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1. You Didn't Follow Up


Following up after a job interview isn't an optional gesture; it's mandatory if you want to stay in the running for the position. Initiating communication after your interview, even if it's just an email to say thank-you and you'reenthusiastic about the opportunity, separates you from another candidatewho wasn't thoughtful about her follow-up.

在 面试 后询问情况并不是可有可无的一步,如果你想成为这个职位的有利竞争者,这是必须要做的事情,主动在 面试 后和HR联系,即使只是简单的发封邮件表答谢意或者表明很珍惜这次机会,都能体现出你和其他没有跟进的 面试 者的区别。

2. Your Contact Info Was Wrong or Lost


It's a cover letter must to include your contact information, even though you already put it on your resume. Prepare for the possibility that your papers might get separated so the hiring manager isn't left without a way to contact you. Also, be sure to triple check your email address and phone number that you provide ― there are few things more careless than providing incorrect contact information.

求职 信中必须包含你的联络方式,即使你在 简历 中已经写过一遍了。你的纸质 简历 如果不幸被分的七零八落,你必须确保HR还能联络到你。而且,你留下的电子邮箱和电话号码要反复核对――如果因为写错联络方式失去了机会,你后悔千万次也没有用。

3. They're Taking Their Time


If your position is a newly created role the employer may not be in a rush to fill it; they'll want to see a range of applicants before selecting one. Pay attention to the date the position was first listed ― if you applied soon after it was posted, the employer may be holding out on making a decision until the job has been open for a certain amount of time.


他们想在确定最佳人选前多面试几个应聘者。注意下 招聘 发布的时间――如果你是在发布不久后就投递了 简历 ,公司会让这个职位空缺一段时间后再决定人选。

4. Budget Hasn't Been Finalized


Departments' budgets dictate how much they can pay new hires and whether or not adding personnel is possible., so you may not be receiving a call because the department is waiting on its final numbers.

部门预算会决定你申请的部门是否 招聘 以及付给新员工多少报酬,所以你没收到公司通知或许是因为他们的最终预算还没有确定。

5. There Aren't Enough Hours in the Day


Keep in mind that your employment isn't the only thing the hiring manager has on her plate, not to mention there are several people involved in hiring decisions. If it's a particularly busy time in the industry then hiring could be a lower priority than usual.

你要明白 招聘 并不是HR经理唯一的工作,而且雇佣工作是需要 不同部分的人商量之后共同决定的。如果你申请工作所属的行业正处于旺季,那招聘进程可能会较为缓慢。

6. An Offer Has Already Been Extended . . .


. . . to someone else. If the position has already been offered to anothercandidate and is waiting for that person to accept the offer, they'll withhold from making contact with other applicants in the running. This process can take longer than you'd think ― the preferred candidate could be on vacation or trying to negotiate salary. An employer won't let you know a position has been filled until it's been formalized.







By Jeff Schmitt

You've probably read plenty of job-hunting articles. And they're all the same.


A so-called expert will advise you to develop a plan, broaden your skills, and network. On résumés, they will counsel you to customize, use keywords, and quantify your accomplishments2. If you land an interview, they will remind you to mind your body language, ask good questions, and convey confidence and enthusiasm.


This isn't one of those articles.


These are troubled times. We hear the horror stories daily. Unemployment swelling3. Nest eggs dissolving. Prices rising. Businesses failing. Debts mounting. Workloads4 crushing. Politicians squawking. We live at the mercy of larger forces; anxious about the lives we know; wondering what will happen next. For most, this is not the time to switch companies…or lose a job. But many will be forced to, through no fault of their own.


Even worse, a job hunt is often a demeaning process. The rejection can leave you demoralized. You'll jump through countless5 hoops6 and operate on other people's terms. In the end, you'll still hear, “You're not quite what we're looking for” (if you hear anything at all).


In today's economy, a job hunt requires more time, sweat, and money than ever. You'll follow the fundamentals and still have little to show for it. At some point, it is only natural to ask yourself, “What's wrong with me?”


Maybe nothing. Maybe it's them.


By Jeff Schmitt

So when your fruitless search fills you with angst and self-doubt, always remember the following truths about job hunting: 所以当你毫无结果的搜索让你充满焦虑和怀疑自己,一定得记住下面有关求职的事实:

• Job Hunting is Unfair 找工作是不公平的

The best person isn't always picked—and the playing field is rarely even. The cliché, “it's not what you know, but who you know” is extremely relevant. 公司选择的并不总是最优秀的人——而且,求职之路也极少平坦。那句“你知道什么不要紧,你认识谁才要紧”用在这里再合适不过。

There are so many ways to get passed over—and many reasons for it. A company may already have a candidate in mind, such as a proven internal applicant2 who represents little risk. They may hire someone who struck a chord, whose pop and polish masked his deficits3. It could come down to a gut4 feeling. There could be political, considerations too. 被忽略掉的情况简直太多了——而且背后有许多原因。公司心中也许已有人选,比如一位已经确定、不存在多少风险的内部申请者。他们雇佣的也许是一位意气相投,极好地掩饰了自己缺陷的人。可能最终还是凭感觉,还可能存在政治、报偿考虑。

Bottom line: Companies want to deal with people they know. They want to hire people they like and implicitly5 trust. Like all of us, their judgment6 is sometimes faulty. Don't view it as an indictment7 of you as a person. 结论:公司希望与自己了解的人相处。他们希望聘用自己喜欢、并且信任的人。和我们每个人一样,他们的评判有时是错误的。不要把它看成是对你本人的评判。

• Decision-Makers Aren't Always on Target 决策人眼光不准

Many times, screeners are far removed from the front lines. Don't assume they are aware of industry developments. Don't assume they study what works outside their company. Most important, don't assume they are well-versed in a position's daily responsibilities and requirements. 许多时候,筛选人与一线人员相差很大。不要认为他们了解行业的发展。不要认为他们研究过企业外部的情况。最重要的一点是,不要认为他们精通某个职位的日常责任和要求。

Even more, employers don't always apply the right formula in hiring decisions. They may apply a successful organization's methodology without taking underlying8 variables like stage of growth into account. They may mine the company history for specific traits and success stories, without examining how positions evolve. Worst of all, they may evaluate candidates based on the values they preach, not the ones they actually practice (or vice9 versa). 更有甚者,雇主在做出招聘决定的时候不会使用正确的程序。他们可能会使用一个成功组织的方法,而不将潜在的变化——比如成长阶段——考虑在内。他们也许根据公司历史情况寻找特定品质或成功故事,而没有审视职位演变的情况。最糟糕的是,他们也许根据自己鼓吹的而不是实际身体力行的(反之亦然)价值观来评估候选人。

Sometimes, hiring efforts get off track. Often, it is the candidates themselves who expose flawed suppositions during the interview process. In the end, all you can do is research, network, and be yourself. The rest takes care of itself. 有时候,招聘过程会“脱轨”。经常是候选人本人在面试过程中揭露出了那些缺陷假设。最终,你能做的一切就是去调查、建立人际网络、做你自己。让其它事情顺其自然吧。




作 者:王宇杨 柯雯  作者单位: 刊 名:专用汽车 英文刊名:SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLE 年,卷(期):2008 “”(6) 分类号: 关键词: 























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