有些同学只重视课堂而不重视课下。只是在课堂上听老师讲课,而下来自己练习写作的时间却很少,甚至没有。老师在课堂上讲到的写作思路,好的表达方法,并没有在课下得到巩固与练习。所以到了真正考试的时候,由于各种紧张因素,导致忘记了老师课堂上讲的方法,没有将课堂上的东西真正的运用到考试当中, 又回到了自己无意识随笔写作的状态。这样是自然不能得到满意的分数的。
2. 有写作文,却不计时
4. 死记模板,不去创作
从5分到6.5分 快来收这篇雅思写作复习经验帖
那两周我基本只复习作文,当时老师一进来先问我分数,我说5,他看了两眼作文就说的确是5的水平,也不知是真是假) 。第三次我在南宁考的(因为广州的已经报到了7月!)。分数总算达到我的要求了:L7,R7,W6.5,S6。以上都是背景铺垫,下面就说说我的一些心得,主要是作文,希望对大家有用:
1. 套句我在之前曾当作法宝了,开头结尾全部都思索清楚,中间段的开头句用什么句型也早准备好了。但其实后来发现真正好的文章(比如剑桥后面的考官写的好文章,还有一些高分范文)都基本没有套句的影子。所以大家最好尽量不要把复习重点放在准备套句上,而是放在论点论据的考虑上。我第三次的作文各段开头基本是Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly开头,不要被形式所迷惑,本末倒置了。
2. 一定要小心走题。我感觉很多作文书都没有很清晰的教你怎样能不走题,只告诉你怎样理解题目。其实即使你能很好的理解题目,也很难保证你下笔能不走题,这可能跟中国的写作训练与外国训练有差异有关。中国人写考试作文要求发散思维,标新立异。但外国人却不是这样思维,他们要求的是你将该写到的完整表述出来,先将浅层次的观点表达清楚,再表达深层次的。如无时间,宁可舍弃深层次的观点。我之前下笔就时常想太多,导致很多论点不是直接击中论题,而是打个擦边,这样导致自我感觉良好,其实真的怎么死都不知道。
4. 考前有机会最好能让雅思老师修改一下作文。像我之前很迷茫,不知道究竟为什么那么低分,时间又紧迫。当时我考前背了很多例句,非常害怕是因为背诵的缘故而扣得那么低。周五知道成绩,周一就让老师给我看文章。后来老师给我指了两点问题——两个我之前从来没想过是这个问题而有可能导致我低分:偏题和小作文。偏题我上面有讲到,小作文是因为我太老土,对小作文的理解还在停留在两年前,所以描述数据时面面俱到。总之,及时找到问题所在,然后集中力量解决非常重要!
5. 不要担心什么危险月或者每个月第一次考试应避免这样的问题。之前我总不敢报第一次,因为当时上雅思课的时候老师说第一次通常很难,第二次的话会很好,因为通常第二次预测准。但是!我的几个朋友和我都是考了几次,到最后一次,在月首考反而高分。4月12号预测是一颗半星,5月10号是两颗,阅读还是两颗半的难度,回忆甚至说难度在剑六之上。但是越是难,其实越是有机会:听力靠机经取胜的人会惨遭淘汰,真正有能力的人会高分;阅读大家的平均实力太高,如果难度加大,其实对平时6分的考生可能反而有利!口语更加,5月10日口语新题多得简直变态,但口语是考你的表达能力,而不是看你的表达内容的。总之不要忌讳考试难度。
6. 书的话,作文最好买新出版的书,因为作文题在不断的更新啊。《雅思写作套路剖析与范例大全》里面题目很全,有一百多道真题和范文,但是他的缺点是范文很深,有的连看都要查字典,这种时候对于我这样程度只在5-6分的人就不要看范文了,只参考里面中文的论点就好了。其他我还买了很多,比如《雅思8分万能》,《精彩雅思写作200篇》等。没办法,当时病急乱投医,但感觉不是题目太旧就是范文太难(《8分万能》啊,除非你是7分冲8你才看吧)。
7. 最后说小小听力经验,我其实也有看机经,原本是为了说如果出现旧题,我不至于死在那些背机经的考友之下,说穿了就是保底。但是后来发现,机经的用处不是让你记题目的,而是让你记常考词汇的。比如这次5月10号考了两新两旧,我感觉没有一道新题,因为基本所有答案都在机经出现过,虽然题目不同,但让你填的单词都是那几个。当然你要把这些词听出来,这种能力只要反复听剑5、6然后做适量听写就能达到,前面的前辈已经说了很多方法了。
· 争取写一篇最全最好的雅思写作经验分享,和更多的鸭友们远离全聚德烤鸭店的火海!
可以说,在过去的三个月里面,我感受过裸考过后无言以对的惶恐,体味过努力过后略有进步的喜悦,忍受着就差0.5、与目标无比接近却未能接近的失落,最后,苦尽甘来。因为这次考试,至少再一次让我确信”天道酬勤“。NO SWEAT, NO SWEET; NO PAIN, NO GAIN。
· 对于目标分数为5~5.5 分的朋友,你们是最幸福的,因为你们有最多的资本去犯错,最多的机会去折腾考官,有最大的可能一次通过。雅思对于你们来说是一次游戏。
· 对于目标分数为6~6.5分的朋友,你们应该窃喜,因为你们比5分的朋友有更多的自我优越性,又不需要承担那些只属于7分朋友的精神压力。想想,只需要6~6.5分,你就能踏进一所比国内任何一所大学都要牛的海外名牌大学,这是一种多么美好的憧憬和动力。
· 对于目标分数为7分,特别是要考到4个7的朋友,你们应该感到荣幸,因为你们终于能够找到机会去为自己正名。这是一场人生竞赛的缩影。它是一个门槛,同样也是一个里程碑。冲过去了,雅思就变成了一种精神;跌下来了,雅思也不外乎是一朵浮云。
· 对于目标分数为8分,特别是要考到4个8的朋友(207月1日之后毕业想申请PR的澳洲会计毕业生),或许你会埋怨命运总在跟你开玩笑,或许你会选择放弃选择离开,但我想说的是,这同样是一场游戏,只不过跟你玩耍的对象变成了命运。不要泄气,经过这一役,能够战胜命运的人以后终究会成为强者。
1 考官是怎么改卷子的?标准是怎样的?
2 雅思写作7分是什么样的概念?
3 雅思写作6分与7分或者6.5分与7分的距离有多远?
4 怎么制定雅思写作复习计划?
5 考试前需要写多少篇的大作文和小作文?
6 写作模版管用吗?
7 雅思写作需要背多少个词汇?
8 雅思写作需要什么样的句型?
9 雅思写作需要多复杂的从句和语法?
10 我们对雅思写作的误区
11 鸭友们通常会犯哪些语法错误,能有效避免吗?什么样的语法错误是致命的?
12 雅思写作能速成吗?平时需要多看英文报纸吗?
13 小作文重要吗?容易写吗?应该怎么复习
14 怎么安排大作文和小作文的写作顺序和时间
15 要买参考书吗?什么样的参考书?
16 参加培训班管用吗?
17 网络上面所谓的雅思写作预测有用吗?
雅思写作破解6分魔咒 语法不犯错是关键
1. The quantity of women workers keep stable from 1985 to 1990.
这个句子是小作文数据图中学生所写。此句明显有两个错误,一个是时态错误。小作文中如果数据是过去的,要采用一般过去时,所以此处要用kept.。第二个是动词 keep形式不对,这句话的主语是quantity。时态错误和主谓不一致是雅思考试写作和口语最常见的语法错误。
2. With developing of economy, the environment had deteriorated.
这里用了一个with 介词+名词短语,想表达伴随的概念。但是大家要牢记介词后边可以加名词、名词短语、动名词,构成介词短语以便做状语或者定语。但是developing of economy词性有问题。A of B是常见的表示所属的名词短语格式,翻译成B的 A, 这里要求 A和B必须都是名词。而developing 是形容词性质,所以应该改为 with the development of economy.。同样,我们还可以把with替换成as, 但是值得注意的是as 是连词,连词后边要加句子,所以可以写成as the economy develops。
3. Playing computer games waste parents’ hard-earned money.
这句话是经典的主谓不一致的错误。主句是playing computer games 动名词做主语,所以谓语动词要用单数加s。在写一个现在时的句子时,一定要注意主谓一致问题。主语是否是可数名词单数、不可数名词、动名词、不定式或是句子。如果是,并且句子中又没有使用情态动词,谓语动词要加s。
4. There are many people believe studying abroad is a good choice.
这句话之所以这样写,都是受汉语语意的影响。那“有”在英文中我们用there be/ have 都是动词概念,所以造成句子多谓语动词,这里的are/ believe/ is都是动词,但是句子believe 后边是个宾语从句,明显动词多了。
5. Government should take immediate measures to protect our environment.
可数名词不能单独使用。这里government 是可数名词,所以在句子中要么用governments, 要么特指the government。
6. University students receive training on job-related skills is necessary.
又是一句读起来朗朗上口,受汉语语意影响的句子。这个句子中有 receive 和 is 两个动词,但是没有涉及到从句。university students receive training on job-related skills 已经是个完整的句子,所以要用形式主语从句 it is necessary that university students receive training on job-related skills.
7. The number of female students in this university is higher than male students.
比较成份要一致。这句前边主语是the number, 后边比较对象是male students,所以正确的方式是 The number of female students in this university is higher than the number of male students. 或者The number of female students in this university is higher than that of male students.
8. Newspapers exert such tremendous influence that they cannot only bring about major changes to the lives of ordinary people but to the government’s decision.
Both ...and/ not only…but also/ A and B都属于并列结构,前后连接成份要一致。这句not only 后边是动词短语,but后确是 to the government’s decision。所以我们可以改成Newspapers exert such tremendous influence that they cannot only bring about major changes to the lives of ordinary people but affect the government’s decision。
9. Although teenagers may be included in family decisions, but they are not ultimately responsible.
10. Which kinds of knowledge and skills should universities provide has been argued for many years.
语序错误。主语从句,宾语从句都可以用疑问词what/which/ whether 等引导,但一定要记住,后边加正常语序的句子。should universities provide 语序错误,应该是which kinds of knowledge and skills universities should provide has been argued for many years,是which kinds of 引导的主语从句。
首先必须了解雅思考试内容,这样才可以对症下药,然后进行针对性的准备。雅思考试分为听、说、读、写四个部分进行。除了口语考试,其余 3 部分听、读、写是在一个时间段内完成的。
听力考试分为 4 个 section,总共 40 分钟,其中 30 分钟听录音材料,10 分钟誊写答案。考生听四段录音,每段录音只能听一遍。其中 section1 和 section3 以对话的形式出现,section2 和 section4 以独白的形式展现。Section1 和 section2 涉及内容是社会生活类,section3 和 section4 则是教育和培训类的话题。材料中会出现不同的英语口音和方言,包括英式、澳洲式、新西兰式和美式,但是主要是以英音为主。每段录音出 10 道题,考察难度随考试的进行而递增。
口语考试分为三部分,总时长 11 到 14 分钟。采用一对一交流形式对考生的英语水平进行考察,主要考察考生日常会话、对熟悉话题作一定程度的描述以及与考官之间的互动能力。三个模块中,part1 是一般性问题(通常是考生熟悉的话题,如朋友、兴趣、旅游的那个),part2 是卡片题(通常是可以联系考生自己经历进行回答的话题),part3 是考官和考生的互动问答(通常是考官就考生 part2 回答中出现的抽象部分进行双向讨论)。
阅读考试总时长 60 分钟,需要完成 3 篇文章,40 道题目。学术类文章从书本、杂志、期刊及报纸上选取,与考生未来在大学课程中阅读的文章极为相似,但是不会考察专业知识,所以不要求读者具备某一领域的专业知识。3 篇文章的写作方式多样,但是至少有一篇文章包含详细的论证。培训类文章则更富生活气息,从报纸、广告、说明书及书籍中摘取日常生活素材,考察考生对信息的理解及运用的能力。试题包括一篇较长的描述性,而非论证性的文章。
写作包括两篇作文,总共 60 分钟。A 类 Task 1 会给出一些视觉性的信息,比如表格、图表或者图解等,需要考生就这些信息写一篇大约 150 词的文章,主要考查考生描述和分析数据能力;Task 2 要求考生针对某问题或观点写一篇约 250 词的短文,并能使用恰当语气及语句讨论问题、展开论证,这一部分考察的是考生对一个论点进行论述、并提供清晰的论据或举例支持论点的能力。需要注意的是,无论是 task1 还是 task2,A 类写作的内容都是学术性的,所以要求考生用正规的学术写作的文体。G 类 Task 1 要求考生写一封约 150 词的信件,询问信息或解释一种情况;Task 2 要求考生根据所给问题或观点写一篇约 250 字的短文,并能使用恰当的语气和语言表达自己的观点、反驳其他观点。
听力录音只放一遍,对于大多数考生来说还是有点难度的,尤其是当录音中有非纯正口音的录音存在时。这就要求我们平时做好听力基本功。英语基础相对较弱的小伙伴,精听可以选用剑桥真题 section1 和 section2,基础好的可以选用 section3 和 section4 的内容;
写作是最能体现考生英语水平能力的模块,而这也是中国考生比较头疼的一个单项。所以,为了保证在考试规定时间内清晰、准确成文,有必要熟悉大小作文的题型以及写作要求。雅思小作文主要是图表题,数据分析(饼状、柱状、表格),流程图,地图题,考查的是对数据的分析处理能力;大作文考题按主题可大致为 14 类,频率由高到低依次为(教育、文化社会、商业、城乡、科技、媒体、环境、政府、全球化、犯罪、旅游、家庭、运动娱乐、健康),考的文章类型主要为论证和报告。
雅思大作文:it is important for all children to learn history
雅思大作文题目:Some people think it is important for all children to learn history in school. Others believe that other subjects are more relevant to children’s lives today. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
In the contemporary society, the public’s sight focus on the future development, while history has been a mystery area which people can find only in the museum; as a result, there is a suggestion that all the schoolchildren should learn history as a compulsory course, but the influence brought by other subjects cannot be ignored.
Undeniably, although it seems that history is far from people’s life, especially for the young generation who have limited understanding of the meaning of history, it helps us identify who we are and where we are from, which is regarded as the root in many traditional cultures. Besides, history always contains a variety of knowledge, ranging from literature to science; as long as the children start and have access to history, they could gain the sense of appreciating the wisdom of the ancestors and cultivate the interest in certain academic fields, benefiting for the future development.
On the other hand, shaping these offspring to be the talents for a country cannot only rely on the humane study; science and other practical skills would be more effective to explore their potential and train the critical thinking. By taking the personality into consideration among such generation, it is acceptable that the significance of current curriculum is to connect the content with the reality, since the advent of high technology plays an influential role, and to work in the relative industries would be the prime option while making decision of career.
In conclusion, the advantages of these two kinds of subjects are not overwhelming, which means that the combination of all the development could create the most efficient blue print in educating the descendants to be outstanding in both academic performance and personal identity.
雅思大作文:parents give their children everything that their children ask for
雅思大作文题目:Some parents give their children everything that their children ask for or they want to do. Is this good for children? What could be consequences for these children when they grow up?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Raising a child is the life goal for most newly-weds; following is the real challenge how they can provide an appropriate way of education, which has been a fierce discussion around the society.
It is undeniable that the good wish of all the parents is to devote everything they have to guarantee that the youth can live in plenty, ranging from emotion and finance. The love and capital invested indeed are the necessity to be the sufficient support the children to be mature and grow up in a caring environment, and it is also regarded as much a factor as could they learn how to love. However, the fact is that the extent of care is hard to control in most families where the younger generation are spoiled or manipulated; driven by the motivation, the parental love, gradually, becomes the excessive permission to satisfy whatever children want; as a result, under such circumstance, the spoiled offspring are the “little emperor ” at home, cultivating some impolite behavior, especially lacking the respect of the elders.
Unfortunately, the negative impact can be enlarged when they growing. The most significant is that this group of spoiled children who lose the sense of responsibility and moral regulation tend to commit more crimes, because of the low tolerance of criticism or different opinions; or on the contrary, another feature of well-loved children is the ignorance of the outside world, and they believe that everything comes naturally, so that they cannot understand the tears and sweat behind the satisfaction of material, or look after themselves without the surrounding of the family members, not even mentioning to live independently.
In conclusion, although the love for the babies is the most valuable and beautiful thing for everyone, which can be totally acceptable, parents need to have a long-distance sight to notice the development of characters while providing a favorable environment.
There is a problem in the road outside your house. Write a letter to your local councillor. In your letter
introduce yourself
explain what the problem is
tell the councillor what you would like to be done
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to bring to your attention a road maintenance issue just outside my house on North Road.
My name is Paul Jones. I have been a resident at number 20 North Road for over 10 years, and I have never had reason to complain to the council before.
Recently, a large pothole has appeared on the side of the road closest to my house. When it rains, the pothole fills with water and becomes an invisible danger to drivers. It is also an eyesore for those of us
living in the vicinity. I have called the council offices on several occasions to report the problem, but still nothing has been done.
I would like to request that you address this matter personally and ensure that it is treated as a priority by the road maintenance department.
I look forward to the problem being resolved.
Yours faithfully,
Why are a variety of languages and cultures disappearing nowadays?
Now the chance of experiencing different lifestyles or imitating to speak a few words of other languages for fun is slim due to the disappearance of some cultures and languages. I think that superstitious cultures and languages behind modern times cannot survive(thesis statement).
Once I visited Se ethnic minorities village, located on a hillside in south of China. To my disappointment, I did not feel a different thing about ethnic clothes, food or music. Ridiculously, an old villager said that the forefather of his race had been an embodiment of a fairy with a dog head and a human body! The old generations have been proud of being the descendants of the fairy; however, Generation Y may feel ashamed of that because they know exactly this is a superstitious myth and to be a dog's descendants is not a glorious thing.Apparently,the cultures basing on superstitious belief would be torn down by social progress(topic sentence).
Further more, a language without written methods may be replaced by advanced one(topic sentence). There are many parts of the world where people cannot write because they do not have their own written language. The only way they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas handed down from one generation of storytellers to another. With the fast pace of globalization, international aid can be put forward to reach every corner of the world. Those underdeveloped or isolated areas could receive food, medicine and education. The advanced civilization has pervaded into those primitive cultures hence they have started to learn writing something by the means of the available language accompanied with aid. Therefore their original one would have disappeared.
In conclusion, the disappearance of some cultures or languages is not worth preventing. This is an unavoidable outcome of the global economic growth. Most importantly, people can enjoy more prosperity and social progress.
眼纳四海即是要多看多读。多读也是要有选择性的去读,如果只是一味埋头苦练的话,那么提高的几率也是微乎其微,因此读书就要选择好的书去看,譬如剑桥大学出的Cambridge IELTS 2以及Cambridge IELTS 3等。
Television has destroyed communication among friends and family.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Model Answer:
The invention of television is undoubtedly one of humankind's greatest inventions. It is a way of communication among people of one country and different countries and nations. People watch TV to find out about the latest news, weather, sports, etc. It is a great way to learn new and extend one's range of interests. Scientists say that children spend the same amount of hours in front of TV as they do in school. I think that this can be said about many grown people too. Also, television is a great means of eliminating stress and tension. One can relax and leave one's troubles behind lying on one's favorite sofa and watching a comedy. However, some people believe that television has destroyed communication among friends and family.
Personally, I do not agree with this statement. A couple centuries ago people spent their time gambling, reading, gossiping or playing chess. I do not think that television is a cause of destroyed communication among family members and friends. First of all, if members of a family have common interests and they want to make each other happy they will always find many ways to spend their time together and be close. Otherwise, if people avoid each other and they do not have anything to share with each other they will find television a great way to escape from this miserable existence. I believe that many people chose family and their friends over some soap operas or a movie.
Second of all, I think that television can be a great resource of subjects to discuss. Many people watch different educational programs to find out more about their environment, nature, wild life animals, economic situations, etc. So, when they gather with their friends they discuss important issues and argue with each other in looking for the truth.
My husband and I often watch the news channel to keep abreast of the latest news. After that we always discuss some issues we concerned about. Also, we like to watch a TV show “the funniest animals”. We like this program because it makes us laugh. I can not imagine how these programs can prevent our communication and be harmful to our relations.
To summarize, I would like to add that if people want to communicate with each other they will find a way to do it. Otherwise, if television were not existent, people would find other escapes and reasons not to be with each other such as drugs, gambling, etc.
As the world becomes technologically advanced, computers are replacing more and more jobs.
Describe some job positions that may be lost because of computers, and discuss at least one problem that may result.
Model Answer:
When computers first made their way into the business sector, everyone believed that they would make people's jobs easier. What was not expected was that computers would eliminate jobs. Besides contributing to unemployment, these automated workers often exhibit inadequate job performance.
A number of jobs have been lost as a direct result of new computer technology. Ticket agents in various transportation facilities, from subway/underground stations to airports are virtually nonexistent these days. Bank tellers have been greatly reduced due to automated bank machines. In addition, many call centers/centres that have help lines are almost entirely computerized/computerised. A few years ago I worked as a helper in our local library. Today this position does not exist, because six new computers have been installed. The number of positions lost to computers grows exponentially, and unemployment continues to get worse.
While a computer may easily achieve the main tasks of these jobs, most computers fall short when customers have a unique request or problem. A pre-paid ticket booth does not have insight about the entertainment district and cannot offer friendly directions to a tourist. Similarly, an automated bank machine cannot provide assistance and reassurance to a customer who has just had his credit card stolen. And, more often than not, automated telephone operators cannot answer the one question that we have, and we end up waiting on the line to speak with someone anyway. Every time I go into the library where I worked I notice elderly people who don't know how to use the computers and can't find anyone to help.
In the future, I believe a new business trend will evolve. As computers eliminate jobs, new positions will have to be invented. More and more people will go into business for themselves, and hopefully put the personal touch back into business. I believe that the human workforce will demonstrate that it is more valuable than computers.
Write about the following topic:
Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their work from home instead of working in offices every day. Working from home should be encouraged as it is good for workers and employers.
Do you agree or disagree?
Model Answer:
In recent years the vast expansion of information and communications technology has made teleworking much more practical. Although in many cases office workers could be made geographically independent by using modems, faxes and cell phones, few companies or employees take full advantage of this possibility.
There are a number of strong arguments in favor of allowing workers to work from home. Firstly costs for employers would be reduced because businesses would require less office space, which is often situated in the center of large cities. Secondly, worker's lives would be improved in a variety of ways.For example, they would not need to travel to get to work, which would give them more free time.
Also, they could combine their work with their family life, which is a major advantage if they are parents of young children or they have old people to look after. On the other hand, traveling to a centralized workplace also has a number of points in its favor. The first is that many employees would miss the social aspect of work such as seeing colleagues and meeting customers. A further point is that employers would need to be able to trust their workers to work at a high standard and finish their work on time, since supervising teleworkers is even more complicated than supervising workers in the same office.
Finally, working from home might inhibit teamwork and creative work and so perhaps so only really suitable for people doing routine office work.
In conclusion, I believe that while many workers welcome the opportunity to go out to work, others would find the chance to work from home very convenient. Where possible, I think workers should be offered the choice, but not forced to work from home unless they wish to.
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