Have you ever found yourself hyped up for a new project or program? You get started with full steam, and about two-thirds the way through, you start lagging. You lose interest, meet some stumbling blocks, and think, “Maybe I should just throw this project out.”
无悔人生 勇追目标
Well, you're not alone. Following through is one of the most challenging tasks, specifically when it comes to something you are doing for yourself. I say this because if you were working at a job for somebody else, I am sure you have no problem completing the task on time, and following through to the end. After all, your job and weekly pay depend on it.
However, for some reason, when it comes to your personal goals, you let things slide.
What gives?
Why the hell do we work harder for others than ourselves?
Isn't that a little backwards?
Don't your dreams matter?
If you said, “YES!” I have 3 ways to get you to follow-through on your goals.
1. Decide If You Really Want It:
This is a tough one. There are things we think we want, and then there are things we really want. Imagine you say to yourself, “I want to start taking Zumba classes.” Yet, you don't follow through. When you don't follow through, you need to ask yourself if you really want it. If you just say you want it because your friend is doing it, or because you read somewhere that it's fun, then you won't have the inner motivation to take action. However, when the motivation comes from within, the desire to take action is a lot stronger. Basically, you need to get honest with yourself, and decide if you are intrinsically motivated to take action, or if it is merely something you think you should be doing.
2. Wash Fear Aside:
Once you establish that you want it, you may still encounter fear. You may think, “I really want to try Zumba, but I am afraid I will look silly… or, what if I don't know what I'm doing?” Those are the old fear patterns that are bound to come up. When you REALLY want something, the want must overpower the fear. This is where giving yourself a pep-talk works wonders to get you to take action, despite the fear. Just think about what I said earlier: if this was a job requirement, you would do it anyways. Well this is Project YOU. Decide to give yourself as much care and attention you would to your job. There will never be a magic pill to get you to take action. Life is too precious to not follow your dreams. Pep-talk yourself until you get yourself taking action. Imagine your life depends on it. Oh, it does.
3. Schedule it in:
Once you have decided that you want something and that you are ready to take action, you need to make sure you take action. Not all things can happen right now, in this moment. If they can, get to it! Otherwise, you must schedule it in your calendar, the same way you do a doctor's appointment or important meeting. Recognize that your commitments to yourself need the same care that commitments to others receive. Furthermore, when you write it down, it makes it more concrete. It is the first physical step to taking action. This action alone starts to build the momentum you need to continue taking action to following through on your goal.
Are you waiting for your dreams to come true and change your life?
I am sorry to tell you that dreams don't come true.
Rather, it is your goals that can forever change your life.
You need to set goals in order turn your dreams into reality.
Don't Confuse Dreams and Goals
Dreams are easy. They are free, too.
However, dreams by themselves are just that… dreams.
They are imaginary. And they don't produce tangible results.
You need to turn your dreams into action. You need goals to make the visions of your dreams real.
“Dreams can inspire you, but goals can change your life.”
Goals are all about action. Goals turn dreams into reality.
Goals change you and can change your life.
Don't confuse your dreams with goals.
Dreams occupy your mind. Goals take over your reality.
What will it take to turn your dreams into goals?
Here are 10 Big Differences Between Goals and Dreams:
Goals are something you are acting on.
Dreams are something you are just thinking about. Goals require action. Dreams can happen without lifting a finger, even while you are asleep.
Goals have deadlines. Dreams are just, well, dreams.
Goals must have a deadline. They have a time limit. Dreams can go on forever. In fact, many people maintain dreams their entire lives without ever reaching them.
Dreams are free. Goals have a cost.
While you can daydream for free, goals don't come without a price. Time, money, effort and sweat. How will you pay for your goals?
Goals produce results. Dreams don't.
Want to change your life? Your job? Your status in life? Goals can do that. A good friend of mine made six-figures on the ebook he published. He did that. Had it stayed as a dream, his life would have been as it always was.
Dreams are imaginary. Goals are based in reality.
You may dream of being Superman, but that is probably not going to happen. Goals are about what you can actually accomplish. They are grounded in the reality of our world. Goals should be big, but not supernatural.
Goals have a finish line. Dreams never have to end.
Dreams can go on forever. They don't have to have an ending point. Goals must have a specific outcome.
Dreams can inspire you. Goals can change your life.
Dreams can bring you motivation. They can inspire you. But, goals can change your life forever.
Goals must have focus. Dreams don't.
Dreams can be drifting, ever-changing thoughts. Goals must be laser-focused. They must be specific and they must be always on your mind.
Goals require hard work. Dreams just require your imagination.
Dreaming is easy.
Almost everyone has a dream. But, fewer people have goals.
Goals are hard and they require hard work. (See #3)
Dreams stretch your imagination. Goals stretch you.
Dreaming leads to bigger dreams. They stretch the limits of your imagination. But, goals stretch you. They increase your skills, your abilities, and change you forever.
Goals Do Come True 完成目标
Dreams can inspire you, but goals can change your life.
Sometimes it only takes one step to change a dream into a goal.
Yet, it can take years to take that goal to the finish line.
Always dream big, but make sure your goals are just as big.
Because dreams don't come true… but goals do.
Go with your passion.It has been said that who see the invisible can do the impossible.
When I was nine years old living in a smaIl town in North Carolina I found an ad for selling greeting cards in the back of a children's magazine.I thought to myself I can do this.I begged my mother to let me send for the kit.Two weeks later when the kit arrived,I ripped off the brown paper wrapper,grabbed the cards and dashed from the house.Three hours later.I returned home with no card and a pocket full of money proclaiming,“Mama.all the people couldn't wait to buy my cards!”A salesperson was born.when I was twelve years old,my father took me to see Zig Ziegler.I remember sitting in that dark auditorium listening to Mr,Zigler raise everyone's spirits up to the ceiling,I left there feeling like I could do anything.When we got to the car,I turned to my father and said.“Dad.I want to make people feel like that.”My father asked me what I meant.“I want to be a motivational speaker just like Mr.Zigler,“I replied.A dream was born.
Recently,I began pursuing my dream of motivating others.After a four-year relationship with a major furtune 100company beginning as a salestrainer and ending as a regional sales manager,I left the company at the height of my career,Many people were astounded that I would leave after earning a six-figure income.And they asked why I would risk everything for a dream.
I made my decision to start my own company and leave my secure position after attending a regional sales meeting.The vice-president of our company delivered a speech that changed my life.He asked us,“If a genie would grant you three wishes what would they be?”After giving us a moment to write down the three wishes.he then asked us,”why do you need a genie ?“I would never forget the empowerment I felt at that moment.
I realized that everything I had accomplished一the graduate degree,the successful sales career,speaking engagements,training and managing for a fortune l00company had prepared me for this moment.I was ready and did not need a genie's help to become a motivational speaker.
When I tearfully told my boss my plans this incredible leader whom Irespect so much replied,”Precede with reckless abandon and you will be successful“
Having made that decision,I was immediately tested.One week after I gave notice,my husband was“laid off from his job.We had recently bought a new home and needed both incomes to make the monthly mortgage payment and now we were done to no income.It was tempting to turn back to my former company,knowing they wanted me to stays but l was certain that if I went back,I would never leave.I decided I still wanted to move forward rather than end up with a mouth full of”if onlys“later on.A motivational speaker was born.
When l held fast to my dream,even during the tough times.The miracles really began to happen.In a short time period my husband found a better job.We didn't miss a mortgage payment.And I was able to book several speaking engagements with new clients.I discovered the incredible power of dreams.I loved my old job,my peers and the company I left,but it was time to get on with my dream.To celebrate my success I had a local artist paint my new offlce as a garden.At the top of one wall she stenciled,“The world always makes way for the dreamer.”
When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.
The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.
It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.
Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.
When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.
The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.
It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.
Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.
精美英文欣赏:让我们微笑吧Let Us Smile
The thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile,
That costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.
The smile that bubbles from the heart that loves its fellow men,
Will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the Sun again.
It'sfull of worth and goodness, too, with manly kindness blent;
It’s worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.
There is no room for sadness when we see a cheery smile;
It always has the same good look; it’s never out of style;
It nerves us on to try again when failure makes us blue;
The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you.
It pays the highest interest — for it is merely lent;
It’s worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.
A smile comes very easy — you can wrinkle up with cheer,
A hundred times before you can squeeze out a salty tear;
It ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tug,
And always leaves an echo that is very like a hug.
So, smile away! Folks understand what by a smile is meant;
It’s worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.
The poor are very wonderful people. One evening we went out and we picked up four people from the street. And one of them was in a most terrible condition,and I told the sisters: You take care of the other three. I take care of this one who looked worse. So I did for her all that my love can do. I put her in bed, and there was such a beautiful smile on her face. She took hold of my hand as she said just the words “thank you” and she died. I could not help but examine my conscience[良心]before her and I asked what would I say if I was in her place. And my answer was very simple. I would have tried to draw a little attention to myself. I would have said I am hungry, that I am dying, I am cold, I am in pain, or something, but she gave me much more-she gave me her grateful love. And she died with a smile on her face. As did that man whom we picked up from the drain[阴沟、下水道], half eaten with worms, and we brought him to the home. “I have lived like an animal in the street, but I am going to die like an angel, loved and cared for.” And it was so wonderful to see the greatness of that man who could speak like that, who could die like that without blaming anybody, without cursing anybody, without comparing anything. Like an angel-this is the greatness of our people. And that is why we believe what Jesus had said: I was hungry, I was naked, I was homeless, I was unwanted, unloved, uncared for, and you did it to me.
I believe that we are not real social workers. We may be doing social work in the eyes of the people, but we are really contemplatives[修行者、沉思冥想的人] in the heart of the world. For we are touching the body of Christ twenty-four hours…And I think that in our family we don't need bombs and guns, to destroy, to bring peace, just get together, love one another, bring that peace, that joy, that strength of presence of each other in the home. And we will be able to overcome all the evil that is in the world.
And with this prize that I have received as a Prize of Peace, I am going to try to make the home for many people who have no home. Because I believe that love begins at home, and if we can create a home for the poor I think that more and more love will spread. And we will be able through this understanding love to bring peace be the good news to the poor. The poor in our own family first, in our country and in the world. To be able to do this, our Sisters, our lives have to be wove with prayer. They have to be woven with Christ to be able to understand, to be able to share. Because to be woven with Christ is to be able to understand, to be able to share. Because today there is so much suffering…When I pick up a person from the street, hungry, I give him a plate of rice, a piece of bread, I have satisfied. I have removed that hunger. But a person who is shut out, who feels unwanted, unloved, terrified, the person who has been thrown out from society-that poverty is so full of hurt and so unbearable…And so let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love, and once we begin to love each other naturally we want to do something.
World of Smiles
About ten years ago when I was an undergraduate in college, I was working as an intern at my University's Museum of Natural History. One day while working at the cash register in the gift shop, I saw an elderly couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair.
As I looked closer at this girl, I saw that she was kind of perched on her chair. I then realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and torso. She was wearing a little white dress with red polka dots.
As the couple wheeled her up to me I was looking down at the register. I turned my head toward the girl and gave her a wink. As I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back at the girl, who was giving me the cutest, largest smile I have ever seen. All of a sudden her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just melted me and almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of what life is all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy college student and brought me into her world; a world of smiles, love and warmth.
That was ten years ago. I'm a successful business person now and whenever I get down and think about the troubles of the world, I think about that little girl and the remarkable lesson about life that she taught me.
The Smile
Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other―it doesn't matter who it is―and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other.
经常保持笑容,对你的另一半、你的孩子微笑,甚至对陌生人也不要吝惜你的微笑,因为小小的微笑就能大大增进人与人之间的感情。 ――泰瑞莎修女
Many Americans are familiar with The Little Prince, a wonderful book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. This is a whimsical and fabulous book and works as a children's story as well as a thought-provoking adult fable. Far fewer are aware of Saint-Exupery's other writings, novels and short stories.
Saint-Exupery was a fighter pilot who fought against the Nazis and was killed in action. Before World War II, he fought in the Spanish Civil War against the fascists. He wrote a fascinating story based on that experience entitled The Smile. It is this story which I'd like to share with you now. It isn't clear whether or not he meant this to be autobiographical or fiction. I choose to believe it to be the former.
He said that he was captured by the enemy and thrown into a jail cell. He was sure that from the contemptuous looks and rough treatment he received from his jailers he would be executed the next day. From here, I'll tell the story as I remember it in my own words.
”I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly nervous and distraught. I fumbled in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which had escaped their search. I found one and because of my shaking hands, I could barely get it to my lips. But I had no matches, they had taken those.
”I looked through the bars at my jailer. He did not make eye contact with me. After all, one does not make eye contact with a thing, a corpse. I called out to him ‘Have you got a light?' He looked at me, shrugged and came over to light my cigarette.
”As he came close and lit the match, his eyes inadvertently locked with mine. At that moment, I smiled. I don't know why I did that. Perhaps it was nervousness, perhaps it was because, when you get very close, one to another, it is very hard not to smile. In any case, I smiled. In that instant, it was as though a spark jumped across the gap between our two hearts, our two human souls. I know he didn't want to, but my smile leaped through the bars and generated a smile on his lips, too. He lit my cigarette but stayed near, looking at me directly in the eyes and continuing to smile.
”I kept smiling at him, now aware of him as a person and not just a jailer. And his looking at me seemed to have a new dimension, too. ‘Do you have kids?' he asked.
” Yes, here, here.I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the pictures of my family. He, too, took out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his plans and hopes for them. My eyes filled with tears. I said that I feared that I'd never see my family again, never have the chance to see them grow up. Tears came to his eyes, too.
Suddenly, without another word, he unlocked my cell and silently led me out. Out of the jail, quietly and by back routes, out of the town. There, at the edge of town, he released me. And without another word, he turned back toward the town.
My life was saved by a smile.
11/ Yes, the smile―the unaffected, unplanned, natural connection between people. I tell this story in my work because I'd like people to consider that underneath all the layers we construct to protect ourselves, our dignity, our titles, our degrees, our status and our need to be seen in certain ways―underneath all that, remains the authentic, essential self. I'm not afraid to call it the soul. I really believe that if that part of you and that part of me could recognize each other, we wouldn't be enemies. We couldn't have hate or envy or fear. I sadly conclude that all those other layers, which we so carefully construct through our lives, distance and insulate us from truly contacting others. Saint-Exupery's story speaks of that magic moment when two souls recognize each other.
I've had just a few moments like that. Falling in love is one example. And looking at a baby. Why do we smile when we see a baby? Perhaps it's because we see someone without all the defensive layers, someone whose smile for us we know to be fully genuine and without guile. And that baby-soul inside us smiles wistfully in recognition.
A Los Angeles man has spent the last 20 years as a foster father to children he knows are going to die, but he takes them in anyway.Mohamed Bzeek, 62, has cared for the sickest of the sick in Los Angeles County's sprawling foster care system. Some have died in his arms.有一名洛杉矶人,二十年如一日地领养晚期病重儿童,即便知道他们将不久于人世,他还是执意领养。他叫Mohamed Bzeek,现年62岁,在洛杉矶庞大的领养系统中领养病重患儿,有些在他的`臂弯中离世。
Bzeek is the only foster parent in the county known to take in terminally ill children. He wants these children to know they're not alone in this life.He is currently caring for a girl born with an encephalocele, a rare malformation in which part of her brain protruded through an opening in her skull. She requires around-the-clock care. She has been in his care since she was a month old.城中仅有他一人愿意领养这些孩子,他要让他们感觉到,他们在这世上并不孤单。 现在Bzeek照顾的这名患儿,有先天性脑病,她的脑干在卤门中突起,她需要昼夜护理,Bzeek 接手的时候她仅一个月大。
To avoid choking, the girl sleeps sitting up. Bzeek sleeps on a second couch next to hers. He doesn't sleep much.“The key is, you have to love them like your own,” Bzeek said. “I know they are sick. I know they are going to die. I do my best as a human being and leave the rest to God.”为了防止她噎住,这女孩儿是坐着睡觉的,Bzeek 睡在她旁边的沙发上,他睡得不多。他说,重点是你得待他们如己出,我知道他们病了,而且时间也不多了,但我会竭尽所能,剩下的事情就交给上帝了。
“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves。” ~Henry David Thoreau
Everything about my future was ambiguously assumed. I would get into debt by going to college, then I would be forced to get a job to pay off that debt, while still getting into more and more debt by buying a house and a car. It seemed like a never-ending cycle that had no place for the possibility of a dream。
I want more—but not necessarily in the material sense of personal wealth and success. I want more out of life. I want a passion, a conceptual dream that wouldn’t let me sleep out of pure excitement. I want to spring out of bed in the morning, rain or shine, and have that zest for life that seemed so intrinsic in early childhood。
We all have a dream. It might be explicitly defined or just a vague idea, but most of us are so stuck in the muck of insecurity and self-doubt that we just dismiss it as unrealistic or too difficult to pursue。
We become so comfortable with the life that has been planned out for us by our parents, teachers, traditions, and societal norms that we feel that it’s stupid and unsafe to risk losing it for the small hope of achieving something that is more fulfilling。我们变得满足于父母、老师、传统及社会规条为我们营造的安逸生活。为了那一点点能够为生活变得更充实的希望去冒险,我们会认为这是愚蠢和危险的。
“The policy of being too cautious is the greatest risk of all。” ~Jawaharlal Nehru
Taking a risk is still a risk. We can, and will, fail. Possibly many, many, many times. But that is what makes it exciting for me. That uncertainty can be viewed negatively, or it can empower us。
Failing is what makes us grow, it makes us stronger and more resilient to the aspects of life we have no control over. The fear of failure, although, is what makes us stagnant and sad. So even though I couldn’t see the future as clearly as before, I took the plunge in hopes that in the depths of fear and failure, I would come out feeling more alive than ever before。
If you feel lost, just take a deep breath and realize that being lost can be turning point of finding out who you truly are, and what you truly want to do。
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