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托福听力2大题型答题技巧要点汇总 对话讲座这些常识要了解



首先,注意对话未正式开始时的介绍语。如,Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a professor.或Listen to part of a conversation between a student and librarian等。介绍语的信息可以使应试者将注意力缩小至某一主题,如学生咨询住宿情况、教授和学生间的可能性话题。




首先,要集中精力听开始部分,争取尽快抓住讲课主题。在正式讲课开始前,都会有一个简短介绍,如Listen to a lecture about physics.这句话给讲座提供了一个大的学科方向。大多数讲课都会以开门见山直奔主题的方式,引起大家兴趣。







估计九成以上的同学都是这个流程,最后直接导致的结果就是,练了仨月,没有任何长进…三个月前一篇文章错两个,三个月后一篇文章还是错两个(再一次骂街)。其实这些同学从根本上来说思路就是错的:仅仅把TPO材料当成“练习题”。Actually, the TPO materials are much more than mere practices. Instead, we should look at them as a major LEARNING source.



“Opera originated in Italy, but was not confined to Italy anymore than the Italians were.”

你就算把所有的单词认识了,估计还是弄不明白后半句话是在说啥。Confine的意思是限制束缚,谁束缚谁啊?这儿的Italian是意大利人还是意大利语啊?其实这句话的正确理解是:Italians were not confined to Italy, and Opera was not confined to Italy even more so. 意大利人不局限于生活在意大利,而歌剧更是如此(直译:歌剧比意大利人还不局限于意大利)。


“If an extra-terrestrial being were to appear before us and say: “What is your society like? What is this earth thing all about? You could do worse than take that creature to an opera.”

你查了半天单词,弄明白了哦原来extra-terrestrial就是外形人E.T.的意思,但整句话呢?如果一个外星人出现在你面前问你:“你们的社会是怎样的,地球到底是怎么回事儿?You could do worse than take that creature to an opera.” 到底带它看个歌剧是好还是不好?You could do worse是啥意思?

其实很多喜欢看美剧的同学可能听过类似这样的话,两个哥们儿在聊天,聊到了另外一个朋友老王,一个人问另一个人:“老王新找的那个女朋友好看吗?Is LaoWang’s new girl friend pretty?”, 另一个人说:“He could do worse.” 这句话的字面意思是“他可以找个更差的”,“他很有可能找个更差的”,“以我对他的了解他找不了这么好的”。也就是说在这儿He could do worse应该翻译成:他找的这个已经不错了。那么刚才那句外星人的话,重新听一遍的话你会发现,他的意思是带外星人去看歌剧是个不错的方法。

我想给这篇文章起一个抓眼球的题目,于是用了“罪状”这个词。但我想表达的意思是,每个TPO App能帮你做的也只是给你所谓的每道题的解析,让你知道这道题为什么错了。但是你下次还是会做错题,因为根本上你的语言能力没有长进。单词还有多少需要积累?听句子的能力是不是还是很弱?单词即便都认识是不是照样不知道这段话在聊什么?



类似这样的例子还有太多了。比如T10L1鲸鱼化石的那篇文章,里面的一个很小的句子:“Ambulocetus Natans…That’s a mouthful, eh?” A mouthful这是一个俚语,字面意思是把嘴塞满了,但其实是说这个词这句话有点拗口(有些软件这句话的解释让人哭笑不得)。你想想,咱们这篇文章万一要是出一道题: What does the professor imply when she says this: “That’s a mouthful, eh?” 正确答案应该是:She thinks this is very difficult to pronounce. 我敢说我把几个有误导性的错误选项放在边上估计你很容易就选错了。



· Arts

· Life Science

· Physical Science

· Social Science

为了让小盆友们更准确了解每类的涵盖范围,我们在每一类中列举TPO 讲座来具体说明:

Social Science 社会科学

√介绍某一business method和其应用(需考虑的问题)


一种心理现象及其合理解释TPO10 L4/Psychology

· 提出possible explanations for childhood amnesia(健忘症)

· 详细解释其中一种explanation - Piaget’s theory of cognitive development - young children can't symbolically represent objects and events 即是因为没有语言能力

· 介绍 memory tests, which proves that young children can recall,又介绍有实验证明recall和language development之间没有关系

· 最后提出childhood amnesia真正的原因是 the rate of forgetting


· 提出green marketing 概念

· green marketing 也要遵循传统marketing 的方法

· 举例 one green marketing campaign 先失败后成功的原因

· 总结 green marketing should be valid on all dimensions 即 extreme green company

介绍一种advertising plan 及其考虑方面TPO11L4/Business

· 提出要有systematic advertising plan

· 分别列举Four Ms - Market, Media, Money, Message 重要性及考虑方法

· 举例Soup Shop, 用Four Ms来进行评价

Arts 人文科学

√介绍某一artist和其作品特点/social influence(常常涉及与其他艺术家比较)


介绍一位artist 及其作品TPO1L1/Contemporary Art

· 介绍Rose Frantzen及其风格Realistic Impressionism

· 分别列举可以体现Frantzen Realistic/Impressionism的作品

· 结尾mention Rose Frantzen的life story

介绍art world of Paris in the late 19th centuryTPO8 L2/Art History

· art classes available for women

· good competition in class for women

· better achievements of women insalon

介绍一位film-makerPL及其作品特点TPO3L2/Film History

· unique hybrid of styles

· underwater film-making,focusing on the aquatic animal world

· 学生提出另一个film-maker 也focus underwater, 老师比较两个maker的difference

· 学生提出问题,为什么PL不为人所知,老师解答原因

介绍musician 在movie 中的工作和其发展TPO22L4/Music History

· 教授提出musician 开始在movie theater 工作

· 教授提出 music in movie 不一定和电影本身correspond, 并进一步解释 music were not specially written for a particular movie

· new sound systems 出现之后给这些movie musician 造成的影响

介绍piano 对European music 和society的影响TPO16 L2/Music History

· 介绍percussive effect of little hammers 对pianist/composer/performer的影响

· piano 的social impact (women)

Life Science 生命科学

√介绍one species的特点/special behavior以及形成的原因



比较two marmot species的不同behavior TPO1L4/Biology

· 教授提出marmot的特点,并指出两种species - eastern/Olympic marmot

· 介绍eastern marmot的行为,并解释growing season

· 教授提出两种species 的不同行为,eastern marmot don't need to stay as family to survive

· 最后用Olympic marmot的行为进行对比

介绍one species of oak 的特点及造成的原因TPO6L2/Biology

· 教授提出Nightcap Oak的两个特点:rare and the origin of trees

· 教授提出问题:rare和reproduce 的原因

· 学生回答是seed dispersal,教授肯定

· 教授进一步指出原因是 Nightcap Oak 无法spread well,但是good at maintaining itself

介绍some fossil discoveries of whales evolution TPO10 L1/Marine Biology

· 教授提出whales 如何从land creature演变到ocean dweller 还是mystery

· 教授举了3个最近的fossil discovery, 但并不能completely solve the mystery

· 又列举了DNA证明 whales是hippopotamus的后代,和之前的evidence是矛盾的

· 最后又列举了一个DNA research中体现的矛盾

介绍animals怎样make decisions evolution TPO16 L3/ Biology

· 教授提出 behavior是a matter of natural selection

· 列举foraging behavior among beavers, 描述beaver在选择过程中的two critical issues

· 最后指出不是conscious behavior, 而是the behavior has evolved over time

Physical Science 自然科学



介绍关于moving rocks的theory TPO4 L3/ Geology

· 教授首先提出是wind造成了moving rocks, 并且是wind combined with rain

· 提出另一种可能 - ice

· 提出other possibilities

· 指出现在无法确定是哪种theory,并告诉学生should address geology from a wider perspective

介绍asteroid belt的发现过程 TPO2 L4/ Astronomy

· 教授罗列了两组数

· 将其中一组数与planet对应,会发现有一个数并没有与之对应的planet

· 随后科学家根据missing number 发现了 Uranus

· Uranus 距离太阳的位置not perfect,所以科学家又发现了Ceres, 也就是asteroid

介绍climate changes caused by human using lands TPO11 L3/ Environmental Science

· 提出human develop lands之后会带来一些changes, 并且接下来要讨论 climate change

· 列举Florida,farmers move south之后,原来不会freeze 的land现在很容易freeze

· 教授指出产生这一现象的原因是water, water 让气温变低了

介绍solar energy 和solutions to overcome gathering difficulty TPO12 L4/ Environmental Science

· 教授提出太阳能难利用的原因- solar energy is quite diffused

· 指出19世纪初太阳能销售不好是因为其他能源的竞争,比如oil and natural gas

· 指出1970年左右太阳能不受欢迎,是因为其他能源的价格下降

· 教授又提出克服gather solar energy difficulty的方法,指出active system和passive system的概念

介绍interdependence in ecosystem TPO13 L2/ Ecology

· 教授引导学生描述beaver的生存环境- wetlands, groundwater

· 提出如果没有beaver, 环境会发生改变,no running stream, fewer wetlands

· 学生提出after Europeans came to North America, beaver减少,随之带来的环境以及diversity减少

· 教授引出keystone species 概念,beaver is a keystone species to the ecosystem.

介绍一种ancient Greeks的理论和不一样的观点TPO21 L1/ Astronomy

· 提出ancient Greeks believe 地球是宇宙中心,及这种看法的形成原因

· 指出当ancient Greeks这种理论与observation不同时,他们也没有改变看法

· However,也有一些astronomers不认为地球是宇宙中心,列举Aristarchu

· 指出对这些少部分人的观点,ancient Greeks 持反对态度,列举Aristarchu的two objections




What will the man do after the conversation?

What will the student include in his assignment?

What kind of assignment will the professor give?

考生在解答预测题时首先要注意,预测题有一个十分常见的情况,就是它的答案一般都出现在一篇录音材料的结尾。同时,预测题的答案在出现时一般都是由讲话人使用一个提出建议的句子来给出。因此,考生只要在文章结尾听到提出建议的句子,一定要将其中所提出的建议记下来,这往往就是预测题的答案。表示建议的常见句型:How about…/What about…/Why not…/Why don’t you…/Would you mind…/Would you please…/I have a suggestion for you./You need to…/You should…/You’d better…



What does the woman imply about the new medical research?

What can we infer from the professor’s comment on the New England system?




Listen again to part of the lecture, then answer the question.

What does the professor mean when she says this?




The professor discusses how an animal becomes a fossil after its death. Indicate whether each sentence below is a step in the process.


The animal dies.

The hard tissues decompose.

The soft tissues decompose.

The hard tissues remain.






What is the main idea of this lecture?

What are the two speakers talking about?

Why does the student go to see his professor?




When will the woman go to the lab?

What does the word “anthropologist“ mean? According to the passage, what is the most significant event in 2.000 B.C.?

Why does the critic dislike the ancient style of sculpture?



What is the organization of this passage?

How is the lecture organized?

What method does the professor use to develop his idea?




What is the professor’s attitude toward the expe rt on the television programme?



研究分析发现,目的题有两种:一种是与主旨相关的,例如what is the purpose of the talk?这种形式已经在主旨题中有所列举;另外,有些目的题只与部分对话或讲座的内容相关此,类题目主要考察考生对语言交流的实际掌握能力,听出讲话者所呈现的目的。






Why does the student say this?

Why does the student say ?

Why does the student mention ?

Why does the professor talk about?

Why does the instructor ask the class about ?








Select the sentence that best expresses how the student probably feels?

What is the student’s attitude toward ?

What is the speaker’s opinion of ?

What does the professor think of ?

What is the professor’s point of view concerning ?



At the beginning of the century the railroads were used to haul everything. Powerful railroad barons made fortunes without having to be accountable to the public or considerable to the customers. But cars and trucks changed all of that. And by 1970, the rail industry was beset with problems. Trucks were taking all the new business. And even so the rail industry remained indifferent to customers. Also many regulations kept the rail industry from adjusting to shifting market. But in 1980, the rail industry entered the modern era when a deregulation bill was passed that allowed railroad companies to make quick adjustments to fees and practices. Companies reduced their lines by 1/3 and used fewer employees. They also took steps to minimize damage to product. And to increase their shipping capacity by stacking freight containers on railroad cars. To accommodate these taller loads, underpasses and tunnels were enlarged. The image of the rail industry has changed dramatically. Today companies are very responsive to customers and are gaining increasing market shares in the shipping industry. The railroad safety record is also strong. Freight trains have an accident rate that is only 1/3 that of the trucking industry. Trains also come out ahead of the trucks on environmental grounds because they give off only 1/10 to 1/3 the pollution that is emitted by trucks. And railroading does not wear out highways as trucks do.

演讲听写训练 2

This coffee can contains soil from my garden. And I prepared slide samples to show you that it is alive. This ordinary backyard dirt is crawling with microbes. Microbes is not a very specific term. There are hundreds of thousands of different species called microbes. What they have in common is that we can't see them with a naked eye. They are microscopic. Look at this slide. You should see some round cells. Those are yeasts . Yeasts are fermenters. And they are necessary for making bread, beer, yogurt and so forth. Now look for an irregular shape with hairs coming out of it. That's a mold. Molds are decomposers, and they are responsible for the decomposition mycoplastlees. You should also see some protozoa. Some protozoa, like the one causes malaria are harmful to people. A microbic that causes disease is called a pathogen. Finally you should see a lot of squiggly lines. They are bacteria. The oldest form of life on earth. Like these other microbes, bacteria are single-cells. But they are even simpler structurally because their cells do not have nuclear. So I've got about a teaspoon of soil in my hand here. In that teaspoon are about ten thousand protozoa, 200 thousand mold cells, a million yeasts, and probably a billion bacteria.

演讲听写训练 3

Ten years ago the eccentric cyclist peddling furiously through the first snowstorm of the year was a rare sight often captured on film for the evening news? Today however it is estimated that four to five percent of cyclists bicycle year round. The increased popularity of winter cycling can be attributed to the creation of mountain bike and its subsequent imitations. Outfitted with parts more sturdy than those of yesterday, equipped with their more stable bicycles, nothing seems to stop the new breed of winter cyclist. With streets dry and clear on most winter days, many winter cyclists wear running shoes and protect themselves from cold by wearing down-hill-skiing clothes. On wet days cyclists can wear special water-proof boots over their shoes. But for all of its popularity, there is a down side to winter cycling. Even mountain bikes can't withstand winter snow and rain without extensive upkeep. But one bicycle store owner is in the final stages of developing a year-round bicycle with an innovated complete chain cover. With bicycle chains covered, cyclists would need to clean and oil their chains only once every six months instead of once a week. Despite her invention, however, she still advises cyclists to take a taxi or bus when it snowing heavily. Not because the conditions are too arduous for bicycles but because she believes bikers can't have confidence in the people who drive cars on days of reduced visibility.



In the early 1800s, the paper industry was still using rags as its basic source of fiber as it had for many centuries. However the rag supply couldn't keep up with the growing demand for paper. The United States alone was using 250 thousand tons of rags each year. And a quarter of that had to be imported. It was clear that a new source of fiber was needed to keep up with the demand for paper. The answer to this problem turned out to be paper made from wood pulp, something that was abundantly available in north America. In Canada, the first wood pulp mill was set up in 1866 and it was immediately successful. But while wood pulp solved the problem of quantity it created a problem of quality. Wood contains a substance called lignin. The simplest way to make large quantities of cheap paper involves leaving the lignin in the wood pulp. But lignin is acidic and its presence in paper has shorten the life expectancy of paper from several centuries for rag paper to less than a century for paper made from wood pulp. This means that books printed less than a hundred years ago are already turning yellow and beginning to disintegrate, even though books printed much earlier maybe in fine condition. This is bad enough for the older books on your bookshelf but it poses a huge problem for libraries and the collections of government documents.

演讲听写训练 2

A recent report has shown that here in the United States, we've experienced an evolution concerning our attitudes towards the workweek and the weekend. Although some calendars still mark the beginning of a week as Sunday, more and more of us are coming to regard Monday as the first day of the week with Saturday and Sunday comprising the two-day period thought as the week-end. In fact the word “weekend” didn't even exist in English until about the middle of last century. In England at that time, Saturday afternoons had just been added to Sundays and holidays as a time for workers to have off from their jobs. This innovation became common in the United States in the 1920s, but as the workweek shortened during the Great Depression of the 1930s, the weekend expanded to two full days--Saturday and Sunday. Some people thought that this trend would continue due to increasing automation and the workweek might decrease to four days or even fewer. But so far this hasn't happened. The workweek seems to have stabilized as forty hours made up of five eight-hour days. After this commercial I'll be back to talk about the idea of adding Monday to the weekend.

演讲听写训练 3

I don't think I have told you about my trip to Tanglewood's music festival. When I was in college, I won a music competition and the prize was a week at Tanglewood. Anyway it is one of the world's most famous music festivals and the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. It is located in the beautiful Berkshire Hills in New England. The summer musical season consists of about fifty concerts given over about nine weeks: from July 1st through the first week in September. The biggest stars on the music scene appear here. The year I went I was lucky enough to see Leonard Bernstein conducting. I understand it is sometimes hard to get tickets but of course mine were a part of the prize. If you want to sit inside the tickets are expensive. It's much cheaper to sit outside on the lawn. But it

might rain, or some nights are really cool even in the summer. Either way the sound system is excellent. So it doesn't really matter where you sit. I seem to recall that the festival got started in the 1930s. Some Berkshire residents invited a symphony orchestra to perform a few outdoor concerts. The concerts were so successful that after a couple of years somebody donated a family estate as a permanent home. After that things really took off. And the festival has gotten bigger and better every year. Attending was such a wonderful experience. I'd love to be able to go again. And I hope that all of you would be able to go too.


task:How do movies or television influence people’s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.


The Influence of Television and Movies

There is no doubt that watching television and movies can influence the way that people behave. Moreover, it seems that people are spending more and more time watching some sort of visual entertainment, whether it is television, a video tape or a DVD. Therefore, the effects of visual media cannot be ignored.

One obvious effect of these media is that watching them induces people to buy certain products. Television advertising is widespread and, nowadays, even movie theaters permit advertisements. Another way TV and the movies affect people is that they give people either a broader view of the world or a distorted one, depending on what type of program they watch. Those who watch news and educational program can learn many new things while those who watch primarily entertainment shows may come to believe that most people in the world possess great wealth and good looks. It may make them become dissatisfied with their own lives. Finally, perhaps the most susceptible viewers are children, who may be unable to tell fact from fiction and may try to imitate acts that they see on TV or in the movies.

With the ever-increasing popularity of video entertainment, society must pay attention to these effects. Television and movies, while entertaining and informative, cannot take the place of real experience.





1. What's the main purpose of the lecture?

2. What does the conversation/lecturemainly about?

3. Why does the student go to see theprofessor?


在conversation中,一般情况下professor会先跟学生闲聊,比如问一下最近参加的某某的活动怎么样,上次考试的感觉如何等等,这些都是与主旨无关的,直到学生自己讲到I come to see you because I have a problem/question that...这之类的话,这时候就要注意听,拿笔开始记了,学生所讲到的就是全文的主旨。

在lecture中,professor一般会先回顾上节课所学的内容,会讲一大段,这些都是无用信息,完全不用听,一般是Last class we talked about/discussed/focused on...这个部分教授要么是讲得很快,要么是专业术语特别多。重点在后面,当讲到today we will continue/shift to/focus on..., 这里就要开始记录了,professor开始讲这节课要学的内容了。







This is the first time…

One thing important is…

You should remember/notice/keep in mindthat…

这种句型后面强调的一定是重点,考的几率非常大,必须做笔记。同样,用到形容词最高级,比如the biggest, the most important之类的词语时也很重要。这些地方一般会出细节题,就是问你一些重要的信息。没有一定出题方式,根据不同听力内容变化。



What does the professor/student’s attitudetowards…?

What doesthe professor/student think of…?



其实就是professor讲了些与本节课或本次谈话无关的东西,或者是转移话题,比如wait, why don’t we first…? 或者开玩笑说了一句什么什么话,反正是与主题不搭的内容,此处可能会考imply题。





i. 找出各选项关键词

分析、定位选项关键词这一步其实不单止内容主旨题,在做其他题型的题目的时候也是需要的。那么选项里面什么样的信息才能够叫做“关键词”呢?这个又可以分为三类:名词(组)、类比动词、疑问词引导从句。拿TPO24 Lecture4--金星上的盾火山的第一题举个栗子:

What is the lecture mainly about?

A. Conclusions about the surface of Venus drawn from recent observations

B. The different types of volcanoes that have been found on Venus

C. Similarities between geologic processes on Venus and

on other planets

D. New methods used to observe the surface of Venus

这里面每个选项都包含几个名词或名词词组,那么它们全部都是关键的么?这就未必了。先拿选项A说说,这里面有三个名词(组):Conclusions、Surface of Venus、Observations。因为Conclusion后面跟了个介词About,所以Surface of Venus和Observation按照意思都是从属于Conclusions的修辞成分,Conclusion是这个选项的关键词。以此类推,B、C、D选项的关键词分别是:Types of Volcanoes、Similarities、Methods。

选项关键词还有一种情况是类比动词,即有些题型在设置上四个选项开头都是 to do sth的结构,这时候大家要留意每个动词。拿TPO29 Lecture4--纳米管和轨道电梯的第一题举个例子:

What is the main purpose of the lecture?

A. To help students understand what is required to launch a satellite

B. To describe new materials now being used to explore space

C. To describe a potential technology for space exploration

D. To show how ideas from science fiction often develop into actual technologies


ETS在设置选项关键词的时候经常会通过疑问词引导从句来入手,比如说上一道题里面的D选项里的“How ideas from science fiction often develop into actual technologies”。那么“How”引导的从句主要描述对象一般是一个“过程或方法”,所以这个地方我们要把它当作信息量很大的一个词组来看待--“科幻小说里面的想法如何一步步变成现实技术的过程”。其他常见的疑问词引导从句及其对应主要描述对象还有:






ii. 寻找选项破绽

很多时候ETS在设计各种听力题型(包括但不局限于内容主旨题)的时候,会“粗心”地在一些选项细节上露出破绽,一旦我们发现这些小小破绽,就可以把整个选项给排除掉从而提高做题的成功率。所以大家审题的时候需要注意选项里的两个东西:名词单复数、时间(态)。继续拿TPO24 Lecture4--金星上的盾火山的第一题举个栗子:

What is the lecture mainly about?

A. Conclusions about the surface of Venus drawn from recent observations

B. The different types of volcanoes that have been found

on Venus

C. Similarities between geologic processes on Venus and

on other planets

D. New methods used to observe the surface of Venus

B选项里面的关键词是“Types of volcanoes”。那么如果听完这篇全文后我们会或多或少记得,文章里有讲到地球上面的火山可以分很多类,而相反的,金星上面只有一种火山--盾火山,那么“Types”这里的“s”复数就把这个选项给卖了。同样道理,C选项里面有三个复数名词:Similarities、Processes、Planets。前两个貌似不好判断其原文对应的单复数,所以咱们可以欺软怕硬地先略过。至于第三个“Planets”,原文里面由头到尾出现过的星球除了地球和金星完全没有第三个,所以这里小小的“s”也把整个选项给卖了。

至于第二个选项破绽“时间(态)”,咱们可以拿TPO29 Lecture4--纳米管和轨道电梯的第一题再举个例子:

What is the main purpose of the lecture?

A. To help students understand what is required to launch a satellite

B. To describe new materials now being used to explore space

C. To describe a potential technology for space exploration

D. To show how ideas from science fiction often develop into actual technologies

其中A和D选项没有太明显的时间表达故而略过。B选项的话,可以看到里面包含了“New materials now being used to explore space”。这里的“New material”很明显指的是文章讨论的主角Carbon nanotube--纳米管,“Explore space”指的是文章里面提到的轨道电梯。这里如果如选项里面的“Now being used”所提示的话,那么稍微了解点航天和物理学科知识的童鞋会意识到,这可是跨时代的大事啊!人类现在用纳米管建成轨道电梯的话,就可以不用那么费事的每次花费巨资发射航天器进入太空,而是舒舒服服地用轨道电梯把航天器运到近地轨道零重力环境下再发射了。可是这等轰动全球的大事有听说过么?故而可以果断排除之。

与之形成鲜明对比的C选项里面的 “Potential technology” ,就说明了这项技术还没成型但有希望会被用上,明显比B选项靠谱。


iii. 假设选项场景

这时候我们叒要拿TPO29 Lecture4--纳米管和轨道电梯的第一题举个例子了:

What is the main purpose of the lecture?

A. To help students understand what is required to launch a satellite

B. To describe new materials now being used to explore space

C. To describe a potential technology for space exploration

D. To show how ideas from science fiction often develop into actual technologies


A选项--“what is required to launch a satellite”。假设如果真的主要是讲“关于发射卫星所需要的条件”的话,那么这篇文章会以并列结构展开论述,并出现出现诸如“条件一”、“条件二”、“条件三”这样的信息;

D选项-“how ideas from science fiction often develop into actual technologies”。假设如果真的主要是讲“科幻小说里面的主意如何发展成现实里的技术”的话,那么这篇文章会以直线发展结构展开论述,并出现类似“一开始是什么idea”,“这个idea如何引起外界的重视”,“外界做了什么尝试来把这个idea在现实世界里复刻”,“最后结果怎么样”这样的信息。


iv. 排除选项




















我平常上课的时候会一再强调听力文章里“例子”的重要性,但这里说的例子绝不仅限于for example/instance、such as/like之类的,决定一个东西是不是例子不能只依赖所谓的“提示词”,因为没几个例子是真会说到for example这样的话的。大家一定要从内容上出发,扩大对于“例子”概念的理解,你会发现其实某个人、某个地方、某个东西、某种动物、一个故事、一个段子、某个经历都可以当成例子,而对于这样的例子考试经常会出一道题:Why does the professor mention/discuss/introduce .X?

上过我课的同学一定有印象,我们在课上会专门练习“抓例子”的能力,每次听到例子的时候让大家养成下意识的习惯,在笔记里用 ~ 这个符号标出来,听完文章甚至在做题之前我就会问大家刚才听到了几个例子?有人在笔记里找到两个~符号,有人找到三个,接下来做题的时候你会发现大部分例子都能对应一道题,而没有考出来的我则会给大伙儿加一道例子题。

我们今天聊的Conversation里的“别人”,就是一个非常有特点的考点, 我们也把它归类到咱们的“例子”里,因为是个“人”嘛。下次听Conversation听到了老王老张老刘,可不能再忽略了,一定要用心听清楚当时聊的是什么,最好能用很少的词把这个例子涉及到的话题简单记下来(一定不能写得太多,写字太多的话会影响听本身,最好的笔记永远是字少但是信息抓得准,笔记起到的是辅助记忆的作用,不能因为记笔记而妨碍了听力本身,这样就得不偿失了)。


托福Conversation 2:

Student: The section on dialects, ‘cause…like, that’s the kind of thing that’s always sort of intrigued me, you know? … Well, especially now, ‘cause I’ve got like one roommate who is from the south and another one from New York. And we all talk like totally different, you know?

Why is the student interested in learning more about dialects?

A. she often has trouble understanding what other students are saying

B. she is trying to change the way she speaks

C. she is aware that her own dialect differs from those of her roommates

D. she spent her childhood various places where different dialects are spoken


托福Conversation 2:

Student: …My chair person told me that if I did independent field research in addition to the assigned work in each course; they would count as intermediate level courses. My classmates, um, some of my classmates, did this for an easy way to meet their intermediate course requirement, but I did it to get the kind of depth in those topics I was going for….

Why does the man mention his classmates?

A. To explain how he obtained information about field research

B. To point out that many students like to do field research

C. To show that it is difficult to get intermediate-level credits

D. To emphasize his motivation to do filed research in two of his courses

正确答案:D (这道题从考点来看的话又是“别人”,又是别的同学跟自己的“对比”)

托福Conversation 2:

L: Actually, you need to return it today. That is if you want to check out those books today. That's our policy.

S: Oh, I didn't know that.

L: Yeah, not a lot of people realize that. In fact, every semester we get a few students who have their borrowing privileges suspended completely because they haven't returned books. They're allowed to use books only in the library. They're not allowed to check anything out because of unreturned books.

What is the woman trying to explain when she mentions students who have lost their borrowing privileges?

A. Why the man should not photocopy part of the book

B. The reasons for one of the library’s policies

C. What will happen if the man does not return the book

D. The reason the man has to fill out a form


托福Conversation 2:

Student: Okay. Here’s what happened. Um…I think my professor really miscalculated. Anyway the syllabus was way too ambitious in my opinion. There’re only 2 weeks of classes left in the semester and there are like 6 books on the syllabus that we haven’t even touched.

Why is the professor not going to discuss the book by Jane Bowles in the class?

A. There is not enough time left in the semester

B. Not all of the students were able to get a copy of the book

C. The professor miscalculated the difficulty level of the book

D. The book was not on the course syllabus


托福Conversation 2:

Secretary: I don’t know how they work over there, ‘cause they couldn’t even figure out whose information was missing. And this isn’t the first time. Seems like something like this happens every semester.

What does the woman imply about the people who work in the payroll office?

A. They did not realize that they had a problem.

B. They are rather disorganized.

C. They had tried to contact the man several times.

D. They prefer to process checks manually.



当然了, 回到我前几篇文章的老套路,就是教大家去“猜题”。咱们既然已经确定“别人”是一道题了,做题的时候如果发现这个地方没有出题,那咱在精听的时候就给自己加一道。

举些例子,TPO8 Conversation 1里提到了学生的导师(chair), TPO 9 Conversation 2里提到了学生的一个教授(professor), TPO15 Conversation 2里提到的女孩的弟弟和父母,TPO 5 Conversation 1里提到了学生的室友(roommate)...还有无数这样的“别人”都没有考出来题,大家返回去重听的时候一定要重视起来。不过也别担心,只要能把提到这个别人时聊的话题都差不多听懂,这个题哪怕真考出来也难不倒大家的。



task:It has been said, ”Not everything that is learned is contained in books.“ Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?


Book Knowledge vs Experience

Knowledge can be acquired from many sources. These include books, teachers and practical experience, and each has its own advantages. The knowledge we gain from books and formal education enables us to learn about things that we have no opportunity to experience in daily life. We can study all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime, just by reading about them in books. We can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different ways. Furthermore, we can learn from the past by reading books. In this way, we won’t repeat the mistakes of others and can build on their achievements.

Practical experience, on the other hand, can give us more useful knowledge. It is said that one learns best by doing, and I believe that this is true, whether one is successful or not. In fact, I think making mistakes is the best way to learn. Moreover, if one wants to make new advances, it is necessary to act. Innovations do not come about through reading but through experimentation. Finally, one can apply the skills and insights gained through the study of books to practical experience, making an already meaningful experience more meaningful. However, unless it is applied to real experiences, book knowledge remains theoretical and, in the end, is useless. That is why I believe that knowledge gained from practical experience is more important than that acquired from books.


task:Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


The Advantages of Saving Money

Everyone must work to live, but many people are fortunate enough to make more money than they immediately need. What should they do with this extra income? While it is tempting for people to spend it all on things they desire, I believe it is better to save at least a portion of the extra income for the future.

By saving money, people give themselves more security. They cannot predict the future; perhaps one day they will be jobless. At a time like this their savings can spare them a great deal of suffering and help to see them through the hard time. In addition, saving money allows people to build up a larger sum. They can then buy something more worthwhile than the small things they can but if they spend the money right away. For example, they may be able to buy a house with their savings. Finally, the practice of saving helps people develop the habit of setting goals and planning for their future. In this way they are bound to lead more meaningful and successful lives.

Most people would like to enjoy their money immediately. Nobody likes to wait for the things that he wants. However, if we learn to save our money, we can gain more advantages in the future. We will lead more secure and, thus, happier lives. We will also be able to buy the things we truly want but cannot afford right now.












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