under my skin 钻到我的皮下(让我极不舒服)
under the weather 受了风寒
until the cows come home 等到牛回家(空等,白等)
until you are blue in the face 干到脸发青(也是白干)
unwind 放松发条(轻松下来)
up for grabs 大家有份
up in the air 挂在空中(悬而未决)
walk in someone's shoes 穿他的鞋走走看(设身处地,经历相同)
walk on air(高兴得)脚不点地,飘飘然
washed up 像是洗过的(筋疲力尽,力气都放完了)
water off a duck's back 鸭背的水珠(马耳东风)
water under the bridge 桥下的水(逝水,覆水)
when hell freezes over 地狱结冰(绝不可能的事)
weed out 除去杂草(淘汰)
well rounded全 能,全才
when pigs fly 猪飞的时候(绝不可能)
not lift a finger 连手指都不动一动(袖手旁观)
wound up 上足发条(紧张,兴奋)
wrapped around his/her little finger 化为绕指柔(玩弄于股掌之间)
wring his neck 扭断他的脖子
call it a night一日事毕,可以睡觉了
can't teach an old dog new tricks老狗学不会新把戏
cash in my chips兑换筹码(睡觉,就寝)
circle the wagons把篷车围成一圈(严阵以待)
clean up one's act自我检点,自我改进
come down in bucket倾盆大雨
come down in sheets整片整片地下(倾盆大雨)
cool your lips冷静下来
cost someone an arm and a leg要花上一条胳膊一条腿(代价昂贵)
count on something /doing something 这事靠得住
count your chickens before they hatch 蛋还没孵化,先数小鸡
crock 破瓦片(无用之物,废话)
cross the line 跨过线(做得太过分了)
cross that bridge when we come to it 到了桥头就过桥(船到桥头自然直)
cry over spilled milk 为泼了牛奶而哭(为过去的失败而懊丧)
cushion the blow 给垫着点儿(说话绵软一点,以免打击太重)
cut to the chase 抄捷径去追猎物(不绕圈子,开门见山,单刀直入)
daily grind 例行苦事,每天得干的苦工
days are numbered 来日无多
dead center 正当中
dead-end street 死路,死巷子
dog 狗(丑八怪)
domino effect 骨牌效应
don't hold your breath 别憋着呼吸(别期望太高)
don't look a gift horse in the mouth 赠马不看牙(收人礼物别嫌好道歹)
down to the wire 最后关头
down under 南边(常指面半球的澳洲)
downhill from here 从此都是下坡路(自此每况愈下)
drop the ball 掉了球(失职)
empty nest 空巢(儿女长大离家)
every cloud has a silver lining 乌云也有银边(祸兮福所倚,塞翁失马)
fall into place 落实,就绪
fender bender 撞弯保险杠的车祸(小车祸)
fight tooth and nail 爪牙并施,拚命抵抗
fine line 细线(微妙的差别)
fish out of water 如鱼离水
flash in the pan 淘金盆里的反光(空欢喜一场,好景不长)
fork in the road 岔路
fox 狐狸(并无贬意)
framed 被陷害,遭栽赃
full throttle 加足马力
get a foot in the door 一脚已经进了门里(获得立足点,占一份)
get hitched 拴起来(结婚)
get off on the wrong foot 起步便错(第一印象不佳)
get the ball rolling 让球滚起来(动起手来)
get/give the green light 绿灯亮了(获准行动)
get up on the wrong side of the bed 起床下错边
give the shirt off one's back 连衬衫都肯脱给人(慷慨成性)
go one step too far 多走了一步(做得太过分了)
go out on a limb 爬高枝(担风险)
go overboard 过火
go to hell in a hand basket 坐着吊篮下地狱(一坏不可收拾)
go to one's head 上头上脸,冲昏头脑
go under 沉没(破产)
goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩
grasp for straws 抓稻草(绝望中的挣扎,快要淹死的人连漂浮的稻草也抓)
guts 胆子
off the charts 好得没治了
off the deep end 暴跳如雷
off the fop of one's head 临时一想,随口一说
on a good note 尽欢而散
on a roll 做得很顺,势如破竹
on cloud nine 九霄云上
on fire 着火了(红火,手气旺)
on my nerves 惹我心烦
on pins and needles 如坐针毡,坐立不安
on tap 桶装啤酒(现成的,预备好的)
on the back burner 搁在靠后的炉子上(靠边站)
on the ball 看球看得准(做事有准备,有把握)
on the edge of my seat 坐在椅子前沿(专心地看和听)
on the rocks 触礁,搁浅;加冰块
on the same page 在同一页上(进度相同)
on the tip of my tongue 话到舌尖,呼之欲出
once in a blue moon 出蓝月亮的时候(稀罕,少见)
one foot in the grave 一脚已经入了坟(入土三尺)
one of a kind 独一无二
one step ahead of you 领先你一步
out of the pan and into the fire 跳出锅里,掉进火里(每况愈下)
out of the picture 不在画面里
out of this world 人世所无,只应天上有
pale in comparison 相形失色
peas in a pod一 荚之豆(好哥儿们)
pieces come together 拼图游戏凑成图案(诸事顺利,达成完美结果)
play it by ear不 用看谱(随机应变)
plenty of other fish in the sea 海里的鱼多得很(天涯何处无芳草)
poker face 扑克面孔(喜怒不形于色)
pop the question 提出大问题(求婚)
pot calling the kettle black 锅嫌壶黑(五十步笑百步)
pull oneself up by one's bootstraps 拎着鞋带把自己提起来(凭自己的力量重新振作起来)
pull the rug out from underneath someone 地毯从脚下被抽出(事出意外)
punch your lights out 揍得你两眼发黑
put all of one's eggs in one basket 鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里(孤注一掷)
put one's foot in one's mouth 把脚丫放进嘴里(说错话了)
put one's nose to the grindstone 鼻子冲着磨刀石(专心工作)
put the cart before the horse 车在马前(本末倒置)
put up the white flag 竖白旗(投降,放弃)
rain on your parade 游行时下雨(扫兴,浇冷水)
rain cats and dogs 天上下猫,天上下狗(倾盆大雨)
raise the bar 提高横竿(更上一层楼)
read someone like a book 对这个人一目了然
red handed 趁着手上的血还没洗净时候抓住,在犯罪现场被逮
red tape(扎公文的)红带子,官样文章(繁文缛节)
right down my alley 恰是我的路(正能者多劳的胃口)
rob the cradle 劫摇篮(老牛吃嫩草)
rock the boat晃船(无事生非,制造不安定)
rumple my feathers 逆指羽毛(逆批龙鳞)
seamless 天衣无缝
secret weapon 秘密武器
see right through someone 一眼看穿,洞烛其奸
shoot for the stars sick and tired 射星星(立志要高)
sit shotgun 厌烦
six one way, half a dozen the other一 边六个,一边半打(半斤八两)
skate on thin ice 在薄冰上滑冰(如履薄冰,身历险境)
skeleton in one's closet 壁橱里的骷髅(不可告人的事)
skin and bones 皮包骨
sleep on it 睡在上面(考虑一晚上)
small talk 寒喧,闲聊
smooth sailing 一帆风顺
snowball 滚雪球,越滚越大
snowball's chance in hell 雪球进了地狱(希望不大)
spark 火星(来电)
spineless 没脊梁(没有骨气)
split hairs 细分头发(吹毛求疵)
stab in the back 背后插刀(遭人暗算)
stallion 千里驹(貌美体健的男人)
stand someone up 对方失约,让人空等
stick a fork in him, he's done 用叉子戳他一下看看,他烤熟了吧
stop and smell the roses 停下来闻玫瑰(享受生活)
straw that broke the camel's back压断骆驼脊梁的稻草(最后致命的一击)
straight from the horse's mouth 听马说的(根据最可靠的消息来源)
strike out 三振出局
stud 种马(貌美体健的男人)
swing for the fence 打全垒打
take a hike 走路(滚蛋)
take a rain check 因雨停赛时送给观众下次免费来看的票(另一次机会)
take off 动身
take one for the team 为了全队挨一下(为了集体利益,牺牲个人利益)
take the word right out of someone's mouth 替我说了(你所说的正是我想要说的)
the ball is in someone's court 球在你那边(该你行动了)
the walls have ears 墙有耳朵(隔墙有耳)
the whole nine yards 整整九码(一举成功,美式足球的攻方一次需推进十码)
throw in the towel 扔毛巾(认输,放弃)
tie the knot 打结(结婚)
toe the line 循规蹈矩,沿着线走
tongue in cheek 闲磕牙(挖苦地)
too many cooks in the kitchen 厨房里厨子太多(筑室道谋,三个和尚没水渴)
twinkle in your mother's eye 母亲眼中的一闪灵光(未出娘胎)
twisted 脾气拧,别扭
two left feet 有两左脚(笨手笨脚)
经常用于亲密关系。和好朋友说话的时候可以用,类似于美国人用的“buddy,pal,dude”。例如:’Alright, mate?’
Bugger All
相当于“nothing at all”,只不过这个说法更通俗一点。例如:’I’ve had bugger all to do all day.’
用来形容一个很累,很疲惫,就是筋疲力尽的意思。例如:‘I am absolutely knackered after working all day.’
这个是英国俚语中最悲伤的表达方式之一,表示很悲痛。例如:‘His girlfriend broke up with himHe’s absolutely gutted.’
难以置信,表示震惊。例如:‘I was gobsmacked when she told me she was pregnant with triplets.(三胞胎)’
Cock Up
犯错,而且这个错误比较严重。如:‘The papers sent out to the students were all in the wrong language – it’s a real cock up.’ 也可以这么用:‘I cocked up the orders for table number four.’
很棒,极好的。例如:‘That tackle(截球) from the Spanish player was blinding.’
Lost The Plot
这个表达方式可以表示很愤怒,如果是过去式的话,那就表示一个人很荒谬可笑。例如: ‘When my girlfriend saw the mess I’d made, she lost the plot.’
这个在英国不同的郡有不同的意思。在有些地方就是朋友一起聚会喝酒时干杯,但有些地方则表示感谢,就是 ‘thank you’的意思了。例如:‘Cheers for getting me that drink, Steve’.
表示很精彩、优秀,也可以说考试大获全胜。例如:‘Jenny is ace at the lab experiments’; 也可以这样说:‘I think I aced that exam’.
Damp squib
字面上的意思就是“哑炮”,也就表示什么事失算落空了。例如:‘The party was a bit of a damp squib because only Richard turned up.’
这个表示意见不同的时候发生的冲突。例如:‘I had a right kerfuffle with my girlfriend this morning over politics.’
表示垃圾或废话。例如:‘That’s a load of tosh about what happened last night’还可以说: ‘Don’t talk tosh.’
Car park
这个英国随处可见,就是美国喜欢用的parking,停车场的意思。例如:‘I left my car in the car park this morning.’
如果有人假装生病逃班或逃课的时候,就可以用这个词。例如:‘He tried to skive off work but got caught by his manager.’
一般表示垃圾,有时候也表示讽刺,比‘bollocks’更轻一点。例如:‘Can you take the rubbish out please?’还可以说:‘What? Don’t talk rubbish.’
这个是英国俚语中攻击对方用的最“友善”的表达方式,和朋友开玩笑就可以用,比“Jerk”还要适用噢~例如:‘That guy just cut me up in traffic – what a wanker.’
意味着情况良好,cool,或标准的。例如: ‘Yeah, everything’s hunky-dory at the office.’
这个词不是英国专属词,但是它是英国人惯用的表达方式。具体一点就是表示很令人兴奋、精彩的事,尤其是好消息。例如:‘You got the job? Oh, mate, that’s brilliant.’
All to pot
这个表达方式年代久远,但至今仍然有人在用。表示情况失控。例如:‘The birthday party went all to pot when the clown turned up drunk and everyone was sick from that cheap barbecue stuff.’
The bee’s knees
用来表示你很钦佩的人或事。例如:‘She thinks Barry’s the bee’s knees’
这个是英国俚语里最不可或缺的表达,不仅表示喝醉呕吐,生病呕吐也可以用。例如:‘I ate a bad pizza last night after too many drinks and chundered in the street.’
Take the piss
现在许多英国人很喜欢吐槽,这个俚语就是嘲笑,吐槽的意思啦。例如:‘The guys on TV last night were taking the piss out of the government again.’
这个词有很多意思,如果你很失望,可以说‘Oh bollocks’;这个词还有嘲笑的意思;本身还表示男性生殖器官。例如:‘I kicked him right in the bollocks when he wouldn’t let me go past.’
这个用法很多英国人都会用,表示两周十四天。例如:‘I’m going away for a fortnight to Egypt for my summer holiday.’
这个跟之前提到的‘bollocks’ 意思可不一样,bollocking表示来自上司、同事或者是亲人的责骂。例如:‘My wife gave me a real bollocking for getting to pick up the dry cleaning on my way home from work.’
Nice one
表示讽刺意味,但是语境不同的话,也可以表示真诚的意思。例如:‘You messed up the Rutherford order? Nice one, really.’
Brass monkeys
表示天气很冷。字面意思就是冷得把铜猴都冻成球了。例如:‘You need to wear a coat today, it’s brass monkeys outside.’
英国俚语里,这个词表示什么事是错的,非法的,或者是坏的。例如:‘He just seems dodgy to me.’
如果某样东西非常非常好吃,就可以用这个词。例如:‘Mrs Walker’s pie was absolutely scrummyI had three pieces.’
· have it all together
· Recently I don't have it all together.
· MEANING: feel mentally all there.
· heave
· I heaved up on the floor.
· MEANING: vomited
· high
· The teenagers look high to me.
· MEANING: intoxicated on drugs or alcohol
· hip-shooter
· He is such a hip-shooter.
· MEANING: always talking without thinking
· history
· I don't have any idea where my old boyfriend is. He's history.
· MEANING: something in the past
· hit
· Your proposal was a hit with the boss.
· MEANING: successful
· hole up
· I had to hole up for three days because the police were looking for me.
· MEANING: hide
· honcho
· The honcho says that we are going to have to give up two days of our vacation.
· MEANING: boss
· hooker
· Her clothes make her look like a hooker.
· MEANING: prostitute
· hot
· The police stopped them because they though the car was hot.
· MEANING: stolen
· huffy
· I will do it soon so please don't get huffy.
· MEANING: angry
· hungry
· If you are not hungry, you won't get ahead in the business.
· MEANING: eager to make money
· hustle
· If you don't hustle, we will be late again.
· MEANING: hurry up
· hyped
· The fans were all hyped up for the football game.
· MEANING: excited
· hyper
· Don't get hyper about what she told you. You know it isn't true.
· MEANING: over excited
· I.D.
· Can you show me some I.D. please?
· MEANING: identification
· in
· The tie you are wearing is really in.
· MEANING: fashionable
· in deep
· They are really in deep with each other.
· MEANING: deeply involved
· in the bag
· Everything is in the bag. There is nothing to worry about.
· MEANING: settled
· intense
· This is a very intense situation we are discussing.
· MEANING: serious
· jam
· I am glad you got yourself out of that jam.
· MEANING: trouble
· jerk someone around
· Recently it seems like everyone is jerking me around.
· MEANING: wasting my time and causing me trouble
· jock
· My roommate is a jock for the basketball team.
· MEANING: an athlete
· john
· The john really smells.
· MEANING: bathroom
· joint
· Where is the closest joint to here.
· MEANING: cheap bar
· joint
· He is good at rolling joints.
· MEANING: marijuana cigarettes
· junkie
· Sam is a junkie.
· MEANING: rug addict
· just off the boat
· He acts like he is just off the boat.
· MEANING: naive
· keep one's cool
· He kept his cool when his house burned down.
· MEANING: remained calm
· kegger
· I hear there is a kegger at John's house tonight.
· MEANING: beer party
· kick
· I get a kick out of watching him paint.
· MEANING: enjoy
· klutz
· He is a real klutz.
· MEANING: stupid and clumsy person
· knock
· Don't knock it if you can't do it any better.
· MEANING: criticize
· knocked up
· My dog gets knocked up once a year.
· MEANING: pregnant
· knockout
· Who was that knockout I saw you with last Friday?
· MEANING: stunning person
· knuckle sandwich
· Shut up or I'll give you a knuckle sandwich.
· MEANING: punch in the mouth
· kook
· Watch out for all the kooks in this neighborhood.
· MEANING: strange people
· laid-back
· You need to be more laid-back.
· MEANING: calm and relaxed
talk turkey打开天窗说亮话
let’s talk turkey, see if you agree. i’ll get 55%of the share, and you’ll get the rest.
· not say uncle拒不认错,不服输
i don’t know when he has ever said uncle to anyone.
· take a dim view of…对……抱悲观态度;不赞同
teachers in middle schools usually take a dim view of students’ talking up too many after-class activities.
· walk all over someone任意欺负某人
my neighbor walked all over me. he left rubbish in my door, stamped on my grass and wax my windows. i decided to fight back.
· drive someone to the wall把某人逼得走投无路
he hates learning foreign languages. but the challenging situation drives him to the wall. he decides to go to an evening class.
· drive someone up the wall把某人搞得心烦意乱
would you please turn down that rap music? it has driven me up the wall.
· be in hot water陷入困境
i’m sorry i can’t lend you money. i myself am in hot water.
· like water off a duck’s back满不在乎,不起作用
i can do nothing about him. criticism rolls off like water off a duck’s back. it goes into his one ear and comes out of the other.
· meet one’s waterloo惨败
the famous lawyer met his waterloo at the hands of a fledgling lawyer.
· fish in troubled waters浑水摸鱼
don’t tell him that we need that material badly, he is good at fishing in troubled waters and will take advantage of it.
· make waves兴风作浪
everything went smoothly in her wedding ceremony, when her formal boyfriend came to make waves by drinking the bridegroom under the table.
· have a way with something/someone有应付……的办法
she will make a good teacher. she seems to have a way with even the most disobedient boy.
· pave the way for…为……铺平道路
donation from every walks of life has paved the way for the hope project to proceed.
1. kick ass 了不起
A: Wow, you fixed my computer in less than 10 minutes. You’re good. (哇! 你不到十分钟就把我的计算机修好了呀! 你很棒! )
B: Yep. I just kick ass. (是的! 我就是厉害! )
“kick ass” 除了字面上的「踢屁股」外, 还有「厉害、打败」的意思。当「踢屁股」时, 比如某人放你鸽子, 你很气, 就可以说:”I’m going to kick his ass.” (我得踢他的屁股)。当「厉害」用时, 就像上面例句一样用。”kick ass”还可作「打败某人的意思」。比如某人一向在某方面比你强, 终于有一天你比他厉害了, 你就可以说:”Hahaha…I kicked your ass.”。觉得“ass” 太难听的人, 就用“butt” 吧!
2. XYZ 检查你的拉链
Hey, man. XYZ. (老兄啊! 检查一下你的拉链吧。)“XYZ” 是“Check your zipper.” 的意思。在美国, 填表选项时多用打「X」来表示(台湾则用打勾表示)。这个选项的动作就叫”Check”, 也就是这里的XYZ 的X所代表的。Y 是Your, Z 就是Zipper 啰!
3. Hit the road. 上路了
A: Do you want to come in for some tea? (你要不要进来喝个茶呢?)
B: No. I’m running late. I really need to hit the road.(不了。我快迟到了, 得上路了)
“running late”
“Hit the road” 的“hit”有「去」的意思。好比某人每周去健身房三次, 你就可以说 “He hits the gym three times a week.”。
“I really need to hit the road.” 还可以用说成”I really need to get going.”。
4. hang out 和朋友在一起
A: I don’t know what is going on lately. Jack seems to curse a lot
these days. 不知道最近Jack怎么搞的。他经常口出恶言。
B: Well, that’s just what you get from hanging out with the wrong crowd.
嗯, 交错了朋友就是这样啊!
“hang out” 是和朋友一起做一些事。看电影、逛街、聊天都算。也不限指异性朋友。
5. click (两人)合得来
I really like talking to her. I think we two really click. 我很喜欢和她说话。我觉得我们两个蛮合得来的。(以前只知道click the mouse,真是鼠目寸光啊!不过click 不一定用在异性之间。朋友之间的频率相同也可以用。)
A: Do you want to come in for some tea? (你要不要进来喝个茶呢?)
B: No. I’m running late. I really need to hit the road.(不了。我快迟到了, 得上路了)
“running late”
“Hit the road” 的“hit”有「去」的意思。好比某人每周去健身房三次, 你就可以说 “He hits the gym three times a week.”。
“I really need to hit the road.” 还可以用说成”I really need to get going.”。
6. Shoot! 说吧!; 有屁快放!
A: I’ve got a question for you.我想请问你一个问题。
B: Shoot!说吧! “Shoot!” 除了当「说吧!」外, 很多女孩子也用它来代替 “_!”, 因觉得后者听起来不雅。
7. Give it a shot! 试试看!
A: It would be so cool if I can win this contest. I don’t think I’m good
enough, though. 要是我可以赢了这项比赛的话会有多好。但我不认为自己够好。
B: Give it a shot! You’ll never know 试试看啊! 没试怎么会知道!
8. push around 驱使(某人)
A. Gary, do you think you can rewrite this paper. I don’t really like the topic. Gary, 你想你是不是可以把这个报告重写一遍。我并不是很喜欢那个主题。
B: Hey, I’m only trying to help you out. You shouldn’t be pushing me
around like this. 嘿! 我是在帮你忙耶! 你不应该这样指使我喔! 「把一个人推来推去」应该和「指使」很容易联想吧
9.catch some Zs小睡一下
A: Excuse me. I have to catch some Zs. 抱歉!我想小睡一下。
B: I thought you just woke up. Sleepy head. 我以为你才刚睡醒。爱睡虫。漫画里的人睡觉,不是都画”Z,Z,Z…”来表示吗? 这里的 “catch some Zs” 就是这样来的。”I have tocatch some Zs.”也可以说”I have to take a nap.”或“I need to snooze.”。
10. brush off 不理; 默视
A: Have you talked to Mr. Lambert about Ian’s obscene speech towards you?
你跟Lambert 先生提过Ian 对你讲的猥亵的话吗? B: Yes, but he brushed it off as if it were not a big deal to him. 有! 但他轻轻带过(不理),
好象他觉得那并没有什么! “brush away(aside)” 也是「不理」的意思。如”He brushed aside our objection.”(他无视我们的反对)。
11. boss around 颐指气使
A: Oh! No. I’ve got assigned to work with Marvin for our group project.噢! 不! 我被分配跟Marvin 一起做团体作业。B: Ooh! I heard that he love to boss people around. 唉呀! 我听说他很爱指使人的。“boss around” 和“push around” 都是「指使人」的意思。说一个人爱命令人也可以说”He is very bossy.”。
12. Oh, boy! 乖乖! 唉呀! 真是!
A: Guess what? We first got a flat tire, and now my cell phone is dead. 你猜怎么了? 首先我门的车爆胎了, 现在我的行动电话又没电了。
B: Oh, boy! 唉!
“flat tire” 是「爆胎」的意思」。
“Oh, boy!”是美国人用的一种感叹表示词句。不必问他们为什么不说“Oh, girl” 还是别的,因为他们也不知道
13.spooky 玄; 可怕的
A: I had a dream last night that Keith and I had a big argument.
This morning he came in wearing the same clothes he had on in my dream! 我昨晚梦见我Keith 大吵了一顿。今天早上, 他穿著和他昨晚在我梦里穿的一样的衣服进来。
B: That’s spooky! 真玄! “spooky” 就是一些所谓的鬼怪、太凑巧而令人觉得「恐怖」的意思。
14 Say cheese. (照相时)笑一个在咱是“茄子”,”cheese”异曲同工了。
15. eat 使困扰; 使不开心
A. What’s eating you? You’ve been so quiet all morning. 什么事让你不开心呢? 你整个早上都不说话。
B: I bombed in my final exam. 我的期末考砸了!“What’s eating you?”是个很常听到的俚语。当你觉得个人好象为某事所困扰, 以致整个人不大对劲, 就可以用这句话来问他,到底发生什么事了。“bomb” 是个很有意思的字, 因为可以表
示「完全的失败」, 也可以表示「作得很好」。要看当时的情形决定。
16. jazz (something) up 让(一件事物)变得有趣些
A: What do you think of this? 你觉得这怎么样?
B: It’s kind of dead. Maybe you want to add more graphics to jazz it up.有点闷。也许你可以加点图让它变得生动有趣些。“jazz (something) up”是使一件原本可能有点沉闷的事变得有趣些。好比有人在一个冗长的会议里作些说些笑话之类的事, 企图让大家从昏迷中醒来, 就可以说”He tried to jazz the meeting up.”
17. My hands are tied 我无能为力
A: Mr. Chapman, can I hand in my homework next time. I left it at home.
A: Chapman先生, 我能不能下次再交作业呢? 我把功课忘在家了。
B: All of the scores must be given to the office by Friday, so you must have your homework today. It is a school rule and there is nothing I can do. My hands are tied!.所有的分数都必须在礼拜五前交到办公室(学校), 所以你今天一定要有你的作业。这是学校的规定,我无能为力。“My hands are tied.” 在这里并不是真正「手被绑起来」的意思,而是指「没办法」的意思。好比电话响了,你很忙不能接, 也可以说:”Can you get it? My hand are tied.” (我很忙, 你能接一下吗?” 。
18. love handles 游泳圈、中广、胖的腰围
A: You’d better lose those love handles fast. I’m tired of having so much to hold on to. 你快把你的肥肚子减掉。我对老是有这么多(肥肉)在那里让我可以抓着觉得很烦。
B: I think I look fine, my dear. 亲爱的,我觉得我看起来很好啊! 上面的对话可能是一些太太会对发福的先生所讲的,这太太也毒了点吧?
· Let's crack open a bottle for his birthday.
· MEANING: open
· cram
· I need more time to cram for the test.
· MEANING: study hard
· cream
· Our team creamed them badly.
· MEANING: beat
· croak
· I feel like I am going to croak.
· MEANING: die
· cruise
· The skier was cruising down the hill
· MEANING: going very fast
· cuffs
· He put the cuffs on the killer.
· MEANING: handcuffs
· cushy
· He has a really cushy job.
· MEANING: easy
· cut
· Could you cut my whiskey with a little water?
· MEANING: dilute
· cut out
· It is late. I have to cut out.
· MEANING: leave
· damage
· Lets get the bill and find out the damage.
· MEANING: cost
· dead
· This disco is really dead tonight.
· MEANING: quiet
· deck
· He was decked in the fight.
· MEANING: knocked down
· deep pockets
· Her boyfriend has deep pockets.
· MEANING: is a good source of money
· dicey
· Since the weather is a little dicey, I won't go today.
· MEANING: chancy
· dirty
· I hear that it's a dirty movie.
· MEANING: an obscene
· ditch
· I'll ditch my younger brother with my grandmother.
· MEANING: leave
· do a snow job on
· Don't try to do a snow job on me.
· MEANING: deceive
· dope
· He is such a dope.
· MEANING: stupid person
· dope
· There are a lot of dope dealers around here.
· MEANING: drug
· dork
· He is such a dork.
· MEANING: strange person
· dough
· I need some dough before I can go Christmas shopping.
· MEANING: money
· down
· Let's go to a bar and down a few beers.
· MEANING: drink quickly
· drag
· Doing homework on the weekend is a drag.
· MEANING: boring
· dynamite
· This drink is really dynamite.
· MEANING: powerful; great
· earful
· My grandmother gave me an earful about the neighborhood.
· MEANING: a lot of gossip
· easy mark
· The Japanese are an easy mark because they usually carry cash.
· MEANING: likely victims
· eat
· The problem is really eating away at me.
· MEANING: bothering
· excellent
· That's excellent man.
· MEANING: fine
· face-off
· The two sides were headed for a nasty face-off.
· MEANING: confrontation
· far-out
· This music is really far-out.
· MEANING: great
· fix
· The addict needs another fix.
· MEANING: dose of drugs
· flaky
· He is too flaky to do the work.
· MEANING: unreliable
· flashback
· At the wedding he had a flashback of his old girlfriend.
· MEANING: remembered
· flick
· I haven't seen a flick in a long time.
· MEANING: movie
· flip out
· He flipped out when he heard that his mother had been killed.
· MEANING: lost control
· flip side
· What kind of music do you have on the flip side of the tape?
· MEANING: other side
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