1.Issue task(30min),要求作者根据所给题目,完成一篇表明立场的逻辑立论文。
2.Argument task(30min),要求考生分析所给题目,完成一篇驳论文,指出并且有力的驳斥题目中的主要逻辑错误。
1. ISSUE作文为立论文,也就是平常大家所接触到的作文。先给一个题目或者观点,然后完全让考生自己发挥,最后要求考生写出一篇能够表现自身立场和观点的文章。
2. ISSUE作文自由度较高,在写作时只要能够具备明确的观点、逻辑论证结构,就能够得到一定的分数。
3. ISSUE作文的重点是提前准备,比较省力的备考方法就是先准备一些模板,然后根据情况套用。
1. ARGU作文是驳论文,需要根据文章给出的题目进行驳论。考生自行发挥的空间,受到了一定限制,需要根据题目要求进行文章的写作。
3. 驳论文想要提前准备模板比较困难,考生应更加重视对于驳论文思路和架构的练习,通过看题目然后自己“找茬”的方法来锻炼好逻辑思维能力。
不习惯躺着看书的我,想办法往床头挪了挪,可就是这一挪,使得针头跑出血管,进入皮下组织,然后左手手腕肿得像个馒头!当时的痛苦只有自己知道,当时的痛苦还来自于ISSUE的打击:什么是SOCIALIZATION? 什么是BETTER SOCIETY? 一个用中文都难以述说的领域,更何况还要用英文呢?对自己说,看资料看资料,结果资料在写什么也看不懂……
二、应对写作焦虑(Coping with Writing Anxiety)
1.写作焦虑(Writing Anxiety)
比如,221“The chief benefit of the study of history is to break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history.” 正确的关键字决定了写作是否会跑题。
比如,130“How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.” 对于理工科的GF来说,平常的教学中忽视此类文科性知识是比较常见的。现在突然拿到”socialization” “better society“以及”education”,经常会出现大脑断电或短路,接下来的写作又从何说起?!
简而言之,担心自己对一问题会有看法,但不知道怎么去论证这一看法,更不要说让我们的论证persuasive, insightful.
比如,17The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Walnut Grove town newspaper.“Walnut Grove's town council has advocated switching from EZ Disposal (which has had the contract for trash collection services in Walnut Grove for the past ten years) to ABC Waste, because EZ recently raised its monthly fee from $2,000 to $2,500 a month, whereas ABC's fee is still $2,000. But the town council is mistaken; we should continue using EZ. EZ collects trash twice a week, while ABC collects only once. Moreover, EZ—which, like ABC, currently has a fleet of 20 trucks—has ordered additional trucks. Finally, EZ provides exceptional service: 80 percent of respondents to last year's town survey agreed that they were 'satisfied' with EZ's performance.”
Many situations or activities, such as writing, taking tests, competing in sports, or speaking before a large audience, may make us anxious or apprehensive. It's important to remember that a moderate level of anxiety is helpful and productive. That flow of adrenaline is a natural response that helps get us ready for action. Without it, we might not perform as well.
--a moderate level of anxiety is helpful and productive.
-- helps get us ready for action
必要的anxiety可以使我们认识到“我还有好多东西不懂”,触发紧张感,加快做事速度,以尽可能短的时间去搜索相关资料,并尽可能地解决问题,无形中提高时间利用率。这也就是”helpful and productive”的原因之一。
--If we let our anxiety overwhelm us, it can cause problems. If we control that anxiety, however, we can make it work for us.
1. basic framework /基础框架
2. efficiency in school management /学校管理的效率
3. coordinated and balanced program of development /计划发展的协调与平衡
4. input in education /教学投入
5. optimize the teaching staff /优化师资队伍
6. communal participation /公共参与
7. incoming labor force /引进劳动效力
8. pre-service education /预备服务教育
9. undergo job-specific training /经历明确的职业培训
10. enhance the moral awareness of…… /增强…道德观念
11. professional ethic /职业道德
12. key disciplinary areas/ priority fields of study /关键学科领域/研究的重点领域
13. short 2- to 3- year higher education两到三年的短期高等教育
14. literacy class /文化阶层
15. age bracket /年龄段
16. inculcate教育
17. school-ager /处于上学年龄的人,学生
18. exhaustion of human resources /人力资源的枯竭
19. school dropout/ leaver /辍学者
20. foundation /基础(教育)
1. 只分了大类,可操作性差。比如XDF的分类,总共就只有8个,但是光写8篇作文又肯定是不够的。这就需要我们每一类下面还要根据写法和内容而具体分成各种小类,以达到一个小分类只写一篇的目的。笔者在手头资料的基础上,总结出涵盖了ISSUE全部题库的23个小类。在复习的时候,大家最少只要写20-23篇作文就可以完成ISSUE作文题库全覆盖的复习任务了,既放心又省力。
2. 分类中的题目描述过于啰嗦,不便于一眼看出题目的联系。市面上GRE的复习材料已经这么多,在复习的时候我们应该更多地做减法。比如作文这里,既然在网上就能很方便地找到翻译好的题库,又何苦在每个分类里把双语题目都打进去?但是只放题目,不放题号的话,又容易漏题出错,更不利于复习。笔者的解决方案,是在大类上体现出这一类的共性,题号后面则用中文简练地总结这一道题目的特性。
3. 分类不完整,或者题号有错误。这是最致命的错误。我最初在练习的时候,就随便选了一个题库,开始准备提纲。结果准备到一半,忽然发现分类题库里有很重要的几道高频没包括进来,又有几道题由于题号错误而分错了类。一怒之下,笔者对着ETS官网上的作文题库编号一道一道地把手里的作文题号和题目对清楚。这绝对是市面上最完整的ISSUE作文分类,没有之一!
A.一举成名 OR 踏实努力?
年轻人 51、71
先做后想 61
政府 19
研究者 129
B.经济发展 VS 环境/文化艺术
法律保护保护区 10、125、148
濒危物种 31、63、67
历史遗迹 119
A. 应该政府出钱 12、25
家长应该在学校多花时间 81、95
学生应该出国留学 82、97、100、123
学生应该多选副科 13、46、70、102、112、140
教师应该出去工作V.S.只教学 73
教师薪水应当与学生成绩挂钩 30、83
政府应当统一课程 6、14、96、116
应当按学生兴趣设置课程 40、47、90
应当注重知识还是想象力? 54
特殊教育: 天才是否应当设置特殊课程 37
解放思维 17、68
“It is unfortunate that today's educators place so much emphasis on finding out what students want to include in the curriculum and then giving it to them. It is the educators' duty to determine the curriculum and the students' duty to study what is presented to them.”
In today's society, there is too much emphasis placed on students desires rather than their needs. The students of today should have to study what is presented to them, rather than what is desired by them. Students are searching for the easy way out, and educators' are supplying them with that. Students should not only be presented with mandatory curriculum, but the educators should strive to insure that each individual student truly gains from their education, rather than just breezing through it.
It is vital to the continued success and expansion of the United States, that the young people be challenged in their curriculum and be encouraged to succeed in all that they do. The educators should determine a more strenuous curriculum, and enforce it at an earlier age. Thus, the young people of today will expect to be challenged, rather than avoiding it. Students have the easy way out, and they are not truly giving all that they can. There is so much potential that is just waiting to flourish, but it is the educators' reponsibility to tap into that potential.
In conclusion, it is the educators responsibility to enforce curriculum and than raquesting it. Students should be challenged and expect curriculum that will eventually lead them to a path of success.
This brief essay is flawed by its generalities, repetition, and limited development. The central thesis -- that it is the burden of educators to teach what they believe is necessary and that our educational system should not allow students to “breeze through” the educational system -- is not adequately supported. The middle of the essay merely repeats much of what was said in the introduction. The writer discusses the concepts of students' potential and educators' responsibilities in only the most general terms.
The two-sentence conclusion simply repeats earlier discussion and does not sufficiently tie together and comment upon the earlier discussion. To earn a score of 4, this essay would need to provide specific reasons and examples that more adequately develop its main points.
Also, the phrasing is often vague (“giving all that they can” and “path of success”), and the syntax is at times poorly controlled (“young people of today will expect to be challenged, rather than avoiding it.”) Still, the problems are not severe or frequent. For all of these reasons, this essay received a 3.
“It is unfortunate that today's educators place so much emphasis on finding out what students want to include in the curriculum and then giving it to them. It is the educators' duty to determine the curriculum and the students' duty to study what is presented to them.”
The statement above conceals intesting connotations far above curriculum development. Issues of classroom control and development of scholarly talents are at stake, not simply a debate over which books are acceptable or over revisionist histories.
The statement itself is a bit misleading in that in my experience, student control over curriculum hardly existed. Each year, there were certain course offerings made available, and students were to choose from those offerings, of course bearing in mind requirements for graduation set forth by the administration. On a classroom level, the immediate, initial material may have been somewhat directed by the students, but this was a part of the process allowed by the teacher/professor in order to gain the interest and attention of the students. However, too much of any one thing becomes problematic; letting students set the curriculum, as with letting students choose and design their own major in college, serves ultimately to dilute the quality of the educational experience unless a single advisor can devote significant amounts of time to the individual student. This amount of time, or even the expense to the student of this individual attention, seem to indicate that resources would be better allocated elsewhere.
Of course, any school in which the students decide “what goes” is bound to have problems controlling students. Once the educators, be they administrators or teachers, are under the control of students, even a democratic situation would be like holding royalty acountable to the mob. Presently, students hear for hours that they should not forget to use a condom in the heat of the moment, and educators think the message gets through, while half the kids can't even remember to bring a pencil to class. Students go to school not to simply learn the Pythagorean theorem, but to learn direction and receive guidance. This cannot occur when students are in charge, and standards, already hard to find in America's contemporary public schools, will become unenforceable. If students dictate and administrators do, students will never learn academic responsibility, and if they can't be held accountable for homework, what other responsibilities will they avoid when they get older?
But in another sense, teachers and students do exist in a partnership of sorts. Teachers are there to satisfy the needs of the student, and the student, while perhaps not being the most experienced/ knowledgeable person on what his/her needs actually are (versus wants), at least should be afforded some say. In addition, we must remember what the purpose of education is, and that there are different levels of education.
In high school, the focus is not so much on learning actual material. The focus is on developing study habits, and on social interaction. The best secondary schools promote an environment in which individual creativity and pacing can be developed, where students are taught to thinkon their own, and learn to debate and argue in a scholarly way, through writing and other formal methods of discourse. Group collaboration and interpersonal skills are developed and honed. The actual details of what is studied and tested is of less importance. Whether a student reads Maya Angelou, or Yeats, or Euripides essentially is beside the point as long as a student's mind is cultivated, not just their ability to record and recite. What is important is that secondary students develop and grow in the hands of the professionals.
The secondary educational experience is designed to prepare a student for college. It is in college where the individual learns to examine the world and how it works, and the individual's place in it.
As for duty, it is the educators' duty not simply to determine the curriculum, but to present it effectively. They cannot half-heartedly paint it on the blackboard, they must enliven it and actually teach. Hard work must be lauded, while freeloaders are punished. These are the duties of teachers, and the duty of the students is not just to learn or study, but to grow. An independent mind is what students need, and that mind has to be in a position to want and be able to question beyond the material presented, not simply to question its legitimacy. That distinction, though subtle, is the difference between letting the students follow a self-destructive course of premature self-determination on the one hand , and permitting on the other hand the fostering of great talents through a cooperative, mentoring relationship
This is an insightful, well-articulated discussion of curricular responsibility and the larger issue of academic responsibility. After a brief introduction examining assumptions implied by the topic, the writer skillfully develops the position that letting students dictate the curriculum could dilute the educational experience. Allowing students to determine the curriculum, the writer claims, will deny them the guidance and direction they need to learn academic responsibility.
The line of reasoning is strengthened by the discussion of how teachers and students can work in partnership to satisfy the needs of students. The argument is further advanced with concrete examples from high school courses showing how teachers provide guidance for students through group collaboration, development of interpersonal skills, and preparation for college. The examples are varied (from condom use to reading Angelou, Yeats, or Euripedes) and used effectively to further support the writer's position.
In the conclusion, the writer thoughtfully discusses how educators should not only determine the curriculum but present it in an enlivened and appropriate manner. The final sentence, contrasting a “self-destructive course of premature self-determination” and “a cooperative, mentoring relationship,” ties the essay together.
The essay is clearly organized, although the writer does not rely on conventional phrases (such as “first,” “second,” etc.) to signal the organizational structure. Instead, the organization and focus progress through the line of reasoning that moves fluently and coherently from one paragraph to the next.
Language use is generally precise and effective (e.g., “holding royalty accountable to the mob”), and sentence structure is well controlled (e.g., “hard work must be lauded, while freeloaders are punished”). The few errors are minor, the kind that can easily be made -- and forgiven -- under testing conditions.
This outstanding response received a score of 6.
采用的是不亲身接触、仅通过言语传递信息来了解面试者的身份、简历、应聘职位和应聘能力的方式。 电话面试注意事项: 1.当接到面试电话通知时,一定要问清楚应聘的公司名称、职位、面试地点(包括乘车或开车的路线)、时间等基本信息,最好顺便问一下公司的网址、通知人的姓名和面试官的职位等信息。这里提醒大家,尽量按要求的时间去面试,因为很多企业都是统一面试,如果错过机会可能就错失了。 2.上网查一下该公司的相关背景和应聘职位的相关情况。 3.公司背景包括企业所属行业、产品、项目、发展沿革、组织结构、企业文化、薪酬水平、员工稳定性、发生的`关键事件等,了解越全面、深入,面试的成功率就越高,同时,也有助于对企业的判断(人才和企业是双向选择的关系)。 3.应聘职位情况包括应聘职位的职位名称、工作内容和任职要求等,这一点非常重要,同一个职位名称,各家企业的要求是不尽相同的,了解越多,面试的针对性就更强。
最后结尾也说,作者有错误一,错误二,以及上文提到的细节(problematic details mentioned above),如果能有改进一改进二点点点,就点点点了。
The following is taken from a memo from the advertising director of the Silver Screen Movie Production Company.
“According to a recent report from our marketing department, fewer people attended movies produced by Silver Screen during the past year than in any other year. And yet the percentage of generally favorable comments by movie reviewers about specific Silver Screen movies actually increased during this period. Clearly, the contents of these reviews are not reaching enough of our prospective viewers; so the problem lies not with the quality of our movies but with the public's lack of awareness that movies of good quality are available. Silver Screen should therefore spend more of its budget next year on reaching the public through advertising and less on producing new movies.”
Americans are spending millions of their hard earned dollars to see the latest theatrical productions, and we here at Silver Screen want to exploit our share of that profit. Surveys have proven that our movies are better than ever, but yet our attendance is lower than ever. This finding screams one shortcoming: advertisement.
Try to think of the last movie you remember. The movie which probably leaps into everyone's mind is Independence Day. Why? Certainly not because of the actual film, but because of all the 'hype' which the movie received. Furthermore, this grand production paid off big for the production company.
Does anyone that you know drive by the theatre just to see what is playing and then pick a film based on the catchiness of the title? No. Viewers buy tickets for movies which they have seen effectively advertised on television and radio.
Not only must Silver Screen advertise more, but we must advertise when it really counts: Monday Night Football, the evening news, awards shows, etc.
Everyone has heard the saying, “you must spend money to make money”, and it is proven true in this industry.
From a completely economical standpoint, the ad is actually more important than the film itself. Consumers are compelled by the preview and buy a ticket. I am not suggesting that we compromise the integrity of our films, but I cannot overstate the importance of this decision.
Therefore, I submit that the Silver Screen Production Company attempt to secure 30% of the fiscal budget for advertisement. It will be the best money you have ever spent.
The writer of this seriously flawed response has adopted the position that she or he works for Silver Screen and that it is her or his job to present in expanded form the fallacious reasoning of the argument. In so doing, the writer turns the argument task into an issue-like discussion. The writer presents no analysis of the argument.
The paper is characterized by a series of undeveloped paragraphs, yet there is some variety in syntax and there is adequate control of both language and the elements of writing. However, even though the writing may be typical of a 4 score level, the absence of any kind of critique requires a score of 2.
The following is taken from a memo from the advertising director of the Silver Screen Movie Production Company.
“According to a recent report from our marketing department, fewer people attended movies produced by Silver Screen during the past year than in any other year. And yet the percentage of generally favorable comments by movie reviewers about specific Silver Screen movies actually increased during this period. Clearly, the contents of these reviews are not reaching enough of our prospective viewers; so the problem lies not with the quality of our movies but with the public's lack of awareness that movies of good quality are available. Silver Screen should therefore spend more of its budget next year on reaching the public through advertising and less on producing new movies.”
This argument states the problem but the conclusion is not compatible to the rest of the statement.
Silver Screen recognized that fewer people attended movies in the studied year. I would recommend that they find out if this was happening with the entire movie market. It might of have been a poor year for movies for all movie companies.
Silver Screen recognized that of the movies that they did, they received favorable reviews. It should be concluded that they are doing well with the movies that they are making. Obviously, they are on track with the consumer in what they are producing.
I understand the conclusion that more people need to be exposed to the movies available for viewing. The last statement focuses on the fact that advertising needs to be increased, but does it by cutting production costs. This is wrong, instead of continuing what is working the company plans on focusing on advertising while taking away from producing. The consumers like the movies they make. If Silver Screen focuses their funds with advertising, producing funds will suffer. It will not matter how much advertising is done, if it is a poorly produced movie, nobody will want to go? Eventually, Silver Screen will get the reputation of producing bad movies. There has to be some compromise which doesn't hurt producing costs.
This response is flawed. It makes two points, the first of which is undeveloped (paragraph 2) and the second of which (the remainder of the essay) is mainly discussion rather than analysis, although some meager analysis is present. The author also offers a questionable assumption of his or her own in stating in paragraph 4 that “the consumers like the movies they make.” Overall, there is nothing incisive or convincing in this paper. It is loosely organized and not well developed.
The response is clear; what errors there are never interfere with a reader's understanding, but there are frequent minor errors in language, syntax, and punctuation.
For all of these reasons, the response is clearly limited and deserves a score of 3.
(2)两篇英文的.,一是说有事不能应邀,派别人去;另一篇是讨债的,7天不给钱就走人(主要考business letter格式)。
1. GRE ISSUE作文结尾怎么写?
1)总结升华例句的方法:To sum up, given the reasons mentioned above, we may safely come to the conclusion that…. not only because…, but also because…, but it depends on...
2)重申立场强调论点的方法:In sum, I concede that….Nonetheless, to some extent…, the speaker's claim overrates/underrates the importance of sth…. In the final analysis, the optimal approach, in my view, is a balanced one that ….
2.GRE Argument作文结尾常用写法介绍
1)结论不完善,需要增添其他方向:Finally, the argument fails to consider …(有更好的办法实现目标). Perhaps by…(办法一),or by (办法二), (对目标进行展望) In short, without weighing the suggestion against alternatives, it is unconvincing that (说明提供的方案不好)。
2.叙述题干中的两种逻辑错误:The memo also makes two hasty assumptions about …(说明两个猜想相关的内容). One such assumption is that …(第一个猜想的情况说明).。It is entirely possible that …(反例). Another assumption is that(另外一个错误的猜想) Common sense informs me that (反例)
1. 总结全文式
总结升华类的结尾段,一般都需要使用“in conclusion ,to sum up, in brief”等词汇来进行概括总结。
2. 提出建议式
建议及提出展望类的结尾段,一般需要使用虚拟语气,例如,Obviously,it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem,来增加文章写作氛围。
3. GRE做完结尾段写多少字?
★ GRE写作金句




