- 目录
译:We must seize new opportunities and meet new challenges.We must open ourselves wider to the outside world more actively,and take more effective measures to expand foreign trade and absorb more foreign funds.
当然,这两个部分之间还存在着总和分的关系,前两句说得比较笼统,后三句说明了具体的措施和做法,英语句子体现具体信息的部分往往可以利用分词结构表达,所以本句还有一种译法:We must seize new opportunities and meet new challenges,opening ourselves wider to the outside world more actively,and taking more effective measures to expand foreign trade and absorb more foreign funds.
英语中被动语态的使用范围极为广泛, 尤其是在科技英语中, 被动语态几乎随处可见, 凡是在不必、不愿说出或不知道主动者的情况下均可使用被动语态, 因此, 掌握被动语态的翻译方法, 对于硕士研究生入学考试的复习与应考是极为重要的, 因为在硕士研究生入学考试中,英译汉文章的内容多以科普文章为主。在汉语中, 也有被动语态, 通常通过“把”或“被”等词体现出来, 但它的使用范围远远小于英语中被动语态的使用范围, 因此英语中的被动语态在很多情况下都翻译成主动结构。 对于英语原文的被动结构, 我们一般采取下列的方法:
1. 翻译成汉语的主动句。英语原文的被动结构翻译成汉语的主动结构又可以进一步分为几种不同的情况。
(1) 英语原文中的主语在译文中仍做主语。在采用此方法时, 我们往往在译文中使用了 “加以”, “经过”, “用……来”等词来体现原文中的被动含义。例如:
例1.Other questions will be discussed briefly.
例2.In other words mineral substances which are found on earth must be extracted by digging, boring holes, artificial explosions, or similar operations which make them available to us.
换言之, 矿物就是存在于地球上, 但须经过挖掘、钻孔、人工爆破或类似作业才能获得的物质。
例3.Nuclear power's danger to health, safety, and even life itself can be summed up in one word: radiation.
核能对健康、安全, 甚至对生命本身构成的危险可以用一个词-辐射来概括。
(2) 将英语原文中的主语翻译为宾语, 同时增补泛指性的词语(人们,大家等)作主语。例如:
例1.It could be argued that the radio performs this service as well, but on television everything is much more living, much more real.
可能有人会指出, 无线电广播同样也能做到这一点, 但还是电视屏幕上的节目要生动、真实得多。
例2.Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programmes which are both instructive and entertaining. (85年考题)
人们常说, 电视使人了解时事, 熟悉政治领域的最新发展变化, 并能源源不断 地为观众提供各种既有教育意义又有趣的节目。
例3.It is generally accepted that the experiences of the child in his first years largely determine his character and later personality.
另外, 下列的结构也可以通过这一手段翻译:
It is asserted that … 有人主张 ……
It is believed that … 有人认为……
It is generally considered that … 大家(一般人)认为
It is well known that … 大家知道(众所周知)……
It will be said … 有人会说……
It was told that … 有人曾经说……
(3) 将英语原文中的by, in, for等做状语的介词短语翻译成译文的主语, 在此情况下, 英语原文中的主语一般被翻译成宾语。例如:
例1.A right kind of fuel is needed for an atomic reactor.
例2.By the end of the war, 800 people had been saved by the organization, but at a cost of 200 Belgian and French lives.
大战结束时, 这个组织拯救了八百人, 但那是以二百多比利时人和法国人的生命为代价的。
例3.And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training. (93年考题)
许多人认为, 普通人的思维活动根本无法与科学家的思维过程相比, 而且认为这些思维过程必须经过某种专门的训练才能掌握。
(4) 翻译成汉语的无主句。 例如:
例1.Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit.
应该尽最大努力告?nbsp| 年轻人吸烟的危害, 特别是吸上烟瘾后的可怕后果。(82年考题)
例2.By this procedure, different honeys have been found to vary widely in the sensitivity of their inhibit to heat.
例4.Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century, the strangest of them being perhaps the hovercraft.
在我们这个世纪内研制了许多新奇的交通工具, 其中最奇特的也许就是气垫 船了。
例5.New source of energy must be found, and this will take time….
另外, 下列结构也可以通过这一手段翻译:
It is hoped that … 希望……
It is reported that … 据报道……
It is said that … 据说……
It is supposed that … 据推测……
It may be said without fear of exaggeration that … 可以毫不夸张地说……
It must be admitted that … 必须承认……
It must be pointed out that … 必须指出……
It will be seen from this that … 由此可见……
(5) 翻译成带表语的主动句。例如:
例1.The decision to attack was not taken lightly.
例2.On the whole such an conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence, but only if the child can be assumed to have had the same attitude towards the test as the other with whom he is being compared, and only if he was not punished by lack of relevant information which they possessed. (92年考题)
总的来说, 得出这种结论是有一定程度把握的, 但必须具备两个条件: 能够 假定这个孩子对测试的态度和与他比较的另一个孩子的态度相同; 他也没有 因为缺乏别的孩子已掌握的有关知识而被扣分。
2. 译成汉语的被动语态。英语中的许多被动句可以翻译成汉语的被动句。常用“被”, “给”, “遭”, “挨”, “为……所”, “使”, “由…”, “受到”等表示。例如:
例1.Early fires on the earth were certainly caused by nature, not by Man.
例2.These signals are produced by colliding stars or nuclear reactions in outer space.
例3.Natural light or “white” light is actually made up of many colours.
例4.The behaviour of a fluid flowing through a pipe is affected by a number of factors, including the viscosity of the fluid and the speed at which it is pumped.
流体在管道中流动的情况, 受到诸如流体粘度、泵送速度等各种因素的影响。
例5.They may have been a source of part of the atmosphere of the terrestrial planets, and they are believed to have been the planetesimal-like building blocks for some of the outer planets and their satellites.
例6.Over the years, tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science. (95年考题)
例7.Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa (反之) often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force. (95年考题)
政府是以减少技术的经费投入来增加纯理论科学的经费投入, 还是相反, 这往 往取决于把哪一方看作是驱动的力量。
例8.The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time, and in any case, the oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use.
作 者:朱文晓 Zhu Wenxiao 作者单位:河南中医学院外语学院,河南,郑州,450008 刊 名:河南中医学院学报 ISTIC英文刊名:JOURNAL OF HENAN UNIVERSITY OF CHINESE MEDICINE 年,卷(期):2007 22(3) 分类号:H159 关键词:中医药 句法 句式翻译法 中医英译篇4:定语从句的译法(网友来稿)
定语从句可以分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句两种,两类定语从句在翻译方法上基本类似, 因此我们把它们放在一起介绍。在翻译定语从句时,我们经常采用下列的翻译方法:
一、前 置 法
把英语原文的定语从句翻译成带“的”的定语词组, 放置于被修饰的词之前, 将英语原文的复合句翻译成汉语的简单句, 这种方法一般用于限制性定语从句比较短的情况。
一些较短的具有描述性的非限制性定语从句也可采用前置法, 但没有限制性定语从句使用得普遍。例如:
例1.For example, one function of friendship seems to fulfill is that it
supports the image we have of ourselves, and confirms the value of the
attitudes we hold.
例如, 友谊的一个作用似乎是支持我们在自己心目中的形象, 并使我们持有的价值观念更加坚定。
例2.The first two must be equal for all who are being compared, if any
comparison in terms of intelligence is to be made. (92年考题)
如果要从智力方面进行任何比较的话, 那么对所有被比较者来说, 前两个因素 必须是一样的。
例3.The first method is to give a synonym, a word that has nearly the
same meaning as the word you wish to define: face for countenance, nervousness
for anxiety.
第一种方法是同义词法, 即给出一个与 要释义的词在意义上几乎相同的, 如用face表示countenance, 用nervousness表示anxiety.
例4.Behaviourists, in contrast, say that difference in scores are due
to the fact that blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and
other environmental advantages that whites enjoy. (90年考题)
相反, 行为主义者认为, 成绩的差异是由于黑人常常被剥夺了白人在教育及其他外界环境方面所享有的许多有利条件而造成的。
例5.The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression
of the necessary mode of working of the human mind; it is simply the mode
by which all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact explanations.
科学研究的方法不过是人类思维活动的必要表达方式, 也就是对一切现象进行 思考并给以精确而严谨解释的表达方式。
例6.A youngster who has no playmates of his age living nearby may benefit
greatly from attending nursery school.
二、后 置 法
当定语从句较长时, 如果翻译成前置的定语, 就会不符合汉语的表达习惯, 在这种情况下, 往往把该定语从句翻译成并列的分句, 放置于原来它所修词的后面。另外在处理此类定语从句时,
一般遵循的原则是: 若保留先行词, 则在第二个分句中加以重复, 若省略, 则两个并列分句中均不再保留。当然, 在实№的翻译过程中也有例外。
例1.All the water that flows through the wide pipe in a second must somehow
get through a narrow part too, which it can do only by going faster.
在一秒钟内流过粗管子的全部水量, 一定会以某种方式通过细管子, 这只有靠加快流速才能做到。
例2.Perhaps light is some sort of electric wave, whose nature we do not
yet understand.
例3.They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every
Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives.
他们正在为实现一个理想而努力, 这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的, 在过去,许多中国人曾为了这个理想而牺牲了自己的生命。
例4.This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult
to continue agriculture in high-energy American fashion that makes it possible
to combine few farmers with high yields. (91年考题)
这种困境将是确定无疑的, 因为能源的匮乏使农业无法以高能量消耗这种美国耕种方法继续下去了, 而这种耕种方式使投入少数农民就可获得高产成为可能。
例5.“In short”, a leader of the new school attends, “the scientific revolution,
as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series
of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.”
新学派的一位 袖人物坚持说:“简而言之, 我们所称谓的科学革命, 主要指一系列器具的改进、发明和使用, 这些改进、发明和使用使科学发展的范围无所不及。
例6.The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match this, which
means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and
marketing food. (91年考题)
食品的供应将赶不上人口的增长, 这就意味著我们在粮食的生产和购销方面正陷入危机。
英语中有些定语从句, 兼有状语从句的职能, 在逻辑上(即意义上)与主句有状语关系, 说明原因、结果、让步、假设等关系, 翻译时应善于从英语原文的字里行间发现这些逻辑上的关系,
例1.He did not remember his father who died when he was three years old.
他不记得他父亲了, 因为他父亲死时他才三岁。
例2.However, iceberg water could be extremely cheap for some countries
when compared with desalination, a process which requires much more fuel
and much more money.
不过, 对某些国家来讲, 用冰山化水比海水脱盐相比, 费用可能极为便宜, 因 为脱盐过程 要更多燃料和更多的资金。
例3.Anyone who thinks that rational knowledge need not be derived from
perceptual knowledge is an idealist.
如果认为理性知识不必由感性知识得来, 那他就是一个唯心主义者。
例4.…it was not until sixty years ago that a method of extracting aluminum
ore was found which could lead to a cheap large-scale process. (88年考题)
……直到60年前人们才找到开采铝矿的方法, 从而使低成本、大规模冶炼金属铝成为可能。
例5.In office, figures, lists and information are compiled which tell
the managers or heads of the business what is happening in their shops
or factories. (85年考题)
在办公室里, 工作人员将各种数据、表格和信息加以汇编, 以便让经理或主管人员了解他们的商店或工厂目前正在发生的情况。
例6.Liquids, which contains no free electrons, are poor conductors of
各种液体, 由于不含有自由电子, 是热的不良导体。
我们讲了定语从句的各种翻译方法,在这里我们还 要提醒大家,在翻译含有定语从句的句子时,我们应该特别注意在分析句子的结构上面下工夫,务必要搞清定语从句所修饰的先行词是哪一个。下面我们结合一个实例加以说明:
In fact a basic amount of movement occurs during sleep which is specifically
concerned with preventing muscle inactivity.
basic amount of movement和sleep, 一般来讲,定语从句往往修饰离它最近的那个名词,但是在这个句子中,却不是这样,因为,如果是修饰sleep,
我们就会翻译成上面的句子,但是从句子的意义来看讲不通,因此,这个定语从句是修饰前面的a basic amount of movement应该翻译为:
由此我们可以看出,确定定语从句的先行词是极为重要的,做出正确的判断的关键在于分析句子的结构和熟悉划线的句子所出现的上下文。另外,我们还 要注意一些比较复杂的定语从句结构,也就是那些定语从句里又含有定语从句的情况,在翻译这类句子时我们应该注意灵活运用我们在前面讲述的一些翻译技巧,尤其要注意分析各个定语从句之间的关系,例如:
Behaviourists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment
where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate
responses will experience greater intellectual development. (90年考题)
上面句子的骨干结构为:Behaviourists suggest that the child … will experience … development,
然后在这个定语从句中又有一个由which引导的定语从句,修饰前面的名词stimuli, 这就构成了一个一套三的定语从句结构,在翻译成汉语时,考虑到定语从句太长,我们 要将个别的定语从句分开来翻译,这样我们可以将此句翻译为:
It is hardly possible, if not impossible, for common folks to follow their mind while living in such a hectic, materialistic world where one struggles to meet subsistence needs while fighting off sensual temptations and deals with a perplexing mix of lofty aspirations and worldly distractions.
We ordinary people, living in a utilitarian-oriented society, rush about all day long, vexed by daily necessities like fuel, rice, cooking oil and salt, and tempted by cardinal vices such as wine, women, avarice and pride. What an immense difficulty to follow our hearts desire in the face of conflicts between pursuits and cares.
1. 该句第一眼看去似乎难以驾驭,但是如果抓到句子的核心信息,做到轻重有别就不难处理了。认真分析后会发现句子的核心是吾辈凡夫在这个社会里想要做到从心所欲很难,前面的信息都是说明功利社会的,属于事实背景部分,一般要放在从句或插入成分中。这样,分清主次后才能开始构思句子的搭建。
2. 行文时,为......所困和为......所惑这些词属于动词,可以隐去,从写作的高度重新组织行文;
Yet fatiguing/tiring/exhausting/ long-haul journeys basically mean that I can only get a sketchy picture/glimpse of enchanting/engrossing/inviting/engaging/amazing/arresting natural landscape that greets me along my way as I hurry along to attend to business, with little time left to explore remote, less spoiled serenity.
It is regretful that my rushing on the long journeys leaves me heavy with the fatigue of travel and unable to savor the soothing and pleasing landscape of mountains and waters. Their tranquil beauty fades away like floating clouds, leaving only a vague impression without the exploration of the secluded realm of beauty.
1. 这句的逻辑关系需要认真揣摩。句子大意或主体框架是奔波劳顿使得我只能大概领略怡情的景色,匆匆忙忙而没有多少时间去探寻妙境,这样C-C-E梳理后句子自然就容易处理了。
2. 行文时,远行奔波、车马劳顿属于同义重复,减译为fatiguing journeys,添加mean表示原因;
过眼的云烟和只能领略大概属于同义重复,减译为get a sketchy glimpse of
行色匆匆通过as连接表示理由,hurry along to attend to business急匆匆去公干,最后添加with补充说明造成的后果。
молотов 莫洛托夫
виноградов 维诺格拉多夫
го можо 郭沫若
сыма цянь 司马迁
толстой 托尔斯泰
горький 高尔基
мохаммед 穆罕莫德
константин 康斯坦丁
берёза 白桦
стрекоза 蜻蜓姑娘
ян байлао 杨白老
минск 明斯克
р.дон 顿河
язия 亚西亚
сибирь 西伯利亚
парк сунь ят-сена 中山公园
комсомольск 共青城
средиземное море 地中海
среднее море 中亚
большой(малый)хинган 大(小)兴安岭
белоруссия 白俄罗斯
новосибирск 新西伯利亚
прибайкалье 贝加尔沿岸地区
the cape of good hope -мыс доброй надежды-好望角
atlantic ocean-атлатический океан-大西洋
TACC 塔斯社
государственный совет 国务院
агетство “синхуа”新华社
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