- 目录
tragedy 悲剧
one-act play 独幕剧
opera 歌剧
farce 滑稽戏, 趣剧
(stage) play 话剧
Beijing opera 京剧
historical play 历史剧
puppet show 木偶戏
(a play) in three acts and five scenes 三幕五场(剧)
comedy 喜剧
operetta 小歌剧
pantomime 哑剧
playwright 编剧,剧作家
dress rehearsal 彩排
traditional theatrical pieces 传统剧目
director 导演
climax 高潮
libretto 歌剧脚本
intermezzo 间奏曲
part, role 角色
title role 剧名角色
rehearsal 排演
plot 情节
episode 情节中的`插曲
character 人?/P>
stage version 上演本
(one's) lines 台词
prologue 序幕
leading role (character) 主角
chief actress 女主角
chief actor 男主角
to present on the stage 搬上舞台
to rehearse 排演
to play the role of …… 扮演(某一角色)
to put on a play 演出,上演
announcer, master of ceremonies 报幕员
repertoire 保留节目(总称)
scenery, decor 布景
scene-painter 布景画家
setting designer 布景设计人
scene-man 布景员
properties, props 道具
property man 道具管理员
top light 顶灯
costume 服装
farewell performance 告别演出
back stage 后台
applause 喝采
make-up 化装
make-up man 化装师
dressing room 化装室
foot light 脚灯
synopsis 剧情简介
company, troupe 剧团
spotlight 聚光灯
curtain 幕
first performance, premiere 首次演出
prompter 提词人
prompters' box 提词厢
stage 舞台
stage manager 舞台监督
stage effect 舞台效果
stage illumination, lighting 舞台照明
interval, intermission 休息
revolving stage 旋转舞台
mobile troupe 巡回演出队
art director 艺术指导
sound effect 音响效果
possible encore 预备节目
orchestra pit 乐池
to applaud 喝彩
The curtain falls. 幕落
The curtain rises. 幕启
to present a bouquet (a basket of flowers) to …… 献花
to answer a curtain call; to respond to a curtain call 谢幕
Encore! 再来一次
to give an encore 再唱(演奏)一次
box 包厢
exit 出口
cinema 电影院
gallery 顶层楼座
opera house 歌剧院
audience, spectators 观众
aisle (座位中的)走道
programme 节目单
theatre 剧院
opera glasses 看戏望远镜
house full, full house 客满,满座
auditorium 礼堂
upper circle 楼厅(二楼)后座
dress circle 楼厅(二楼)前座
open-air theatre, amphitheatre 露天剧场
puppet show theatre 木偶剧场
usher 男引座员
usherette 女引座员
row 排
day show matinée 日场
entrance 入口
balcony 三层楼座
box-office, ticket office 售票处
refreshments room 小吃部
lobby, foyer 休息室
evening show 夜场
cloakroom 衣帽间
concert hall 音乐厅
morning show 早场
pit 正厅后座
stalls 正厅前座
seat 座位
to book seats, to book tickets 订票
to queue up for tickets 排队买票
hotel 旅馆
guest house 宾馆
main entrance 大门
entrance hall 门厅
staircase, stairs, stairway 楼梯
balustrade, banister 楼梯栏杆
corridor 过道
verandah 外廊
lobby 走廊
lift, elevator 电梯
information desk 问讯处
reception office 接待室
hotel register 旅客登记簿
registration form 登记表
newsstand 售报处
postal service 邮局服务处
shop 小卖部
bar 酒吧间
lounge 休息厅
roof garden 屋顶花园
billiard-room , 球房
dining-room, dining hall 餐厅
men's room 男盥洗室
ladies' room 女盥洗室
cloak-room 存衣处
basement 地下室
cellar 地窖
broom closet 杂物室
room number 房间号码
room key 房间钥匙
suite 一套房间
single room 单人房间
double room 双人房间
sitting-room, living-room 起居室
sofa, settee 长沙发
easy chair 安乐椅
armchair 扶手椅
wicker chair 藤椅
folding chair 叠椅
swivel chair 转椅
rocking chair 摇椅
stool 凳子
bench 条凳
tea table 茶几
desk 书桌
bookcase 书橱
bookshelf 书架
wardrobe 衣柜
built-in wardrobe, closet 壁橱
chest of drawers 五斗橱
screen 屏风
hat rack 帽架
rug 小地毯
carpet 大地毯
single bed 单人床
double bed 双人床
twin beds 成对床
mattress 褥子
quilt 被
blanket 毯子
sheet 床单
bedspread 床罩
cotton terry blanket 毛巾被
pillow 枕头
pillowcase 枕套
mat 席
cushion 垫子
bathroom 浴室
bath tub 浴盆
shower bath, shower 淋浴
cold and hot water taps 冷热自来水龙头
sprinkle-nozzle, (shower) nozzle 喷头
dressingtable 梳妆台
mirror 镜子
washbasin 洗脸盆
towel 毛巾
toilet, lavatory, washroom 卫生间
water closet, w.c. 厕所;抽水马桶
toilet roll, toilet paper 卫生纸
bath towel 浴巾
bathrobe 浴衣
towel rail, towel rack 毛巾架
sponge 海绵
waste-paper basket 废纸篓
thermometer 温度计
balcony 阳台
sash window 上下开关窗
shutters 百叶窗
transom, transom window 气窗
curtain 窗帘
lace curtain 挑花窗帘
windowsill 窗台
air-conditioned 有空调设备的
radiator 暖气片
central heating 暖气
ashtray 烟灰碟
smoking set 烟具
electric fan 电扇
chandelier, pendant lamp 吊灯
fluorescent lamp 日光灯
desk lamp 台灯
bedside lamp 床头灯
floor lamp 落地灯
wall lamp 壁灯
lampshade 灯罩
bulb holder 灯头
bulb 灯泡
screw-type bulb 罗口灯泡
bayonet-type bulb 卡口灯泡
frosted bulb 磨砂灯泡
opal bulb, opaque bulb 乳白灯泡
switch 开关
socket 插座
plug 插头
telephone 电话
electric iron 电熨斗
peg, hook 衣钩
clothes-hanger 衣架
door-mat 门前的擦鞋棕垫
manager 经理
attendant 服务员
desk clerk 值班服务员
waiter (餐厅)服务员
waitress (餐厅)女服务员
rent 租金
bill 账单
receipt 收据
journey, trip 旅行
tourism 旅游
pleasure trip 游览,漫游
business trip 商务旅行
organized tour 组团旅游
circular tour 环程旅行
package tour, inclusive tour 包办旅行
outward journey 单程旅行
return journey, round trip 往返旅行
holiday 假期
excursion, outing 远足
expedition 远征,探险
hitchhiking, hitching 搭乘
itinerary 旅行指南
itinerary, route 旅行路线
stopover 中途下车暂停
stage 停歇点,中间站
departure at 10 a.m. 上午10时出发
arrival at 12 p.m. 夜12点抵达
stay 停留
return 返回
embarkation, embarcation 乘船,上船
disembarkation 下船
delay 延期
travel agency 旅行社
airline company 航空公司
traveller's cheque 旅行支票
ticket 票
single ticket 单程票
return ticket 往返票,双程票 (美作:round-trip ticket)
fare 票价
half (fare), half-price ticket 半票
passage 票,票价
passengers 旅客
passport 护照
visa 签证
papers 证件
identity card 身份证
customs 海关
safe-conduct, pass 安全通行证
excursionist, tripper, hiker 旅行者
tourist 旅游者
traveller 旅行者,旅游者 (美作:traveler)
commercial traveller 旅行推销员 (美作:traveling salesman)
stowaway 偷乘者
出发池端 starting edge of pool
游泳池 swimming pool
(池)浅端 shallow end
游泳馆 indoor pool
池缘 deck edge
救生带 swimming belt
水线 lane line
救生棒 saving bar
池边 pool side
救生员 lifeguard
池壁 pool wall
救生圈 cork hoop
泳道 swimming lane
膝盖上方 above the knee
标志线 markings
分道线 lane rope
得分 abtain points
意外事故 accident
出发台 starting platform
伴奏 accompaniment
仰泳 back stroke
一致性 accordance
蛙泳 breaststroker
年龄组 age group
游泳帽 bathing cap
年龄组规定动作 age group figures
游泳衣 bathing costume
信天翁式 albatross
信天翁旋转180度 albatross spinning 180 degree
信天翁旋转360度 albatross spinning 360 degree
换气 alternated breathing
(用于)替换器材 alternate facilities
替補队员 alternatives
踝 ankle
广播员 announcer
弓形 arch
弓背,塌腰 arch the back
上拱 arch up
1. 棉织物:cotton fabric
2.平纹织物:plain cloth
3. 斜纹织物:twill cloth
4. 缎纹织物:satin and sateen cloth
5. 纯纺织物:pure yarn fabric
6. 混纺织物:blended fabric
7. 混并织物:mixture
8. 交织织物:mixed fabric
9. 服装用织物:dress fabric
10. 装饰用织物:furnishing fabric
11. 产业用织物:technical fabric
12.平布:plain cloth
13. 粗平布:coarse sheeting
14. 中平布:plain cloth
15. 细平布:fine plain
16. 粘纤平布:viscose plain cloth
17. 富纤平布:polynosic plain cloth
18. 粘/棉平布:viscose/cotton plain cloth
19. 粘/维平布:viscose/vinylon plain cloth
20. 涤/棉平布:t/c plain cloth
21. 涤/粘平布:polyestere/viscose plain cloth
22. 棉/丙平布:cotton/polypropylene plain cloth
23. 棉/维平布:c/v plain cloth
24. 细纺:cambric
25. 涤/棉细纺:t/c cambric
26. 府绸:poplin
27. 纱府绸:poplinette
28. 线府绸:thready poplin
29. 涤/棉府绸:t/c poplin
30. 棉/维府绸:c/v poplin
31. 麻纱:hair cords
32. 柳条麻纱:striped hair cords
33. 异经麻纱:end-and-end hair cords
34. 提花麻纱:figured hair cords
35. 罗布:leno-like cloth
36. 罗缎:bengaline,tussores
37. 巴厘纱:voile
38. 麦尔纱:mull
39. 防绒布:down-proof fabric
40. 双经布:double ends fabric
41. 双纬布:double weft fabric
42. 蓝白花布:indigo print
43. 纱斜纹:single drill
44. 线斜纹:thready drill
45. 粗斜纹:coarse drill
46. 细斜纹:jean
47. 哔叽:serge
48. 纱哔叽:single serge
49. 粘胶哔叽:viscose serge
50. 华达呢:gabercord
51. 纱华达呢:single gabercord
52. 线华达呢:thready gabercord
53. 卡其:khaki drill
54. 单面卡其:one-sided drill
55. 双面卡其:reversible drill
56. 纱卡其:single drill
57. 线卡其:thready drill
58. 人字卡其:pointed drill
59. 缎纹卡其:whipcord
60. 涤/棉卡其:t/c drill
61. 直贡:twilled satin
62. 纱直贡:single twilled satin
63. 羽绸:satinet
64. 线直贡:thready twilled satin
65. 横贡:sateen
66. 绒布:flannelette
67. 单面绒布:irreversible flannelette
68. 双面绒布:both-side raised flannelette
69. 斜纹绒布:twilled fustian,flannel twills
70. 厚绒布:heavy flannelette
71. 灯芯绒:corduroy
72. 粗条灯芯绒:spacious waled corduroy
73. 中条灯芯绒:mid-wale corduroy
74. 细条灯芯绒:pinwale corduroy
75. 特细条灯芯绒:ultra-fine corduroy
76. 提花灯芯绒:figured corduroy
77. 弹力灯芯绒:elastic corduroy
78. 棉/涤灯芯绒:t/c corduroy
79. 仿平绒:velveteen-like fabric
80. 烂花仿平绒:etched-out velveteen-like fabric
81.平绒:velvet and velveteen
82. 纱罗织物:leno and gauze
83. 牛津布:oxford
84. 竹节布:slubbed fabric
85. 结子布:knop fabric
86. 提花布:figured cloth
87. 提格布:checks
88. 绉布:crepe
89. 皱纹布:creppella
90. 泡泡纱:seersucker
91. 轧纹布:embossing cloth
92. 折绉布:wrinkle fabric
93. 水洗布:washer wrinkle fabric
94. 稀密条织物:thick and thin striped fabric
95. 经条呢:warp stripeed fabric
96. 华夫格:walf checks
97. 巴拿马:panama
98. 服装衬布:pading cloth
99. 树脂衬布:resin padding cloth
100. 热熔粘合衬布:hot-melt adhesive padding cloth
101. 黑炭衬:hair interlining
102. 马尾衬:hair cloth
103. 粘纤织物:spun rayon fabric
104. 富纤织物:polynosic fabric
105. 氨纶弹力织物:spandex stretch fabric
106. 中长化纤织物:midfibre fabric
107. 纬长丝织物:weft filament mixed fabric
108. 纬长丝大提花仿绸织物:silk-like fabric jacquard
109. 仿麂皮织物:suede fabric
110. 仿麻布:linen type cloth
111. 合纤长丝仿麻布:polyster linen type filament fabric
112. 低弹涤纶丝仿毛织物:wool-like fabric with true-ran low-elastic yarn
113. 凉爽呢:wool-like fabric
114. 雪尼儿织物:chenille fabric
115. 柔道运动服织物:fabric of judo wear
116. 医药用纱布:medical gauze
117. 尿布:diaper
118. 烂花布:etched-out fabric
119. 全包芯纱烂花布:composite yarn etched-out fabric
120. 混纺纱烂花布;blended yarn etched-out fabric
121. 帆布:canvas
122. 遮盖帆布:canvas of cover
123. 橡胶帆布:rubber canvas
124. 鞋用帆布:plimsoll duck
125. 百页布:baiye fabric
126. 滤布:filtration fabric
127. 印花衬布:printing blanket
128. 圆筒布:tubular fabric
129. 43-3丙纶长丝滤布:polypropylene filament filtration fabric
130. 729-涤纶大圆筒滤布:polyester tubular filtration fabric
131. 318锦纶布:318 polyamide fabric
132. 锦纶布:601 polyamide fabric
133. 伞布:umbrella cloth
134. 砂皮布:abrasive cloth
135. 玻璃纤纬织物:glass-fibre fabric
136. 土工模袋布:fabricform
137. 标准贴衬织物:standard adjacent fabric
138. 家具布:upholstery fabric
139. 窗帘布:window blind fabric
140. 贴墙布:wall cloth
141. 粘晴大提花装饰织物:r.a jacquard ornamental fabric
142. 漂白织物:bleached fabric
143. 染色织物:dyed fabrics
144. 印花织物:printed fabric
145. 拒水整理织物:water repellent fanish fabric
146. 拒油整理织物:oil-repellent finish fabric
147. 阻燃整理织物:flame retardant finish fabric
148. 预缩整理织物:shrunk finish fabric
149. 防皱整理织物:crease resistant finish fabric
150. 柔软电整理织物:antistatic finish fabric
151. 易去污整理织物:soil release finish fabric
152. 减量整理织物:deweighting finish fabric
153. 增重整理织物:weighted finish fabric
154. 液氨整理织物:liquid ammonia finish fabric
155. 电光整理织物:schreiner finish fabric
156. 轧光整理织物:calender finish fabric
157. 涂层整理织物:coated finish fabric
158. 轧纹整理织物:gauffered finish fabric
159. 磨绒整理织物:sanded finish fabric
160. 防蛀整理织物:moth proof finish fabric
161. 防毡缩整理织物:antifelting finish fabric
magazine 杂志
periodical 期刊
back number 过期杂志
pre-dated 提前出版的
world news 国际新闻
home news 国内新闻
news agency 新闻社
editor 编辑
commentator 评论员
reporter, correspondent, journalist 记者
resident correspondent 常驻记者
special correspondent 特派记者
editorial, leading article 社论
feature, feature article 特写
headline 标题
banner headline 通栏标题
news report, news story, news coverage 新闻报导
serial, to serialize 连载
serial story 小说连载
editor's note 编者按
advertisement, ad 广告
press communique 新闻公报
press conference 记者招待会
publication 出版
publishing house, press 出版社
publisher 发行者
circulation 发行量
edition 版本
the first edition 初版
the second edition 再版
the third edition 第三版
the first impression 第一次印刷
the second impression 第二次印刷
deluxe edition 精装本
pocket edition 袖珍本
popular edition 普及版
copyright 版权
royalty 版税
type-setting, composition 排版
proof-reading 校对工作
proof-reader 校对(者)
editing 编辑(工作)
editor 编辑(者)
printing 印刷
printing machine 印刷机
type-setter, compositor 排字工人
folio 对开本
quarto 四开本
octavo 八开本
16-mo 十六开本
32-mo 三十二开本
64-mo 六十四开本
reference book 参考书
booklet, pamphlet 小册子, 小书
periodical 期刊
magazine 杂志
daily 日报
weekly 周刊
fortnightly 半月刊
monthly 月刊
bimonthly 双月刊
quarterly 季刊
annual 年刊
year-book 年鉴
extra issue (报纸)号外
special issue 特刊
daily paper 日报
evening paper 晚报
morning paper 晨报
sunday newspaper 星期日报
manual, handbook 手册
document, paper 公文
pictorial magazine 画报
memorial volume 纪念刊
selected works, selections 选集
complete works 全集
anthology 文集, 文选
scientific literature 科学文献
index 索引
original edition 原版(书)
new edition 新版
revised edition 修订版
reprint 重印, 翻印
cheap edition, paperback 廉价本
encyclopaedia, encyclopedia 百科全书
textbook 教科书
reader 读本
best seller 畅销书
政治风险 political risk
再开票中心 re-invoicing center
现代管理会计专门方法 special methods of modern management accounting
现代管理会计 modern management accounting
提前与延期支付 leads and lags
特许权使用管理费 fees and royalties
跨国资本成本的计算 the cost of capital for foreign investments
跨国运转资本会计 multinational working capital management
跨国经营企业业绩评价 multinational performance evaluation
经济风险管理 managing economic exposure
交易风险管理 managing transaction exposure
换算风险管理 managing translation exposure
国际投资决策会计 foreign project appraisal
国际投资决策会计 foreign project appraisal
国际存货管理 international inventory management
股利转移 dividend remittances
公司内部贷款 inter-company loans
冻结资金转移 repatriating blocked funds
冻结资金保值 maintaining the value of blocked funds
调整后的净现值 adjusted net present value
配比原则 matching
旅游、饮食服务企业会计 accounting of tourism and service
施工企业会计 accounting of construction enterprises
民航运输企业会计 accounting of civil aviation transportation enterprises
企业会计 business accounting
商品流通企业会计 accounting of commercial enterprises
权责发生制原则 accrual basis
农业会计 accounting of agricultural enterprises
实现原则 realization principle
历史成本原则 principle of historical cost
外商投资企业会计 accounting of enterprises with foreign investment
通用报表 all-purpose financial statements
铁路运输企业会计 accounting of rail way transportation enterprises
所有者权益 owners equity
所有者权益 owners equity
实质量于形式 substance over form
修正性惯例 principle of exceptions
信息系统论 information system perspective
相关性原则 relevance
微观会计 micro-accounting
客观性原则 objectivity
可比性原则 comparability
谨慎性原则 prudence
金融企业会计 accounting of financial institutions
交通运输企业会计 accounting of communication and transportation enterprises
建设单位会计 accounting of construction units
记账本位币 recording currency
计量属性 measurement attributes
及时性原则 timeliness
货币计量 monetary measurement
会计准则 accounting standards
会计主体 accounting entity
会计职业道德 accounting professional ethics
会计职能 functions of accounting
会计预测 accounting forecasting
会计要素 accounting elements
会计研究 accounting research
会计学科体系 accounting science system
会计学 accounting
会计信息 accounting information
会计任务 targets of accounting activities
会计人员 accounting personnel
会计确认 accounting recognition
会计目标 accounting objective
会计理论结构 theoretical structure of accounting
会计理论 accounting theory
会计控制 accounting control
会计决策 accounting decision making
会计监督 accounting supervision
会计假设 accounting assumption
会计记录 accounting records
会计计量 accounting measurement
会计机构 accounting department
会计环境 accounting environment
会计核算 financial accounting
会计管理体制 system of accounting administration
会计分期 accounting periods
会计对象 accounting object
会计等式 accounting equation
会计本质 nature of accounting
会计报表 accounting statements
宏观会计 macro-accounting
会计 accounting
汇总报表 combination statements
划分资本性支出与收益性支出原则 distinguishment between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure
合并报表 consolidated financial statements
管理活动论 management activities perspective
管理会计 management accounting
管理工具论 management tool perspective
股份制企业会计 accounting of stock companies
公认会计原则 generally accepted accounting principle, gaap
公共会计 public accounting
工业会计 accounting of industrial enterprises
个别报表 individual statements
高新技术企业会计 accounting of high technology enterprises
负债 liability
费用 expense
反馈价值 feedback value
对外经济合作企业会计 accounting of foreign economic cooperation enter prises
对外报表 external statements
对内报表 internal statements
一致性原则 consistency
艺术论 art perspective
房地产开发企业会计 accounting of real estate enterprises
邮电通信企业会计 accounting of post and telecommunication enterprises
预测价值 forecast value
真实与公允 true and fair view
持续经营 going concern
成本报表 cost statement
财务会计原则 financial accounting principles
财务会计概念框架 financial accounting conceptual framework
财务会计 financial accounting
政府及非营利组织会计 governmental and non-profit organization accounting
重要性原则 materiality
专用报表 special purpose financial statements
资产 assets
资金 funds
资金运动 funds movement
财务报告 financial report
财务报表要素 elements of financial statements
财务报表 financial statements
币值稳定假设 constant-dollar assumption
保险企业会计 accounting of insurance companies
收入的确认 recognition of revenue
公司债券发行价格 corporate bond issuing price
固定资产折旧 depreciation of fixed assets
可转换债券 convertible bonds
加速折旧法 accelerated depreciation methods
公司债券利率 interest rate on debenture
应收账款出借 assignment of accounts receivable
无担保债券 debenture bonds
后进先出法 last-in, first-out, lifo
应付票据贴现 discount on notes payable
先进先出去 first-in, first-out缩写fifo
在发建工程 constructions in process
固定资产更换与改良 improvements and replacements of fixed assets
实地盘存制 periodic inventory system
收益总括观点 all-inclusive concept of income
可变现净值法 net realizable value
固定资产扩建 additions of fixed assets
应收账款出售 sale or factoring of accounts receivable
或有负债 contingent liability
销货退回与折让 sales returns and allowances
零售价格法 retail method
现金折扣 cash discount
公司债券 bonds payable
销售法 sale method
应付票据 notes payable
认股权 stock rights
固定资产修理 repairs and maintenance of fixed assets
有担保债券 mortgage bonds
销售费用 selling expenses
应付股利 dividends payable
应收票据 notes receivable
无形资产 intangible assets
收款法 collection method
所得税 income tax
流动负债 current liabilities
生产法 production method
废弃和生置法 retirement and replacement method
盘存法 inventory method
流动资产 current assets
购货折扣 purchases discounts
商誉 goodwill
应收账款 accounts receivable
投资收益 investment income
营业利润 operating income
股本 capital stock
公司债券偿还 redemption of bonds
坏账 bad debts
固定资产重估价 revaluations of fixed assets
银行存款 cash in bank
固定资产 fixed assets
利益分配 profit distribution
应计费用 accrued expense
商标权 trademarks and trade names
净利润 net income
应付利润 profit payable
收益债券 income bonds
利息资本化 capitalization of interests
预付账款 advance to supplier
其他应收款 other receivables
现金 cash
公司债券发行 corporate bond floatation
应付工资 wages payable
实收资本 paid-in capital
盈余公积 surplus reserves
股利 dividend
应交税金 taxes payable
负商誉 negative goodwill
费用的确认 recognition of expense
短期投资 temporary investment
短期借款 short-term loans
递延资产 deferred charges
当期经营观点 current operating concept of income
存货销售的影响 effects of inventory errors
折旧方法 depreciation method
折旧率 depreciation rate
支出 payment
直线法 straight-line
职工福利基金 welfare fund
专利权 patents
住房基金 housing fund
重置成本法 replacement costing
专有技术 know-how
专营权 franchises
资本公积 capital reserves
资产负债表 balance sheet
自然资源 natural resources
存货 inventory
偿债基金 sinking fund
长期应付款 long-term payables
长期投资 long-term investments
长期借款 long-term loans
长期负债 long-term liability of long-term debt
财务费用 financing expenses
拨定留存收益 appropriated retained earnings
标准成本法 standard costing
变动成本法 variable costing
版权 copyrights
汇总原始凭证 cumulative source document
汇总记账凭证核算形式 bookkeeping procedure using summary vouchers
工作底稿 working paper
复式记账凭证 multiple account titles voucher
复式记账法 double entry bookkeeping
复合分录 compound entry
划线更正法 correction by drawing a straight ling
汇总原始凭证 cumulative source document
会计凭证 accounting documents
会计科目表 chart of accounts
会计科目 account title
红字更正法 correction by using red ink
会计核算形式 bookkeeping procedures
过账 posting
会计分录 accounting entry
会计循环 accounting cycle
会计账簿 book of accounts
活页式账簿 loose-leaf book
集合分配账户 clearing accounts
计价对比账户 matching accounts
记账方法 bookkeeping methods
记账规则 recording rules
记账凭证 voucher
记账凭证核算形式 bookkeeping procedure using vouchers
记账凭证汇总表核算形式 bookkeeping procedure using categorized account summary
简单分录 simple entry
结算账户 settlement accounts
结账 closing account
结账分录 closing entry
借贷记账法 debit-credit bookkeeping
局部清查 partial check
卡片式账簿 card book
跨期摊提账户 inter-period allocation accounts
累计凭证 multiple-record document
联合账簿 compound book
明细分类账簿 subsidiary ledger
明细分类账户 subsidiary account
盘存账存 inventory accounts
平行登记 parallel recording
全面清查 complete check
日记总账 combined journal and ledger
日记总账核算形式 bookkeeping procedure using summarized journal
三式记账法 triple-entry bookkeeping
实账户 real accounts
试算表 trial balance
试算平衡 trial balancing
收付记账法 receipts-payment bookkeeping
收款凭证 receipt voucher
损益表账户 income statement accounts
通用记账凭证 general purpose voucher
通用日记账核算形式 bookkeeping procedure using general journal
外来原始凭证 source document from outside
现金日记账 cash journal
虚账户 nominal accounts
序时账簿 book of chronological entry
一次凭证 single-record document
银行存款日记账 deposit journal
永续盘存制 perpetual inventory system
原始凭证 source document
暂记账户 suspense accounts
增减记账法 increase-decrease bookkeeping
债权结算账户 accounts for settlement of claim
债权债务结算账户 accounts for settlement of claim and debt
债务结算账户 accounts for settlement of debt
账户 account
账户编号 account number
账户对应关系 debit-credit relationship
账项调整 adjustment of account
专用记账凭证 special-purpose voucher
转回分录 reversing entry
资金来源账户 accounts of sources of funds
资产负债账户 balance sheet accounts
转账凭证 transfer voucher
资金运用账户 accounts of applications of funds
自制原始凭证 internal source document
总分类账簿 general ledger
总分类账户 general account
附加账户 adjunct accounts
付款凭证 payment voucher
分类账簿 ledger
多栏式日记账核算形式 bookkeeping procedure using columnar journal
对账 checking
对应账户 corresponding accounts
定期清查 periodic checking method
定期盘存制 periodic inventory system
订本式账簿 bound book
调整账户 adjustment accounts
调整分录 adjusting journal entry
单式记账凭证 single account title voucher
单式记账法 single-entry bookkeeping
从属账户 secondary accounts
成本计算账户 costing accounts
财产清查 physical inventory
簿记 bookkeeping
不定期清查 non-periodic checking method
补充登记法 correction by extra recording
表外账户 off-balance sheet accounts
备抵账户 provision accounts
备抵附加账户 provision and adjunct accounts
备查账簿 memorandum
ambulatory services 门诊服务
ambulatory surgery 门诊手术
appeals (上诉 会员要求保险机构重新考虑已否决的费用申报许可或决定的一项程序。
authorization 核淮
benefit 福利
benefit period 福利期
brand name drug 原厂药
certification 核淮证明
claim 索赔
coinsurance (共同保险 指会员在支付自付扣除金后,需按固定的百分比率,自付一部份医疗费用。例如,保险机构负责80%的认可支付额,余下的20%则由会员支付,该20%的金额即为「共同保险金」。
coinsurance maximum 最高共同保险费
consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act of 1985 是一项联邦法例,要求拥有员工人数20人或以上的雇主继续为合资格,但在某些情况下失去团体医疗保险的员工 及其受益人) 提供医疗保险福利。
copayment 定额手续费或简称copay
covered services 承保服务
deductible 自付扣除金
dependent 受供养者
drug formulary (处方药物表 由保险机构与药剂师及医生,共同划定的药剂产品列表,藉以在不影响素质的情况下,增加处方配药的效益。
durable medical equipment (dme/长期使用的医疗器材 可循环使用、有医疗上需要,用作维持身体功能的医疗器材。dme需持续使用,非为个人舒适或方便而设。例子包括:用作氧气治疗的空气压缩机、助行架、姿势引流版。亦作 「医疗器材」
effective date 生效日期
emergency care 急诊护理
enrollee 参加计划人
expiration date 截止日期
generic drug 副厂药
health maintenance organization (hmo/管理式医疗保险机构 医疗福利计划的其中一类,会员需于与「管理式医疗保险机构」合约的医疗护理提供者处接受的医疗服务。
home health care 居家护理
indemnity 赔偿
in-network 网络内
inpatient 住院护理
managed care 管理式医疗护理
medically necessary 有医疗需要的
member 会员
network (网络 与保险机构签有合约,以合约价格为会员提供医疗护理的医生、诊所、医院,及其他医疗护理提供者。
non-participating provider 非合约医疗护理提供者
out-of-network 网络外
out-of-pocket maximum 自付最高金额
outpatient 门诊服务
outpatient surgery 门诊手术
participating provider 合约医疗护理提供者
plan benefit maximum 福利最高承保额
preauthorization (事前核淮 在提供住院及非紧急门诊服务前,根据医疗需要及合适程度所作的一个事前覆检及评估程序。。
pre-existing condition 已存在的医疗状况
preferred provider organization (ppo/优惠医疗护理提供者机构 一项医疗福利计划,为鼓励会员使用指定「优惠医疗謢理提供者」
prescription 处方配药单
preventive care 预防保健护理
primary care physician 主治医生
prior authorization 预先核淮
provider 医疗护理提供者
provider network 医疗护理提供者网络
referral 转介
service area 承保范围
subscriber 投保人
urgent care 紧急护理
elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway 高架铁路
mine railway 矿区铁路
funicular (railway) 缆索铁路, 登山铁路
light railway line 轻便铁道
urban railway 市区铁路
railway network 铁路网
railway transport 铁路运输
trial run 试车
open to traffic 通车
porter 搬运工人
ticket inspector 查票员
ticket 车票
single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票
return ticket, roundtrip ticket 来回票
platform ticket 站台票
railway station 车站
station hall 车站大厅
information desk 服务台
waiting room 候车室
passenger station 客车站
time-table 时刻表
arrival time-table 到站时刻表
departure time-table 发车时刻表
ticket-collector, gateman 收票员
ticket office, booking office 售票处
junction 枢纽站
rail and water terminal 水陆联运站
platform bridge 天桥
luggage barrow 推行李车
enquiry office, information desk 问讯处
way station 小站
label 行李标签
luggage office 行李房
left-luggage office 行李暂存处
platform-ticket 验票口
barrier 栅栏门
platform 站台
(electric) platform truck 站台车
platform tunnel 站台地道
platform roofing 站台顶棚
station-master 站长
terminal; terminus 终点站
escalator 自动扶梯
the train leaves the station at..., the train is due out at... 火车在(某时)离站
to have one's ticket punched (给检票员)检票
10 minutes behind schedule 晚点十分钟
to change trains at ... 在(某地)换车
the train is due at ... 在(某时)到达
to break the journey 中途下车
dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车
pantry 餐车食品室
open wagon, (railway) wagon, (railway) truck 敞车
carriage, coach, car 车厢
roof 车顶
concertina walls (车厢通道两侧的)伸缩篷
step; foot board (车厢门口的)踏板
gangway (车厢的)通道
lidded ashtray 带盖烟灰盒
tank wagon 罐车
mixed train 混合列车
freight train, goods train 货物列车
engine, locomotive 机车
window seat 靠窗座位
coach, passenger train 客车
express train, express 快车
refrigerator wagon 冷藏车
car attendant; train attendant 列车员
guard, conductor 列车长
slow train, way train 慢车
covered wagon van, box car 棚车
ordinary train 普通列车
sleeping carriage with cushioned berths 软卧客车
up train 上行车
livestock wagon 牲畜车
sleeping car, sleeper 卧车
down train 下行车
luggage van, baggage car 行李车
rack, baggage rack 行李架
sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬卧客车
ordinary seat 硬席
carriage with semicushioned seats 硬座车
mail car 邮政车
mail and luggage van 邮政行李车
through train 直达车
special train 专车
pointsman, switchman 道岔工人
signal for blocking the track, block signal 闭塞信号
semaphore signal, home signal 臂板信号
warehouse 仓库
siding, sidetrack 侧线, 旁轨
turnout 岔道
weighing machine 秤重机
derailing (火车)出轨
single line (track) rail 单线
points, switches 道岔
switch lock, point lock 道岔锁
wait sign, wait signal 等候标志(信号)
marshalling yard, shunting yard 调车场
dispatching 调度
dispatcher 调度员
crossover 渡线, 转线轨道
rail 钢轨
track 轨道
sleeper, railroad tie 轨枕
rail chair 轨座
buffer stop, bumping post 缓冲桩
goods shed, freight depot 货棚
goods station 货运站, 货站
container 集装箱
locomotive (engine) shed 机车库
station warning sign 进站预告标
clearance 净空
(signal) gantry ?(铁路上支持信号装置的)跨线桥
barrier (道口)拦路木
section 路段
reduce speed sign(al) 慢行标志(信号)
bell and whistle sign, whistle sign 鸣笛预告标
platform car, flat car平车, grade crossing, level crossing, (道路与铁路的)平面交叉
track-laying machine, tracklayer 铺轨机
double line (track) rail 双线
volume of railway freight 铁路货运量
railway connections 铁路交叉点, 铁路联络线
railway warning sign 铁路警告标志
railway clearance 铁路净空
railroad bed 铁路路基
railway curve 铁路曲线(弯道)
railway tunnel 铁路隧道
railway line, railroad line 铁路线
stop sign(al) 停车标志(信号)
danger sign(al) 危险标志(信号)
unprotected crossing 无防护设备的道口
signal light (lamp) 信号灯
signal box, signalman's cabin 信号房
signalman 信号员
wing rail (of frog) 翼轨
distant signal, disk signal, target 圆盘信号机
back-turning section 折返段
frog 辙叉, 岔心
turn-table 转车台, 旋车盘
point (box), switch (box) 转辙器
switch signal, point indicator 转辙信号
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