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它提供的新闻覆盖英国及国际经济、政治、文化、教 育及其他领域。
在这个网站中,有两个专栏是我要建议考生能好好利用起来的,一个是英语教学栏目中的TAKE AWAY ENGLISH——随身英语,另一个是MEDIA ENGLISH——媒体英语。这两个专栏里的文章都不是很长,大约150-300字不等,但是都有原文朗读下载和词汇表,尤其是随身英语这块内容还配备了一些题目给学生作为阅读后理解能力和单词认知方面的考察。一边听纯正的英式发音朗读,一边阅读并辨认生词,多听几遍后就能不知不觉地扩大自己的词汇量了,同时还能掌握到最地道的一些英语使用方法。
Ancient Amphitheatre Discovered 发现一古代圆形剧场
Ancient Treasure Find 发现了古代珍宝
Pigeon Power Beats Internet 鸽子力量大于互联网
The Meaning of Sleep 睡眠的意义
A New Foot for an Elephant 大象的新脚
Rowing Across An Ocean 划船横越印度洋
例如:其中有一篇《睡眠的意义》,这篇主要是介绍睡眠研究的新发现是睡眠的主要作用在于让各种动物更好地适应生存环境,文章很短,只有164个单词,但文中标注出的生词如predator(捕食其他动物的动物), migrating birds(迁移的鸟类),evolved(进化演变),detected(发现、发觉),vital function(主要的功能),conserve energy(保存能量),limited resources(有限的资源),accounts for(占……的比例)等这些单词或词组都是在托福阅读当中经常出现的必备词汇。
那如果是一些基础比较好的考生,这些短文对于他们来说已经略显简单了,那么就可以去选择另外两个网站,new scientist新科学家杂志网站和economist经济学家网站。这两个网站的文章内容和行文风格与托福阅读考试的文章更加接近,有的文章可能就是考试文章的本源,而且文章通常会比较长,那么我建议考生可以利用这两个网站的内容做泛读练习。
However, no group or species can maintain its dominance indefinitely, and when, after over 200 million years, the age of dinosaurs came to a dramatic end about 65 million years ago, mammals began to flourish, evolving from relatively few types of small terrestrial animals into the myriad of diverse species, including bats and whales, that we know today. (TPO33,58)
dramatic /dr?'m?t?k/ adj. 戏剧的;激动人心的,给人深刻印象的
flourish v. /'fl?r??/ 昌盛,旺盛,兴旺;健康成长,茂盛
terrestrial /t?'restr??l/ adj. 陆地的,陆生的;地球的
myriad /'m?r??d/ n. 无数,极大数量
However, no group or species can maintain its dominance indefinitely, and (when, (after over 200 million years), the age of dinosaurs came to a dramatic end) (about 65 million years ago), mammals began to flourish, (evolving from relatively few types of small terrestrial animals into the myriad of diverse species), (including bats and whales), (that we know today).
no group or species can maintain its dominance indefinitely, and mammals began to flourish
修饰一: (after over 200 million years),介词短语
修饰二:(when the age of dinosaurs came to a dramatic end),从句
修饰三:(about 65 million years ago),介词短语
修饰四:(evolving from relatively few types of small terrestrial animals into the myriad of diverse species),非谓语动词
修饰五:(including bats and whales),插入语
修饰六:(that we know today),从句
1 即先阅读文章的首段前4行,注意这里不是前2行,因为现在很多文章首句通常是由专业名词组成或者是一些习语组成,大多数中国学生只知道看完首句,然后他们就崩溃了,因为专业词汇和习惯用语一次性将他们打懵。因此这里建议首先读完前4行来了解文章主题方向。
2 直接做题,然后在题中找关键词回到原文进行点查。不过这里点查也是有技巧的。第一题通常是文章的主题题,跳过不做,放到最后来做,其他的很多试题都是标记了行号或者可以通过特殊字符来辨认,比如数字,大写字母,拼写十分怪异的单词等等,当一道题没有这些标示的时候要通过邻近的其他试题来定位本题在原文中的位置。
回答这个问题之前我们要了解一个概念,它叫“刻意练习”(Deliberate Practice)
“刻意练习”这个概念最早由心理学家 K.Anders Ericsson 提出(同时他也是“10000小时定律”的作者)。“刻意练习”的核心假设是,专家级水平是逐渐地练出来的,而有效进步的关键在于找到一系列的小任务让受训者按顺序完成。这些小任务必须是受训者正好不会做,但是又正好可以学习掌握的。完成这种练习要求受训者思想高度集中,这就与那些例行公事或者带娱乐色彩的练习完全不同。
你可能会注意到,试卷上的阅读板块叫“阅读理解”(reading comprehension),而不叫“阅读”,这其实揭示了一个道理:阅读过程是由两个部分组成的,一个叫“阅读(信息输入)”,一个叫“理解(信息处理)”。而很多人往往只注意到了“阅读”,并没有去训练“理解”能力。
A group of visionary French football administrators, led in the 1920s by the innovative Jules Rimet, are credited with the original idea of bringing the world's strongest national football teams together to compete for the title of World Champions. The original gold trophy bore Jules Rimet's name and was contested three times in the 1930s, before the Second World War put a 12-year stop to the competition.
When it resumed, the FIFA World Cup rapidly advanced to its undisputed status as the greatest single sporting event of the modern world. Held since 1958 alternately in Europe and the Americas, the World Cup broke new ground with the Executive Committee's decision in May 1996 to select Korea and Japan as co-hosts for the 2002 edition.
Since 1930, the 16 tournaments have seen only seven different winners. However, the FIFA World Cup has also been punctuated by dramatic upsets that have helped create footballing history - the United States defeating England in 1950, North Korea's defeat of Italy in 1966, Cameroon's emergence in the 1980s and their opening match defeat of the Argentinean cup-holders in 1990....
Today, the FIFA World Cup holds the entire global public under its spell. An accumulated audience of over 37 billion people watched the France 98 tournament, including approximately 1.3 billion for the final alone, while over 2.7 million people flocked to watch the 64 matches in the French stadium.
After all these years and so many changes, however, the main focus of the FIFA World Cup remains the same - the glistening golden trophy, which is the embodiment of every footballer's ambition.
The first birds appeared during late Jurassic times. These birds are known from four very good skeletons, two incomplete skeletons, and an isolated feather, all from the Solnhofen limestone of Bavaria, Germany. This fine-grained rock, which is extensively quarried for lithographic stone, was evidently deposited in a shallow coral lagoon of a tropical sea, and flying vertebrates occasionally fell into the water and were buried by the fine limy mud, to be preserved with remarkable detail. In this way, the late Jurassic bird skeletons, which have been named Archaeopteryx, were fossilized. And not only were the bones preserved in these skeletons, but also were imprints of the feathers. If the indications of feathers had not been preserved in association with Archaeopteryx, it is likely that these fossils would have been classified among the dinosaurs, for they show numerous theropod characteristics. Archaeopteryx were animals about the size of a crow, with an archeosaurian type of skull, a long neck, a compact body balanced on a pair of strong hind limbs, and a long tail. The forelimbs were enlarged and obviously functioned as wings.
Modern birds, who are the descendants of these early birds, are highly organized animals, with a constant body temperature and a very high rate of metabolism. In addition, they are remarkable for having evolved extraordinarily complex behavior patterns such as those of nesting and song, and the habit among many species of making long migrations from one continent to another and back each year.
Most birds also have very strong legs, which allow them to run or walk on the ground as well as to fly in the air. Indeed, some of the waterbirds, such as ducks and geese, have the distinction of being able to move around proficiently in the water, on land, and in the air, a range in natural locomotor ability that has never been attained by any other vertebrate.
1. According to the author, all of the following evidence relating to the first birds was found EXCEPT
(A) nesting materials
(B) four skeletons in good condition
(C) two fragmented skeletons
(D) a single feather
2. The word preserved in line 8 is closest in meaning to
(A) confused with others
(B) gradually weakened
(C) protected from destruction
(D) lost permanently
3. It can be inferred from the passage that the Archaeopteryx were classified as birds on the basis
(A) imprints of bones
(B) imprints of feathers
(C) the neck structure
(D) skeletons
4. The word they in line 10 refers to
(A) indications
(B) fossils
(C) dinosaurs
(D) characteristics
5. Why does the author mention a crow in line 11?
(A) to indicate the size of Archaeopteryx
(B) To specify the age of the Archaeopteryx fossils
(C) To explain the evolutionary history of Archaeopteryx
(D) To demonstrate the superiority of the theropod to Archaeopteryx
6. It can be inferred from the passage that theropods were
(A) dinosaurs
(B) birds
(C) Archaeopteryx
(D) crows
7. The word constant in line 16 is closest in meaning to
(A) comfortable
(B) combined
(C) consistent
(D) complementary
8. The author mentions all of the following as examples of complex behavior patterns evolved by
birds EXCEPT
(A) migrating
(B) nesting
(C) singing
(D) running
9. The word attained in line 23 is closest in meaning to
(A) required
(B) achieved
(C) observed
(D) merited
托福阅读提升技巧篇 如何利用原著提升英文阅读能力?
读原著提升托福阅读之 如何找资源
这里特别推荐三个网站:mLook, kindleren, KickassTorrents, 试试用这三个网站找“2014亚马逊年度最佳图书榜(英文)”上的图书,你就知道它们有多牛。当然最简单的方法是认识一些资源帝,比如Mr. 原子弹T,他把自己的几万本英文原版书从云盘里好友分享给你,你只要转存一下就OK了。
读原著提升托福阅读之 如何读
兵器谱上排第一的当然就是kindle,不知道什么是kindle的自觉面壁2小时再搜索去。kindle的好处是:墨水屏不伤眼,携带方便,单词解释即点即现。 用电脑读电子书推荐安装calibre和有道词典,calibre可以读出mobi和epub格式的电子书,有道词典可以在calibre里面划词即查,联网的电脑可以在网络上帮你查出生僻的词和短语。 手机安装了“静读天下”和“深蓝词典”基本就可当kindle用(只是没有墨水屏),深蓝词典安装后,在网上搜“深蓝词典常用词库”,下载需要的词典放入到深蓝的Dicts文件夹中。
读原著提升托福阅读之 如何记
读原著提升托福阅读之 题外话
越早养成英语阅读的习惯,你的英语能力就越高。所谓养成英语阅读的习惯就是每天都会抽时间读英语原版书,不读不爽啊。 但是,我们读英语原版书不是为了应试,而是为了把我们自己和Loser们区别开来,让自己玉树临风,有形而上的视野、开阔的胸襟和高蹈的生命质量。
Industrialization came to the United State after 1790 as North American entrepreneurs increased productivity by reorganizing work and building factories. These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent; the average per capita wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year — 30 percent over the course of a generation. Goods that had once been luxury items became part of everyday life.
The impressive gain in output stemmed primarily from the way in which workers made goods, since the 1790's, North American entrepreneurs — even without technological improvements — had broadened the scope of the outwork system that made manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of the production process. For example, during the 1820's and 1830's the shoe industry greatly expanded the scale and extend of the outwork system. Tens of thousands of rural women, paid according to the amount they produced, fabricated the uppers of shoes, which were bound to the soles by wage-earning journeymen shoemakers in dozens of Massachusetts towns, whereas previously journeymen would have made the entire shoe. This system of production made the employer a powerful shoe boss and eroded workers' control over the pace and conditions of labor. However, it also dramatically increased the output of shoes while cutting their price.
For tasks that were not suited to the outwork system, entrepreneurs created an even more important new organization, the modem factory, which used power-driven machines and assembly-line techniques to turn out large quantities of well-made goods. As early as 1782 the prolific Delaware inventor Oliver Evans had built a highly automated, laborsaving flour mill driven by water power. His machinery lifted the grain to the top of the mill, cleaned it as it fell into containers known as hoppers, ground the grain into flour, and then conveyed the flour back to the top of the mill to allow it to cool as it descended into barrels. Subsequently, manufacturers made use of new improved stationary steam engines to power their mills. This new technology enabled them to build factories in the nation's largest cities, taking advantage of urban concentrations of inexpensive labor, good transportation networks, and eager customers.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) The difficulties of industrialization in North America
(B) The influence of changes in manufacturing on the growth of urban centers
(C) The rapid speed of industrialization in North America
(D) Improved ways of organizing the manufacturing of goods
2. The word boosted in line 3 is closest in meaning to
(A) ensured
(B) raised
(C) arranged
(D) discouraged
3. The word scope in line 9 is closest in meaning to
(A) value
(B) popularity
(C) extent
(D) diversity
4. The author mentions the shoe industry in the second paragraph to provide an example of how
(A) entrepreneurs increased output by using an extended outwork system
(B) entrepreneurs used technological improvements to increase output
(C) rural workers responded to shoe bosses
(D) changes in the outwork system improved the quality of shoes
5. All of the following are mentioned as effects of changes in the shoe industry during the 1820's
and 1830's EXCEPT
(A) an increase in the worker's dependence on entrepreneurs
(B) an increase in the wages paid to journeymen shoemakers
(C) a decline in the workers ability to control the speed of production
(D) a decrease in the price of shoes
6. All of the following are true of the outwork system EXCEPT
(A) It involved stages of production.
(B) It was more efficient than the systems used before 1790.
(C) It made many employers less powerful than they had been before.
(D) It did not necessarily involve any technological improvements.
7. The word prolific in line 23 is closest in meaning to
(A) efficient
(B) productive
(C) self-employed
(D) progressive
8. According to the passage , how did later mills differ from the mills differ from the mill built by
Oliver Evans?
(A) They were located away from large cities.
(B) They used new technology to produce power.
(C) They did not allow flour to cool before it was placed in Barrels.
(D) They combined technology with the outwork system.
9. The word it in line 25 refers to
(A) water power
(B) machinery
(C) grain
(D) mill
10. The passage mentions which of the following as a result of improvements in factory
(A) It become easier for factory' owners to find workers and customers.
(B) Manufacturers had to employ more highly skilled workers.
(C) The amount of power required for factories operate was reduced.
(D) Factories could operate more than one engine at a time.
11. The word eager in line 30 is closest in meaning to
(A) wealthy
(B) knowledgeable
(C) regular
(D) enthusiastic
According to sociologists, there are several different ways in which a person may become recognized as the leader of a social group in the United States. In the family, traditional cultural patterns confer leadership on one or both of the parents. In other cases, such as friendship groups, one or more persons may gradually emerge as leaders, although there is no formal process of selection. In larger groups, leaders are usually chosen formally through election or recruitment.
Although leaders are often thought to be people with unusual personal ability, decades of research have failed to produce consistent evidence that there is any category of natural leaders. It seems that there is no set of personal qualities that all leaders have in common; rather, virtually any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the needs of that particular group.
Furthermore, although it is commonly supposed that social groups have a single leader, research suggests that there are typically two different leadership roles that are held by different individuals. Instrumental leadership is leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks by a social group. Group members look to instrumental leaders to get things done. Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well-being of a social group's members. Expressive leaders are less concerned with the overall goals of the group than with providing emotional support to group members and attempting to minimize tension and conflict among them. Group members expect expressive leaders to maintain stable relationships within the group and provide support to individual members. Instrumental leaders are likely to have a rather secondary relationship to other group members. They give orders and may discipline group members who inhibit attainment of the group's goals. Expressive leaders cultivate a more personal or primary relationship to others in the group. They offer sympathy when someone experiences difficulties or is subjected to discipline, are quick to lighten a serious moment with humor, and try to resolve issues that threaten to divide the group. As the differences in these two roles suggest, expressive leaders generally receive more personal affection from group members; instrumental leaders, if they are successful in promoting group goals, may enjoy a more distant respect.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) The problems faced by leaders
(B) How leadership differs in small and large groups
(C) How social groups determine who will lead them
(D) The role of leaders in social groups
2. The passage mentions all of the following ways by which people can become leaders EXCEPT
(A) recruitment
(B) formal election process
(C) specific leadership training
(D) traditional cultural patterns
3. In mentioning natural leaders in line 9, the author is making the point that
(A) few people qualify as natural leaders
(B) there is no proof that natural leaders exist
(C) natural leaders' are easily accepted by the members of a social group
(D) natural leaders share a similar set of characteristics
4. Which of the following statements about leadership can be inferred from paragraph 2?
(A) A person who is an effective leader of a particular group may not be an effective leader in
another group.
(B) Few people succeed in sharing a leadership role with another person.
(C) A person can best learn how to be an effective leader by studying research on leadership.
(D) Most people desire to be leaders but can produce little evidence of their qualifications.
5. The passage indicates that instrumental leaders generally focus on
(A) ensuring harmonious relationships
(B) sharing responsibility with group members
(C) identifying new leaders
(D) achieving a goal
6. The word collective in line 17 is closest in meaning to
(A) necessary
(B) typical
(C) group
(D) particular
7. The word them in line 19 refers to
(A) expressive leaders
(B) goals of the group
(C) group members
(D) tension and conflict
8. A secondary relationship mentioned in line 22 between a leader and the members of a group
could best be characterized as
(A) distant
(B) enthusiastic
(C) unreliable
(D) personal
9. The word resolve in line 27 is closest in meaning to
(A) avoid repeating
(B) talk about
(C) avoid thinking about
(D) find a solution for
10. Paragraphs 3 and 4 organize the discussion of leadership primarily in term of
(A) examples that illustrate a problem
(B) cause and effect analysis
(C) narration of events
(D) comparison and contrast
1. 略读,速度是关键
此外,考前要通过模拟考试来熟悉鼠标的点击和拖拽功能以及新托福的机考屏幕, 要学会对 Next, Back及Review等这些操作词的熟练运用。
2. 阅读时随手记笔记
3. 充分利用上下文语境
4. 学会猜题
5. 大量阅读报刊文章,扩大词汇量
1. 一个男生去问老师project的主题,他修了两门,想用一篇文章。他的电脑编程能力很强,还卖钱了,最后老师同意了。
2. 女生错过音乐会的班车,因为去错误的地方等车。
3. 有关音乐,男生爸爸妈妈都是学音乐的,妈妈跟他说了件事,教授是认同的。
4. 学生问自己没有收到邮件是不是没被在canteen的暑假工作录取(这时候老师赶着回家避免晚高峰所以很急(后面有问老师刚开始的态度) 然后提出能不能换一种工作方式? 老师说那这样别的正式录取的人会怎么想呢 最后建议他外面找工作 可以列一个可以去申请的list申请可以写她的名字。
5. 女孩想卖她的作品,但是学校的贩卖不对学生开放,之后professor建议2种方式:
6. 女生选了建筑专业,因为一个老师讲的很好,讨论一个她发现的特别的建筑,类似于装配式建筑,好处很多:1省钱,省空间;2对于投资者来说减少交税;3 air beam的作用,提到floating building。可以用到自己的prioject里面。
7. 女生选的夏季课不上了,以为会自动退费,结果没有,于是去找工作人员。然后女生又说想要找个兼职,想做assistant,但工作人员已经满了,结束工作在那可以提供的只有ssa,女生觉得太低级,不愿意做。
1. 天文课,关于Vesta.
2. 有关简奥斯汀,他没有傲慢与偏见的作者出名,因为她翻印了两版,给了四次钱,但是她一生都没有靠书挣钱。
3. 有关婴儿辩色和认大小的,用婴儿的目光停留在事物上的时间判断他们是否有辨别的能力。当然,婴儿的学习是没有目的性的,不像成人。
4. 有关气候。
5. 讲到ITCZ的移动和Titan,讲了水循环就是液化然后形成气体再降雨。一个证据是卫星发现了有黑的spot,而且消失的速度和云消失的速度差不多。第二是ITCZ的位移。重复10月31日
6. 生物节律。
7. 迪士尼早期电影艺术。
Task 1
Sympatric specificaion
Passage One
题目:Early life forms and Earth's atmosphere
内容回忆: 早期细菌进化,为后面地球的发展和复杂有机体的发展奠定了基础。地球早期没有氧气,有 Methane 和 carbon dioxide,帮助地球 keep warm,那会太阳没有提供足够的热量。对比现在地球的各种气体成分。提到早期动物 confined to ocean 的原因,没有protective layer against UV radiation,海洋中的水可以提供保护。
en cloth生产以及对应的三个阶级,暗示工人阶级生活状况差
一. 哪些人能够快速提升托福阅读能力?
Today' s teenagers seem to be more liberal in their ideas than their _______ grandparents.
A. freethinking B. traditional C. old D. happy
Klebold and Harris felt _______ and wanted to revenge against those who disliked playing
together with them or laughed at them.
A. discouraged B. ashamed C. tired D. separated
根据下文的disliked playing together with them判断此处应为“感到孤立”,故选D。
1)He had been overworking and fell ill at last.
1)You must stop dreaming and face reality.(-ty为名词的标志)
2)The country is trying to popularize education. (-ize为及物动词的标志,再如realize, modernize)
Family members take turns choosing a special activity for the evening, and everyone partakes in for fun.
根据短语构成及上下文意思看,此处partakes in相当于takes part in。再如break out-outbreak(名词爆发),set out-outset(名词起始),come in-income(名词收入) 。
1. Wearing masks and costumes, they often impersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mined the desired effect – success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun – as an actor might.
2.But these factors do not account for the interesting question of how there came to be such a concentration of pregnant ichthyosaurs in a particular place very close to their time of giving birth.
3.A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century, including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame, and steel wire of the finest quality, finally produced an instruments capable of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a ship, percussive brilliance.
4.Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1972 as “silent”, the film has never been, in the full sense of the word, silent.
5.For a number of years the selection of music for each film program rested entirely in the hands of the conductor or leader of the orchestra, and very often the principal qualifications for holding such a position was not skill or taste so much as the ownership of a large personal library of musical pieces.
6.Rather, they were made of a top layer of woolen or glazed worsted wool fabric, consisting of smooth, compact yarn from long wool fibers, dyed dark blue, green, or brown with a bottom layer of a coarser woolen material, either natural or a shade of yellow.
托福阅读背景资料 美国情侣为何不结婚
托幅阅读资料之双语阅读。为了方便广大考生更好的复习,小编整理了一些双语阅读资料,希望对同学们的托福 阅读有所帮助。下面一起来看看:
Fear of the trauma of divorce is stopping many young couples from walking down the aisle, a university report has found.
With the share of married adults at an all-time low in the United States, the latest research by demographers at Cornell University and the University of Central Oklahoma unveils clues why couples don‘t get married - they fear divorce.
Among cohabitating couples, more than two-thirds of the study’s respondents admitted to concerns about dealing with the social, legal, emotional and economic consequences of a possible divorce.
The study, “The Specter of Divorce: Views from Working and Middle-Class Cohabitors,” is published in the journal Family Relations and is co-authored by Sharon Sassler, Cornell professor of policy analysis and management, and Dela Kusi-Appouh, a Cornell doctoral student in the field of development sociology.
这一研究名为《离婚的阴霾:工人阶层和中产阶层同居者看婚姻》,发表在《家庭关系》杂志上,由康奈尔大学的政策分析与管理学教授莎伦 萨斯勒和发展社会学方向的博士生德拉 库西-阿坡共同撰写。
Roughly two out of three - 67 percent -of the study‘s respondents shared their worries about divorce.
Despite the concerns, middle-class subjects spoke more favorably about tying the knot and viewed cohabitation as a natural stepping stone to marriage compared to their working-class counterparts.
Lower-income women, in particular, disproportionately expressed doubts about the “trap” of marriage, fearing that it could be hard to exit if things go wrong or it would lead to additional domestic responsibilities but few benefits.
The study also found working-class cohabitating couples were more apt to view marriage as “just a piece of paper,” nearly identical to their existing relationship.
They were twice as likely to admit fears about being stuck in marriage with no way out once they were relying on their partners’ share of income to get by.
The authors hope that their findings could help premarital counselors to better tailor their lessons to assuage widespread fears of divorce and to target the specific needs of various socioeconomic classes.
一. 提高托福阅读能力:跳读和扫读法
二. 托福阅读快速做题法
1. 先易后难
2. 实在不会的题不用纠结太久
Of all modern instruments, the violin is apparently one of the simplest. It consists in essence of a hollow, varnished wooden sound box, or resonator, and a long neck, covered with a fingerboard, along which four strings are stretched at high tension. The beauty of design, shape, and decoration is no accident: the proportions of the instrument are determined almost entirely by acoustical considerations. Its simplicity of appearance is deceptive. About 70 parts are involved in the construction of a violin. Its tone and its outstanding range of expressiveness make it an ideal solo instrument. No less important, however, is its role as an orchestral and chamber instrument. In combination with the larger and deeper-sounding members of the same family, the violins form the nucleus of the modern symphony orchestra.
The violin has been in existence since about 1550. Its importance as an instrument in its own right dates from the early 1600's, when it first became standard in Italian opera orchestras. Its stature as an orchestral instrument was raised further when in 1626 Louis XIII of France established at his court the orchestra known as Les vingt-quatre violins du Roy (The King's 24 Violins), which was to become widely famous later in the century.
In its early history, the violin had a dull and rather quiet tone resulting from the fact that the strings were thick and were attached to the body of the instrument very loosely. During the eighteenth and nineteenth century, exciting technical changes were inspired by such composer-violinists as Vivaldi and Tartini. Their instrumental compositions demanded a fuller, clearer, and more brilliant tone that was produced by using thinner strings and a far higher string tension. Small changes had to be made to the violin's internal structure and to the fingerboard so that they could withstand the extra strain. Accordingly, a higher standard of performance was achieved, in terms of both facility and interpretation. Left-hand technique was considerably elaborated, and new fingering patterns on the fingerboard were developed for very high notes.
1. The word standard in line 12 is closest in meaning to
(A) practical
(B) customary
(C) possible
(D) unusual
2. The King's 24 Violins is mentioned in line 15 to illustrate
(A) how the violin became a renowned instrument
(B) the competition in the 1600's between French and Italian orchestras
(C) the superiority of French violins
(D) why the violin was considered the only instrument suitable to be played by royalty
3. What is the main idea presented in paragraph 3?
(A) The violin has been modified to fit its evolving musical functions.
(B) The violin is probably the best known and most widely distributed musical instrument in the
(C) The violin had reached the height of its popularity by the middle of the eighteenth century.
(D) The technique of playing the violin has remained essentially the same since the 1600's.
4. The author mentions Vivaldi and Tartini in line 19 as examples of composers whose music
(A) inspired more people to play the violin
(B) had to be adapted to the violin
(C) demanded more sophisticated violins
(D) could be played only by their students
5. The word they in line 22 refers to
(A) Civaldi and Tartini
(B) thinner strings and a higher string tension
(C) small changes
(D) internal structure and fingerboard
6. The word strain in line 22 is closest in meaning to
(A) struggle
(B) strength
(C) strategy
(D) stress
7. The word Accordingly in line 23 is closest in meaning to
(A) However
(B) Consequently
(C) Nevertheless
(D) Ultimately
8. According to the passage , early violins were different from modern violins in that early violins
(A) were heavier
(B) broke down more easily
(C) produced softer tones
(D) were easier to play
9. According to the passage , which of the following contributes to a dull sound being produced
by a violin?
(A) A long fingerboard
(B) A small body
(C) High string tension
(D) Thick strings
10. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?
(A) resonator (line 2)
(B) solo (line 7)
(C) left-hand technique (line 25)
(D) fingering patterns (lines 24-25)
11. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as contributing to the ability to play modern
violin music EXCEPT
(A) more complicated techniques for the left hand
(B) different ways to use the fingers to play very high notes
(C) use of rare wood for the fingerboard and neck
(D) minor alterations to the structure of the instrumentANSWER KEYS
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