- 目录
(1)boxfoxfrog (2)rosenoseno (3)peacockpeachpig
(4)fruitflowerface(5)vasevestviolin (6)cakesnakeapple
(7)lowslowgo (8)kitenineright (9)dbe
(1)Thepeopleisagirl.( )
(2)SheisfromMacao.( )
(3)Shelikescarnations.( )
(4)Shedoesn‘tlikepanda.( )
(5)Pandaisveryfat.( )
1、Thisis orange. A.aB.anC.some
2、Whatare .Theyarerose.A.thisB.theseC.those
3、Whatis .It’safootball.A.thisB.theseC.those
4、I coffee.A.amB.likeC.likes
5、He butterfly.A.isB.likeC.likes
ant that is Yes,Ido.You’rewelcomeNicetomeetyoutoo. Myname‘sLiLei.Thankyou!
A:LiLei,look!What this?
B:Thisisan .
A:What’s ?
short big good stand low yucky
bad sit long yummy slow high small
Module8 Unit1 It’s hot in summer. 一、教材分析 本课是《新标准英语》三年级起点第二册第八模块第一单元:《It’s hot in summer》,学生要学习并掌握季节和天气的单词,并通过一系列的课堂活动,创造语境,让学生把单词运用于句子中,学会用天气的单词描述季节,并介绍在该季节中适合进行的活动。 二、教学内容 本课是《新标准英语》三年级起点第二册第八模块第一单元《It is hot in summer》,学生要了解四季的表达法:spring/summer/autumn/winter,同时要了解四季的主要天气特征:warm/hot/cool/cold,懂得四季中人们常见的活动:We fly kites in sping.等等。 三、教学对象分析 三年级的学生活泼好动,好奇心强,喜欢表现自己,通过一段时间的学习,初步掌握了一些基本的单词。能根据教师的简单的个人指令做游戏,做动作,能交流简单的个人信息,对新语言表现出好奇心与兴趣,但是,他们也存在着稳定性较差,注意力不易长时间集中,掌握的知识不牢固。需要通过各种教学方式反复的练习,不断强化才能巩固所学的知识。 四、教学目标 1、知识目标:能听、说、读本节课的新单词、新句型。 2、情感目标:在语言教学中培养学生热爱生活,热爱大自然,积极乐观的生活情感态度。 3、能力目标:在语言教学中培养学生探究、自主、合作的学习方法以及在实际生活中运用语言的能力。 4、学习策略目标:培养学生主动学习的能力和合作学习的策略,在一定的语境中能用学过的英语进行交流。 五、教学重点:学习认识有关季节和天气的单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold. 掌握 “It’s spring. It’s warm in spring. We fly kites in spring.”等新句型。 六、教学难点:句型在生活中的灵活运用。 七、教学准备:CAI,图片,四季名胜的图片作为奖品。 八、教学设计总思路 以“为了每一位学生的发展”的宗旨,在教学中借助网络教学,运用了TPR教学法、情景教学法、快乐教学法、任务型教学法等,强调语言运用,注重能力培养,突出兴趣激发,重视双向交流,重视知识的灵活拓展,通过说一说、唱一唱、做一做、画一画等形式将英语教学与音乐、美术、信息技术有机地整合,从而引导学生探究式、自主式、合作式地参与整个教学活动。让学生在活动中感知,在情景中体验,在运用中实践,充分发挥学生的自主性,创造性,使学生主动参与到求知的行列中来。 九、Teaching steps:(教学步骤) Step One: Warm up(课前热身) 1、Greetings. What ’ s the weather like today?What do you do at the weekend?等 2、Sing a song----We wish you a happy Christmas. (设计意图:以歌曲激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学习积极性。创设情景,通过师生,生生交流,帮助学生温习旧知,同时训练学生的听说能力,激发学生兴趣,培养学生在实际生活中运用语言的能力,为新课教学打下伏笔。) Step two:Look at the CAI. (欣赏四季,引入课题.)自动呈现教学主题“Seasons and weather”学生通过看卡通短片,浏览了一年当中四个季节的.变换,认识有关季节和天气的单词, spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold. 教师板书课题: SEASONS AND WEATHER (设计意图:课件采用动画的形式进行教学。美丽的画面及可爱的人物形象,令人赏心悦目,使学生有如身临其境,从而激发学生的学习兴趣。学生可以一边欣赏动画,一边反复跟读操练。以这种方式引出新单词的学习,不但使学生感到有兴趣不觉得枯燥做作,而且给学生营造了一种相应的氛围。) Step Three: Presentation(新课学习) 1、看完卡通短片后,提出问题: T: Now. Everybody, Who can answer my questions? How many seasons are there in a year? Ss: Four seasons. T: Very good! There are four seasons in a year. Now, What are they? Please say it in Chinese. Ss: 春, 夏, 秋, 冬. T: Yes! They are spring , summer, autumn and winter. 教师板书: spring ,summer , autumn , winter 1、教师出示单词卡片,教授单词.并且采用多种方法进行练习,如开火车,回音壁,升降调, 看口型猜单词等. (设计意图:通过单词卡片、采用课件动画的形式进行教学。在教师的指导下学会这些单词。 ) 2、助多媒课件做游戏:猜猜看 What ’ s the season? 学习句型:It’s spring/summer/autumn/winter. (设计意图:利用课件巧妙、自然地引出本课与天气有关的新句型,学生初步从音、形、意上整体感知所学单词和句型。) 3、T:How do you feel in spring/summer/autumn/winter? Who can tell me? Ss: (学生做出很舒服的样子) T: Good! It’s warm in Spring! Follow me ’warm’(出示单词卡片,教授单词warm.并且一边读单词一边做出很舒服,暖和的表情,动作). 学习:It’s warm in spring.It’s hot in summer. It’s cool in autumn.It’s cold in winter. (设计意图:通过形象有趣的表情,让学生理解不同天气有关的英语表达。整合学生所学知识,将活动与各个季节的特点相联系。在整体感知、学习的基础上,教师设计各种活动,帮助学生不断复习巩固新词,感知新句,学生在活动中运用所学语言进行交际,体验语言学习的过程,学生的思维能力,创新能力,合作能力在活动的过程中同时得到发展。) Step Four: Practices.(朗读操练) 1、Let’s chant Spring, spring, spring, spring is warm. Summer, summer, summer ,summer is hot. Autumn, autumn, autumn, autumn is cool. Winter, winter, winter, winter is cold. (设计意图:设计这个活动,主要是帮助学生不断复习巩固新词。学生跟着节奏边拍手边读,简单易学,琅琅上口,同时轻松地复习巩固了单词。) 2、Play a game First time, the teacher do some actions, ask the students to guess it, what is teacher doing? go swimming, go cycling, play football, play basketball, play table tennis, watch TV. T: Then, this time, I say the words, you do the actions.T: Now, Please answer my question. What do you do at the weekend? S1: We go swimming at the weekend. S2: We play football at the weekend. S3: We... T: What do you do in Spring? S1:We go clcying in Spring. S3: We... (设计意图:教师根据教学内容的特点,采用了全身动作法、让学生根据自己的生活经验自主表演、大胆模仿踢球、投篮、乒乓球、游泳、骑车、看电视等各种运动动作,让学生在不知不觉中运用What do you do in…?句型,并能大方自然地运用于交际中。让学生自主选择自己喜欢的运动并主动与他人交流让学生在兴趣盎然的积极情感中习得语言。 ) Step Five:学习课文 1、Listen to the tape. Ask them to open their books. Look at activity 1: Listen, say and point.The first time, ask them just listen. The second time, ask them listen, point and repeat. 完整地听对话一次,让学生尽可能记下主要句型的语音语调,并在书上标出。这样做,有助于语感的形成。 2、Read after the tape. Sentence by sentence (一句一句跟机仿读,帮助学生强化对语音语调及内容的记忆。齐声朗读,巩固、强化语音语调。) 3、Get some pairs to read. 活动形式:请几对学生朗读,开展语音语调的仿读评价。通过评价,加强学生对语音语调的重视。 4、Listen and do it利用课件让学生听句子,然后选择正确的季节图片并说出所听到的句子。 (设计意图:游戏是英语课堂教学不可缺少的教学手段之一。“ Copy 不走样”是英语游戏中的经典,每一次都能极大地刺激学生的视听器,引导学生说一说,做一做,达到“教学做”统一。) Step Six: Make similar dialogues.(知识活用) 1、转盘游戏:围绕本课的主题季节与天气,转盘游戏包括春、夏、秋、冬四个部分。让学生在转盘游戏中,根据所转到的季节进行口语交际。 (设计意图:采用课件游戏的形式,为学生创设一个轻松、愉快的课堂氛围。转盘游戏,整合学生所学知识,将活动与各个季节的特点相联系。引导学生围绕本课话题展开讨论,培养学生的口语交际能力,激发学生爱英语、学英语、说英语的学习热情。,进一步巩固本课所学知识,发挥学生的想象力和动手动口能力。进一步扩宽学生的视野,陶冶情操.一堂成功的英语课,必须能够给与学生的思维一个自由驰骋的平台。按部就班的传授,只会使学生丧失创造能力和自我学习的能力。) 2、请用What’s your name? What’s your favorite season? What do you do in…? 完成这份调查表。 name favorite season What do you do in…? (设计意图:《新课标》倡导要探究、自主、合作式的学习。在学习本课新句型时,这三者达到了高度地统一。“ 任务型教学”是一种“为用而学,用中学,学了就用”的新的教学途径。本课的扩展活动是要求学生表达自己在四季中进行的活动,在这里我采用自由互问法来讨论,尊重了学生的个人情感,并能更准确的体验知识语言。) Step Seven:Homework 1、家人及同学谈论喜爱的季节和天气。 2、Paint the four seasons.。 (设计意图:英语学习需要语境 ,发挥家庭的特殊作用,既有利于孩子与父母的交流,也可以监控学生学习情况。自制画(相)册能将课堂所学向课外延伸,提高学习兴趣“四季”是丰富多彩的,让学生在合作学习的基础上,动手调画出树在四季的不同颜色,答案可以是不一样的,教育学生热爱生活,保护大自然。) 十、板书设计 Unit 1 It’s hot in summer . spring summer autumn winter warm hot cool cold Module8 Unit2 It’s hot and sunny today. 一、教学内容 本课是《新标准英语》三年级起点第二册第八模块第二单元《It is hot and sunny today》,学生能认读单词:sunny/windy/rain/snow,能用“It is …today”描述天气,表演唱歌曲:Rain,rain,go away. 二、教学对象 三年级学生 三、教学目标篇3:外研版小学英语三年级起点第二册教案Ⅰ
Module 1 Unit 1 It’s the ABC songs. Teaching aim: Describing the alphabets Teaching importance and difficulty: alphabets Vocabulary: favourite, song. Letters: A--Z Teaching steps: 一、Warming up: 1. Sing songs: Good morning! Please stand up! 二、Revisions: Free talk 1. T: Hello,…, how are you? S1: …. 2. T: Hi, good morning! What’s your name? S2: …. How old are you? … 3. T: Hello, …, how are you? S3: …. Point to the window, please. … Point to the door, please. … 4. T: Hi, good morning! S4: …. What’s this ? …. What colour is it ? …. T: Oh, yes, it’s …. Do you like …? I like …, too. We can also say, My favourite colour is …. What’s your favourite colour? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么? 启发学生用It’s ….来回答问题。教授新词favourite.再问: What’s your favourite song? 你最喜欢的歌曲是什么?教授新词song. 三、New lessons: 1. T : My favourite song is the ABC song. OK, today we’ll learn the new lesson: Module 1 Unit 1 It’s the ABC song.(板书课题)Now turn to page 2, listen to the tape carefully. Ok, Can you find the new words: favourite and song. Ask the kids to underline the new words. 2. T: OK! Look at the screen, read the letters after me. 先按字母表顺序教读,再按歌词的顺序教读。Ask the kids to read the letters together, then ask some of them to read. 2. T: Now listen to the tape again, read and sing together. (twice) 四、Games: 1. 快速说出字母:(1) 让学生快速读出容易混淆的字母。(2) 教师说出一个字母,让学生快速说出后一个字母。 2. 读字母游戏:教师出示一组组字母,让学生大声朗读出来, 看看是否正确。 3. 猜字母:只给出字母的一小部分让学生猜。 五、Homework: 1. Listen to the tape 3 times and read or sing the song loudly. 2. Recite the letters. 3. Prepare Unit 2. Module 1 Unit 2 My favourite toy is a car. Teaching aim: Talking about favourite things. Teaching importance and difficulty: My favourite toy is a car. Vocabulary: toy, car, ship, doll Teaching steps: 一、Warming up: 1. Sing ABC song. 二、Revisions: 1. Recite the letters together. 2. Recite the letters one by one. 3. 教师出示字母卡片,学生快速读出字母。 4. 教师说出一个字母,学生快速说出后一个字母。 5. 快速读出字母。屏幕上一个一个出示字母,每个字母用不同的颜色表示, 每出现一个字母, 问What’s this? What colour is it ? f, a, v, o, u, r, i, t, e, yes, it’s favourite. My favourite colour is red. What’s your favourite colour? 启发学生用It’s ….来回答问题。同样方法出现 t, o, y, yes, it’s a toy. 三、New lessons: 1. T: Do you know toy? (出示卡片)Teach the new word: toy and my favourite toy. 2. T: There are lots of toys, doll, ship, car, computer game. Teach the new words. (game: What’s missing?) 最后一次时,教师说:My favourite toy is …. 问学生: What’s your favourite toy? 启发学生用It’s a ….来回答问题,引入新课你知道Amy最喜欢的玩具是什么吗?(板书)My favourite toy is a car. 3. Open the books and turn to page 4, listen to the tape first, underline the new words. 看幻灯片,将单词与相对应的汉语连线,请学生到前面来完成练习,边做边问,What’s your favourite colour? Now listen, point and read. (twice) 4. Ask the kids to read the sentences one by one. 5. Ask the kids to talk about their favourite things, using: My name is …. My favourite toy is …. After talking, teacher says, This is …. Her / His favourite toy is …. 四、Teach the chant in Students Book P5. Listen and do. 五、Homework: 1. Listen to the tape 3 times. 2. Read the text loudly. 3. Prepare Module 2. Module 2 Unit 1 they’re monkeys 一、教学内容分析 作为第一课时,本节新授课的学习内容是关于动物的Dialogue ,由于内容比较简单,教师可以抓住时机,把本课时变成新授,听力及拓展学习相结合的学习过程。本课时基本不存在比较难的新句型,主要设计到了描述动物的句型:What’s this?It’s…/What are they?They’re…句型,学会日常用语交际,重点要操练其用法。 二、教学目标 1、语言知识目标(1)能听、说、读、写本节课的词语。 (2)能听、说、读本节课的课文内容。 (3)进一步巩固What’s this?It’s…/What are they?They’re…句型。 2、语言技能目标 (1)能用所学的知识描述不同动物名称及其特征。 (2)学生通过学习,能流利朗读和背诵课文。 3、学习策略目标 通过玩游戏、猜动物和小组合作等方式,完成本节课的学习。 4、情感态度目标 变被动学习为主动学习,在英语学习活动中形成主动开口说英语的习惯,体验用英语进行交际的乐趣。 三、教学重点 1、本节词语和句型 2、在情景中运用big,small,fat.3、课文对话的理解与运用。 四、教学难点 描述动物的特征人称的变化,能运用所学单词句型谈论各种动物,让学生在练习中得以掌握。 五、课型听说读写综合运用 六、课时安排 一课时 七、教具准备 1、教师准备教材配套的录音带。2、教师准备教学课件。3、教师准备所学动物类单词卡片(或玩具)、图片和动物头饰。4、学生准备相关的动物玩具及面具。(每人至少一个) 八、教学过程 (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 教师用动作比划单词,孩子看一看,举出相应的单词卡片。孩子在小组中做游戏。 (二) 呈现新课 (Presentation) 1、导入:熊猫来跟大家打招呼,欢迎小朋友去zoo参观:Good morning, I’m Jingjing. Nice to meet you.让生也跟熊猫打招呼,复习hello,I’m…,nice to meet you.句型。让生跟着熊猫一起去公园走一走,看一看。 2、齐读课题:Module 2 zoo/Unit 1 They’re monkeys 3、出示一张有着很多动物的动物园照片,问生都知道他们分别是谁?然后展示动物是如何介绍自己的,让生学会注意倾听,学会动物名称。 4、让生自学单词,师范读,教读,学生个别读,小组读,掌握其读音。 5、Guessing game (1)孩子们把自己的毛绒玩具都摆到讲台桌上,请一个孩子描述自己的玩具,大家猜一猜。 小组比赛的形式进行,哪组在规定的时间里猜到的多,就获胜。 (2)出示一张张的动物图片,遮住大部分部位,让学生猜是什么动物。用英文猜出,在玩游戏的同时掌握单词。 6、Look at this animal.What’s this?(幻灯片出示:老虎) Yes,It’s tiger.Look at it.It’s big. (板书出示单词:big It’s big.)教读(OK,now follow me带动作big。) OK,there is another animal coming.what’s this?(狮子、大象,举一反三) 幻灯片出示猴子图片,look at the animal,What are they?they’re monkeys,学生说出:It’s small. 同样,教师做出“小”的手势。让学生明白动物特征。 幻灯片出示熊猫图片,Look ,it’s panda,it’s fat.让生学会fat的意思和用法。 7、Read the text with partners. Try to recite the dialogue. 展现课件,上面很清晰地打出对话,跟一个学生做一个例子给全班孩子看,然后出示四张图片,请孩子仿照老师的例子跟同桌造对话。(图片上会出现一些新的动物单词,拓展学生的单词量)。 8、趣味操练 (Practice) (1)将课件中的声音关闭,为其中的人物配音。 (2)让学生拿出事先准备好的'玩具。先将学生手中的各个玩具单词说一说,然后教师做示范请一名学生上讲台前,教师指着学生手中的玩具说: Look !It’s tiger.It’s big,之后,请几个能力较强的学生说说手中动物玩具。 (3)让学生以小组为单位,继续练习简单小动物的句子。在此处,教师提示学生注意What’s this?It’s…/What are they?They’re…句型,教师请每组派两名学生到讲台前表述组里的人或小动物玩具。 (4)做Let’s play 部分的练习。按照课本中所呈现的方式,教师先拿出一个小猪的面具,请一名学生到讲台前戴上面具,扮演“小猪”, 让另两名学生问关于“小猪”的话,教师带领学生做游戏,通过游戏的形式让学生连锁记忆,从而复习小动物情况的句子。 9、课堂评价 (Assessment)做活动手册练习。 10、扩展性活动(Add-activities) 教师把学生带到室外,做传球说物的游戏。将学生分为3―4组,每组围成一个圈,每圈的学生分一个气球,学生听音乐传球活动,当音乐停止时,手中拿到球的学生则抽取问题,问题的内容为:介绍某某人或某某小动物。回答问题的同学用Look !It’s…的句子来表述。 (三)表扬总结,结束全课。 (四)Homework: 抄写本节课的单词: (课前让学生准备动物玩具、头饰,采用游戏形式把学生迅速带入到英语课堂。由于教学内容比较简单,单词只是四种动物及其三个形容词,新句型有:What’s this?It’s…/What are they?They’re…所以在进行本课时的教学设计的时候,我把新课内容变成了兴趣操作内容,改变了传统的教学方式,让学生既能在学习新课的同时又能进行有趣而生动的游戏及对话操作训练。新课的难点部分则设计在游戏当中解决并操练,为接下来的课文朗读练习做好铺垫。本课时主要操练内容的侧重点放在What’s this?It’s…/What are they?They’re…句型的熟练掌握上,因此,在本节课的教学设计里,请学生发挥其主动性,最后延伸到其他我们生活中常见的动物练习。整节课的每个教学环节力求做到过渡自然,一环紧扣一环,层层铺垫,层层加深,学生在做中学,学中做,真正做到有兴趣学,学有所得。 (课前让学生准备动物玩具、头饰,采用游戏形式把学生迅速带入到英语课堂。由于教学内容比较简篇4:外研版小学英语三年级起点第二册教案Ⅱ
Module 4 Food Unit 1 Do you like meat? Teaching aims(教学目标): 1.Get the students to master the following words and sentences:meat,rice,noodles,fish milk. Do you like…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. 2.Get the students to use the sentence patterns to ask about likes and dislikes. 3.Through activities, the teacher should cultivate the students’ spirit of competition and cooperation. Important points(教学重点): The mastery of the new words and sentences. Difficult points(教学难点): The students can use the sentence patterns to ask about likes and dislikes. Teaching aids(教学准备): Multimedia computer, tape recorder, some objects ( meat, a pear, an orange, an apple, pencils, pens, table tennis) cards( fruits cards, basketball, football, teddy , cars, ships and so on) Teaching procedures(教学过程): Step1 Warm-up Activities 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song.(old Macdonald song) 3. Have a competition between groups. Step2 Presentation and Practice 1. Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. (1) Yes, I do. T: (熊猫头饰) I’m a…. Look, I’m very fat.(with gestures) So, I like basketball. Do you like basketball? S: Yes… T: Yes, I do. CAI―Yes, I do. 贴卡片Yes, I do. (2) No, I don’t. T: Do you like…? S: No… T: No, I don’t. (Have the students answer the question.) CAI―No, I don’t.. 贴卡片No, I don’t. (3) Little chant. T: Follow me, Do, do, do. Yes, I do. Don’t, don’t, don’t. No, I don’t.(With gestures) 2.New words―meat, rice, fish, noodles,milk .. (1) meat (2) T: Do you like meat? (CAI present meat.) S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. T: What’ this? (CAI present noodle.) S: It’s noodles. Let many students answer the same question. T: Do you like noodles? S:… Writing on Bb: noodles. Read after the teacher. High―low voice. T: Point to the bananas. (3) pear. T: What color is it? (Point to the banana) S: It’s yellow. T: Any other yellow fruits? ( With gesture) S: Pear. T: What’s this? What’s that? S:… T: Do you like fish? Writing on Bb: fish Read after the teacher. Point to… (4) milk T: What does Ms Li like? Guess with “Do you like…?” S: Do you like…? T: I like milk. Do you like milk? Ss:… T: milk, can you read? Apple: … T: Anymore? S: … T: Do you like milk ? Writing on Bb: milk . Read after the teacher. Point to… (5) rice T: (CAI present rice) Are they meat? Ss: No, they are’t. They’re rice. Writing on Bb: rice. Read after the teacher. Point to… T: rice, rice, do you like rice? S: Yes, I do. T: rice, rice, do you like rice? S: No, I don’t. (6) Fast reaction. T: Little teacher. Who can try? (叫一名学生发令,其他学生在下面指。) (7) Play a game.(大脑风暴) T: Let’s play a game. Guess, Stop at which picture? (屏幕上的物体出现后马上消失,让学生猜最后哪张图片不会消失,会停下来。) 3.Sentence: Do you like…? T: Do you like pears?(接上面的游戏最后梨子停下来。) Ss:… T: Make sentence.(Right hand: Do you like… Left hand: picture) S:… 贴卡片:Do you like T: Magic eyes. (手持一张图片快速闪过,让学生用Do you like… 这个句型和他所看到的单词联合成一个完整的句子。) Step3 Consolidation 1. Play a game. (猜卡通人物的喜好―屏幕上有各种物体,学生随意选择一种并用句型Do you like…?提问。猜对了,课件出示声音: Yes, I do. 反之:No, I don’t.) 2. Output. (1)Listen to the tape, point and tick. (2)Check the answers. (3)Listen and repeat. Step4 Task 1. Chain game. (1)T: Boys and girls. You did a good job. Now, Let’s play a game. First, Who wants to play with me. (2)The teacher play with students. (3)Let the students play the game.(老师手持秒表制造紧张气氛) (4)T: Which group is the winner? Step5 End 1. Count the fruits. 2. T: Class is over. Bye-bye, boys and girls. Module 4 Unit 2 Does Daming likes bananas? 教学程序:Teaching Procedures (一)Revision: 请学生展示自己制作的食物类新单词卡片,并把新单词教给全班同学。 (二)Warmer: 1.教师事先准备一些水果的实物,出示实物,看学生能否说出这些水果的英文名称。 2.教师指着香蕉说:This is a banana.请学生重复句子。 3.以相同的方式介绍新单词:pear,orange,apple. 4.教师可以编成儿歌的形式,带领学生熟练单词,如:Pear,pear,pear,do you like pears? (三)New lesson: 1.教师拿着苹果,对一位女生说:Do you like apples?该女生回答:Yes,I do./No,I don’t.接着教师指着该女生,问全班学生:Does she like apples?引导全班学生回答Yes,she does./No,she doesn’t. 2.教师以同样的方式出示不同的水果,带领学生继续操练句型:Does he/she like…?及其回答:Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn’t. 3.出示挂图,请学生听SB Unit 2活动1的录音。放第一遍录音时,请学生看着图听一听,课文录音针对哪些人物哪些水果提出了哪些 4.请学生上前指着挂图提出问题,其他学生试着回答。 5.放第二遍录音,请学生边听边指向相应的图片。 6.请学生合上书,再放录音,每个问题后停顿,看学生是否记得答案。 7.继续放录音,让学生检查自己的回答是否正确。 8.二人一组读课文的示范对话,请学生根据活动1中不同人物的喜好进行问答。 9.学生SB Unit 2活动4的韵诗。学生跟录音机逐行朗读韵诗。将全班分为两组,每组读一段韵诗。比如,在读到第一段中的Mmm时学生可以做揉肚子的动作,读到第二段中的No时,可以在嘴边扇动手表示很辣。放录音时,请每组说对应的部分。 10.学生SB Unit 2活动6的字母。请学生摹写字母单词并默写。然后可以编儿歌:G is for girl.H is for hat.I is for in.请学生进行单词的.扩展练习,比一比谁扩展的单词最多。 任务完成: 1.完成运用任务1:请学生读SB Unit 2活动3的示范对话。教师板书游戏的对话模式,提醒学生注意第一人称与第三三人称单数的转换。同时出示一些水果类的单词在黑板上,便于学生做替换练习。请学生三人一组分别扮演Xiaoyong.Tingting和Lili开展游戏. Xiaoyong:I like….Do you like…? Tingting:Yes,I do./No,I don’t. Lili:Does Tingting lies rice? Xiaoyong:Yes,she does./No,she doesn’t. 2.完成运用任务2:请学生四人一组完成游戏。学生A指着学生D,问学生B和C:Does …like…?学生B和C进行猜测。并回答:Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn’t.然后A问D:Do you like…?学生D根据自己的喜好做出回答。猜对的学生获胜。 扩展活动: 1.出示课件共五组单词卡片,每组包含五个单词。 2.教师先出示其中的一组,请学生认真看,并试着记住它们。然后教师说出其中的四个单词,请学生说出教师没有提到的是哪一个单词。 3.比一比谁最快猜出遗漏的单词。 4.此项游戏活动可以训练学生熟练记忆单词的能力。 Homework: 1.听录音,朗读SB Unit 2活动1的课文,并试着背诵。 2.把学过的语言:Does…like…?Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesn’t.编排成韵诗,演唱给教师和全班同学听。 Module 5 Time Unit 1 I get up at seven o’clock. Function: 1.Talking about “time”. 2. Enable the Ss to say “get up” “go to school” “have lunch” “go home” “watch TV” “go to bed”. Teaching points: Grasp the important words and phrases. 一、 Warming up 1. Greetings: T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Yang. T: What day is it today? Ss: Today is ……. T: Are you happy? Ss: Yes, we are. 2. Saying a chant One, two, three, four. Come in please and close the door. Five, six, seven, eight. Go to school and don’t be late. Nine, ten, nine, ten. Learn English again and again. 3. Singing: “Good morning Sam?’’ 二、New concept. 1. T: Oh, you are so clever. Today, let us learn Module 5 Time Unit 1 I get up at seven O’clock. (Writing and Reading) T: Hello, boys and girls. What’s this? Ss:It’s a clock. T: You are so clever. T: Do you know? What’s the time? (Explain in Chinese) Ss: 8: 10 T: How to say in English? Ss: I don’t know. T: Ok, I will tell you. Its eight ten .表示8点过10 分。或篇5:小学英语外研版课件
教学目标是学生能理解对话,并能用正确的语音语调朗读对话;根据对话的情景进行对话角色表演;能在语境中初步运用I’d like some… Have some…,too.来交流食物信息。
1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。
2. 能够听、说、认读三个有关食物的单词juice, egg, bread。
3. 能够在语境中运用I’d like some … Have some… 句型表达自己想吃的食物以及为别人提供食物建议,交流有关食物的信息。
4. 能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能根据对话的情景进行对话角色表演。
1. 理解对话意义,并能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。
2. 初步运用新句型I’d like some… Have some…, too. 来交流食物信息。
1. 学生能够在教师的带动下,自主地调动关于食物的词汇储备,复习相关词汇运用。
2. 学生能够在语境中理解生词juice, bread的意思,并能够正确发音。
(1)Let’s sing
Sing a song: Old MacDonald. 教师播放歌曲,与学生齐唱,通过歌曲帮助学生复习已学过的与动物相关的单词。
T: Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, Selena.
T: Before the class, let’s sing a song, Old MacDonald.
T: Look! In this picture, I see some people near the farm. Who are they?
Ss: Sarah, Chen Jie, John, Chen Jie’s father and mother.
T: Yes. What are they doing?
Ss: They are having a picnic.
T: Good! They have a picnic. Can you see some food? What are they?
Ss: milk, eggs …
T: Yes, they have milk, eggs. What else? Look at the bottle, what’s in it?
Ss: 果汁、橙汁、juice …
T: Good! It is juice. 果汁。Please, read after me, juice.
Ss: juice
T: Would you like some juice? Would you like some bread? Can you guess what we are going to learn? Please choose from the topic below. 1.颜色 2.动物 3.介绍他人 4.食物
(教师板书:1. 颜色 2. 动物 3. 介绍他人 4. 食物)
(3)Main scene
教师播放主情景动画,引出本课题目Let’s eat!
2. 呈现
教师使用课件呈现单词juice,并由juice导出句型:I’d like some juice. 并在板书中明确juice和some juice,提示学生juice的不可数复数形式。
利用Brainstorm头脑风暴的形式,引导学生说出一些学过或自己知道的关于食物的单词,如egg, ice cream, juice, apple, pear, noodles等,从而引出并学习新单词bread。鼓励学生尝试用I’d like some … 说出自己想吃的食物,进一步练习使用句型:I’d like some … 教师再把相应的食物图片发给学生,在交给学生的时候,教师使用句型Here you are.
教师播放Let’s talk板块的图片,引出Mike和Mum在吃东西的情景,组织学生看图猜想,猜猜图中人物在说什么。
T: Well done! Look! Who are they? Yes, they are Mike and Mike’s Mum. They are eating, too. Can you guess, what are they talking about? Look at the picture, what may Mike say? Will Mike say “What’s your name?” And what may he say? Now discuss in groups. Let’s go!
T: Maybe. / Good try. / It could be …
T: Now let’s check. Mike says, I’d like some juice, please. What may mum answer? Read after the tape.
③Role play
T: Well done! Now let’s act.
设计意图:在正式学习课文前的看图猜想活动,有效地激发学生的思维,让学生发挥想象,对图片进行预测。带着问题去听录音,帮助学生的注意力更加集中,达到有针对性地注意对话内容、理解课文。再通过跟读、朗读、分角色表演,有意识地培养学生按照争取的语音、语调及意群朗读的习惯,并进一步加深巩固本节课的重点句型I’d like …
3. 操练活动
(1)Passing the message
游戏:Passing the message传悄悄话。
按照座位顺序,每一列学生为一组。每组的第一位学生上台抽取一张图片(不得让其他学生看到),明确图片内容后放下图片回到座位,听到教师说One! Two! Three! Start! 后,以说悄悄话的方式,运用句型I’d like some … Have some …, too. 将图片上的食物信息传递给下一个学生。每组的最后一名学生到讲台处找出对应的`食物图片并说出该句子。速度快又准的小组获胜。
设计意图:此教学步骤的目的是操练句子I’d like some juice/bread, please. 和Have some bread, too. 通过传悄悄话这一游戏,既可以帮助学生加深对单词的音形掌握,又培养学生的良性竞争和团队合作意识。
设计意图:通过句子接龙这个游戏,帮助学生复习、巩固、运用关于食物的单词及句型I’d like some …
4. 拓展
以四人小组为单位,做小演员,运用句型I’d like some … 和Have some … 看图设计Mike和Chen Jie的对话,渗透中西方早餐文化的异同。每组可设计多组对话,每位组员将Mike和Chen Jie的角色各演一次。
T: Good job! Look at the picture, can you act Mike and Chen Jie? Four people a group, try to act it!
T: Well done! Can you find out the differences between Mike and Chen Jie?
T: What do you have for breakfast every day?
5. 小结与评价
(2)教师针对学生的早餐食谱设计进行反馈,再一次使用I’d like some … Here you are. 加深学生对本课时单词和句型的感知,同时也作为本课的小结。
T: Do you want to be healthy? Can you design a menu for your breakfast? Now design and talk about it with your neighbor.
6. 作业
(1)同桌两人一组,表演Let’s talk对话。
Hello, everyone. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is life in the oceans taken from Lesson 63 of Unit 16 in SEFC(2). It is made up of four parts.
Part 1 My understanding of this lesson
The analysis of the teaching material:
This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. Lesson 62 and Lesson 63 are a whole unit. By studying Lesson 63, Ss can improve their reading ability, learn more about the sea and the life in the oceans. At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the passage better. The Ss should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the Ss should receive some moral education. Let the Ss understand the sea better, love the sea and save the sea and the life of the sea.
Teaching aims:
1. Knowledge aim: Understand the main idea of the text.
2. Ability aim: Retell the text in their own words.
3. Emotional aim: Make the Ss love the life of the sea and do something to stop it being polluted.
Key points / Teaching important points:
How to understand the text better.
Teaching difficult points:
1. Use your own words to retell the text.
2. Discuss the pollution of the sea and how to save the sea.
Something about the Ss:
1. The Ss have known something about the sea and sea life through the Internet and other ways.
2. They are lack of vocabulary.
3. They don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others.
4. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.
Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aids
Before dealing with this lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.
Teaching method:
Double activities teaching method
Question-and-answer activity teaching method
Watch-and-listen activity
Free discussion method
Pair work or individual work method
Teaching aids:
1. a projector
2. a tape recorder
3. multimedia
4. the blackboard
Part 3. Teaching steps / procedures
I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading ability.
The entire steps are:
Greetings, Revision, Lead-in and preparation for reading, Fast reading(scanning), Listening, Intensive reading, Preparation for details of the text, Consolidation, Discussion, Homework.
Step 1 Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step 2. Revision
1. Ask students some questions to revise the last lesson(show them on the screen).
a. How much salt do the oceans contain per thousand parts of water?(35 parts of salt. 3.5% by weight)
b. What is coral? Why are corals not found in deep water?
c. Why is the Dead Sea called the Dead Sea?
2. Check the homework(made a survey about the sea or sea life by surfing the Internet or asking for help from other people). Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their survery results and prepare for the new lesson.
Step 3. Lead-in and preparation for reading
Show them some pictures and let them talk each other, and then use the pictures about sea and life in the oceans to learn new words, for example, Antarctica, huge whale, sperm whale, squid and so on.
Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study.
Bring in new subject: Life in the oceans.
Step 4. Fast reading
Read the passage as quickly as they can. I show the questions on the screen and let them get the main idea of each paragraph:
1. Why can living things live in such oceans around the Antarctica?
2. What does the whale feed on?
3. What is the difference between the sperm whale and other whales?
Method: Read the text individually, use question―and―answer activity.
Purpose: Improve the students’ reading ability.
Understand the general idea of each paragraph.
Step 5. Listening(book closed)
1. Listen to the tape then do an exercise(wb page 90, part 1)
2. True or false exercise.(on the screen)
Train the Ss’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises.
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning.
It’s a great pleasure for me to be here sharing my lesson with you. My name is .
Firstly, I’ll introduce my teaching material to you. The content of it is Unit 1 of Module 3,Book 1.In this unit we’ll talk about the numerals. By studying this unit, the students will know how to ask and answer the quantities. The way to ask “how many’and the numbers from 1 to 10 are the key and difficult points of this unit.
As we know, our students are pupils, boys and girls are exposed to English for a short time, so it is very important to develop their intreset in English. As for this, I made my teaching aims as follows.
Teaching aims:
1.Aims on knowledge:
1) The students can hear,read and use the sentence “how many?’ to ask questions.
2) The students can hear, read and use the words from 1 to 10 to answer the questions on numerals.
2. Aims on abilities:
1) To develop students’ abilities of listening and speaking.
2) To foster students’ abilities of communicating skills.
3.Aims on the emotion:
1) To set up students’ self-confidence in language study.
2) To form happy English learning situations for the students.
4. Key points:
1) To help students ask and answer the question: How many?
2) To develop students intrest in English.
5.Difficult point:
The right pronunciation of the numerals from 1 to 10.
Secondly,I’ll introduce my teaching methods.
We all know that the main instructional aims of learning English in primary schools to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson,I’ll mainly use “task-based” teaching method. I’ll let Ss learn in real situations,finish some simple tasks to help the students to get a better understanding of the lesson. And I will arrange many kinds of activities for them.
In this class, I’ll use a recorder and some pictures as my teaching assistance.
Teaching process
Ⅰ. Warm-up
1. Greetings
2. say the chant “Bob. Bob. Bob…
3. The teacher can choose some students,to do a simple dialogue such as What’s your name? How are you?and so on.
(for this step, we should practice quickly.This chant can arouse exciting motion. So it is important to form a happy class.The part of the dialogue can make Ss review the knowledge in the last lesson.)
Ⅱ.Leading in
1. After chant,the teacher shows a pencil and ask students :What’s this?lead the students to answer ‘pencil’.Then the teacher says:Yes, it’s one pencil. Then the teacher shows two pencils and says: There are two pencils. The teacher can lead in the numerals by this way (This part to lead the numbers quickly.)
Activities for the children.1 to 4,we should clap our hands; after 4,we should change to stamp our feet;after 8 we should shake our bodies. That is to say, ask students to clap when teaching numbers 1-4, ask the students to stamp when teaching numbers 5-8, ask the students to shake their bodies when teaching numbers 9-10.
(we count the ten numners by different ways, Ss would like to do things like this. We’ll have a happy beginning)
2. The teacher shows the pictures about numerals.Have the students read the pictures and follow the teacher to practise,and put the numerals on the blackboard.(This part is the important part to make students learn the numerals)
3.A game to practice the numerals.
Ask students to do the counting one by one, they should line up first, then count from 1-10.
(For this step, I will correct their pronunciation ).
Ⅲ. New lesson
1. The teacher shows the pictures quickly, and ask them to guess How many?
And students say the answers.
After some time, ask little teachers to do this.
Then the teacher shows and teaches the new sentence ‘How many?’
2. guessing game
In this part, we can play two games. First, guess the pictures; second, guess how many students.
(to drill the questions and answers with the help of the game.)
3. listen to the tape.
T should play the tape three times, first, Ss just listen;second, Ss read the story after the tape; third, Ss listen carefully and find 1 to 10 on the book.
( It is necessary for Ss to listen to the tape in our class, it will form a good habit of listening.)
A task of memory. The teacher shows a big picture with some boys and girls on it. Have the students look at this picture for 5 seconds. Then the teacher closes this picture and asks: How many boys or girls? The students will try to give the right answers.
( This is a transitional part for unit 2)
Let the students to count all the things arround them after class. Then to tell their friends or to mark on the paper.
(revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they can in class)
Above is my lesson,I try my best to make my students happy in class. So I use different kinds of activities and games to deepen my instruction in order to let children acqire new knowledge through arousing their interest.
But, the weakness of this lesson is the students might not grasp the hole story and sentences pattern because of lack of enough training in these two parts, story-teaching and sentence pattern-teaching.
That’s all! Thank you!
It’s my great honor to be here sharing my lesson with you.
The content of my lesson is《New Standard English 》Book4 Module8 Unit1 I was two. Then I’m going to talk about it through the following six aspects: teaching material, students, teaching aims, teaching points, teaching preparation and teaching process.
一、Teaching material
The topic of this module is “Changes”. The language function of this unit is throughing the photos of Lingling’s grandparents and her own to describe the things past with “was/were”. The main patterns “They were young.” and “I was two.” are close to Ss’ daily life. Therefore, they would show their great interests in this lesson and try to use what they have learnt in their real lives. By studying this unit, Ss can discuss the things that occurred in the past to themselves with “was/were”.
The Ss in grade four have got some English foundations. They also have higher learning enthusiasm and lively personalities. As a result, the activities full of fun and relaxation are offered in order to let the Ss learn English more freely. Meanwhile, the abilities of observing and self-study , the habits of independent thinking and positive participation are fostered in the class.
三、Teaching aims
(一)Aims on the knowledge
1.The Ss can understand and speak the words: who, grandparents, then, me, hair, so.
2.The Ss can understand and speak the sentence patterns: They were young. I was two.
(二)Aims on the abilities
1.The Ss can read the dialogue fluently.
2.The Ss can communicate with “was/were” according to the photos.
(三)Aims on the emotion
Through the Ss’ comparison the old life with the new one, they will not only cherish the life nowadays, but also improve emotion between the families.
四、Teaching points
(一)Key points
1.The Ss can understand and speak the new words and the sentence patterns.
2.The Ss can describe the things past with “was/were”.
(二)Difficult points
1.The Ss know the usage and relationship between “am/is/are” and “was/ were”.
2.The Ss can discuss the real life with the sentence patterns freely and creatively.
五、Teaching preparation
Tape, recorder, photos, multimedia, cards, stickers.
六、Teaching process
Step 1 .Warming-up
1. Greetings
2. Enjoy the song “The family”.
3. Free talk
T: Here is a family photo. Let’s describe it.
In this photo, Father is … (choose the appropriate adjectives)
S: ….
T: Mother/Brother/Sister/Baby is…
[Design intent] The song can adjust the Ss’ thought, arouse their interest in learning English, let them enter the atmosphere of learning English quickly.The free talk can help them review the adjectives which are used to describe the personalities and characters.
Step 2.Presentation
1. Leading- in
T: Here is another family photo. Do you know who the baby is?
S: …
T: It’s me! ( Teach the word “me” at this moment.)
I was two, then. Now I am 30. (Show Ss the current photo.)
T: Our friend Lingling has got some photos, too. Do you want to have a look?
[Design intent] Through the new and old photos show, bring out the topic of the text smoothly and make a good preparation for the text learning.
2. Text
(1)Listen and try to find out the words they don’t know. Study them in groups. Then T consolidates the meaning of “who, grandparents, then, hair, so”.
(2)Listen read and underline the sentences with “was/were”.
T: What’s the difference between “am/is/are” and “was/ were”? (Explain it under the help of the photos.)
[Design intent] Through the listening and underlining, Ss can have the deeper understanding to the text. Explain the past tense appropriately and design the blackboard writing reasonably. Let Ss know the meaning and usage of “was/ were” clearly.
(3)Listen and read the dialogue again.
Step 3.Practice
1.Look, listen and guess.
Show Ss four pairs of pictures, choose the correct one after listening to T’s description.
2.Do Activity 3 on page 31. Discuss the answers in groups.
[Design intent] Through the activities, let Ss practice the sentence patterns step by step. Cultivate Ss' abilities of cooperation and participation by group-working.
Step 4 Consolidation
1.Enjoy the passage of the cartoon “The ugly duckling”. Discuss the changes of the little duckling according to the T’s reminder.
2. Show Ss some photos of new and old Yantai, let them realize the great changes of our life.
[Design intent] The cartoon can make Ss show more interests in learning English. Through the photos show, Ss will love and cherish the new life more.
Step 5 Summary
Ask Ss themselves to summarize what they have learnt today.
Step 6 Assignment
1.Listen and repeat the text.
2.Describe Ss’ own photos with the sentence patterns in groups and prepare to show in next class.
[Design intent] Making lots of listening and speaking exercise is able to train Ss’ comprehensive language abilities and strengthen their confidence. In addition, extending the knowledge in class to the real life effectively can finally achieve the purpose of communication using language.
Design of blackboard writing
Moduel 8 Changes
Unit 1 I was two.
(then) (now)
I was two, then. Now I am 30.
They were young, then. Now they are old.
She/He was…, then. Now she/he is….
今天我说课的内容是本节课出自外研版七年级上第2模块第1单元 I can speak English.下面我将从教材和学情分析、教法学法、教学过程、设计意图、板书设计五个方面对本课进行说明。
本课以朋友和父母为中心, 以他们擅长的体育运动和从事的职业为话题,有助于激发学生的学习动机和参与热情。
体育音乐: basketball, tennis, table tennis, ride a horse, ride a bike, play the piano
其它:parent, welcome …to, international
I can…,I can’t… / Tony can…Can you…?
Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.
教学理念:任务语言教学:以“谈论体育擅长与职业”这一话题为主线,采用任务语言教学途径,兼顾交际功能和有关can 的语言知识结构的学习,以一种循序渐进的交际性的学习程序,引导学生学会运用这个语言知识有目的地做事情。
Step 1 Warming up
呈现FLASH动画—FIFA2006世界杯主题歌(The time of our lives)通过歌曲和精彩的画面进行课前热身,进而导入新课,引出体育运动话题。
What sports do you know?
What’s your favorite sport?
Why ?
Step 2 Look and learn、read 、guess and match
Step 3 Listen and answer、choose、fill in the blanks
Step 4 reading
Step 5 exercise
Step 6 summary
Step 7 Homework
2. Tell the class about yourself.
Hello. My name’s_______.
I’m from________.
I’m _____years old.
I can __________and…
But I can’t______________.
Module 2 unit 1
I can speak English
Words and Phrases: key points: groups:
2、学习询问物品在哪以及回答其所在地点的句型Where’s …? It’s …; Where’re… ? They’re …
3、掌握介词on , in , under的用法。通过学习,加强学生对物品名词、询问物品的句型及方位介词的理解和运用。同时通过一系列的师生之间、学生之间的对话、操练、小组合作等,进一步提高学生的听、说、读、写的综合能力。
Vocabulary: bag , bed , cap , chair , coat , desk , shoes , where , on , in , under .
Target language: Where’s my coat ? It’s in the bag on your desk .
Prepositions: in , on , under .
①To make the similar dialogues freely using the information offered . And so make the students improve their speaking , listening , reading and writing skills .
②Train student’s communicative competence using the vocabulary and the target language .
Students should take good care of the things . Help the students to know that it’s a good habit to keep a room clean and tidy .
①The names of items .
②How to ask where things are and how to answer .
①Learn the usage of prepositions of place .
②Make the students improve their listening , speaking , reading and writing skills .
Step1 相互问候(1分钟)
T: Hello! Everyone . Nice to meet you !
S: Hello ! Mrs Li . Nice to meet you, too .
Step2 猜物游戏 (2分钟)
1. Make a powerpoint before class . Show it on the screen .
T: I have got some pictures here . Now please look at the screen . Let’s play a game . Guess a thing , OK ?
S: Yes .
Step3 学习新单词(9分钟)
T: Good . You’re a clever boy / girl . Whole class , together . What can you see ?
S: We can a chair .
T: Chair . Follow me . chair .
S: Chair .
T: Group1 / Group2 . (The students in group1/2 read the word as loudly as they can .)
T: Boys / Girls . (Boys or girls read the word .)
T: The boy / The girl .(A boy or a girl stands up and reads the words .)
Use the same approach to teach and practice bag , bed , cap , desk , coat , shoes.
Teacher say it in Chinese and get the students to say it in English . (And then exchange)
Teacher says the new words silently and get the students to guess the words .
Step4 课文Activity3(3分钟)
1. Ask students to match the words with the pictures in the book by themselves.
2. Check the answer
Step5 学习介词on , in , under (5分钟)
1. Using some objects (bag and some books) to learn the prepositions of place .
T: I have a bag . Oh , where’s my bag ? Help the students to answer . (It’s on the desk .)
T: It’s on the desk . On , on , on . (Put right hand on the left hand .)
T: Where’s my bag ?
S: It’s on the desk .
T: On the desk. (Put a hand on the desk .) On the chair . (Put a hand on the chair)
Let students do as the teacher does .
Use the same approach to teach and practice in , under .
2. Play a game . (Teacher makes action and students say it in English . Teacher say it in English and students make action .)
Step 6 练习目标语言(5分钟)
1.Show three pictures on the screen one by one . Get the students to guess where it is .
Where is the bag / pencil case … ? Where’re the books ?
It’s on / in / under the… They’re on / in the …
T: What’s this in English ?
S: It’s a bag .
T: Where’s the bag ? Can you guess ?
S: It’s on the desk .
T: Maybe you are right . (Ask another student to guess where it is .)
Use the other things to practise dialogue repeatedly .
Step7 课文 Activity4 Write (3分钟)
① Ask students to complete the blanks according to the picture.
② Check the answers.
③ Whole class read the six sentences together.
Step8 学习课文Activity1 (Listen and point .)(7分钟)
1.Listen to the recording twice . Play the tape for first time . Students listen and point. Play the tape again . Students listen and read.
2.Boys play Daming and girls play Mother to read the dialogue.then exchange .
3.Pairwork.(Let students make their own conversations by dialogue.)
4.Ask 4 paris to act their dialogues out in front of the class.
Step9 巩固练习(4分钟)
1.boy / in / bed
2. dog / on / chair
3. teacher / in / classroom
4. shoes / under / desk
5. pen / in / bag
2.Check the answers.
Step10 总结(1分钟)
1 What colour is / are the …? It’s / They’re …
2 Where is / are the …? It’s /They’re in / on / under the……
Step11 作业
观察你自己房间里物品的放置情况,练习使用in,on,under 等介词,并用英语写成小短文
Module 3
Unit2 Where’s my coat ?
in Where is / are the …?
on It’s /They’re in / on / under the……
1.教学内容分析:本课的教材选自外研版九年级英语上册Module3 Unit2.本单元阅读材料模拟体育年鉴的形式,从介绍刘翔获得奥运110米跨栏冠军后的生活开始,一句“刘翔非一夜成名”将话题转到介绍他的成长和成名经历。这是一篇具有教育意义的文章,因此在教授语言的同时,还要培养学生健康向上的精神和顽强的意志力。
2.重点词组和短语:encourage, medal, record, represent, advertisement, sportsman, sportswoman, coach, ,regularly, skill, race, set up, now that,first of all, be compared with
我首先选择了张怡宁和刘翔两位著名的体育明星。学生既熟悉又感兴趣,一下子舒缓了学生的紧张情绪,都积极参与到课堂活动中来。为了体现阅读的连贯性,为了更好地衔接Unit 1的教学,我对教学内容和顺序做了适当的调整。我将Writing部分提前。因为这部分主要复习了一般过去时的主动句变被动句,是对Unit 1的一个复习和巩固。
我们学校参加了国家级重点子课题《基于母语环境的英语自主性阅读和表达能力培养途径探究》。一直以来,我们学校都围绕着《拓宽学生英语阅读的`路子,探究表达能力的培养》这一课题,以Student Times 为载体,着力探究在大量阅读与表达实践活动中培养学生英语阅读与表达能力的有效途径,使我校的英语阅读教学从“简单的阅读—朗读—获取直接信息的阅读—归纳分析应用式的深层阅读”逐步发展。提高学生英语综合运用能力和素质,促进英语教育教学质量的提高。我们让学生设立了英语读书笔记本,学生每阅读完一篇文章要记录下这篇文章的大意、一些有用的表达、好词好句,和统计阅读量。因此,本节课我也是以完成一个读书笔记的表格贯穿整个阅读过程。我设计让学生分三遍阅读文章。在每一次阅读前,我先对学生提出一些有针对性的、可控制的问题。让学生带着任务进行阅读,培养学生的略读能力。学生通过跳读、略读等阅读方式发现答案,做出推理、判断进而完成任务。然后通过细读让学生理解文章的细节,分析文章与段落组织结构,寻找主题句,理解段落大意及段落间的联系,加深对篇章的整体理解。在学法指导上,主要引导学生如何成为成功的语言学习,如何发展阅读技巧,形成良好的阅读习惯。
Part I: Revision
Activity 1. Talk about the gold medals China won in 2008 Olympics , and Zhang Yining.
Activity 2. Put the active sentences into the passive version, then join the sentences about Zhang Yining’s training to a passage, using and, although and because.
Part II: Lead in
Activity 3. Look and say-- learn the new words, expressions and deal with the vocabulary problems in the following reading.
Part III: Pre-reading
Activity 4. Enjoy some photos ----- Liu Xiang was at the 2004 Athens Olympics
Recall the 2008 Beijing Olympics by watching some photos of Liu Xiang and talk about his dropping out of the competition.
Discussion--Is he an overnight success?
How did Liu Xiang become a sporting hero?
(意图:多媒体创设了真实的情境,且导入的话题联系了实际生活,因而很快地激起了学生的表达欲望和学习热情,激活学生的想像力, 同时激发学生的阅读动机。)
PartIV: While-reading
Activity 5. Read and choose the main idea. Ask the Ss to make the English reading notes while reading.(意图:培养学生迅速浏览全文,抓住文章主题的阅读技能; 培养学生养成做阅读笔记的习惯)
Activity 6. Read and complete the time line. Then ask a student to retell the passage according to the time line.(意图:根据文章中的时间线索来梳理主要的事件,从而抓住文章的主要内容。)
Activity 7. Read the passage paragraph by paragraph. While reading, they will find out the topic sentences and answer some questions.(意图:分段阅读,根据问题理解文章;培养学生对阅读材料语义方面的理解。)
Activity 8. Show their English Reading Notes to share their favourite sentences.
Part V : Post-reading
Activity 9. Discussion-- Imagine you meet Liu Xiang one day, what will you say to him?
Activity 10. Read another passage chosen from Student Times, in order to let them get more familiar with the reading skills.
Part VI: Homework
1. Finish off the English Reading Notes, find out the useful words and expressions, then retell the story according to them.
2. Make a poster to introduce your favourite sports star.
1. 设立学生英语阅读记录表,作为学生英语学习过程记录档案;
2. 课堂上把全班分成四个组进行比赛,对积极参与课堂活动而且回答正确的同学给予金牌奖励,最后汇总各组金牌数,选出本节课的冠军队。通过这种评价方式,调动了学生学习的积极性,增强了他们学习英语的自信心,提高了学生学习的主动性和自主性,促使学生用英语进行交流和表达;同时发扬了团队合作精神。
★ NCE II 27 新概念英语第二册27课教案 (外研版英语中考复习)




