冀教7下Unit7教案Lesson 49 教学设计 (中学英语教学论文)

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【导语】“安非他命”通过精心收集,向本站投稿了14篇冀教7下Unit7教案Lesson 49 教学设计 (中学英语教学论文),以下是小编帮大家整理后的冀教7下Unit7教案Lesson 49 教学设计 (中学英语教学论文),仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

篇1:冀教7下Unit7教案Lesson 49 教学设计 (中学英语教学论文)


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words for world geography

3. write something or talk about world geography

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


Introduce the topic for Unit 7. See “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher's guide for information about introducing units.


There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents the new vocabulary for this lesson.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

island, land, river, world

Oral Vocabulary

continent, desert, geography

There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson. Also see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher's guide for more general information about teaching readings.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. Ask the class what they know about the world, including the continents, population, oceans, deserts, islands and rivers.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text. Use your judgment to decide whether you want to spend some time on any of the new words. You might select one or two words from the vocabulary list and ask if anyone has figured out the meaning. If a student replies correctly, ask him or her to share the strategies used to puzzle out the meanings.

Remember to give lots of praise for a good try, even if it's wrong.

Step 3: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to do two things: First, summarize the main ideas of the text. Remind students of useful strategies for determining the main ideas of a reading. Second, have students discuss the reading, using as much English as possible. They can concentrate on statements, information, facts and questions such as:

The world is made up of many different kinds of places. What are some of the world's physical features? (Mountains, rivers, oceans, deserts, continents, islands)


Have the class play the game “Travel” to review the vocabulary about geography. See “Games” at the back of this teacher's guide for an alphabetical list of games with instructions on how to play. Note that you will need maps for this game. Adapt the game and the questions to suit the vocabulary you are reviewing.

For your reference, here is a list of the capital cities that students know:

Country Capital City

U.K. London

U.S. Washington, D.C.

Canada Ottawa

Australia Canberra

China Beijing

Here is a list of words about travel and geography

that students know.

land world island

river ocean desert

continent America town

village Japan Japanese

Asia India Africa

England Russia Russian sea

Britain America North America

South America map north

south east west

country capital city China

Canada UK. US

Australia mountain


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

A Smart Mother! Part One

Tasha is a dog. She has six children. She lives with Gary. Gary lives in a house in the United States.

It is raining in the city. It is raining hard. Water is in the streets. Water is in the houses.

Water is coming into Gary's house. Gary runs to his car with his clothes. Gary runs to his car with his books. Gary runs to his car with his TV.

Oh, no! Where is Tasha? Where are her children'?


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the first reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

篇2:冀教7下Unit7教案Lesson 55 教学设计 (中学英语教学论文)


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text :il

2. memorize what is reviewed in this less0

3. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques at the back of this, teacher’s guide. You may wish to have the class sing “East We Go.”


There is one reading for this lesson. It reviews the vocabulary for this unit. There is no new vocabulary in this lesson. There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson. Also see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher's guide for more general information about teaching readings.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. You may wish to select one or two words or phrases from the new vocabulary for this unit for review. Ask students to tell you what these words and phrases mean. If a student replies correctly, ask him or her to share the strategies used to puzzle out the meanings. Remember to give lots of praise for a good try, even if it's wrong.

Step 2: Play the audiotape, Have the class follow the audiotape.

Step 3: Divide the class into small groups. Have the students talk about writing an e-mail message to Jenny reporting on what they have learned in this unit. In particular, what should they include in their reports?



The grammar for this lesson is articles and proper nouns. An article is a special type of adjective. “A”, “an” and “the” are articles. In sentences, articles are always placed before a noun. A proper noun is a special type of noun. It is the name of something and always starts with a capital letter.


There are two kinds of articles: indefinite and definite. “A” and “an” are indefinite articles. Definite. “A” and “an” are indefinite articles. Use indefinite articles when talking about something singular (one thing) in general. For example:

I want an apple. (any apple)

A cheetah is a kind of cat. (cheetahs in general)

Note that you do not use articles in the expression “kind of.” You say “a kind of cat,” you do not say “a kind of a cat.”

Give the rule for using “an” instead of “a. ”“An” is used for words that begin with vowels: A, E, I, O or U. It makes them easier to pronounce. For example:

an animal

an eraser

an idea

an orange

an umbrella

The“ is a definite article. Use definite articles for the following situations:

1. When talking about something mentioned earlier. For example: He picked up a book and read the book.

Note that the article ”a“ is used with the first mention of ”book“, but the article ”the“ is used with the following mention of ”book.“

2. When talking about something that the listener knows. For example:

Open the door please.

In this case, you are not talking about any door.

You are talking about a specific door. The listener knows which door you mean.

3. When using with certain proper nouns. For example: The ship sailed on the Pacific Ocean.

In this case, we say ”the“ Pacific Ocean, not ”a“ Pacific Ocean. Why?

Because there is only one Pacific Ocean, although it is one of many oceans.

4. When using with plurals of nouns. For example:

A black cat is at the door.

BUT, the black cats are at the door.

Proper Nouns

Proper nouns are names. Compare the following:

Noun Proper Noun

country China

girl Jenny

language English

Articles can be used with any of the nouns listed: a country, the country, a girl, the girl and so on. Articles re used with only some proper nouns. Remember the above example using the Pacific Ocean?

But we say ”China, “not the China. Why? Because China is unique. The Pacific Ocean is one of many oceans, so we specify the ocean we mean. But there is only one China, so we don't need to specify or use the word ”the.“”

Note that we say the United States or the US. And the United Kingdom or the U.K. Why? For the same reason: there are many states in the world (” states” can mean “country”, so we specify which one we mean: the United States. And the world has many kingdoms, so we specify which one we mean: the United Kingdom.


Review the verbs for this lesson. Note that ”know“ is an irregular verb. It is the only verb to review for this lesson, so if you have time, you may wish to review other irregular verbs as well. Please read about teaching verbs in ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this guide.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

Help! I Can't Find My Apartment! Part One

Erik lives in Norway. He lives in the country. He likes Norway, but he doesn't like the country. He wants to live in the city.

Erik goes to Oslo. Oslo is a big city. He sees a nice apartment. He buys the apartment.

Erik is hungry. He goes to a restaurant. He eats lunch.

Alter lunch, Erik wants to go back to his new apartment. But where is his apartment? All the buildings look the same. He can't remember where his is!


There is no specific reading from the reader to assign as homework for this lesson. This is a chance for students to catch up if they are behind. They should also complete any remaining exercises from the activity book.

篇3:冀教7下Unit7教案Lesson 51 教学设计 (中学英语教学论文)


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words about the countries in Asia

3. write something or talk about Asian countries

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide.


There are two readings for this lesson. Teach the first reading. The second reading is for students touse independently.

The readings present new vocabulary and review vocabulary the students have learned in previous lessons. The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

abroad, Japanese, town, village

Oral Vocabulary

Africa, Asia, India, Japan

Before you begin the reading, introduce the unit project. See ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back Of this teacher's guide for general information about introducing unit projects. Also see the Unit 7

introductory page in this teacher's guide. Instructions

for unit project 1 are in the student book.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way

to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. Ask them if they know anything about countries in Asia, other than China, and including Japan and India.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text. Use your judgment to decide whether you want to spend some time on any of the new words. You might select one or two words from the vocabulary list and ask if anyone has figured out the meaning. If a student replies correctly, ask him or her to share the strategies used to puzzle out the meanings. Remember to give lots of praise for a good try, even if it's wrong.

Step 3: Ask for volunteers to take on the roles of Jenny, Brian and Danny and act out the reading in any way they choose.

Stop 4: Divide the class into small groups. Ask all the groups to have a discussion around one of the following topics. Remind students to use as much English as possible. Countries 1 would like to visit What I know about Asian countries Languages spoken in Asia


Begin unit project. This project covers four lessons. Students will prepare a report to present to the class. Divide the class into small groups. Have each group choose a region of the world. Working in their groups, students begin to collect facts about the region. Instruct them to refer to the student book and reader.


Display centres are fun!

This would be a good project for the students to make display centres.

Each group could create a display about its region in a different area of the classroom, they can display maps, written information and any pictures or objects they have managed to find. On presentation day, one member of each group stays with the display as host to explain it. The rest of the students walk around the classroom to visit each centre, Students can take turns as host of their group's display centre.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

In the City, Part One

A woman goes to the city for the first time. She sees many cars, lights and tall buildings. She is seared of the cars. She has never seen so many cars! She walks into a big office building. It is quiet there. She looks around. She sees an old, old man with gray hair. He is standing in front of two doors. He pushes a button. The doors open. He walks inside and the two doors close.


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson.

Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the third reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

篇4:冀教7下Unit7教案Lesson 54 教学设计 (中学英语教学论文)


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words about Europe

3. write something or talk about Europe

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see

”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide. You may wish to have the class sing ”East We Go.“


There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons. The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

England, Russian, sea, the

Oral Vocabulary

Britain, Europe, Germany, Russia

There are many ways to teach immersion reading.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. Ask the students if they know anything about Europe, including its population, countries, language, major cities, mountains and rivers.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text.

Step 3: Divide the class into small groups. Each group draws a map of Europe. The map should include all the countries, seas, rivers, mountains, capital cities and languages spoken that have been mentioned in the text.

Encourage the students to use English in their discussion and mapping.



Conclude unit project. Groups present their work to the class. Depending on class size and the length of presentations, you may wish to divide up the class. Groups would then present their projects to or portion of the class.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

l. Listen to the audiotape. Choose the correct answers.

1. Jenny: What's the weather like today?

Brian: It's cold. It's snowing.

2. Danny: What's the weather like today?

Brian: It's cold. The leaves have many colors.

3. Danny: What's the weather like today'?

Brian: It's hot! Let's go to the swimming pool.

4. Jenny: What's the weather like today?

Danny: It is rainy and cold.

5. Brian: What's the weather like today?

Danny: It is warm. There are new leaves on the trees.


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson, Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students progress.

the fifth reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

篇5:冀教7下Unit7教案Lesson 50 教学设计 (中学英语教学论文)


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words about the geography in North America

3. write something or talk about North America

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide.


There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

America, American


Will/Would you please ?

Oral Vocabulary

North America, South America

There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. Ask the class what they know about North America, including the population, countries, cities, languages spoken, history and geographical features.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text.

Step 3: Discuss the reading with the class. Ask the class to summarize the main ideas of the text. Make sure the students know the six main points (the six questions introducing each paragraph) discussed in the text.

Step 4: Divide the class into small groups. Have each group do the one of following activities: draw a map of North America, roughly indicating in English the countries, major cities and mountains the students know; or discuss the reading, using as much English as possible. Their discussions could centre around questions such as:

What two countries are in North America?

(Canada and the United States)

The name South America gives you a clue as to this country's location.

Where is South America located? (It is located south of North America.)


Have the class play a game as a fun way to learn the vocabulary for this lesson. You can use this as an opportunity to review learned vocabulary as well. See ”Games“ at the back of this teacher's guide for an alphabetical list of games with instructions on how to play.

Choose one of these suggested games for learning vocabulary:

”Bingo“(students match words on their game sheets to words on vocabulary cards)

”Draw and Guess“ (students draw pictures to illustrates words or phrases)

”Spelling Bee“ (students play in teams, winning points for correctly spelling words)

You can also cut this activity and assign some time for diary writing or group verb-tense studies.

Remember to check in on these activities at the end of Lesson 55 or 56 (or both).


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

A Smart Mother, Part Two

Tasha and her children are in the back of the house! Gary runs into the house. There is a lot of water in the house. Where is Tasha? There she is!

She is swimming. Where are her children? They are in a dish. It is Tasha's food dish. The dish is like a boat! Tasha is pushing the dish with her nose.

The small dogs have a smart mother.


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson.

Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how

much reading or how many exercises to assign as

homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the second reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

篇6:冀教7下Unit7教案Lesson 56 教学设计 (中学英语教学论文)


Since this is a lesson of review, by the end of the class, students should be able to

1. understand and remember what is reviewed in this lesson

2. have a clear idea of what has been covered in this unit, including the theme (s), activities, vocabulary, phrases and expressions, grammar, listening and phonetics

3. use what has been learned in this unit in their free talks and writings about geography


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide. You may wish to have the class stag ”East We Go.“


Play the audiotape for the quiz. The quiz reviews phrases and vocabulary teamed in this unit.

Do not use the list of vocabulary in this lesson to drill students! The purpose of the list is to help students learn mastery vocabulary as they read.

Watch your students closely during the quiz. The quiz is a chance for you to identify students who may be having particular problems. It is also a chance for you to assess the general progress of your class. Are the students generally able to follow the audiotape?

If you find students have trouble with parts of the quiz, discuss the points, and then, if time allows, play the quiz again.

The audiotape presents both the questions and answers for the quiz:

1. I am going to call Danny on the phone. Look at the sentences below.

What's another way to say ”call on the phone“?

It's what I usually say!

Please say it with me.

(I'm going to hang up the phone.)

(I'm going to ring up Danny.)

(I'm going to wake up Danny.)

2. The phone is ringing now. Someone says, ”Hello?”What can I say next? When you hear the right answer, please say “right!”

(Time to go!)

(Hello! This is Brian speaking. )

(Excuse me, would you please hang up?)

3. Now I say, “May I speak to Danny, please? ”The person answers, “Hold on, please.”Why? When you hear the right answer, please put up your hand. (Because I'm already talking to Danny.)

(Because I'm not talking to Danny.)

4. Please say this with me: ”Jenny, would you please help me with my geography homework?“

What does Jenny say? I'm going to say four answers. Three of them are right. Please repeat the right answers after me.


(No, I already did my homework.)

(Sure, Brian!)

(Of course!)

5. Jenny says, ”You're welcome. “Why? What did I say to Jenny? Please put up your hand for the right answer.

(Thanks a lot.)

(I'm sorry, but I don't want to read that book.)

(Will you please bring me a map?)

6. I have rung up my mother in England. I have asked her a question. Here is her answer: ”It's rainy today, Brian. I took my umbrella to work. “What was my question? When you hear it, please smile!

(How are you, Mum?)

(I miss you. Do you miss me?)

(How's the weather in England?)

7. Jenny has a map. I need Jenny's map for my geography report. Am I asking the right question? Please say ”yes“ or ”no.“ (Would you please let me see your map, Jenny?)

8. Listen. What am I talking about? When you know the right answer, write it down on some paper. Then show your answer to a classmate. Were you right? (It's a piece of land. It has the word ”land“ in it. It's smaller than a continent. It has water around it. It starts with an i. It's second letter is s, but you don't say the s.)


Have the class play games as a review activity. See ”Games“ at the back of this teacher's guide for an alphabetical list of games with instructions on how to play.

Here are some recommended games for this lesson’s review.

”Dial a Word“ to review nouns in this unit.

”What's my Line?“ Use phrases such as:

Student A: Certainly, I'll show you. This is Japan.

Student B: Will/Would you please show me Japan?

Student A: It's raining in Beijing, today.

Student B: How's/What's the weather in Beijing?

Student A: It's like a huge lake, but it's salty.

Student B: What's a/the ”sea“?

Student A: No, I have traveled to Beijing, but I have never traveled outside China.

Student B: Have you been/traveled abroad?

Student A: Yes, Chao is here. Hold on, please.

Student B: May I speak to Chao, please? /Is Chao there?

Student A: No, this is Danny's mother. Hold on, please.

Student B: Hello, may I speak to Danny? /Hello, is Danny there?

Student A: This is Li Yi speaking.

Student B: Hello, may I speak to Li Yi, please?/ Hello, is Li Yi there?

Student A: You're welcome.

Student B: Thanks/Thanks a lot.

Student A: Okay! Here's the phone. Do you know Jenny's phone number?

Student B: Let's ring up/call Jenny.

Student A: No, he lives in a big city.

Student B: Does he live in a town/village?

篇7:冀教7下Unit7教案Lesson 52 教学设计 (中学英语教学论文)


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the song and sing it well

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary

3. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide.


There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

Thanks a lot!

You're welcome.



Oral Vocabulary

There is no new oral vocabulary in this lesson.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students try to answer the questions.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text. Select one or two sentences containing key phrases, expressions and sentence patterns. Ask if anyone has figured out the meaning. If a student replies correctly, ask him or her to share the strategies used to puzzle out the meanings. Remember to give lots of praise for a good try, even if it's wrong.

Step 3: Divide the class into groups of four. Each group member will play one of the four roles (Jenny, Brian, Li Ming's mother and Li Ming).

The students can act out the reading in any way they choose. Have one group perform for the rest of the class.

Step 4: If time allows, discuss the reading with students. Use as much English as possible. Ask questions to make it easier for students to participate in the discussion. Ask questions such as:

What does Brian say that means the same thing as call on the telephone? (He says ”ring up. “)

What could you say instead of ”Thanks a lot“?

(Thanks, thank you, thanks very much, thank you very much.)


Continue unit project. Students continue to work in the same groups. Instruct the groups to begin writing their reports. Advise students that there will be time in the next lesson to finish their reports. Remind the groups to think about illustrations for their presentations. Can they draw a map of their region? Can they locate cities and other features on the map? Students may refer to the student book and reader for information.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Follow the directions,

a. Listen. Fill in the blanks. Write tile words you hear.

In the City, Part Two

There are numbers over the doors. The numbers change: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Then the numbers change again: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. The doors open again. A good looking young man with black hair walks out! The woman is very surprised. She says, ”My! That's very good! Tomorrow, I'm going to bring my husband!“


There is no specific reading from the reader to assign as homework for this lesson. This is a chance for students to catch up if they are behind.

Suggested homework for this lesson includes:

the remaining exercises in the activity book

the next lesson in the student book diary writing and group verb-tense studies

篇8:冀教7下Unit7教案Lesson 53 教学设计 (中学英语教学论文)


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words for making phone calls

3. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


or ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “ Teaching Techniques at the back of this, teacher’s guide. You may wish to have the class sing “East We Go.”


There is one reading for this lesson. While you are encouraged to use your own ways of teaching, you could follow the steps outlined below.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text.

Step 2: Play the audiotape, which teaches the vocabulary for this lesson. The new mastery vocabulary for this lesson is:

ring up

Hold on, please.

This is speaking.

How’s the weather in ?

Note there is no new oral vocabulary for this lesson.

Here you may want to mention some other important phrases, expressions and sentence patterns in the text, including:

a report on something

to get ready for something

May I please speak to…?

There is...speaking.

Step 3: Action! Divide the class into groups of four. Each member plays one of the four roles (Jenny, Brian, Li Ming's mother and Li Ming). The students can act out the reading in any way they choose, have one group perform for the rest of the class.

Step 4: If time allows, discuss the reading with students. Use as much English as possible. Ask questions to make it easier for students to participate in the discussion. Ask questions such as:

What does Brian say that means the same thing as ”call on the telephone“? (He says ”ring up, “) What could you say instead of ”Thanks a lot“? (Thanks, thank you, thanks very much, thank you very much.)



Continue unit project. Students continue to work in the same groups. They continue to work on their reports. Encourage the groups to add information to their reports that is not in the student book or reader. For example, students may know of famous places in their region or unusual animals that live there. Advise students to finish their reports in this lesson. They will be presenting their reports in the next lesson.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape, choose the correct answers.

1. I live in a place that is bigger than a village and smaller than a city. What is it?

2. This could hold many of my schoolbooks. But I never take it to school. I use it only when I go on a trip. What is it?

3. When l drive my car, I am a driver. When l travel on an airplane, I am one of these.

4. Bikes, cars, airplanes and busses have these.

What are they?

5. You can do this to stairs and airplanes.


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the fourth reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

篇9:冀教7下Unit8教案(L57-64)Lesson 49(冀教版七年级英语下册教案教学设计)

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: geography, population, ever, abroad, Asia, Japan, Japanese, village, town, India, world

Oral words and expressions: some day, It is fun to travel around the world.

Teaching Aims:

1. Talk about the countries.

2. Be proud of one’s country.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Talk about the geography.

2. Learn something about the foreign countries.

Teaching Difficult Countries:

What languages do they speak in other countries?

Teaching Preparation: a globe

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a globe

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Look at the globe. Point to our country. Ask the students the questions:

What country are you in?

What language do we speak?

Have you been abroad?

Has anyone in your family been abroad? Where has he been? When?

Step2. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

What’s your favourite subject?

What is geography?

Do you like geography?

Step3. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

1. Has Danny been abroad?

2. What language do they speak in Japan?

3. How long has Brain’s father been in Africa?

4. Where’s Jenny’s mother’ pen pal from?

Step4. Read and check the answers.

1. Read the text in roles.

2. Let some students act the dialogue out.

Step5. Discuss the details in groups.

1. Where would Danny love to go?

2. What countries has Brian been to?

3. Does Danny speak Chinese?

4. Where is Brian from?

5. Can you explain the meaning of “pen pal”?

Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Talk about the countries that you have visited. If you haven’t visited, what country would you like to visit? Why?

Give a report to your class.

Step7. Homework

1. Finish off the exercises in the activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


Travel around the world and know about the culture and customs of other countries. That’s all what we want to do. How many countries do the students know? What do they know about them? Can they have a vivid explanation of the countries that they are interested in?

Lesson 50: The World Is a Big Place!

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: land, Europe, America, ocean, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, earth, surface, island, river

Oral words and expressions: Antarctica, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, Arctic, the Arctic Ocean, Greenland, northeast, Nile

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn more about the world’s geography.

2. Master the words and expressions of the continents and oceans in English.

Teaching Important Points:

1. The words and expressions in this lesson.

2. Know about the world’s physical features.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Some geography features in the world.

Teaching Preparation: a map of the world

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a map of the world

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Talk about the question:

1. Where do you live?

2. Do you like to live here? Why?

Step2. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

1. Which part of the world do you live in?

2. What do you know about the place where you live?

3. How many people are there in the world?

Step3. Listening task

Listen and answer the following questions:

1. How many people are there in the world?

2. Where do all the people live?

3. How big are the world’s oceans?

4. How many deserts does the world have?

5. What’s the world’s biggest island?

6. What’s the world’s longest river?

Step4. Reading task

Read the text and finish Exercise 2 in activity book.

1. Scientists predict the world’s population will be _______ by 2050. There will be 9.1 billion people by _______.

2. About ________ of the world is land. The land that is very ________ is called desert. The deserts cover ________ of the earth’s surface.

3. There are ________ continents. They are ________, _________, _________, _________, North America, South America and Antarctica. Antarctica is the world’s _______ and the world’s _______ continent.

4. There are _______ main oceans. They cover ______ of the worlds’ surface. They are ________, _______, _______ and the Arctic Ocean. ________ is the biggest ocean. _______ is the smallest ocean.

5. The world’s _______ island is Greenland.

6. The Nile River in Africa is the _______ river.

Step5. Listen to the tape again and ask the students to imitate after it.

Step6. Read the text again and talk about the details about the text.

How many deserts does the world have? What are they? Which is the second largest desert in the world?

What’s the world’s longest river? What is the second longest river? What is the third longest river?

What are the physical features of them?

Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Prepare a dictionary before the class. When they meet new words, encourage them to look them up in the dictionary.

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the exercises in activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


Ask the students to prepare a dictionary before the class. Some words are new for the classmates. Especially some names of places. When the students are discussing, help them if it is necessary.

All the questions have only one answer. When you have questions, remember to search on the Internet.

Lesson 51: Asia

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: area, Russian, mountain

Oral words and expressions: square kilometer, geographical, feature, Mont Everest, Qomolangma, Himalayas, the Yangtze River, Tokyo

Teaching Aims:

1. Use the Internet and the tools to search the information.

2. Create the students interests in learning English.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn the geographical features of Asia.

2. Name the main countries in Asia. What are in the main cities in the countries?

Teaching Difficult Points:

Some words and expressions are too difficult for the students.

Teaching Preparation: a map of the world

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a map of the world

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Say some countries and the capital cities.

Country Capital City

U. K. London

U. S. Washington, D. C.

Canada Ottawa

Australia Canberra

China Beijing

Step2. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT.”

1. What continent do you live in?

2. What languages do people speak in Asia?

Talk about the countries and the languages that they speak.

Step3. Listening task:

Listen and answer the following questions;

1. How big is Asia?

2. What countries are in Asia?

3. How many people live in Asia?

4. What languages do they speak?

5. What are the main geographical features of Asia?

6. What are the biggest cities in Asia?

Step4. Read the new words for the students. Then let them read after the teacher for several times. Now ask them if they have some words that are new to them. Let them talk about the words and guess the meanings together.

Step5. Reading task

Read the text and check the answers. Read the text again and finish Exercise3 in the activity book.

How big is Asia? Asia is the ______ continent. It _______ more than 44 million square kilometers. There are over ______ countries. China is the biggest country in ______ and population. More than three _______ people live in Asia. That’s more than _______ the world’s population. Mount Qomolangma is the highest ______ in the world. The Yangtze River in China is the ______ longest river in the world. Tokyo and _____ are two of the biggest _______ in Asia. The ______ city of China is Beijing. The Great Wall in China is world-famous.

Step6. Read together. Find the mistakes and help them correct them.

Step7. Come to “PROJECT”.


Talk about the project in groups of three of four. Each group chooses a region of the world. Students collect the facts of the region. They must work together and give a report to the class.

Instruct the students to begin writing their reports. Let them draw a map of their region. Can they locate cities and other features of the map?

Students continue to work in the same group. Instruct the students to begin writing their reports. Remind the students to think about illustrations for their presentations.

In the next class, students continue to work in their groups. Go on writing their reports. Encourage them to search more information on the Internet.

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the exercises in activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


It is difficult to finish the project. Students must search more information on the Internet. They must work together to finish different parts by different students. If they want to give a good report to the class, they must have good translation. When they need help, the teacher should help them at once because this is a challenge for them.

Lesson 52: East We Go

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: coast, Russia

Oral words and expressions: Will/ Would/ Could you please…?

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn about the rhythm of the foreign songs.

2. Know more about the world’s geography.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Travel around the world.

2. How to look up words in a dictionary.

Teaching Difficult Points:

The way we travel around the world.

Teaching Preparation: a map of the world

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a map of the world

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Point to the map of the world and explain the song to the class. Ask the students: “Do you want to travel around the world?”

Step2. Let the students read the song and understand the meaning of it. Draw the way of traveling on the map. Make sure students can read rhythmically with a good sense of the rhymes!

Step3. Listen to the tape and sing after it. Play the tape again. Have the class follow in their books.

Step4. Have the students practice singing the song repeatedly until they sing it well.

Step5. Practice some words. Let the students find their meanings in the dictionary.

Step6. Make up dialogues.

Divide the class into several groups. Practice how to use a dictionary. Let them act the dialogue out in front of the class.

Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT.”

Make up dialogues and act them out in front of the class.

Step8. Homework

1. Sing the song after class.

2. Finish off the exercises in activity book.


It is hard for Chinese students to learn English songs well. Many students don’t have a good sense of the rhymes. The time in class is limited. We don’t have enough time to practice. Let the students practice after class. In the next lesson, we give him a chance to sing loudly in front of the class.

篇10:冀教7下Unit8教案(L57-64)Lesson 53(冀教版七年级英语下册教案教学设计)

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: ring, ring up

Oral words and expressions: ring up, What does…mean? Hold on, please. This is…speaking, a few

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn to make a telephone call in English.

2. Know about the following culture.

Teaching Important Points:

1. How to make a telephone call.

2. What does “ring up” mean in the U. K.?

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to make a telephone call?

Teaching Preparation: a telephone

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a telephone

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. First sing the song together.

Step2. Ask the students if they have previewed the lesson. Let the students ask questions about the lesson.

Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about this lesson.

They can ask like this:

1. What does “Ring up” mean in Canada?

2. Is Li Ming at home?

Step3. Listen to the tape and try to finish Exercise 2 in activity book.

1. What would Brian like to do for his report on Asia?

2. Who tells Brian Li Ming’s telephone number?

3. What time is it in China when it is afternoon in Canada?

4. Does Brian ring up Li Ming’s apartment?

5. How is the weather in Shijiazhuang?

6. Can Li Ming help Brian with his report?

Step4. Read the text and check the answers.

First let the students read the text silently. Then read it in roles. After a while, ask some students to come to the front and act the dialogue out.

Step5. Explain the main expressions in this text. Make up sentences with “May I speak to…?” “This is….speaking.” “Who’s that’s?”

Step6. Discuss the details of this lesson. What questions can the students ask? Can others find the right answer?

Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT!”

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the exercises in activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


Ringing up is the main content of this lesson. Making a telephone call is so different from Chinese. It is a good teaching tip to give the students more time to practice in class.

Lesson 54: Europe

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: England, European, sea

Oral words and expressions: German, Italian, Greek, the Alps, the Caspian Sea, the Volga River, Moscow, Paris, the Triumphal Arch

Teaching Aims:

1. Know more about the world’s geography.

2. Compare the physical features with the Asian physical features.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn about the physical features of Europe.

2. Know about the customs and habits in Europe.

Teaching Difficult Points:

the physical features of Europe

Teaching Preparation: a map of the world

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a map of the world

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Make up a telephone dialogue. Let the students act it out in front of the class.

Step2. Listening task

Listen and finish the exercises:

1. The world’s ________ smallest continent is Europe.

2. Europe has more than thirty __________.

3. ________ is the biggest country in Europe. And London is one of the largest _______.

Step3. Reading task

1. How big is Europe?

2. What countries are in Europe?

3. How many people live in Europe?

4. What languages do Europeans speak?

5. What are the main geographical features of Europe?

6. What are the biggest cities in Europe?

Step4.Read comprehension

First read the text silently. Then read the text loudly. If they have some trouble, let’s listen to the tape again.

Step5. Read the text again. Encourage the students to ask questions. Discuss the details in class.

Step6. Practice

Write some words and expressions on the blackboard. Such as:

Europe, Britain, French, German, Russian, Italian, the Alps, the Caspian Sea, the Volga River

Step7. Talk about the countries and the languages that they speak.

Country Language

England English

France French

Germany German

Russia Russian

Italy Italian

Greece Greek

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the exercises in activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


Many words and expressions are too difficult for the students to read. So write them on the blackboard and read them loudly. It refers many languages in this lesson. Sum the content and present to the class in order to make them remember more clearly.

Lesson 55: Report on the Report!

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: interview, on

Oral words and expressions: province, go/be abroad

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn about the foreign culture and customs.

2. Know about more about the world’s geography.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Sum what we learn in this unit.

2. Master something about the geography.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Demonstrate the things that have passed. Pay attention to the indefinite pronouns.

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Review the countries and the languages. Let some students make a list on the blackboard.

Step2. Listening task

Listen and finish Exercise 2 in activity book. Answer true (T) or false (F)

1. Li Ming kept thinking about Brian’s report today in school.

2. Li Ming didn’t tell his mother about Brian’s geography class.

3. Most people in North America know Shijiazhuang well.

4. Brian’s report was the only one with an interview.

5. Brian’s teacher thought talking to people from other parts of the world is a good way to learn geography.

6. Danny gave a very good report on Asia.

7. The Europe’s longest river is in England.

Step2. Read and check the answers. First read silently. Then read it loudly in class. The teacher walks around the classroom to see if the students need some help.

Step3. Read the text again. Then discuss the questions in listening task. Discuss the details with the students to see if they have some questions to ask.

Step4. Make up sentences with the language points:

Keep doing: I keep thinking practicing the spoken English.

With an interview: Beijing is a city with many places of interest

Step5. Listen to the tape again. Pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation.

Step6. Let some students sum the main content in this lesson, but not word by word.

Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the exercises in activity book.

2. Do the exercises on Page 69.


How to express one’s idea in English is difficult for the students. Sometimes they understand the words but they don’t know how to use them. The teacher should spend some time on written English. Writing is an important ability for the students. It must be cultivated in daily English class.

Lesson 56: Unit Review

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions from Lesson 50 to Lesson 55.

Oral words and expressions from Lesson 50 to Lesson 55.

Teaching Aims:

1. Know the main geographical features of the world.

2. Be familiar to the Internet.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn about the foreign culture.

2. Know about the situation of our country.

Teaching Difficult Points:

The names of some places, including the places in China and foreign countries.

Teaching Preparation: a globe, a map of China, a map of the world

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a globe, a map of China, a map of the world

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Look at the map of China. Introduce the main places of China. Discuss the places of interest in China.

Step2. Look at the map of the world. Point out the seven continents and four oceans on the map.

Introduce the situation in the seven continents.

Step3. Look at the globe and sing the song in Lesson 52. Let volunteers come to the front and sing the song. Do a survey: How many students can sing the song? Do they all have good listening ability?

Step4. Finish the exercises in this lesson.

Step5. Check if they have some difficulties. Explain them on the blackboard.

Step6. Come to “Do You Know”?

First let the students read together. Then ask them to sum the main meaning of this part. At last, make up sentences with the important grammars.

Step7. Homework

1. Read the text of Unit 7 in activity book.

2. Finish the writing exercises.


The knowledge in the book is limited. Encourage the students to get more from the Internet and other books. Let the students present what they get in the class. They can improve their communicate ability. They also learn to use the Internet and tools.

篇11:冀教7下 Unit 6 L41-48 教案(冀教版七年级英语下册教案教学设计)

Lesson 41 教学设计


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words for making travel plans

3. write something about planning a trip

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


Introduce the topic for Unit 6. See ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide for information about introducing units.


There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

enjoy yourself, have a good time, suitcase, travel

0ral Vocabulary

baggage, journey, luggage, pack (v.)

There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson. Also see ”teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide for more general information about teaching readings.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. You may ask them what places Brian, Danny and Jenny intend to visit.

(The oceans, the mountains and cities like Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.)

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class listen to the audiotape while looking at the textbook.

Step 3: Ask three volunteers to play the roles of Jenny, Brian and Danny and act out the reading.

Step 4: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to discuss and plan a trip around China. Instruct groups to make up a dialogue about their planned trip. Encourage the students to use words, expressions and sentence patterns from the text.

Step 5: If you have time, have one or two groups perform their dialogues for the rest of the class.


In this activity, the students talk about what they would pack for a long trip. This exercise reviews vocabulary about trips, and getting ready for them from previous levels. Here are some step-by-step instructions for this activity.

Divide the class into small groups.

Each group discusses what one person should take on a long trip. They must pretend that they only have one suitcase. Draw a box on the blackboard to show how big the suitcase is (You can make it any size you want. A bigger suitcase may make students work hard to ”fill“ it. A smaller suitcase will provoke discussion about what a person really needs to take. )

Each group makes a list of things to take and writes it down.

With another group, each group talks about its list. The groups may question each other about their decisions. Did they forget anything important? They may add those items to their lists.

If you have time, generate a list on the blackboard with suggestions from each group, one by one, until no one has any more suggestions. Will it all fit in the suitcase? If there is too much, ask the students to help you choose items to cross off.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

Jim and the Dog

Jim was walking along the street. He saw a big dog. The dog saw Jim. Jim stopped walking.

A woman was standing near the dog. “Excuse me,” Jim said. “Does your dog bite?”

“No,” the woman said, “my dog doesn’t bite.”

Jim walked on. Then, the dog jumped up and bit him.

“Hey!” Jim said to the woman. “You said your dog doesn’t bite!”

“It doesn’t,” the woman said. “That’s not my dog.”


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the first reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

Lesson 42 教学设计


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words for describing travels

3. write something about making a trip

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide.


There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

Good-bye! (Bye-bye! Bye! )

Have a nice/good trip

Oral Vocabulary

There is no new oral vocabulary in this lesson.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step l: Check to see if the class has previewed the text as required. In either case, ask the students to read the text silently now, since it contains many new words and idiomatic expressions about traveling to scenic spots. Select one or two sentences containing key words or phrases and ask if anyone has figured out the meaning. If a student replies correctly, ask him or her to share the strategies used to puzzle out the meanings. Remember to give lots of praise for a good try, even if it's wrong.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text.

Step 3: Divide the class into small groups. Ask the class,”If Jenny, Brian and Danny visited all the places and enjoyed everything as advertised, what did they do?“ In answer to this question, each group will make a chart of all Jenny's, Brian's and Danny's activities, based upon the reading.

Step 4: If time allows, have one or two groups share what they have written with the rest of the class.


In this activity, the students work in groups to generate clues to a mystery location, and then solve each other's puzzles. Here are some step-by-step instructions:

Explain to the class that Niagara Falls (described in the student book for this lesson) is a famous place to visit in Canada. If you gave a list of clues about this destination to a Canadian, he or she would know it right away!

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to choose a famous destination for a trip in China. Each group then generates a list of clues about this destination-in -English!-for another group to guess.

Tell the students that the list of clues should include:

--What people enjoy doing there. --How people travel there (plane, train, car).

--Where the place is, in a general way (in the north, south, east or west of China).

--Any other clues the students can put into English.

The students exchange clues with another group and find the answer to the other group's clues.

If you have time, the groups can exchange clues with more than one group.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.


Mary works at a bank. She begins her work at eight o'clock in the morning. She stops working at five o'clock in the afternoon.

At five o'clock, the bank closes. All the people who work in the bank leave. Some people drive to their houses. Some people take the bus. Some people take the train.

Mary walks to her house. She likes to walk. She walks and walks. She lives eight kilometers from the bank. She walks for three hours.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Mary is at her house. She eats supper. At ten o'clock she goes to bed. Mary is tired. She is eighty years old.


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson.

Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion ill deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the second reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

Lesson 43 教学设计


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words for describing camping

3. write something about camping

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide


There are two readings for this lesson. Teach the first reading. The second reading is for students to use independently.

The readings present new vocabulary and review vocabulary the students have learned in previous lessons.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

fish (v.), stay

Oral Vocabulary

camping, outdoors, sleeping bag, tent

Before you begin the reading, introduce the unit project. See ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide for general information about introducing unit projects. Also see the Unit 6 introductory page in this teacher's guide. Instructions for unit project 1 are in the student book.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text.

Step 3: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to write an e-mail message for Jenny to Li Ming explaining why Jenny, Brian and Danny finally decided to go on a camping trip. Use the reasons provided by the text.

Step 4: If time allows, have some groups share what they have written with the rest of the class.


Begin unit project. This project covers three lessons. Students write about a real or imaginary trip and present to other students.

In this lesson, begin by having students write about a trip they have taken or would like to take. They should illustrate their story. Students may either draw pictures or bring photographs to the next class.

There will be time in the next lesson to continue working on the stories.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

An Animal in the Car! Part One

A woman was driving her car on a Saturday morning. She saw a little animal near the road. She stopped her car and looked at it. ”You don't look happy here,“ she said. She picked it up. She put it in her car and drove away.

Later, a man stopped the woman. The man said, ”You can't have an animal in your car. Take it to the zoo.“


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the third reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

Lesson 44 教学设计


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the song

2. memorize and sing the song well

3. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide.


The reading for this lesson is a song. The audiotape presents the song; the words to the song are in the student book. The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

hurry (n.),hurry (v.),miss (v.),on time

Oral Vocabulary

There is no new oral vocabulary in this lesson.

See ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide for suggestions on teaching songs. Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the song in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions.

Step 2: Ask the students to read the speech bubbles themselves. Then have one or two groups of students perform the dialogue.

Stop 3: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while reading the lyrics.

Step 5: Play the audiotape again. This time have the class sing along with the audiotape.

Step 6: Practice singing the song until the students can sing the song well. Can they sing it without looking at their the books?


Continue unit project. Have students continue to work on their stories and illustrations, Advise them to finish their projects in this lesson.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

An Animal in the Car! Part Two

That Saturday afternoon, the man saw the same woman. The little animal was still in that woman's car. The man stopped her and asked, ”Why didn't you take the animal to the zoo?“

The woman in the car said, ”I did take it to the zoo. We had a very good time there. Now we are going to the beach.“


There is no specific reading from the reader to assign as homework for this lesson. This is a chance for students to catch up if they are behind.

Suggested homework for this lesson includes:

the remaining exercises in the activity book

the next lesson in the student book

Lesson 45 教学设计


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words for describing a picnic

3. write something about picnicking

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide. You may wish to have the class sing ”Hurry!“


There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

by the side of, hurry up

I think it's time for us to leave now.

Please hurry. Oral Vocabulary

ham, picnic, sandwich

There are many ways to teach immersion reading.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the reading. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. You may also ask the students if they have ever gone on a picnic.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape. Use your own discretion to decide whether to discuss any of the new vocabulary with the students.

Step 3: Divide the class into small groups. Ask the students to discuss the reading in English around the following topic:

What are the main things that happen to Danny, Brian and Jenny in this lesson?

Instruct the students to try to tell what happened as a story. Encourage them to use the words first, then and finally.


Conclude unit project. Divide the class into small groups. Within their groups, students present their projects to each other. Encourage the students who are watching the presentation to ask questions. The student who is presenting will try to answer the questions.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

It's Mr. White!

Mr. Smith was walking down the street. He saw another man. ”Mr. White!”said Mr. Smith. “You've changed! You were fat, and now you are thin. You had black hair, and now you have white hair. You wore glasses, and now you don't.”

“I'm not Mr. White, ”said the man. “ I'm Mr. Jones.“ ”Oh, my! “said Mr. Smith. ”You've changed your name, too!“


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson.

Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the fourth reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the students book

Lesson 46 教学设计


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words for describing camping experiences

3. write something about camping

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide. You may wish to have the class sing ”Hurry!“


There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

brush (n. ), pillow

Oral Vocabulary

There is no new oral vocabulary in this lesson.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the reading as required. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. You may ask if they have any camping experiences. If any of them do, ask them to share the experiences with the class.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text.

Step 3: Divide the class into groups of four. Each group member will take on one of the four roles (Jenny, Brian, Danny and Mr. Smith). Have the groups act out the reading in any way they choose.

Tell the students that their performance should include most of the events in the reading.

Step 4: if time allows, ask one or two groups to perform for the rest of the class. You may want to comment on their performance. Remember to give lots of praise for good effort!


In this activity, students create an advertisement for a trip. Instruct students to write the ad about the trip they described in unit project 1. A advice students to refer to the students book and reader for ideas.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

The Gift

A rich woman is thinking about her mother. It's her mother's birthday. She wants to send her mother a birthday gift.

The woman goes to a store that has pets. She sees a colorful bird. The bird can talk. It can speak seven languages. The woman buys the bird. She posts it to her mother.

The next day, the woman calls her mother on the phone. ”Mum, “says the woman, ”do you like the bird?“

”I'm eating it right now. It's good!“


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the fifth reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

Lesson 47 教学设计


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. enjoy the fun of a fishing trip

3. memorize what is reviewed in this lesson

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide. You may wish to have the class sing ”Hurry!“


There is one reading for this lesson. It reviews the vocabulary for this unit. There is no new vocabulary in this lesson.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson. Also see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide for more general information about teaching readings.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. Does any student have any fishing experience? Ask him or her to share the experience with the rest of the class.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while reading the text. AS there is no new vocabulary for this lesson, you may wish to review words and phrases that are useful for describing outdoor activities. Ask students for suggestions and make a list on the blackboard.

Step 3: If time allows, divide the class into small groups. Have each group discuss and retell what has happened in the text.



The grammar for this lesson is adjectives and adverbs. Adjectives describe things and people. They answer questions such as: Which? What kind of? How many? Whose? Adverbs describe their actions. They answer questions such as: How? When? Where? How much?

Here are some examples of adjectives. Write these sentences on the blackboard. Ask students to identify the adjectives.

I have a red apple.

The apple is red.

I like loud music.

The music is loud.

I like hot soup.

The soup is hot.

I built a tall house.

The house was tall.

What pattern do the students see in the sentence structure? Note that the adjective usually comes before the noun, except in the ”subject + to be + predicate“ structure.

The apple is red.

In this structure, the last word is always an adjective. Remember, your objective is to teach the structure, not specific parts of speech.


Games are good learning tools.

If there is time, play ”Cold Green Noodle“ to review adjectives. Play ”Whisper“ to review adverbs ( see below). Use phrases such as:

walk quickly

read slowly

talk loudly

sing quietly

See ”Games“ at the back of this teacher's guide for an alphabetical list of games with instructions on how to play.

Here are some examples of adverbs. Write these sentences on the blackboard. Ask students to identify the adverbs.

He walks quickly to the office.

She rides slowly on her bike. I sing loudly.

Can students see a pattern in these sentence structures? Note that these adverbs end in ”ly” and they come after the verb. Most adverbs end in “ly.”

Now look at these examples of adverbs:

I drive fast.

You work hard.

These adverbs don't end in “ly, ”but they still come after the verb: Adverbs usually come after a verb.


Review the verbs for this unit: fish, miss, stay, travel, leave. Note that “leave” is irregular (see the table below). See “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher's guide for recommended methods of teaching verbs.

Present Tense Past Tense

fish fished

miss missed

stay stayed

travel travelled

leave left


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

The Boy and the Braises, Part One

It is summer. A little boy is at the beach with his mother and father. He is four years old.

The boy is playing in the water. He walks into the water. His mother and father aren't watching him.

The water is suddenly over the boy's head! A woman sees the boy. The woman's name is Mrs. Braise. Mrs. Braise picks the boy up. She takes him to his mother and father. “Thank you!”the boy's mother says.


There is no specific reading from the reader to assign as homework for this lesson. This is a chance for students to catch up if they are behind.

Suggested homework for this lesson includes:

the remaining activity book exercises

Lesson 48 教学设计


Since this is a lesson of review, by the end of the class, students should be able to

1. understand and remember what is reviewed in this lesson

2. have a clear idea of what has been covered in this unit, including the theme(s), experiments, vocabulary, phrases and expressions, grammar, listening and phonetics

3. use what has been learned in this unit in their free talks and writings about doing experiments


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide. You may wish to have the class sing the ”Hurry!”


Play the audiotape for the quiz. The quiz reviews phrases and vocabulary that students have learned in this unit.

Do not use the list of vocabulary in this lesson to drill students! The purpose of the list is to help students learn mastery vocabulary as they read.

Watch your students closely during the quiz. The quiz is a chance for you to identify students who may be having particular problems. It is also a chance for you to assess the general progress of your class. Are the students generally able to follow the audiotape?

If you find students have trouble with parts of the quiz, discuss the points, and then, if time allows, play the quiz again.

The audiotape presents both the questions and answers for the quiz:

1.1 am going on a trip. My father is going to drive me to the airport. I'm ready to go. It's getting late! What do I say to my father? Please put up your hand for the right answer.

(Let's stay home.)

(I think it's time for us to leave now.)

(Time for class! Let's go! )

2. Now, we are in the car. My plane leaves in twenty minutes, but my father is going so slowly! What can I say to him? Look at the sentences below. Let's say the right answers together.

(Please hurry!)

(Hurry up, Dad! We're going to be late! )

(We're in a hurry, Dad. Please drive faster. )

(Please slow down!)

3. Oh, good! Here's the airport! Am I late? Am I early? No. What am I? When you hear the right answer, please repeat it loudly!

(I am sad.)

(I am in a hurry.)

(I am on time.)

4. Now we are at the airport. It's time for me to go! What can I say to my father? Please stand for the right answers. Please sit for the wrong answers.

(Good-bye! I'll miss you! )


(Hello! Nice to see you! )

(Bye, Dad!)

5. What can my father say to me? I'm going to say three answers. One of them is wrong. When you hear the wrong answer, please say “no.”

(Have a nice time!)

(Have a good time!)

(Please hurry up!)

(Have a nice trip!)

6. Two days later, I return home. My mother asks me a question. Here is my answer: “Yes, thanks! I did! I had a great trip. ”What did she ask me? Please stand when you hear the right answer.

(Where did you stay?)

(What did you eat on the airplane?)

(Did you enjoy yourself?)

7. Here's a hard question. Think! [ am walking by the side of the road. What else can I say? When you hear the right answer, please stand by the side of your desk!

(I am walking on the road.)

(I am walking above the road.)

(I am walking beside the road.)

(I am walking under the road.)

8. Listen. What am I talking about? When you know the answer, say it loudly!

(It means “luggage” or “baggage.”You take it on trips. You put clothes in it. You carry it. It starts with the letter ”s“. )


Have the class play games as a review activity. See ”Games“ at the back of this teacher's guide for an alphabetical list of games with instructions on how to play.

Here are some recommended games for this lesson's review.

”What's my Line?“ for review of phrases in this unit. Here are some phrases and solutions you can try:

Student A: No, I think we are late.

Student B: Are we on time? Are we early?

Student A: No, we haven't missed it. The train is still here.

Student B: Have we missed the train? Are we late for the train?

Student A: Thanks! Bye-bye!

Student B: Have a nice time. Have a good trip. Enjoy yourself!

Student A: I'm trying! I know we're late!

Student B: Please hurry. Hurry up!

Student A: Yes, let’s go.

Student B: i think it's time for us to leave now.

Student A: In a hotel, I think. I don't like tents.

Student B: Where are we staying? Where will we stay?

Student A: No, this isn't a good place for a picnic. There are too many cars.

Student B: Let's stop by the side of the road.

Play ”Charades“ for review of vocabulary.

Without saying anything, a student acts out a word. Other students try to guess what the word is by watching the student's actions. Use phrases such as:

in a hurry/hurrying


packing a suitcase

a brush


putting up a tent


Have students begin working on the exercises in the activity book. These exercises in the activity book. These exercises review the vocabulary for this unit.


There is no homework to assign as the unit ends with this lesson.

Remember to ask students to preview the next unit, especially the first lesson in the student book.

篇12:冀教7下 Unit 5 L33-39教学设计(冀教版七年级英语下册教案教学设计)

Lesson 33 教学设计

Teaching content:

1. new words: living room, kitchen, bathroom

2. a dialogue about Li Ming’s arriving in Canada

3. let sb. do sth.

4. introduce sth./sb. to sb.

Lesson objectives

After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some important words for transportation

3. write something about means of transportation

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts

Key points

1. the usage of let

2. introduce sth. to sb.

Difficult points: the usage of let

Teaching aids: a picture of living room/ kitchen/ bathroom, some cards, slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

Class opening (5 minutes)

Introduce the topic for Unit 5. Please read about introducing units in “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide.

Student book (15 minutes)

There are two reading for this lesson. Teach the first reading. The second reading is for students to use independently.

The readings present new vocabulary and review vocabulary the students have learned in previous lessons.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

Can, on foot, take a plane/train

Can/could I/you…?

Of course.

Oral Vocabulary

Rapid, transportation, type (n.)

Before you begin the reading, introduce unit project 1. See “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide for general information about introducing unit projects. Also see the Unit 5 introductory page in this teacher’s guide. Instructions for unit project 1 are in the student book.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here are some step-by step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson. Also see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide for general information about teaching readings.

Step l: Check to see if the students have previewed the text. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Use your discretion to decide whether you want to spend some time on the new vocabulary. You may want to ask students to explain the meaning of some sentences containing key words. What strategies did they use to puzzle out the meanings? Remember to give lots of praise for a good try, even if it's wrong. It may be helpful to write the following phrases on a large piece of paper or on the blackboard, as a review. This will be helpful for students to refer to in the next step.

(to go) on foot

take a bus/taxi/car

ride a bike/the train

(to go to someplace) in a car

If you wish, you may say something about the word type in comparison with' the word kind, which the students learned in the last unit.

Step 3: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to talk about their usual means of transportation in moving around the city and travelling around the country. Encourage students to use the phrases that you have listed as well as to borrow phrases and sentence patterns from the text.

Step 4:Ask for three volunteers to act out the text.

They can choose to read aloud their lines from the reading. They can also improvise and create lines of their own.

Unit project 1: History of a type of transportation (15 minutes)

Begin unit project 1. This project covers three lessons. Working in groups,' students will complete a project to present to the class.

Divide the class into small groups of three or four students. Each group chooses a type of transportation for the project. Instruct students to begin collecting information about that type of transportation. They will prepare a comic strip or timeline of important dates in its development.

Teaching tip

Set up a contest for good group work.

Here's a way to encourage good group work among your students.

Tell the class that each group starts with a score of ten in each of these categories: project plan, cooperation, use of English, quietness, progress, final product. Write these across the top of the blackboard. Along the left side Of the blackboard, write a list of the groups names.

Add or subtract scores according to each group's performance. For example, if a group is trying to use a lot of English, give it two points (so now it has twelve points in that category). If a group is working with too much noise, subtract a point from that group in that category.

Keep track of the scores each day over the course of a project. What group has the highest score?

Activity book (5 minutes)

Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks:

Write the words you hear.

Dinosaur Fun Park

Hi, this is Danny: I will tell you a story about my trip to Dinosaur Fun Park!

Dinosaur Fun Park is a fun place for dinosaurs. There is lots of dinosaur food there. Dinosaur food is very good for dinosaurs. It is like people food, but it is bigger. Dinosaur cookies are as big as kitchen tables. There are lots of dinosaur games, too. Many dinosaurs play dinosaur ping-pong. It is like people ping-pong, but the ball is bigger. Dinosaur ping-pong uses a basketball!

I loved Dinosaur Fun Park, but I am too small to live there. If I grow bigger, maybe I will visit again!

Class closing (5 minutes)

Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much. reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the first reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

Lesson 34 教学设计

Teaching content

1. new words: refrigerator, inside, wash, juice, pass, knife, mine

2. a dialogue about having breakfast

3. the usage of would like

4. introduce sth.

Lesson objectives

At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know something about the development of the airplane

3. write something about airplanes

Key points

1. Time for sth. =It’s time for sth. =It is time to do sth.

2. What would you like? I would like…

Difficult points: would like to do sth.

Teaching aids: a picture of stove/ refrigerator, sink, some real things or some pictures of food, audiotape

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

Class opening (5 minutes)

For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide.

Student book (15 minutes)

There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

airport, passenger, station, railway, fly

Oral Vocabulary


For general suggestions about teaching immersion reading, please see “Teaching Techniques” in the back of this guide. Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. Ask if they know anything about airplanes beyond what is said in the reading.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text. You can decide whether you think it is necessary to spend some time on the new vocabulary.

Step 3: Ask the students to work individually to summarize the main ideas of the reading in five or six sentences.

Stop 4: Ask for one or two volunteers to read their summaries aloud to the class. Do other students agree with what has been presented as the main ideas? Discuss as a class. Use as much English as possible.

Unit project 1: History of a type of transportation (continued) (15 minutes)

Continue unit project 1. Students continue to work on their projects. Advise students that they should finish the projects during this lesson. They will present their projects during the next lesson.

Activity book (5 minutes)

Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Follow 'the instructions.

a. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

Hi. Do you remember me? My name is Chad! I invented the dog-waterer. Do you have one yet? Thanks to me, there are no more thirsty dogs!

My family went on a trip this summer. We went on a ship. Passengers on the ship could sleep or play games. There were swimming pools and movie theatres on the ship! Our rooms were very big.

My mum and dad liked the ship. They did not have to cook or clean. My dad Cried when our trip was over!

Below is the suggested homework for this lesson.

Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the second reading in the reader

the remaining activity, book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

Lesson 35 教学设计

Teaching content

1. new words: mitten, usually, sometimes, ride, always

2. a dialogue about Li Ming’s going to school in Canada

3. usage of sometimes, usually

Lesson objectives

After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know something about the development of the bicycle

3. write something about bicycles

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts

Key points: usage of usually and sometimes

Difficult points: usually and sometimes

Preparations: pictures, audiotape, slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

Class opening (5 minutes)

For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide.

Student book (15 minutes)

There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

all right, get off, get on, ride, seat (n.)

Oral Vocabulary

pedal (n.). wheel

There are many ways to teach immersion reading.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text.

Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. Ask if they know anything about bicycles, beyond what is said in the reading.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text. You can decide whether you want to spend some time on the vocabulary listed above.

Step 3: Ask the students to work individually to summarize the main ideas of the reading in five or six sentences.

Step 4: ASk for one or two volunteers to read their summaries aloud to the class. Do other students agree with what has been presented as the main ideas? Discuss as a class. Use as much English as possible.

Unit project 1: History of a type of transportation (Continued 15 minutes)

Conclude unit project 1. Groups present their work to the class. Depending on class size and the length of presentations, you may wish to divide up the class.

Groups would then present their projects to one portion of the class.

Activity book (5 minutes)

Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks.

Write the words you hear.

Babo's Bike, Part One

Have you heard the story of Babo? No?

Then I will tell you about Babo.

Babo lived a long time ago. He did not work hard. He had a big basket. Every morning,

Babo filled the basket with apples. Then he walked along the street. People bought Babo's apples. Babo's basket was always empty when the evening came. But Babo was very poor.

One day, Babo saw a man riding a bicycle:

But it wasn't a bicycle! It had only one wheel! People were watching the man. They were singing, “Ron the Rider! Ron the Rider!” Some of them gave money to Ron.

Class closing (5 minutes)

Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students progress.

the third reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

LESSON 36 教学设计

Teaching content

1. new words;year, same, glad, classmate

2. a dialogue about Li Ming’s meeting Jenny’s class

3. meet and introduce each other

4. usage of speak and same

Lesson objectives

After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the song and sing the ong well

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary

3. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts

Key points:

1. introduce to each other

2. speak and same

Difficult points: usage of word same

Teaching aids: audiotape, recorder, pictures

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

Class opening (5 minutes)

For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide.

Student book (15 minutes)

The reading for this lesson is a song. The audiotape presents the song; the words to the song are in the student book.

The new vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

drive, get in

No Parking!


You'd better not.

Oral Vocabulary


See “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher's guide for suggestions on teaching songs.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the song in this lesson.

Step 1 Have the class read the lyrics aloud as a poem. You may divide the class into two groups. Each group will read one line at a time. Make sure students can read rhythmically with a good sense of the rhymes!

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow in their books.

Step 3: Practice singing the song repeatedly until the students can sing it well.

Class activity How to get from here to there (15 minutes)

In this activity, students can have fun discussing transportation. Write several false statements about transportation on the blackboard. For example:

I will drive my car across the Pacific Ocean to get to Canada.

At the airport, I will take the train to Beijing.

I will fly my bicycle to school.

Ask for volunteers to correct these statements. Then ask each student to make up three false sentences about transportation. Have students choose partners. The students exchange their sentences with their partner. Each partner works to correct the other's sentences. Then students compare their corrections. Do partners agree on how to correct the sentences?

Activity book (5 minutes)

Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

Babo's Bike, Part Two

Later, Babo saw Ron the Rider walking along the sidewalk. He had his one-wheeled bicycle. “Do you like riding your one-wheeled bicycle?” Babo said to Ron.

“No. It is hard work,” said the man. “And I am poor. 1 work hard and I make little money.”

“I make little money, too,”said Babo. “But I do not work hard. I fill this basket with apples. People come and buy them from me.”

Ron the Rider laughed. “I will give you my one-wheeled bicycle if you give me your basket” he said.

Class closing (5 minutes)

There is no specific reading from the reader to assign as homework for this lesson.

This is a chance for students to catch up if they are behind.

Suggested homework for this lesson includes:

the remaining exercises in the activity book

the next lesson in the student book

diary-writing and ,group verb-tense Studies

Lesson 37 教学设计

Teaching content

1. new words: temperature, outside, cup, shape, circle, line, pizza

2. a dialogue L Ming and his friends

3. how to ask and answer about the temperature

Lesson objectives

1. After this, students should be able to understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some words that can help one imagine future transporttation

3. write something about transportation in the future

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts.

Key points: express weather

Difficult points: how to express weather

Type: dialogue

Preparations: pictures of different shapes, audiotape, recorder, slide projector

Class opening

For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at back of this teacher’s guide. You may wish to have the class sing “Let’s Take a Drive.”

Student book( fifteen minutes)

There is one reading for this lesson. The reading presents new vocabulary and reviews the vocabulary for this lesson includes the following words and phrases:

Mastery Vocabulary

round (adj)

Oral Vocabulary

invent, present (v. ), presentation

Before you begin the reading, introduce unit projects 2. see “ Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher’s guide for general information about introductory page in this teacher’s guide, Instructions for unit project 2 are in the student book.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here is some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the reading as required. Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text.

Encourage other students to try to answer the questions.

Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text. At this point, you may wish to ask the students to explain the meaning of some sentences containing key words or phrases. What strategies did they use to puzzle out the meanings? Remember to give lots of praise for a good try, even if it's wrong.

Step3: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to use their imagination and talk about their ideas for new types of transportation. They should try to use what they have learned in this unit to talk about their inventions.

Step 4: Have some groups volunteer to tell the rest of the class about their inventions.

Step 5: If you have time, ask three volunteers to act out the reading in any way they choose.


Begin unit project 2. This project covers two lessons. Divide the class into small groups. Each group thinks up a new type of transportation for the future and begins to prepare a presentation about it for the class. They should include a drawing.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Follow the instructions.

a. Listen. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.

Babo's Bike, Part Three

Babo learned how to ride Ron's bicycle. It was very hard work to ride the one-wheeled bike. So Babo thought of a new way to make his money.

One day, there was a rope in the air above the street. Babo was on the rope. He was on his one-wheeled bicycle! Babo rode his bike across the rope. Many people stopped to watch. They were very interested. They gave Babo lots of money! Babo was rich!


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson.

Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the fourth reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

Lesson 38 教学设计


1. new words: dry, bike, bear

2. a dialogue between Li Ming and his teacher

3. usage of some words: always, usually, sometimes, never

KEY AND DIFFICULT POINTS: usage of some adverbs: always, usually, sometimes, never

TYPE: dialogue

TEACHING AIDS: some different tapes, audiotape, recorder, slide projector


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember and use the mastery vocabulary and know some words that can help one imagine new types of transportation

3. write something about future transportation

4. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see ”Teaching Techniques“ at the back of this teacher's guide .You may wish to have the class sing ”Let's Take a Drive,“


There is one reading for this lesson. The reading reviews the vocabulary students have learned in previous lessons. There is no new vocabulary for this lesson.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. To check how well students understand this reading, you may find it helpful to ask questions such as:

Who is Sam? When and where did you meet him?

What new type of transportation would Sam like to invent'?

Step 2: Play the audiotape.

Step 3: Discuss the reading with students. Use as much English as possible. Ask questions to make it easier for students to participate in the discussion. Ask questions such as:

What is space?

What is a spaceship?

Do you have an idea for a future type of transportation?

Is Sam's idea for a future type of transportation the same as yours?

Step 4: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to continue to talk about their ideas of inventions by using words, expressions and sentence patterns they have learned in this unit. Instruct the groups to write five to six sentences describing their inventions. If there is time, have some groups share what they have written with the rest of the class.


Conclude unit project 2. The groups present their future type of transportation to the class. Depending on class size and the length of presentations, you may wish to divide up the class. Groups would then present their projects to one portion of the class.


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Look at these questions.

Can you choose the correct answers? Please try.

1. Tom says, ”I like this TV show very much.“

2. Li Ming says, ”It is October 1. It is China's National Day.“

3. Li Ming Says, ”1 would like brown shoes, please?

4. Li Ming says, “Where are you getting off?” Wang Mei says, “At the next stop. Where are you getting off?”

Li Ming says, “The stop after next.”


Below is the suggested homework for this lesson. Aim to give students about thirty minutes of homework. Use your discretion in deciding how much reading or how many exercises to assign as homework. Base your decision on students' progress.

the fourth reading in the reader

the remaining activity book exercises

the next lesson in the student book

Lesson 39 教学设计


1. mastery words; watch, toilet

2. a dialogue and a short text

3. the Present Continuous Tense


After this lesson, students should be able to

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. memorize what is reviewed in this lesson and talk/write something about a fun project for inventions

3. understand and write down some missing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts


1. the Present Continuous Tense

2. look, watch and see

DIFFICULT POINTS: the Present Continuous Tense

TYPE: a dialogue and a short text

TEACHING AIDS: some food, some pictures of furniture, audiotape, recordeer


For ideas and tips on beginning a class, see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher's guide. You may wish to have the class sing “Let's Take a Drive.”


There is one reading for this lesson. It reviews the vocabulary for this unit. There is no new vocabulary in this lesson.

There are many ways to teach immersion reading. Here are some step-by-step instructions for one way to teach the reading in this lesson. Also see “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher's guide for more general information about teaching readings.

Step 1: Check to see if the students have previewed the text as required. Ask if they have any questions. Encourage other students to try to answer the questions. As a quick review, ask students to name the words they know for different kinds of vehicles.

Step 2: Play the audiotape.

Step 3: Depending upon how much time you have you may divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to think about, discuss and then write an e-mail in response to Jenny's e-mail to Li Ming. if there is time, ask some groups to share their writings with the rest of the class.


Review the irregular verbs in this unit: drive, ride and sly. See “Teaching Techniques” at the back of this teacher's guide for recommended methods of teaching verbs.

Review the verb can, which is also in this unit.

This is a special verb, like might. The students learned the verb “might' in Level 1 of junior school.

Do they remember what might means? Write this list on the blackboard:

I go. I might go.

He goes. He might go.

We go. We might go.

I run. I might run.

He runs. He might run.

We run. We might run.

Now ask for volunteers to write the same phrases with the word ”can.“

I can go.

He can go.

We can go.

I can run.

He can run.

We can run.

What do the phrases mean? ”I (verb)“ describes what you are doing now. ”I might “ expresses uncertainty. You might do something, but you might not. ”1 can“ expresses an ability. If you can do something, you are able to do it.

Sometimes ”can“ expresses permission. For example, you might ask your parents: ”Can I go to the cinema?“ If they permit you to go, they might say: ”Yes, you can.“


Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:

1. Listen to the audiotape. Look at these questions. Can you choose the correct answers? Please try.

1. Li Ming says, ”It is cold, isn't it?“

Wang Mei says, ”Yes it is. It might get colder. It might snow.“

2. Mrs. Brown says, ”There will be a good program on TV. It is about making movies. Don't forget to watch it. ?'

3. Brian says, “I saw Tim today. He is my good friend. I haven't seen him for many weeks. He looks great. I saw him at a restaurant.”

4. Danny says, “I'm looking for Brian. I can't find him. Have you seen him?”

Jenny says, “Yes. I saw him in the library.

He was looking up some words in the dictionary.”


There is no specific reading from the reader to assign as homework for this lesson. This is a chance for students to catch up if they are behind.

Suggested homework for this lesson includes:

the remaining exercises in the activity book

篇13:Lesson 34:Jenny’s Family 教案教学设计(冀教版英语七年级)

Ⅰ.Teaching aims:

------The students can read and learn the words.

------Use these words and expressions to introduce their family.

------Recite part 1 and read part 2 correctly and fluntly.

Ⅱ.Teaching methods:

------Show the pictures to teach the new words.

------Task-based teaching method.

Ⅲ.Emotions,attitudes and values:

------We should love our family.

------Speak English loudly in class.

Ⅳ.Teaching points:

1. The words:bus,drive,worker,police,officer

2. the Smith family

What is your mother?=What does your mother?

She is a bus driver.

Ⅴ.Teaching aids:

Acctiotape,student BookI,pictures

Ⅵ.Teaching procedures:

Step1: Warming up

1. Show the picture about Lesson 33 and retell part 1.

2. Show some pictures and teach the new words.


Step2:Listen and fill

Listen to the tape and fill in blanks.

This is family. Jenny is my friend . She in Canada. Mr. Smith is Jenny’s father. Mrs. Smith is mother. She a brother, Bob and a , Lynn.

Then check the answer.



Read the text after the teacher twice.Then let the students read it by themselves. Ask two students to read it. Then let the students redite it for three minutes.


Step4:Read and answer

Read part2 and answer these questions.

1.Where do the Smith family live ?

2.What is Jenny’s mother?

3.What does Jenny’s father do?

4.Is Bob a doctor?

Check the answer.

Learn : What is your mother? = What does your mother?

She is a bus driver.


Step5:Read and practice

Read the text after the teacher twice. Let the students read it.Then let the students read by themselves.Ask two lines to read the text.


Do some exercises in class.

1.Those are blue (公共汽车 ).

2.( 她的 )brother is a (工人).

3.I want to be a (警察).

4.Wei Hua(live) in Beijing.

5.I love (I) family.

6.happy,are,family,we,a (. )(连词成句)


7.We live in China .(对划线部分提问)

you live?

8.He is a drive. (对划线部分提问)

is he?

does he ?

Step7:Writing a passage

Let the students write a passage about “My family”


1.Where do you live?

2.What is your father/mother/brother/sister?

( worker, doctor, nurse, teacher, businessman , officer)

3.How old are you?

Let one or two students read their passages.


Homework :

1.Finish off the passage after class.

2.Preview Lesson 35.


篇14:Lesson 62: Take Short Showers! 教案教学设计(冀教版英语八年级)



目标 知识与技能: .take care of = look after worry about =be worried about try ( not ) to do sth





重点 Know about the pollution in our country.


难点 Know结 how to stop pollution.

学法指导 先理解,再背诵。组内相互交流。

教学过程 学生活动 教师活动 时间分配


How often do you take a bath or shower?

What can you do to save water and paper? 让学生依据实际情况回答 5分钟

自主学习案: _A.写出下列词及短语。


2.many/mu比较级、最高级)__________ ______________

3.little(比较级;最高级)___________ _______

4. 节约水______________ 5.照看;照顾__________


7.尝试去做某事___________________ (否定式)_____________________


9. worry about________________

10. waste paper _______________

让学生在文中找出这些短语翻译并背诵。各组抢答 5分钟

教学过程 学生活动 教师活动 时间分配


How often do you t_________ a bath or shower?

What can you do to s________ water and paper?

People don't t__________ garbage on the ground.

I think cars and big factories make the most p_______.

5.There are some toy ______________(工厂)in his hometown.



一.Read the text answer the following questions

What province does LiuYan live?


Is Dalian a clean city?


What do people in Dalian waste the most?


4. Does Liu Yan waste water?


Does a bike make any pollution?


二.Read the text and fill the blanks according text

Our city is clean ,but I think we_______ things

I think we waste _________ the most .people waste

water ,_________ . I try not to waste water .I

take short ________.

A bike ______ make any pollution . It makes

the _____ pollution of all types of transportation. Buses make _______ pollution than cars.


What can you do to save water and paper?


单词:save vt . & vi . (常与from连用)表“挽救,抢救,拯救” 让学生认真读课文,在文中划出这些句子,查阅资料,组内讨论交流,指名学生讲解 15分钟

欣赏教学过程 学生活动 教师活动 时间


I saved the animals from the flood.


2. Do you worry about pollution? Idon’t worry about it too much.


worry vt . & vi . 使着急,使担心;发愁

Worry about your health.

翻译: _________________________________

worry about 可翻译为“担忧;为担心”,后面可跟人或物。其中worry为不及物动词,故worry about 的宾语无论是名词还是代词都要放于介词about之后。

3. try to do sth . 表面的意思是:试着做某事儿。但实际上的意思是:表示尽自己最大能力做某事,等同于try one's best to do sth . 。

4.take a shower = have a shower 洗淋浴,固定词组,take showers泛指“洗淋浴”。

She takes showers every day in summer.


She have a shower every morning.




I think more people should ride bikes to work.(否定句)

I ________ _______more people _________ride bikes to work.

When do they get up on Sundays? Could you tell us?.(宾语从句)

Could you tell us _______ when ______ up on Sundays.

Where did my sister put my sweater? Could you tell me ?(宾语从句)

Could you tell me _______ my sister _______ my sweater?

I ride my bike to school every day.(同义句)

I go to school _________ _________ every day.

The air is clean.(感叹句)

教 学 过 程 二.单项选择题:

---________ do you take a shower?---Once a week.

A. How oftenB. How long C. How soon D. How many

The mother always ________her little son.

A. worries B. worried C. worries about D. worried about

He tries ________ computer games this term.

A. not playing B. not to play C. not playD. don’t play

Many big factories ___________ the most pollution.

A. make B. doC. work D. are

India has the second _________ population in the world.

A. largest B. larger C. most D. smallest

We should keep the water_________ .

A. cleaningB. cleaned C. cleans D. clean



收获 本节课你学到了什么:





作业 一类:练习册ⅠⅢ合二类:抄写本课重点短语并造句抄抄写写


设计 Lesson 62: Take Short Showers!

take short showers 洗短时间的淋浴

take care of = look after照顾,照料

worry about =be worried about(担心)

try ( not ) to do sth.尝试(不)去做某事

pick up捡起

ride my bike骑我的自行车

the least pollution最少的污染

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