- 目录
In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.
分析:这道题按出题方式分类属于建议类(关键判断词:In order to…, should …),按照题材分类属于教育类。等等
Admittedly, there are certain majors that have close connections with the practical job fields. For majors such as Accounting, Journalism and Medicine, possessing job experience that could not be obtained otherwise would have direct and beneficial impacts on the teaching in the academic world.
Nevertheless, owning working experience does not necessarily lead to the booming of teaching qualities. As to those fundamental subjects such as Theoretical Mathematics, what's more important for the instructors is a long-time, unceasingly devotion to the academic researches.
Researchers' undue emphasis on the importance of relevant real-life experience may be equivalent to too much time and effort consumed, which would delay, even hamper the academic pursuit and advancement they actually are obliged to devote to.
Other than job experiences, there are numerous other factors that could enhance the academic development at a university level. These factors could be the abundance of academic funds, fully equipped facilities, open academic ambience and so on.
当然,这个例子还可以用来讨论公众隐私(29, 161题)和快餐文化(107, 151, 215等题)中,这里就不多解释。
} Positive side:
1)Media's magic power to turn a nobody into somebody overnight
2)Media's role in bringing public attention to the misfortune and the helpless who may otherwise be neglected and discarded by the society
} Negative side:
1)The world's over-emphasis on the appearance, not on the inner-self. By turning a homeless to a fashion model, the story of Brother Xili is just an extreme case of many.
2)The frenetic pursuit of instant fame and interests by modern people dwarfs the most fundamental basis of human nature: love, equality, respect and compassion.
3)The world only cares about the “fashionable” photos of Brother Xili and flocks to Ningbo to see him in person. But no one really cares about him as a person, a man with mental disorder, a brother that needs our care and love, not relentless media exposure and disturbance.
As an elementary educator, I believe this stance is extremist. Educators and the public must come to a middle road….
In my profession as an elementary educator and as a parent, I value the abilities to read, write and be mathematically proficient….
“Our declining environment may bring the people of the world together as no politician, philosopher, or war ever could. Environmental problems are global in scope and respect no nation's boundaries. Therefore, people are faced with the choice of unity and cooperation on the one hand or disunity and a common tragedy on the other.”
Our Environment, if we take care of it, it will take care of us. CFCs destroying the ozone layer, hundreds of acres of the rain forest being destroyed daily, smog-infested air to breathe, global warming, world population increasing at an exponential rate, these are but a few of the things that we need to not only think about, but find ways to deal with them. We are not given this world by our ancestors we are borrowing it from our children and our children's children. We spend so much time trying to fix other countries problems, when we should be incorporating them in working toward solving the environmental issues. If we do not this huge, living planet will eventually become a lifeless hunk of rock floating in the large universe.
There are many ways that we can begin to work on these problems. First decrease the amount of CFC production and usage. Second save the rain forests, which are being cut down to make farmland that is not properly maintained. In a few years this farmland becomes infertile and more land is needed; thus more of the rain forest is destroyed. Educating farmers on different crops that will replentish the soil and keep it fertile. Third develop alterative methods of power other than fossil fuels, such as more hydro-electric,solar,and wind generated. The increasing population is going to require more food production as well as other needs. We need to be willing and able to manage our resources to meet these needs. If we work together we can accomplish the things that are necessary to protect the Earth and our future on it. Comments:
This essay presents a clear position on the issue but is limited in its development. The author first argues that everyone needs to cooperate to solve environmental problems and then lists the ways in which “we can begin to work on these problems”: lowering CFC's, saving rain forests, developing alternative energy sources, and increasing food production. Although the proposed solutions are clearly relevant, they are not sufficiently explained, nor is the topic's claim about the challenges of international cooperation adequately addressed.
The overall organizational plan is adequate: introduction, list of solutions (“First???? Second???? Third????”), and a conclusion. Within the paper, however, the ideas are not always organized logically. In the first paragraph, for example, the sentence about “our ancestors” is followed abruptly by the idea that we need to work with other nations. The writer could improve this response by clarifying the connection between ideas and by explaining these ideas in more depth.
Sentence-structure problems (run-on sentences, fragments, lack of parallelism) appear throughout the essay: “We are not given this world by our ancestors we are????” At times, the sentence structure is so awkward that the reader is somewhat confused about the writer's intended meaning: for example, “incorporating them in working.”
“Our declining environment may bring the people of the world together as no politician, philosopher, or war ever could. Environmental problems are global in scope and respect no nation's boundaries. Therefore, people are faced with the choice of unity and cooperation on the one hand or disunity and a common tragedy on the other.”
Our declining environment may bring the people of the world together as no politician, philosopher, or war ever could. Environmental issues are a growing concern in our country today. It is an issue that concerns every person, no one is excluded.
Facing and solving environmental issues calls for unity and cooperation. Prejudices should be put aside in this time of need. Without unity our world as we know it will not exist in twenty-five years. People as a whole need to take action. Without unity and cooperation little will be accomplished.
There are many environmental issues we are facing today. For example, recycling is a simple and effective way to help the environment. If everyone did a small part the results would be enormous. Recycling is a good example because it is something every single person is capable of doing.
There are many ways people of any age, race, or sex can contribute to help the environment. Emissions testing for exhausts on automobiles is one way to help keep unnecessary pollutants from contaminating the air. Very few cities require emissions testing for automobiles. Columbus, for example, does not require emissions testing. My small hometown of Amherst, Ohio does require this test.
I believe the government needs to implement stricter regulations regarding environmental issues and also increase the funding that is allotted for it. Mandatory recycling laws with a stiff penalty for breaking the law is one solution. Funding for groups to do research is imperative. Without research there is very little we would know about anything including diseases and microorganisms.
People of the world need to understand the situation our generation and generations to come are faced with. This understanding needs to come from education. The United States has always been a forerunner in wars, peace talks, etc. It is now time for the United States to be the leader in solutions to environmental concerns. The greatest barrier in any situation is communication. If we communicate with each other and work together instead of apart results would be seen. Education is another great concern, especially in underdeveloped countries and third world nations. There is a lack of education in many of these countries. Education is the key to success.
In summary I would like to emphasize the importance in unity and cooperation on global concerns such as the environment. Also education is very important in making headway. I also believe the government should get more involved in these issues. Comments:
This paper presents and supports an adequate analysis of the issue. After stating the need for cooperation on the environment, the writer proposes several very specific remedies for environmental problems: recycling, emissions testing, research, education, and communication. The detailed description of emissions testing is useful; however, the other remedies (recycling, research, etc.) are not developed fully or persuasively.
In some areas the response suffers from needless repetition. Paragraph six, for example, moves from education to communication and back to education. The conclusion, moreover, adds little, merely repeating earlier statements.
The control of grammar and usage is generally competent, but the sentences tend to be choppy. Although most of the ideas are stated clearly, the relationship between the ideas is not always made clear: “Also education is very important in making headway. I also believe the government should get more involved in these issues.”
在第二阶段中,一定要做好的事情就是分析论据结构。如果是并列型论据,我们需要找到论据支撑的核心假设,然后弱化论据和核心假设之间的logic link,使得核心假设无法成立。攻击语言不要太过强硬,多用might这样的词,但是逻辑要强大。
“The media (books, film, music, television, for example) tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society.”
There are some who would say that the media reflects the values of society. I believe however, that the media in fact tend to create values in a society. The values created may be far different from the values that our society would choose to embrace. I offer two examples that serve well to illistrate that the media can in fact shape the very moral fibers in our society.
The first medium that comes to mind is music. Through music we can proclaim our love, communicate feelings, and express new attiudes. Music is widely available to almost everyone in our society. To see how music has changed the values of our society, one needs only to look to the urban sprawl. Rap and gangsta styles of music reach millions of city teens and young adults. It's message is quite simple- violence, drugs, and sex . Young people are constantly bombarded with the message that if you want something all you have to do is to take it. The values of human life, respect for elders and children have been lost. We have gangs and random killings in the streets of most cities in our country. Are these my values? They are most certainly not. This music does not reflect the values of this society. This music is the very core of this degradation of our values. How many tricked out gang cars to you see that don't have the annoying bass rumble of Rap music vibrating out of them? This music is part of the persona of a whole generation of people. It is just as much a part of their ego as the guns, drugs, and abuse of women. Another medium that is shaping the values of our society is advertising.
Advertising is everywhere, on T.V., billboards, radio, even at the ballpark. Through advertising some vendors can create “values”. To illuminate my point I will use tobacco companies as an example. Joe Camel has convinced millions of young people that it is cool to smoke. The Marlboro man has done the same. The audience is always the same. These ads are targeting young people. They have created the “value” among children that it is ok for kids to smoke. Again the values of society have been changed by a powerful media. I'm sure there are not too many parents out there who would want their children to start smoking. Another advertising media that will surely change the values of ous society is the Internet.
The internet is really just the world's largest commercial launched under the veil of access of useful information. It will be interesting to see just how this new network that has brought the world together will affect our values. These are just examples but I think they are effective at making my point. I think they serve to illistrate that the media can in fact change our values. As for me, I'll be out back smoking a Don Lino, on a beautiful trout stream while sipping a cold beer, waiting for the trout to rise and hoping a couple of those girls from the Coors commercial show up.
This is a well-developed response. The four-paragraph organizational structure serves as a useful framework for the writer to develop a position on the issue.
The opening paragraph presents the writer's position (“media in fact tend to create values in a society”) and announces the plan to present two examples to support that position.
“The media (books, film, music, television, for example) tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society.”
For our grandparents it occurred through films and books. For the baby boomers it was a result of television and revolutionary music. No matter how the impact took place, it is clear that since its very advent, the media have played a crucial role in not simply being representative of the values of our society but creating them as well.
During the roaring twenties Americans found themselves in a struggle between the old ways of their ancestors and the new ways of the future. The once steadfast beliefs that men and women should not touch while dancing, and that ladies should not drink or smoke were suddenly being challenged. From where was all this rebellion stemming? Partly it was due to the returning doughboys from the shores of Europe bringing home revolutionary ideas they had encountered while at war. Nonetheless, returning soldiers could not be held responsible for the social upheaval that America experienced. There had to be another cause, and there was, the media. Although the films of the era were silent they spoke volumes to the society for which they were created. Women in these movies wore their hemlines a few inches shorter than the decade before them and they wore cosmetics to accentuate their new bobbed haircuts. The movies, as well as the books of that era, demonstrated a new materialistic attitude that America had never before experienced. Films portrayed every character as having the money to buy a new car, drink, smoke and partake in the leisures of life, a philosophy that was soon adopted by the youth of the decade. The use of the media in the twenties was to serve as a catalyst for the revolutionary ideas that were circulating. The films and books of that era sped America along its path of change that eventually led to the greatest social unrest that the United States had ever known.
Unlike the twenties, the sixties and seventies utalized the media in a way that appealed to those searching for truth in a lost and confused world. Martin Luther King Jr. realized the impact of the media on society during his campaign for civil rights. King urged his followers to withstand any abuse that they might encounter because the media will take their peacefulness into the homes of their society. By doing so, King sucessfully began to change the traditional view of race. Americans began to sympathize with the protesters because of the undeserved turmoil they faced at the hands of the government. As a result, America relinquished the Jim Crow laws and saw many other groups press for their individual rights as well. Television cameras rolled as Cesar Chavez organized the migrant workers in California and as Bella Abzug and Gloria Steinham linked arms to protest the lack of women's rights.
While the media helped to shape some attitudes about racism and gender it also helped to uncover the truth behind government lies. During the Nixon
This is an outstanding response, even though it is not quite finished. The writer's views on the issue are so cogent, well articulated, and well developed that the writer was not penalized for failing to provide a conclusion. What matters is the quality of thinking and writing displayed, not whether a paper is totally finished or has a certain number of words.
The writer's skill is apparent in the opening lines. The first words, “For our grandparents it occurred,” immediately spark the reader's interest.
GRE写作3个部分常用结构和句式讲解 实用写法思路分析
This argument concludes/recommends/argues that…
To support this conclusion the writer cites…/points out that…
However, this argument suffers from several critical flaws and is therefore unconvincing/ unpersuasive as it stands.
One problem with the argument is that, the editorial observes a correlation between… and …, then concludes that the former is the cause of the latter. However, the editorial fails to rule out other possible explanations for…For example,… Any of these factors, or other social, political or economic factors, might lead to…Without ruling out all other such factors it is unfair to conclude that…
结尾段 作者的结论似乎是合理的,但是通过论证,不是这样的。因此作者在做出决定之前,应该还要考虑其他情况。我们通过一篇文章作为实例来介绍Argument的论证步骤和论证方法以及文章结构。
In the final analysis, the letter's author fails to adequately support the recommendation that…To bolster the argument, the arguer must provide detailed demographic/statistical evidence showing that…The author must also provide evidence--perhaps by way
writer cites…/points out that…
When old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.
We can learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.
Education developed from the human struggle for survival and enlightenment. It may be formal or informal. Informal education refers to the general social process by which human beings acquire the knowledge and skills needed to function in their culture. Formal education refers to the process by which teachers instruct students in courses of study within institutions.
The proper aim of education is to promote significant learning. Significant learning entails development. Development means successively asking broader and deeper questions of the relationship between oneself and the world.
1. 首先说明是做什么工作的过程,目的是什么
2. 准备工作
3. 按时间/过程先后描述
4. 结果
5. 简单总结(可有可无)
1. 实物是什么,做什么用的
2. 基本结构
3. 工作过程
4. 简单总结
1. 信息全面——图表上所有的内容(单位,名称,比例尺,方位)
2. 组织——按照一定的逻辑安排信息的先后顺序(趋势相同或相反,最大最小,上升,下降,方向)
3. 词汇——上升,下降,大幅度,略微,平稳,最多,减少……
4. 语法多样——换主语
GRE阅读复习方法小结 下一个高分就是你
GRE阅读练习:Internet induced depression
A decrease in face-to-face social contact can precipitate depression. Time spent using the Internet cannot be spent in face-to-face social contact, so psychologists have speculated that sharply increasing Internet use can cause depression. Studies of regular Internet users have found a significantly higher incidence of depression among those who had recently doubled the amount of time they spent using the Internet than among those whose use had not increased. Hence, the psychologists’ speculation is correct.
1. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. In general, the reason that the people in the studies had doubled their Internet use was not that they had earlier experienced a significant decrease in opportunities for face-to-face social contract.
B. A sharp decrease in face-to-face social contact is the only change in daily activity that can lead to an increased incidence of depression.
C. Using the Internet presents no opportunities for people to increase the amount of face-to-face social contact they experienced in their daily lives.
D. Regular Internet users who are depressed will experience an immediate improvement in mood if they sharply decrease the amount of time they spend on the Internet.
E. Before they doubled the time they spent on the Internet, the people who did so were already more prone to depression than are regular Internet users in general.
文章中心结论是中间这句:so psychologists have speculated that sharply increasing Internet use can cause depression 增加上网时间会引起抑郁。
对啦!问题是:即使用来上网的时间不能用于面对面社交,但是否能增加每天其他时间的面对面社交机会呢?比如,俺上网用来dating, 上网之后意犹未尽,相约面对面热聊啦!如果出现这种情况,原文推理就不是我们需要的严密推理啦!所以,文章推理依据的假设就是要排除这种情况。就是C选项啦!
GRE阅读分析:Maximum loading capacity
The damage that trucks do to highwaysescalates dramatically with the weight borne per axle. New regulations increasethe maximum permitted vehicle weight; these regulations will therefore allowonto the highway trucks capable of doing even more damage than those currentlypermitted.
1. The argument is open up to criticismon the grounds that it
A. fails to establish that the level ofdamage done by trucks is a serious problem
B. omits evidence about one of the tworelevant factors
C. ignores the possibility that carefuldriving can lessen damage to highways
D. presumes that trucks are the onlyvehicles capable of causing substantial damage to highways
E. presumes that something is bound tohappen just because it is allowed to happen
注意,E选项说,因为某事允许(allow)发生所以注定(bound to)发生,而文章结论就到允许(allow)发生的层面,根本没有对于是否“注定(bound to)发生”的判断。千万注意,“货车一定会对高速公路造成更大破坏”只是我们的臆想,不是文章的结论呀!
B选项正确,文章推理确实犯了B选项所描述的错误:忽略了两个关键因素中的一个。注意,文章说,货车是否能对高速公路造成破坏的关键因素是轴(axle)载重量,轴(axle)载重量决定于两个关键因素:1 总载重量,2 轴的数量。新规定只是关于总载重量,遗漏了“轴的数量”问题。
Visual recognition involves storing and retrieving memories. Neural activity, triggered by the eye, forms an image in the brain‘s memory system that constitutes an internal representation of the viewed object. When an object is encountered again, it is matched with its internal representation and thereby recognized. Controversy surrounds the question of whether recognition is a parallel, one-step process or a serial, step-by-step one. Psychologists of the Gestalt school maintain that objects are recognized as wholes in a parallel procedure: the internal representation is matched with the retinal image in a single operation. Other psychologists have proposed that internal representation features are matched serially with an object‘s features. Although some experiments show that, as an object becomes familiar, its internal representation becomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel, the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis, at least for objects that are not notably simple and familiar. (151 words)
12. The author is primarily concerned with
(A) explaining how the brain receives images
(B) synthesizing hypotheses of visual recognition
(C) examining the evidence supporting the serial-recognition hypothesis
(D) discussing visual recognition and some hypotheses proposed to explain it
(E) reporting on recent experiments dealing with memory systems and their relationship to neural activity
For the following question consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply
13. According to the passage, Gestalt psychologists make which of the following suppositions about visual recognition?
□A A retinal image is in exactly the same forms as its internal representation.
□B An object is recognized as a whole without any need for analysis into component parts.
□C The matching of an object with its internal representation occurs in only one step.
1. GRE ISSUE作文结尾怎么写?
1)总结升华例句的方法:To sum up, given the reasons mentioned above, we may safely come to the conclusion that…. not only because…, but also because…, but it depends on...
2)重申立场强调论点的方法:In sum, I concede that….Nonetheless, to some extent…, the speaker's claim overrates/underrates the importance of sth…. In the final analysis, the optimal approach, in my view, is a balanced one that ….
2.GRE Argument作文结尾常用写法介绍
1)结论不完善,需要增添其他方向:Finally, the argument fails to consider …(有更好的办法实现目标). Perhaps by…(办法一),or by (办法二), (对目标进行展望) In short, without weighing the suggestion against alternatives, it is unconvincing that (说明提供的方案不好)。
2.叙述题干中的两种逻辑错误:The memo also makes two hasty assumptions about …(说明两个猜想相关的内容). One such assumption is that …(第一个猜想的情况说明).。It is entirely possible that …(反例). Another assumption is that(另外一个错误的猜想) Common sense informs me that (反例)
1. 总结全文式
总结升华类的结尾段,一般都需要使用“in conclusion ,to sum up, in brief”等词汇来进行概括总结。
2. 提出建议式
建议及提出展望类的结尾段,一般需要使用虚拟语气,例如,Obviously,it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem,来增加文章写作氛围。
3. GRE做完结尾段写多少字?
gre作文开头运用提问的方式,可以让你的开头段与众不同的gre写作方法。提问法是以问题为导向,引起读者兴趣,引导你的读者跟随你的思路走进你的思维世界。利用提问的方式,还能够引发读者的思考,从而让读者能够对这个问题产生共鸣。此外,提问的表达方式有时还能够起到强调的作用,利用反问的方式,能够帮助考生强调自己的观点。例如:There has been undesirable trend in recent years towards the worship of money. A recent survey showed that X percent of respondents ranked getting rich as their top priority,compared to X percent only a few years ago. Why do people fail to realize that wealth does not necessarily bring happiness?从这个开头段中可以看出,首先也是题目要讨论的话题,但是最后一句用一个“反问”的方式,提出要讨论的话题,还起到了强调的作用,能够引起读者共鸣,引发思考。
其实这可能和我们高中初中的英语教育有关系,大家都很喜欢一条一条摆原因。Firstly, secondly...然后后面至于这个ly后面是什么就不管了,一顿胡扯。也不管这段落与段落之间的衔接是否自然,反正都有什么ly给打头阵。
例子一定要从论点出发,再回到论点。不要将你的论点发散,后果很可能就是越写越跑题。所以每次写好一篇文章,都看看,论据里的key words是不是和论点里的key words一样,论点里的key words又是不是和题目里的key words一样。你的key words 可以比大题里的key words更加narrow,但是千万不要更加广泛。
★ GRE写作金句




