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【雅思高分经验】屡败屡战天不负 六战四级低分到雅思7分












这不是神话,如果你每天也这么坚持并且 不断扩充自己的词汇量的话,你也可以做到。


还有一种更变态的方法就是如果你很清楚的听到这个词儿并且写错了,那就把这个部分用超慢速回放并进行模仿,尽量体会舌头和口腔的变化以及单词之 间的衔接发音。以后保证你不会犯同样的错了。






这种方法主要来源于雅思阅读的一大特点,就是大多数的问题都会根据文章的顺序进行设置(不信的请自觉找份剑桥系列真题做并标 出题目位置)。











基本做出一道题的时间在12分钟左右。而且针对matching和list of heading这两种大难题具有奇效!


最终我的解决方案是,拿到文章看题型,如果里面包含了list of heading 和matching题目,直接用第二种方法。如果全部都是需要定位查找答案有顺序的题目,果断用平行阅读法。这样的话就会最大限度的保持做题的稳定性。发挥两种方法的优势。







期间也想过放弃,想过选择一个差一些的学校去读语言。 但是自己又很难说服自己,如果连语言关自己都过不了,将来当真留学到一个陌生的国家,如何能够克服很现实很困难的问题呢?



这就是一个出离愤怒坚持不懈最终成功涂鸦的英语菜鸟为大家带来的屠鸭感言,祝早日与雅思say goodbye.



1. In brief/ To conclude/ In conclusion, .......

2. As for me, I am firmly convinced that......

3. Taking into account both sides of argument, I think......

4. Thus, based on the above discussion and analysis, we can see that......

5. For my part, I completely agree with the latter view that......


Some people think that the main purpose of schools is to turn students into good citizens and workers, rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Teachers should give practical lessons about working skills and professional techniques to students who will benefit from it in job-?‐seeking.

teachers orient students on how to love and share, how to distinguish between right and

wrong, and how to keep themselves together under pressure, which plays an essential role in students’ personality development. 教书还是育人; 需不需要让孩子遵守家长和学 校制定的 规则


if students aimed only at becoming good workers, they would lose the motivation of innovation, and the society simply would not progress and keep running in its old way, with no one being willing to explore individual expertise. 需不需要让孩子遵守家长和学校

制定的规 则(太死的规则是造成丧失独立性,独立思考能力)

morality (道德) is a complex matter, and human nature (人性) even more perplexing. There are no one-?‐fit-?‐for-?‐all principles, e.g. a lie can hurt as well as protect people. The true understanding of what it is like to be a good citizen cannot be taught. Instead it can only be felt after personal experience and reflection. 教书还是育人;需不需要让孩子遵守家 长和学校制定的规则(对和错是要自己体会的,规则不是根本的方法)


All people should contribute to the well-?‐being and harmony of the society by learning to be good citizens and qualified workers. However, individuality is the key to achieve that.



Many people believe teachers should take the responsibility for the students to judge what is right and wrong and behave well. Others think teachers should only teach academic subjects. Please discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Some people think children should obey the rules their parents and teachers set, but others think that less control will help children to deal with their future adult life more effectively. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

G类雅思写作Task 1备考攻略之咨询求助信

-03-17 16:28来源:新东方网整理分享到 雅思考试分为A类和G类两种模式。通常来说,以出国工作或者移民为目的的考生应该选择G类考试。A类和G类考试的区别在阅读和写作两项考试上,其中写作考试中的任务一G类与A类题型截然不同,请参见官方指南上的题型解释:

从官方介绍不难看出,G类写作任务一(以下简称T1)要求考生在20分钟左右完成一篇书信的写作,考生也许会被要求去询问信息或解释某些状况。但是,具 体而言,考生可能会碰到哪些形式的书信写作呢?根据剑桥2-9八本真题以及近三年考试回顾,雅思G类T1书信类型主要包括感谢信、道歉信、投诉信、求职求 学信、邀请信、建议信和咨询求助信等七种。新东方小编为大家收集了G类雅思写作Task 1备考攻略:咨询求助信,给出相应的解题思路(即书信写作文章结构)与写作句型。


2. 常用句型

1) I would be much obliged to you if you could let me know the procedures I have to go through.

2) Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.

3) I am looking forward to a favorable reply/response at your earliest convenience.

4) Would you provide me with some valuable advice?

5) Your kind reply will be highly appreciated.

6) It would be greatly appreciated if you could furnish me with relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects.

7) I am writing to enquire whether I may become a member of your club.

8) I would be grateful if you could let me know your annual fee charges and any other information which would be useful.

9) Please let me know as soon as possible how you propose to settle this matter.

10) Although at this time of year you will have more work to deal with than usual, I would appreciate a reply in a not too distant future.




成绩:7.0 L6.5 R7.0 W7.0 S6.5






关于逻辑性,这一点恐怕是中国学生备考中最缺乏的,因为市面上的一些考试教材,包括各种辅导班的老师都很少提及。逻辑性主要有两点:一是全篇文章要有逻辑,比如先说自己反对一方的观点,然后再反驳之,这点大家应该都能做到。关键是第二点,每一段的各个支撑理由之间,和每个支撑理由内部也要有逻辑性。观点或理由之间应该是logical的链接而不只是用linking词来link。所以,形式上,我的作文也许用first of all,但绝不会再用secondly,thirdly 这样的linker。

另外,少用模板,或者少用中国模板。我曾故意在一篇文章中用了类似这样的“Just like a coin has two sides,this question also has its drawbacks。”那雅思考官老师一看就说你是不是从中国商业书上背下来的,呵呵。


? Enquiry –目的+具体问题+(急切心情+感激+联系方式)

1. I am writing for information about…

2. I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding…

3. I would be most grateful if you could supply me with the following information.

? End of an Enquiry letter

1. Thank you for your consideration

2. I am expecting your early reply.

3. I am looking forward to your immediate response.

4. In addition, if you could let me have details of … I would be more than grateful.

Writing task 1

? As part of a student social survey project, you are organizing a group to visit a historical exhibition in a small town.

? Write a letter asking for information regarding such things as the contents of the exhibition, and the dates of its opening and closing, and if there are any discounts available.

Dear Sir,

I am organizing a group of students to pay a visit to the historical exhibition in your town. This visit will be part of our school’s activities to encourage the students to take part in social surveys. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could supply me with the following information.

First of all, what are the dates between which the exhibition will be held, and what are the daily opening hours? Secondly, what is the size of the exhibition, what is its theme and what objects are on display? Thirdly, are there any other activities being held in connection with the exhibition?

I must point out that I hope to bring over students to the exhibition. So I would like to inquire if there is any discount available on entrance tickets for students. If so, how much is the discount and what is the minimum number of students necessary to qualify for it?

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

George Moore


? Complaint –说明意图+解释情况+解决方案

1. I am writing to complain about…/that…

2. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with somebody about something

3. I am most reluctant to complain, but…

4. I feel sorry to trouble you but I am afraid I have to make a complaint about…


I am writing to complain about the service on the Beijing-Shanghai train which I took on August 16, 2001.

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about the Walkman I bought at the duty-free shop in your airport on February 14, 2005.

? End of a complaint letter

1. I would be grateful / I shall appreciate it very much if you could take the matter into consideration and solve it at your earliest convenience.

2. I would like to have this matter settled by the end of…/ within 14 days.

Writing task 1

v You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting. They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you.

v Write a letter to the Accommodation Office at the college and ask for a new room next term. You would prefer a single room. Explain your reasons.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next term. I would prefer a single room, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.

I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate’s inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties. In addition, he sometimes borrows my things without asking me. In these circumstances, I find it difficult to concentrate on my students, and I am falling behind in my assignments.

I am sure you will agree that the only solution is for me to move into a room of my own, where I will be free from such distractions. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Janice Kennedy

Writing task 1

You have received your pay for your summer holiday part-time job, but your pay is less than you were promised. Please write a letter to the manager of the unit, clearly stating what work you have done and how long your work took. While explaining your case, put forward your demand and suggestion.

Dear Manager,

I have received the $800 cheque which you pay to me as a part-time software programmer in your company during my latest summer vacation. However, I am at a loss why the amount is $ 100 less than you promised to pay me.

It was contracted that a part-time software programmer’s weekly wage is $ 300. I signed the contract with you and consequently worked in your company for a total of 3 weeks. In the period, I went to and from work on time and to your satisfaction, I completed each task that you assigned me without any errors.

Also, no blame about me was ever heard in any aspect. So my total income should be $ 900, which is $ 100 more than that I gained from you. I firmly insist on your kind explanation of the difference and making it up as soon as possible.

Your early reply would be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Janet Smith




雅思的外文名是IELTS,全称是International English Language Testing System。对于希望出国,尤其是去香港、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大等地区深造的同学来说,雅思是他们跨出国门必须冲过的一道关卡。







二、16-25天建议每天备考时间:6小时1 【听力】建议每天备考时间:2小时 现在我们已经了解, 听力共四段录音,共40小题,在一个小时内完成。录音大概有40多分钟,剩下10多分钟的填写答题卡时间。前两段一般为两人或多人对话,题型一般是填空或选择。场景一般是学校图书馆、新生入学介绍、旅行社资讯闻讯、电台节目对话,涉及的内容是留学生在海外学习和生活会遇到的,多听之后自己就能对雅思考试的听力有整体的把握,并且总结出几种固定的考察套路,比如数字、电话、姓名听记。 通过前半个月的剑桥雅思真题的大规模集中训练,此时你应该已经知道了自己的薄弱环节,对于特定的题型,比如短选项选择题、信息配对题、地图题比较难以把握,对于数字不是很敏感,部分词汇不会拼写或者是不熟悉,有部分同义转换听不出来等等,通过听写市面上一些听力机经词汇能够快准狠地解决这些问题。还可自我发现攻克解决薄弱题型的方法,以达到提升的目的。 还可以下载 VOA和BBC(如果是只准备雅思考试的考生,BBC就好)放在MP3里每天听,走路听、跑步听、睡前听,坚持下去耳朵会越来越灵,反映会越来越快。

2 【阅读】建议每天备考时间:1小时 通过之前半个月的剑桥雅思真题的训练,应该能够总结出自己在雅思阅读的做题过程中的错误较多的题型,也能暴露出自己阅读考试上的弱点,例如无法精准定位、时间不够等等。


3 【写作】建议每天备考时间:2小时 具体要求是要在 一个小时内完成两个Task,包括一篇Task1小作文(20 分钟)和一篇Task2大作文(40分钟)。 Task1小作文是读图题,比较客观,根据图、表中给出的内容,将其中要表达的主要信息概述出来,必要的时候要做相应的数据比较和分析,要求150字以上。Task2大作文大体上分argument和report。往往是给出一话题或一种观点,要求不低于250字。 之前在做剑桥真题的时候,就要把每一套题目后面的作文都拿出来好好练一练,虽然不太可能再考得到,但是类似的话题、方向都是很有可能重复的,比如环境类、教育类、全球化,在这段时间里好好积累一些“词伙”,说白了就是短语、观点,具体的大家可以参照这个文档www.docin.com/p-1002854040.html 还有就是小作文一定要好好写,要认真学习剑桥真题中的考官范文,小作文的范文短小精悍,连接词的使用、数据的分析比较十分精彩,值得好好学习。写作重在积累、练习,借鉴高级用法,运用到自己的作文中来,就会使得作文的水平有了升华。

4 【口语】建议每天备考时间:1小时 口语考试的地点是在考场的一个房间里,里面只有一张桌子,你和面试官面对面坐着聊天,11-13分钟。(有的时候都不到10分钟,总体上来看时间是比较短的) 口语比较看能力,但是口语好的也不能盲目,口语水平一般的也不用气馁。 了解考试的特点来进行一段时间的训练和心理准备,是会拿到好的分数的。口语分三部分,第一部分是考生自我介绍和一般情况问答。问的问题都是涉及考生的生活、家乡、兴趣、爱好和态度的。多去英语角和人聊天,这些就不成问题了。第二部分是就某一个给定topic,准备一分钟时间,然后陈述1-2分钟。topic有几大类:人(家人、朋友、admire的人等)、经历(人生某个重要经历、学习外语的经历、成功的事、change in life、欢乐时刻、traffic jam等)、物品(建筑、衣服、广告、法律、gift、游戏、音乐、电气设备等)、地点(景点、想去的地方等)。这些topic在考前都要准备一下,以保证在拿到topic后能迅速想出几点东西来可说。 第三部分是就第二部分的topic深入探讨,涉及到你对社会的看法。



首先,要 回顾之前所有的错题,过一遍题型特征, 做到心中有数,然后回归剑桥雅思,从剑桥真题10(之前特意留出没做的), 每天抽一套题目出来当做模考,同时要重视口语写作的预测,将自己准备的答案完善、集中记忆,还可以对照着题目拓展下思路。





The development of social welfare and the unfolding (方兴未艾的) pursuit of individualism make it easier for people to become independent at a much earlier age than before, without having to worry about family protection.

We are living in an increasingly globalised world, therefore, people become more and more internationalised, and they move around more often than in the old days, which largely weakens family connection.

During the progress of modernisation and urbanisation, it has become a typical pattern for people to live in separated flats and mostly spend their spare time online. Friend gatherings are much rarer than it used to be, and even there is one, it seems like a game of touching screens with everyone holding a smart-?‐phone on their hands.


The society should seriously reconsider the weight of traditions, since almost all traditions

stress on family reunion.

The government should make modern technology more available and humanised, e.g. the facetime on iPhone allow people to see and talk with family and friends at any time.



As countries develop, their populations tend to live individually or in small family units. In your opinion, what factors caused such development and what are the effects on the society?


In many countries today, people in cities either live alone or in small family units, rather than in large, extended family groups. Is this a positive or negative trend?


Nowadays, people like to throw away damaged things and buy new ones while people in the past would always reuse them by repair. To what extent do you agree or disagree that this is a negative trend?


In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods this is having a negative effect on both families and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Fast foods contain much less nutrients than traditional foods, hence the nickname ‘junk food’. Some are even damaging to health, especially to children. In contrast, traditional foods are more nutritious.


Traditional foods normally mirror the culture, and once abandoned totally, the culture is weakened, e.g. the moon cake to Chinese, the turkey dinner of Americans.


Traditional foods take long time to prepare, and cannot fit into the fast-?‐paced modern life.

Under the background of globalization, it is impossible for people to restrain themselves from trying new tastes. 垃圾食品影响健康

Most internationally famous fast foods localise themselves to cater to people’s taste, e.g.

Beijing Chicken Roll (老北京鸡肉卷儿), which by no means force traditional cooking into dying out.

International fast foods can perform as a pioneer on the exchange of cooking culture.

Imagine the picture when English full breakfast meets Chinese baozi. Also they are a

stimulus to the innovation of old traditional recipes.



People have health damage because they eat too much junk food. Some think the answer to this problem is to educate people to eat less junk food, but others think education will not work. Discuss both these two views and give your opinion.


Some people think that we should set news as our knowledge of society, but others don’t make sure how far we trust in journalists. What qualities do you think journalist should have? Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.现提供本篇雅思写作解题思路供大家参考。


News media provide people with a variety of information to briing about convenience to life, e.g. weather report, traffic report, recipe class. 有没有必要看报纸和电视上的新 闻;报纸的影响力是最大的(一些生活信息来说,报时不够即时) ;家长还是 媒??孩子的影响更大;中学生是否应该学习国际新闻

Financial news and advices on the internet and TV programmes offer advices to people, enabling them to make sensible investment. 有没有必要看报纸和 电视上的新闻;报 纸的影响力是最大的(经济消息来说,报纸和其他媒体效果相当)

People can use the mass media to protect consumers’ right, and can even take advantage of it to monitor governmental behavior, e.g. the impeachment to Nickson because of the Watergate scandal is an example that readily comes to mind. 有没有必要看报纸和电视上的新闻;报纸的影响力是最大的(就深入追踪报道而言,报纸和电视相当,比网络要深入) ;中学生是否应该学习国际新闻


Owners of news media often put as their first concern how to attract people’s attention instead of how objective and accurate a report is. One such example is the headline where we can always see sensational words and phrases, which function to catch people’s eyes and nevertheless contain no useful information.

Journalists, because they inevitably have their respective standpoints, will unavoidably bring subjective influence to their reports, and even a photographer can largely choose specific details he/she wishes people to concentrate on and ignore the rest ones.

The news media nowadays has grown up to the ‘fourth power’ as some people noted, which created opportunity for its liaison with political power, and this further complicated the situation. The recent scandal of News Corporation’s phone hacking and the company’s unusual connection with the British PM is an example that readily comes to mind. 建议

Report impartially, no pre-?‐set standpoints, a responsibility for the society and a pursuit for truth.

Some people think news have no connection to people's lives, so then it is a waste of time to read the news in the newspaper and watch television news programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Newspaper is the best way to get latest information as it has more influence than other forms of mass media. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Some people think that parents have a great influence on their children. Others believe that the media is a bigger influence. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is believed that secondary school children should study international news as one of their school subjects. Others think that this is a waste of valuable school time. Discuss both views and give your opinions.


【雅思高分经验】从四六级到雅思7分 终成正果




先说一下自己的背景情况,只能说是很普通,四级大二裸考557 ,六级第一次裸考450,第二次裸考了539。断断续续复习了几个个月之后,果断报了5.8的上海财大,生日又是主场作战,但是两周后的成绩还是很纠结,LRWS 8.5 7.5 6 6 总分虽然有7,可是写作却只有6分,于是,果断复议,再于是,结果大家都知道了。



这次听力既满意也遗憾,8.5分虽然已经很高,但是若不是走神一个空,再题目看错一个,这次应该可以有满分。Anyway 先说说这部分的经验



关于怎样练习:这方面的话,有人喜欢听关键词,我觉得很可笑,因为大家如果只注意关键词的话,根本就会完全忽略到其他的内容,这样根本就得不偿失。我认为听力没有太多的技巧太多的捷径,只需要你听 需要动手,需要你花时间。首先我认为,听力也是需要单词量的,也许只是四级词汇,但是不能让词汇成为我们听不懂他们语速并不快的对话的借口。其次,大家应该把更多的精力放在剑桥系列上面,题目可以反复做,对话也可以反复听。其实一开始的时候,自己的听力也只是在30个左右徘徊,做完了剑4之后,果断不浪费题目而开始背单词,一方面为了阅读,一方面也是为了听力。同时,我没有像很多人一样选择听中听,而是到putclub上面下载当天的cnn听,为什么呢,因为它有图像,我喜欢看到有图像的东西,哈哈,每天个三四遍,反复听反复听,然后再看人家提供的script,然后再听再看,如此,直到可以听懂为止,这个过程每天都要花上半个小时左右,虽然新闻只有一分钟多。顺便说下,有人认为考雅思要听bbc或者类似的英音材料,先不说我觉得英音较之美音有多么的难懂,事实上雅思考试有相当部分的材料是用美音,没记错的话,其实第四部分很大部分都是用美音在读。如此以往,坚持了一个月之后,再开始做听力,发现就没有以前那么难懂了,也已经可以稳定在34个的水平了,想说的是,如果大家有碰到瓶颈了,千万不要急,也不要浪费题目了,可以试着从另外的一个方法从本质上的提高自己的听力水平,雅思就是一个投入和产出的过程,千万不能放弃。



阅读考不好的原因有很多,无非是单词,语法或者是技巧。首先我不认为会有多少中国考生搞不定区区雅思阅读的语法(当然初高中生除外),甚至很多时候,你只要认识了单词,哪怕句子你不是很理解,也可以猜个八九不离十。另外就是技巧了,个人一直认为,阅读可能是四部分里面最有规律最有技巧的一个部分,也可能是唯一的。所谓技巧,也就是平行阅读法,很多前辈的帖子里面都已经说的很清楚了,关键就是定位然后对比分析,这里就不赘述了。主要说说对单词的理解,很多人认为雅思考试不用背单词,这话既对也错,说它对时因为,对于基础好的考生来说,的确不用背单词了,因为雅思阅读考的本来就不是词汇量,但是对于绝大部分的中国考生来说,还是乖乖的拿起一本单词书,用心的都把它给背下来。比如我来说,进大学之后,就没有好好学过英语,在考试之前,用了大概三周的时间,每天雨打不动三个小时,按照《十七搞定GRE单词》(是这个名么?)上面的方法,一步一步背下来,坚持下来之后,你会发现,原来一篇看不大懂很多生词的阅读文章,在排除时间因素的情况下,现在可以基本看懂了。至于单词书的选择,可以是六级单词,也可以是某某雅思词汇,只要能够坚持背下来就可以。但是这里比较不推荐新东方的 词以类聚 ,不是说这本书不好,相反,我认为这种词汇的编排方法不仅新颖而且可能是最科学的,但是,这本书的词汇太多了,很多词汇即使在考试里面出现了,也不需要你知道他的意思。当然,如果你时间多,能够背下来再好不过了。一旦单词搞定了,才是开始做题的时间,因为题目有限,难道有人想把一套一套题目浪费在单词都没有认清楚之前么。这次考了7.5,是正常发挥而已,不过很可惜的是,那场考试的前两篇阅读是相当的简单,不到半个小时我就做完了,但是第三篇做的相当纠结,甚至到交卷的时候,都还没有理解文章在讲什么,只能蒙了两个就交了上去,sigh…至于阅读用到的材料,其实剑桥系列就够了。做完之后一定要好好分析,是什么原因导致了自己没有做对,定位or看不懂,这些分析工作别人都是不能够代替你的,也是你看经验贴所看不到的,只能靠自己慢慢积累。


这部分本来不想讲太多,考试小作文偏题并且时态全错,而且也只是靠复议才到了6.5,但是偏偏自己最想说的就是写作。首先我认为,很大一部分的考生都把雅思写作的本质给搞错了。雅思写作不是秀词汇,不是秀句型,而很多中国考生,都喜欢参考十天写作的东西,而背它的单词背它的句型用到写作中去,不是说十天的句型和单词不好,只是我发现大家这么做有两个弊端,首先当十天在考生中几乎是人手一本的时候,考官也许会发现,他每天批改到的作文的用词或者句型都几乎是千篇 一律的,因此你能得到的分数也可想而知。其次,更重要的一点,就是实际上很多中国的考生的实际水平跟所用的词汇和句型严重不符,就是说,很多人会用着华丽的词汇而犯着低级的语法错误,看看太傻上面求批的帖子吧,有相当一部分都是用词相近但是全文也许只有作者才能很好理解的文章。大家应该更多的看看小姨同学是怎么argue 怎么写议论文,怎么想素材的,而不是只背单词然后机械的套上去,况且小姨自己都强调,满分作文的用词都是很基础这一事实。以上是在一位大一雅思裸考写作7.5 GRE最近1400的牛人的言传身教并且修改作文之后感悟出来的,写作并不需要词汇多么华丽,只要你意思表达的恰到好处没有歧义就可,用某个精品文章的标题来说,just keep it short and simple。

再者,而且是更重要的一点,大家想思路的时候都局限了。雅思作文是argumentation,但是大家似乎只记住了它的中文名,就是议论文,于是按照写中文议论文的思路去写,但是没有argue的文章不是好的argumentation。详细的说,大家在写中间段落的时候,都喜欢写立论,比如题目问A好还是B好,于是大家都说A好,于是第二段写A好的原因a1,然后支持的论据,然后第三段写A好的理由a2,然后再支持的论据。若两遍倒的话,大家一段A好,理由a1 a2 一段B好 理由b1 b2。以上,都是理论,而没有驳论。驳论就是要反驳对方的观点,详细说来比如支持A好的话,第一段A好的理由a1,然后支持论据,但是到了第二段,就应该说 有人认为B好 他们认为B好的原因有b1 b2等等,但是我不这么认为,于是反驳b1 b2 等他们认为好的理由。当然文章的最后 可以放上一个让步段 让文章看起来没有那么绝对 也可以凑下字数。以上是在上海新航道上了一个写作专项班之后的收获,和大家分享下。另外 我也传了篇自己写的 并且让老师简单修改过的文章,而其中的第二段,就是用的驳论的概念,详细的大家可以百度下,或者亲自去上下这个单项班也可以。


如果题干问agree or disagree,可以一边倒,也可以两边倒,可以用驳论

如果问是否advantages outweigh disadvantages,你必须即写好处,也写坏处,当然结论可以一边倒,没把握的话不要写驳论。


另外推荐点书,十天当然是本好书,但是估计考官都人手一本了,所以我也没有太多的看十天,更多的是在看一本 9分写作 ,个人觉得这本书非常好,范文很多,而且用词不会像小姨那样高级而导致看不懂文章,而且思路相对于其他外国人写的书更容易follow,另外作者有把不用分数的段的用词都列出来,不是意在让我秀词汇,而是在于让我们避免用白痴词汇。我有在另外一个帖子里面放出下载地址,有兴趣的童鞋可以下载来看下。

其实上课的同时 我也有录音,但是一方面自己没有录全并且音质也不好,另一方面,也不想坏了人家的生意,因为我真的是粉喜欢这个老师,所以就不上传录音了。



我不知道大家有没有看过功夫熊猫,里面那个大师在训练熊猫的时候讲过这么一句话:Yesterday is a history Tomorrow is a mystery , but today is a gift , that’s why we call it present .是的 就是这句话,万能素材。








1. 一致:如句内的逻辑关系,注意检查是否存在简单推论、逻辑残缺、逻辑悖论、依赖偏见等。

Born in a small town in South Chinain the early 1950s, he grew up to be a famous musician.

→ He was born in a small town in South China in the early 1950s. In his childhood he liked to sing songs. Later he entered a conservatory. In the 1970s he became a famous musician.

2. 连贯:这个问题在平行结构、共用主语、使用指代的情况下尤其需要注意。

We thought she was charming, intelligent, and a very capable young woman.

→ We thought she was charming, intelligent, and very capable.

Or: We thought she was a charming, intelligent, and very capable young woman.

He was knocked down by a bicycle, but it was not serious.

→ He was knocked down by a bicycle, but was not badly injured.

Looking out of the window, the grassland stretches as far as the eye can reach.

→ Looking out of the window, we can see the grassland stretching as far as the eye can reach.

Or: Outside the window, the grassland stretches as far as the eye can reach.

He gave a reason for not attending the meeting, which nobody believed.

→ He gave a reason, which nobody believed, for not attending the meeting.

Or: He gave a reason for not attending the meeting, a reason which nobody believed.

3. 简洁:英美文化推崇坦率和直接,通常不需要体现咱儒家文化的含蓄和委婉。

It was small in size and blue in colour.

→ It was small and blue.

He usually likes to drink all kinds of wines that are produced in France.

→ He prefers French wines.

4. 强调:正如每篇文章都要有中心思想(main idea),每个段落都要有主题句(topic sentence)一般,每个句子都要围绕一个中心观点清晰地呈现出作者想要表现的重点。

He is modest and hardworking and is a good student.

→ He is a good student, modest and hardworking.

There is a big tree, which is said to be 300 years old, in the temple.

→ In the temple there is a big tree, which is said to be 300 years old.

At the sight of the disorderly crowd, he was aware that something bad would be possible.

→ The moment he saw the disorderly crowd, he knew that something bad would happen.

5. 多样:中文重重复,英文重替代,中英差异使然。


1. 青少年犯罪

母题:In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this case happening? How should children or teenagers be punished? (100804)

提示:青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency 产生的原因及其解决方法。可从家庭、社会、媒体三个角度分析。


2. 犯罪预防

母题:Unlike in most other countries, police in the UK do not commonly carry guns. Some people think it leaves citizens unprotected. But others think it reduces the overall violence in our society. Discuss both sides of the view and give your opinion. (040320, 040619)



3. 罪犯惩处

母题:Sending criminals to prison is not the best method of dealing with them. Education and job training are better ways to help them. Do you agree or disagree? (050618, 080918)

提示:其实囚禁imprisonment和再教育都是一种让囚犯改造rehabilitate的方法。还有community service对于轻犯和初犯都是一种不错的惩处方式。




作为新东方的VIP雅思写作老师,我的学生主要是高中生和大学生。在雅思写作的备考过程中,高中生具有自己的优劣势。一方面,他们的英语还‘热乎’ 着,不像大三大四的学生,英语已经‘凉’了几年了。而且,他们还处于高考备战的状态,能适应高强度的学习,而大学生早已经习惯了晚上不睡,早上不起的生活状态。但是另一方面,高中生由于多年来一心只读圣贤书,对社会问题缺少关注和思考,因此对雅思写作的题目比较茫然。针对这些特点,以及高中生普遍遭遇的如下问题,提出最有针对性的备考策略:

1 老师我基础弱,写作该从哪儿开始学起呢?

2 我的目标是6分,需要多长时间才能达到呢?

3 老师,市场上有很多雅思写作的书,我应该参考哪一本?

4 我该报哪个培训班?基础还是强化?

4 我什么时候安排考试比较合适?考几次?




暑假的密集基础课程结束后在家里温习一段时间,做完老师布置的作业,打扎实基础。注意这个时候不要参加考试,因为基础课程主要不是针对考试,而是针对语言。等基础夯实之后,9月份再报一个强化班。这个班主要训练考试技能,针对性比较强。强化班结课后也要消化一段时间。最后用剑桥的真题做模拟考试,当结果和预期的分数相差不大的时候,就可以报名考试了。这个阶段使用的教材我推荐《Get Ready For IELTS》。这本书是针对基础较弱的同学设计的雅思教材,其中写作部分在训练写作技能的同时也设计了语言语法训练,练习比较多,适合基础弱,时间紧的学生。


【高中生考雅思】屠鸭并不难 雅思7分经验火热分享




阅读的话,一般是不可能通篇看不懂的,但水平有限,全篇通读也不可能。所以还是需要抓重点。有时候整篇文章很多单词都很生僻,句型也十分复杂,根本不知道在讲什么,这种情况便只能依靠平时做题做出来的感觉了,因为雅思阅读不像高考阅读,需要理解后答题,所以就算没看懂也是能做的。把题目中有特点的单词或词组划出来,再到原文中找相同或意思相近的内容便能解答了。对于List of heading这样的题目,只能通过练习来掌握技巧。问题在于,三篇阅读所给的时间只有一小时,因此需要多练才能提高速度。







口语是我最差的一项。先不去管语音、语调以及对语言的组织能力,光是开口这一关就已经是相当麻烦的了,往往心里想好的句子在面对考官时就会说不出来,有时还会紧张到忘掉准备好的内容。我觉得首先要锻炼的就是自己的胆量。在考雅思之前最好能有和Native speaker交谈的经历,这样有助于消除紧张感。




Describe a mistake you once made.

You should say:

what it was

how you made this mistake

when it was

and explain how it affected you.


The biggest mistake in my life was falling in love with the wrong girl who had a completely different view of life, love and relationship. I was hardly 17 years old when I fall hard for this girl.

Initially, we were classmates and then became friends. In a year I started to feel something about her that was quite extraordinary and hard to explain. I guess people call this 'love'. My whole world started to shift and I was surrounded by a mirage for this whole time. Not a single moment had passed when I didn't think about her. She was the centre and power source of my universe. When I proposed her, she expressed her boundless joys and acted as if I should have proposed her earlier. So far, this is a sweet and innocent love story of a teenager and I was happy to have her in my life.

However, it took me only a few months to realise that she was not serious about our relationship. When she was my whole world, I was her just another temporary boyfriend. The relationship ended in ten months and I was so broken-hearted that I could not concentrate on anything for a while. My parents also knew about it and they were very supportive of me. First few days, it was quite difficult for me to get back to my normal life, study or go outside. I simply could not appease my mind that I made a great mistake and it was like an illusion that I need to come out from soon. However, when I started realising that I made a big mistake by approaching a serious relationship without even knowing the girl genuinely, I started making peace with my mind. I was completely honest with myself and that eventually helped me to get out of the depressive time I went through at that time.

The lesson learned from this mistake made me more cautious about making any kind of relationship and I am happy that I took this mistake as an event to learn a lesson. However, I often feel bad that how someone could be so naive to play with someone's sentiment so cheaply.


Describe an interesting tradition in your country

You should say:

what it is

where it came from

when it occurs

and say why you think it is interesting.


Well, China has a long and rich history, you know, so we have countless traditions, but today I’d like to talk about what usually happens during the Spring Festival, which is the most important celebration for Chinese people.

On Chinese New Year’s Eve, all the family members would come back home for the family reunion dinner, no matter where they are and how far away they are from home. And it’s not an ordinary meal, I mean, every dish has its special meaning. For example, we must eat fish that day, because in Chinese, fish is pronounced as YU which sounds like “surplus”, so you see, that’s a good wish for the coming new year, meaning that the family would make more than enough money.

And I’m sure you know the tradition that everyone has to eat dumplings on New Year’s Eve. The interesting part is, when we make the dumplings, we would mix some coins or peanuts into the fillings, and the one who get the specially made dumpling would have good luck throughout the whole year. I know it sounds a little superstitious, but it’s a time-honored tradition.

And there’s another activity we have to do during dinner, which is like a ritual, that is, to watch the Spring Festival Gala broadcast by China Central Television. It’s an annul variety show, and it’s the most watched TV show all around the world, you know, because of the large population in China.

Anyway, I think it is the tradition that helps people get in festive mood during Chinese New Year, so I believe it’s worth passing on the next generation.


Describe an interesting place in public

You should say:

what it is

how you can go there

what people do there

and explain why you think it is an interesting place.


For my job I currently live in the capital city of our country which is ... (say the name of the capital city in your country...). It has been more than 5 years since I left my hometown and yet this is the town where my heart belongs to. I will always remember the days and places where I spent my childhood and teenage, the golden years of my life. The name of my hometown is (...say the name of your hometown...) and it is located in the northern part of the (... say the city/ district name where this town belongs to...). This town will always be special to me, no matter where I go, how far I go. There are many interesting places if I consider from different perspectives in my hometown that I can recall now. Out of these places, the rail station, which is located at the southern corner of our city is the one I would like to talk about.

In my childhood, the rail station in my hometown was the most mysterious and interesting place for us. We, as children, were not allowed to enter the main premises where the train stopped and this prohibition made us more curious about this place. This is still a place which is quite interesting for me. This is possibly because this rail station is the entry and exit point for me- to and from my hometown. When the train drops me in this station, I feel a sensation of being home. On the contrary, during the time of my departure, I feel an acute melancholy that I won't be able to express in words. This place has always been a mystery to me and it is still a place full of happiness, sadness and enigma.

From two other perspectives, this place is quite interesting to me. One- the surrounding view of this station is quite spectacular and would give someone an impression that he is standing on a tall mountain and can see the green fields below all around him. The view gives the first impression of the natural beauty this area has. In fact, I have never seen any other train station which is located in such a higher place and gives such a beautiful view. Second- the different types of people who come here each day is an interesting thing to observe. Some people come here to sell numerous products, some wait for their relatives or family members to arrive, some to see off their relatives or friends, and finally, some are part of the administrative office of the rail authority. In my opinion, this is an interesting hub for people of different ages, places and purposes.

If I am to suggest a foreign tourist about the interesting places of my hometown, I would suggest him to start with this rail station. This rail station will give a very good idea of our town, people and places to be there. To me, this is the gateway to a beautiful town where my heart belongs to.


雅思阅读7分 你需要知道这些











When Denis Hennequin took over as the European boss of McDonald’s in January 2004, the world’s biggest restaurant chain was showing signs of recovery in America and Australia, but sales in Europe were sluggish or declining. One exception was France, where Mr Hennequin had done a sterling job as head of the group’s French subsidiary to sell more Big Macs to his compatriots. His task was to replicate this success in all 41 of the European countries where anti-globalisers’ favourite enemy operates.


So far Mr Hennequin is doing well. Last year European sales increased by 5.8% and the number of customers by 3.4%, the best annual results in nearly 15 years. Europe accounted for 36% of the group’s profits and for 28% of its sales. December was an especially good month as customers took to seasonal menu offerings in France and Britain, and to a promotion in Germany based on the game of Monopoly.


Mr Hennequin’s recipe for revival is to be more open about his company’s operations, to be “locally relevant”, and to improve the experience of visiting his 6,400 restaurants. McDonald’s is blamed for making people fat, exploiting workers, treating animals cruelly, polluting the environment and simply for being American. Mr Hennequin says he wants to engage in a dialogue with the public to address these concerns.


He introduced “open door” visitor days in each country which became hugely popular. In Poland alone some 50,000 visitors came to McDonald’s through the visitors’ programme last year. The Nutrition Information Initiative, launched last year, put detailed labels on McDonald’s packaging with data on calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates and salt content. The details are also printed on tray-liners.


Mr Hennequin also wants people to know that “McJobs”, the low-paid menial jobs at McDonald’s restaurants, are much better than people think. But some of his efforts have backfired: last year he sparked a controversy with the introduction of a “McPassport” that allows McDonald’s employees to work anywhere in the European Union. Politicians accused the firm of a ploy to make cheap labour from eastern Europe more easily available to McDonald’s managers across the continent.


To stay in touch with local needs and preferences, McDonald’s employs local bosses as much as possible. A Russian is running McDonald’s in Russia, though a Serb is in charge of Germany. The group buys mainly from local suppliers. Four-fifths of its supplies in France come from local farmers, for example. (Some of the French farmers who campaigned against the company in the late 1990s subsequently discovered that it was, in fact, buying their produce.) And it hires celebrities such as Heidi Klum, a German model, as local brand ambassadors.


In his previous job Mr Hennequin established a “design studio” in France to spruce up his company’s drab restaurants and adapt the interior to local tastes. The studio is now masterminding improvements everywhere in Europe. He also set up a “food studio”, where cooks devise new recipes in response to local trends.


Given France’s reputation as the most anti-American country in Europe, it seems odd that McDonald’s revival in Europe is being led by a Frenchman, using ideas cooked up in the French market. But France is in fact the company’s most profitable market after America. The market where McDonald’s is weakest in Europe is not France, but Britain.


“Fixing Britain should be his priority,” says David Palmer, a restaurant analyst at UBS. Almost two-thirds of the 1,214 McDonald’s restaurants in Britain are company-owned, compared with 40% in Europe and 15% in America. The company suffers from the volatility of sales at its own restaurants, but can rely on steady income from franchisees. So it should sell as many underperforming outlets as possible, says Mr Palmer.


M.Mark Wiltamuth, an analyst at Morgan Stanley, estimates that European company-owned restaurants’ margins will increase slightly to 16.4% in 2007. This is still less than in the late 1990s and below America’s 18-19% today. But it is much better than before Mr Hennequin’s reign. He is already being tipped as the first European candidate for the group’s top job in Illinois. Nobody would call that a McJob.

Questions 1-6

Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?

Write your answer in Boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.

TRUE if the statement reflects the claims of the writer

FALSE if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

1. McDonald was showing the sign of recovery in all European countries except France after Denis Hennequin took office as the boss of Euro-markets.

2. Starting from last year, detailed labels are put on McDonald’s packaging and detailed information is also printed on tray-liners.

3. France is said to be the most anti-American country in Europe, but the ideas of the “open door” visiting days and “McPassport” are invented in the French market.

4. Britain possesses the weakest McDonald market among European countries and approximately 1214 McDonald’s restaurants are company-owned.

5. According to David Palmer, a restaurant analyst at UBS, David Hennequin should treat the problem about McDonald in Britain as the most important thing.

6. David Palmer suggested that the management of McDonalod in Italy should sell as many its outlets which lose money in business as possible for revival.

Questions 7-10

Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 7-10 on your answe sheet.

7. The word “sterling” in line 3 of Paragraph A means__________.

A. difficult

B. menial

C. terrible

D. excellent

8. Which of the following statements on the accusation of MacDonald is NOT TRUE?

A. It tends to make people fat.

B. Its operations are very vague.

C. It tends to exploit workers.

D. It tends to treat animals cruelly.

9. Which of the following measures taken by Denis Hennequin produced undesired result?

A. “Food Studio” scheme.

B. “Open Door” visitor days.

C. The “McPassport” scheme.

D. The Nutrition Information Initiative.

10. What did Denis Hennequin do so as to respond to local trends?

A. set up a “Food Studio” .

B. established a “Design Studio”.

C. hired celebrities as local brand ambassadors.

D. employed local bosses as much as possible.

Questions 11-14

Complete each of the following statements (Questions 11-14) with words or number taken from Reading Passage 1.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.

11. After January 2004, McDonald was making improvement following a period of slump in America and Australia, but sales in Europe were ………………………….

12. Business of McDonald in France and Britain was particularly good in December since customers took to ……………………………..

13. Compared with other countries, France is McDonald’s ………………………. next to America.

14. ……………………. of McDonald’s restaurants in America are companied–owned and the figure is much lower than that in Britain. Part II

Notes to Reading Passage 1


e.g. He has many sterling qualities. 他身上有许多优秀的品质。

2. menial 不体面的, 乏味的(工作、职业)

3. spruce up打扮整齐、漂亮、装饰

4. mastermind指挥、谋划(一个计划或活动)

e.g. The police know who masterminded the robbery.警察知道是谁策划了那次抢劫。

5. underperform表现不佳表现出低于标准的工作水平、企业出现亏本

Part III

Keys and explanations to the Questions 1-14


See the second sentence in Paragraph A “One exception was France, where Mr Hennequin had done a sterling job as head of the group’s French subsidiary to sell more Big Macs to his compatriots. His task was to replicate this success in all 41 of the European countries…”.


See the last sentence in Paragraph D “The Nutrition Information Initiative, launched last year, put detailed labels on McDonald’s packaging with data on calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates and salt content. The details are also printed on tray-liners.”


See Paragraph D, E and H “Given France’s reputation as the most anti-American country in Europe, it seems odd that McDonald’s revival in Europe is being led by a Frenchman, using ideas cooked up in the French market.”.


See the last sentence of Paragraph H and first sentence of Paragraph L “The market where McDonald’s is weakest in Europe is not France, but Britain…Almost two-thirds of the 1,214 McDonald’s restaurants in Britain are company-owned…”


See the first sentence of Paragraph I “Fixing Britain should be his priority,” says David Palmer, a restaurant analyst at UBS”.


See the last sentence of Paragraph I “So it should sell as many underperforming outlets as possible, says Mr Palmer”.

7. D

See the first sentence of Paragraph A “One exception was France, where Mr Hennequin had done a sterling job as head of the group’s French subsidiary to sell more Big Macs to his compatriots”.

8. B

See the second sentence of Paragraph D “McDonald’s is blamed for making people fat, exploiting workers, treating animals cruelly, polluting the environment”

9. C

See the second sentence of Paragraph E “But some of his efforts have backfired: last year he sparked a controversy with the introduction of a “McPassport” that allows McDonald’s employees to work anywhere in the European Union..”

10. A

See the last sentence of Paragraph G “He also set up a “food studio”, where cooks devise new recipes in response to local trends”.

11. sluggish or declining

See the first sentence of Paragraph A “When Denis Hennequin took over as the European boss of McDonald’s in January 2004, the world’s biggest restaurant chain was showing signs of recovery in America and Australia, but sales in Europe were sluggish or declining.”

12. seasonal menu offerings

See the last sentence of Paragraph B “December was an especially good month as customers took to seasonal menu offerings in France and Britain, and to a promotion in Germany based on the game of Monopoly”.

13.most profitable market

See the second sentence of Paragraph H “But France is in fact the company’s most profitable market after America”.

14. 15%

See the second sentence of Paragraph I “Almost two-thirds of the 1,214 McDonald’s restaurants in Britain are company-owned, compared with 40% in Europe and 15% in America”.



2015-08-17 16:36来源:新东方网整理分享到 个人状况:大学勉强过四级,没考6级。工作后突然觉得学历不够,要继续读研,提高英语。于是断然辞职,用了将近半年多的时间复习,备考,战斗。

终于overall : 6.5 speaking:7






但4次里面,我的口语都不低于6,之后是6.5,最后是7,稳步提升。我的经验就是我从不怯场,可能和工作有关,我的沟通能力较强,比较胆大,这可能也是我胜算的原因,还有一点就是:我努力。我准备了几乎所有的话题,每天背2——3个小时,也就是说我保持说口语的状态each day,并且说的都是和雅思考试相关的内容。


所以,对口语考试,我的建议是准备所有的话题,并保证他的正确性。并准备part1 and 3,也就是说全部准备。


















雅思口语Part3话题范文:exciting activity

1.Q. Why do you think some people like doing new things?

A. Performing a new task has a different sort of pleasure regardless of mistakes or perfection. Thus, some people prefer performing newer things to taste the unknown pleasure. It is quite natural to know the unknowns and based on curiosity humans are performing new things and thus has invented numerous elements to be used for their comforts. Doing new things is like an addiction for some people and accordingly, they invent newer ways to live better.

2.Q. What problems can people have when they try new activities for the first time?

A. When it is the first time for something new, there may be different troubles. People might not come up with the changed situations or behaviours or the presence of something unwanted. The changes or the new things at the beginning may seem inappropriate or wrong and may also experience negative criticisms. It also may happen that the community is opposing to start or continue the new practice as they have never done that before or they are not instructed to execute things in that way. So, before you start or practice something unconventional or new, you should think about the issues. If someone wants to bring a change through the new activities for the first time, the negative criticisms should be accepted in a cool manner.

3.Q. Do you think it’s best to do new things on your own or with other people? Why?

A. I think it is the best idea to do or practice the new things with one’s own before making it public. The thing could be made public when it is in a perfect condition or may prove helpful to others or the community. If there are drawbacks with the new issue, it is imperative not to practice in public or you might be insulted. Most of the cases, people who try new things lack the tolerance limit of absorbing the negative remarks over the issue and consequently a complex situation is created. Therefore, I believe that the new things should be exercised privately before announcing them in public. If there are troubles with the issue, it may be discussed with few intimate mates to resolve the drawbacks but not in public, remember – not in public before the drawbacks are solved perfectly.

4.Q. What kinds of things do children learn to do when they are very young? How important are these things?

A. Usually, the children try to imitate the attitudes and behaviours when they are very. The things are highly important for them and even their parents too. They try to imitate the walking styles, eating styles, speeches, talking methods, reading books and handwriting and more other issues. But the most important thing is the way they behave is exactly copied from their parents. It is the representation of the behaviour they get from their parents at home. If the parents behave well, the kids will learn that and if the behaves are rude, they will be rude to others too. They love to copy the adults and thus the adults should be careful over the issue.

5.Q. Do you think children and adults learn to do new things in the same way? How is their learning style different?

A. The learning methods for the children and the adults are not the same. Usually, the children learn from their surrounding environment while the adults mostly learn from trial and error basis. Sometimes, they try to perform something different from others and thus they learn the newer things. Since the kids do have such options to try and make errors to learn something and they also lack maturity like the adults, simply they copy the attitudes they see performing by the adults. So, the learning styles are not similar because of experience and exercising scopes.

6.Q. Some people say that it is more important to be able to learn new things now than it was in the past. Do you agree or disagree with that? Why?

A. Currently, there are lots of changes are happening in the world. As a result, the alternatives are increasing and people could learn more things which were previously unfamiliar to them. With the advancement of science, many unfamiliar things have been discovered and the chances to gain knowledge over the issues have also increased simultaneously. Earlier, people were not that much smart and intelligent as they are now and the possibilities to experiment something newer were less than the present days. So, people did not learn well in the past and with the advancement of time and technology, knowledge gathering and sharing has been made easier. Therefore, newer things are easy to learn in the current days than before.

雅思口语Part3话题范文:spend time with a child

1.Do you think new parents should get training courses in dealing with children?

Yes because these days children are quite typical, very hyperactive, ask typical questions that sometimes parents get baffled. So dealing with their mindset and simultaneously nurturing them, these days parents require a certain skills for growing their children.

2.What are a good parent’s characteristics in your opinion?

They should be polite and at the same their threat also should be there in their children's eyes about doing any wrong things. Furthermore,they should have discipline when their kids are in their surrounding.

3.When is the prefect time to get married? Why??

when we become capable of feeding and comforting at least three people that is the time of thinking to get married. Moreover, the commitment, and mutual tuning and adaptability in relation also matter to have in a person before to make up mind to get married.

4.What types of toys should parents buy for their children?

Well, most parents tend to buy toys that their children want, or toys that they think their children might like playing with. It’s always been like that. When I was a child I can remember asking my parents for specific toys, I would see something I liked and I would want it – and tell them about it.

They also bought other toys for me which I didn’t ask for, and most of the time I liked them, too.

I don’t think you can just mandate to parents to buy just a certain type of toy – it’s important that toys are not just about fun but they can also be used to stimulate the interest of a child and each parent needs to take the interests of their child into account when considering which toys they are going to buy for their child to play with.

5.Are candies a good reward for children?

NO,they are not.When a child is rewarded at school by their teacher, at home by their parent, at an after school activity by their coach - you can do the math. It will become obvious that their intake of refined sugar and empty calories amount to way more than intended.

The second issue of concern is the message this reward practice sends; kids associate feeling happy and accomplished with sugar. This message becomes imprinted in their mind, translating into behavior pattern.When you were a child you were taught to relate feeling happy and excited with eating sugar. Therefore, when you are feeling sad and yearning that state of mind of happy thoughts, you reach for sugar to deliver it.

雅思口语Part2话题高分范文: tall building you like or dislike

Topic:Describe a tall building you like or dislike.

You should say:

what the building is

where the building is located

how you got to know the building

and explain why you like or dislike this tall building.

Sample answer:

During my summer vacation to Shanghai,I jointed the grand opening celebration for Shanghai Disney Resort and also visited some famous landmarks in Pudong district. Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower , the earliest landmark in Shanghai,is located in the financial area of Lujiazui, on the edge of Pudong District.

Oriental Pearl Radio & TV tower was the highest building in China until 2007 and it is a magnificent piece of art work because no building in history could be such aesthetical appealing.Tower has a unique shape, with a number of spheres punctuating the tower's various sections. In its spheres,there are 360 degree sightseeing spot areas,the revolving restaurant,space module,hotel bedrooms and even a small museum. Standing and facing the opposite of the time-honored and western-styled architectural complex lined along the Bund,this Tower is considered as the best sightseeing spot in Shanghai. The entire scene is a photographic jewel that excites the imagination and attracts thousands of visitors every year.

Everyone in China was talking about the Oriental Pearl Tower after it was completed in 1994.My parents showed me its pictures on the newspaper,which suddenly became the place I would like to visit most in Shanghai.

雅思口语Part2话题高分范文: beautiful garden

Topic:Describe a beautiful garden that you like.

You should say:

where it is

what you can see there

what people do there

and explain why you like it.

Sample answer:

Today I'd like to describe my grandpa's home garden,which I think is a beautiful one and which I like very much. The garden is part of his home's backyard(后院),and my grandpa's house is located in the suburbs(郊外),about a 1-hour drive (一小时车程) from the city of Shanghai. There is a big tree right in the middle of (正中间) the garden,which is surrounded by a hot hub(温泉浴缸),a small water fountain(喷泉),several bushes(灌木丛),a section for vegetables,and different kinds of flowers.

This garden was actually one of the reasons why my grandpa and grandma chose to buy this house because it had been beautifully maintained(维护) by the previous owner. It's been almost 20 years since they bought the house and now grandpa and grandma are taking care of the garden themselves. Even though they are not experts in gardening,they still try their best to plant things that we like,such as roses and tulips, and we even grow our own tomatoes.Whenever family and old friends come to visit my grandparents,they always invite them to have a relaxing time(休闲时光) in the hot tub, and enjoy the view(欣赏风景).So in other words,the garden has also become a kind of resort (度假胜地)!It definitely requires lots of hard work to properly maintain the garden, but it gives them a great sense of accomplishment(满足感) to “decorate” it the way they like.

All in all, the garden is one of the best features of my grandparents,home and it is a place where they can live and relax after their retirement(退休).


Write about the following topic:

Some people think women should be allowed to join the army, the navy and the air force just like men.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer:

Whether women should be allowed to serve in the military has triggered spirited debate. Some assert that women should be allowed to defend their country in the same capacity as their male peers. Personally, I agree with their assertion for two reasons.

History has shown that women are fully capable of performing well in the military. Historically, there were a host of valiant women soldiers whose achievements really put their male counterparts to shame. One need only look at the classic examples of Joan of Arc and Mulan to see how exceptionally women could perform on the battlefield. In my observation, their determination, courage and dignity, to this day, are still being admired by male soldiers and civilians alike throughout the world.

Moreover, from an enlightened standpoint, female patriots should be granted the right to go to the front line when their motherland is involved in a war. Admittedly, gender inequality was a highly controversial issue in the twentieth century. However, now twelve years into the new millennium, women can learn and teach, work and supervise, vote and voted in most countries just like men. In light of this sweeping progress in gender equality, there is no sense in denying them the right to defend their home country when a war breaks out.

In sum, keeping military services out of bounds of women in the information age is unwarranted. I have been convinced that it is in the best interest of a nation if women are also granted equal rights in this particular arena.


Write about the following topic:

Is freedom of speech necessary in a free society?

Model Answer:

In the last decade, there has been considerable debate over the role of free speech in a free society. Some object to absolute freedom of speech. Others advocate free speech, arguing that the freedom of speech is the single most important political right of citizens in a civilized society. Whilst I believe that there are strong arguments on both sides, I would suggest that freedom of speech should be protected in all but extreme circumstances.

The freedom of speech is important at all levels in a society. Yet it is most important for the governments. A government which does not know what the people feel and think is in a dangerous position. This is how the communist regimes of Eastern Europe were toppled in the 1980s. The same is happening again in other regions of the world today. The governments that muzzle free speech run a risk of pushing their people to behave destructively or to rebel.

Furthermore, without free speech no political action is possible and no resistance to injustice and oppression is possible. Without free speech elections would have no meaning at all. Policies of contestants become known to the public and become responsive to public opinion only by virtue of free speech. Between elections the freely expressed opinions of citizens help restrain oppressive rule. Without this freedom it is futile to expect political freedom or consequently economic freedom.

In conclusion, I believe that the importance of free speech as a basic and valuable characteristic of a free society cannot be underestimated. It may be challenging for society to allow differences of opinion out into the open; however, the consequences of restricting free speech are likely to be more damaging in the longer term.




雅思考了两次,一月之间写作提了一分,第一次备考脑洞比较大,还残留着高中题海战术+坚持不懈就能首战过的想法,现在回头看看,真是too young too simple,2战终于分手,第二次调整了一下备考方案之后每天花的时间少了,分数却提了很多把自己这一个月的心路历程分享,希望大家也能快点摆脱雅思~!!

说一下我的背景吧,老牌211 985工科生,多年不碰英语四六级低空飘过,不过高考120+底子还是有一点的,目标是6.5



就酱紫过了三个月,,,,,然后L6R7W5S6。。。说好的特别好呢 呵呵,,,说好的神一样的写作词伙

之后低沉了好几天,啥都不想做,但是无奈连着报了两次,几千大洋啊,不说了,说多了都是泪。 后来静下心来,也问了很多人(感谢陪我一起烤鸭的小伙伴,还有一直无私回答我问题的小伙伴,感受到了家庭的温暖呀TAT),才发现了自己之前的几个做法有点问题首先:X北用的人太多了,都又老又旧了,考官的眼睛是雪亮的,一些所谓的高大上词伙prolong ,make it adj for sb to do,他们看到都想吐了,其实一点朴实一点的词语不影响分数的;







1. 每日作文备考,我做了啥


2. 大作文经验






开头就是先描述这个现象,然后说说它的原因,再接着是利和弊,分两段,利和弊中间的过渡可以装得纠结一点,两者之间透露出你的立场,像(While I admit that,,, I am convinced that ...)外加给些solution,无非就是政府介入,raise awareness什么的,最后来个欢快结个尾,两句话以上。








3. 小作文经验


3.1单图题(一个图的小作文小心字数不够,用长点的句子,描述要完善):线图:主题段就写一段,尽量详细吧每个点都标清楚,拐点,极点,小趋势,总趋势可以最后总结。饼图:主题段开始表述由哪几个部分组成,然后可以按照大小(相似种类)分类描述比较(如bulk的和small portion的)。柱状图:分类,有时间的比较趋势。表格图:横向比较加纵向比较(比较时间随变化的趋势和同时间的特色点或极值)



3.4地图题历史变迁类:跟流程图差不多,用好方位词,和描述建筑转换的词(rebuild,modify,expand,stretch等)。比较选址题:仔细看每个地址的特征,两个都要有一定描述再比较,用类似(proposed,prospective,potential site/location换着说可能的地址)。得出合理的结论即可。可以参照剑桥supermarket的选址比较题。

4. 补充tips4.1作文最好找人改一改你要是不找人改的话很难知道自己的问题在哪里,毕竟当局者迷嘛~你自己看着蛮好的作文其实在别人眼里就是一坨.,而且也不用每一天都改,我一周改一篇大作文一篇小作文。考前预测可以用来练手虽然很多人苦口婆心的说预测信不过,但因为当时觉得太没把握了,就还是看了预测。




很多人喜欢用模板,特别是十天雅思写作的书籍, 如果你的分数要求是6分以下,那你大胆的用,如果想上6分或7分甚至更高,就不要用那么多的模板,就算要用,也要挑与自己水平相适应的,不要挑些看起来很高级的,其实根本没用,反而会让你分数变低。。。 因为考官其实不是讨厌那些模板,他们反感的是高级的模板与你写的文章的语言水平根本不是同一个层次的,写出来的一篇文章里层次相差太大。想想看,读一篇中文的作文,如果每段的开头结尾转折的地方都用些华丽丽的词、文言文、诗句什么的啊,但是接下来却是用最普通易懂的语言,你看了会怎么想呢?

此外,有些人认为写作要拿高分,一定要用上很多高级词汇,以显示自己的高水准,其实不然。大家可以看看剑桥书后面的考官写的范文,其中并没有所谓的高级词汇,都是一些通俗易懂的,大家都认识的单词。但是为什么那种文章就是好呢?仔细读过几遍,你会发现,那些文章写的很通顺,观点阐述也很清晰,说白了,读起来就是很舒服。其实我们也可以做到。别在那些高难度词上纠缠啦,别到时侯用词不当,拼写错误,反而弄巧成拙。我们只要做到,观点表达清楚,用些熟悉的从句,来 1-2个倒装句,再加上恰到好处的连接词,一篇好文章就出炉啦。






比如:很多人用for example,for instance来举例,其实你可以用according to the lastest research,或like Prof..x said in University of NewYork:..x… 这些都是很普通却很有说服力的连接词。而书上模板往往让你背的是:for example,on the other hand等等。



Even if machine translation were able to eradicate all the language barriers between peoples, learning foreign languages still make sense.


Even if machine translation were able to eradicate all the language barriers between people, would there be no point in learning foreign languages? By no means.



题目:Present awritten argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge ofthe following topic:

Popular events like the Football World Cup and otherinternational sporting occasions are essential in easing patriotic emotions ina safe way.


To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience andsupport your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.


Introduction例文1:When sports events are getting popular worldwide, whether it issignificant to ease the patriotic emotions in a safe way is comprehensivelydebated. In my opinion, it is quite effective on this case, while bringing somenegative influence. The question can be made clear from the following 3 aspects.


Introduction例文2:Recent years, sports events have been getting popular among thepeople throughout the world. Many believe that it is vital in easing patrioticaffections in a safe way. However, I totally disagree with this opinion,because sporting events have so many negative impacts on society, family andindividuals.



PART2: Detailed Approaches



When it comes to…


As faras…is/are concerned,


As we consider that…


If we were to consider that…


In thecase of…


In such a case,



I would point out that …


It isquite clear to me that …


In/to my opinion, …




In/from my point of view, …


As far as I am able to judge, …


As far as I am concerned, …



I absolutely agree to/with it.


I can not agree more to/with the opinion.


I would go along with this point of view.


I am for that solution.


I vote for this suggestion.


There is element of truth in both views.



Idisagree to/with it.

I amagainst that solution.

Idoubt whether the argument can bear closer analysis.

I doubtwhether the argument can hold water.


Iabsolutely agree to/with the former opinion.

I cannot agree more to/with the latter opinion.

Iwould go along with the former one.

I amfor the latter solution.

I votefor the former/latter.

Othersas well as me, hold the opinion that …


Globally,I believe…, although several individual cases should be considered.

Universally,I hardly believe…, although several merits can be observed in some cases.

It isin part beneficial to some people or group, but I still insist/assert…

Ⅱ、常用的论证 (argument)手法:




cause and effect(因果论证)

comparison and contrast(比较与对比)

factsand statistics(事实和统计数据)

concessionand refutation(让步与反驳)















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