
时间:2022-11-29 15:01:05 作者:女权战士打枇杷 综合材料 收藏本文 下载本文




中国考生的口语存在着一些普遍问题,如发音,口音,流利度欠缺等,但是其实最为严重的是,很多中国学生自创中式表达,也就是我们所熟知的中式英语(Chinglish)。其实很多人已经对一些非常popular的中式英语耳熟能详,比如说people mountain people sea等等,但是还是有很多错误的英语句子是中国学生没有意识到,而且经常犯的错误。

1.I very much like David Beckham

其实这种说法还是比较普遍的。Very 虽说是个副词,但是并不能像一般的副词一样,放在副词前面修饰动词,所以very有自己独特的用法。这句话正确的写法是:I like David Beckham very much.. 但是老外更习惯于说 I am a huge fan of David Beckham; I am insanely crazy about him; I could think of nobody that tops him; 其次,在口语表达中,很多学生习惯于用very good这种表达方式。这里向各位烤鸭们推荐其它的一些表达,譬如incredible, amazing, unbelievable, impressive,awesome等等。

2. My English is poor

很多学生看到这句话,第一反应就是:“这句话还是错的吗?我们老师就是这么教的我们!” 其实,在英语表达里面,尤其是口语,单纯的语法正确并不能表明这句话的意思就是对的。我从来没有听过老外讲过My Chinese is poor. 口语中更加注重的是语言表达习惯。虽然某句话是对的,但是没有人这么讲。老外通常会讲 My Chinese sucks; My Chinese is awful. 更多的情况下,老外的表达会比较积极,比如说 I am getting better though。.

3. Oral English

回国后,我听到很多的学生说oral English, 甚至还包括个别的外教。根据我对这个词的了解,oral English并不能表示 spoken English. 后来,我问了很多外教,确认了我的判断是正确的。在英文里面,oral 更多的是表示跟口腔有关。口语更多的是用 spoken English 或者 speaking English 来表示。外教们在中国时间待长了,也会被同化,犯这种错误,但是他们回到自己的国家后就会立刻改过来。但是对于我们中国数千万的莘莘学子来讲,在中国这个大环境下,这样的错误如果不及时纠正的话,恐怕就是一辈子都会犯的错误了。


1.a lot of

这个词组并没有什么错误,只是当所有学生都在用的时候,它就自然而然变成了错误的。我们可以用很多替代的词,例如:There are tons of people in the classroom; I have been to like a million interviews 等等。

2.I think

中国学生很喜欢用一些stereotyped 答案。比如说考官问你问题的时候,很多学生就习惯于回答 I think… 其实,从英语角度来讲,I think代表一种不确定性,所以当你在表达观点加上这么一个词的时候,就是表达一种不确定的概念给考官,所以建议考生们尽量避免这个表达。



Since you are so incredibly talented, maybe it’s time for you compete for the Emmy Awards. (讽刺)

George W. Bush administration has always been standing in the way of other countries’ economic development. Maybe they love to present themselves as a pain in the ass to the world。


雅思口语新题集锦:A family member who you spent most time with

A family member who you spent most time with

Who this person is

What you do with this person

What kind of person he/she is

And explain why this person accompany you most time


1.What kind of foreign food are popular in your country?

I suppose the so-called “junk food” in the western country has gained a lot of popularity in China.There is a large number of restaurants serving hamburgers, pizzas and French fries. People,especially youngsters, are really enthusiastic about them probably because eating this kind of food is time-saving and also very fashionable. But personally, I don't regard it as a positive trend in our society.

2.What kinds of new food have you tried recently?

Well, I am always willing to try new things and last month I saw a newly-opened Mexico restaurant,so I decided to take a taste. I ordered nachos and tacos, which are two types of Mexican food. I thought it might take me some time to get used to the food but surprisingly I fell in love with it from the first bite! The spicy flavor is exactly my cup of tea.

3.Do you like to try new food?

Yes, of course! I am passionate about trying new restaurants especially those that serve foreign food.Every time I have meals in a restaurant that I have never been to, it is like having an adventure. Also,as a real foodie, I’m fond of cooking with different ingredients, hoping that I can invent my ownrecipe one day



A few years ago, my friend and I shared a car together. This was when we were both students. We were both living away from home and although we were both working and studying at the same time, neither of us could afford to buy a car individually.


So we decided to put our money together and share the ownership of the car – we set up a system where we would organize when each of us could use it individually and then other times either of us could use it, and if we ever needed to swap I would just confirm it was OK with him or he would ask me if he could use it.


It was quite an old car, but it allowed us both to go places we probably wouldn’t have if we hadn’t had it. But the most important thing was it made going home to visit our parents much easier.


We used to take turns; so for example, my friend would have it for two weekends each month I would have it for the other two weekends. It was so much easier than the long bus ride, which was the alternative.


It worked out really well while we were students, and then after we had graduated we ended up working and living in different parts of the country, so before we left we sold it and split the cash between us.


At the time I think we were the only people I knew who shared a car, but it worked for us, because I trusted him and he trusted me, and we both appreciated that without sharing the car, we wouldn’t have been able to do a lot of things.


So it was a mutually beneficial arrangement, and certainly made life a lot easier at that time, so it was a good idea.



Sharing accommodation

What are some of the advantages of sharing accommodation?

Well, a couple I can think of would be it’s normally cheaper than paying all the rent yourself, and some people prefer to live with someone else than being on their own.

If you share you can usually get a better place than if you tried to rent on your own. You know, you can get a bigger apartment or even a small house, and with better facilities or in a better neighborhood.

Sometimes, if you try to rent on your own, and your budget is limited, the accommodation options can be a bit limited.






Sharing ideas

What are some situations where sharing ideas can be a good thing?

It’s interesting, I learned the value of this when I started working. We used to have problem solving meetings where we would have to come up with solutions to a problem.

The amazing thing was the wide variety of ideas that people would come up with. It demonstrated just how many different ways a problem can be approached by different people.

Apart from dealing with a problem, sharing ideas can also work well when it comes to making a difficult decision, or choosing a special gift for someone.

Even things like trying to decide where to go on a holiday; if you get your friends to share their ideas it’s a lot easier than trying to think of the best place on your own.







Is it better to share ideas working in a team or work on an idea individually? What are some of the benefits of this?

Personally, I think if you’re working in a team then the whole idea is to collaborate and do things together to get the best result, so sharing ideas should be a natural part of the teamwork process.

But I guess there can also be times when having an idea and working on it by yourself can be a good thing too. For example, if you have an idea about something which is very innovative, you might want to keep it to yourself until you have fully developed the idea…

you know, until you have everything clear in your own mind, and then maybe share it with other people to actually make it happen.

There are benefits to both ways of dealing with ideas. In a team, sharing ideas can generate a better or more comprehensive solution to a problem or create an even better idea than the original one.

Working on an idea on your own gives you more time to refine it, develop it, and really make it your own creation, which can be extremely satisfying, and in some cases more successful – especially if it becomes your passion or it’s an idea for a business or something like that.







雅思口语新题范文及语料之concert or music


Concerts or music

which one do you prefer?

if it is a concert

Have you ever been to a concert before? Or Have you ever been to a musical performance?

What the event it is

Where it takes place

What kind of music is played

if it is music

Do you like to listen to live music?

When did you start listening to this type of music?

Where do you listen to it?

How do you feel when you listen to this music?













I do not go to concerts that often, but when I was in my High school I used to attend a lot of concerts. I went to a concert in the last year of my high school. I famous singer came to our school to perform a concert. I had planned a dinner with my friends but when I found out that MUK was going to sing, I could not stop myself and I decided to stay for the concert.


The singer was good at singing Indian songs. At that time most people of my age wanted to listen rock music, but I was even a fan of good Indian music at that time. There were not many people who were in the band. There was a guitarist, pianist and a vocalist. I would even like to tell you that after that concert I even got the inspiration to become a singer. I joined a music academy and took some singing classes, but I was not able to pursue it as a full time career.


I was accompanied by some of my good friends. Overall the experience was simply spectacular. There was real good music played and moreover there was good food available over there. I spent 2 hours in a very good manner and I was able to listen to all the good songs which I liked. The experience of listening to them play live was really good.



Have you ever been to a concert before? Or Have you ever been to a musical performance?

Once in a blue moon I attend a concert, since the ticket price for foreign artists’ concerts is so out of my reachthat I can only stay home and watch online. It was 2014 that I finally did go to a concert on my own, obviously it was an international music concert. It was absolutely mind-blowing and unforgettable for me.




Once in a blue moon (idiom) rarely

Out of my reach (idiom) to be unable to afford

On one’s own (idiom)Responsible for oneself, independent of outside help or control

Mind-blowing (adj) Sth overwhelmingly impressive

Do you like to listen to live music?

Unless it’s live at a coffee shop, where literally there are only you and music, then yeah I would love to. But I would change my mind if it’s a concert. The crowd is too crazy. It’s completely a mess that most of the time I end up having serious dizzy and headache.



When did you start listening to this type of music?

Since the day a friend of mine introduced her favorite group to me. She couldn’t help herself talking on and on about them that I thought I somehow needed to catch up with her. And the more I know about Korean pop, the more passionate I’ve become.




Couldn’t help one’s self doing Sth (n) continuously doing Sth

On and on (expression) continually; at tedious length

Where do you listen to it?

Almost everywhere, except for classroom. It’s the golden era of mobile devices, everyone carries earphone and phone with them all the time, music therefore is on their fingertips.



How do you feel when you listen to this music?

Well I’m a type of person whose mood is easily affected by what I’m listening to, thus as the music changes, my mood also fluctuates. But most of the time, listening to some music helps me pick up my energyand chill a bit.




To be a type of person (that) (phrase) to belong to a group of people who share a similar characteristic

Pick up my energy (phrasal verb) to get better, stronger








What do you think of my pronunciation?





Are you kidding me、Really、It is none of your business…不仅是在着急生气的时候,他们平常的对话或演讲,也都是抑扬顿挫、声情并茂的,而他们的每一句话也很可能因为语音语调和强弱变化,而传达给对方完全不同的意思。





“I am sorry!”女同学花容失色。

Joy回过头,大脑一片空白地回答道:“You are welcome.”


“Can I have another one?”


“Just one more, please.”






进阶第一步 选对情境,追吧





《Modern Family》








we're from different worlds, yet we somehow fit together.

Love is what binds us, through fair or stormy weather. I stand before you now with only one agenda: to let you know my heart is yours.

我们来自不同的世界,但我们彼此相容 ,爱将我们紧紧相连,共度风风雨雨。我到你的前面,只有一事相许,我的心只属于你。





《The Notebook》





You deserve someone who loves you with every beat of his heart.

Someone who will always be there for you, and who will love every part of you, especially your flaws.



《House of Cards》



《Black Mirror》





What are we supposed to do in the face of so much senseless pain?

And he said to me, “what else can we do but take what seems meaningless and try to make something meaningful from it.”


进阶第二步 下载真题,练吧




流畅性与连贯性 ① 复述练习:重复练习相同的主题、不断丰富答案

Eg. Do you like watching movies?


Yes, I do.


Certainly! I’m a big fan of action movies.

I like going to the movies with my friends during weekends. Normally we’d like to go to the cinema because it provides vivid and fantastic visual effects.


词汇量 ② 积累练习:更多地收集“改述”

Eg. Do you like watching movies?


I’m keen on / fond of / crazy about / enthusiastic about…

I’m really into…

I’m a huge/great fan of…

…is my biggest passion in life.


语法运用范围与其正确性 ③ 语法练习:持续“大声阅读”



Eg. Do you think patience is important?

Patience is the ability to tolerate waiting, delay, or frustration without becoming agitated or upset.


It enables us to control our emotions or impulses when faced with difficulties.


发音 ④ 发音练习:录音并听回放




雅思口语考试话题积累:a teacher

Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.

You should say:

where you met them

what subject they taught

what was special about them

and explain why this person influenced you so much.


I think my first English teacher has greatly influenced me in my education. I had some trouble in studying English when I studied in middle school. I felt English was very difficult,so I did't like to study it .One day, my English teacher spoke to me about the study of foreign languages . He said :“ You must do a lotof reading , listening and speaking . Never mind, keep on trying, I believe you are a good student.” In the years that followed , I studied hard and made greater progress. My English teacher loved his job and he was knowledgeable in his field. I love and respect him.

1) compare the differences between education in ur city with them in 20 years ago?

In the past, many children can't go to school, and educational conditions were very poor. But now, government provide 9 years compulsory education. Each child who is 7 years old must go to school. And government provide much better facilities and staff. Also, schoolyards are beautiful than before.

2) compare the differences between university and middle school?

We study basic knowledge in the middle school. But the course of university is practical and special, such as computer and business courses.

3)compare the differences between students now and past .

At present , it is difficult for student to find job. So, their pressure is he avier than before.

雅思口语考试话题积累:person similar to you

Think of a person in your family that is the most similar to you.

Who is this person?

How is he/she similar to you?


What kind of family is yours? Is it of a typical family structure in China?

My family is a typical family in China. There are grandparents, parents, a brother, my wife and I in my family.I look just like my father. Medium build ,pointed nose and dense black hair. My father is very kind and easy going. His love is the most selfless love. I am luck enough because I have a good father. My father has been specially thirsty for knowledge as he had only a few years of schooling himself. He believe that knowledge can change fate. So, my father offer more opportunity for me to study (no matter how poor my family was) To sum up, my family is harmony and our life is very happy.

1) What do you think are the differences between families in and past and today, and what have caused these changes?

In the past, there were several children in a family. But now, government has is sued “one--child policy” to limit the size of the family. So, there is only one child in a family. Couples will be punished financially if they have more than one child. This is “one -- child policy ”.

2)What is your opinion of “one--child policy”?

I agree with one--child policy. Because it is difficult to provide enough food and education for a large number of people. So, government must control the population. Also, it is the best way that we can find to control population.

3)What has your government done to support families?

Such as Project Hope . It means that government supports the students in poor families to continue their schooling and improving their education conditions. In addition, our government establishs beadhouse to provide services for old people who have more difficulties or no families to take care of them.


雅思口语考试 如何避免中式思维

我们随机挑选口语第一和第三部分都会出现的一类问题:What’s the most popular sport in your country? 毫不避讳地说,有太多考生,甚至包括正在备考中的你,都给出了类似于下面的答案: “Well, the most popular sport in China is basketball, because people can develop their fitness and make a lot of friends when playing basketball.”

OK, 首先,请问你这样说的依据是…?请大家先问自己这几个问题:1. 我给的答案结果是自己认为的还是通过调查来的?2. 这个答案适用于全国范围吗?有限制条件吗?比如说男女?老少?如果你的答案是自认为的,并且不适用于全国范围,那么你的答案听起来就是逻辑性低、思维局限、目光短浅。因为这个问题需要我们合乎逻辑并且全面地分析和回答。所以我们文章一开始所做的结论就一点也不为过了。

其次,上述回答还反应了一个中国考生典型的缺点---答案太笼统。缺乏细节是我们最常提的一点。上面的答案中,貌似是回答了一个原因来阐述这个现象,但其实“people can develop their fitness”这样的表达放在哪个题哪个运动都可以不是吗?为什么就能解释篮球最受欢迎了呢?




Well, I think it varies. It depends on age and gender of Chinese people we are talking about here. If it is for young girls, I would say they are more in favor of some mild and soft sports like yoga. But if it is for young guys, I guess playing basketball and football is the most popular choice. Now, if we are talking about the elders, I believe the most preferred sport among males is gate ball as I see in many public parks while the most popular one among females would definitely be line-dancing.

我们来分析一下这个答案。首先“it varies”表示情况是不一样的。然后接着表示这个题可以根据年龄和性别来分情况讨论。再之后就分四种情况进行回答。这样的答案,我们听起来,才不会认为这个考生是信口开河,不思考,无逻辑。当然,这个答案并没有给出一些具体的原因,所以就给考官留了个把话题接下去的机会。



就刚刚前面提到的“people can develop their fitness”这样的表达,通用但不具体。如果想要符合考官的要求,我们需要把讨论的体育运动以及其影响具体化。比如swimming可以develops and strengthens the muscles surrounding the knees without impact; biking可以develops strength, balance, and overall fitness; running可以strengthens the heart, lungs, and lower-body muscles and bones以及helps burn up calories。这些都是能具体体现不同运动的好处的。而这样的回答才是有效的,有用的。

我们再用另一道题目来分析。在口语的第三部分,经常有需要我们对比的题目,比如“What’s the difference on shopping habits between men and women?” 往往在回答这类题目时,考生们只会大致分析男女的区别,比如从喜好上。但是给人的感觉就是不真实,不具体。所以,我们给出了这样的答案:”Well, I have to say that there are many differences of shopping habits comparing men and women. Men tend to rush into the store, grab what they need and leave straight away. They seem immune to the eye-dazzling goods; however, in contrast to men, women are more likely to be shopping freaks, buying things on impulse. Take me for example, every time I’m shopping in stores, I will definitely buy a lot that I apparently don't need at the moment. I’ve got a whole lot of things that I bought on impulse. But I’ve never seen my boyfriend being like this. So I guess that's the most apparent difference between men and women.”

首先,这个答案中把男人购物时的动作都做了具体描述。比如“rush into the store, grab what they need and leave straight away”, 冲进店里,拿起来需要的东西直接就走。非常生动,有代入感。并且值得强调的一点是,在大致分析完题目之后,回答者加了自己的经历,使得答案听起来更具象,更生动,更有说服力。这样的答案才是考官乐意听到的答案,而非空洞不接地气的答案。




雅思口语Part 1

雅思口语考试形式:考官会向考生进行自我简介,并核对考生的身份。之后,考官会就考生熟悉的话题(如朋友、兴趣习惯或者食物) 进行询问。为保证题目的一致性,这些问题都是从一个事先拟定的范围内抽取的。



雅思口语Part 2




雅思口语Part 3





第一, 不要说长难词汇


第二, 第一部分生活问题回答不要长篇大论


第三, 不要纠结第二部分有没有说完


第四, 直接回答问题不要绕弯子





(1) I did a favor for my classmate.

(2) I remember the thing happened in the October of last year.

(3) The waiters in the restaurant are very enthusiastic to customers.

大家能看出上面三句话存在什么问题吗?学生尝试使用稍好的一些表达,但是由于受到中式的思维影响,使用的并不恰当。第一句中do sb. a favor 意为帮助,然而一般是我们请求别人帮助的时候会使用“Can you do me a favor?” 自己帮助别人的时候一般不这么说。第二句中去年十月表达啰嗦,可直接表达为last October。第三句中 enthusiastic 英汉词典中直接意为热情的,然而如果我们翻看英英词典后,我们发现这个词的准确意思为“feeling or showing strong excitement about something”, 一般是对某件事充满了热情,而这句话想表达的是对人有热情的,好客的,可以使用hospitable 或是welcoming。





改变思维习惯。在雅思阅读练习时如果遇到一些比较精彩的表达方式,尝试一下自己进行表达,如果自己的思路与之不同,那么太棒了,快把它记下来!以后可以多做一些文章。注意选词。据实践证明,熟练掌握100个词,再拥有一点基础,就可以自由表达自己思想。在尽可能抛弃原来的中式英语思维的同时,选词也是很重要的一点。句型。由于思维习惯的不同,英语的表达方式在句型上与汉语有很大不同,具体表现在一些经典的句型上。所以句型也是需要注意的很重要的一点。回答时,建议考生套用一定的结构:第一句话,直接回答问题。很多考生喜欢绕来绕去,如果这样的话,考官会认为考生并不会回答问题,而是在拐弯抹角。第二句话,考生可以套用there be句型,可能是原因,或者情况。然后在第三,第四句话将具体的两个原因或情况进行详细阐述。最后两句话,考生可以将这个话题引到自身的经历。




Chinglish: Sorry, we have no seats now.

Revision: Sorry, no seats available.


Chinglish: This website can't be visited temporarily.

Revision: Website Temporarily Unavailable.





Chinglish: Thank you for your goodwill, but I can go home on foot.

Revision: Thanks for your offer, but I can walk home.


Version 1: People from all over the country all giving their hands to the disaster area.

Alt Version: People from all over the country are offering helping hands to the disaster area.

Offer可以做动词用,也可以做名词用。还有一些固定搭配,其中Job offer非常红。凡是带有“给予”、“善意提供的(帮忙)”等意思,就可以考虑offer这个词。



This is my last offer to you. Take it or leave it.


意思是差别。对于difference只需要掌握一到两个短语,我们口语水平就会前进一大步,让你的同学对你刮目相看,那就是make a difference(有很大不同)或make no differences(没什么不同)。

1、你说的什么移动、联通, 我看还不一路货色。

You're talking about Telecom and Unicom. The way I see it, they make no differences at all.


Chinglish: Please use this kind of cosmetics, the effect is absolutely different.

Revision: Please try this sort of cosmetics, i bet it'll make a big difference.


Chinglish: God, please give me a chance again, I won't do this again.

Revision: God, please grant me another chance, and I'll make a difference.

凡是一样不一样,都可以考虑这两个短语,你尽管用好了,绝对可以make a difference!

另外说一下,受教科书的影响,说不同的时候中国学生习惯be different from这一句型。但是很多时候differ from这个动词形式更简单,try it, and you'll make a difference,让你的老师、同学对你刮目相看。

西方人崇尚个人奋斗,追求与他人不一样。这个词,对于他们来说,太神圣了。所以以后有条件,我们就要make a difference,没有条件时,创建条件也要make a difference。


这个词主要由于几个相关短语而流行的。这几个短语分别是: a sense of (responsibility, humor...)---有幽默感等, make sense/not make any sense,有意义,没意义(所以我说别老用meaningless,不是人家听不懂,那很中式的)。


Chinglish: I very like him. He is very humorous.

Revision: I like him very much. He has a good sense of humor.


Chinglish: I know, but it's meaningless in some places.

Revision: I know, but again at some point it doesn't make any sense.


What? at least 6 weeks? Does it make any sense?(或what's your point?)



Although I heard the noisy sound of the train passing by my ears,still Icould focus on reading,that’s why I think I was really concentrated.

句中although……., still…….的从句首先是一个亮点,体现了考生的思维模式,已经到了主从句的复杂句型, heard, could,was都体现了考生的灵活的过去式,passing by, 动词ing表伴随,that’s why表结果的从句,was concentrated灵活的被动语态。这样的句子就是7分,甚至7.5 到8分如果考生的发音也非常的舒服。这样的一句话就是利用了娴熟的语法技能把场景,寓意,让步转折全部表现到位,值得学习借鉴。


I was really amazed by ….我被…震撼了。

I was really amazed by the Forbidden city in Beijing.

I was really amazed by the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.

I was impressed by……我对…印象深刻。

I was impressed by the West Lake in Hangzhou.

I was impressed by his English.

I felt adj./done感到…

I felt relaxed & refreshed 感到被放松,被清新

I feel pressured 感到被压迫

I feel content 感到满足

I feel satisfactory 感到满意

我所想说的是…… The thing I want to say is that…


The thing I want to say is that modern-day people are much keener on travelling rather than staying at home during holidays.

我上次所看到的主要是是……The thing I saw last time was mainly that…


The thing I saw last time was mainly that tourists nationwide all queue up for each pavilion in great order inside the 2010 World Expo Park.

我所珍惜的自由是……The freedom that I cherish is that…


The freedom that I cherish is that I now live on my own, independently managing my study & leisure time, not living with my parents & their nagging any more.

我所要提一提的是……The point that I want to say is that…


The point that I want to say is that the living standard & the consumption level are much better and higher than those two 20 years ago.

所进入我脑海的第一点是……The first thing that sprang into my mind is that…..


The first thing that sprang into my mind is that visitors to those historic buildings can learn history in a vivid way rather than from a book.

之所以……是因为……The reason why…is because…


The reason why I want to become a professor in a university in UK is because I hope to deliver Chinese culture in western countries.


The reason why we Chinese students have to learn English well is that it can provide us with more opportunities & wider stage for development.

由于这样一个事实……This is due to the fact that….


Modern-day people should go to the gym regularly. This is due to the fact that exercise can stretch our bodies, muscles and ligaments, for those who sit for too long, sports can really do good to their spines.

这是因为……It is because…


We can try to eat more vegetables and fruits, it is because they are full of vitamin & fiber, helping our digestion & metabolism system.


1. 雅思口语考试误区:An unusual meal









任何你在中国吃的,而大部分中国人没吃过的外国菜,如芝士火锅 (英语是fondue,不是cheese hot pot!)。

2. 雅思口语考试误区: An achievement you are proud of



一个人度假 (除非你做了什么特别的事,如游历过所有亚洲国家)

烤蛋糕 (除非你做的蛋糕在烘培大赛得了奖)












3. 雅思口语考试误区:A car journey


4. 雅思口语考试误区A situation where you needed to be polite

不少人描述他们平时遇到的情况,如:每当他们认识新的人或每当他们在外面吃饭。那些答案都不太对。别忘记要谈论的是A situation,一个场合。应该描述你某一天在某一个情况中需要表现得有礼貌的故事。











I went to the park with my friend the other day. She was my good friend in high school and we haven’t seen each other for almost a year. As we were both having our semester break, we wanted to meet and catch up over dinner.

We actually planned to meet each other at the park and then decide on where to go later, but my friend got there pretty late so we ended up staying there. We got two takeout milk tea glasses and kebabs from a small street vendor and found a comfortable corner to enjoy ourselves. We sat there watching people passing by, talking about random things that came up. The weather that day was pretty nice actually. It was raining in the evening all week, so we were worried that we might have to go home early. But it turned out to be a fine evening.

I guess what makes the day special was the fact that, despite having to wait for my friend to show up and then not going anywhere like we originally planned to, we still had a lot more fun than I had expected. We updated each other on what was going on in our lives and discussed our plans for the future. It was a nice feeling to know even though we couldn’t meet and talk frequently, we could still bond easily over milk tea and kebabs. It made me realize that sometimes we only need good company and good conversations to make something memorable.


Who should people spend more time with?Family or friends?

The main reason why family time is important is because you need to develop ties and bond with your family. Often kids decide to join gangs or groups because they welcome them in, to become a part of their family. ... Spending family time together ensures that a deep, strong, family bond develops.

What’s the difference between staying with friends and staying with family?

They know your secrets, family do not know.(in most of the times), they wont bother (friends) if you are waking up late in morning.

You can live your life the way you want, i mean you can play music in high volume, you can go out any time......etc etc, but whenever you are home you are suppose to be in disciplined manner.

Do people prefer being with a large group of people or with a few friends?

A few close ones is what I thought at first, then I realized it depends on your capacity to love and respect others and the culture you share.

Friends should challenge you to be a better person. They share. They support. I don't think you can have too many friends. You just have to adapt the expectations.

Do science and technology improve the relationship between people?

technology plays a role in romantic relationship communication. Since people in relationships tend to use multiple methods of communicating (e.g., phone, text, email, social media), they argue that the way those modes connect with one another matters. Their Communicative Interdependence Perspective says that if my husband and I are able to easily switch from communicating face-to-face in the morning, to gchatting during the day, to communicating face-to-face again at night, our relationship is likely closer and more satisfying.


1. 谈论变化

The environmental problem is getting more serious.

There has been a rapid increase of farmers moving to the cities.


因为像more and more这种句式已经被用得太多了,考官听到也会觉得不够吸引。考生如果想要让自己两分钟的内容更加深入人心,还要在细节方面多下功夫。


...play a important role in our lives.

Friendship is something we all take seriously.



3. 总结规律

By and large, Chinese people are very respectful of the elderly.

On the whole, Chinese students receive a good education in the basics.

By and large和On the whole都是很好的过渡词。在对一件事情阐述自己的观点时,考生要做的是沉着冷静的思考,而这些比较高级的过渡词既能体现考生有一定的水平,也能帮助考生更好地组织自己的思路和语言,在原本的基础上达到更好的效果。对于考生而言,多去记这些有用的过渡词,也能帮助扩大词汇量,不光在口语,在写作一类的输出性科目里都能有一定的提高。

4. 回答考官就某事征求你的意见

It seems to me (that)…

What I reckon is…

I’d like to point out that...

雅思口语的第三部分问题主要是针对卡片问题的内容进行进一步的深入讨论,所以当考官询问考生对某些具有争议性的问题的意见时,考生可以以It seems that这样的句子作为开头,然后加上自己的想要阐述的观点,这样就比较自然了。比直接上来就说I think式的开头要客观的多,因为考生很容易会因为自己主观认识倾向于问题的一边,这三种开头会更加直接地表明考生的立场是客观中立的,考虑问题也会比较全面。

5. 解释原因

In my opinoin, there are three way of looking at it. First of all...

I can come up with three reasons for the...


不光是这样,在说的时候,考生也可以多注意连接词的运用,包括firstly,secondly,in conclude这样的词可以让考生在自述的时候暗示自己说的顺序和时间,可以更好的帮助考生缓解压力。自述的内容也会更加有层次。

6. 表示对未来的计划

I have every intention of...

If I am not successful , that is, if something goes wrong, I think I will probably...

I feel inclined to...

I don‘t know if I will, but I might be able to...


比如,最简单的例子就是考生想要出国的打算,这个时候就可以谈谈自己对未来的期许和计划。像是要赴哪个国家学什么专业,或是要读研的打算,都可以套在这样的句型里。也可以是比较简单的I am planning on...后面再加上自己的打算,考生可以阐述地更加顺畅也不会觉得句型太复杂。

7. 表达感情

I felt so happy that I could jump for joy.

I felt like I was in heaven.

It impressed me deeply.


比如考生可以说在某项竞赛里取得了好的成绩,为这件事感到欣喜就可以用I felt so happy that I could jump for joy.这样的句子。一般在表达个人情感的时候多会用I feel like...或是It make me...这类的句型。


8. 描述流程

The first thing you should do/need to do is to plug it in.

The first step is to get the ingredients prepared.

After that,you should press the button.

The last thing you need to do is turn off the stove.



9. 表示对某事或某人的喜欢

I don’t think I’ve seen anything I like better.

…is a marvelous way of spending a day off.

There’s nothing I enjoy more than…

I‘m very keen on...


或事件的喜爱时,可以参考I’m very keen on pop music这样的例句。

因为像是My favorite sport is...这样的句型已经太千篇 一律了,考官听得很多,考生如果要复述内容的话也没有其他实用的句型可以变换。

所以当表示对某事尤其热衷的时候,就可以以There is no words to express how much I like it.这样的句子来表示自己对某事的热衷。

10. 描述某物

It has many features.

It is red colored with a steep roof.

It’s a 3 room apartment, and it’s about 80 square meters.

在需要解释或描述某事物的时候,童鞋们可以用以it‘s...或there is为开头的句型。而这类句型可能会在事件题或物品题里用的比较多。物品题里常常会问到你对哪件特定的物品有兴趣、或与你联系很大之类的题目,那么当童鞋们解释原因的时候就可以用以上的句型开头。

11. 回忆过去发生的事

I can still remember the time when I passed my entrance examinations.

I will never forget when I first when to ....

Once, when I was a college student, I went on a trip which I will never forget.

在事件类的题目里,会有Describe something happy you experienced lately.这样的题目。当童鞋们以旅游或是之前经历过的喜欢做的事情为答案的时候,就


像是I can still remember sth或是I will never forget when I...这样的句型在日常生活中的口语对话里也是很常见的。当学员在跟对方描述以前做的事去过的地方的时候,这种句型会用得得心应手。练的时间久了,开口就能回答这类型的话题了。












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