- 目录
掌握方言: | 能力: |
英语: | 等级: |
其它语言: | 能力: | 等级: |
工作经历: 工作经历: 至今: 工作地点:中国广州 担任兼职口语翻译及老师.接待过来自巴西的多家商务代表团担任葡萄牙口译工作,曾经担任两届中国巴西工商企业交流会的大会翻译.同时在广州语言学校教授英语也教授在广州的外籍人员中文. 2002-20: 工作地点: 泰国曼谷 受聘于st.stephen国际学校,是采用英国教学体制的国际学校,负责作为外语的汉语教学工作. 教授并辅导学生准备参加报考英语国家大学的考试. 学生来自世界各地不同国家,所有课程都必须使用英语教学. 2001-: 工作地点:泰国曼谷 受聘于曼谷中央语言学院,负责用英语教授国际学校学生的汉语课程以及负责培训与中国有贸易往来的各大公司和商会的商业汉语课程. 2000-: 工作地点: 中国北京 受聘于伦敦商务学院负责教授英国剑桥英语口语教材, 又负责为著名德国贝尔公司的中方经理人员进行英语培训,课程包括口语强化和公共演讲.同时还参与了学校的组建和招生工作,其中包括广告,策划和接待咨询工作. 1996-: 工作地点:巴西 受聘于亚洲进出口公司总经理秘书以及中葡英三种语言的翻译工作.负责管理办公室日常行政工作事宜,为合作商提供每月的业务报表和协助新公司的注册及有关成立公司的咨询业务. 1994-: 工作地点:巴西 受聘于nikon进出口公司负责中葡文翻译工作及办公室行政秘书工作. 负责接待地方政府官员和贸易合作公司的来访和谈判事宜. 1991-1994年: 工作地点:卢旺达 就职于中国交通部下属公路桥梁建设总公司,担任对外事务部翻译,常驻卢旺达2年,负责世界银行贷款的.援卢桥梁项目的法语翻译工作,与来自中国,法国及比利时的三国工程师一起胜利圆满完成了工程任务. 培训经历: 1980-1986年: 北京第一外国语学院附属中学 1986-1990年:北京联大外语师范学院,主修外国文学并取得外国文学学士学位. 1994-:就读于美国著名alumni英语学院巴西分院 206月:在巴西参加了托福考试取得了理想成绩 208月: 参加了由剑桥大学与外语教研社联合举办的剑桥国际英语教程的教师培训课程并取得了证书 6月:完成了在泰国patana国际学校举办的教授青少年语言的技巧培训课程并获得了结业证书 语言能力 外 语: 精通 葡语,法语,英语 国语水平: 精通 粤语水平: 中等 工作能力及其他专长 专长特点: 精通英语,葡萄牙语口语,中级法语和日常泰语 熟练使用计算机和各类电脑办公软件 处事温和友善,易与人沟通, 热衷学习新知识和新经验 先生是外籍人士,在家中用葡语及英语交流 由于常年对外工作及居住国外的生活,曾经到过美国,巴西,阿根廷,法国,荷兰,印度,尼泊尔及非洲工作和游览,可以轻松自如地同不同国家不同行业的人士进行交流 详细个人自传 尊敬的有关负责人: 我是北京联大外语师范学院外语专业毕业的,我在巴西工作生活了7年,使我掌握了一口流利的葡萄牙语. 我担当了几届广交会翻译,其间为来自巴西桑州的工商联盟会会长作翻译,并在由中国商业部与中国对外贸易公司联合主办的2005中巴工商企业交流会的现场作大会翻译. 我还曾参加了中巴贸易协会副会长来华的贸易洽谈会,其间我负责一些项目的英葡双语翻译.上届广交会我担当了来自巴西一家大型服装连锁店的陪同翻译. 现在我担任巴中工商协会在广州的代表,负责每次交易会接待及陪同协会派来的巴西客商团体。. 如果贵公司有合适的翻译工作可以随时与我联系,我一定为贵公司提供满意的高质量的服务,期待与您的合作.以下是我的中英文简历及联络方式. |
真实姓名: 申望筑 性别: 女
年龄: 29 岁 身高: 165CM
婚姻状况: 未婚 户籍所在: 贵州省贵阳市
最高学历: 硕士 工作经验: 5-
联系地址: 贵州省贵阳市
最近工作过的职位: 主管人员
期望工作地: 贵州省/贵阳市
期望岗位性质: 全职
期望月薪: 面议
期望从事的岗位: 其他,总编/副总编,其他媒体类职位,英语,法语
期望从事的行业: 其他行业
技能特长: Photoshop, premier, Word, Excel. 钢琴,长笛,唱歌,摄影,文学
贵州师大附中 (高中)
起止年月: 20xx年9月至20xx年6月
学校名称: 贵州师大附中
专业名称: 贵州师大附中高中
获得学历: 高中
河南大学新闻与传播学院 (本科)
起止年月: 20xx年9月至20xx年7月
学校名称: 河南大学新闻与传播学院
专业名称: 新闻学专业
获得学历: 本科
河南大学广播站 - CUBA-CBA校内记者
起止日期: 20xx年12月至20xx年
企业名称: 河南大学广播站
从事职位: CUBA-CBA校内记者
贵州省写作学会参与采风活动 - 贵州省写作学会参与采风活动
起止日期: 20xx年7月至20xx年8月
企业名称: 贵州省写作学会参与采风活动
从事职位: 贵州省写作学会参与采风活动
协助完成由瑞士动物保护协会发起 - 中国关爱非纯种猫狗计划组织完成的纪录片《贵州非纯种狗调查》
起止日期: 20xx年5月至20xx年
企业名称: 协助完成由瑞士动物保护协会发起
从事职位: 中国关爱非纯种猫狗计划组织完成的纪录片《贵州非纯种狗调查》
法国格勒诺布尔市chic girl服装店 - 主管人员
起止日期: 20xx年8月至20xx年1月
企业名称: 法国格勒诺布尔市chic girl服装店
从事职位: 主管人员
现为贵州写作学会会员 - 现为贵州写作学会会员
起止日期: 20xx年至20xx年
企业名称: 现为贵州写作学会会员
从事职位: 现为贵州写作学会会员
国格勒诺布尔三大语言中心法语学习- 法语终身等级水平测试 DELF B2
起止日期: 20xx年11月至20xx年5月
培训机构: 国格勒诺布尔三大语言中心法语学习
培训课程: 法语终身等级水平测试 DELF B2
法国巴黎三大(新索邦大学)信息传播专业公司机构传播方向 - 硕士学位
起止日期: 20xx年10月至20xx年7月
培训机构: 法国巴黎三大(新索邦大学)信息传播专业公司机构传播方向
培训课程: 硕士学位
Ping LI
Né le 01 Janvier 1980 à Shanghai, Chine
1 Avenue Champs-Elysée, 75007, Paris
01 45 55 55 55 / 06 66 66 66 66(portable)
Expérience professionelle
- De décembre 2001 à avril 2002
- De julliet à septembre 2001
- De février à juin 2001
Septembre 1995--Juin 2000
Licence d'Informatique Juin 2000, l'Université de Nan Jing, Jangsu, Chine
Niveau équivalant à bac+5
Langues études:
en France: De Mai 2001 à Juin 2002: .................................
en Chine: De ... à ... :.................
-Anglais: parlé et écrit.
-Chinois: langue maternelle
Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule to read the resume, has given me a chance to self-recommended.
When you pick up the resume, you face not just a resume, you are my ideal in review. A large extent, represent the ideal of a person's pursuit of spiritual significance, it is an attempt to go beyond the purpose, goals, etc. point to the secular. My vision is to become a reporter and become the one among you.
Now, I am with great sincerity of this letter to you. News to me, is not just a job, a job. From my first day of school, my future career aspirations to become a writer, a journalist. Today,寒窗After years of studying, I finally picked up a pen to write their own media trust this cover letter. At this moment, my heart filled with infinite longing, I finally realize their ideals for a first step.
I became a journalist is the same ideals, I yearn for news that the first line in the work front. In school, teachers always warned us, the reporter is not just a job, it means that the moral responsibility and conscience. Maybe it is because the text can be written because of that, many people have told me that you should go to write, to become a writer. But I found that very often, the power of literature is far less than that as a news report on a timely and effective. Literature can be fictitious, but the news must be true, it is more reliable than literature, more people moved.
“Southern Weekend” is the title of the Millennium Message: there will always be a force for us tears. This article is so moved me. Mr. Ba Jin said that the people eating rice is not just alive. In this world, in our country, in our life around us, there are countless better to wait for us to find that many wait for us to expose the ugly, and numerous high waiting to be displayed, many come to the fore the spiritual needs . Therefore, I do earnestly desire to become a journalist, “铁肩担道义, a skilful hand article”, the pen with my hands, the world-ming grievances, so that the weak strong, so that before pessimist.
As a graduate student, I lack is experience and experience in this area did not dare to you to exaggerate the claim and commitments. However, I experienced very little, but I know a lot. This confidence comes from my extensive reading, from my innate sensitivity and curiosity. “Rise and Fall of the world, every man is responsible for”, I have been concerned about our country, concerned about our society. The spirit of doubt, a critical attitude, the position of the edge, along with my efforts, I believe that this will enable me to be a competent journalist, a good writer, life attitudes of goods, inspection of all living creatures million to see social change. With writer's pen, to write news reports, news is not just news, it is a distillation of the United States, has become an art.
I urge you to a platform.
Give me a platform, I can also party to the world you are.
Thanks again for your concern! Trust me, choose me!
The good news waiting for you, and Chung-shun well-being!
The names of female sex xxx
Date of birth in December 1985 Height 155cm
Origin, place of residence in Shijiazhuang City, Shijiazhuang City
Political outlook of members of ethnic Han
Job type work experience graduates 1
Graduated from vocational and technical institutions Hebei Professional College of Management Science
Contact Mobile Phone: xxxxxxxxxxx
Home phone:
E_Mail: xxxxxxxxxxxx
QQ / MSN: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Metalworking practice work experience internships pharmaceutical week for three weeks
A-level English language skills; computer level
Training experience
From September 2002 to June 2006 the second secondary school in Gaocheng City
From September 2006 to June 2009 studying in Hebei Vocational and Technical College
Self-evaluation, I have come from rural areas have an independent, willing to endure hardship, practical know how to do a good job in every yes. University I learned groups, subordinate to the organization, the actual hands-on capacity. There are strong self-learning ability, like the challenge. For learning, I never had a desire and a calm heart. Give me a chance, I will also trust you a.
Job intention biological engineering / bio-pharmaceutical
OBJECTIVE: To seek an excellence in profession, growth in career and be associated with an organization offering a responsible position whereby my traditional Chinese medical specialty can be utilized.
KEY COMPETENCE: Traditional Chinese and western medicine experience for over 30 years, especially be skilled in treating many difficult diseases by traditional Chinese medical science, such as Cerebrovascular diseases, Rheumatism, Gynecological diseases, Immune system diseases, and so on; be good at orthopedics & traumatology of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage; Computer skill (Microsoft office), passionate, self-confidence, honest, dedicated, hardworking and can be work under pressure.
general practitioner
Datong ZhongYi Clinic (which is run by myself)
Shan xi province, China
June, 2006-present
To treat clinical diseases by traditional Chinese (including Chinese traditional medicine, orthopedics & traumatology of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage) and western medicine, including:
l Pediatrics diseases
l Internal medicine diseases
l Cerebrovascular diseases
l Rheumatism
l Gynecological diseases
l Immune System diseases
attending doctor
Datong Seventh Municipal People’s Hospital (Public hospital by government)
Shan xi province, China
Persional Data
Name:YourName Sex:
Date of birth:
Mobile phone:
Bachelor in mechanical and electrical engineeringAcademic main courses
Mechanical design, electromechanics integrate, the electromechanical drive and control, control theory and project ,Electrician electronics, CAD drawing, Principle of the microcomputer ,etcComputer abilitees
Skilled in use of Autocad,pro-e,C,Office2000.English skills
Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-4Scholarships and Awards
2003 -- obtain the title of Excellence Member
2003 --Obtained the third-class scholarship in 2003 academic years last term
2001 --Obtained the first-class of college Dancing Compete
2002 --Obtained the second-class of Painting and Calligraphy of FreshmanSocial activities
Commissary of Literature for four years post that serve as, Joined the Literature Part of Student Unin and taking the post as the second president.Organize the activities of the class , institute grade , school grade many times, the ability that temper my organization and coordination ability and cooperate, there is very strong team spirit.Practise the experience
Participate in the programming of the mechanical design , control at school in March of 2005.
Move Combustion Engine Plant to practise in the fields lying fallow in rotation of source in China in October of 2004, the textile machinery factory of Qingdao in November, Qingdao victory can steam turbine Co., Ltd.,liberate the First Automobile Factory of China, it practise visiting locomotive factory all sides Qingdao.
Name: YjbyS Age: 23
Address: Guangzhou Country: China
E-mail: Phone:
Job Target
Talent Type: graduates
Position: Administrative Officer / Assistant hotline / call center staff
Job type: Full-time Date Available: Anytime
Salary requirements: Negotiable Desired Location: Guangzhou
Love college group activities, to participate in associations, classes campaign cadres active in group activities. Get along with classmates, learning seriously, positive and responsible work, whenever students encounter difficulties can make their own efforts to help resolve conflicts between students and establish a harmonious living environment for college. Optimistic, cheerful, considerate, for non handled properly, Thrift, meticulous. Work during the internship studious, often ask colleagues to learn from them, to enrich themselves.
Work Experience
Sun Life Everbright beginning and ending date :2013-01 to 2013-05
Company nature: state-owned enterprises Industry: Accounting / Finance / Banking / Insurance
Hold office: gift insurance commissioner
Job Description: Telephone donated insurance to help companies find potential customers!
Educational Background
Graduated: Guangdong Ocean University
Highest Level of Education: Bachelor
Graduation date :2013-06
Major: Business Administration
Basic material
Name yjbys Mr.
Sexual don't: male
Date of birth: June
In living ground: shenzhen
Job profile/job objective
Position type: full-time
Expected monthly salary: negotiable
Expected location: guangdong province
Expected position: instrument class photoelectric engineer instruments
Introduces himself: I am outgoing and easygoing, practical work, hard, can bear hardships, and the courage to challenge. Since the childhood has always been the class cadre, university two years of changchun qionghai homecoming organization department minister for, let me have the stronger devise strategies within a command tent ability and leadership ability, but also improve the team cooperation and bear hardships and stand hard work ability and communication skills. I believe that I can accept social and leadership of my test, up to undertake the work. I sincerely expect to work in your company, give me one chance, you will get satisfaction!
Education experience
Time college degree
June 2008 - July 2012 changchun university of science and technology information institute photoelectric measurement and control technology and instrument undergraduate course
Working experience/social practice experience
Time work position
December 2010 - January 2011 shenzhen baoan Wallace branch part-time
Campus reward
Get time to obtain award school
In October 2009, state grants photoelectric engineering branch
★ 法语专业面试简历




