2、在阅读交流中,教给学生阅读的方法,并鼓励运用到课外阅读中去, 帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯。
1、了解故事主要讲了什么—— 了解内容
(一)了解故事主要讲了什么—— 了解内容
故事主要讲皇帝(爱新装 ),骗子( 做新装)、皇帝和大臣(看新装),最后( 展新装)的故事,结果由一个小孩揭露了事情的真相。
我喜欢这个故事中的( ),因为( )。我讨厌这个故事中的( ),因为( )。
不动笔墨不读书,圈画出最能表现人物特点的.词句,并写下初步感受(板书:批注)。 强调注意正确的读书姿势。
“ 许多年以前,有一位皇帝,为了要穿得漂亮,他不惜把他所有的钱都花掉。他既不关心他的军队,也不喜欢去看戏,也不喜欢乘着马车去游公园——除非是为了炫耀一下他的新衣服,他每一天每一点钟都要换一套衣服。人们提到他的时候总是说:‘皇上在更衣室里。’”,可见皇帝多么喜欢漂亮的新衣服
2.学会本课的生字、新词, 注意积累词语和句子。
重点难点 了解课文内容,激发学生热爱大自然的思想感情。
教学课时 一课时
春姑娘爱笑,笑出一个暖暖的太阳。 [①怎样理解这句话?]
春姑娘爱唱歌,唱醒了枝头的嫩芽。 [③春姑娘又做了什么事?]
春姑娘爱跳舞,把舞会办得漂漂亮亮。 [④怎样理解这句话?]
看,小燕子在电线上排列成了错落的音符;听,小溪流拨响了无弦(xián)的琴,叮咚(dīnɡ dōnɡ),叮咚……
小草扭动绿色的腰肢,鲜花展开多彩的舞裙,柳树扬起它夹满发卡[fà qiǎ]的长发…… [⑤省略号表示什么?]
小燕子的剪刀舞,剪碎了彩霞,剪碎了波光,和[hè]着小蜜蜂愉快的吟唱。呀!剪断了长长的风筝(zhēnɡ)线……看呆了竹林里向上直蹿(cuān)的笋芽芽。[句导读:这段话用诗一般的语言和拟人的修辞手法,描绘出春姑娘的烂漫、活泼和美丽,语言轻松活泼,生动形象地突出了春天的特点。] [⑥文中描写了一幅怎样的美景?]
夏娃娃是个调皮的孩子,他常常捧出太阳,当镜子玩儿。 [⑦“常常”说明了什么?]
照得知了知知地笑,照得青蛙呱呱地叫,照得小狗吐出舌头睡不着觉。 [⑧这句话运用了什么修辞手法?为什么要写动物不同的生活习性?]
夏娃娃是个热心的孩子。 [⑨夏娃娃有什么特点?]
他帮田野烤(kǎo)熟庄稼,他帮盐场烘(hōnɡ)干盐巴,他帮遮阳帽、小花伞、冰镇汽水……把活儿找。 [⑩这句话说明了什么?]
想请太阳帮忙,晒干卖冰棍儿阿姨被汗水湿透的衣裳,谁知却晒化了她一箱的冰棍儿、冰糕、冰激凌……[ 你从这句话中感受到了什么?]
想给小学生一个晴朗的假期,偏偏热得小学生不想出门;那就甩一个响雷,扔一道闪电,再稀里哗啦泼一场大雨,可又吓哭了胆小的姑娘……[ 这句话又是围绕夏天的什么特点来写的?]
秋姐姐最喜欢吃果子。[ 为什么这样说?]
秋姐姐挎(kuà)着篮子,开始采集最香、最甜、最饱满的果子。 [ “挎着篮子”说明了什么?]
摘下一个红苹果、一串紫葡萄、一挂黄香蕉(jiāo),又摘下甜橙(chénɡ)、梨子,还有老远老远就闻到香味的菠萝……篮子,越来越沉。 [ 作者为什么要一一列举各种水果?省略号突出了什么?]
秋姐姐好累好累。可她顾不上,她要摘下一百种果子,做个又圆又大的月饼,送给月亮。吃了秋姐姐的月饼,中秋的月亮又圆又大。[ “又圆又大”让我们想到了什么?]
中秋的月饼最甜最香!家家团圆的佳话,泡甜泡香了桂(ɡuì)花茶。 [ 中秋节人们有什么习俗?]
雪花,纷纷扬扬地撒下。撒得很轻柔,很恬(tián)静,很均匀(jūn yún),很有层次。[ 北方的冬天最大的特点是什么?]
这是冬哥哥在用雪作画。画白了天,画白了地,画白了高山、树林,画白了小桥、流水、人家……[ “白”字突出了什么?你从省略号中体会到了什么?]
冬哥哥急得团团转,转响了呼呼的北风,转晕了白白的雪花。[句导读:用拟人的手法写冬天,写出了北风的急促,雪花的旋转,同时又传达出冬天给作者的感觉:不是肃杀的,而是亲切有人情味的。]雪花也急了,和北风一起敲打着家家户户的门窗,想问问,有没有把雪花染红染绿的办法。 [ 冬天的天气怎样?]
别急,别急!小朋友出来了。他们戴着五颜六色的帽子,穿着色彩斑斓(lán)的衣裳, 溜冰、滑雪、堆雪人、打雪仗……[ 下雪后,孩子们有什么感受?]
冬哥哥说美,是夸这些活泼可爱的小朋友。 [ 冬哥哥为什么这样说?]
小朋友说美,是喜欢冬哥哥撒下的小雪花。 [ 小朋友为什么也说美?]
ROUND about the garden ran a hedge of hazel bushes. Beyond the hedge were fields and meadows with cows and sheep, but in the middle of the garden stood a rose-tree in bloom. Under the rose tree sat a snail, whose shell contained a great deal- that is, himself.
“Only wait till my time comes,” he said; “I shall do more than grow roses, bear nuts, or give milk, like the hazel-bush, the cows and the sheep.”
“I expect a great deal from you,” said the rose-tree. “May I ask when it will appear?”
“I take my time,” said the snail. “You're always in such a hurry. That does not excite expectation.”
The following year the snail lay in almost the same spot, in the sunshine under the rose-tree, which was again budding and bearing roses as fresh and beautiful as ever. The snail crept half out of his shell, stretched out his horns, and drew them in again.
“Everything is just as it was last year! No progress at all; the rose-tree sticks to its roses and gets no farther.”
The summer and the autumn passed; the rose-tree bore roses and buds till the snow fell and the weather became raw and wet; then it bent down its head, and the snail crept into the ground.
A new year began; the roses made their appearance, and the snail made his too.
“You are an old rose-tree now,” said the snail. “You must make haste and die. You have given the world all that you had in you; whether it was of much importance is a question that I have not had time to think about. But this much is clear and plain, that you have not done the least for your inner development, or you would have produced something else. Have you anything to say in defense? You will now soon be nothing but a stick. Do you understand what I say?”
“You frighten me,” said the rose- tree. “I have never thought of that.”
“No, you have never taken the trouble to think at all. Have you ever given yourself an account why you bloomed, and how your blooming comes about- why just in that way and in no other?”
“No,” said the rose-tree. “I bloom in gladness, because I cannot do otherwise. The sun shone and warmed me, and the air refreshed me; I drank the clear dew and the invigorating rain. I breathed and I lived! Out of the earth there arose a power within me, whilst from above I also received strength; I felt an ever-renewed and ever-increasing happiness, and therefore I was obliged to go on blooming. That was my life; I could not do otherwise.”
“You have led a very easy life,” remarked the snail.
“Certainly. Everything was given me,” said the rose-tree. “But still more was given to you. Yours is one of those deep-thinking natures, one of those highly gifted minds that astonishes the world.”
“I have not the slightest intention of doing so,” said the snail.
“The world is nothing to me. What have I to do with the world? I have enough to do with myself, and enough in myself”
“But must we not all here on earth give up our best parts to others, and offer as much as lies in our power? It is true, I have only given roses. But you- you who are so richly endowed- what have you given to the world? What will you give it?”
“What have I given? What am I going to give? I spit at it; it's good for nothing, and does not concern me. For my part, you may go on bearing roses; you cannot do anything else. Let the hazel bush bear nuts, and the cows and sheep give milk; they have each their public. I have mine in myself. I retire within myself and there I stop. The world is nothing to me.”
With this the snail withdrew into his house and blocked up the entrance.
“That's very sad,” said the rose tree. “I cannot creep into myself, however much I might wish to do so; I have to go on bearing roses. Then they drop their leaves, which are blown away by the wind. But I once saw how a rose was laid in the mistress's hymn-book, and how one of my roses found a place in the bosom of a young beautiful girl, and how another was kissed by the lips of a child in the glad joy of life. That did me good; it was a real blessing. Those are my recollections, my life.”
And the rose tree went on blooming in innocence, while the snail lay idling in his house- the world was nothing to him.
Years passed by.
The snail had turned to earth in the earth, and the rose tree too. Even the souvenir rose in the hymn-book was faded, but in the garden there were other rose trees and other snails. The latter crept into their houses and spat at the world, for it did not concern them.
Shall we read the story all over again? It will be just the same.
IT was bitterly cold, the sky glittered with stars, and not a breeze stirred. “Bump”- an old pot was thrown at a neighbor's door; and “bang, bang,” went the guns, for they were greeting the New Year.
It was New Year's Eve, and the church clock was striking twelve.
“Tan-ta-ra-ra, tan-ta-ra-ra,” sounded the horn, and the mail-coach came lumbering up. The clumsy vehicle stopped at the gate of the town; all the places had been taken, for there were twelve passengers in the coach.
“Hurrah! hurrah!” cried the people in the town; for in every house the New Year was being welcomed; and as the clock struck, they stood up, the full glasses in their hands, to drink success to the new comer. “A happy New Year,” was the cry; “a pretty wife, plenty of money, and no sorrow or care.”
The wish passed round, and the glasses clashed together till they rang again; while before the town-gate the mail coach stopped with the twelve strange passengers. And who were these strangers? Each of them had his passport and his luggage with him; they even brought presents for me, and for you, and for all the people in the town. “Who were they? what did they want? and what did they bring with them?”
“Good-morning,” they cried to the sentry at the town-gate.
“Good-morning,” replied the sentry; for the clock had struck twelve. “Your name and profession?” asked the sentry of the one who alighted first from the carriage.
“See for yourself in the passport,” he replied. “I am myself;” and a famous fellow he looked, arrayed in bear-skin and fur boots.
“I am the man on whom many persons fix their hopes. Come to me to-morrow, and I'll give you a New Year's present. I throw shillings and pence among the people; I give balls, no less than thirty-one; indeed, that is the highest number I can spare for balls. My ships are often frozen in, but in my offices it is warm and comfortable. My name is JANUARY. I'm a merchant, and I generally bring my accounts with me.”
Then the second alighted. He seemed a merry fellow. He was a director of a theatre, a manager of masked balls, and a leader of all the amusements we can imagine. His luggage consisted of a great cask.
“We'll dance the bung out of the cask at carnival time,” said he;
“I'll prepare a merry tune for you and for myself too. Unfortunately I have not long to live- the shortest time, in fact, of my whole family- only twenty-eight days. Sometimes they pop me in a day extra; but I trouble myself very little about that. Hurrah!”
“You must not shout so,” said the sentry.
“Certainly I may shout,” retorted the man; “I'm Prince Carnival, travelling under the name of FEBRUARY.”
The third now got out. He looked a personification of fasting; but he carried his nose very high, for he was related to the “forty (k)nights,” and was a weather prophet. But that is not a very lucrative office, and therefore he praised fasting. In his button-hole he carried a little bunch of violets, but they were very small.
“MARCH, March,” the fourth called after him, slapping him on the shoulder, “don't you smell something? Make haste into the guard room; they're drinking punch there; that's your favorite drink. I can smell it out here already. Forward, Master March.” But it was not true; the speaker only wanted to remind him of his name, and to make an APRIL fool of him; for with that fun the fourth generally began his career. He looked very jovial, did little work, and had the more holidays. “If the world were only a little more settled,” said he: “but sometimes I'm obliged to be in a good humor, and sometimes a bad one, according to circumstances; now rain, now sunshine. I'm kind of a house agent, also a manager of funerals. I can laugh or cry, according to circumstances. I have my summer wardrobe in this box here, but it would be very foolish to put it on now. Here I am. On Sundays I go out walking in shoes and white silk stockings, and a muff.”
After him, a lady stepped out of the coach. She called herself Miss MAY. She wore a summer dress and overshoes; her dress was a light green, and she wore anemones in her hair. She was so scented with wild-thyme, that it made the sentry sneeze.
“Your health, and God bless you,” was her salutation to him.
How pretty she was! and such a singer! not a theatre singer, nor a ballad singer; no, but a singer of the woods; for she wandered through the gay green forest, and had a concert there for her own amusement.
“Now comes the young lady,” said those in the carriage; and out stepped a young dame, delicate, proud, and pretty. It was Mistress JUNE, in whose service people become lazy and fond of sleeping for hours. She gives a feast on the longest day of the year, that there may be time for her guests to partake of the numerous dishes at her table. Indeed, she keeps her own carriage; but still she traveled by the mail, with the rest, because she wished to show that she was not high-minded. But she was not without a protector; her younger brother, JULY, was with her. He was a plump young fellow, clad in summer garments and wearing a straw hat. He had but very little luggage with him, because it was so cumbersome in the great heat; he had, however, swimming-trousers with him, which are nothing to carry. Then came the mother herself, in crinoline, Madame AUGUST, a wholesale dealer in fruit, proprietress of a large number of fish ponds and a land cultivator. She was fat and heated, yet she could use her hands well, and would herself carry out beer to the laborers in the field. “In the sweat of the face shalt thou eat bread,” said she; “it is written in the Bible.” After work, came the recreations, dancing and playing in the Greenwood, and the “harvest homes.” She was a thorough housewife.
After her a man came out of the coach, who is a painter; he is the great master of colors, and is named SEPTEMBER. The forest, on his arrival, had to change its colors when he wished it; and how beautiful are the colors he chooses! The woods glow with hues of red and gold and brown. This great master painter could whistle like a blackbird. He was quick in his work, and soon entwined the tendrils of the hop plant around his beer jug. This was an ornament to the jug, and he has a great love for ornament. There he stood with his color pot in his hand, and that was the whole of his luggage. A land-owner followed, who in the month for sowing seed attended to the ploughing and was fond of field sports. Squire OCTOBER brought his dog and his gun with him, and had nuts in his game bag. “Crack, crack.” He had a great deal of luggage, even an English plough. He spoke of farming, but what he said could scarcely be heard for the coughing and gasping of his neighbor. It was NOVEMBER, who coughed violently as he got out. He had a cold, which caused him to use his pocket-handkerchief continually; and yet he said he was obliged to accompany servant girls to their new places, and initiate them into their winter service. He said he thought his cold would never leave him when he went out woodcutting, for he was a master sawyer, and had to supply wood to the whole parish. He spent his evenings preparing wooden soles for skates, for he knew, he said, that in a few weeks these shoes would be wanted for the amusement of skating. At length the last passenger made her appearance,- old Mother DECEMBER, with her fire-stool. The dame was very old, but her eyes glistened like two stars. She carried on her arm a flower-pot, in which a little fir-tree was growing.
“This tree I shall guard and cherish,” she said, “that it may grow large by Christmas Eve, and reach from the ground to the ceiling, to be covered and adorned with flaming candles, golden apples, and little figures. The fire-stool will be as warm as a stove, and I shall then bring a story book out of my pocket, and read aloud till all the children in the room are quite quiet. Then the little figures on the tree will become lively, and the little waxen angel at the top spread out his wings of gold-leaf, and fly down from his green perch. He will kiss every one in the room, great and small; yes, even the poor children who stand in the passage, or out in the street singing a carol about the 'Star of Bethlehem.'”
“Well, now the coach may drive away,” said the sentry; “we have the whole twelve. Let the horses be put up.”
“First, let all the twelve come to me,” said the captain on duty, “one after another. The passports I will keep here. Each of them isavailable for one month; when that has passed, I shall write the behavior of each on his passport. Mr. JANUARY, have the goodness to come here.” And Mr. January stepped forward.
When a year has passed, I think I shall be able to tell you what the twelve passengers have brought to you, to me, and to all of us. Now I do not know, and probably even they don't know themselves, for we live in strange times.
★ 小学导读 范文
★ 课文导读
★ 《三国演义》导读
★ 《名著导读》六
★ 名著导读培根随笔




