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Don’t wash those fossils!

Standard museum practice can wash away DNA.

1. Washing, brushing and varnishing fossils — all standard conservation treatments used by many fossil hunters and museum curators alike — vastly reduces the chances of recovering ancient DNA.

2. Instead, excavators should be handling at least some of their bounty with gloves, and freezing samples as they are found, dirt and all, concludes a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences today.

3. Although many palaeontologists know anecdotally that this is the best way to up the odds of extracting good DNA, Eva-Maria Geigl of the Jacques Monod Institute in Paris, France, and her colleagues have now shown just how important conservation practices can be. This information, they say, needs to be hammered home among the people who are actually out in the field digging up bones.

4. Geigl and her colleagues looked at 3,200-year-old fossil bones belonging to a single individual of an extinct cattle species, called an aurochs. The fossils were dug up at a site in France at two different times — either in 1947, and stored in a museum collection, or in , and conserved in sterile conditions at -20 oC.

5. The team’s attempts to extract DNA from the 1947 bones all failed. The newly excavated fossils, however, all yielded DNA.

6. Because the bones had been buried for the same amount of time, and in the same conditions, the conservation method had to be to blame says Geigl. As much DNA was degraded in these 57 years as in the 3,200 years before, she says.

Wash in, wash out

7. Because many palaeontologists base their work on the shape of fossils alone, their methods of conservation are not designed to preserve DNA, Geigl explains.

8. The biggest problem is how they are cleaned. Fossils are often washed together on-site in a large bath, which can allow water — and contaminants in the form of contemporary DNA — to permeate into the porous bones. Not only is the authentic DNA getting washed out, but contamination is getting washed in, says Geigl.

9. Most ancient DNA specialists know this already, says Hendrik Poinar, an evolutionary geneticist at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. But that doesn’t mean that best practice has become widespread among those who actually find the fossils.

10. Getting hold of fossils that have been preserved with their DNA in mind relies on close relationships between lab-based geneticists and the excavators, says palaeogeneticist Svante P bo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. And that only occurs in exceptional cases, he says.

11. P bo’s team, which has been sequencing Neanderthal DNA, continually faces these problems. When you want to study ancient human and Neanderthal remains, there’s a big issue of contamination with contemporary human DNA, he says.

12. This doesn’t mean that all museum specimens are fatally flawed, notes P bo. The Neanderthal fossils that were recently sequenced in his own lab, for example, had been part of a museum collection treated in the traditional way. But P bo is keen to see samples of fossils from every major find preserved in line with Geigl’s recommendations — just in case.

Warm and wet

13. Geigl herself believes that, with cooperation between bench and field researchers, preserving fossils properly could open up avenues of discovery that have long been assumed closed.

14. Much human cultural development took place in temperate regions. DNA does not survive well in warm environments in the first place, and can vanish when fossils are washed and treated. For this reason, Geigl says, most ancient DNA studies have been done on permafrost samples, such as the woolly mammoth, or on remains sheltered from the elements in cold caves — including cave bear and Neanderthal fossils.

15. Better conservation methods, and a focus on fresh fossils, could boost DNA extraction from more delicate specimens, says Geigl. And that could shed more light on the story of human evolution.

(640 words nature )


Palaeontologists 古生物学家

Aurochs 欧洲野牛

Neanderthal (人类学)尼安德特人,旧石器时代的古人类。

Permafrost (地理)永冻层

Questions 1-6

Answer the following questions by using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

1. How did people traditionally treat fossils?

2. What suggestions do Geigl and her colleagues give on what should be done when fossils are found?

3. What problems may be posed if fossil bones are washed on-site? Name ONE.

4. What characteristic do fossil bones have to make them susceptible to be contaminated with contemporary DNA when they are washed?

5. What could be better understood when conservation treatments are improved?

6. The passage mentioned several animal species studied by researchers. How many of them are mentioned?

Questions 7-11

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage? Please write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the writer

FALSE if the statement does not agree with the writer

NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage

7. In their paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , Geigl and her colleagues have shown what conservation practices should be followed to preserve ancient DNA.

8. The fossil bones that Geigl and her colleagues studied are all from the same aurochs.

9. Geneticists don’t have to work on site.

10. Only newly excavated fossil bones using new conservation methods suggested by Geigl and her colleagues contain ancient DNA.

11. Paabo is still worried about the potential problems caused by treatments of fossils in traditional way.

Questions 12-13

Complete the following the statements by choosing letter A-D for each answer.

12. This information in paragraph 3 indicates:

[A] It is critical to follow proper practices in preserving ancient DNA.

[B] The best way of getting good DNA is to handle fossils with gloves.

[C] Fossil hunters should wear home-made hammers while digging up bones.

[D] Many palaeontologists know how one should do in treating fossils.

13. The study conducted by Geigl and her colleagues suggests:

[A] the fact that ancient DNA can not be recovered from fossil bones excavated in the past.

[B] the correlation between the amount of burying time and that of the recovered


[C] the pace at which DNA degrades.

[D] the correlation between conservation practices and degradation of DNA.

Suggested answers and explanations1. washing, brushing, varnishing 见第一段。

2. handling with gloves / freezing samples ( any one of the two ) 见第二段。

3. losing authentic DNA / being contaminated / contamination ( any one of the three) 见第八段 Not only is the authentic DNA getting washed out, but contamination is getting washed in (答being contaminated或 contamination比较保险)

4. they are porous porous 的意思是多孔的。见第八段 。。。 which can allow water — and contaminants in the form of contemporary DNA — to permeate into the porous bones.

5. human evolution 见第十五段。其中shed light on sth的意思是使某事显得非常清楚,使人了解某事。

6. 4 分别为第四段的an extinct cattle species, called an aurochs,即欧洲野牛,已经绝迹;第十一段 Neanderthal, 是人类学用语,尼安德特人,旧石器时代的古人类;第十四段woolly mammoth和cave bear,其中mammoth是猛犸,一种古哺乳动物。

7. T 见第二段。

8. T 见第四段 Geigl and her colleagues looked at 3,200-year- old fossil bones belonging to a single individual of an extinct cattle species, called an aurochs. 即他们研究的骨化石是一头欧洲野牛身上的。

9. NG

10. F 见第十二段第一、二句话。

11. T 见第十二段末句 But P bo is keen to see samples of fossils from every major find preserved in line with Geigl’s recommendations — just in case. 意即为保险起见,Paabo还是非常希望见到用Geigl建议的'方法保存的化石样本。just in case 的意思是以防万一,就是Paabo对用传统保存处理的化石不放心的意思。

12. A 见第三段。This information就是前一句中 。。。 just how important conservation practices can be (to preserve good DNA)。be hammered之中hammer一词的意思是不断重复强调。

13. D 面信息。需要理解文章各处关于Geigl和她的同事所作的研究。









































































Reading Passage 1

Title:村庄储存雨水的活动 Rainwater harvesting (旧)

Question types:Short Answer Questions 6




Rainwater harvesting

For two years southern Sri Lanka suffered a prolonged drought, described by locals as “the worst in 50 years”. Some areas didn't see a successful crop for four or five consecutive seasons. Livestock died,water in wells dropped to dangerously low levels, children were increasingly malnourished and school attendance has fallen. Anestimated 1.6 million people were affected.

A Muthukandiya is a village in Moneragaladistrict, one of the drought-stricken areas in the “dry zone” of southern Sri Lanka (斯里兰卡), where half the country's population of18 million lives. Rainfall in the area varies greatly from year to year, often bringing extreme dry spells in between monsoons (季风).But this drought was much worse than usual. Despite some rain inNovember, only half of Moneragala's 1,400 tube wells were in workingorder by March. The drought devastated supplies of rice and freshwaterfish, the staple diet of inland villages. Many local industries closed downand villagers headed for the towns in search of work.

B The villagers of Muthukandiya arrived in the 1970s as part of agovernment resettlement scheme. Each family was given six acres of land,with no irrigation system. Because crop production, which relies entirelyon rainfall, is insufficient to support most families, the village economyrelies on men and women working as day-labourers in nearby sugar-caneplantations. Three wells have been dug to provide domestic water, butthese run dry for much of the year. Women and children may spendseveral hours each day walking up to three miles (five kilometres) to fetchwater for drinking, washing and cooking.




1. What is the major way for local people make barely a support of living in Muthukandiya village?

Crop production B段第三行

2. Where can adult workers make extra money from in daytime?

Sugar-cane plantations

3. What have been dug to supply water for daily household life?

Three wells

4. In which year did the plan of a new project to lessen the effect of drought begin?

5. Where do the gutters and pipes collect rainwater from?

roofs of houses

6. What help family obtain more water for domestic needs than those relying on only wells and ponds?

Storage tanks


7. NG

Most of the government's actions and other programs have somewhat failed.

8. YES

Masons were trained for the constructing parts of the rainwater harvesting system.

9. NO

The cost of rainwater harvesting systems was shared by local villagers and the local government.

10. YES

Tanks increase both the amount and quality of the water for domestic use.

11. NO

To send her daughter to school, a widow had to work for a job in rainwater harvesting scheme.


Households benefited began to pay part of the maintenance or repairs.


Training two masons at the same time is much more preferable to training single one.

14. NO

Other organizations had built tanks larger in size than the tanks built in Muthukandya.




“Research in Britain has shown that “green consumers” continue to flourish as a significant group amongst shoppers. This suggests that politicians who claim environmentalism is yesterday’s issue may be seriously misjudging the public mood.” Based upon this passage, you will never be asked a question like:“There has been a continued presence of “green consumers” in the British market because of …”

A. the rise of the Green party.

B. Concern with global warming

C. Fear of Mad Cow Disease

D. Concern with general state of environment


“Politicians may have “misjudged the public mood” because…”

A. they are pre-occupied with the recession and financial problems.

B. There is more widespread interest in the environmental agenda than they anticipated.

C. Consumer spending has increased significantly as a result of “green” pressure.

D. Shoppers are displeased with government policies on a range of issues.












Multiple Choice;Short-answer questions;Sentence Completion;Notes, Summary or Table/Flow-chart Completion;Labelling a Diagram;Headings;Locating Information;Identification of Writer’s Views/Claims or of Information in a Text;Classification;Matching。






雅思阅读真题及答案:rainwater harvesting


Version 80

Some parents in the United Kingdom decide not to have a television in theirhome. They believe that, by doing this, their children will spend the leisure time more creatively. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this decision?

Version 81

Robots can free people form difficult or dangerous work. However, some people are worried about the possible dangers robots may incur. What’s your opinion?

Version 82

In schools, some live animals are used in biological experiments or researches. Some people think that this kind of practice is cruel and unnecessary, while others believe it for the interest of human being. Explain the two views.

Version 83

Many people think that work nowadays is more stressful and less leisurely than in the past. What is your opinion?

Version 84

Some people say that older people should live with their adult children, while others think that they should live in homes specially built for old people. Which do you think is a better practice?

Version 85

Science and technology created the modern society. However, some people think that scientists will no longer create anything from now on. What is your opinion?

Version 86

The computer is widely used in modern society. What are the disadvantages if one cannot use the computer? What should the government do?

Version 87

Some people say that sports should not be encouraged at school for it causes competition rather than cooperation among students. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion?

Version 88

Creative artists should be given more freedom to express their idea, either in forms of words, pictures, music or films; and the government should not place any restrictions on their creativeness. To what extent do you agree or disagree this opinion?

Version 89

People worldwide are increasingly traveling abroad to work for period of months or years. This phenomenon brings both advantages and disadvantages. Give your opinion.

Version 90

It is found by a survey that the crime rate of young women is increasing. Please state out the possible reasons and solutions.

Version 91

Is it fair that some successful sports professionals earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions? Give both sides reasons and state your own opinion.

Version 92


Version 93

There are some serious problems in schools worldwide resulting from student’s attitude. Analyze the possible reasons for this phenomenon and give your solutions.

Version 94


Version 95

People doing different kinds of work enjoy different amount of holiday time. Should people have the same amount of leisure time? Give your opinion using some of your own experience.

Version 96

Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of the improvement in the standard of living. What’s your idea?

Version 97

Some people regard animals as the source of food or clothes, and others think that they should be treated like pets. State your opinion from both sides.

Version 98

Someone said the age of book has past; videos, computers, televisions and films will present the information. Others think that books and written words will still be necessary in spreading information and in completing education. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Version 99

Some people think that machine translation is highly developed in today’s society. Therefore it is not necessary for children to learn a foreign language. What’s your opinion?

Version 100

Some people think that it is a moral obligation for developed countries to provide international aid to developing countries, while others worry that the aid fund might possibly be misused by the government of the poor countries and could not actually help the poor people to improve their living standard. What is your opinion?

Version 101

Some people think that strong tradition can civilize a country and the government should subsidize musicians, artists, actors and drama companies. Do you agree or disagree with the opinion? What should the government do?

Version 102

There are more and more vehicles in front of your houses, which is very dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians. Besides, many gardens have to make way to highways or expressways. How can we make everyone satisfied?

Version 103

Over the past fifty years, young people began to gain status and power lost by old people. What are the causes? Is it a good or bad development?




Food agency takes on industry over junk labels

Felicity Lawrence

Thursday December 28,

The Guardian

1.Consumers are to be presented with two rival new year advertising campaigns as the Food Standards Agency goes public in its battle with the industry over the labelling of unhealthy foods.

2.The Guardian has learned that the FSA will launch a series of 10-second television adverts in January telling shoppers how to follow a red,amber and green traffic light labelling system on the front of food packs,which is designed to tackle Britains obesity epidemic.

3.The campaign is a direct response to a concerted attempt by leading food manufacturers and retailers,including Kelloggs and Tesco,to derail the system.The industry fears that traffic lights would demonise entire categories of foods and could seriously damage the market for those that are fatty,salty or high in sugar.

4.The UK market for breakfast cereals is worth 1.27bn a year and the manufacturers fear it will be severely dented if red light labels are put on packaging drawing attention to the fact that the majority are high in salt and/or sugar.

5.The industry is planning a major marketing campaign for a competing labelling system which avoids colour-coding in favour of information about the percentage of guideline daily amounts of fat,salt and sugar contained in their products.


雅思阅读真题答案:龙涎香 Ambergris

文章标题    Ambergris 龙涎香     文章大意    关于ambergris龙涎香和amber琥珀

第一段说 ambergris这个东西很久以前就有了,然后说ambergris的用途有 for medicine, spice,用来制作perfume 什么的等等(有题,matching) 然后说但是人们不知道它是从哪里来的,再就是说在古代it worth in weight in gold,当然是贵了。

第二段说 以前人们一直把ambergris和amber当作一种东西。但是有个叫Dick的作者 写了一本书 讲了这两个东西的区别(有题,matching)说ambergris 通常发现在海面或者shore,但是仍然不知道是从哪里来的。 Amber是一种什么东西,与松树pine有关,   然后说了amber的一些特性 hard,transparent, 等等,用来做装饰品, 头饰什么的,  同样 very costly。(有题,matching)

第三段说ambergris是与sperm whale的intestine肠子里的消化digest 某种东西有关。以为intestine会有题,结果没有,提到了马可波罗,好像与这个发现有关(没题,当笑话好了)

第四段就是具体describe ambergris的产生过程了。(summary 题)大意是,sperm whale吃一种东西 叫 beaks of squalid, 肠子就有助消化,但是不能完全消化,就转化成了另一种东西,应该是体内的垃圾。这种垃圾是soft的,会被sperm whale 呕吐出来 be vomited up。 然后这种东西遇到空气就会变硬 harden, 于是就形成了 ambergris了,也解释了为什么ambergris总在海面和shore被发现。

第五段 说人们为了获得ambergris而捕杀sperm whale 导致了濒临灭绝。给了一个数据 说in 20th century, 90% ambergris was made in the processing of killing sperm whale。(有题, TFNG)ambergris was still the most expensive product in the whole body of sperm whale,大意是这样的。 于是人们就开始采取措施保护sperm whale, 在工业生产中采用了很多ambergris的替代品,例如香水制造业中就用了某种东西,代替了ambergris。

第六段 说 sperm whale的数量会有recover的那么一天,没题。    题目类型    Matching


T/F/NG    参考答案    Matching

A only ambergris

B only amber

C both

D neither

·very expensive   C

·use in medicine   A

·use as currency  D

·refers to in a Book written by Dick _x  C

·could be seen through    B Summary填空


·sperm whale 吃下去 beaks of squalid,

·_x be vomited up,

·hardens when exposure on air T/F/NG

·20th century most ambergris was made in the processing of killing of sperm whale。 T

·Ambergris’s cost increased recently。 NG

·ambergris still remains in the perfume making。 F

·关于保护鲸鱼的 F


但凡接触过雅思真题或曾经亲历雅思考场的考生大多对TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN (另一种写法为YES/NO/NOT GIVEN)的题型颇有印象,原因有二:





理解判断题的第一步是理解TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN的定义,逐一分析如下:

TRUE (YES)的定义为the statement agrees with the information/the views (claims) of the writer,即“此说法与原文信息/作者的观点或主张相符”。这里的重点信息在于agree with的概念,此选项并非要求题干与原文的内容一模一样,而只要符合原文信息即可。

举个例子说明,原文句子说“这个女生长得很漂亮”,那么题干说“这个女生长得很好看”或“这小姑娘长相真是还可以”都是与原文信息相符,此时考生要选TRUE (YES)。

FALSE (NO)的定义为the statement contradicts the information,即“如果此说法与原文信息相矛盾和抵触”。这里的重点信息在于contradict一词:contra是“相反”“相违背”的意思,dict则是“陈述”“说明”的意思。也就是说,应选FALSE的题干与原文信息是相矛盾、相违背、相抵触的,原文中给出的已知信息可以直接或经过合理推理否定掉题干的内容。


NOT GIVEN的定义为there is no information on this/it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this,即“此说法在原文中找不到”或“没法知道作者对此是怎么看的”。许多考生都将此视为最麻烦的一个选项,因为如果不能把整篇文章都看完并且看懂,每个NOT GIVEN的选项都是在惴惴不安的心情中写下的。

NOT GIVEN的情况其实可以分为以下两种:

① 原文中完全没有提及题干所说的相关内容,不过这种完全无中生有的题目比较罕见;

② 原文中提到的相关信息与题干内容不属于同一个范围或性质。

比如题干说“这个女生长得很好看”,而原文中提到的与“此女生”有关的内容是“这个女生是个善良的好孩子,这种情况下,长相和个性虽然都是在描述这个女生,但两者既不一致也不矛盾,此时考生应选NOT GIVEN。




1. TRUE (YES)的出题套路

① 直接说对



比如题干说long-term medical complaints,原文说chronic illnesses,考生就不但要认识long-term与chronic是同义替换关系,而且要明白medical与complaint组合在一起并不是“医疗投诉、医疗纠纷”这类意思,而是作为一个词组表示“疾病”。


② 间接说对

“间接说对”指的是有些题干需要根据原文某句话或几句话进行简单推理或综合理解才能判断其是TRUE (YES)。



例1:The survey concluded that one-fifth or 20% of the household transport requirement as outside the local area. (《剑七》Test 2 Passage 3第34题)

原文:Interesting facts regarding transport were found: 95% was on foot; 80% was within the locality; and 70% was related to the collection of water and firewood and travelling to grinding mills.

解析:在定位到的原文句子里,考生虽然不能直接找到题干中的20%,但从原文中可以看出“本地范围内占80%”(80% was within the locality),就可以推断出“本地范围外有20%”,由此得出本题应选TRUE。

③ 复杂同义表述



例2:Nineteenth-century studies of the nature of genius failed to take into account the uniqueness of the person’s upbringing. (《剑8》Test 3 Passage 2第19题)

原文:However, the difficulty with the evidence produced by these studies, fascinating as they are in collecting together anecdotes and apparent similarities and exceptions, is that they are not what we would today call norm-referenced. In other words, when, for instance, information is collated about early illnesses, methods of upbringing, schooling, etc., we must also take into account information from other historical sources about how common or exceptional these were at the time.





2. FALSE (NO)的出题套路

① 直接、明显的矛盾和抵触


例3:Current thinking on humour has largely ignored Aristotle’s view on the subject. (《剑5》Test 2 Passage 2第17题)

原文:But modern humour theorists have settled on some version of Aristotle’s belief that jokes are based on a reaction to or resolution of incongruity, when the punchline is either a nonsense or, though appearing silly, has a clever second meaning.

解析:虽然这道题定位到的原文句子生词很多,句子很长,但是对于“Aristotle’s belief that …”后面的东西考生通通不用看。考生需要弄清楚的是,现在对幽默的研究有没有忽略亚里士多德(Aristotle)的观点,有这个原文中的settle on (选定)就可以直接判断出,题干与原文是相互矛盾与抵触的。

② 间接不明显的矛盾和抵触


例4:The 1993 Sydney survey involved 289 patients who visited alternative therapists for acupuncture treatment. (《剑4》Test 2 Passage 2第22题)

原文:In 1993, Dr. Laver and his colleagues published a survey of 289 Sydney people who attended eight alternative therapists’ practices in Sydney. These practices offered a wide range of alternative therapies from 25 therapists.

解析:很多考生定位到上述原文句子之后,因为在原文句子中没有找到acupuncture (针灸疗法)这个不认识的词而选了NOT GIVEN选项。然而这里的两句话所给出的内容其实是可以否定掉题干的。从原文的意思可知,1993年悉尼调查里确实有289个病人,这些病人接受了八家诊所由25位治疗师提供的a wide range of (一系列)的治疗。换言之,这289位病人接受了各种治疗,由此可以反推知道他们接受的一定不是任何单一的治疗,而题干则说这289位病人接受的都是针灸疗法这一种,与原文产生矛盾,应选FALSE。

3. NOT GIVEN的出题套路

① 原文和题干的描述性质不同

这种出题思路对考生的英语阅读和理解水平要求都较高,因此按照这种思路出的题往往会让考生感到难以判断。举例说明,冷水与热水是矛盾的,因为它们都在描述“水的温度”这个属性;然而冷水与茶水则既不能说一致,也不能说彼此矛盾:这两者一个在说水的温度,另一个则说水的状态,此时考生应该选择NOT GIVEN。请看下面一个例子。

例5:Plato believed humour to be a sign of above-average intelligence. (《剑5》Test 2 Passage 2第15题)

原文:Plato expressed the idea that humour is simply a delighted feeling of superiority over others.

解析:对比题干与定位到的原文,两者确实都是在说柏拉图对“幽默是什么”的表述,但原文说“幽默是感觉”,题干说“幽默是智商”,感觉和智商的性质不同,但并不彼此矛盾,此时考生应选NOT GIVEN。

② 把观点当事实,或把事实当观点


例6:The Lumiere Brothers’ film about the train was one of the greatest films ever made. (《剑6》Test 3 Passage 1第7题)

原文:One of the Lumiere Brothers’ earliest films was a 30-second piece which showed a section of a railway platform flooded with sunshine. A train appears and heads straight for the camera. And that is all that happens. Yet the Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky, one of the greatest of all film artists, described the film as a ‘work of genius.’

解析:对比原文和题干,考生应该明白,原文说“最伟大的导演之一安德烈·塔可夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky)认为这部电影是天才之作”既不能等同于题干的“这部电影确实是最伟大的作品之一”,也无法否定掉题干的说法,因此此题只能选NOT GIVEN这项。

③ 把原文里出现的两个没有进行比较的内容放在一起比较


例7:Early peoples found it easier to count by using their fingers rather than a group of pebbles. (《剑6》Test 2 Passage 3第40题)

原文:Counting is not directly related to the formation of a number concept because it is possible to count by matching the items being counted against a group of pebbles, grains of corn, or the counter’s fingers.

解析:此题的题干是将用手指数数与用石头数数进行了对比,然而在定位到的原文中却没有进行此种比较。这种“没有比较的比较”算是比较常见的NOT GIVEN选项的出题套路。











这个问题其实最不应该发生在考场上,却往往是考生容易“大意失荆州”之处。举个笔者的学生曾经产生过误解的例子:“Archaeology is a more demanding field of study than anthropology.” 这个题干原本表达的意思是“考古学是一门比人类学更加艰深的研究领域”,笔者的学生却曾将它理解成“考古学比人类学需要做更多的田野调查”,出现这个问题的原因是考生将field与study之间的那个of看漏了。





通过词的前后缀 (前缀表意,后缀表词性)





E.g:Video recordings avoid these problems to a large extent, but even they have limitations (the camera cannot be everywhere), and …(C4T3P3)


Typically, children do not end up on the streets due to a single cause, but to a combination of factors: a dearth of adequately funded schools, the demand for income at home, family breakdown and violence.(C4T3P1)

冒号后面即为解释说明什么是a combination of factors,或者简单来说就是有哪些factors,因题目问的是孩子们为什么会沦落街头,那在冒号后面就是作为答题的重要依据了。

Chimpanzees have a “play-face”—a gaping expression accompanied by a panting “ah,ah” noise.(C5T2P2)





E.g:Graeme Ritchie, a computational linguist in Edinburgh, studies the linguistic structure of jokes in order to understand not only humor but language understanding and reasoning in machines. (C5T2P2)

本句提到Graeme Ritchie这个人,这个人是谁呢,后面解释说他是a computational linguist in Edinburgh,结合我们所说第一点,不认识computational,但computer应该知道,-al结尾形容词,linguist以-ist结尾,表“...人/家”,后面一个in+大写,猜也知道是地名,所以大概能猜到这个人是电脑方面的一个什么专家。如果能判断到这一点,对后面的判断18题会很有帮助。



E.g:World science is dominated today by a small number of languages, including Japanese, German and French…(C5T2P3)

这个例子比较简单,但是如果真的不认识languages,完全可以通过Japanese, German and French来猜测其意思,一定是上一级词汇,所以意思是“语言”。也就是说看到include,involve,contain,for example,for instance,such as等表“包含、例如”的词时候,若能认识这些词后面一到两个词的意思,会帮助猜测这些词之前的单词意思,一定是这一到两个词的上义词。


E.g:And they are known to have used wooded pulleys, which could have been made strong enough to bear the weight of massive blocks of stone.(C7T4P1)

His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher, Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. (C9T1P1)

定语从句本身是修饰作用,但这种句子的修饰其实是在帮助我们理解一个复杂词汇,把不懂得具象化。比如第一句的wooden pulleys不知道,后面大致能明白说是它可以承受巨大重量,那只要理解这个wooden pulleys是个可以承重的东西即可;同理,第二个句子不仅有定语从句,还用到了方法3,Thomas Hall是谁,是his teacher,他怎么了,他鼓励他学生去参加Michael Faraday的课,进一步解释说明了Thomas Hall的身份。



比如在实验类文章中,study不是“学习”的意思,而是“研究”的意思;subject不是“课程、科目”,而是“实验对象”;solution不是“解决办法”,而是“溶液”,比如在C9T1P1中提到purple solution,不可能是“紫色解决办法”吧,所以这里应该明白其有另一个意思。




雅思阅读真题答案:龙涎香 Ambergris





1.住址:【14 Hill(s) Road】

2.时间:【After 7 pm / Before 9:30 am / after 9.30】 不确定


4-5.homestay的要求(两个空)real 【garden】;only one 【guest】


7.对食物的要求:【vegetarian / vegetable only】

8.最高租房费用Max Rent:【100 pounds per week】开始说60~80后来补充说up to 100

9.注册日期:【23rd March】



一次为慈善募捐所作的徒步旅行(charity walking holiday)。6个选择题,4个填空题。

1.选【B ,8天】

2.有个PIE CHART 图表是问题捐款占总比例,平均选【过一半的那个,有55%-65%吧】 前面有干扰

3.募捐的用途选【A,for student】

4.参加者的要求【VERY FIT】(原文是 extremely fit)

5.可以带自己的装备吗? 因为原文说可以靠LOCAL 单位,所以选【B,是只要带some of the own things】


填每天的安排,第三天valley,第五或六天是visit a ancient temple,第八天是swim in a water fall,第九天是。。。。没记忆,但不难填,传统产品等。

7. spend one day on a 【forest】

8. visit ancient 【temple】

9. swimming in 【park lake / waterfall】

10. visit a weaving 【blanket】


一个学生和老师的谈话,关于topic,supervisor/department decide,的各个方面的问题的


1.选何种research topic? (选C)







4.又是PIE CHART,所有大学的drop-out rate 选【C、60%】;『比50%略多那个。45%只是这个大学的drop -out 率,后面再讲平均的,不可能是45%,但A、75%又太高了』

5.有个获取资料的方法:选【B、上网查】/【talk to a person】{上网查绝对不对,那个教授先就否掉了,然后说可以打




passage1.三个科学家研究热带雨林蝴蝶。T/F/NG有六题。各位考过的朋友都分别有几个T几个F呢?然后是配对题个5、6,要求对应文中段落填对应段落号。接下来三个填空。 征集各位答案!

第二篇(选择、配对)是说古钱币的,非常简单。前面几个选择加上后面7,8个MATCHING,我只有一个来不及找了(怕最后一篇时间不够:( )


passage2.关于各国各种古怪的钱币。四五个选择。第一个是问什么钱币通用于19世纪,我在B和D中犹豫,一个是silver coin一个是silver clot吧最后还是选了前者。然后是8、9个配对题,钱币和其性质的配对。


S3 (28-40)体育运动performance提高 5个TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVE 4 conclusions 3 choice

1.对体育成绩有记录开始于ABOUT 1900,我犹豫半天选对,原句:有记录于EARLY IN 19世纪,19的奥林匹克百米成绩是…马拉松是2:55分,而新的记录是2:05,提高了30% 第一段完毕


3.好基因的父母他们自己一定是很出色的运动员 NOT GIVEN,原文:你要是想当好运动员,你一定好好挑选父母。

4.有了记录数据后,很多人可以在很早的年纪就被发现体育特长 T原句:因为有基因数据和国际比赛重奖,所以可以使很早运动员就被发现。

5.最容易提高的成绩来自BURST OF ENERGY,短跑类。NOT GIVEN,没提及,就算有也是马拉松提高的最多。





The key method to create new record is better TRAINING

Simple choice


选择:运动员FITNESS的够不够 (原句:这种研究可按牛顿某定理得出结论:你跑的还不是最快的速度,因为你的胳膊还没挥到最大程度,不过这种研究的效果不大)

2.这些科学家研究了XX运动员(好象是个跳高的)后,这研究的作用是:explain the Xx’performance a:soften xx’ b:correct xx’ c:forget原句:XX成绩如此出色,他自己也不明白为什么,而体育家分析后发现原来的人们是如何如何做的,而XX是用soften方式得到的好成绩


passage3.关于怎样提高运动员成绩的理论。开始5、6个T/F/NG题。然后是一个WORD的填空题,好像有training、injuries 最后三个填空有一个问某教授研究的理论对一跳高运动员的作用,我选explain的作用,还有一选项是cushion the jump.最后一题是问现在人们对运动员的研究在什么阶段,应选basic。



第一篇 钱币的历史,题型:选择题,注意它的'出题方式,像heading但又不是,还有true/false/not give.

coins/how paper money made/paper/encaving/disadvantages of paper money

questions: match/yes,no, not given 不难。

第二篇 交通工具的发展,题型:heading和yes/no/not given

tram/bus/underground/movement pavement

Questions: find out where mentioned/ fill in/ true,false,ng

第三篇 有关人类运动体能的极限问题的研究。题型:true/false/not give,完成句子(不超过one word),还有选择。how atheletes improve performance?

Questions: true, false,ng/fill in blankets by one word



雅思阅读真题精选:orientatin of birds

Migration of Birds

Orientation andNavigation

A .Factors in a bird'senvironment select for the expression of migratory behavior, leading to theevolution of a migratory pattern or, on the other hand, to the loss ofmigratory abilities. Factors in the environment function to provide direct,proximal stimulation for the physiological preparation for migration. Factorsin the environment also provide information that allows birds to navigateduring migratory passage. Navigation requires knowing three things: currentlocation, destination, and the direction to travel to get from the currentlocation to the destination. Humans eventually learned to use both the sun andthe stars to obtain this information. Recently we invented more precisesatellite-based technologies that have made these celestial cues fordetermining geographic positions superfluous and developed electronic aids tonavigation that allow orientation without reference to the natural environment.Birds have successfully navigated for eons using environmental information.

B .Birds are not alone in their ability to navigatelong distances. Fish, mammals, and even insects make migratory journeys. Butthe clarion honking of geese moving in huge skeins across the vault of theheavens, the twittering of migrants filtering down out of the night sky, theflocks of newly arrived birds filling woodlands, fields, and mudflats makes usmost aware of the seasonal movements of birds and fills us with awe and wonderas to how such a magnificent event can be accomplished season after season,year after year, with such unerring precision.

C .Of the three kinds of information necessary fornavigation, we know something about the environmental cues that birds use to orienttheir migratory flight in the proper direction. On the other hand, there alsois well-supported experimental evidence that birds use neither the positions ofthe sun or the stars to know where they are or where they are to go. It hasbeen shown, however, that birds must learn both the location of the winteringarea as well as the location of the breeding area in order to navigateproperly, but we have no idea what information they are learning. Nor do weknow what cues birds use to know the location of their migratory destinationwhen they are in their wintering locale, often thousands of miles away. Therecapture of banded birds at the same places along the route of the migratoryjourney in subsequent years suggests that some species also learn the locationof traditional stop-over sites, but how they do that remains a mystery.

Vector Navigation

D.European Starlings passthrough Holland on their migration from Sweden, Finland, and northwesternRussia to their wintering grounds on the channel coast of France and thesouthern British Isles. Perdeck transported thousands of starlings from TheHague to Switzerland, releasing these banded birds in a geographic location inwhich the population had never had any previous experience. The subsequentrecapture of many of these banded birds demonstrated that the adults, which hadpreviously made the migratory flight, knew they had been displaced and returnedto their normal wintering range by flying a direction approximately ninetydegrees to their usual southwesterly course. The juveniles, which had nevermade the trip before, in contrast, continued to fly southwest and wererecaptured on the Iberian peninsula. These first-year birds “knew”what direction to fly, but did not recognize they had been displaced, thusending up in an atypical wintering range. In subsequent years these now adultbirds returned to again winter in Spain and Portugal. Coupled with anotherdisplacement of starlings to the Barcelona coast in Spain, Perdeck concludedthat the proper direction of the migratory flight was innate, that is,inherited in their DNA, since the naive juveniles could fly that direction, andthat the birds were also genetically programmed to fly a set distance. This isthe same vector or dead-reckoning navigation program Lindberg used to fly fromNew York to Paris by maintaining a given compass direction (or directions) fora predetermined time (i.e., distance). But this study demonstrated that thisnavigation system is modified by experience, since adults knew they were not inHolland any longer and knew that in order to get to their normal winteringgrounds they needed to fly a direction that they had never flown before! Theseresults are truly amazing. And we don't know how they did it.

E.Displacement studies in the Western Hemisphere usingseveral species of buntings also demonstrated that birds recognized they hadbeen moved and could fly appropriate, yet unique, routes to return to theirnormal range. Yet adult Hooded Crows transported latitudinally by over 600 km fromwintering grounds in the eastern Baltic to northwestern Germany failed torecognize this displacement. In the spring they oriented properly but migratedto Sweden, west of their normal breeding range. This species used vectornavigation, but did not know the location of its traditional destination. Sinceit is generally accepted that migratory behavior evolved independently againand again in different bird populations, a single explanation to fit all casesperhaps should not be expected.

Orientation Cues

F .Most of theeffort applied to understanding how birds make a migratory flight has beendirected toward environmental cues that birds use to maintain a particularflight direction. These cues are landmarks on the Earth's surface, the magneticlines of flux that longitudinally encircle the Earth, both the sun and thestars in the celestial sphere arching over the Earth, and perhaps prevailingwind direction and odors.

Landmarks are useful as a primarynavigation reference only if the bird has been there before. For cranes, swans,and geese that migrate in family groups, young of the year could learn thegeographic map for their migratory journey from their parents. But most birdsdo not migrate in family flocks, and on their initial flight south to thewintering range or back north in the spring must use other cues. Yet birds areaware of the landscape over which they are crossing and appear to use landmarksfor orientation purposes. Radar images of migrating birds subject to a strongcrosswind were seen to drift off course, except for flocks migrating parallelto a major river. These birds used the river as a reference to shift theirorientation and correct for drift in order to maintain the proper ground track.That major geographic features like Point Pelee jutting into Lake Erie or CapeMay at the tip of New Jersey are meccas for bird-watchers only reflects thefact that migrating birds recognize these peninsulas during their migration.Migrating hawks seeking updrafts along the north shore of Lake Superior or theridges of the Appalachians must pay attention to the terrain below them inorder to take advantage of the energetic savings afforded by these topographicstructures.

G.Since humans learned to use celestialcues, it was only natural that studies were undertaken to demonstrate thatbirds could use them as well. Soon after the end of the Second World War,Gustav Kramer showed that migratory European Starlings oriented to the azimuthof the sun when he used mirrors to shift the sun's image by ninety degrees inthe laboratory and obtained a corresponding shift in the birds' orientation.Furthermore, since the birds would maintain a constant direction even thoughthe sun traversed from east to west during the day, the compensation for thismovement demonstrated that the birds were keeping time. They knew whatorientation to the sun was appropriate at 9 a.m. They knew what different anglewas appropriate at noon, and again at 4 p.m. It has been recently shown thatmelatonin secretions from the light-sensitive pineal gland on the top of thebird's brain are involved in this response. Not only starlings but homingpigeons, penguins, waterfowl, and many species of perching birds have beenshown to use solar orientation. Even nocturnal migrants take directionalinformation from the sun. European Robins and Savannah Sparrows that wereprevented from seeing the setting sun did not orient under the stars as well asbirds that were allowed to see the sun set. Birds can detect polarized lightfrom sunlight's penetration through the atmosphere, and it has beenhypothesized that the pattern of polarized light in the evening sky is theprimary cue that provides a reference for their orientation.

Using the artificial night sky provided byplanetariums demonstrated that nocturnal migrants respond to star patterns.(quite analogous to Kramer's work on solar orientation, Franz Sauerdemonstrated that if the planetarium sky is shifted, the birds make acorresponding shift in their orientation azimuth. Steve Emlen was able to showthat the orientation was not dependent upon a single star, like Polaris, but tothe general sky pattern. As he would turn off more and more stars so that theywere no longer being projected in the planetarium, the bird's orientationbecame poorer and poorer. While the proper direction for orientation at a giventime is probably innate, Emlen was able to show that knowing the location of“north” must be learned. When young birds were raised under aplanetarium sky in which Betelgeuse, a star in Orion of the southern sky, wasprojected to the celestial north pole, the birds oriented as if Betelgeuse was“north” when they were later placed under the normally orientatednight sky, even though in reality it was south!

H.Radar studies have shown that birds domigrate above cloud decks where landmarks are not visible, under overcast skieswhere celestial cues are not visible, and even within cloud layers whereneither set of cues is available. The nomadic horsemen of the steppes of Asiaused the response of lodestones to the Earth's magnetic field to find theirway, and the hypothesis that migrating birds might do the same was suggested asearly as the middle of the nineteenth century. Yet it was not until themid-twentieth century that Merkel and Wiltschko demonstrated in a laboratoryenvironment devoid of any other cues that European Robins would change theirorientation in response to shifts in an artificial magnetic field that was asweak as the Earth's natural field. Although iron-containing magnetite crystalsare associated with the nervous system in homing pigeons, Northern Bobwhite,and several species of perching birds, it is unknown whether they areassociated with the sensory receptor for the geomagnetic cue. An alternatehypothesis for the sensory receptor suggests that response of visual pigmentsin the eye to electromagnetic energy is the basis for geomagnetic orientation.It has been shown, however, that previous exposure to celestial orientationcues enhances the ability of a bird to respond more appropriately when onlygeomagnetic cues are available.

Radar observations indicate that birdswill decrease their air speed when their ground speed is augmented by a strongtail wind. We also know that birds can sense wind direction as gusts rufflingthe feathers stimulate sensory receptors located in the skin around the base ofthe feather. Since there are characteristic patterns of wind circulation aroundhigh and low pressure centers at the altitude most birds migrate, it has beenhypothesized that birds could use these prevailing wind directions as anorientation cue. However, there presently is no experimental support for thishypothesis.

I.The sense of smell in birds wasconsidered for a long time to be poorly developed, but more recent evidencesuggests that some species can discriminate odors quite well. If the olfactorynerves of homing pigeons are cut, the birds do not return to their home loft aswell as birds whose olfactory nerves were left intact. A similar experiment hasdemonstrated that European Starlings with severed olfactory nerves returnedless often than unaffected control birds even at distances as great as 240 kmfrom their home roosts. And even more interesting, when these starlingsreturned to the nesting area the following spring, the starlings withnonfunctioning olfactory nerves returned at a significantly lower frequencythan the other starlings.

J.Considering the array of demonstratedand suggested cues that birds might use in their orientation, it is clear thatthey rely upon a suite of cues rather than a single cue. For a migrating birdthis redundancy is critical, since not all sources of orientation informationare equally available at a given time, nor are all sources of informationequally useful in a given situation.

Questions 1—8

The passage on the previous pages has eight sections labeled A-J

Which section mentions the following?

Write the correct letter A-Jin boxes1—8 on your answersheet.

1. The possible conclusion for migrating birds.

2. A description of olfactory nerves about birds’sdistance.

3. A description of Latitude about several species.

4. Insights from studies how young birds finddirection.

5. The ways birds can use for navigation.

6. Classes of animals for migratory movements.

7. The elements that birds have to navigation.

8. The birds use different cues to cope with weather.

Questions 9—11

Choose THREE letters A-F

Write your answers in boxes 9—11 on your answer sheet.

The list below gives some ways of regarding navigation.

Which THREE ways are mentioned by the writer of the text?

A. a exercise for young adult activity

B. Latitude for wintering ground

C. Physical surrounding

D. Weather cues

E. Satellite-based technologies

F. Places destination when they are in winter

Questions 12—14

Do the following statements agree with the information given in thepassage?

In boxes 12—14 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE ifthe statement agrees with the information

FALSE ifthe statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if thereis no information on this

12. Birds’ migratory flight is affected by using natural environment.

13. Fish, mammals and insects are not in their ability to makemigratory journeys.

14. Birds use cues to find their destination thousands of miles away.



雅思考试里的阅读部分答题时间1个小时,要求完成3篇文章共40个题目的解答,总计约3000词。其文章内容广泛,涉及动物学、人类学、管理、自然环境、医疗卫生等十个学科, 题目类型包括Headings 、true/false/not given、Short-answer questions、Summary 、Multiple Choice;Matching 、Sentence Completion、diagram/flowchart/table completion 等10种。除了平时刻苦做题外,考试当天还需要留意哪些注意事项呢?现在就从应考和心理两个方面简单谈一谈。







不过注意一定要对应题号,千万不要张冠李戴。需要提醒的是,true/false/not given这样的题目,写答案的时候尽量写完整的单词,如true,最好不要用T来代替。




通常来讲,填空类别的题目通常最简单,如:table/chart/diagram, summary, sentence completion, short answer questions等,可以先做。选择类的通常都较难,例如:T/F/NG, List of headings, Which paragraph contains the following information等,可以放到后面做。因为这些题目绝大多数是细节型考题。在做完类似headings 这样的题型后,考生对于文章的结构和大一都有比较清晰地了解,在这个基础上再完成细节题定位会更加准确,节约时间且提高正确率。



but, however, yet, in fact, on the other hand;

A, but B: 否定A而肯定B,则A,B两部分内容是相反的。

例如:Computerized data storage and electronic mail were to have heralded the paper less office. But, contrary to expectations, paper consumption throughout the world shows no sign of abating .

解释:paper less 表示负向,则but后no sign of abating 表示正向,所以abating是表示负向的词。


练习:The marginal costs of generating electricity from nuclear energy may be tiny, but , as the technology now stands, huge and uncertain costs are involved in building the power stations, dealing with spent fuel, and decommissioning.


(1)although:although A, B:尽管有A,B还是出现了(A,B互不影响)若A是正,那B就是负的。

例如:Although the world regards Asia as the focus of an economic and industrial miracle, without adequate supplies of food, Lampe says, chaos could easily result in many countries.



A. although:虽然,尽管

B. as long as:只要

C. whereas, but:表转折


E. n. 表一段时间

例如:While ducks offer many advantages over hens, they must be given greater quality of food, especially if regular eggs are desired.



例如:Albeit true but not now.

雅思阅读高频关系词3.表并列:A and B

A...and B...

(1) 并列双方性质相同;

(2) 当A、B都比较复杂时,应该从最后一项找起,根据B的形式到前文找到A

例如:The modern city consists of monstrous edifices and of dark, narrow streets full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, torn by the noise of the taxicabs, lorries and buses, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds.

解释:此句话中共有四个and ,第一个and 并列of 结构,第二个and 并列fumes和toxic,第三个and并列taxicabs, lorries 和buses, 第四个and并列full of …, torn by… 和thronged…


A furthermore B

A moreover B

A besides B

A为正向,B 仍为正向。


(1) first, then, next, later on, finally

(2) 1st, 2nd, 3rd…

(3) in the first place, in the second place…

(4) before…, after…

(5) once, until, as soon as,…




(1) as…as, like 类比

(2) more…than, unlike 对比

(3) 不同的时间导致强的对比关系




问题是,2003年人们有了A++, 1840年的时候人们没有什么?

(4) 不同的地点导致强对比关系

例如:In Australia, only,….

In Asia, many, A(生词)


雅思阅读高频关系词8.例如:A for example = :=—— B



(1) 大因果关系/分句间因果关系(即:原因、结果是两句话)

because, in that, as, since, for, so(that), therefore, thus, hence, as a result

(2) 小因果关系/句内因果关系(在一句话中,通过v.来表达)

例如:Increased air temperature brought about higher sea levels.

Cause, lead to, result in/ from, contribute to, pose, help, create, affect, influence, attribute to.

Attribute A to B, 把A归因于B (因为B所以A)

雅思阅读真题精选:orientatin of birds












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