activities, for which I have been conferred a SpecialCommendation for Participation in Social Activities. I have run and won theposition of monitor in my class during my first semester, which made me anatural student leader. Active on campus, I was then appointed the recreationofficer of the Student Association, in charge of organizing entertainment andother recreational events for the benefit of the students. I now also serve asthe president of the Society of Student Architects and Engineers. Suchinvolvement in the student affairs has tempered my skills in leadership,organization and communication. But more importantly, it has broadened myhorizon and deepened my insights in terms of what constitutes beauty, grace andstrength, which I believe will always help me in my engineering designs.

I would like to mention here my passion for a uniquely oriental sportcalled weiqi, known as the go in the English parlance. An intricate chess game,it is challenging to even the best and brightest minds. One usually has to be afull-time player to play it well. Not to be daunted, I not only joined the WeiqiClub on campus but also taken part in a national contest, in which I won the12th place and the HIT team I led won the 3rd place. My achievement in the weiqisport testifies to my superior mental power and intellectualresourcefulness.

To tap fully into my intellectual resources, I would like to take up thegreater challenges of helping to design my country's skylines in the 21stcentury. For that, I need better training that what I have received. An Americaneducation will expose mw to new perspectives and endow me with new inspirations.When I get to combine my Chinese perspectives with those of the West, I shouldhave no trouble fulfilling my ambition of cutting one of the best structureengineers in the world. With that, I want to design and build the most beautifulstructures in China.

To ensure both my future and that of my country's construction industry, Isincerely hope that I could be admitted into your university. I am confidentthat, if I can be lucky enough to study under your seasoned guidance and withyour kind financial assistance, many people in China will never have to endurethe kind of shabby and inconvenient apartments that I endured as a child.

Yours sincerely,



The most important element of my classroom, my office, or my home is apersonal relationship. I have figured this out on examination of my activitiesin high school (youth group regional president), college (telephone crisiscounselor, resident advisor), or profession (teacher). As a teacher I made apoint of getting to know every student in my classes personally. It quicklybecame my experience that students were more willing to learn, work, and excelwhen they were appreciated as individuals and when they knew that the adult inthe classroom genuinely liked them.

After a few years' experience teaching seniors, I accepted a teaching job atthe middle school with the freshman class that had just learned they would notphysically be moving to the high school. How would I motivate and get to knowthese kids? Everything that I had ever heard about or remembered about 9th grademade me want to turn and run. But what convinced me to take this job wastechnology. In my interview I learned that instead of the library, I was to usethe Internet (the what?). I was told that I would receive a laptop computer(aren't those the things that people with “real” jobs used?) and that the kidscould teach me anything I needed to know.

Computers became my thing. Immediately I began to learn how to surf theInternet from 8th and 9th graders (Sanj and Judy said I was teachers' pet). Mykids opened up and set aside their raging adolescence to use technology to helpme and help each other. As the year with the freshmen continued, I wasoverjoyed. First, my kids and I had the best rapport in years (gosh Miss Glazer,are all of your PowerPoint slides gonna look the same?). Second, my creativityin teaching increased as new doors were opened to me and in turn to my students(conspiracy takes on a whole new meaning when the Internet is your primarysource). Third, I was learning new and exciting things. I had finally found acombination of skills that affected my students in such a positive way that Iknew I had to share my findings.

I have since taken my computer knowledge, instructional design ideas, plus myemphasis on personal relationships and applied it to teachers and students in mydistrict and other districts in the North Texas area.

Through the Learning, Design, and Technology program at Stanford University Ihope to continue on the route that started for me at the middle school. I knowthat I will learn new things and have an opportunity to apply them toeducational settings. I also know that I will be able to establish relationshipswith colleagues, professors, and other students. Although a master's degree isthe short term goal, I believe that my long term goal remains the same as when Ibegan using technology in my classroom three years ago: to see students bettereducated through a curriculum infused with technology by teachers who do notlose sight of the personal relationships that benefit all kids.

This long-term goal may be achieved by working in a single school, a schooldistrict, or an educational center. It may be reached by teaching new teacherson the university level, by instructing at-risk students in a countyafter-school program, or by designing a terrific new classroom model andimplementing it through a regional education lab with a grant from the U.S.Department of Education.

Whatever the job, my aim remains the same and as it did years ago with myfreshmen, I feel certain that I will use any situation to fulfill my goal tobenefit students.


Dear Sir,

I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university.

My name is Li Jin, an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics, Huabei University. Next year in the summer, I will graduate and get my B.S. degree. I plan to continue my study and research in this field. I chose Boston University because there are a congenial team of researchers, an array of databases and research projects in your school of Physics. I believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school. And my solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.

I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the Graduate Application Forms, the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships, and other relevant information. My mailing address is shown on the top of this letter.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming


















































Dear _,

When China, my motherland, is mentioned anywhere in the world, people will naturally awaken association with the exquisite and beautiful chinaware made in China, the country that enjoys a history of porcelain production one thousand years earlier than other countries and a reputation for her elevated art and remarkable craftsmanship. European people attempted at any cost to acquire the technology of porcelain making and at last achieved the satisfaction of this goal from a priest named Francois-Xavier D’Entrecolles, thus the present variety and brilliance of chinaware in both China and the West. Nevertheless, in an era of electronics and information today, China has fell far behind the advanced countries in the field of information materials science and engineering, in its research and application as well. As a graduate majored in physics and technology of electronic thin films, I am eager to trace the footprints of Francois-Xavier D’Entrecolles so as to bring the advanced technology of material engineering to China by means of studying in your prestigious university for Ph.D. program in the area of material engineering, realizing my dream of being a useful scholar to my motherland.

University of _ is a world-famous university and especially well-known for her intellectual strength in the area of material engineering with her irresistible magnetic power pulling excellent students from all over the world to her. Therefore I justify clear realization of the sharp competition I am confronted with. But with a fine background of education in specialty, a firm foundation in theoretical study, the practical skill in experiment, and the cultured ability to engage myself in independent research work, I have the confidence to meet the challenge from other rival applicants.

In University of _ of China, which enrolls brilliant students from various areas in China with her strength in the area of material science, I accomplished my undergraduate study in the specialty of magnetic materials and components and my graduate study in physics and technology of electronic thin films, in the period of which I kept to be the top student in my class and was awarded the school fellowship every year. I was elected “Graduate with Merit” of my university upon graduation.

Benefiting from the strict training in my university, I gained fair acquaintance with the knowledge and theories in my specialty. Meanwhile, I read various journals and magazines at home and abroad, following the footsteps of the development of new theories and technology. I tried my best to participate in possible experimental work and research work, cultivate my skills in the use, maintenance, and modification of vacuum-evaporation equipment and pulse-laser- deposition equipment, and attend academic workshops and symposiums. The modulation rate of the BST voltage controlled thin film variable capacitor I produced reaches the level of 80%, approximate to the highest level in record so far.

My achievement was highly appreciated by relevant scholars and specialists and I have been invited to participate in various programs experiments. As a result of my persistent effort, I have published “BST Voltage Controlled Microwave Electronic Components” and “STO Pulse-Laser-Deposition Growth of Thin Film” respectively on such kernel academic journals as _ in China, the former article being praised by relevant specialists as “assuming the function of guidance to the application research on BST thin film in China.”

Based upon the confidence of my theoretical background and research capacity, I chose the topic “Production of High-frequency Composite” for my Bachelor’s thesis. On the basis of extensive collection and absorbing of the recent information on magnetic materials and components, I decided to do my research on the project of compounding Co2Z material by applying Y2O3 and Sr2+ and adopting pre-processing technology, in addition to the control of working procedure and temperature point. In consequence, the improvement of magnetic property of the material. In the oral defense of my thesis, the present specialists concluded that the research, measuring high academic significance, was novel in topic selection, logical in argument, and creative in idea. My Bachelor’s thesis was chosen as “Excellent Thesis” of the university through critical assessment.

At present, I am busy with my Master’s thesis “Au/BST/YBCO Ferro-electro Thin Film Voltage Controlled Components.” There exists a great difference between China and Western countries in experimental conditions with regard to BST thin film materials and we cannot produce desirable microwave components with available references nowadays. But the RMS on the surface of the BST thin film I designed and produced is of merely several angstroms , the modulation rate 80%, and the power loss 4‰, which satisfies the need of microwave component production. This achievement is at forefront in China at present.

During this period of study and research, I have deeply felt that my country falls far behind the advanced countries in the area of materials science and an intense need to study the advanced theories and technology in the fullest enforced academic institute. Thus I select University of _ where I believe I can realize my dream. In addition to the unparalleled strength in the area of materials science and technology, University of _ boasts the international background with scholars and students from different regions all over the world, the congenial atmosphere of academic research, and the systematic cultivation of creativity in her students. I am eager to enjoy an opportunity to enrich myself from this valuable academic nutrition and at the same time I hope, on the premise of the improvement of my theoretical construction and of my experimental capacity, to give full play to my initiative and potential strength and in this way to contribute my intelligence to University of _ -+in the participation in relevant research projects.

Yours sincerely,










































Dear XX,

Wandering through the vibrant,bustling streets of Birmingham's city centreI cannot help but look around and see what an incredible impact theever-advancing adventure of businesses and technology has on the world.I amparticularly intrigued by the relationship of various aspects to form complexand successful organisations which can influence decisions on a worldwide scale,and the thought that businesses have an impact on nearly everything withintoday's world.

Throughout my academic career,I have always been resolute and studious.Every academic year,I have taken on more responsibility for my own work byusing various sources.My contribution, in class discussions has constantlyimproved and this due to the fact that I am more committed to develop myknowledge. This has bred confidence within me to speak out in front of the wholeclass.

I have contributed to school life, by setting the tone for the new recruitsin year seven, and acting as a 'model' for other students to follow, in terms ofpunctuality, attendance & wearing appropriate uniform during the school day.I have helped out the school,by supervising during break-times and lunchtimeson many occasions.I attended a two day Challenge of Management conference,which I thoroughly enjoyed which confirmed my interest in having an influence onthe running of a business, in the future.

After,I have completed by degree programme I will have the specialistknowledge underpinned by a broader understanding of how businesses and managersoperate.I intend and will strive for a management/ accountant position with a'never quit' attitude. Global competition, changing technology and the size andcomplexity of modern businesses make the management role especially moredemanding, and presenting rewarding challenges that would test my ability in thebusiness world, and the inspiration would come from the fact that I have theability in my own hands to have a colossal impact in the world.

I also believe that the position of an 'accountant 'would fit the billperfectly equally as a management one. I would surely make the most of this rolefor the reason that I am studying Accounting & Finance in my A LevelBusiness Studies course and I am thoroughly enjoying it.I am reading accountingmaterial that is out of my exam's specification.I firmly believe that I wouldenjoy and shine as an accountant because I would bring my unique analyticalapproach which is crucial for any thriving accountant to approach to theassessment of the financial implications of business plans.

Revolutionary developments also in computing affect every area of modernlife,which fuels me with stimulation to have an impact on this world.I believethat I am equipped after I finish my degree programme to focus my mind on how toprovide computing solutions with resolve to meet the requirements of businessorganisations.Computing for Business also would have the added bonus with theaddition of learning accounting.

I have a great passion for football, a passion that can't be matched and imay not be good enough to crack the business on the pitch yet off it i know ihave the ability to run a club. I remember the disappointment I felt when I sawmy AS results and I am determined to not experience that feeling again for therest of my life.My previous form tutor sent me a card after I left my secondaryschool, it said ' A successful future beckons' and I am motivated to keep itthat way. I am fuelled with determination, almost anger. I don't want to be afailure in the mist.

My earliest childhood memories of going to school was scary, because of thethought of the teachers embarrassing me in front of the class for not knowingthe answers to their questions, and the colour of the light represented the fearof learning. Now, however, I realise now that yellow epitomises the bright andglowing future that is ahead me if I tackle everything I do with perseveranceand tenacity.

The invaluable knowledge i have acquired thus far has served as a steppingstone towards a flourishing and prospectus career in business. I feel that theskills i have acquired through my academic subjects have enabled me to harnessthe skill that will aid me in adding and printing an impact on the corporateworld.

Yours sincerely,





我打算在xx大学继续学习历史。作为我从小就感兴趣的学科,我喜欢研究过去以及它如何塑造我们的未来。历史研究使我们能够看到过去的错误和成功,并将它们用于未来。a??历史是危难时刻的航海指南。历史就是我们是谁,以及我们为什么是现在的样子。 (McCullough)历史让社会通过学习的宽容和理解来形成身份和进步。去年在AS History我学习了意大利的统一,这是我理解历史的关键。探索意大利是如何从几个州合并为一个国家,并讨论意大利是单独成立还是需要从加里波第或加富尔等国家推动的,这很有趣。

花了很多年研究现代历史,并决定自己将我的知识扩展到古代历史。今年早些时候,我读了Lucy Hughes-Hallet写的一本名为Cleopatra的书。从另一个女性的角度阅读历史上如此著名且有影响力的女性,这很有趣。克利奥帕特拉经常被描绘成蛇蝎美人——正如约翰·威廉·沃特豪斯或莎士比亚的肖像画中所说的那样,其他女人满足了她们的胃口:但她饿了,她最能满足。










Dear x,

Whilst there is depth enough in examining the aesthetic beauty of wellconstructed prose for it to warrant study in itself, it is not primarily forthis reason that I wish to read English literature. To be 'a fly on the wall ina far wider array of times and places', as A. C. Grayling puts it, 'is the giftthat comes from thoughtful reading of even the most averagely good novels.' Anintegral part therefore of a novel's value to us is, in my opinion, its abilityto transport us to a time or situation alien to our own. In this way ourknowledge and potential to learn can be immeasurably expanded by the possibilityof vicarious experience. Be it through the satire of Chaucer, the emotionalarticulacy of Shakespeare or the bleak frankness of Orwell, good literature can,and should, enlighten us to some degree about life, furthering our understandingof our fellow human beings.

Shakespeare and Chaucer are, among others, writers I have had the goodfortune to study at A-level. Through the plays 'Hamlet' and 'Antony andCleopatra' and the Tales of the Franklin and Merchant, tragedy and the ideal ofcourtly romance, are key themes I have explored. I have, however, delighted inalternative interpretations, particularly of the Canterbury tales, making meespecially excited about studying the critical theory component of an Englishdegree. I am aware that the restrictions of the A-level syllabus have perhapsresulted in a narrow, monocultural examination of rich texts and I thus relishthe chance that university will bring to broaden my literary horizons.

My complementary 'A' levels, History and Philosophy, highlight further theubiquity of literature, penetrating almost every other field of study. Just asthe plays of Arthur Miller can further our understanding of America's post war'Red Scare,' so can Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment lead us to question themoral values of utilitarianism and our innermost conception of our own identity.Indeed the expression of philosophical concepts within English literature is atopic I would love to explore further at some point during my universitystudy.

I have welcomed the opportunity of sharing this enthusiasm with othersduring the final year in Sixth Form by helping struggling 12 and 13 year olds ata local comprehensive improve their reading skills. The experience has beenparticularly rewarding for me, and evocative of my own battle with dyslexia as ayounger child. Outside of academia, I enjoy sports, having represented myCollege 1st XV Rugby team and Hockey 2nd XI. In further pursuit ofself-development, I recently undertook a month long 'World Challenge' expeditionto Outer Mongolia. The trip, which involved renovating classrooms of a remoteprimary school, gave me an insight into foreign culture as well as a freshappreciation of beauty in the natural world. In an effort to complete the'campfire scene,' I managed to take my acoustic guitar and accompany oursinging; I continue to enjoy composing my own songs, inspired by the poeticlyrics of artists such as Bob Dylan.

I feel it is important to emphasise then that my interest in literature isnot exclusively limited to its role in providing a window into the unfamiliar.Indeed the intrinsic value and resonating power to convey emotion which lieswith 'the best words in their best order' is a fascinating and life-enrichingtopic of study in its own right. As Aldous Huxley's wonderful, autodidacticsavage realises in A Brave New World, the limits of ones language truly are thelimits of ones world. In the light of this, I happily anticipate spending thenext few years of my life immersed in as many aspects of literature as possible,and subsequently, furthering the expansion my own 'world' through interactionwith similarly passionate and like-minded people.

Yours sincerely,


Dear _,

The study of mathematical sciences has intrigued me for many years. The decision to study A levels in both Maths and Physics stemmed from a high interest level and strong aptitude in both subject areas. This was reflected in the AS grades I received in June 2002; achieving an A grade in mathematics which has inspired me further in my pursuit of the subject.

My interest has spread to computers and trying to link the two together has played a big part of my life in the last few years. I have taught myself, using books and other available sources, how to program in HTML and this has made it possible for me to take an active role in web design.

My other academic interests include Business Studies, especially management and finance areas which link with sections of the maths course. My choice to include a humanities subject at A level was partly encouraged by my need to analyse and evaluate situations, Business Studies gives me the chance to do this in great detail and I find it therapeutic to get involved in relevant

case studies. I am also taking an A level in General Studies which is increasing my knowledge of political and cultural issues. The subject also encourages group discussions concerning current affairs and provides me with the opportunity to input my opinions.

For the last few years I have been a member of a Duke of Edinburgh scheme running locally within the college. In June 2001 I completed the Bronze Award and am now working towards my Gold. This has given me a lot of experience in teamwork, problem solving and maintaining a high level of responsibility. These qualities have been taken on into a successful work experience placement in year 10 and my part time job as a sales/management assistant at respectable retail outlet Marks and Spencer.

I have enjoyed my time in the Sixth Form and have taken pleasure from both the academic and extra-curricular activities. I feel that I possess the qualities required to continue maths on to a higher level and combine it with modules that both interest me now and in areas which I hope to build on whilst at university. I am confident that this enthusiasm will combine with my strong determination and motivation, enabling me to succeed in the challenges that university presents.

Yours sincerely,







































Dear _,

I am interested in pursuing a Geography course at University. Studying Geography will provide me with a better understanding of topical issues that affect the world around us, and also improve my presentational skills and independent learning skills. I am currently studying A-Levels Geography and Drama, which has provided me with a keen interest in current affairs; therefore I am interested in areas such as development and environmental issues

I feel that these subject areas will provide me with a sound background to build a degree

My interests in Drama started early in College where I found that I enjoyed many of the techniques used within Drama. This gave me the confidence to take part in college productions, I have also developed my knowledge of Greek Tragedies, Physical Theatre and Monologues, and whilst studying an A-Level in Performing Arts I have developed my leadership skills and confidence to a mature standard

During my work experience I had the opportunity to work with a professional and extremely dedicated armourer. I used these two weeks to great advantage by broadening my knowledge in a diverse trade, which requires skill and extremely good technique. These two weeks helped me develop many skills such as concentration and independent working, work experience has also provided me with experience in a trade which can be used to fall back on, due to the fact that this is a family trade I therefore I have a platform in which to start up

Within college I play an active role within college and also within my tutor group. I was elected student Council Representative, which has not only developed my communications skills but furthered my organisation skills. Within my tutor group I interact as much as possible by taking part in the tutor football team, and helping out my tutor with international dimensions week, which consists of helping younger students to develop skills they can use in the future. I have also worked with the P.E department by refereeing sports day football

As part of my personal development personal development, I helped in a Year 7 Drama class and used my own skills to help students out with plays, this taught me qualities of leadership such as motivation and patience

My hobbies include a wide range of sports, most notably rugby where I play at club level and county level, I hope to use this sporting background to play in a University team. I also take a great interest in football, golf and occasionally play tennis, I work part time within the College itself working in the Site Team, which has developed my reliability and communications skills

I regard myself to be an extremely friendly and hard working person. I have become very determined and independent as a result of pursuing my A-Levels; and hope this provides a good background for University. I look forward to the challenge of University life and the opportunities that will arise as a result.

Yours sincerely,




































Dear _,

A wise man once said “how dreadful knowledge of the truth can be, when there’s no help in truth.” I think, out of all thoughtful things one can think about, this quotes is unique description of what the depth of Drama and the Performing Arts can do for people. By studying Drama, we can become a variety of people, trapped within one single mind, all trying to be freed and each with their own personality and poison. Humanity has helped Drama so much to produce narrative of such calibre, and characters of such depth and poise – characters, which can be as sweet and innocent, or can take the more disgusting side of what being a human is, being as evil as what thought possible

Performance Art explores the whole range of human emotion and can produce tremendous performances and visual experiences and with Drama, in particular, we can go further than flesh and blood and express ourselves as somebody else and take on this ‘mask’. The most profound thing I have found when studying Drama is that we can become any person in the entire world, and still be us

I have always had a love for the performing arts since I can remember; for there has never really been anything else I have ever wanted to do apart from act. But acting is not just a subject to study people, narratives or social issues – we can discover so many things about ourselves, why we perform a character this way: is it because this person is so much like us? There have been numerous qualities I have discovered about myself while participating in drama. In teaching, I have learn how to really connect with people and help them to explorer what their feelings produce and more notably, how we learn about others, about a single person just by the way they say a monologue

Teaching has been a great experience for me because it has given me the time to evaluate my own performance and teaching skill, learning to become that character just a little but more. This has also been enhanced by the performances I have taken part in, learning to work together in teams to realise the dream of the narration and the vision of the director (for nothing really exists without the vision or image)

While experiencing other aspects of the Performing Arts, I have found that is has increased my performance skill on whole and expended my knowledge on the performance world greatly, Dance, Art and English all focusing on similar issues such as the Commedia dell’arte, Henrik Ibsen, Physical Theatre and Movements and philosophies. These subjects have greatly complemented my time in Drama, and increased my confidence and ability in being a performer. Being involved in 5 consecutive school productions, 2 amateur productions, teaching experience and a student has really influence me concerning the determination I will put into a career in Drama and Acting, and just working with these people and directors have really bettered me in the way I act, see myself and carry on with my life. The Performing Arts is such a brilliant profession to work in, because there is so much opportunity to explore the world

I know that I can offer the performing arts the time, the expense and the spark that it deserves. There is nothing else in world that I would devote more time to than being on the stage or acting in the street, and with the passion and determination to succeed behind me, I will give that spark and flavour that acting and the performing arts is all about. I know I can offer so much, because it is the only profession where, maybe just for one night, I can become someone else and do a damn good job of being that person – and I can easily say that I can offer the world, because performance and acting is my whole world. As well as enjoying Drama, I have also taken a shine to Philosophy and finding the reason for irrationality, and I feel particularly moved in amazement by the work of Bob Fosse and George Orwell for their use of horror, sorrow and murder. And a great interest to the History of Art, because so much of the story of us is portrayed in Art and more so these days it is so unique how Art and Drama work together to produce movement, beauty and conception.

Yours sincerely,

































我打算在__大学继续学习历史。作为我从小就感兴趣的学科,我喜欢研究过去以及它如何塑造我们的未来。历史研究使我们能够看到过去的错误和成功,并将它们用于未来。 a??历史是危难时刻的航海指南。历史就是我们是谁,以及我们为什么是现在的样子。 (McCullough) 历史让社会通过学习的宽容和理解来形成身份和进步。去年在 AS History 我学习了意大利的统一,这是我理解历史的关键。探索意大利是如何从几个州合并为一个国家,并讨论意大利是单独成立还是需要从加里波第或加富尔等国家推动的,这很有趣。

花了很多年研究现代历史,并决定自己将我的知识扩展到古代历史。今年早些时候,我读了 Lucy Hughes-Hallet 写的一本名为 Cleopatra 的书。从另一个女性的角度阅读历史上如此著名且有影响力的女性,这很有趣。克利奥帕特拉经常被描绘成蛇蝎美人——正如约翰·威廉·沃特豪斯或莎士比亚的肖像画中所说的那样,其他女人满足了她们的胃口:但她饿了,她最能满足。

历史学家经常将她视为一个诱人的、潜在有毒的诱惑者,但这并不一定是 Hughes-Hallet 对她的解释;对她来说,她更简单,更有野心,也没有那么残忍。我认为在谈到古代历史时,很难将事实与虚构区分开来,尤其是在这种情况下,像克利奥帕特拉这样不断重新设计的人。











































Dear _,

When I was two years old my family relocated from the New World, Canada, to the Old, and since then I have journeyed to places as far off as Rome, Egypt, and Thailand, among many others. Everywhere I travelled brought upon me a new wave of fresh fascination; not only in the cultural differences I noticed, but in the circumstances, traditions, and history that shaped them. Returning home, I became curious about what had moulded my own culture as I knew it. This was the beginning of a lifelong interest in material culture and historical heritage.

This fascination soon developed into a passion – particularly when studying the medieval period. I wrote my IB Extended Essay on how the changing socio-political climate in England from the 11th to 15th centuries led to linguistic and sociolinguistic changes. Having chosen a subject that fascinated me, I found myself going beyond the requirements, organizing visits to the British Library and studying contemporary manuscripts. I had to familiarize myself with Middle English – and to some degree Old English and Old French – and my study of the original manuscripts was one of my most inspiring educational experiences to date.

Soon I found that it was not enough to know about the past, I wanted also to learn where our knowledge of the past had come from. It was this curiosity that led me to an interest in archaeology. Thus when the school nominated me for a travel fellowship (a grant given to a student who most showed “courage and strength as an individual, genuineness, generosity, and high personal and academic standards”) I proposed to travel to Romania to work on an archaeological dig. In presenting me with the award, the judges praised my good planning and organization, and enthusiasm for the subject.

I travelled to Romania in August 2007 to join an excavation of a Transylvanian castle dating from the 14th century. During my time there I received hands on experience of archaeological techniques, firsthand information from experts regarding practice and theory, and a wonderful look at the history and culture of a country to which I had never before travelled. Although I had feared I might find the work tedious, I enjoyed every second of it. The experience heightened my interest in archaeology, and travelling alone helped me develop my maturity, organization, and independence.

My interests go beyond the historical, however. I have a strong creative side, and study drama both in school and as an extracurricular activity, producing and acting in a number of productions. I also play the piano, having taken it up at the age of five, and enjoy composing pieces of all genres. I was recently commissioned by the arts department of my school to compose a score for a production of Animal Farm. On the other end of the academic spectrum, I am adept at logic and rational thinking, coming top in my school for two years running in the UK Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad. I think that such a variety of understanding is useful in allowing me a broad approach to problem solving and research.

My main goal in attending university is to eventually advance my understanding to such a degree where I could teach the subject at university level. As part of my Diploma Programme, I frequently participate in community service projects in which I help senior citizens learn how to use computers, and teach drama to children with disabilities, and in doing so have developed better interpersonal skills and a strong teaching technique. These have been furthered by my experience as a counsellor at a summer camp in Canada, and I am certain these skills would work as an advantage should I ever teach history or archaeology myself.

Yours sincerely,













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