- 目录
3.20.2 发生
beget v. 产生,引起
engender v. 产生,引起
evoke v. 引起;唤起
generate v. 产生;造成 (generative adj. 有生殖力的)
generation n. 产生,发生;一代人;(产品类型的)代
incidence n. 事情发生;发生率
induce v. 引起;诱导
loom v. (威胁性)隐约出现;n. 织布机
occurrence n. 发生;事件 (occur v. 发生)
onset n. (坏情况)开始发作
trigger v. 引发,导致;n. 扳机
imminent adj. 即将发生的,逼近的
impend v. 即将发生;进行威胁
impending adj. 行将发生的,逼近的
pending adj. 即将发生的
simultaneous adj. 同时发生的
sporadic adj. 不定时发生的
synchronous adj. 同时发生的
unprecedented adj. 前所未有的(从未发生的)
3.24.2 撤销,取消
annul v. 取消;宣告无效
countermand v. 撤回(命令),取消(订货)
negate v. 取消;否认
nullify v. 取消,使无效 (nullity n. 无效)
quash v. 取消;镇压
recede v. 收回(诺言),后退
recession n. 撤回,退回;经济萧条时期
rescind v. 取消,废除
declassify v. 撤销保密
disbar v. 取消律师资格
divestiture n. 取消称号;脱衣,卸下装饰;剥夺财产
foreclose v. 取消抵押品的赎回权;排除
irrevocable adj. 无法取消的
3.24.1 停止,结束
abeyance n. 中止,搁置
shelve v. 搁置 (shelf n. 架子)
table v. 搁置,不加考虑
balky adj. 停止不前的;倔强的
cessation n. 中止,(短暂的)停止
check v. 使突然停止,阻止
closure n. 终止;关闭
expiration n. 期满,终止
expire v. 期满;去世
intermission n. 暂停,间歇
interrupt v. 暂时中止;打断,打扰
moribund adj. 即将结束的;垂死的
overthrow v./n. 终止;推翻
stagnant adj. 停滞的
stall v. 使停止,使延迟
standstill n. 处于停顿状态,中止
stasis n. 停滞
suspend v. 中止,暂缓;吊,悬
terminate v. 终止,结束
terminal adj. 末端的;n. 终点站,终端
termination n. 终点
terminus n. (火车、汽车)终点站
cloture n. 辩论的终结
lull n. 活动的暂停;v. 使平静
mediate v. 调停 (mediation n. 调停 mediator n. 调停者,仲裁者)
moratorium n. 停止偿付;禁止活动 (moratory adj. 延期偿付的)
stanch v. 制止(血液),止住
1. 模考成绩不应过于注重
2. 模考可以作为摸底工具
3. 模考有助寻找薄弱环节
4. 模考还能训练答题节奏
5.15.2 传染
contagious adj. 传染的,有感染力的
epidemic adj. 传染性的,流行性的
infection n. 传染,感染
pandemic adj. (病)大范围流行的
septic adj. 受感染的,腐败的
susceptibility n. 易感性(易受传染)
6.2.2 推理,演绎
conjecture v./n. 推测,臆测
deduce v. 演绎,推断
deduct v. 演绎;减去,扣除
deductive adj. 推理的,演绎的
divine v. 推测,预言
infer v. 推断,推定
ratiocination n. 推理;推论
reckon v. 推断,估计;猜想,设想
speculative adj. 推理的,思索的;投机的
surmise n. 推测,猜测;v. 推测
6.2.1 分析
analyze v. 分析,分解
critique n. 批评性的分析
dissection n. 剖析,解剖
parse v. 对…做语法分析
scan v. 分析韵律;细查,细看(精读);浏览,扫描
GRE模考成绩3大功能作用综述 4款实用模考软件点评推荐
1. 模考成绩无需太过看重
2. 模考摸底效果佳
3. 模考找薄弱环节
4. 模考练答题节奏
depraved a堕落的,腐化的
depravity n堕落,恶习
deprecate v反对,轻视
depreciate v轻视;贬值
depressed a消沉的;凹陷的
depression n忧愁,消沉;数量减少
deprivation n剥夺;缺乏
deputy n代表;副警长
deracinate v根除,杜绝
deranged a精神错乱的,有精神病的
derelict a荒废的;玩忽职守的;n被遗弃的人
dereliction n遗弃,弃置
deride v嘲弄,愚弄
derivation n发展,起源;词源
derivative a派生的;无创意的
dermatologist n皮肤病学家
derogate v贬低,诽谤
derogatory a不敬的,诽谤的
descend v下来,下降
descendant n后代,后裔
descent n降落;侵袭;血统
descry v远远看到,望见
desecrate v玷辱,亵渎
desert v放弃,离弃
deserted a荒芜的,无人的
deserter n背弃者,逃亡者
desertion n离弃,遗弃
desiccate v(使)完全干涸,脱水
designation n指定;名称,称呼
designer n设计者,构思者
desirable a值得要的
desperate a不顾死活的,拼命的
despicable a可鄙的,卑劣的
despise v鄙视,藐视
despondent a失望的,意气消沉的
despot n暴君
despotic a专横的,暴虐的
despotism n专制,暴政
destitution n匮乏,穷困
desultory a不连贯的,散漫的
detach v分离,分遣
detached a分开的;超然的
detain v拘留;使延迟
detection n查出,探获
deter v威慑,吓住;阻止
detergent a净化的;n清洁剂
deteriorate v(使)变坏,恶化
deterioration n恶化,堕落
determinant n决定因素a决定性的
determination n决心;确定;预测
detest v深恶,憎恶
detonation n爆炸,爆炸声
detour n弯路;绕行之路
detraction n贬低,诽谤
detrimental a损害的,造成伤害的
detritus n碎屑;废墟
devastate v摧毁,破坏
deviant a越出常规的
deviate v越轨,脱离
deviation n背离
devious a不正直的;弯曲的
devise v发明设计;图谋;遗赠给
devoid a空的,缺少的
devoted a投入的,热爱的
devotee n爱好者
devotional a献身的,崇拜的
devour v吞食;贪婪地享受 13
devout a虔敬的;忠诚的,忠心的
dexterity n纯熟,灵巧
dexterous a灵巧的,熟练的
diabetes n糖尿病
diabolical a恶毒的,狠毒的
diagnose v判断,诊断
diagonal a对角的;n对角线
diagram n图解,图表
dialect n方言
diameter n直径
diaphanous a精致的,透明的
diatribe n(口头或书面猛烈的)抨击
dictate v口述;命令
didactic a教诲的;说教的
die n金属模子,印模
diehard n顽固分子
differentiate v辨别,区别
diffident a缺乏自信的
diffuse v散布,(光等)漫射;a漫射的,散漫的
digestion n消化,吸收
digit n手指,足趾;数字,数码
dignity n尊严,尊贵
digress v离题
digression n离题,题外话
dilapidate v(使)荒废,(使)毁坏
dilapidated a破旧的,倒塌的
dilate v(身体某部位)张大,扩大
dilatory a慢吞吞的,磨蹭的
dilemma n困境,左右为难
dilettante n半瓶醋,业余爱好者
diligence n勤勉,勤奋
dilute v把(液体)弄稀,弄淡
dim v使暗淡,使模糊
dimension n维度,尺寸
diminution n减少,缩减
dimple n酒窝,笑靥
din n喧闹声,嘈杂声
dingy a肮脏的;褪色的
diplomatic a外交的;圆滑的
dire a可怕的
dirge n哀歌
disabuse v打消(某人的)错误念头;纠正
disaffect v使不满;使不忠
disagreeable a讨厌的;乖戾的
disarm v使…解除武器;使…缓和
disarray n混乱,漫无秩序
disaster n灾难,大不幸
disbar v取消律师资格
disburse v支付,支出
discard v扔掉,抛弃
discern v(费劲)识别,看出
discernible a可识别的,依稀可辨的
discerning a识别力强的
discharge v流出;释放;解雇;履行义务
disciple n信徒,弟子
discipline v训练,训导;n纪律;惩罚,处分
disclaim v放弃权利;拒绝承认
disclose v使某物显露
discography n唱片分类目录;录音音乐研究
discombobulate v扰乱,使困惑
discombobulated a扰乱的,打乱的
discomfit v使懊恼;使难堪
Upon maturity,monarch butterflies travel hundreds of miles from their places of origin and lay their eggs on milkweed. The caterpillars that emerge feed on milkweed and absorb the glycosides in milkweed sap. The specific glycosides present in milkweed differ from region to region within the monarch butterfly’s range. Mature butterflies retain the glycosides in a mature monarch butterfly could be used to determine its place of origin.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
A. Mature monarch butterflies do not feed on parts of milkweed that contain glycosides.
B. The glycosides in milkweed sap are slightly toxic to caterpillars of other species.
C. The vast majority of the monarch butterflies that are laying eggs in a given region will have traveled there from a single region.
D. There are substances other than glycosides in milkweed sap that accumulate in a monarch caterpillar and are retained in the body of the mature butterfly.
E. There are certain glycosides that are found in the sap of all milkweeds, no matter where they grow within the monarch butterfly’s range.
GRE阅读练习:Sea Cow
The dis appearance of Steller's sea cow from the Bering and Copper is lands by 1768 has long been blamed on intensive hunting. But its dis appearance took only 28 years from the time Steller first described the species, a remarkably short time for hunting alone to depopulate the is lands, especially given the large populations initially reported. However, by 1750, huntershad also targeted nearby sea otter populations . Fewer otters would have allowed s ea urchin populations on which the otterspreyed to expand and the urchins ' grazing pressure on kelp forests to increase. Sea cows were totally dependent on kelp for food, and within a decade of the onset of otter hunting Steller noted that the is lands' sea cows appeared malnourished.
1. Which of the following can be inferred from the pas s age about kelp forests in the Bering and Copper is lands between 1750 and 1768?
A. They were reduced significantly.
B. They disappeared entirely from the region.
C. They were the primary food source for sea otters .
D. They were harvested in record numbers by humans
E. They increased pressure on sea urchin populations.
2. According to the pas s age, it is likely that during the m id-1700s, s ea urchin populations near the Bering and Copper is lands
A. were diminished by sea cow predation
B. experienced substantial increases
C. migrated to waters with more plentiful food supplies
D. were reduced by the pressures of hunting
E. appeared to be malnourished
托福写作解析:Hand vs machine
Some items (such as clothes or furniture) can be made by hand or by machine. Which do you prefer — items made by hand or items made by machine? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.
Hand vs. machine
From my point of view, there are many factors affecting whether to choose an item made by hand or by machine. The main factor to make a judgment is whether we use the item for our daily life or for collection and decoration purposes.
For items used in our daily life, the choices we make depend on the following factors: function, form, and price. Function is the most important thing for us. If a product is beautiful, but it is not able to perform the function, it can only be called a decoration, or a piece of garbage. For example, when we buy a TV, what we really care about first it is the quality of the picture and sound, how many stations it can receive, and whether it can be connected easily to the VCR and DVD player at home. The second factor that affects our choice of a product for daily use is its form. Is the TV too big, too small, or too ugly? Will it fit into the living room? Will it be compatible with the colors of other appliances and the furniture? The third factor we may consider is the price. Even if we are very happy with the item, there is no meaning if we cannot afford it.
So, in our daily life, there is really no difference whether our clothes or furniture are made by hand or made by machine. It just doesn't matter as long as they can perform their function. For items for collection and decoration, it is a completely different story. Ancient tools and historical artifacts have more market and educational value than modern day massively produced products, and traditional handicrafts make good tourist souvenirs and beautiful decoration for the house. Therefore, when it comes to items for collection and decoration, I would definitely choose items made by hand, because they are just so special.
In conclusion, depending on different items and different uses, I will make different choices.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships. Use specific details and examples to support your opinion. 朋友之间的竞争对于友谊有消极影响,是否认同?
友谊是建立在互相尊敬和欣赏的基础之上的,所谓英雄相惜,因此,只有通过竞争, 我们才能发现朋友的优点,进而产生一种敬意。和优秀的人在一起也是人的一种本能。所以,竞争有助于增进友谊。
这个争议是我想起一个体育故事,NBA 球星James 和 Paul 是一对好友,他们在比赛中互不相让,为了各自的团队荣誉而战,但是,在生活中他们是好友,甚至亲人,他们因为彼此欣赏,互相帮助, 他们的友谊并没有因为竞争而淡化。
1.Sincere friendship is what every individual aspires after. 真诚的友谊是人人渴求的。
2.However, people differ greatly in their views as to whether or not true friendship can withstand the test of competition. 然而,关于是否真正的友谊是否可以经受住竞争的考验,人们的观点各异。
3.As I see it,competition can be a promoter of friendship rather than a barrier for interpersonal relationship. 我认为,竞争可以促进友谊,而不是人际关系的阻碍。
4.As a proverb goes, excellent people usually appreciate each other. Hence, true friendship should be based on mutual respect and appreciation. 友谊是建立在互相尊敬和欣赏的基础之上的,所谓英雄相惜。
5.Only by means of competing with friends, can we find the personal strength of our friends, naturally, respect grows. After all, such is human nature to stick with elite people. 只有通过竞争, 我们才能发现朋友的优点,进而产生一种敬意,因为和优秀的人在一起也是人的一种本能。
6.This debate reminds me of a story. 这个争议是我想起来一个体育故事。
7.James and Paul are noted for their basketball talents and skills on the NBA court, during the basketball game, they compete with each other fiercely for the honor of respective team. However, competition never alienate their friendship, they are close friends in real life for the simple reason that they appreciate each other. 球星James 和 Paul 是一对好朋友,他们在比赛中互不相让,为了各自的团队荣誉而战,但是,在生活中他们是好友,他们因为彼此欣赏,才结为朋友,友谊没有因为竞争而淡化。
8.One's reaction in time of hardship or crisis, in the eyes of the vast majority of people, will be one of the most crucial criteria to evaluate friendship. 衡量友谊的一个很重要的标准就是朋友在患难或者危机时刻的表现。
9.From our life, we can find plenty of evidence to prove that many people are just good playmates, however, it is extremely hard for them to maintain friendship if personal interests are involved, especially when a person intentionally sell friends out. In this case, competition might make two people go from being best friends to bitter rivals. 生活中例证很多,很多人是玩耍的好伙伴,但是,一旦遇到竞争,尤其是涉及到个人利益的竞争,如果一方为自我的私利而做出有损于友谊的事情,这时,友谊很难维持。
10.What I want to rebut, however, is that those who do things for personal profit at another's expense in the hot competition are never trustworthy friends. 但是,我想反驳的是:为了个人的利益就可以在竞争中卖友求荣,损人利己的人,不值得结交。
At the same time, as soon as, so far, since, now, when, meanwhile, shortly, later, lately, after a while, at this time, before, earlier, presently, in the meantime, formerly, previously, simultaneously, eventually, finally, concurrently , immediately, subsequently, lastly, consequently, since then, following this, preceding this, at the outset, at this point, after, afterwards, after this, at once, at length, in the mean time, meanwhile, at the same time, in the end, not long after, some time ago, at present, all of a sudden, from this time on.
In other words, again, as has been pointed out, to repeat, as I have said above, once again, after all, indeed, in fact, truly, chiefly, especially, actually, particularly, to be sure, above all, most important of all, even worse, no doubt, needless to say.
but, however, yet, or, nevertheless, still, nonetheless, conversely, nor rather, whereas, though, on the one hand, on the contrary, by contrast with/to, even though, instead, unlike, different from, in contrast (with/to), instead (of), unlike, while, for all of that, notwithstanding, something is just the other way around, opposed to, as opposed to.
similarly, likewise, like, as, at the same time, in fact, too, in the same way, in alike manner, both, also, compared with, in comparison with
first of all, to begin with, first, second, next, in the first (second) place, furthermore, moreover, beyond that, also, besides, in addition, what is more, such as, finally, for example, for instance, in this case, namely, a case in point is…, consider…, in particular, including…, for one thing…, for another…, put it simply, stated roughly, as an illustration, I will say…, a good example (of…) would be…, to detail this, I would like to…, it is interesting to note that…, in this situation, as proof, take the case of…, take (something) as example, as for, as regards, as to, according to, on this occasion.
Since, because (of), as, for, owing to, result from, due to, on account of, on the ground of, as a result of, being that, another important factor/reason of…, in that…, for the reason that…, in view of.
So, therefore, thus, hence, as a result, accordingly, for this reason, on that account, it follows that, thereupon, inevitably, under these conditions, as a consequence, consequently, in consequence, so that, not only…but (also…), so… as to
To sum up, in summary, to summarize, in short, in brief, to be brief, on the whole, in conclusion, to conclude, the conclusion can be drawn that…
2.有时生词的意义可以直接在上下文中获得。gre阅读备考, gre考试有什么用中遇到的生词的相当一部分意义可以通过各种方式猜测得到。因此,在生词周围或语境中寻找解释是一种有效的方法。
gre阅读备考很多学生面对GRE阅读考试,都会感叹时间不够,往往考生来不及读完整篇文章。问题解决速度达不到要求的原因有很多,如词汇、阅读方法和解决问题的能力。此外,还有一个重要因素:没有权衡,没有衡量问题的优先性。鉴于GRE考试模式不倒箭,如果遇到很难阅读的问题,就要花很多时间去定位和分析那些难以保证正确率的问题。建议你直接猜出答案,然后输入下一个问题,gre阅读备考, gre考试有什么用不要在这些问题上花太多时间。只有学会选择或拒绝,才能保证解决以下问题的时间,从而弥补损失,取得更好的效果。
Passage 21
Even after numerous products made with artificial sweeteners became available, sugar consumption per capita continued to rise. Now manufacturers are introducing fat-free versions of various foods that they claim have the taste and texture of the traditional high-fat versions. Even if the manufacturers’ claim is true, given that the availability of sugar-free foods did not reduce sugar consumption, it is unlikely that the availability of these fat-free foods will reduce fat consumption.
1. Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?
A. Several kinds of fat substitute are available to manufacturers, each of which gives a noticeably different taste and texture to products that contain it.
B. The products made with artificial sweeteners did not taste like products made with sugar.
C. The foods brought out in sugar-free versions did not generally have reduced levels of fat, but many of the fat-free versions about to be introduced are low in sugar.
D. People who regularly consume products containing artificial sweeteners are more likely than others to consume fat-free foods.
E. Not all foods containing fat can be produced in fat-free versions.
Recent studies of sediment in the North Atlantic’s deep waters reveal possible cyclical patterns in the history of Earth’s climate. The rock fragments in these sediments are too large to have been transported there by ocean currents; they must have reached their present locations by traveling in large icebergs that floated long distances from their point of origin before melting. Geologist Gerard
Bond noticed that some of the sediment grains were stained with iron oxide, evidence that they originated in locales where glaciers had overrun outcrops of red sandstone. Bond’s detailed analysis of deep-water sediment cores showed changes in the mix of sediment sources over time: the proportion of these red-stained grains fluctuated back and forth from lows of 5 percent to highs of about 17 percent, and these fluctuations occurred in a nearly regular 1,500-year cycle.
Bond hypothesized that the alternating cycles might be evidence of changes in ocean-water circulation and therefore in Earth’s climate. He knew that the sources of the red-stained grains were generally closer to the North Pole than were the places yielding a high proportion of “clean” grains. At certain times, apparently, more icebergs from the Arctic Ocean in the far north were traveling south well into the North Atlantic before melting and shedding their sediment.
Ocean waters are constantly moving, and water temperature is both a cause and an effect of this movement. As water cools, it becomes denser and sinks to the ocean’s bottom. During some periods, the bottom layer of the world’s oceans comes from cold, dense water sinking in the far North Atlantic. This causes the warm surface waters of the Gulf Stream to be pulled northward. Bond realized that during such periods, the influx of these warm surface waters into northern regions could cause a large proportion of the icebergs that bear red grains to melt before traveling very far into the North Atlantic. But sometimes the ocean’s dynamic changes, and waters from the Gulf Stream do not travel northward in this way. During these periods, surface waters in the North Atlantic would generally be colder, permitting icebergs bearing red-stained grains to travel farther south in the North Atlantic before melting and depositing their sediment.
The onset of the so-called Little Ice Age (1300-1860), which followed the Medieval Warm Period of the eighth through tenth centuries, may represent the most recent time that the ocean’s dynamic changed in this way. If ongoing climate-history studies support Bond’s hypothesis of 1,500-year cycles, scientists may establish a major natural rhythm in Earth’s temperatures that could then be extrapolated into the future. Because the midpoint of the Medieval Warm Period was about A.D. 850, an extension of Bond’s cycles would place the midpoint of the next warm interval in the twenty-fourth century.
1. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the rock fragments contained in the sediments studied by Bond?
A. The majority of them are composed of red sandstone.
B. They must have reached their present location over 1,500 years ago.
C. They were carried by icebergs to their present location.
D. Most of them were carried to their present location during a warm period in Earth’s climatic history.
E. They are unlikely to have been carried to their present location during the Little Ice Age.
2. In the final paragraph of the passage (lines 47-59), the author is concerned primarily with
A. answering a question about Earth’s climatic history
B. pointing out a potential flaw in Bond’s hypothesis
C. suggesting a new focus for the study of ocean sediments
D. tracing the general history of Earth’s climate
E. discussing possible implications of Bond’s hypothesis
3. According to the passage, Bond hypothesized that which of the following circumstances would allow red-stained sediment grains to reach more southerly latitudes?
A. Warm waters being pulled northward from the Gulf Stream
B. Climatic conditions causing icebergs to melt relatively quickly
C. Icebergs containing a higher proportion of iron oxide than usual
D. The formation of more icebergs than usual in the far north
E. The presence of cold surface waters in the North Atlantic
4. It can be inferred from the passage that in sediment cores from the North Atlantic’s deep waters, the portions that correspond to the Little Ice Age
A. differ very little in composition from the portions that correspond to the MedievalWarm Period
B. fluctuate significantly in composition between the portions corresponding to the 1300s and the portions corresponding to the 1700s
C. would be likely to contain a proportion of red-stained grains closer to 17 percent than to 5 percent
D. show a much higher proportion of red-stained grains in cores extracted from the far north of the North Atlantic than in cores extracted from further south
E. were formed in part as a result of Gulf Stream waters having been pulled northward
GRE模考不只是为了估分 模考注意事项和实用软件指点讲解
1. 模考结果不重要
2. 前期模考摸底
3. 中期模考找弱点
4. 后期模考练PACE
1.pithy /‘p?θi/ adj. 简练的,精辟的,简洁扼要的
【解词】源自 pith n. (木)髓;(争论、思想等)核心,精髓,要点
2.irrevocable /?’r?v?k?bl/ adj. 不可改变的, 不可反转的
【解词】ir-=not; re-=back; voc-=voice,call;声音,喊;-able为形容词后缀;不可以喊回来的,即“不可改变的,不可反转的”。
【例句】an irrevocable step. 决定性的一步。
3.pensive /‘p?ns?v/ adj. 沉思的,忧郁的;悲伤的,哀愁的
【解词】pens-=pend-=weigh, expend,衡量,花费。-ive为形容词后缀,表示程度很深。因此这个词表示“不断衡量/思考的”,引申为“沉思的,忧郁的”。
【例句】The woman in this painting has a pensive smile. 这幅画中的女人脸上露出忧郁的微笑。
4.aver /?’v??/ vt. 断言,极力声明;主张
【解词】a-=to; ver-=true,(如verify 证明,查证),因此这个词表示“认为是真实的”,即“主张,声明”。
5.concede /k?n’sid/ vt. & vi. 承认 vt. 出让, 容许
【解词】con-=一起,完全;ced-=to go,give way; 完全地让路,即“让步,承认”。
【例句】They conceded the match to their opponents. 他们承认在比赛中对手获胜。
6.exacting /?ɡ?z?kt??/ adj. 费劲的;需细致小心的;(标准)严格的,难达到的; (对别人)严格的,苛求的
【解词】来自exact adj. 精确的;准确的,精密的; vt. 强求;要求;急需。词根解释:ex-=out;act=行动,做;完全都做出来的,引申为“精确的”;动词为“要求把某物做出来”,即“强求,要求”。由动词的“exact 要求,强求”变为形容词exacting,表示“要求高的”,即“严格的,苛求的”。这个词的理解,可以联系demand 和demanding;demand 要求,demanding 要求高的;费心的, 费力的。
【例句】an exacting instructor. 一名严格得近乎苛求的指导者
7.sacrosanct /‘s?kros??kt/ adj. 极其神圣的;不可侵犯的
【例句】In India, the cow is a sacrosanct animal. 牛在印度是神圣的动物。
8.sparse /spɑrs/ adj. 稀疏的;稀少的
【例句】a country of sparse population 人口稀少的小国
9.fathom /‘f???m/ vt. 理解…的真意, 弄清楚;彻底了解;弄清真相 n.英寻(长度单位,合6英尺)
【例句】I can't fathom his meaning. 我无法领会他的意思。
10.unexceptionable /‘?n?k's?p??n?bl/ adj. 完全满意的, 无懈可击的
【解词】un-=not;exceptionable adj.可反对的,可抗议的;因此unexceptionable 表示“不可反对的,不可抗议的”,引申为“完全满意的,无懈可击的”。
【例句】the unexceptionable belief that society should be governed by law 社会应有法治的无可指责的信念
1.derivative /d?’r?v?t?v/ adj. 模仿他人的; 衍生的; 派生的 n. 派生物, 引出物
【解词】源自derive v.源于; de-=向下,riv-=river;因此这个词的根本含义是“沿着河流缓缓向下”,即“来源于”。
【例句】a highly derivative prose style. 毫无创意的散文风格
2.ignoble /?ɡ’nobl/ adj. 卑鄙的, 可耻的;出身低微的, 地位低下的
【解词】i-=im-=not;gnob-=well-know; famous,(其实就是noble的词根解释) 因此ignoble表示“卑鄙的,可耻的”。记单词的话,也可以直接通过后面的noble记忆,会更容易些。
【例句】And you may say in your innocence, “How noble is the one and how ignoble is the other.” 你也许在无意中说出”这一个是多么高洁而那一个又是多么卑贱。”
3.accolade /‘?k?led/ n. 嘉奖;赞许
【解词】acc-=强调;col-=neck,(如collar 领子); 最初含义是将某物(花环之类的)环绕在脖子上,授予爵位。引申为“嘉奖,赞许”。
【例句】The play received accolades from the press. 这部戏受到报纸的称赞。
4.balk /b?k/ vt. 阻止;推诿;错过 n. 障碍;错误
【例句】I wanted to buy the dress, but I balked at the high price. 我本想买这件连衣裙, 但一看价钱太高就犹豫了。
5.felicitous /f?’l?s?t?s/ adj. (措词等)恰当的,贴切的
【解词】felic-=幸福的(fe-=吮吸,lic-=lure 诱惑,美好的东西,推断最初含义是孩子吮吸母亲的乳头得到幸福感)。-ous为形容词后缀,因此表示“恰当的,贴切的”。
【例句】Nationalization is a word which is neither very felicitous nor free from ambiguity. 国有化是个既不十分贴切,意义也颇含糊的用语。
6.cardinal /‘kɑrd?nl/ adj. 主要的,基本的;深红色的 n. 红衣主教
【解词】cord-=heart;心,因此cardinal 表示“核心的,主要的;红色的”。
【同根词】cordial /‘k?rd??l/ adj. 兴奋的;热忱的,诚恳的
【例句】This is a matter of cardinal significance. 这是非常重要的事。
7.checkered /‘t??k?d/ adj. 多变的
【解词】来自checker n. (用来下棋的,64格的)方格图案,棋子 vt. 使(某物)呈现方格图案或不同颜色或不同深浅的方格。
【例句】The ground under the trees was checkered with sunlight and shade. 林地光影交错。
8.inflammatory /?n’fl?m?'t?ri/ adj. <贬>刺激性的;煽动性的;炎性的;发炎的
【例句】He gave a inflammatory address to the audience. 他对听众发表了煽动性的讲话。
9.approbation /‘?pr?'be??n/ n. 认可;许可;批准
【同义词】approval /?’pruvl/ n. 赞成;批准;认可
【例句】The play received the approbation of the mass media. 这个剧本受到大众媒体的欢迎。
10.misanthrope /‘m?s?nθrop/ n. 不愿与人来往者;厌恶人类的人
【解词】mis-=错误,坏;anthrop-=human being;人类;因此misanthrope 表示“厌恶人类”。
【例句】I used to worry that my discomfort at weddings meant that I was a misanthrope. 我曾经担心我对婚礼感到不舒服会不会是因为我是个愤世嫉俗者。
1.terse /t?s/ adj. 简洁的,精练的,扼要的
【解词】来自拉丁语中,ters-=clean out.
【近义词】brief, concise, pithy.
【例句】she was angered by his terse answer. 他简单生硬的回答激怒了她。
2.retrieve /r?’triv/ vt. 寻回, 找回;检索(储存的信息)
【例句】The police hope to encourage him to retrieve forgotten memories. 警察希望鼓励他想起已经忘记的事情。
3.exiguous /?ɡ’z?ɡju?s/ adj. 稀少的,微小的
【解词】ex-=out; ig-=ag-=do,drive,做,驱动;-ous为形容词后缀;因此这这个词表示的是“drive out”,赶出去,即剩下很少,引申为“稀少的,微小的”。
【例句】a merely exiguous income 微薄的收入
4.appease /?’piz/ vt. 使平息; 使满足
【例句】He tried to appease the crying child by giving him candy. 他试图给那个啼哭的孩子糖果使他不哭。
5.temerity /t?’m?r?ti/ n. 鲁莽,冒失;蛮勇
【解词】源自拉丁语,teme-=dark; 因此表示“毫无目的的行动”,引申为“鲁莽,冒失”。
【例句】He had the temerity to call me a liar. 他竟胆敢说我撒谎。
6.staunch /st?nt?/ adj. 坚固的;坚定的;忠诚的 v.止住,止血
【例句】Politically, she is a staunch opponent of reform. 在政治上, 她是坚决反对改革的。
7.intermittent /??nt?’m?t?nt/ adj. 间歇的; 断断续续的
【例句】Did you hear the intermittent sound outside? 你听见外面时断时续的声音了吗?
8.ameliorate /?’mil??'ret/ vt. <正,夸>(使)改善,改进
【解词】a-=to, melior-=better, 使变得更好,即“改善,改进”。
【例句】The reform did much to ameliorate living standards. 改革使生活水平改善了许多。
9.loath /loθ/ adj. 勉强的;不情愿的
【例句】He is loath to get out of bed on cold mornings. 在寒冷的早晨他讨厌起床。
10.superfluous /s?’p?fl??s/ adj. 过多的; 过剩的; 多余的
【解词】super-=over; flu-=flow,流; 因此这个表示“由于太多而流出去的”,引申为“过多的,过剩的”。
【例句】She fined away superfluous matter in the design. 她删去了这图案中多余的东西。
・高考版 发表于 2008-3-17 14:29:00
衷心希望模考不理想而失去信心的考生和家长们重新振作起来,积极做好考试复习工作,也为上天的眷顾作好准备。因为,每年的幸运儿都是努力到最后的人!祝愿每个考生都有一个幸运的六月。 (来源:高考专线)・阅读全文 | 回复(0) | 引用通告 | 编辑
GRE写作提升成绩先练开头 这3种低分开头段写法要注意避免
案例:Topic - The importance of confidence
开头:In my opinion, confidence is the most important thing for a person. All the successful people in the world are full of confidence. While those people who don’t have confidence, they all have failed.
分析:GRE考试考察的能力之一就是逻辑性思维,考生在写作时应该特别注意客观性,不能主观臆断,比如上面这个开头,又是the most又是all,观点太过绝对独断,完全不给予讨论的空间和余地,作为作文开头来说显得太过幼稚,难以取得高分。
案例:Topic - It is said that nowadays one can not acquire the qualifications and quality essential to success through university education. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? (GRE真题)
开头:I think to success, we must have a lot of important qualities. To have these important qualities, we must learn a lot of things, for example, English, music tools, and etc. We can learn these qualities from our teachers, our friends and from books. All in all, we can learn from many places.
案例: Topic-Should college students be allowed to get married?
开头1:I think this topic is very hard to say. Because I am still very little, only 20, and not married, so this topic is very difficult for me……
开头2:This topic is very interesting. I’m very interested in talking about this topic. Because I’m also a college student and I’m not married……
“Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience,their ideas will have little use.”
Although academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years,scholars' ideas can still reach a wide audience by the advantage of the knowledge structure. We can simply put that it is the human beings' knowledge structure that makes it possible for a scholar's ideas in his specialized discipline to reach a much wider audiences who don't necessarily belong to his own discipline.
The reason why I draw this conclusion will be illustrated by recalling the process of social evolution.
During the passed centuries,the social economy has been greatly boosted by the revolutions in science and technology,which in turn increases the width and depth of academic disciplines to solve unencountered and more complex problems arising in the new situations. To solve new problems,we probably need new methods. That will undoubtedly calls for invention of new ideas,which will certainly adds to human beings' knowledge. Thus with the progress of science and technology,more and more knowledge will be added to the old system. A new problem will come: how the newly obtained knowledge is organized. This problem will be clear when we make classification of the new knowledge according to the old knowledge system. If there is content of the newly-get that doesn't properly belong to any sort of the old system,it means a
new discipline will emerge. But could we just assert that the newly formed discipline doesn't possess any relationship with any of the old ones? Certainly not. This is because the new knowledge is obtained through the old methods,which obviously means the new knowledge do have some connections with some old disciplines,otherwise I am quite sure we could not find it!
From the above,we can easily reach the conclusion that every academic discipline has certain relationships with some other ones. The structure of human's knowledge is just like the complexity of a net! And also it is a natural trend that academic disciplines become more and more specialized.
With the depositing and specializing process of knowledge,it causes humans to accommodate themselves to this situation. Because the God gives every person a limited time and energy,it is necessary for a person,who wants to make progress in his discipline,to adjust his knowledge structure to adapt to his research domain,that is to say,to be more devoted to his own research area. On the other hand,if he cares too much for unrelated or less related area,he will probably not be able to bring innovation to his main academic discipline. Simply put,we almost cannot find a man who constructs the Theory of Relativity and in the mean time composes symphony like Mozart's! So we can say every scholar must be more devoted to his own discipline than to others,but a wider knowledge of other disciplines sometimes involuntarily invokes sparks of new ideas.
GRE Issue 官方范文
“Our declining environment may bring the people of the world together as no politician, philosopher, or war ever could.
Environmental problems are global in scope and respect no nation's boundaries.
Therefore, people are faced with the choice of unity and cooperation on the one hand or disunity and a common tragedy on the other.”
Cooperation---or Tragedy?
The solution to the world's growing environmental problems may have to wait awhile. It has been said that “environmental problems are global and respect no nation's boundaries.”
Unfortunately, pollution and its consequences still fall to large measure on those least likely to do anything about it: poor countries willing to sacrifice anything in order to sit at the table with the world's wealthy.
As far as the industrialized nations of the world are concerned, the world is a big place. Environmental destruction taking place outside their borders may sometimes be fodder for government pronouncements of concern, but few concrete actions.
Deforestation of the Amazon, for instance, is of vital concern to all those who wish to continue breathing. But the only effective deterrent to this activity,the restriction of international aid money to those countries showing net deforestation, has been stalled in the United Nations by those unwilling to “interfere” in the internal politics of other nations.
Because of the differential impact of polluting activities around the world, and even in different regions of a single country, many governments will undoubtedly continue to promulgate only modest environmental regulations.
Costs to polluting companies will continue to carry as much weight as the benefit of a pollution-free environment. Particularly in the current political climate of the United States, the well-documented expense of today's pollution-control measures will be stacked against the unknown long-term effects of polluting actitivities.
“Why should I spend millions of dollars a year, which causes me to have to raise the cost of my goods or eliminate jobs, if no one really knows if air pollution is all that harmful?
Show me the proof, ” an air polluting company may demand.
Realistically,it won't be until critical mass is achieved that the hoped for “choice of unity and cooperation” will be a viable one.
Only when the earth as a whole is so polluted that life itself becomes increasingly difficult for a majority of the world's people will there likely be the political will to force global environmental laws on governments worldwide.
But the optimists (read: environmental activists) among us continue to believe that the world can be shown the error of its ways.
They continue to point out that the sky is probably falling--or at least developing a big hole.
GRE数学题来不及做,最大的原因之一就是读题速度过慢。不少同学其实运算能力完全过关,但是在读懂题目上却往往会浪费大量时间。特别是看题时的回读和反复读题的问题常有发生。其实回读和反复读的起因很简单,当一道新GRE数学题目里面的信息量过大,而且题目相对复杂时,只读题不记笔记的结果就是读着后面的,忘着前面的,读完最后一句觉得条件不完整,于是又回到前面去找条件,如此往复多次后才能找全条件,开始做题。而且很多题目中的数字完全用英文表示而非阿拉伯数字,比如说 “eight hundred”,“forty-five”等,此时如果不随手把英文转化成阿拉伯数字,等最后读完题后还要再回来找数字,非常浪费时间。
复利 compound interest
单利 simple interest
折旧 depreciation
折扣 discount
锐角 acute angle
补角 supplementray angle
内错角 alternate angle
平行四边形 parallelXram
梯形 trapezoid
角平分线 angle bisector
弦 chord
顺时针 clockwise
多边形 polygon
等边的 equilateral
直角坐标系 rectangular coordinate
横坐标 abscissa
纵坐标 ordinate
基数 cardinal
座标 coordinate
方程 equation
代数 algebra
代数式 algebraic expression
分式 algebraic fraction
分子 numerator
绝对值absolute value
常数 constant
近似 approximate
考生在gre数学复习的时候防止一些不必要的错位。比如,歧义文字的误导。比如,least possible number是指可能值中最小的那个数呢,还是最没可能的那个数?由于不公布官方答案,因此谁都不知道权威的理解是哪种。我觉得最实际的是根据语境判断。
(1) 图表分析题(Graphic Analysis)
(2) 大小比较题 (Quantitative Comparison)
(3)计量能力题 (Math Ability)
★ 淄博模考作文范文




