- 目录
雅思考试可分为三类:普通类雅思(IELTS)、签证及移民类雅思考试(IELTS for UKVI)、生活技能类雅思(IELTS Life Skills)。
学生雅思成绩如果是达到学校Conditional Offer上的语言要求,去英国直接就读本科、硕士、博士学位课程。
2.签证及移民类雅思考试(IELTS for UKVI):
UKVI全称UK Visas and Immigration。学生如果是去英国攻读非学位课程,如:语言课(Pre-Sessional)、本科预科(Foundation)、大一文凭课程(Diploma)、硕士预科(Pre-Master)等,雅思报名时请选择“用于英国签证及移民的雅思考试学术类“。
3.生活技能类雅思(IELTS Life Skills):
这是针对移民以及技术签证等签证类型,作为留学生的你们可以忽略。看到这里,相信小伙伴们又会有疑问了,英国签证类雅思考试(IELTS for UKVI)与普通雅思考试(IELTS)有何区别?
一、相同之处:签证类雅思考试(IELTS for UKVI)与普通雅思考试(IELTS)从考试内容、形式、难度等级、考官及评分标准均完全相同。
英国签证与移民局将加入到考试安全级别的监管之中。为满足英国签证与移民局对安全监控的要求,承办IELTS for UKVI的考点,其安全监控技术和级别将更高。
目前中国大陆地区可以提供IELTS for UKVI考试的有12处考点,香港有1处,总计13处考点,其余国内考点均不在英国签证与移民局认可的范围内,同学们在报考雅思考试时需要注意这一点。
因为考点和设施不同,所以IELTS for UKVI与IELTS的考试费用也会有所不同。
雅思阅读全真练习系列:Hackers target the home front
Hackers target the home front
1. One of the UK's leading banks has been forced to admit that organised hacking gangs have been targeting its executives. For the past year, Royal Bank of Scotland has been fighting systematic attempts to break into its computer systems from hackers who have sent personalised emails containing keyloggers to its senior management. This has included executives up to board level and is now the subject of a separate investigation by the Serious and Organised Crime Agency.
2. The hackers are homing in on the trend for people to work from home. The hackers make the assumption that the computers being used outside the work environment are more vulnerable than those protected by a corporate IT department.
Growing threat
3. For companies it is a growing threat as home working increases: a recent survey from the Equal Opportunities Commission found that more than 60% of the UK's population wants the option of flexible working.
4. And the hackers are employing increasingly sophisticated techniques. Each email they send is meticulously built to make it attractive to its target, who the criminals have carefully researched by trawling the internet for information. Once the email is composed, the malware is just as carefully designed: it is often modified to avoid detection by security software.
5. The keylogger contained in the email installs itself automatically and then collects details of logins and passwords from the unsuspecting user. This means that hackers can, using the usernames and passwords stolen by the keyloggers, connect to VPNs, or Virtual Private Networks, which many companies use to create an encrypted pathway into their networks.
6. Once inside a bank's network, the hackers can communicate directly with computers holding account information and manipulate funds.
7. Has this actually happened? In some cases sources claim that the login details of VPNs have been obtained and used though there has been no confirmation that any losses have occurred as a result. The attacks are not believed to have focused on RBS but to have been across the whole of the banking industry.
8. Royal Bank of Scotland said that the bank had suffered no losses as a result of the attacks and added: “RBS has extremely robust processes in place in order to protect our systems from fraud. Trojan email attacks are an industry-wide issue and are not isolated to a particular area or a particular bank.”
9. It is not just banks that have been targets. Last year attempts were made to steal information from the Houses of Parliament using malicious email. Messagelabs, the company responsible for monitoring much of the email traffic of the government and big business for suspect software, said at the beginning of the year that criminals have been evolving more sophisticated techniques to attack corporate networks.
10. According to Mark Sunner, chief technology officer of Messagelabs, the number of malicious emails targeted at individuals has been increasing. Two years ago they were being seen once every two months, but now they are seeing one or two a day. This has been accompanied by an increase in quality in the creation of Trojans and spyware.
11. “The hackers are now aiming to take over computers, particularly those of home users. Some of the malicious software that we are routinely seeing for that purpose will have its own antivirus system built into it so that they can kill off the programs of their competitors.”
Increased vigilance
12. Tony Neate, the head of Get Safe Online, a government-funded organisation set up to raise awareness among UK businesses of computer criminals, says: “There is now an attempt to target individuals within UK businesses - including the banking sector. What is happening is that crime is doing what it always does, which is look for the weakest link. Home working is where they perceive a weakness.
13. ”This points to a need for increased vigilance and security by those working from home and by those responsible for letting them work from home. For home working to be effective, security needs to be as effective as if working in an office.“
(667 words)
Questions 1-4 Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
1. What do the hackers use to attack the computer system of the Royal Bank of Scotland?
2. Which word is most likely to be used by hackers to describe home computers?
3. What do the majority of people in the UK prefer?
4. How do hackers collect information so as to compose emails?
5. What do hackers obtain illegally to gain access to banks’ computer network?
Questions 5-12 Complete the sentences below with words from the passage.
Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
6. The use of login details of VPNs by criminals does not necessarily result in any ______________.
7. Royal Bank of Scotland claimed that they are not the only victim of ______________.
8. Corporate networks will be another target of hackers with improved _______________.
9. The attacks on individuals have been greatly increased within _______________.
10. With ________________, software used by criminals can eliminate its competing programs.
11. Home users are chosen as a target because they are considered as a __________ .
12. Get Safe Online is calling for an increase in _____________ to ensure safe home working.
考官观察考生的第一步是打招呼,因此必须要大方、自然。要注意在面试过程中表现出良好的文化修养。进入面试室之前,首先要做的是敲门;进门后,应主动 问候考官。若考官伸出手代表要握手,考生需要马上上前热情大方地与对方握手。但考生不需要主动要求握手,更不可以戴着手套握手。问候要自然,别去背诵原来已准备好的问候语,那样会给人一种虚假的感觉。
有些考生对考官是不断的迎合,如同一个唯唯诺诺的用人,无论考官说什么,全部代表赞成亦或是不断的点头,开口闭口代表了恭维考官:“You are perfectly right、”或“What you have said is true、”这样只顾一心奉承考官而不敢发表自己的意见或见解,最后只可以是让口试越来越枯燥,乏味;考官最终会对你失去信心而得出结论:你是个平庸之辈。
Describe a long journey you enjoyed.
You should say
where you went
when and why you went there
what landscapes you saw
and explain why this was such an unforgettable trip.
One journey I went on that was very long indeed was my trip around Europe last summer, travelling by train.
I went for a whole month, going all around Europe from my home country of England east until I got to Eastern Europe, and then back in a loop to Italy. I went so I could see the rich history and culture of the continent, which was practically on my doorstep. I felt it was high time I embarked on a long trip to experience some more of the world and its people.
Travelling by train I kept myself occupied by looking out of the window at the landscapes as they flashed by. The countryside was mostly fields, but once I got to the Alps then it became beautiful. There were towering cliffs of rocks with fast-flowing rivers cutting between valley walls. I could even see a castle on one of the hillsides. Each city I visited brought a new style of architecture and type of person on the street. I saw medieval cottages, baroque cathedrals and shabby, modern apartment blocks. The landscape varied with each country I came to.
I’ll never forget this trip because it was the first time I was travelling without a home base. I went with a good friend and we spent a lot of time together. We had memorable conversations on the long train journeys about live, society, religion... all very deep stuff. I also had the chance to see some of the world’s most famous sights like the Eiffel Tower and the Dom cathedral in Cologne. It was fascinating waking up on a moving train knowing that the next stop I got off at was going to present me with a whole new country with many surprises. It was a unique experience.
Lexical resource 词汇
all around: 到处
in a loop: 绕一圈
continent: 洲
doorstep: 门口
embarked: 进行
hillsides: 山腰
style of architecture: 建筑风格
medieval cottages: 中世纪风格的小屋
baroque cathedrals: 巴洛克风格的教堂
home base: 本垒 大本营
occupied: 被占据
flashed by: 飞过
the Alps: 阿尔卑斯山脉
towering cliffs: 高耸的悬崖
fast-flowing rivers: 急流的河
Eiffel Tower: 柏林大教堂
fascinating: 迷人的
unique: 奇特的
73. Do you like / enjoy shopping? ( 5 - 6 )
Yes, I love shopping. I like to go to the shops and see what they have to offer. I browse around and compare the prices before a buy something. Secondly, I do the shopping of all our household needs. I love to find out about any new products on the market and how they can possibly make my life easier.
73. Do you like / enjoy shopping? ( 7 - 8 )
No, I hate shopping. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, shopping is the most basic activity in a capitalistic society. What I mean to say is that somebody has a product which they would like you to buy from them whether you really need it or not. They lure you into their shops and malls by advertising their goods on TV and in the newspapers. They only tell you about the positive aspects oftheir product, but would never mention the disadvantages. This you have to find out for yourself, usually after you have bought the product.
74. Do you often go to the cinema? ( 5 - 6 )
Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible. I usually go with some friends to watch the latest action movies or comedies. We have a great time when our favorite star is playing a lead role in themovie.
74. Do you often go to the cinema? ( 7 - 8 )
Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible. I believe that films are a wonderful form of art. In films there are a wide range of genres ranging from comedy and drama, to horror and science fiction. For example, recently I have seen the movie ‘Titanic’, which has been described as the most expensive film ever made. The extent to which the producers attended to the details of the original ship was astounding. Another example would be the thriller ‘Silence of the Lambs’ with my favorite actor Anthony Hopkins playing the leading role. It had me on the edge of my seat for most of thetime.
75. Do you often go to the theater? ( 5 - 8 )
No. I have never been to the theater. It is too expensive for me. I prefer to go to the cinema. Secondly, I believe that the theater is boring. What I mean to say is that the actors are on the samestage the whole time. I cannot see how that can be as exciting as a good movie.
76. What kinds of movies do you like best? ( 5 - 8 )
I like comedies. First of all, comedies are of great fun. What I mean is that I have a good laugh while watching them. Secondly, comedies seldom contain violent scenes. For instance, you would not easily find murders, shooting, fighting, and so on in a comedy. Lastly, comedies often contain excellent acting by famous stars. For example, Robbie Williams in ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ is considered oneof the most extraordinary performances ever by an actor.
77. Who is your favorite movie star? Describe him / her. ( 5 - 8 )
My favorite movie star is Jackie Cheng. He is handsome and very funny. He always has a smile on his face, and never seems to be worried about the situations that he finds himself in.
58. What does friendship mean to you? ( 5 - 8 )
Friendship is of great importance to me because I believe that it lays solid foundation for many of our relationships. Husbands and wives, for example, should be friends. In addition, I need friends to help me when I am in trouble. I know this sound selfish, but I feel that it is one of the reasons why I have friends, and they would not mind me saying so. In turn, my friends know that I willalways be available if they turn to me.
59. Do you have a lot of friends? ( 5 - 8 )
Yes, I have a lot of friends. Some of them are only casual friends like my friends at work, but I also have some best friends who I have known for many years. I will do anything to help them when they need me, and I know they would do the same for me.
60. Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends? ( 5 - 6 )
I prefer to be alone. Please allow me to explain. I like reading, which takes a lot of my time. Reading to me is a way of studying, so I have to do it alone. I often have to check the meaning of unfamiliar words in my dictionary, which is a slow process taking a lot of time.
60. Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends? ( 5 - 6 )
I prefer to be with my friends. Please allow me to explain. At work I spend most of my time alone in my office. So after work I like the company of other people. I often invite some of my friends over, and we listen to our favorite music, or just chat the whole evening.
60. Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends? ( 7 - 8 )
It depends. Sometimes I prefer to be alone. For example, after a hard day at work I just want to relax without anybody disturbing me. Those are the times that I might meditate on the meaning of life for example, or just savour some fond memories. On the other hand, sometimes I want to be with my friends. For example, over weekends, I like to go out with them and enjoy their stimulating company.
61. What do you usually do with your friends? ( 5 - 6 )
We do a lot of things together. Visiting net bars is one of them. We go there to play computer games or surf the net to have a chat with young people abroad. We often spend hours there at a time. The other interest we share is to play basketball. We usually challenge another group to play against us.
61. What do you usually do with your friends? ( 7 - 8 )
We usually go to the movies. My friends and I like cartoons very much, so we find out in the newspaper where a new cartoon is being showed and go and watch it. In addition, we like to watch a good action movie from time to time. We find the spectacular crashes and explosions very exiting. These movies are from Hong Kong or Hollywood, and have famous actor like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Cruise playing in them.s
据英国《中英时报》报道,每个留学生都背负着自己的理想和父母的期望,但每年报章、网络上有关英国留学生驾车车祸的新闻却不鲜见。遭遇这些不幸的留学生轻则暂停学业,在异国他乡独自养病;惨重的一些留学生甚至为此付出生命的代价,留给家人无尽的痛苦。 然而,很多时候这些悲剧其实可以避免。作为世界上为数不多靠左行车的英国,不少交通规则都是与国内相反。不少留学生并未重视这一差异,就算有些人在国内会驾车,但对英国交通规则也了解不全面,这给他们的安全埋下了隐患。初到英国,重学交规,重学走路?这不是笑话。交通安全问题并非老生常谈,为了避免悲剧,留英学子应当学学英国交规,了解交通意外救济常识,就算遇见问题也不至于乱了手脚。
11月19日,约克市附近国道上发生一起重大交通事故,两名留学生死亡。当时他们夜晚行车,遭遇大雨,两名留学生乘坐的汽车失控撞向高速公路隔离墩后反弹,汽车安全气囊打开。她们误以为引擎着火,下车查看,不幸被后方驶来的机动车撞倒,不治身亡。两名去世的留学生皆为女性,年龄都只有20 岁。赴英留学却遭遇如此不幸,这给他们家人带来了巨大的痛苦。
行人在没有斑马线红绿灯的路上遭遇车祸是否一定会承担全部责任?遇到交通事故之后应该如何索赔?在事故现场又应该做些什么?带着这些问题,记者咨询了格瑞利(Graham M Riley & Co。)律师行的律师陈光荣。
在莱大女生事故案中,小周向记者反映,遇见意外后学生们手忙脚乱,不知该采取什么样的举动才妥当。记者就此咨询了陈律师,她表示,为了帮助事故发生后的索赔,事故发生后,如有可能,伤者及伤者的亲友应尽量做到以下事项:一,在任何情况下都应该记下对方车辆的`车牌号码,如果能记下对方的所有资料当然最好。因为只要记下了对方车辆的车牌号码,专业处理事故和人身伤害索赔的律师行能根据车牌号码找到肇事司机的保险公司。二,记下到现场的警察的资料,包括警察局的名称,地址,电话号码,处理事故的警察的姓名,肩章编号(即警服编号)及警察对该事故的编号,即通常所说的Reference Number,将这些资料保存好并提供给代理律师。三,如有可能,获取在场的独立的证人的资料,包括名字,地址,电话号码,电子邮件等。四,查看事故现场周围是否有任何监测录像,如CCTV相机。如有,记下CCTV相机在哪个地方并在指派律师时尽快告诉您的律师以便他们可以尽早尝试获取CCTV记录。五,对事故现场拍照,包括对方司机车辆损坏的部位以及车辆的型号颜色等。六,尽早与事故索赔的律师行取得联系以便获得专业法律帮助。
侵权法的规定是‘谁的过错谁赔偿’。学校的医保可能在学生受伤后对其提供治疗,但他们不会对在交通事故中受伤的学生进行赔偿。因交通事故而受伤的学生应指派律师向肇事一方司机的保险公司提起赔偿 ,陈律师向记者说道。
是非题策略是非题需要考生从听明白对话中所列举的东西或各种选择。此部分通常是随着对话的进行,用排除法可得到正确答案。此种题型解题关键是首先了解每个问题中所牵汲到的要素,然后认真听。正如前面所讲,对话中经常有分歧和争论,决定也往往会被改变。此时是答对题的关键,注意留心一些转折词如but, however等。
大家需要注意的是雅思考试中电话号码是分开来读的,先读国家代号,地区代号,最后读具体号码。比如说中国北京的一个电话读作 86,10,51697800,一个地区的电话号码通常都是有七位或者八位。对于七位的号码,读的时候前三个数字连在一起,后四个数字连在一起,中间有个停顿的。比如说,6139318读作six one three, nine three one eight; 而八位的号码可以四个一组分两组来读。例如:51697866读作five one six nine, seven eight six six.
在出现两个相同的数字时可以用double来代替,考生一定别忘了写两个数字。同理,同时出现三个数字可以用triple这个单词。大家一定要熟悉它的发音啊。例如:6623888可以读作double six two, three triple eight。这些都是比较难的了,有的雅思考试中的数字考的是房间号码,都是很简单的。但是要注意的是有的题目是数字和字母混合的,建议考生听的时候要多留心。
还有个重点要和大家强调的是”0“在英语中的表达有很多种,考生一定要多留心。比如说:zero, nought , null等等。在雅思考试中“0”经常被读成”nought“。美国英语里常读成“zero”,这个在托福考试中比较常见。电话号码中被读成”Oh“。这些都是很重要的点,希望考生多听多区分。做完相关的数字练习后对于错误的题目,一定要看看听力原稿中是怎么表达的,记住表达方式,下次同样的情况出现就不能再犯错误了。
be far from 距离某处很远
be near 距离某处很近
be next to 紧邻
be in the vicinity of… 邻近
be adjacent to … 邻近
be located behind/in front of 坐落在……的前面/后面
be on one’s left/right 在某人的左边/右边
turn left/right 左转/右转
go along 沿着……一直走
go up/down 向上(北)/向下(南)
go straight across the yard 径直穿过院子
go back/back up 向回走
go east/west/south/north 向东/西/南/北
be the first from the left 从左数第一个
be on the corner of A street and B street 在A和B街角处
ground floor 一层
wing/annex 翼楼/配楼
中国学生申请英国本科课程,首先必须在中国或英国完成至少 13 年的教育,获得相当于英国A-levels 高级水平考试、苏格兰高等教育或国家文凭的大学预科资格;如果这些资格你都不具备,那么则需要先去读大学预科课程;另外还有一定的语言条件。
国家高等教育文凭 - 要求一年或两年 A-level 中学高级水平课程、两年苏格兰高阶课程或国家高等教育证书或 BTEC 国家文凭;或一年国际预科课程。雅思成绩 5.5-6.0 分。
预科学位 - 要求一年或两年 A-level 中学高级水平课程、一年或两年苏格兰高阶课程或国家文凭;或一年国际预科课程。雅思成绩 5.5-6.0 分。
高等教育文凭 - 要求一年或两年 A-level 中学高级水平课程,两年或三年苏格兰高阶课程成绩或国家文凭;或一年国际预科课程。雅思成绩 5.5-6.0分。
本科 - 要求两或三年 A-level 中学高级水平课程成绩、三或四年苏格兰高阶课程成绩、国家高等教育证书、文凭或 BTEC 国家文凭;或一年国际预科课程。雅思成绩 6.0-6.5 分。
英国研究生课程入学要求申请人持有英国或其它国家的学士学位。申请人须获得直接相关专业的一级或二等一级荣誉学位(或其它国家的相同水平学位),大部分课程要求雅思成绩达到 6.5 分以上。入学要求示例:
硕士预科 C 学士学位,雅思成绩 5.5 分(单项不低于 5.5)
研究生证书/文凭 C 学士学位,雅思成绩 6.5-7.0 分或硕士预科
硕士学位 C 一级或二等一级学士学位,雅思成绩 7.0 分或硕士预科
工商管理硕士 C 学士学位, 2-3 年从商经历,雅思成绩 6.5-7.0 分
博士学位- 硕士学位,雅思成绩 6.5-7.0 分
一些学校要求学生参加英语数学等入学考试。很多学校招收 13 岁的学生时也组织入学考试。
不同课程有着不同的入学要求。一些资格(例如 A-levels 中学高级水平、苏格兰高等教育和 BTEC国家文凭)低于大学水平,为学生直接接受更高层次的教育做准备。其它资格(例如国家高等文凭和基础学位)相当于大学水平,你可以在第二学年或第三学年攻读学位课程。
入学要求示例:BTEC 国家文凭 C 良好的普通中学教育,相当于四年普通中学教育证书课程,成绩 A-C,雅思成绩 4.5-5.0 分。
AS/A-levels 中学准高级水平或高级水平课程C良好的普通中学教育,相当于五年普通中学教育证书课程,成绩 A-C,雅思成绩 4.5-5.0 分。
苏格兰高阶课程/高级高阶课程 C良好的普通中学教育,相当于六年标准级别考试,成绩 1-3,雅思成绩 4.5-5.0 分。
国际基础课程 C 12 年学校教育或在你的国家相同层次的教育,雅思成绩 4.5-5.0 分
国家高等文凭 C 要求一年或两年 A-level 中学高级水平课程、两年或三年苏格兰高阶课程或BTEC 国家文凭或一年国际预科课程。雅思成绩 5.5-6.0
预科学位 C 要求一年或两年 A-levels 中学高级水平课程、两年或三年苏格兰高阶课程或 BTEC国家文凭或一年国际预科课程。雅思成绩 5.5-6.0
由上可知,英语成绩对于英国留学十分重要。当然大家也不难看出,英国留学的一大特点是如果你没有达到某个课程的要求,还可以选择不同层次的课程以求提高。英国为不同层次的留学生提供了广泛的选择。在你进入英国的更高院校学习时,必须掌握英语。在英国学习英语,例如学术英语或学前英语课程,为你将来的学习做好准备。在课程查找中搜索这两种课程或其它英语语言课程。另外一种选择就是留学前在中国参加雅思等英语考试。雅思是世界上最受欢迎的英语考试之一。所有的英国院校都认可雅思,世界上有 500 多个国家举行雅思考试。你也可以通过PTE学术英语考试参加在线英语测试。该考试得到了英国上百家院校的认可,能够准确评估非英语母语者的听说读写能力。
★ 去英国留学条件




