
时间:2023-12-27 03:38:29 作者:博高 综合材料 收藏本文 下载本文




[作者]  黎玉琪,湖北





















小结归纳:消除歧义的方法有:(1)换词;(2)变序;(3 )标点。



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讨论小结:(1)删繁;(2)消歧;(3)写话, 即根据要求写一句简明的话,如拟电文,说明某一图形、公式等。





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讨论小结:得体的要求有:(1)注意场合;(2)注意对象; (3)文明礼貌。








讨论小结:(1)场合:庄重场合,用语典雅;日常场合,口语;工作场合,术语、行话;娱乐场合,风趣幽默。(2 )对象:注意敬辞与谦辞的用法。(3)出题角度:A.情境对话;B.应用文体改错。



要求                方法            出题角度简明    准确、不繁、无      变序、换词      删繁、写话、

歧义                标点、设境      消歧连贯    话题                找中心句

句序                寻过渡词        变序

过渡得体    场合: 工作、庄重    行话、书面语    情境对话

日常、娱乐    口语、有趣      应用改错

对象                敬辞、谦辞







师:给同学们说个故事:云南解放前夕,国民党省主席卢汉准备起义,而军统特务在昆明逮捕了近百名民 主人士。卢汉为这些人向蒋介石求情。蒋的回电是“情有可原,罪无可逭”。卢汉等人则命译码员将电文译成 “罪无可逭,情有可原”,再交给军统特务小组,从而救下了这近百名民主人士的性命。



师:对!语序是语言实际运用中要注意的问题,它属于“连贯”范畴。回忆一下,语言在实际运用中除了 连贯的要求外,还有哪两个要求?
















小结归纳:消除歧义的方法有:(1)换词;(2)变序;(3 )标点。



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讨论小结:(1)删繁;(2)消歧;(3)写话, 即根据要求写一句简明的话,如拟电文,说明某一图形 、公式等。



[1] [2] [3]



河北省平山县教育局教研室 郭素青









(一) 背上节课默写的诗歌《蜀道难》

(二) 板书课题:语运总结之审题







(三) 找三个同学板书课下留的练习1的答案并评析





据报道,某位以独特的“搞笑”风格塑造了众多小人物的著名影星,被某大学聘为教授。对他能否胜任,人们有着不同的看法。 (5分)


【甲】 我赞同这位影星被聘为教授。并不是只有高学历的人才有资格被聘为教授。这位影星之所以著名,正是因为他在不断的实践探索中找到了属于自己的风格,对人生的感悟与塑造小人物的过程中对他们性格的把握都是用心体会的思想财富,更具有社会洞察力。一定会给同学们上生动而深刻的一课。

【乙】 不认同看法:文化水平难以胜任。


【丙】 有些人议论他不能胜任,本人认为能胜任,他犹能胜任心理教授职,因为随着社会发展,人与人关系日益恶化,人逐渐封闭化,使人们个个孤寂,个个伤心,最终导致许多人无法生存,走向犯罪、灭亡。试想,有这样的“搞笑”教授,他每天微笑面对一切,上面的事还会发生吗?绝对不会。所以,我认为他能胜任教授一职。





生4:【丙】有拟写,有自己的看法。只是理由不充分, 太偏激。




















(四) 做练习2并评析



























【考场实例2】 通才固然很好,但认准一个专业,尽情发挥,才能对人类有更大的贡献。马克思能够推导出专业的数学理论,说明他数学功底很深,而他献身于政治理论研究,为全人类指明了前进的道路。

【考场实例3】 我认为“通才”是大多数有成就的人的共同特点,知识越多,成就越高,以达芬奇为例,达芬奇以绘画著称,但他还精通机械、天文、地理。这些知识互相补充,更有利于绘画,所以我推崇“通才”。























(1) 发散题目的自觉意识









作者邮箱: guosuqing2876@sina.com








(1)内容要协调一致,前后呼应。内容协调一致,包含两层意思:一是仿句和被仿句(或称例句)的内容要有内在的联系,要能够互相搭配、互相衔接。二是仿句与被仿句的内容和精神实质要一致。(感情限额菜、正反对立关系、富有哲理性和启迪性等方面。) 一定要结合被仿句的具体情况具体分析。前后呼应是指如果被仿句前边的句子与后面的句子在语意上存在相互联系、相互对应的关系,那么仿句也要在语意上体现出这种相互联系、相互呼应的关系。




















第一,全面准确地认读图表内容。一般来说,解毒图表遵循以下流程:原信息(图表)观察认读 分析理解 归纳概括 文字表达。




下几个方面着手:一是按照整 体――分段――再整体的顺序教学,二是尽量用

英语讲解课文,三是精讲课文知识,并排疑解惑。在此基础上 ,辅以口头和书


关键词 英语 课文 复习书写 能力

* * *


径。教师的一切课堂教学活动必 须围绕课文和学生而展开。一堂课只有45分

钟,我们既要传授学生知识,又要培养学生能力,怎么办?我认 为:



生引到的课文的要点和中心思 想上。长期以来,中学英语教学普遍存在的弊病

是把外语课当作象历史、地理那样的知识课来教,逐字逐句地 进行语法结构分


不可分割的重 要组成部分:形式(即结构)与内容(即意义)人为地割裂开来。

一些学生上了几节课还不知道该课文说的是 怎么回事。新英语教学大纲指出:

“……课文开始就分段教学,容易产生见树不见林的毛病,不利于学生掌握 课


――分段――再整体”的顺 序进行。


的尝试以来,采用了下列教学 方法:


教高中英语第三册“The Gift s”一课时,我就把课文简化成下列一段小故事讲


This story,written by O.Henry,happened on Christmas Eve.

The story is told about a poor young couple,Della,the wife,andJim,the

husband,Della and Jim wanted to send a present to each otherat

Christmas,but neither of them had enough money.Della ha d mothingto do

but sell her beautiful hair to buy Jim a gold chain.And Jimhad to sell

his gold w atch to buy Della a set of expensive combs.Thatevening when

they met together at home.they were both surprised tosee that their gifts

had no use.How do you think they were feelingthen? Today we're going to

study this lesson.


生自觉地去阅读材料,了解细 节。同时也对学生进行了“听”的训练。


钥匙,可以用来打开英语知识 宝殿的大门。教师若适度地运用疑问句进行课文

教学,可将学生“听、说、读”训练有机结合一体,达到一箭 三雕的目的。如

在教高中英语第一册“Abraham Lincoln”一课时,按照事情发生的顺序,我对

学生提出了以下 8个问题:

(1)Where and when was Abrabam Lincolnborn?

(2)Was his life happy in his childhood?

(3)Why did Lincoln receive little cducation when he was veryyoung?

(4)How did the civil war break out?

(5)Why was Lincoln murdered?

(6)Why did the American people feel sad at Lincoln's death?

(7)What did Lincoln once say?

(8)What do you think of Lincoln?


学生提供了大量的言语实践机 会。由于学生在回答某些问题时,必须重新构思,

必须使用自己的语言,这有助于学生表达能力和理解能力的 培养与提高。



提问的形式,突出“听说”。 “阅读理解法”以选择题和判断题的形式,以突

出理解课文和处理课文信息为目的。这种方法一般适用于中学 高年级教学,侧



采用“视、听、说”入手的 方法,事先让学生了解课文大意。如在教“The Blind

Men And The Elephant”一课时,我将事先画好的一幅 有关“象”的简笔画挂


关键词, 借助手势和表情,用英语向学生讲述六位盲人摸象的经过。我发现学

生听得那样的认真,那么饶有兴趣。实际 上,中学英语具有直观性,学生通过

眼、耳、脑同时并用,对输入到头脑中的各种语言信息和表述方式印象深 刻,


[1] [2] [3] 下一页


开生词新句。对于一些非接触 不可的关键词,教师在讲述之前或讲述中须做适




师要尽量采用句型转换、同义 转换、扩句、单复句互换、句子释义等方法,用

不同的语言,不同的结构形式讲解课文句子,以培养学生多角 度,全方位灵活


(1)Can hard work change a person so much?

→Is it possible that hard work can change a person to such adegree?

(2)I would rather not tell you.

→I would prefer not to tell you.

(3)Just this time we'll use what we have to get a new dress foryou.

→This time only,we'll use the litlle money

which we have to buy you a new dress.

(4)She married well.

→She married a rich man.

→She got married to a man with a lot of money.

(5)Until you saw the diamond necklace.

→It was hard for you to choose until you saw the diamondnecklace.

(6)That's why you see this old woman before you now,Jeanne.

→That's the reason you see thio old woman in front of you now,Jeanne.

(7)...that wasn't a real diamond necklace you borrowed from me.

→...the diamond necklace you borrowed from me wasn't a realone.


了学生的语言知识范围。持之 以恒,学生运用语言能力自然会得到提高。当然,




则,即:凡是学生能做到的, 就让他们自己去做,他们还不会做的,就启发他

们自己去做。然而我们有些教师在分析课文时,一字一句地给 学生讲解,生怕


无须咀嚼,只 要把教师所讲的吞下去就行了。这样,从学生中可能培养出懂知

识的猿猴。”因为学生的基本技能是通过大量 的言语实践活动练出来的,不是



方法,这正是学习和运用语言 之必需。


教师还应注意及时引导学生将 已学知识与当前知识联系起来,进行必要的综合

归纳,逐步形成学生的'知识网络。通过归纳,将学生所学知识 进行类比,使学


比主要从词汇 、句型结构、语法三个方面入手。如:


(2)副词:greatly,/very/much /quite/rather

(3)代词:other/the other/another/others/the others

(4)形容词:rapid/ quich /fast

(5)介词:below/ under

(6)短语:go on to do sth /go on doing sth /keep on doing sth

/go on with sth

(7)句型: such...that /so ...that/the same ...that



的认知结构,养成规范运用语 言的习惯。



言能力的形成。因此,每教完 一个新课后,我常通过下列形式组织学生的言语



法,是培养学生听说能力的有 效途径。复述的方法可根据课文的形式和内容采



求学生根据纲要口述文章大意 。如在教完高中英语第一册“Lady Silkworm”一


1) went out cut to grass

2) saw a lady in white

3) found herself in a different world

上一页  [1] [2] [3] 下一页

4) learned to raise silkworms

5) thought of her brother and hurried back home

6) could no longer find the way back to ...

7) started to raise silkworms


复述课文。这种方法适合于故 事情节较复杂、趣味性较强的课文。如“TheBlind

Men And The Elephant”,“The Emperor's New Clothe s”等。


将材料内容重新加工整理,用 自己的话复述课文。如“At The Tailer's”,

“The Last Lesson”,“A Portrait of A Teacher”等课文 。这些课文均以


接引语去复述 课文。这样,学生必须重新构思和组织语言材料,无疑,学生语

言概括能力和运用能力都得到了训练和培养。 此外,教师还可利用与课文材料



仅仅靠记住或掌握课文中的 现有知识是达不到目的的。还必须对学生进行一定

量的课外笔头训练,以逐步形成学生的基本技能。对学生时 行训练时,既要考


出“活用” 二字。如:

The day he__at last.

A looked forward to coming.

B bad been looking forward to came.

C is looking forward to come

D was looking forward to coming


住了“looh forward to doi ng sth“这一固定结构,而缺乏具体分析和运用能



会“能力之一。是学生综合运 用语言能力的集中体现。因此我国历年高考都有

写作要求。然而,学生当前的写作状况实在令人担扰。从94 年高考作文看,

一些学生缺乏最基本的语言运用能力。如将”晚会“写成”night meeting“,

”八月十五星期 六七点半”写成“Auguest 15,Saturday,thirth pastseven“。

出现这些错误的原因是学生平时练习少,没有 养成正确的语言习惯。因此,要

想提高学生的写作能力,教师必须从平时课堂教学抓起。在高中英语教学阶段 学









ContinentAnd The Oceans“一课后,挂 出一幅中国地图,要求学生写一篇有关



的教学深受师生欢迎,教学效 果也较为理想。就近几年来讲,如1990年我

所教的三个班,高考人平成绩为62.8分,超省平8.2分 ,(当年省平为5


考人均成绩 为125.5分,(150分制),超省平26.45分。(当年省平

为99.05分)。94年我所带的英 语专业考生中,有7人被本、专科院校英

语专业录取。1992年我任教二个高中毕业班和一个高二年级班。 当年高考


率为64%。199 3年我任教的两个班,合格率、优秀率以及高考人均成绩

均居全市第一名。1994年我所教的两个班,高考 人均成绩达105.3分,


克 竞赛”中获高中组二等奖。文小社、屈国欣、吕名礼三同学获优胜奖。


这个根本,也就丧失了语言教 学的实质。而教师在教学中只有注重了学生语言

运用能力的培养,学生才能在考试中取得好成绩,这不正是我 们课堂教学的真


上一页  [1] [2] [3]

篇7:everyone,everybody,each person之间的区别 课堂教学实录(人教版英语中考复习)

指人时,everyone和everybody相当于each person;指物时,every one 相当于each thing

如果具有范围“限制”的含义,every one可以单独使用,指人或指物。

Try your best, every one!

Every one 中的every是形容词,修饰one作定语,every one 意为“每个”,后面常跟of短语,表示范围,意为“其中之一”。Everyone是代词,意为“人人,每人”,其后不可跟of短语。Every body和everybody,some one 和someone,any one 和anyone亦有这种区别。Someone,somebody,anyone,anybody,everyone,everybody,each one,no one,some one,any one,every one和one of +复数名词的相应代词要用he,him,his,himself,明显指女性才用she(her,herself),一般不用one,one’s,they,their,them。但everyone,everybody和each one在口语中有时可用they。


Anyone和any one

Anyone 是不定代词,只能指人,其后不可接of短语;any one 意为“每个”,即可指人,也可指物,后面一般要接of短语。其他如:someone和some one,everyone和every one都属此类。



You mustn’t move someone if they are badly hurt. (they 指代 someone)

Somebody 和someone 还可以有副词else修饰.如再有属格,则转到else上

Then it will be someone else’s turn.



It is anybody’s guess how long the strike will last.


His hair is longer than anyone else’s.

不定代词nobody和no one(不连写)只有名词性质,只可指人.这两个词意义完全一样,含单数概念,意谓“没有人”

Everybody 和everyone只有名词性质,只可指人.这两个词意义完全一样,含单数概念,意谓“每人”。

Everybody和everyone还可以有副词else 修饰。

I stayed,everybody else went.

限定词 表其他 表体积 表形状 表年龄 表颜色 表质量 表国籍 中心词

An Expensive Swiss Watch

That Small Round Table

John’s Red Woollen Sweater

A Brave Young Dutch Hero

Some Big Grey Buildings

Old French Wine

An Ugly Square Wooden Box

His Huge Old Black American Car

Lovely Blue English Pottery

A Rectangular Plastic Tray

Alive, live, living

1) alive只用作表语或后置定语,多用于人,意为 “活的(与dead相对),在世的,活跃的,充满的,注意到”等。She is fully alive to the subtlety of the situation. 她注意到了形势的微妙.

2) Live 作为形容词是作前置定语的, 修饰物而不是修饰人,意为 “活的,重要的,大家关心的, 现场转播的,带电的”等.注意, 作 “带电的”解时, live也可作表语.

3) Living作定语或表语用,可指人或物, 可指人或物, 意为 “活着的,现世的,当今的,一模一样的,现存的,非常的”等

Is your father still living? (不可说Is your father still alive?)



Unit 6 What’s it like?

温州市第十七中学 王黎黎



By the end of this session, students will be better able to talk about location and describe places. This will be achieved by

1.teaching students to make conversations using the patterns as follows:

Where is it? It is….

What is it like? It is….

2.Some language practice exercises and one language task.

Learning and Teaching Focus:

The following two patterns:

Where is it?

What’s it like?

And the answers to these questions.

Anticipated difficulties:

Some students may be unfamiliar with the information (location, population, scenic spots, shopping, weather, food) about the cities abroad. It will obstruct students from talking about cities.


1.provide some pictures with adequate information about the target cities.

2.backup question strategies.

Teaching Aids:

PPT, some picture for discussion.

Learning and Teaching Arrangement


Timing Ss’ Teacher’s

Stage I:

Warming up (About 3 min)

1. Listen to the music and watch the pictures. Better sing along with the music.

2. Chat with teacher about places to travel. 1. Play a video ‘Let’s travel’ showing places of interest. Encourage Ss to sing along with it.

2. Chat with Ss about where to visit

Stage II: Presentation: Show my city (About 10 min)

3. Say anything they know about Wenzhou.

4. Answer the teacher’s questions.

5. Pair work: Ask and answer about the location and describe these places. 3. Present pictures of Wenzhou. Ask Ss to say something they know about Wenzhou.

(Remind Ss what they can talk about if they can’t speak.)

4. Present pictures of places of interest in Wenzhou. Ask ‘Where is it?’ and ‘What’s it like?’

5. Present pictures of different places in Wenzhou.

Stage III: Practice: Show me your city

(About 10 min)

6. Say ‘For me, there’s no place like Hangzhou.’

7. Pair work: Talk about famous places in Hangzhou (Tell where they are and what they are like.) 6. Say ‘For me, there’s no place like Wenzhou. What about you?’

(Present the sentence to help Ss speak)

7. Say ‘Please tell me something about Hangzhou.’

(Go around to help Ss if they have questions.)

Stage IV: Reinforcement and assessment: Show cities around the world (About 15 min) 8. Listening: Ss listen to the mp3 and finish the required activities.

9. Task – Group work in fours: Advise a place of interest for teacher’s honey moon

9.1 Listen to the teacher introducing her plan.

9.2 Discuss in groups of four and design the tour guide

9.3 Give a report. 8. Say ‘There are many beautiful cities around the world.’

Listening: Play the mp3

9. Task – Group work in fours: Advise a place of interest for my honey moon

9.1 Introduce what I would like to do during my honey moon.

9.2 Let Ss be the tour guide and design the guidebook

9.3 Ask Ss to give a report.


1. Surf the information of the places of interests on the Internet

2. Make a survey about the plan of the May Holiday. (Where and Why)

Blackboard design:

Unit 6 What’s it like?



What is it like? It is relaxing




There is / are….

Summary (To summarize my teaching plan in details after class.)


Unit 6 What’s it like? – Part 1

Stage I: Warming up: Video ‘Let’s travel’ (About 3 min)

T: There are many beautiful places in the video. Where would you like to visit?

Ss: I’d like to visit Paris / Singapore / …

T: Why?

Ss: Because it’s very romantic / there are delicious food / …


Stage II: Presentation: Show my city (About 10 min)

T: I’m from a beautiful city in Zhejiang Province. There are many places of interest and delicious food. Where is it?

Ss: Wenzhou.

T: There are many famous places of interest in my city. Do you know any of them?

Ss: Yandang Mountain.

T: There are many places of interest. Would you like to see them?

Ss: Yes.

T: Look. Here’s map of Wenzhou. Yangdang Mountain is famous. Let’s have a look at it first. What’s it like?

Ss: It’s beautiful / grand / magnificent / …

T: What are there in Yangdang Mountain?

Ss: There are falls, trees and mountains.


T: There’s a nice river in Wenzhou. Where is it?

Ss: It’s in Nanxi River.

T: Look. What’s it like?

S1: It’s clean.

T: What are there in Nanxi River?

Ss: There are rivers and trees.

Two Ss do pair work.

SA: What’s it like?

SB: It’s … And there are …

【设计意图】通过pair work单纯地操练目标语言。

T: Now let’s look at the place where I live. It’s called Wuma Street. What’s it like?

Ss: It’s busy.

Ss do pair work with one another.

SA: What’s it like?

SB: It’s … And there are … What’s it like?

SC: It’s … And there are …What’s it like?

SD: …

【设计意图】通过接龙式的pair work操练句型,使得学生更熟练地运用目标语言。

T: Look. This is one of the most beautiful islands in Wenzhou. What’s it like?

Ss: It’s …

Ss discuss in groups and group leaders give a report.

Ss: There are the sea, trees, islands, stones, grass, and many people. We think it’s beautiful, fascinating and clean.

【设计意图】通过Group work的小组讨论操练目标语言,使学生能自如运用。

Stage III: Practice: Show me your city (About 10 min)

T: There’s no place like Wenzhou because it’s my hometown. What about you?

S3: For me there’s no places like Hanghou.

T: Why?

S3: Because it’s my hometown.

T: Look. I only got this map of your city. Can you tell me more about your city? Where is it? What’s it like?

Ss: It’s beautiful. There are a lot of funny places and delicious food.

T: Here are some pictures of you cities. Can you work in pairs and tell me something more about your city?

SA: Where is it?

SB: It’s in … Street.

SA: What’s it like?

SB: It’s … and there are …


Stage IV: Reinforcement and assessment: Show cities around the world (About 15 min)

T: Wow, it’s a beautiful city. I’m going to visit all the places of interest these days. Anyway, I’m going to get married this May Day and I want to travel to some cities abroad during my honeymoon. Because I have traveled to the most beautiful city in China and three hundred million people take vacations abroad every year.

【设计意图】即完成过渡,又实现了文化的渗透(Culture Zoom In)。

T: So I went to the travel agency. There I saw three posters of Los Angeles, New York and Beijing and two people talking about one of the places. Can you guess which city they are talking about?

Ss listen to the mp3 but they can’t tell which one the people are talking about.

T: Look at the fist group of pictures in your paper. What’s it like?

Ss: There are many buildings, seas and Hollywood.

T: What about New York in picture 2?

Ss: There are …and it’s …

T: What about Beijing?

Ss: There … and it’s …

T: Now let’s listen again and choose the correct picture.

Ss: They are talking about Los Angeles.


T: Well. Maybe Los Angeles is really a good place for my honeymoon. But there are still some questions for me. What can my future husband and I do in Los Angeles. Can you listen and answer these questions for me?

Task – Group work in fours: Design a guidebook

T: My future husband and I went to the reception desk and the receptionist showed us some pictures of the cities. Look! Here are the pictures. If you are going to introduce these cities, how will you introduce them for us? Can you design the guidebook?

Ss discuss in fours and design the guidebook.

Group leader give a report by reading their introduction.


Stage IV: Assignment

T: Here comes the assignment for today:

1. Surf the information of the places of interests on the Internet

2. Make a survey about the plan of the May Holiday. (Where and Why)






第三,让学生在玩中学的教学方法让我对新教材的教学方法有了新的体会。在以往的教学中,我很注重让学生在做中学。而对于“玩中学”,我认为不同的学生有不同的学情,未必所有的学生都适合用游戏的方式学到知识,认为可操作性不强。即使设计“Game”,我也不会设计让学生玩的尽兴的游戏,生怕课堂纪律受影响。但在此次优质课的展示中,我也看到了学生在老师设计的游戏中既玩得尽兴又巩固了目标语言。这样一来,我就颠覆了自己以往的教学理念,对“玩中学”有了全新的理解:我可以以pair work的形式让学生在游戏中操练目标语言,我可以以group work的形式让学生在游戏中巩固目标语言。





Teaching Plan for I Can’t Talk Right Now. I’m Taking a Shower.

上虞春晖外国语学校 董建新


Teaching aims:

1. To learn the Present Continuous Tense.

2. To use the Present Continuous Tense in suitable situations.

3. To improve the Ss’ abilities in using the language.

Teaching aids:

Multimedia, blackboard

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warming up

Enjoy the song I’m Speaking to You on the Phone.

When the bell rings, ask the question “What is he doing right now?”

Ss: He’s making a telephone right now?

T: Can I make a phone call right now?

Ss: No, you can’t.

T: Why?

Ss: Because you are having class.

T: Yes . I can’t make a phone call right now .I’m having a class(write the sentences on the blackboard and read them ).

Step 2: Leading in

T: I’m your new teacher and I have told you I’m from Shaoxing Shangyu Chunhui Foreign Language School. What else do you know about me?

Let students think for a moment and then ask them to guess.

S1: Do you like watching TV?

T: Yes. And do you like watching TV?

Ss: Yes.

T: But can we watch TV right now?

Ss: No. We can’t watch TV right now.

T: Why can’t?

Ss. We are having class.

T: Well done. (Take out a chocolate and give it a student as a reward.) I also like eating chocolate .Do you like eating chocolate?

Ss. Yes.

T: Can we eat now?

Ss: No. We can’t eat chocolate right now. We are having class.

T: And I also like doing housework.

Show some photos in which the teacher is doing some housework, and ask them what am I doing.

S2: You are doing the dishes

S3: You are feeding your daughter.

S4: You are cooking dinner(Show my wife’s photo to the student as a reward).

Step 3: Drill and Practice

T: Your also have some your family photos .Can you talk about what your family members are doing in your photos? First tell your partner what your family members are doing in your photos.(For about 2 minutes)

T: Now could you tell us what your partner’s family members are doing in the photo. You can begin like this:

This is the Mendoza family. Luis Mendoza is studying…The Mendoza family is very busy today

Ask some students to talk about the photos like that.

The Mendoza family is very busy. What are they doing? Let’s listen and fill in the form.

Names What are they doing now?


cleaning the garage

Carol and Susan



Ask students to look at the chart and read the whole sentences like Debbie is making lunch.

Step 4:Task 1

T: Suppose you are Steve and you want to talk to your friends. But all of them are very busy right now. Use your imagination (想像)to make some phone calls. You can begin like this:

Steve: Hello, Debbie? This is Steve.

Debbie: Hi. How are you doing?

Steve: Pretty good. How about you?

Debbie: Okay. Listen, I can’t…

Steve: …

Step 5:Consalitation

T: You have done a good job. Now let’s have a break and enjoy the video.

When the students are listening, ask them to answer what Coffy is doing.

Ask students to talk about the video while they are watching.

T: You are good at talking about sports and I think you will be a good narrator in the future like Wang Jianxiang .

T: We know Beijing will hold the Olympic Games in 470 days and now CCTV 5 wants a narrator (解说员) for Sports News during 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in our school. If you are interested in it, call 0575-2982386.

Task 1:Watch the video and talk about what is happening in groups. Recommend (推荐) the best one in the group.

Task 2:The students from the different groups give us a live report. See who can be the best narrator in our class.

Step 6: Homework

Watch your classmates or teachers carefully after class and write down what they are doing.





我教授内容的话题是“I can’t talk just now . I am taking a shower.”。现在想来,这两句话应该是一个有机的整体。但我在分析教材的时候,可能过多强调了对“I am taking a shower”这句话的研究,认为这句话包含和体现了现在进行时这个语言项目,而忽视了对“I can’t talk just now”所蕴含情景的深入思考。从而导致后面的活动设计比较单一。如果能深层次研究活动的情景性和拓展性(对于这个初一学生便已掌握的语言项目,初二学生完全可以进行进一步的深化和拓展),可能会收到较好地教学效果。







I Can’t Talk Right Now . I’m Taking a Shower.

周淑云 杭州市安吉路实验学校


Teaching aims:

Moral aim: To get students to learn to value time

Language: What is he /she doing? She/ he is …

What are they doing? They are …

Is he / she…? Yes/ No, …

Are they …? Yes / No,

Vocabulary: take a bath, take a shower, cooking dinner, eating lunch, studying, family members

Difficulties: Express himself with fluent Present Continuous Tense

Teaching aids: PPT, overhead projector

Teaching steps:

1. Greetings and warning up

T: Nice to meet you again, boys and girls.

S: Nice to meet you ,too. Miss Zhou.

T: How are you feeling now?

S1: Exciting.

T: Exciting? Exciting or excited?

Ss: Excited.

S2: I feel happy.

T: Why? Why are you feeling happy? It’s strange. I think most of us are feeling nervous.

S2: Because I can meet Miss Zhou again.

T: Really? That’s great! I feel a bit nervous and happy. Do you know why?


T: It’s really nice to see you again in such a short time. I feel that we are like superstars , on such a huge stage and with so many teachers watching us . Do you like to be superstars?

Ss: Yes!

T: That’s wonderful! Since most of us are feeling a bit nervous, let’s start our class with guessing games, OK?

Ss: OK

2. Lead-in

Guessing game

T: Here we can see three cartoon characters – Berlioz, Pluto and Snow White. Can you guess what they are doing now?

T: What is Berlioz doing? Is he…?

S1: Is he eating?

T: Sorry, he isn’t.

S2: Is he playing?

T: Um, he is playing. But…

S3: Is he dancing?

T: No, he isn’t dancing. He is playing. He is playing something.


T: Is he dancing? No, he is playing the piano.

T: Now let’s guess what Snow White is doing.

S1: Is she washing dishes?

T: No, she isn’t.

S2: I think she is playing the piano.

T: No, she isn’t playing the piano. You are so clever. Look, she is sitting there, near a fireplace, um, a fireplace can keep people warm in winter.

S3: I don’t know.

T: Is she cooking? No, let’s see what she is doing at the moment. Oh, she is telling the stories.

T: Snow White is telling stories, who is listening? Her…

Ss: Her friends.

T: Yes, you are such clever students. Maybe the pictures are too small for you to guess out. Now let’s see what is Pluto doing.

S1: Is he playing football?

T: No, he isn’t.

S2: Is he playing volleyball?

T: Sorry, he isn’t playing anything. He is … Can you see the bubbles around him? Bubbles? They are water circles when you take a shower.

S3: I think he is taking a shower.

T: You are so clever. He is taking a bath. Do you know bath? No, look, when you take a shower, you have something over your head.

Ss: Oh.

T: Now let’s check.

T: Snow White is telling stories. Who is listening?

Ss: Her friends.

T: You are right.

A phone call

T: Oh, there is a phone call for me. Oh, it’s from my mother, you know these days there’s a very special person in my family. She must be in a hurry. Can I answer it?

Ss: Yes.

T: Thanks, really.

T: Hello, mum. How are you doing? Little Dongdong is crying all the time? Why not telephone his parents? Oh, you have? They can’t talk right now? OK, listen, mum, I can’t talk right now. You know I’m having a class right now. It doesn’t matter. Maybe you can send me some pictures of him through QQ to let me know what he is doing right now. Yes, I’ll call back later. Goodbye.

T: Now do you know who is the special person in my home?

S1: I don’t know.

S2: Your mother?

T: No

S3: Little Dongdong.

T: Yes, who is little Dongdong?

S4: He is your son.

T: No, he isn’t my son. Do you want to meet him? You see , little Dongdong is my neighbor’s son. He is only 10 months old. How cute he is! Why is he in my home? Where are his own parents?

Ss: …

T: Let me tell you what his parents are doing.

T: Little Dongdong’s family members are busy now! His grandparents are in Italy now. What are they doing?

Ss: They are playing.

T: Yes, they are visiting some interesting place in Italy. His father is a businessman, he is now in the USA. What is he doing right now?

S1: He is having meetings.

S2: He is talking business.

T: He is talking?

Ss: …

T: He is discussing business.

T: Where is his mother? She is in India. What does she do?

Ss: She is a nurse.

T: What do you think she is doing?

S1: She is helping sick people.

T: Yes, you see. Little Dongdong’s family members are all busy now. Can they talk right now?

Ss: No, they can’t.

3. Practice

Create a situation for the students to practice similar phone call dialogues.

T: You know my mother has telephoned them, but they can’t talk right now. Can you imagine what they say on the telephone? Try to make up a dialogue between my mother and Dongdong’s family members.

Now, work in pairs, please.

S1: What …

T: My mother is talking with them, but they can’t talk right now. What can they say? They call my mum Granny Zhou.

S2: Hello, This is Dongdong’s mum. Is that Granny Zhou?

S3: Yes.

S2: Is Dongdong all right?

S3: Yes, he is. But I can’t talk right now, I’m busy. I …

T: Who can’t talk right now, my mother or Dongdong’s parents?

S4: Hello, is that Dongdong’s father?

S5: Yes, this is Dongdong’s father. Who is that?

S4: This is Granny Zhou.

S5: Sorry, I can’t talk right now. I’m having a meeting. I’ll call back later.

S4: OK, bye.

T: Good! Can my mother telephone Dongdong’s grandparents?

Ss: Yes.

T: Yes? What is the time in Italy now? It’s 3:00 in the morning. Can they talk right now?

Ss: No

T: What are they doing right now? They are sleeping.

T: Do you know what my mother is doing right now?

S1: She is taking care of Dongdong.

T: No, she isn’t. She is sending me some pictures through QQ. Listen.

T: Oops, pictures sending by QQ are not so clear. But I think you clever students can guess out what Dongdong is doing right now.

S1: He is crying.

T: Great.

S2: He is now taking a bath.

S3: He is eating.

T: Good.

S4: I think he is sleeping.

T: You are so smart. The last picture makes me relaxed. I can go on with my lesson now.

4. Listening

Listen to a piece of monologue, and try to answer the questions.

T: What is Steve doing?

S1: He is making a phone call.

T: Yes, you are right. But his friends can’t talk to him right now. Why can’t they talk? Let’s listen and find out.

T: Can you answer these questions? Do you need to listen to it again?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK, let’s listen to is again.

T: What’s Debbie doing?

S1: She’s making lunch.

T: What’s Bill doing?

S2: He’s cleaning his garage.

T: Do you know garage? Garage is a place we park our car.

Ss: I see.

T: What are Carol and Susan doing?

S3: They’re doing their homework.

T: What’s Sally doing?

S4: She’s taking a shower.

T: What are Paul and John doing?

S5: They’re studying.

5. Writing

T: Look at the people in the building. What are they doing?

S1: He is talking on the phone. They are having dinner. She is…

T: Who may be Steve’s friend?

Ss: The man in picture 9.

T: Yes, because he is studying.

T: The Mendoza family is at home now. What are they doing right now? Please fill in the blanks on the material in front of you.

T: Have you finished?

Ss: Yes.

T&S: Luis Mendoza is …

S1: Debbie is cleaning the room.

S2: Carmen is eating lunch.

S3: Alex is taking a shower.

T: Right.

S4: Mr. Mendoza is washing his car.

T: Is he washing his car? No, he is mending/ repairing/ fixing his car.

S5: Mrs. Mendoza is washing the sink.

T: Do you know sink? No? Sink is the place where water leaves us when we are washing something.

S6: She is fixing the sink.

T: Yes, you are right.

6. Group work

Provide three situations and get the students to act them out

T: Now I know you are good at listening and writing, I’m sure you are good actors. Here in the envelops are three situations. Choose one and act it out in big groups. This time group 1 and group 2 should work together as group A, group 3 and 4 as group B, group 5 and 6 as group C. Only two groups can choose the same situation.

Which do you want to choose?

S1: In the park

S2: At home

S3: At home.

T: OK, now you can have only 2 minutes.

Two minutes later

T: Are you ready?

Group 3 come to act out situation at home.

T: Time is flying. This is the last sentence I want to give you. Yesterday is the history. Tomorrow is the mystery(神秘的事). Today is the gift. That's why we call it PRESENT!

You know present? Yes, good.

7. Homework

This is the homework. Find a photo of your family, write a short passage about what you are doing at the time. And bring it to school tomorrow and share it with us.

T: See you. Thank you!

Ss: See you!


1. 没有充分估计到借班上课可能产生的师生信息不畅通问题。

2. 在上课的WARMINGUP环节应该设计一些能很快调动学生积极性的活动,如:简单的歌曲, CHANT,谜语等等。

3. 在呈现环节,当学生对我设计的图片信息很难猜准确时没有及时调整课堂节奏和思路,导致这一环节显得非常拖沓冗长,更糟糕的是影响了后面的教学进度和学生接下来的参与积极性。

4. 电话呈现本节课主要语言内容时,没有考虑到学生可能产生的忽视心情。导致这一步骤的落实不到位,铺垫失败。

5. 中间让学生编“我妈妈”和“东东的家人”之间的对话时,指令不清晰不明确,应该有对话示范给学生。碰到学生无法领会自己的意思时,应该灵活地找一个好学生呈现一则对话做示范,当时由于紧张,没有想到。

6. 中间让学生再回答“大楼”里人们的活动这一环节完全可以去掉。

7. 结束时没注意看时间,导致拖堂,并且没有完成应该完成的任务。

8. 整节课险象横生,没有高潮和语言的产出。


Unit 6 What’s it like?

Li Jingyan from Daishan Experimental School


T: Stand up, please. Let’s sing and act together. (Clap your hands)

T & Ss: Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can

Clap, clap, clap your hands as quickly as you can

Shake, shake, shake your hands as slowly as you can

Shake, shake, shake your hands as quickly as you can

Roll, roll, roll your hands as slowly as you can

Roll, roll, roll your hands as quickly as you can

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers as slowly as you can

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers as quickly as you can

Pound, pound, pound your fists as slowly as you can

Pound, pound, pound your fists as quickly as you can

T: Great! But can you do this: Cross your fingers. What does it mean? Hope for the best. We’re having an English class together now. Let’s say and do “Cross your fingers”. OK. Follow me, Cross, cross, cross your fingers.

Ss: Cross, cross, cross your fingers.

T: Very good! Is it a very interesting action?

Ss: Yes.

(由歌曲导入,充分调动了学生的积极性,减少了师生见的陌生感,很快拉近了师生的距离,而Cross your fingers.虽是本课新内容,作为Clap your hands这首歌曲的延伸来引出,非常自然。并让学生在了解意思的情况下大声朗读并表演,极大的激发学生了学习的兴趣。)

T: So we are happy, right?

Ss: Yes.

T: But do you still remember where I am from?

S: Zhoushan.

T: That’s right. But do you hear about Zhoushan?

Ss: Yes.

T: Really? What’s Zhoushan like?

S: Sorry. I don’t know.

T: It doesn’t matter. And you are so lucky. My friend Jason , he is an actor. He likes traveling very much. He made a video about Zhoushan. Let’s enjoy it and see what’s Zhoushan like.

T & Ss: Watch the video.

T: What’s Zhoushan like? Is it an island?

Ss: Yes.

T: Any more? What’s Zhoushan like?

Ss: It’s beautiful.

T: Very good. You know Zhoushan is a beautiful city with lots of islands. The sea is around it. You can see mountains everywhere. It’s famous for seafood, especially for fishes. There are not many tall buildings in it, but it’s getting nicer and nicer. It’s small but clean. Do you know the meanings of the new words.

Ss: Yes.

T: Good. Please read them after me.

Ss: Read after the teacher.

T: Is Zhoushan beautiful?

Ss: Yes.

T: Do you like Zhoushan?

Ss: Yes.

(Video的设计非常生动形象的表达出了舟山的特征,效果很好。只是本人在生词的引出方面太快,学生无法接受。可设计如下:在看完录象后呈现与生词有关的图片,教师边问What’s Zhoushan like?边帮助学生回答带有生词的句子。然后再跟读生词,最后让学生以问答形式朗读舟山的句子。)

T: Welcome to Zhoushan! And my friend Jason likes it, too. But he has been to some other cities. Let’s look at the pictures and answer three questions.

1. How many cities can you see?

2. What are they?

3. What are they like?

T: How many cities can you see?

S: I can see Los Angeles, New York and Beijing.

T: Oh, you are so smart. Thank you. Sit down. But what’s Los Angeles like?

S: It’s a big city.

T: It’s a big city, right. Any more?

S: It’s exciting.

T: Great! Now please do pair work talking about the places. I’ll give you two minutes to prepare.

Ss discuss in pairs.

T: Are you ready? Who will try?

Ss1:--What’s Beijing like? --It’s the capital of China.

Ss2:--What’s New York like? --It’s a big city./There are lots of cars.



T: Wonderful. So we know Beijing is the capital of China. New York is the biggest city. There are many movie stars in Los Angeles. Jason likes them very much. But which city is his favourite? Please listen and circle the correct answer.

Listen to the tape.

T: Who knows?

S: Los Angeles.


T: Clever. But why does he like Los Angeles best? Read the conversation quickly then find the answer.

Ss read the conversation as quickly as possible.

T: Can you find the answer?

S1: Because it’s very big. There are lots of people, tall buildings, cars, and buses everywhere.

T: Maybe that’s right. But think it over.

S2: Hollywood is exciting, too, especially for actors.

T:I think you can find the answer soon. Please go on reading.

S3:He is waiting to hear about a new job.


T: Really good. That’s the best answer. Because my friend Jason is an actor. Are you clear? Now please listen and imitate.

Ss imitate the conversation.

T: Read in two parts. Boys Jason, Girls the woman.

Ss read the conversation.


T: Well done. Los Angeles is Jason’s favourite city. What is your favourite city? Discuss in groups then give us a report.

S: In my group, Li Ming likes Suzhou best. Because it’s a nice city. Chen Hong and Lin Feng like Hollywood best. Because it’s exciting and there’re many….

T: Who will be the reporter.





T: Oh, I see. So maybe you are going on vacation during the coming holiday. By the way, what day is coming?

Ss: May Day.

T: Yes. My friend Jason is coming to Hangzhou on May Day. Would you like to be his tour guide?

Ss: Yes.

T: Could you make a travel brochure to introduce Hangzhou for him?

Ss: Yes.

T: Please do group work again, try to finish it. Hangzhou is your hometown. I’m sure you know Hangzhou well. Cross your fingers.

Group work.

T: Are you ready for it? OK, come here and tell us what is your travel brochure about?

Ss1:Hangzhou is a beautiful city. You can see tall buildings everywhere. If you come here, you can visit the West Lake. The food here is also delicious. Hangzhou has many specials, especially for Longjing tea. Welcome to Hangzhou. Wish you a good time! Cross your fingers!

T: Very good. Thank you. Which group wants to try again?

Ss2: Welcome to Hangzhou. Hangzhou is an old but beautiful city. You can see many people, cars and tall buildings everywhere. If you come here, you can visit Duanqiao Canxue. The food here is also delicious. Hangzhou has many specials, especially for Longjing tea.

T: Better. Which group want to try?



T: Excellent. I’m sure. Jason is having a good time in Hangzhou. Thank you very much. But you know next year is 2008, where is Jason going?

Ss: Beijing.

T: Clever. But why?

Ss & T: 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is coming.

T: Jason will have a great time next year. Because 2008 is a special year, especially for us Chinese. You know one world one dream. Let’s enjoy our poem with our best wishes.

The day is coming

Waiting to meet in Beijing

What’s Beijing like?

Let’s go and look.

The city is really exciting.

The people are full of joy.

For the special time

People around the world

Having the same home.

Wherever we are

One world, one dream.

T: Please read it with you own feelings.

Ss & T: Read together.


T: Thank you. Let’s cross your fingers.

Ss: Cross fingers.

T: Class is over. Thank you boys and girls. Bye-bye!

Ss: Bye-bye.







Making telephone calls

郑永君 宁波市第十九中学 No.3


Teaching aims: Students learn how to make telephone calls.

Teaching focus: Students learn to use the target language in an integrated way. Through this lesson, they can make telephone calls in their daily life.

Key sentence structures:

Is sb. there? Just a minute. It’s for you. I’ll check.

I’ll call later. Sorry, I have the wrong number. No problem.

Teaching procedures:

1. Warming-up

a. Let’s chant. (Students practice the pronunciations of the English names that appear in the text.)

b. Self-introduction (The teacher and the students interact)

c. Group competition (Group work in the text on P.28)

2. Vocabulary in context. (P.28)

Teach the three conversations on the phone in the textbook one by one through listening and acting .

3. Listening practice. (P.29)

Let students complete the sentences in the book and put them in the correct order.

4. Listening in context (P.29)

Students listen and circle the names of the caller. Then listen again and write the callers’ names on the line below the correct picture.

5. Interact

Group work: take turns to do the role-play according to the given materials. (e.g. make a telephone call when you want to go to KFC with your friend.)

6. Book tickets for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

Students make telephone calls to book tickets in the groups.

7. Homework:

a. Try to collect useful numbers in your daily life.

b. If your neighbor is ill, make a telephone call to help him/her.


Before we start our lesson, I will first set a piece of music with lovely rhythm. Ask students to dance with the music. To my surprise, one of them did a good job. It made our lesson a warm atmosphere at the beginning.

Step 1. Pre-task

Let’s chant.

T: I’m very happy to meet you here. Are you happy today?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. I’m happy too. Because I can have a lesson for you and I’m sure we can be good friends after class. In fact, I have many friends here. Do you want to know them?

Ss: Yes.

T: Good! Now let me tell you their names. Would you please chant their names with me together?

Then chant the names that appear in the text for three times, from slow rhythm to fast rhythm. Make sure they can read them correctly.

Self introduction

T: Now, you know some of my friends. This time I will show you a photo. Can you guess who the person is? If you are right, I will give you a prize.

Ss: Cathy? / Brad? / Jason? /Susan? …

T: Maybe not. / Not exactly. /I’m sorry….

Then show them my photo and give them some information about me.

T: I know you want to ask me many questions, right? Now, if I give you this word Claire, what will you ask me?

S1: How old are you?

T: Can I answer I’m Claire?

S2: What’s your name?

T: Quite good. My name is Claire. Claire!

Then I give them my age, hobby, telephone number, mobile phone number and etc. They can foster their questions in a right way.

Guessing competition:

T: I know you are good at guessing. Now let’s have a guessing game. Write two questions and answers on a piece of paper. One group reads the answer; the other groups guess the questions.

I divide them into six groups. Ss prepare for 1 minute and then choose some groups to give us their answers. Let the other five groups guess the question. If they are right, I will give a star on the paper. At last we will see which group can get the most stars, and then they will be the winner today.

S: Tall and strong.

At first, no one sets the question, so I make an action on me, means that I’m tall and strong. So students get the meaning and give the question quickly, “What do you look like?”

I choose three of them and give each group who can foster the right question a red star on the paper. Then I will say: “Oh, group … gets the most stars now, but you have one more chance. I have an answer for you. Listen carefully.

T: They are making telephone calls. Who can give the right question?

S: What are they doing? / What do they like doing?

T: Good! You are right. They are making telephone calls. So let’s listen what they are talking about.

Step 2 While-task

1. Make telephone calls

Read the conversations. Notice the useful express

Susan: Hello.

Zack: Hello. This is Zack. Is Andy there?

Susan: Just a minute, please. Andy, it’s for you. It’s Zack.

Andy: Hi, Zack. How’s everything?

Zack: Fine.

The underlined red sentences are the key points.

I will add the ringing sound and the dialogue sound. When the phone rings, I say: “The phone is ringing. (This is a telephone vocabulary in the text.) Let’s listen.

After that, I explain the meaning of these key points and make sure students get the meaning. Next, ask the whole class read the dialogue loudly.

Claire: Hello. Is Karen Sanders there?

Mary: Just a minute, please. I’ll check. Sorry. No, she isn’t.

Claire: Thanks. I’ll call her later.

First make a busy sound of the phone. I will say: “The phone is busy now. (This is a telephone vocabulary in the text.) Let’s try again. Oh, the phone is ringing, it’s through.

After listening, ask boys read as Claire and girls as Mary. Then explain the underlined sentences.

Stacey: Hello.

Tom: Is Debbie there, please?

Stacey: There’s no Debbie here.

Tom: Is this 570-1794?

Stacey: No, it isn’t.

Tom: Oh, I’m sorry. I have the wrong number.

Stacey: No problem. Good-bye.

Tom: Good-bye.

The phone is ringing again. Give the students the listening dialogue, and pay attention to the key points. After that ask two students to role play the dialogue. If they act well, I will give both of them a star in their groups.

2. Self-check

Look at the conversations on page 28 and complete the sentences below.

T: OK, we know most of my friends made telephone calls just now. This time can you help Sam finish the talk on the phone?

Finish the task: Look at the conversations on page 28 and complete the sentences below. Make sure students can do it quickly and correctly. Then, ask students to listen to the conversation twice and number the sentences above in the correct order.

In this part students who answer right can get the star for his/her group.

3. Listening part

T: You have done a very good job. I think you are all clever boys and girls. We know people can make telephone calls in order to ask others for help. Now, let’s listen who is calling others for help. There are four dialogues.

Check the students’ answers after listening. Give the star to the group in which student answers right. By then, count the numbers of the stars and encourage other groups.

T: Marvelous! From listening we know Brad, Andy, Stacey and Karen are the callers in the conversations. This time let’s listen again, can you find out where they make telephone calls? OK, let’s see who is good at listening.

Play the tape first. Next, before they answer, I give them some tips about places: outside the school; hospital; classroom; office. Then, ask students to check the answers. Finally praise the student who is right and add the stars in his group.

T: “Let’s see. Oh group … has the most stars right now. But never mind, you have more chances to get them.

Step 3 Pre-task

1. Make your own telephone calls with the telephone vocabulary.

T: In everyday life, people use telephone calls to ask others for help. Today, if you need help, how do you make telephone calls for help? Now, look at the following pictures:

You want to go to KFC with your friend…

You are still at school. It rains heavily but you don’t have an umbrella...

Your father comes back and he wants your mother to pick him up…

You want to buy books after school, but you don’t have enough money…

So how can you solve the problems by making telephone calls? OK, discuss with your partners and make your original dialogues after three minutes. Are you clear?

After students give their “Yes” response, start the talking and preparation. Choose some groups to act out the dialogues. Make sure they can use the telephone vocabulary correctly, using the gestures to make it more vivid. After each performance, give the group one star and praise the actors in the group.

2. Tickets for Beijing 2008

T: I’m sure you can make your own telephone calls when you meet with problems. I am very glad you can do it freely now. We know telephone calls are very important and useful in life. We can ask for help, we can communicate with others and we can book rooms through it. What’s more, we can also books tickets by making telephone calls. Boys and girls, do you know what will happen in 2008?

Ss: The Olympic Games.

T: Excellent! It’s a big event in our country. So lots of people will come to Beijing and watch different kinds of games at that time. If you want to watch a basketball match with your friends or parents, how do you book the tickets through telephone?

Now Ticket Booking Center is open. You can call the hotline to book tickets. Please call the hotline and book the tickets you want. I will give you some minutes and let’s check which group’s acting is the best.

Students begin to prepare for the conversation. I set a piece of music about the Olympic Games at the same time, so students can have less pressure in such atmosphere.

Time is up. Act and evaluate their performance and give stars to every group who plays the dialogue.


T: It seems that you are good at making calls now. Well done! You can see group…has the most stars, so they are today’s winner. Congratulations and you can get your prize after class. And who acts best today?

Students point to the boy.

T: Oh, you, the lovely boy, you dance well, so you act best today and this is your prize. And who is today’s best spokesman? Maybe that boy because you talk much and also do a good job! So this is the prize for you. Thank you all!

T: I’m sorry, but time is limited. This is today’s homework for you.”

⑴ Try to collect(收集) useful numbers in your daily life.

⑵ If your neighbor is ill, make a telephone call to help him/her.

T: Are you happy today?

Ss: Yes!

T: I’m so happy. I’m sure we will be good friends after class. Thank you for participation. Goodbye, class.


在本次浙江省初中英语优质课评比中,我以良好的业务素质、亲切活泼的教学风格和精彩的教学设计博得了专家和大众评审的一致好评,荣获一等奖。纵观整一堂课,我能紧扣教材“Making telephone calls”这一话题展开教学,层层递进,让学生从“学”教材逐步过渡到“用”教材,并能让学生在贴近生活的情境中运用所学的知识解决问题。课堂气氛比较活跃,教学亦算到位,也成功完成了本课的教学目标。下面是我对整堂课教学的反思和总结。


因为教材的主要内容为“Making telephone calls”,我在教学的每个环节中都注意围绕这一主线,并使任务间的过渡自然流畅。比如在开场的self-introduction中,我有意识地提及了自己的家庭电话和手机号码,并把“打电话”作为兴趣爱好,为课文内容的导入做好铺垫。在自我介绍中,我先给学生关于我的个人信息,再由学生提问,这样的设计是因为紧接着的小组竞赛就是要求学生针对已给信息提出合适的问题,这样起到了较好的示范作用。经过此番warming-up之后,我便直奔主题,导入教材,通过听、读等技能练习呈现打电话时常用的句型和表达方式,这是学生“学”教材的过程。之后,我创设了四个生活情境,要求学生以小组为单位运用已学知识,讨论编对话并予以表演。最后,我结合奥运会这一时下颇为流行的话题让学生通过打电话定票,让学生充分发挥想象力进行对话创作,具有一定的开放性。这是整堂课的高潮部分,此时学生已脱离课本“用”教材了。教学中我对学生应用知识能力的要求不断提高,层层深入,最终达到高潮,实现教学目的。




在整堂课的教学过程中,从教学任务的完成到师生互动都取得了成功,但不足之处仍待改进。首先在一开始的导入部分,我担心学生会跟不上思路,所以在给出信息让学生提问环节放慢了速度,导致整堂课的时间在结束时显得很仓促。其次在引入打电话的时候,虽然设计了录音效果,但是如果能添加录像资料会更加直观,可以让学生加深对教学内容的理解。另外对教材的听力材料处理上,个人觉得可以再生活化一些,把听的内容跟生活场景联系起来效果可能会更好。最后,在需要学生自我发挥的场景对话中,我给出的时间还不够充足。作为教材内容的提升部分,我应该让学生有足够的时间来进行对话表演,把课文所学内容进行巩固和拓展。可是由于开始的时间进度比较慢, 所以在最后的表演展示部分,我只能要求一组同学完成了表演。事实上如果能邀请3-4组参与表演,那整个教学可以更加完美。



2、老师对学生的评价要准确,有效并多样化。我们说及时有效的评价对提高学生上课积极性和表现欲具有至关重要的作用。我们听公开课也会发现老师们两个不足的地方。一个就是评价不及时:学生回答完问题后,老师没有做出适时有效的评价,这会挫伤学生回答下面问题的积极性,有可能导致接下去课堂气氛的淡化甚至冷场。另一个就是评价单一化:老师们在学生回答好以后总是喜欢用good, very good去进行评价,时间一长,自会让学生觉得乏味。这样的评价最终流于形式,失去了它的激励作用和效果了。其实新目标课程标准强调了一个情感目标,有效多样的评价也是实现这一目标的良好途径。如果我们对学生的正确回答给予肯定,并使用多样的评价词汇,如excellent, well-done, gorgeous, marvelous, You are clever, Good boy, Lovely girl等,我们就能够使学生在学的过程实现自我肯定和自我我提升。另外我们也不妨用肢体语言来表现评价方式的多样化。动作,眼神或手势都能传递老师对学生回答后作出的反映。课堂中,学生处于紧张的状态中,老师温柔的手势,优雅的动作,喜爱的眼神都能表达出对学生的情感,学生也能在接收到老师的这一信息后更加努力地去实现下一个回答的目标。这样的课课堂气氛一定是良好的。对于小组等的集体评价也是如此。积极有效的集体评价不仅可以促进个人的发挥,也可以使学生在发挥过程中增加集体观念和群体意识,强调个体之间的合作与帮助,这也是新目标力求实现的一个目标。





Language Focus “some” and “any”(2)

By Zhou Xiaqin (周夏琴)


Teaching materials: Language focus ‘some’ and ‘any’ (Part 1, 2, 3)

Analysis of Teaching materials: The teaching materials mainly focus on the usage of some and any. Part 1 can be dealt as warming up. In this part, attention should be paid to collecting Ss’ food vocabularies. By collecting Ss’ food vocabularies may help Ss recall what they have learnt and weaken the difficulty in listening. Part 2 deals with listening. The recoding is a bit fast for Ss to catch, so preparing some additional easy questions may help Ss to get main information in listening and clear up some obstacles in listening and improve their listening skills. Part 3.1 and Part 3.2 can be dealt in Ss’ oral practice in this class, so it’s unnecessary for T and Ss to spend special time on it. Part 3.3 is dealt in encouraging Ss to use the target language some and any.

Teaching aims:

Ss will acquire the following:

1. the usage of some & any

2. the listening skills of understanding

Importance and difficulties:

Teaching Aids: P.P.T. & cassettes

Teaching Methods: Mainly TBL

Teaching Procedures as follow:

Activity 1. Warm up

(Purpose: To smooth Ss’ emotion and lead in)

Activity 2. Brainstorm

(Purpose: To introduce some and any and help Ss to get the initial sense of the use of some and any)

Name the vocabulary of food

Activity 3. Look & differ

(Purpose: To help Ss to use some and any in the language)

Look at the two pictures and tell the differences with “ some” and “any”

Activity 4. Survey

(Purpose: to use some and any in real life situation)

Make a survey about your friends’ favorite dish. Tell the whole class something about the dish, for example: What’s in it? Why does he like it?

Activity 5. Listen

(Purpose: To help Ss to understand the target language in listening)

Listen and choose the things they have got.

Q1: What have they got?

A. Flour B. Butter C. Sugar D. Eggs E. Milk

Answers: ABDE

Q2: What are they making? Pancakes or shortbread biscuits? How do you know it?

Activity 6: Group work

(Purpose: To make Ss further use the target language in real life situation and motivate Ss’ creativities)

1.Illustrate how to make banana milk shake with the Ss first.

2.Discuss with your group which dish to cook and what you need for this dish as well as the reason why you choose it. At last introduce us how to cook it.

Activity 7. Homework

1.Consolidate the usage of “some” and “any”.

2.Collect more information about food in other countries, and introduce them to the class.

3. Make a poster of your dish for the Festival.


Activity 1. Warm up

(Purpose: To smooth Ss’ emotion and lead in)

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.

Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Zhou.

T: How are you doing? I am very excited today. Because I am in Hangzhou now. It is such a beautiful city. There are some interesting places to see here. What’s more, the food in Hangzhou is so delicious. I had some fish, pork and soup. I didn’t have any fruit for lunch. Oh, by the way, what do you often have for lunch at school or dinner at home?

S1: I often have chicken and soup for lunch.

S2: I often have some eggs, fish and cabbage for dinner.

S3: I usually have rice, pork and eggplants for lunch.

T: Delicious! And I believe you know a lot words about food. Now let’s share some words you know.

Activity 2. Brainstorm

(Purpose: To introduce some and any and help Ss to get the initial sense of the use of some and any)

T: Please tell some words about food.

S1: pork, fish, duck, chicken, dumplings

S2: broccoli, rice, lettuce, shake, tomato

S3: potato, mutton, beef, milk, banana

S4: juice, chip, hamburger, sandwich, orange

T: Wow, you really have a large vocabulary. But have you got a good memory? Now look at the pictures and try to remember what they are. After 10 seconds, I will ask you some questions about them, such as “ Is there any bananas in the picture?”. Ready to go? OK, let’s start.

(10 seconds later)

T: Sorry to interrupt, but time is up. Is there any milk in the picture?

S1: Yes, there is some milk in the picture.

T: Are there any pears in the picture?

S2: No, there aren’t any pears in the picture.

T: Are there some potatoes in this room?

Ss: Yes, there are some.

T: Is there any juice in the room?

Ss: No, there isn’t any juice in the room.

T: Excellent! All of you have a good memory. Great! Then have you got sharp eyes?

Activity 3. Look & differ

(Purpose: To help Ss to use some and any in the language)

T: Now let’s find out if you have got sharp eyes. Look at the two similar pictures and tell us the differences between the two. You may say like this:

There is / are some … in picture 1.

But there isn’t / aren’t any … in Picture 2.

One minute to prepare, please!

S1: There is some a bottle of coke in Picture 2, but there isn’t any bottles of coke in Picture 2.

T: Well done.

S2: there are some tins of wine in Picture 2, but there aren’t any in Picture 1.

T: Good. What else?

S3: There are some pears in Picture 1, but there aren’t any in Picture 2.

T: Quite right.

S4: There are some oranges in Picture 1, but there aren’t any in Picture 2.

T: Terrific!

S5: There is some coffee in Picture 2, but there isn’t any in Picture 1.

T: Good. Are these your favorite?

Activity 4. Survey

(Purpose: to use some and any in real life situation)

T: Excuse me, Tony. What is your favorite food?

S1: My favorite food is hot tofu.

T: What’s in it?

S1: Tofu and pepper.

T: Thank you for telling us. What about you, Lucy?

S2: My favorite food is fried chicken.

T: Why do you like it?

S2: Because it is delicious, I think.

T: Oh, I see. Now ask your group about their favorite food. Try to find out the ingredients in it and the reason why he or she likes it. Then give a report. OK, here we go.

(on the work sheet)

S1: Peter’s favorite food is curry potatoes. He likes it because it is good for health. It has got some potatoes and curry. It hasn’t got any sugar.

T: Well done. I like it too. Any one?

S2: Tony’s favorite food is hot tofu. He likes it because it is easy to cook and cheap. It has got some pepper and tofu. It hasn’t got any meat.

T: Haha, good reasons, easy to cook and cheap. Right. Any other idea?

S3: Susan’s favorite food is vegetable salad. She likes it because it is good for health, and it helps her to become more beautiful. It has got some tomatoes, broccoli, lettuce and salad. It hasn’t got any hot food.

T: Sounds yummy. But can you cook them?

Ss: Some say “yes”, some say “no”.

T: If you can’t, don’t worry. You can learn to cook from your parents or from a cooking book, just like Pat and Anne. They try to make something. Now let’s listen to the tape and find out what they have got.

Activity 5. Listen

(Purpose: To help Ss to understand the target language in listening)

T: First take a look at the two pictures. According to the pictures, you can get some tips about the listening content. Now don’t look at your paper. Listen and choose the things they have got.

Q: What have they got?

A. Flour B. Butter C. Sugar D. Eggs E. Milk

Answers: ABDE

T: What are they making? Pancakes or shortbread biscuits? How do you know it? Now you may discuss with your group, then share the idea with the whole class.

S1: I think they are making pancakes. Because if they want to make shortbread biscuits, they need some sugar, but they don’t have any sugar. So they can not make shortbread biscuits.

T: Excellent! Good job! And I find that you really have some talents in cooking. And there is a food festival in school. Why don’t you help and design a nice dish? Maybe you will be the best cook of the festival.

Activity 6: Group work

(Purpose: To make Ss further use the target language in real life situation and motivate Ss’ creativities)

T: Discuss with your group which dish to cook and what you need for this dish as well as the reason why you choose it. At last introduce us how to cook it. For example, you learnt it from your book about making banana milk shake. What do we need?

Ss: Bananas, milk, sugar…

T: Do we need any salt?

Ss: No, we don’t need any salt.

T: What should we do first?

Ss: Peer the bananas.

T: Then?

Ss: Cut the bananas.

T: I see. Go on teaching me how to make it.

Ss: Put the bananas into the blender and pour some milk. At last, turn on the blender.

T: Ok, maybe after going back home, I will make some. Ok, now I will give some minutes to design a nice dish and make an oral advertisement for it, so people will be interested in your dish. And later we will choose the best dish.

(Several minutes later)

T: Let’s see what you have got. Show yourself, please!

S1: We decide to make Sichuan hot tofu. We have got some tofu and red pepper. We don’t need any fat. Let me tell you how to cook. First wash the pepper and tofu. Put some oil, then put pepper and tofu into it, and stir it. Then put some relish. Why do we cook this dish? Because it is yummy and hot food can make you excited and strong. And it is also very popular. If it is not popular in your school, I will give some for them to eat, then everyone will like it soon.

T: Wonderful! I can even smell it. I believe it will be popular in your school soon. What else?

S2: We decide to make a pizza. We have got some flour, vegetable, relish and chicken. Let me tell you how to cook it. First get the flour ready, then put some vegetables and chicken onto it. Then pour some relish on them. At last put it into an oven to bake it for 13 minutes. Why do we cook it? Because it is nutritious and healthy. And almost every young student likes it. Many people will buy it during the festival. We can make lots of money.

T: Amazing! You are so talented. I am so surprised. You can use what we learnt in real life. But remember to go over the usage of “some” and “any” after class. What’s more, Collect more information about food in other countries, and introduce them to the class or make a poster of your dish for the Festival. Well, I really enjoy having a class with you all. Thank you so much. Class is over. Goodbye and have a nice day!

Activity 7. Homework

1.Consolidate the usage of “some” and “any”.

2.Collect more information about food in other countries, and introduce them to the class.

3. Make a poster of your dish for the Festival.


4月17-19日,二○○七年浙江省初中英语课堂教学比赛在杭州崇文实验学校举行,六百多名教师观摩了本次活动。我有幸参加了此次比赛。本次比赛与往年略有不同,比赛组委会根据抽签顺序的先后,在上课24小时前,给出上课话题,要求各参赛选手在短暂的一天一夜时间里,独立进行教材分析,写出教案,完成课件,因为本次比赛时间紧,难度大,任务重,各地市都派出了精兵强将来参赛。他们大多是有了5-10年的教龄,并是各地市“双高’课或优质课的一等奖获得者,而我只是一个才在嘉兴秀洲现代实验学校工作不到两年的年轻教师。但是在市、区两位教研员的鼓励下,努力备课,以饱满的热情、积极引导学生积极参与讨论、主动思考、大胆发言,在学生的积极配合下,整个课程安排基本上完成, 但是毕竟是一个新老师,所以这堂课还有很多不足之处需要改进。

1. 没能充分利用学生已有知识打开话题,为新知识作铺垫。













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