- 目录
比如这句话:他是个勤劳的人。这句话中“勤劳”可能很多同学不太会拼diligent,更甚能够拼成delegent。但再通过一种反义正解的方法,比如:他不是懒惰的人=他是个勤劳的人,“懒惰”单词想必考生们应该清楚即lazy,所以not lazy=diligent。
Parents often do not pay much attention to the growing of children.
政府需要为有困难的民众提供资助。“资助”译为sponsor/subsidize,“难民”译为refugee。前面的2个单词都是属于六级词汇,若使用具体解释的方法,资助可拆分为资=金钱上的=financial,助=帮助=help;难民=遭受灾难的人=the people who were suffered from disaster。
Nowadays some people send their children go to study abroad. What are the advantages and disadvantages of it? What do you think the best ages are? Give your reasons and better with examples to explain the problem.
It appears it is the popular tendency to send the teenage students to study abroad, especially in China in recent years. My son is 17 years old. I am facing the problem myself.
Comparatively speaking, the Chinese kids will get more benefits to the knowledge of the science, management and other subjects in the developed countries. The students will learn the abilities of independence and the social communications as well. These are the reasons that some people are in favour of. However, some unexpected occasion often happens sometimes. For example, the children indulge themselves not in studying but in smoking, traveling and playing with some bad friends. To the perplexed problem, my opinion is that the graduate of university (22-23 year old) should go on his/her study abroad. I have got the idea from my colleague Mr. Yu.
Mr. Yu went to Japan after he graduated from the high school. After he got the Bachelor degree in the field of the marketing, he worked in a Japanese company for 3 years before he came back China to set up his own enterprise. His immediate reaction when dealing with his counterparts and Chinese business clients made him feel that he was a fish out of water. He was regarded too polite and too frank. He was even regarded a false Japanese. He learnt and/or was told that it was caused by the different ways of thinking and doing. Bit by bit, he improves, but still with a strong mark in the eyes of most Chinese people.
Consequently, I think that a postgraduate should go to study abroad. It is available for him/her to distinguish what is good and bad, what is to learn and become to meet the requirements and the expectations of their parents.
Whether we like it or not, advertising has penetrated into all aspects of life, which has significantly affected people's buying decisions and lifestyles. I believe that this trend does more harm than good to people's lives.
To boost the sales or promote new products, companies tend to design the advertisement to be tempting, or invite popular stars and celebrities to the advertising campaign. This can impel consumers to open their wallets to buy the goods impulsively. Consumers used to care more about the price, quality and purpose of the product, but now they shift their attention to the product's popularity or whether their idols are using the same brand.
In addition, the fashionable elements involved in the advertisement often put consumers under pressure. They may worry that they are out of fashion as described on the advertising, and thus follow the trend to buy the recommended goods, regardless of price. This spending habit can lead to an economic burden or a wrong concept of consumption. Some people, especially young consumers, may compete with others in material ways.
There is no denying that advertisements provide useful information and assist consumers' decision-making, when they are faced with various products made by competitive manufacturers. However, this cannot change the fact that many companies tend to exaggerate the strong points and neglect the weaknesses of their products in the advertising, making it difficult for consumers to get a clear picture of the product.
In conclusion, advertising is unavoidable in the commercial society. To reduce its negative effects on the general public, the authorities need to regulate the advertising industry and encourage rational spending.
难民=遭受灾难的人=the people who were suffered from disaster.
The government should provide financial support/help for the people who were suffered from disaster.
The people who treat children cruelly/badly should be punished.
生态平衡ecological balance
People should make great efforts to the problem on the balance between human beings and nature.
“勤劳”这个词汇不难,但是如果你不太会拼diligent 甚至经常拼成 delegent的话,为了降低拼写错误的风险,我们可以尝试通过用反义词来表达。
“懒惰”大家都知道是lazy, 所以 not lazy= diligent
忽视neglect/ ignore,在不知道怎么写的情况下,可以参考如下:
Parents often do not pay much attention to the growing of children.
Washing face with milk everyday is wasteful.
Improve living quality, and release the economic burden of family
improve living level/ living standard, and reduce the family spending.
小作文题目:The bar chart shows the results of a survey about different wards of a hospital and the percentages of patients who think “very good” of the experience of the hospital.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.
该题目属于静态柱图。3W(when, where, what)中的时间没有给出,只说了是a survey, 默认使用一般现在时态。地点是一家医院里面的三种病房。具体项目是四种方面的满意度比例。该题目既要对比三种病房的满意度差异,又要对比四个评估方面的差异。仔细观察图例可以发现,Polly Ward在各方面都很突出,其次是Maple Ward, 而表现最差的是Oak Ward。建议可以尝试按照三种病房为主线,每一种病房单独描述。
The bar chart compares satisfaction rates of patients from three wards of a hospital in terms of four respects,as illustrated from a survey.
Generally, Polly ward performs the most extraordinary as the maximum proportion of patients think highly of its service of staff, time waste, quality of treatment and after care. It stands in marked contrast with Oak Ward which receives the least praise.
一般情况下,Polly ward的表现是最不寻常的,因为最大比例的患者认为它的服务人员,时间浪费,治疗质量和护理。它与橡树园形成了鲜明的对比,橡树园受到的赞扬最少。
Specifically, the vast majority of patients (90%) are very satisfied with quality of treatment provided by Polly Ward, exceeding its service of staff and quality of after care by 5% while three quarters of people favor its time allocation.
具体来说,绝大多数患者(90%)对Polly Ward提供的治疗质量非常满意,超过了其服务人员和售后服务质量5%,四分之三的人支持其时间分配。
Turning to Maple Ward, three quarters of people like its quality of treatment and after care while the service of staff is marginally less preferable. Also noticeable is that the least number of people (64%) are content with its time waste.
By contrast, the situation becomes barely satisfactory in Oak Ward, with merely more than half of people enjoying its three aspects of service except quality of treatment which gained satisfaction from 70% of patients.
Overall, among all the three wards, quality of treatment and after care are the most favorable aspects of service while the other two aspects are less popular.
表格分为动态变化和静态对比类,该题目属于后一种类型。时间保持不变在过去的年份,两个变量分别是国家和用水目的,需要考生对比6个国家及三种水用途之间的差异。有两种思路可供参考。第一种是按照水的用途分为3个主体段去描述国家之间的差异。第二种是按照国家来划分,把拥有相似用水结构的国家列为一类,比如Canada, UK Russia都是工业用水最多,而China, Turkey农业用水为主,Australia的水多用于家用。考生可以参考剑桥11T1T1的饼图题目。
The table compares the proportion of water usage for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes in six countries of the world in the year 2003.
As illustrated, there were significant regional differences in water consumption pattern. Specifically, the largest amount of water was allocated to industry in Canada, the UK and Russia, accounting for 81%, 73% and 62% respectively. Turning to residential and agricultural water distribution, it is noticeable that in Russia both stood at 19%. By contrast, the UK consumed 23% for households, doubled that of Canada while it used the least water resources (4%) in agriculture, which was only half that of Canada.
The case was totally different in China and Turkey where agriculture was the predominant water consumer, reaching 87% and 73% separately, thus totally less than 30% of water was used for the other sectors. It is in Australia that family usage occupied a massive 65% of water while on third was distributed for agriculture.
In brief, among these countries, industry and agriculture consumed most water while a reversed trend was almost true in families.
neither feasible nor desirable既不可行也不可取
convenient and economical 方便经济的
alleviates traffic congestion and environment deterioration缓解交通堵塞和环境恶化
pose a tremendous burden on 带来巨大的负担
progress and prosperity 进步和繁荣
the enterprise of civil society 公民社会的开拓进取
vandalism 故意破坏公物
more attractive and affordable 更有吸引力更实惠
the additional advantages 附加的优点
the flexibility of autonomous travel 自主出行的灵活性
Free availability of public transport clearly has a number of desirable advantages for people’s commuting as well as for the environment generally. Nevertheless, from my perspective, the practice that public transportation is totally invested by the government to achieve free of charge is neither feasible nor desirable.
Granted, it is the government’s responsibility to provide a convenient and economical traveling mode for citizens as the taxes paid by people should be allocated to improve the infrastructure. In addition, free tickets will definitely reduce reliance on private vehicles. There is considerable evidence suggesting that where public transport options are cheaper, people will use them more frequently, which in return alleviates traffic congestion and environment deterioration.
However, there are overwhelmingly more undesirable consequences. First of all, a tremendous burden is likely to be posed on local government since public traffic is not the only industry that needs money to keep running. A country’s progress and prosperity need to improve other priorities, be they health care or education, on which the enterprise of civil society hinges. Moreover, this might increase the potential for unimaginable chaos as public system will definitely become overcrowded. People generally do not treasure those obtained freely, so vandalism might occur and more money is needed to maintain and preserve these facilities, which is the last thing governments would want.
On the contrary, public traffic system could be managed more effectively and made more attractive and affordable by private enterprises. Being more sensitive to the market, they tend to employ relevant experts to carry out research before designing routines, running time, ticket prices and so on. With tickets being purchased, individuals will also enjoy high level of service, which has the additional advantages of encouraging them to keep carriages clean whilst allowing them the flexibility of autonomous travel.
In summary, although free tickets will alleviate environment problems in a short time, more problems might be given rise to. Therefore, private companies rather than local government should assume the main responsibility to provide a convenient travel mode for people.
比如这句话:他是个勤劳的人。这句话中“勤劳”可能很多同学不太会拼 diligent,甚至会拼成 delegent。
但是通过反义正解的方法,比如:他不是懒惰的人=他是个勤劳的人,“懒惰”这个单词大家都知道是 lazy,所以 not lazy=diligent。
“不可避免”查字典的话会有如下的单词:inevitable/unavoidable/indispensable,这些单词基本都是 6 级词汇,对于高中生来说是比较难背的。
再如这个例子:父母经常忽视孩子的成长。“忽视”一般译为 neglect/ignore。
忽视=不重视。父母经常不重视孩子的成长。Parents often do not pay much attention to the growing of children.
大家可能在电视节目上看到过“我来比划你来猜”的节目,其实就是对词语的解释,比如这个例子:政府应该提供资助给难民。“资助”译为 sponsor/subsidize,“难民”译为 refugee。
这两个单词属于六级词汇,如果用具体解释的方法,资助可拆分为资=金钱上的=financial,助=帮助=help;难民=遭受灾难的人=the people who were suffered from disaster.
这句话就可以很容易地翻译出来:The government should provide financial support/help for the people who were suffered from disaster.
例 1:虐待儿童的人应该受到惩罚。“虐待”译为 maltreat。
虐待=残忍地对待=不好地对待=坏地对待The people who treat children cruelly/badly should be punished.
例 2:房价开始轻微地开始下降。“轻微地”译为 slightly。轻微=以缓慢的速度
The price of house starts to decrease at a slow rate.
例 3:人们应该努力在生态平衡的问题上做出贡献。
“生态平衡”译为 ecol_ical balance。
People should make great efforts to the problem on the balance between human beings and nature.
例 4:政府应该严厉地惩罚罪犯。
罪犯=违反法律的人,the people who violate/disobey the law
The government should strictly punish the people who violate/disobey the law.
同学们也同样可以从中文的角度出发,进行一下意思的转换,比如:天天用牛奶洗脸是奢侈的。“奢侈”这个单词是 extravagant,对于高中生来说也是不经常用的。
如果我们从中文上转换一下,“天天用牛奶洗脸是浪费的。”跟上句话意思是一样的。“浪费的”这个单词 wasteful 高中生是非常熟悉的。
托福独立写作题目:Which one of the following values do you think is the most important to share with a young child (aged 5-10)? Being helpful; being honest; being well-organized
1. 通用类词汇
在雅思大作文中,最为常用的词汇包含有:如形容词“重要的”“有益的”,动词“认为”“获得”,和名词“优点”“缺点”等,这些词汇无论放在哪篇大作文写作中,基本都可以使用到。具体来说,当我们表达支持某一方观点的时候,一般会在主题句形容这件事儿是“重要的”(important=essential=crucial等),“有益的”(beneficial=advantageous等),这时候就需要用到相应替换词汇,如括号内所示。再如,表达一部分人“认为...”的时候,往往也可以用到以下替换词:argue=insist=claim=hold the view等。这些高频使用的词汇,我们把它称为通用类词汇,这类词汇会在雅思VIP课堂上总结给学员。
围绕这些话题,老师会为学生分类总结高频词汇和短语,如教育类话题中,有关课程的词汇“必修课”(compulsory subjects)“选修课”(selective subjects),“课外活动”(extra-curriculum activities)等,有关学习过程的词汇“发展创造力”(develop creativity),“满足个性化需要”(be tailored to their needs),“全面发展”(rounded development)等。
和有关学习效果的词汇“激发学习兴趣”(stimulate the enthusiasm for study ),“提高学习效率”(enhance learning efficiency)和“发挥潜力”(reach their full potential)等等,充分供学员在雅思教育类话题中使用,开展自己的写作,在此就不一一举例了。
1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken
2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off
3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding4
4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous:
5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental = baneful =undesirable
6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest
7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome
8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous
9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching
10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigourous =animated
11. 流行的: popular = prevailing = prent = pervasive
1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize
2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger
3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with
4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate
5.培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture(
6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur
7. 认为: think = assert = hold = claim = argue
8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve
9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold
10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize
11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten
1. 影响:influence= impact
2. 危险:danger = perils =hazards
3. 污染:pollution = contamination
4. 人类:human beings= mankind = humane race
5. 老人: old people= the old = the elderly = the aged = senior citizens
6. 幸福:happiness = well-being
7. 老师:teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers
8. 教育 education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing
9. 青少年:young people = youngsters = youths = adolescents_
10. 优点:advantage = merits = superiority = virtue
11. 责任: responsibility = obligation = duty = liability
12 能力: ability = capacity = power = skill
13. 职业: job = career = employment = profession
14. 娱乐: enjoyment = pastimes = recreation= entertainment
15. 孩子: children = Offspring = descendant = kid
1. 充满了:be filled with = be awash with = be inundate with = be saturated with
2.努力:struggle for = aspire after = strive for = spare no efforts for
3. 从事: embark in = take up = set about = go in for
4. 在当代: in contemporary society = in present-day society= in this day and age
5. 大量的: a host of = a multitude of = a vast number of = a vast amount of
people, person
individuals 个人,个人
characters 多指某一类型,具有某一属性或品质的人物
e.g. a couple of shady characters standing on the corner 站在角落里的几个形迹可疑的人
folks 人们,人群(用复数)
positive 积极的,乐观的,正面的
promising 有前途的
pleasurable 令人愉快的
superior 更优秀的,高人一等的
dreadful 可怕的,糟透的
unfavorable 不利的,不适宜的
adverse 有害的,不利的,事与愿违的
a lot of=a great deal of=plenty of 多用于不可数名词前
a great number of=a large quantity of=considerable amount of 多用于可数名词前
a slice of=quite a few=several
harbor the idea that 抱有某种想法(比较温和的态度)
take the attitude that 秉持某种态度(感情较为浓烈)
hold the view that 持有某种观点(最鲜明的立场)
it is widely shared that 众所众知(多接一种观点)
it is universally acknowledged that 众所众知 (多接一种现象)
affair 事物(公共或私人均可),事件(相当于event)
stuff 东西物品(名称不详或不重要的)
matter 事情,问题(待处理的)
e.g. There are more important matters we need to discuss. 我们有更重要的事情需要讨论。
goods/commodity 商品
crucial/vital 至关重要的(extremely important)
significant/considerable 重大到足以产生某种影响 (amount or effect large enough to be important)
universal 普遍的,通用的
ubiquitous 无所不在的 (if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)
usual 惯例的,通常的
in my opinion
for my part
from my own perspective
in my view
It seems to me that
exceedingly 极度,非常
extremely 非常地,极端地
intensely 强烈地
sb take interest in / sb. be interested in
sth appeals to sb, 有吸引力
sth exerts(施加影响)a tremendous fascination (巨大的魅力)on sb
facet 方面(性格,情况等)
e.g. He has travelled extensively in China, recording every facet of life. 他在中国游历颇广,记录下了生活的方方面面。
dimension (某种状况或品质)的一方面
e.g. the moral dimension of world politics 世界政治的道德方面
cause (多接坏事,不利的影响)
give rise to (某种现象或事实)引发
lead to 引起,导致
result in 导致了……的结果
trigger 引发,激发(尤其指一系列事件)
for example
to name only a few 举几个例子(一般罗列多个并列例子))
as an example 举个例子(一个例子)
for instance
detrimental 有害的
damaging 有破坏性的(程度较高)
baleful 恶意的(带有主观色彩)
e.g. the media’s pernicious influence 媒体的有害影响
destructive 破坏性的,毁灭的
e.g. The nuclear weapon is the most destructive instrument of violence and terror ever invented by humans.
fatal 致命的,毁灭性的
e.g. potentially fatal diseases 潜在致命的疾病
affluent 富裕的,富有的
1解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle
2损害:Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize
3给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide,supply, afford
4培养::Develop, cultivate, foster
5优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength
6缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness
7使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle
8重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative
9认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced
10保护:Protect, conserve, preserve
11确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge
12有害的:Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental
13要求 :Request, demand, needs, requisition
14消除 :Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away
15导致:Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate
16因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this
17增长至:Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to
18降低至:Dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to,slump to,descend to,sink to,slide to
19 保持稳定:Level out,do not change,remain stable,remain still,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,be still,remain the same level,stay constant,keep at the same level,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even out
22宣称:Allege, assert, declare, claim
23发生:Happen, occur, take place
24原因:Reason, factor, cause
25发展:Development, advance, progress
26有益的:Useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding,advantageous
27影响:Influence, impact, effect
28明显的:Clear, obvious, evident, self-evident, manifest, apparent, crystal-clear
29占:Comprise, take up, account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose
30与…相比:Compared with,compared to,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison with,by comparison to
31对比而言:By contrast,in contrast,on the other hand,on the contrary=,conversely
32展示:Show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent, describe
34波动:Fluctuate,go ups and downs,display a fluctuation,demonstrate a fluctuation
35事实上:Practically,in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,in effect,in fact,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that
36换言之:Namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it differently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle
1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important)
2.common=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)
3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants)
4.stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly)
5.neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)
6.near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent)
7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)
8.accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail)
9.vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people)
10.top=peak, summit
11.competitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)
12.blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)
13.opinon=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)
14.fame=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputation
15.build=erect(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establish
16.insult=humiliate(do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid)
17.complain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)
18.primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental
19.relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)
20.force=coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to),compel
21.enlarge=magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is)
22.complex=intricate(if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details)
23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one near him/her
24.small=minuscule(very small), minute,
25.praise=extol(stronger than praise), compliment(polite and political)
26.hard-working=assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly
27.difficult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)
28.poor(soil)=barren, infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it)
29.fragile=brittle, vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically)
30.show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means to make it clear to people.)
31.big=massive(large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal(use this word, you emphasize something's large), tremendous
32.avoid=shun(if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately avoid that something or keep away from it.)
33.fair=impartial(someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something.)
34.attack=assault (physically attack someone), assail (attack violently
35.dislike=abhor(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons), loathe(dislike very much)!
36.ruin=devastate (it means damage something very badly, or utterly destroy it.)
39.always=invariably(the same as always, but better than always)4
40.forever=perpetual(a perpetual state never changes), immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed)
41.surprise=startle(it means surprise you slightly), astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound)
42.enthusiasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere and enthusiasm)
43.quiet=tranquil(calm and peaceful), serene(calm and quiet)!
44.expensive=exorbitant(it means too expensive that it should be)
45.luxurious=lavish(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive
46.boring=tedious(if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)
47.respect=esteem(if you esteem someone, you respect and admire him/her. FORMAL)
48.worry=fret(if you fret about something, you worry about it)
49.cold=chilly(unpleasantly cold), icy(extremely cold)
方法一:反义正解比如这句话:他是个勤劳的人。这句话中“勤劳”可能很多同学不太会拼diligent,甚至会拼成delegent。但是通过反义正解的方法,比如:他不是懒惰的人=他是个勤劳的人,“懒惰”这个单词大家都知道是lazy,所以not lazy=diligent。
Parents often do not pay much attention to the growing of children.
政府应该提供资助给难民。“资助”译为sponsor/subsidize,“难民”译为refugee。这两个单词属于六级词汇,如果用具体解释的方法,资助可拆分为资=金钱上的=financial,助=帮助=help;难民=遭受灾难的人=the people who were suffered from disaster.
The government should provide financial support/help for the people who were suffered from disaster.
虐待=残忍地=不好地=坏地对待The people who treat children cruelly/badly should be punished.
轻微=以缓慢的速度The price of house start to decrease at a slow rate.
例3:人们应该努力在生态平衡的问题上做出贡献。“生态平衡”译为ecological balance。
生态平衡=人与自然地平衡People should make great efforts to the problem on the balance between human beings and nature.
缓解冲突:不恰当solve the conflict修改resolvethe conflict
分析观点:不恰当pinpoint the argument修改analyse the argument
分析事件:过分复杂anatomies(剖析)theissue修改analysethe issue
致命疾病:不准确deathful disease修改deadly/fataldisease
严重的问题:不正式terrible problem修改pressing/urgentproblem
光临店铺:不准确patronage the shop修改patronize/frequentthe shop
上升趋势:不准确an increase trend修改agrowing trend
烤鸭们常用save the money for sth。
但是通过阅读,我们会发现,英语母语使用者会说put money aside for sth。
而准确的表达应该是:academic performance/school performance。
烤鸭们第一反映总是:learn knowledge。
而这并不符合英语的表达习惯,正确的应该是:acquire knowledge。
Arguments for Vegetarianism 素食主义的论点
Vegetarians do not eat foods that are produced by killing animals.Many people choose a vegetarian diet for moral or health reasons.
A healthy diet is possible without eating meat.It is unnecessary to kill animal for food.
A vegetarian diet may reduce the risk of disease like cancer.
Many people question the treatment of animals in factory farms.
Arguments against Vegetarianism 反素食主义的论点
Vegetarians do not eat a balanced diet
In many cultures,meat is the main ingredient in traditional meals
Meat-eaters argue that animals are below humans in the food chain.It is completely natural for us to kill them for food.
Our aim should be improve farming methods.
Farms should produce organic food.
1. on one's guard 警惕,提防
2. on one's own 独立,独自
3. on purpose 故意地
4. on sale 出售,廉价出售
5. on schedule 按时间表,准时
6. on second thoughts 经重新考虑
7. on the contrary 正相反
8. on the grounds of 根据,以...为由
9. on the other hand 另一方面
10. on the point of 即将...的时刻
11. on the road 在旅途中
12. on the side 作为兼职/副 业
13. on the spot 在场;马上
14. on the whole 总的来说,大体上
15. on time 准时
16. on(an/the) average平均,通常
17. once (and) for all 一劳永逸地
18. once again 再一次
19. once in a while 偶尔
20. once more 再一次
21. once upon a time 从前
22. one another 相互
23. one's cup of tea喜欢的人/物
2. open to不限制,开放的
25. opposite to在对面
26. or else 否则,要不然
27. or so 大约,左右
28. other than 非;除了
29. out of breath 喘不过气来
30. out of control 失去控制
31. out of date 过时的
32. out of doors 在户外
33. out of order 出故障的
34. out of place 不适当的
35. out of practice 久不练习,荒疏
36. out of sight 看不见,在视野外
37. out of the question 毫无可能的
38. out of touch 不联系,不接触
39. out of 从...中;由于;缺乏
40. over and over (again) 一再地,再三地
41. parallel to与...平等,类似
42. particular about挑剔,讲究
43. patient with有耐心
44. peculiar to独特的,独有的
45. pick up捡
46. play by ear见机行事
47. popular with受...喜爱,爱戴
48. prior to 在...之前
49. pull one's leg拿某人开玩笑put someone on
50. put someone up给某人提供住宿
51. put up with忍受
52. quite a few 相当多,不少
53. rain cats and dogs瓢泼大雨
54. rather than 不是...(而是)
55. reach agreement 达成协议
56. reach an agreement达成一致
57. regardless of 不顾,不惜
58. relative to与...有关
59. remove from 从…除去
60. representative of代表...的
61. resign one's post 辞职
62. responsible for负责,是...原因
63. result from 由于
64. rich in富于
65. right away 立即,马上
66. ring sb. up 打电话给…
67. rule out 排除…的可能性
68. run out of用完
69. rush hours上下班高峰
70. see: see to it that - make sure that确保
71. sensible of觉查到
72. sensitive to对...敏感
73. set another date改期 make on saturday / lock it
74. set one's mind on doing 决定be determined to / have one's mind set on / bent on
75. short of缺少
76. show off卖弄
77. sick of厌恶,厌倦
78. side by side 肩并肩,一起
79. similar to相似
80. skilled at /in善于
81. slip one's mind 忘记
82. so far 迄今为止
83. somewhere around 大约
84. sooner or later 迟早,早晚
85. sore throat / foot 嗓子哑/腿酸
86. stay up late 熬夜
87. step by step 逐步地
88. subject to受制于,易于
89. such as 例如,诸如
90. sufficient for足够的
91. suitable for/to适合于
92. superior to优于,级别高于
93. sure of /about对...有信心,确信
94. suspicious of怀疑
95. take a leave请假
96. take a seat / be seated
97. take one's place 取代
98. take one's time慢慢来
99. take sth. seriously 认真对待
100. take up占据
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