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托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍 政治类高频词一览

废除(法律、制度等) vt. abolish

实施 vt. implement

使……合法化 vt. legalize

首要任务 n. priority

建立 vt. establish

减轻、缓解 vt. alleviate =ease =relieve

当局 the authorities

禁止 vt. forbid/ prohibit

立法 n. legislation

税收 tax revenue

民主的 adj. democratic

高效率的 adj. efficient

优化资源分配 optimize the distribution of res-ources

稳定 n. stability

解决 vt. Combat = tackle = resolve = address = grapple with

严厉的,严格的 adj. stringent

短视的 adj. short-sighted

支出,花费 n. expenditure

社会保险 social security

老百姓 n. citizens/ the citizenry

规范,管理 v. regulate/ monitor/ oversee

严禁 strictly prohibit/ ban altogether

严格的法律 stringent laws/ legislation

强制性的,按照法律或者规定必须做的 adj. mandatory/ compulsory

监督 n. scrutiny

监督 v. scrutinize/ monitor

为……拨款 allocate money to sth./ be a patron of/ invest in/ fund/ dedicate money to sth.

预算 n. budget

政府开支 the government spending/ expenditure on sth.

削减 v. curtail

增加 v. augment

当务之急 n. priority

把……当作当务之急 give priority to sth.

责任 n. duty/ responsibility/ obligation

军备竞赛 n. arms race

自卫 n. self-defense

国土安全 national security/ homeland security

缺乏远见的政策 short-sighted policy

扩张 n. expansion/ aggression

谋求霸权 seek/ pursue hegemony

恶性循环 a vicious circle

地区不稳定因素 destabilizing factors

规章制度 rules and regulations

太空竞赛 space race

武器 n. arms/ weapons/ armaments

下岗工人 laid-off workers/ downsized workers

失业 n. unemployment/ joblessness

基础设施 n. infrastructure

公共交通系统 public transportation/ transit system

电网 power grid

石油天然气管线 pipelines

给排水系统 water supply and drainage system

民主与开明的政府 a democratic and progressive government

临时的应急措施 a stopgap measure

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:advertising tell a lot about a country


Can advertising tell you a lot about a country?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising can tell you a lot about a country. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.




Advertising does not mean to educate or illustrate. Primarily it is a vehicle for business and it aims to sell products. As a result, the information we can gather from looking at advertisings is quite limited. However, the cultural ideas used to sell commodities reveal a society's value system, and from the nature of the advertising and the product it aims to sell we can draw conclusions as to which social demography might be the most affluent.

In order to be most effective an advertising campaign will make use of the cultural values of a country. Obviously, companies will be able to sell more products if a great many people relate to the goods and the images used to sell them. For example, in a country like the United States where a great percentage of the population is religious, advertisers use expressions such as heavenly, divine, or revelation, because these have connotations that prospective customers will likely identify with. Similarly, advertisers will try to employ fashion models who embody a culture's ideals of personal beauty, because attractive men and women will sell more products than unattractive ones.

Companies identify social demographics or parts of society that are most likely to buy their products and design their advertisings accordingly. For example, teenage girls are more likely to buy mobile phones than retired factory workers. Thus companies will make use of fashion trends in their ads and probably pay a famous pop singer a big chunk of money to endorse their product. If the majority of all advertisings in a country are geared towards a specific target market or audience, then this part of the population probably has the most financial resources at their disposal.

Although we can learn some things about a country by looking at its advertising we have to remember that this knowledge is limited. After all, advertising is only directed at people who have the means to buy consumer goods. Thus advertising does not tell us anything about the overall prosperity or likes and dislikes of a country. Also, advertising not only reflects but also tries to shape and change cultural values. Therefore, it does not accurately reflect the exact state of a country's culture.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:students take classes in subjects


Should students be required to take classes in many subjects or to specialize in one subject?

Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


很难说哪一个比另外一个更好。It's hard to say one is better than the other. 学习范围过于广泛(extensive)可能会导致深度不够(superficial interpretation) 学习范围过于狭窄(limited)可能会导致无知(educated ignorance) 所以,学习应该既保证广度,也要保证深度。事实上,学科之间总是存在着某种这样那样的联系。比如物理学和哲学就两个一定程度上相辅相成(be inseparably interconnected)。折衷的方法是,学校开设很多的选修课。要求学生在学好本专业课程的同时,尽量多地了解其他领域。


Universities that require their students to take classes in many subjects offer a very different educational experience from the universities that encourage specialization. As higher education becomes a more accessible commodity students will be able to choose between these two different forms of instruction. The answer to the question of which system is better depends on the student's interests and the goals of their studies.

Students who complete a degree at a university which requires them to take classes in many different subjects will receive a well rounded education. Here they will be able to develop their knowledge in different areas, and they will also have the opportunity to find out what their interests really are as they will be exposed to a variety of fields of study. Therefore, this kind of university is ideal for students who have many interests or don't know what their interests are. Also, students who have an interest in education and consider the possibility of graduate school will be able to gain a broader knowledge base before specializing later on in their academic careers. They will be able to pursue education for education's sake and not just to learn a trade. When they try to find work after graduation their versatility will allow them to apply for a wide range of jobs.

On the other hand, students who specialize will have a great advantage over students who don't when it comes to finding a job in their specific field of study. Naturally, companies will be most interested in job applicants who have superior knowledge and can thus make the greatest contributions. At the same time, the specialization system allows students to focus on their interests and the subjects relevant to them. Students majoring in physics or chemistry would feel very out of place in a course on ancient poetry or Western literature. They might consider it a waste of their time and energy. This might then have a negative effect on their educational progress in general.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:Work with a group or independently


Work with a group of people or work independently?

Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team or to work independently? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.




While some people emphasize great importance of cooperation, others argue that the significance of individual competition should not be rejected or neglected. To examine whether one is more important than the other, we have to look carefully into further details.

There are circumstances where the ability to work with group is much more important than that to work independently. More often than not, in most fields, a team can achieve much more extensive scope than an individual can, because one has less strength than many have. In team-played sports, such as football, basketball, volleyball, etc. , teamwork is often highly valued and is of essence. To get a goal or make a point, team members have to cooperate with each other, nobody could achieve without others’ help. Although individual competence is a must, too much accent on his personal ability will lead him even the whole team to a disaster.

On the other hand, there also are inverse circumstances. In vital decision-making, for example, one has to make a final choice with his/her own judgment. Let's consider the same situation mentioned above, on the very same sports ground, each opposite team has only one and should have only one coach, who must work independently to make important decisions, including which player should be replaced, which player should present on what kind of special circumstances, and so many other critical choices. The coach, like the commander in the war, stands on a position where he/she has to be competitive, and his/her only rival is the coach of the other side. Even if he/she at the same time has to consult with others, it is him/her who takes the final step, and he/she essentially has no choice but to have an excellent ability to work independently.

There seldom exists a circumstance where cooperation and competition do not coexist. The point is that emphasis on cooperation doesn't mean competition should be neglected or rejected, and vice versa. Therefore, it hasn't gone too far to say that both the ability of working with group and that of working independently are equally important.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:build a statue for someone in your country


Whom in your country would you choose to build a statue for?

Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous person in your country. Who would you choose? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.




If my city has decided to build a statue to honor a famous person in my country, I would choose a late singer, Teresa Teng. She was born in 1950s, and died of a severe asthma attack at age 41 in May 1995 while holidaying in Chiang Mai, Thailand, triggering an outpouring of grief among her legions of fans in Asia and elsewhere. During her brilliant stage career, favored by fans all over Asia, she moved millions of people. Her famous songs include “sweet”, “story of small town”, and “the moon represents my heart”, etc. It was said that it was her who introduced several generations in China to a certain field of popular music.

Her songs have accompanied the growth and development of many people in China. In the home of these generations' soul, her sweet voice has become immortal beauty and memory. Although she's gone, her sound of singing has never vanished. She is constantly commemorated; from Beijing to Taipei, Hong Kong to Singapore, her ubiquitous fans observe her commemoration from time to time, cherishing her incredible beauty, and her voice that sounds to come from heaven. Her sweet songs made her a legend, and are still regularly heard on radio, and continue to have a following in Chinese communities all over the world.

She should be remembered not only because of her beauty and voice, but also because of her great charity. She founded “Teresa Teng foundation” during her lifetime. The purpose of the foundation is to cultivate and support gifted artists, and at the same time the foundation includes a trust to distribute scholarship to make sure that art students have opportunities to accomplish what they actually can. Every year, The Teresa Teng Foundation also send a great amount of money as a charity to help homeless children. And these activities are supported by her fans all over the world.


短期旅行 n. excursion

观光 n. sightseeing

有导游的旅行 conducted tour/ guided tour

跟团游 package tour

自助游 self-conducted tour/ self-guided tour

异域风情的 adj. exotic

有益环保的旅游 n. ecotourism

背包族 n. backpacker

旅游景点 tourist attraction/ tourist spot

旅行社 travel agency

纪念品 n. souvenir

探索 vt. explore

古代留下来的东西 n. relics

城堡 n. castle

手工制品 n. handicrafts

文物 n. artifacts

珍惜 vt. cherish

收藏 n. collection

美术馆,画廊 n. gallery

开阔某人的眼界 expand one’s outlook/ vision

抽象画 abstract painting

具象画 representational painting

风景画 landscape painting

静物画 still life painting

人像画 n. portrait

油画 oil painting

壁画 n. mural/ fresco

雕刻 n. carving

萝卜青菜,各有所爱。 Different strokes for different folks.

业余的消遣 n. diversion/ pastime

休闲 n. recreation

释放压力 release stress

引领潮流的 adj. trend-setting

游乐场 amusement park

主题公园 theme park

消除担心 rid off the worries

从日常琐事中摆脱出来 get away from the daily grind

提振某人的精神 lift one’s spirits

精神消沉 one’s spirits sink

值得回忆的 adj. memorable

文化遗产 cultural heritage

民间传说 n. folktale

少数民族 ethnic minorities

外观 n. exterior

内部 n. interior

化妆品 n. cosmetics

业余爱好者,“票友儿” n. amateur

偏见 n. prejudice

虚构情节图书 n. fiction

以事实为基础的书 n. non-fiction

侦探小说 detective novel

传记 n. biography

励志书 motivational books

马赛克 n. mosaic

神话 n. mythology

乐器 musical instrument

音乐剧 n. musical

表演 n. performance

塑造某人的性格 mold one’s temperament

捕捉 vt. capture

让人放松 calm the nerves and restore the soul

芭蕾舞 n. ballet

电影n. flick

演员的(表演)或者演技 n. acting

看了开头就知道结尾的那种剧情 predictable storyline/ plot

大团圆结局 a happy ending

动画片 n. animation

特效 special effects

展览 n. exhibition

展览或者展品 n. exhibit

马戏团 n. circus

低强度锻炼 light exercise

中等强度锻炼 moderate exercise

高强度锻炼 vigorous/ strenuous exercise

越野摩托车运动 dirt biking

适度 n. moderation

健身 n. workout

有氧运动 aerobic exercises

血液循环 blood circulation

灵活性 n. flexibility

耐力 n. endurance

协调,(身体的)协调性 n. coordination

马拉松 n. marathon

田径 n. athletics

高雅的品味 exquisite tastes

古董;过时的 n.&adj. antique

超级好看的 adj. gorgeous

不好看的 adj. unsightly

巨丑的 adj. hideous

鉴赏家 n. connoisseur

爱慕虚荣的 adj. pretentious

攀比 keep up with the Joneses

涉及多种感官的 adj. multisensory

有吸引力的 adj. appealing/ attractive

极有吸引力的 adj. fascinating/ captivating

放纵自己于…… indulge in …

一个笑话最后的那句最逗的话 punch line

让人特兴奋的 adj. exhilarating

审美的 adj. aesthetic

艳俗的 adj. garish

(交响)乐团 n. orchestra

骑马 horseback riding

射箭 archery

铁人三项 triathlon

壁球 racquetball/ squash

室内自行车运动 n. spinning

美式曲棍球 n. lacrosse

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:playing a game fun only when you win


Should children be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


“as soon as they are able to do so”有些过于绝对。所以不能同意让孩子太早参加家务活动更好写一些。尽管让孩子做家务有很多的好处,但让他们过早参与家务劳动,而不顾孩子的承受能力,可能会导致孩子的逆反心理(antagonistic psychology),反倒达不到教育目的。要先让孩子明白做家务的好处,让他心甘情愿地去做才能达到教育的目的。


Helping out with household tasks is the first job that most people usually partake. From an early age, children are encouraged to help around the house, doing little tasks that help out their parents and grandparents. I believe that this is an important feature of society, and should be continued. It is very important for children to learn how to be responsible for their environment. This is a skill that they will take with them throughout their lives, and it should be fostered at an early age. If people are able to keep a clean house or workplace, they will be able to achieve tasks much more easily. For example, if children learn early in life that everything has its place, then this lesson will not only teach them to keep things tidy, but also instruct them on how to stay organized. Another reason why this is important is because it promotes a strong work ethic in children at an early age. If a child is given responsibilities around the house, and it is made sure that the child completes these tasks, the child will learn how important it is to follow through on instructions. Many parents go so far as to punish their children for not doing chores, which I think will ultimately be beneficial for the children. It will help them in all of their later endeavors in life. Finally, encouraging children to do work around the house as soon as they are able to gives them an appreciation of what their parents do for them to keep them safe, clean and warm. Many young children have no idea how difficult it is to keep a house in good condition. It is important that children learn from an early age how much their parents do for them, and learn to respect their parents more based on this. Overall, I agree with putting children to work early in life around the house. Of course, there are limits on this. Children should not become the maids of the household. They should be given enough work to encourage a strong work ethic and an appreciation of their parents, but not so much that they have no time to do anything else.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:if you could invent something new


Is playing a game fun only when you win?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing a game is fun only when you win. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.




Playing games is one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. Every country has a number of popular games that are played all the time. For example, in China, Mahjong and Chinese Chess are both very popular. I think playing game in itself is full of fun, winning a game is just a pleasure extra. It would be impossible to think that one could win a game all the time when they first start playing it. This is especially true for strategy games such as the above-mentioned. In many cases, playing against the top players of a game and losing is an honor, not a disappointment. The age-old adage says that practice makes perfect. This is as true in games as it is in any other endeavor. In order to win a game all of the time, you need to practice it over and over and learn the strategies of the game. Practice is necessary to win a game. If this was really an annoying process, no one would ever play games. However, it is the journey of the game, not the destination that is important. Going through the actual game is the fun part; if one wins a game, that is an added bonus. People truly enjoy the process of playing a game. If winning was the only thing that was important, we would all play “Rock-Paper-Scissors” all of the time. People enjoy the process of playing a game because of the social aspects. Playing a game, especially a long, enduring game like Mahjong is a bonding experience. Many of these games can last for days, being picked up and left off time and time again. Games are great for bonding with other people, which makes them excellent for improving one's social skills, in addition to having fun. In conclusion, I strongly believe that games can be fun even if I am not the winner. Games must be played a multitude of times if one hopes to get good at them, and this is a fun process to go through. Games bring us closer to our friends, as we have fun experiences with them. There are many excellent reasons to play a game besides winning.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:require children to help with household tasks


If you could invent something new, what product would you develop? Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed.




The world today is moving at a faster and faster pace. An invention that would be exceptionally useful for the human race would be an intelligent humanoid robot. On a daily basis, millions of people in China perform tasks which are exceedingly tedious, and are a tragic waste of the abilities of these people. Tasks such as house cleaning, street cleaning, some types of farming, some factory work, toll booths and a multitude of other jobs would be performed just as easily by a robot as by a man. In some cases, robots could potentially outperform man because they would not need to rest. They could perform these simple tasks at a rapid speed, and therefore would be a significant advantage in some manual labor jobs. Other tasks that people perform are incredibly dangerous, and often cause life long injuries, or much worse as to kill people. If these types of jobs were performed by machines, there would be far fewer work-related injuries and deaths. A prime example is deep sea welding on oil platforms. Every year there are many deaths of workers who hold this dangerous position. In addition, because it is such a high-stress job, the worker's lives are often shortened because of inability to cope. As machines obviously do not feel emotional stress, they would perform hundreds of times better than men do in these types of situations. Humanoid robots would also more efficiently perform complex jobs such as surgeries and manufacturing high-tech materials. For example, eye surgeries and brain surgeries require a very steady, careful hand, and an intensely varied knowledge of the human anatomy. A robot could be programmed to complete such surgeries flawlessly. Manufacturing high-tech materials is very complex, as it involves many intricate mathematical problems. A robot could be programmed to perform calculations in seconds that would take a man hours or days to perform. Therefore, I think an intelligent humanoid robot would be incredibly beneficial to the human race, although many of the tasks it performs would need to be supervised by a person, and some tasks would be impossible to perform for a robot.


污染物 n. pollutant

尽可能减少,最小化 vt. minimize

倾倒 vt. dump

循环使用 vt. recycle

灌溉 n. irrigation

居住于…… vt. inhabit

节约使用 v. conserve

保护 v. preserve

再利用 v. reuse/ recycle

短缺 n. shortage/ scarcity/ dearth/ lack

污染 v. pollute

生态系统 the ecosystem

有益于环保的 adj. eco-friendly

环境恶化 environmental degradation/ environmental deterioration

当地的居民 local resident/ local inhabitants

紫外线 ultraviolet (UV) rays

皮肤癌 skin cancer

防晒霜 n. sunscreen

有毒的 adj. poisonous/ toxic

无毒的 adj. non-toxic

免疫系统 immune system

一次性的 adj. disposable

(人)吸入 vt. inhale

负面影响 adverse effects

沙尘暴 n. sandstorm

砍伐森林 n. deforestation

可以被环境吸收的 adj. biodegradable

联合的 joint effort/ concerted effort

国际社会而不是国际社区 the international community

臭氧层 ozone layer

对……形成压力 put a strain on…

有环保意识的 adj. environmentally-conscious

不可逆的 adj. irreversible

化学反应 chemical reactions

安静的,宁静的 tranquil and serene

有限的自然资源 limited/ finite natural resources

替代性能源 alternative energy

商品包装的总称 n. packaging

污染 vt. contaminate

二氧化碳排放 carbon dioxide emission(s)

汽车尾气 exhaust fumes

酸雨 acid rain

冰川 n. glacier

排放(污染物) vt. discharge

可持续发展 sustainable development

节约 vt. conserve

植被 n. vegetation

光合作用 n. photosynthesis

太阳能 solar energy

风能 wind energy

核能 nuclear energy

水电 n. hydropower

烟雾重的 adj. smoggy

呼吸系统疾病 respiratory disease

极大的痛苦 n. agony

人造的 adj. artificial

改变,变更 vt. alter

适当的 adj. appropriate

愤慨的 adj. indignant

鼓励环保 go green

开采自然资源 exploit natural resources

热带雨林 n. rainforests

侵蚀 vt. erode

连锁反应 chain reaction

水波效应,连锁反应 ripple effect

蝴蝶效应,连锁反应 butterfly effect

彻底改变我们的生活 reshape our lives

贫瘠的土地 barren/ infertile land

肥沃的土地 fertile land

警惕 n.&vt. caution

化肥 chemical fertilizer

杀虫剂 n. pesticide

丰富的,充裕的 adj. abundant

辐射 n. radiation

(多指对环境、建筑等)破坏 wreak havoc on sth.

恶化 v. deteriorate/ aggravate

生态平衡 ecological balance ecological equilibrium

可持续发展 sustainable development

环保主义者 n. environmentalists/ conservationists

对环境无害的 adj. environmentally-friendly

各国必须携手解决环境问题 countries on this planet must join forces/ make a concerted effort unite/ combat environmental problems

增强公众关于……的意识 raise (or elevate) the public awareness of sth.

让资源承受很大压力 put a strain on the resources/ stretch resources to the limit

破坏自然环境 wreak havoc on natural resources

砍伐森林 n. deforestation

增加农产品产量 boost crop yield

可再生资源 renewable resources

消耗 v. consume/ deplete

用尽 use up exhaust

严厉的措施 n. harsh actions/ measures

某一地区所有生物总称 the wildlife in a region

生物的多样性 n. biodiversity

污水 n. effluent/ sewage

温室效应 greenhouse effect

严重的 adj. severe

白色污染产生的垃圾 non-biodegradable garbage

谴责而不是纵容 condemn rather than condone sth.

肥沃的土壤 fertile soil

贫瘠的土壤 infertile soil

耕地 n. arable land

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:advertisements promote things we do not need


Do advertisements promote things we do not need or products that may improve our lives?

Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


倾向于同意后者广告的好处:介绍新产品;降低报纸、杂志、电视节目的价格。广告的不良影响(可大多情况下,那不是广告的错,而是制作者的责任,这些可以通过法制解决) 结论是,广告有很多好处,也有一些不足,可是没有广告却是不可以的。


Over the last twenty years the amount of adverting we are subjected to in our daily lives has increased dramatically. It has got to the point where one can hardly turn his/her head without seeing a wide array of media images. I tend to agree the fact that advertisements more often than not persuade us into buying things that we do not need. Often it is difficult to discern what a product is from an advertisement. Advertisers prey on our basal emotions, conjuring strong relationships between our primary drives and their product names or logos.

A prime example of this is perfume ads. In many of these types of advertisements there are women in compromising positions, but there is no mention of the actual product for sale. These ads draw us in and make us think that we can be better and more beautiful if we have the product. In addition to being manipulative, advertisements also fill our environments and our consciousness. There is no taboo venue for advertisements; they fill our televisions, radios, streets and elevators. Some advertisers have even taken to placing images of their products in our urinals or on boxers' bodies. It is impossible to get away from them. To illustrate this point, all one has to do is to pick up a popular magazine. While flipping through the pages, one will most likely find that for every page of content there are at least two pages of advertisements. It should also be noted that a significant portion of this so called “content” is actually advertising in disguise.

Finally, advertisements feed on our insecurities and often successfully convince us that we have no value to society without their products. Advertising was originally designed to showcase products and inform us as to how they can improve our lives. This harmless form has been replaced by a medium that viciously attacks our self-confidence and self-esteem. In conclusion, I posit that the main goal of advertisements is to convince us to buy things that we do not need. As globalization continues to shrink the world, advertising coerces all countries to become consumer nations.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:traditional house or modern apartment building


Should students be given a long vacation or several short vacations?

Some people believe that students should be given one long vacation each year. Others believe that students should have several short vacations throughout the year. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.




Vacation is a very important part of student life. I would agree that it is best for the students to have many short vacations. School can be a very tiring, tedious experience at times. If students get regular breaks in between intensive periods of studies, they will be more relaxed and ready to learn new material upon returning to school. In addition to this, a change in environment, even if only for a week, gives one the opportunity to relax while reflecting on one's studies. Many students find that even a short break allows them to refresh enough to continue with school. Having many breaks throughout the year is also good for one's social life. If people have the opportunity to catch up with friends and family on a regular basis throughout the year, they will never feel as though they were losing touch with loved ones. Socializing with friends and family is also an excellent way to relax. If students frequently have this kind of opportunity, they will be more at ease and ready for the next semester of school. Moreover, if the school year is broken down into many short semesters, the schools will be able to put a greater amount of focus into the curriculum of the courses. Many students find that by the end of a long semester, they have forgotten the information that they learned at the beginning of the term. By having short, intensive study sessions, students will quickly learn a small amount of information, and thus be able to keep it locked in their minds for a long time to come. Consequently, I think that it is vastly preferable to have numerous short vacations throughout the year. Students will find that they are more relaxed, and can better focus on their studies all year round.


Live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building?

Would you prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.


关于住宅从便利性的角度来展开是比较简单的,因此选择现代公寓更容易写。相比传统的房子:主要是方便,设施更完整,上下水(sewerage system);互联网接入(accessing internet);有线电视系统(cable TV);煤气供应(gas supply);容易清扫,清扫范围少。


Choosing a home is a very personal decision to make. Some people prefer to live in traditional houses, while others would rather live in modern apartment buildings. Personally, I would prefer to live in a modern building over a traditional house. Modern buildings provide better services, they are stronger and safer, and they are more conveniently located. When people move into a modern apartment building, they are immediately surrounded by all of the comforts they could possibly want. Modern buildings typically have new plumbing and hardware. Because of this there are usually very few problems with new apartment buildings. In addition to this, they also come supplied with refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioning, and the Internet. Many new buildings have the added bonus of having a workout facility or a swimming pool. All of these advantages make an apartment a much more attractive option than a traditional house. Modern buildings are also stronger and safer than traditional houses. They are made completely of concrete, which is a very durable material. These buildings are always designed by important architects who have a detailed knowledge of building materials, and methods that ensure that natural disasters will not affect the stability of the complex. In addition to this, all modern buildings have to be inspected by engineers, who carefully evaluate the structure to ensure that it is sound and can withstand natural or unnatural disasters. Many older structures were built using the experience of the builder rather than any empirical understanding of building materials and the forces they can withstand. Traditional houses are also usually built in quiet areas outside the city. Most modern apartment buildings are constructed in the core of the city, offering the residents a wide range of services right outside their door. Detailed analyses are made by civic engineers and city planners to ensure that all necessary services are readily available. This includes transportation, shopping, employment and recreational facilities. Living too far outside the city can be a hindrance to one's business and social life.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:a long vacation or several short vacations


托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍 交通类高频词一览

交通堵塞 traffic jam= traffic congestion

危险的路况 treacherous road conditions

公交 public transit

磁悬浮列车 magnetically-levitated trains

轻轨 sky train

有轨电车 streetcar/ tram/ trolley

渡轮 n. ferry

横冲直撞 road rage

蛮不讲理的司机 aggressive drivers

不负责任地开车 reckless driving

酒后驾车 drunk driving

肇事者 n. culprit/ offender

每天经过长距离去上班的人们 n. commuter

交通量 traffic volume/ volume of traffic

交通方式 modes/ means of transportation

交通工具 n. vehicle

下降 n.&vi. decline

人口稠密的 adj. densely-populated

激增 vi. soar

拥挤的 adj. packed/ crowded

被挤在……里 be squished up

人口爆炸,人口激增 population explosion/ population boom

提高征税 impose higher taxes on

行人 n. pedestrian

罚款 vt.&n. fine

行人公交像沙丁鱼罐头那么拥挤 adj. sardine-packed

危险的 adj. hazardous

地铁的一节车厢 subway car

加长轿车 n. limo

车队 n. fleet

拼车 n.&vi. car-pool

大都市的 adj. metropolitan

过度拥挤 n. overcrowding

撞车 n. collision/ car accident

人口密度 density of population

高架桥,过街天桥 n. overpass

地下过街通道 n. underpass

内燃机 internal combustion engine

柴油机 n. diesel engine

蒸汽驱动的 adj. steam-driven

汽油驱动的 adj. petrol-driven

以氢气为动力的 adj. hydrogen-driven

混乱的 adj. chaotic

马拉的观光车 horse-drawn carriage

欧洲古代的战车 n. chariot

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:the thing representing your country


The thing representing your country

If you were asked to send one thing representing your country to an international exhibition, what would you choose? Why? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.




If I were to send one thing to an international exhibition that represented my culture, it would be rice. Chinese culture, boasting a lengthy history, is composed of numerous sub-cultures. The agricultural way of life, centered around rice, has played a vastly important part in the country's history. For thousands of years, the Chinese have been diligently cultivating their land. Blood, sweat and tears have been shed over their soil in the pursuit of favorable harvests. This reliance on the land for so many thousands of years accounts for China's strong rural essence. The need for rice production has led the Chinese to pay particular attention to irrigation technologies and improving cultivation. The agricultural way of life, centered on rice, has had a strong influence on the social, economic, political and ideological developments of ancient China. In this sense, traditional Chinese culture may be considered a “rice culture.” “A meal without rice,” the Chinese say, “is like a beautiful woman with only one eye.” In China, where the word for rice is also the word for food, young girls are warned that every grain of rice they leave in their bowls will be a pockmark on the face of their future husbands. Instead of saying, “How are you?” as a typical greeting, the Chinese ask “Have you had your rice today?” Quitting or losing a job is called “breaking the rice bowl” and it is bad luck to upset a bowl of rice. Rice is also a very important commodity in today's society. It is one of the major exports in China, allowing people all over the world to take part in something that emanates Chinese culture. Rice remains a staple food for both the rich and the poor, and there is hardly a meal had in our country that does not involve this fine grain. As you can see from the above-mentioned text, rice is an integral part of Chinese culture and tradition. While Chinese culture is spread over a vast number of arts and crafts, I believe that it is the humble, but profound rice that speaks to us all, and most poignantly represents the essence of our culture.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:teachers paid according to students


Should teachers be paid according to how much their students learn?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn. Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


不能同意。乍看起来(at the first glance)很有道理。问题在于:教育不是商品。如何保证能够确切地衡量学生究竟学到了多少?学生学到多少,并不是老师一个人的事情,还要看学生自身的素质(quality);能力(capacity)等等。如果采取了这样的方式,就会出现老师迎合(cater to/ pander to/ play up to students' taste)学生而不是引导 (guide; lead)学生,违背了教育的原则。


People usually believe that teachers have the most important job in all of society. They raise our children to be forward-thinking, bright individuals. They ensure that children get along with each other, and learn to work together as a team. As such, being a teacher typically means a stable paycheck. However, when some people propose that teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn, I can hardly agree. First of all, students may not be interested in learning. When students are not interested in learning, the teacher can hardly be held responsible. The teacher can grade them harshly, keep them in after class, and discipline them severely, but the students will still not learn if they do not want to. If the teacher is trying his/her best to teach the students, and the information is presented clearly and succinctly, he/she can do no better job. Moreover, there is a limit on how much a child can learn. If a teacher was to be paid according to how much his/her students learned, there would be a certain point where he/she could teach them no more. I remember when I was in high school, there would be moments in the year when I didn't think I could fit any more information into my head. This was not my teacher's fault, and the point is that I just was not absorbing the material. I think many teachers would find this problem if they were paid by how much their students learnt. Most importantly, teachers should not be paid according to how much their students learn because some of the lessons that a student learns cannot be measured by a test. We cannot simply give children a test to discover how much they have learnt in a class. Tests rarely measure one's social skills, one's ability to communicate, or one's ability to integrate successfully into the world. However, it is the teachers who help students to manifest these qualities.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:modern technology creat world culture


Is modern technology creating a single world culture?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


立场:不同意。确实技术的进步使得各个文化之间的差异减少了。(可以举出很多例子) 但是有一些文化差异是不会改变的。(也可以举出很多例子) 结论:技术将使文化间的差异变少,却不可能形成一个single world culture。


Through modern technology such as TV, telephone, and the Internet, it has become easier for people from different cultures to communicate. In a sense the world has become a smaller place. However, it is questionable if technology is creating a single world culture, because, even though a cultural exchange is taking place, accessibility of this technology is still very limited, and, more importantly, people have come to value the differences inherent in their cultures.

People around the world are taking advantage of the opportunities, presented by modern technology, to learn about other cultures. Not only foreign movies, music, and books communicate with the locals, but the different cultural values do, which are readily available on DVD, CD and via the Internet. Similarly, TV broadcasts fashions across the world and a new style of dress will likely catch on quickly in different parts of the globe. People adopt foreign things they like and make them their own. In this sense cultural assimilation is taking place.

However, while some societies and their cultures are technologically advanced and thus connected with other parts of the world, the majority of the world's population lives largely isolated. Such isolation is the result of limited technological resources, which in turn is, generally, related to poverty. For example, nearly the entire continent of Africa is impoverished. Its people have few means to learn about other cultures, and even if they did they would have little use for Western culture, which to a great extent is a consumer culture. They are also extremely limited in the ways they can educate people from other parts of the world about their cultures.

Finally, people who are learning about foreign cultures generally come to appreciate and accept the differences between other cultures and their own. They recognize the value of variety. The enjoyment they derive from experiencing foreign languages, dances, songs, visual and culinary arts, also allows them to see the value in their own cultures' achievements. Therefore, cultural exchange does not necessarily result in the melting of many cultures into one.


托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍 工作类高频词一览

焦虑 n. anxiety

分配 vt. assign

冲突 v.&n. conflict

热情地接受 v. embrace

尝试 n.&v. attempt

竞争激烈的 adj. competitive

技巧很高的 adj. accomplished

在……方面很出众 vi. excel in …

蓝领 n. blue-collar

白领 n. white-collar

谈判 n. negotiation

应试技巧 n. technique

胜利 n. triumph

反馈 n. feedback

工作非常勤奋的 adj. industrious

建设性的 adj. constructive

有压力的 adj. stressful

令人筋疲力尽的 adj. exhausting

高薪/底薪工作 high-paying jobs/ low-paying jobs

工资过高的 adj. overpaid

升级 vt.&n. upgrade

同事 n. colleague

同事 n. coworker

同事(蓝领) n. workmate

明确的目标 clear-cut/ specific goals

员工的热情 staff morale

可行的 adj. feasible

耗时间的 adj. time-consuming

妥协 n.&v. compromise

牺牲 n.&v. sacrifice

责任分配 delegation of responsibilities

工作量 n. workload

心理压力 psychological strain

裁员 n. layoff/ downsizing

尽职尽责的 adj. conscientious

当名词时是“做某事的途径”,当动词时是“靠近” n.&vt. Approach (to)

招聘 vt. recruit

激烈的竞争 stiff/ fierce competition

高水准的 adj. high-caliber

重大错误 n. blunder

有热情的 adj. enthusiastic

讨厌的人或东西 n. nuisance

自我表达 n. self-expression

自我印象,对自己的评价 n. self-image

自尊 n. self-esteem

远程会议 n. teleconference/ teleconferencing

一种很知足的状态 n. contentment

评价,评估 n. assessment/ evaluation

时间限制,时间上的制约 n. time constraints

不愿意去做某事 be reluctant to do sth./ be unwilling to do sth.

“工作”的正式说法 n. profession/ occupation

事业 n. career

天职 n. calling

敬业精神 work ethic

职业水准 n. professionalism

很高的专业素养 n. expertise

经验丰富的 adj. experienced

工作单位 n. workplace

白手起家的创业者 n. entrepreneur

事业心强的 adj. enterprising

艰巨的 adj. daunting/ formidable

睡眠严重不足的 adj. sleep-deprived

(人)闲着的,(物品)闲置的 adj. idle

重要的 adj. significant→essential→vital

狂热 n. zeal

十分投入的 adj. devoted/ fervent/ ardent

高尚的 adj. lofty/ noble

工作满意度 job satisfaction

稳定性 n. stability

非常难做的工作 back-breaking work

给人的精神压力很大的 adj. nerve-racking

和压力有关的疾病 stress-induced diseases

努力 exert oneself

满足感 n. gratification

合作 vi. collaborate (with)

就业技能 employable skills

人际交往能力 interpersonal skills

职业前景 career prospects

重复性的 adj. repetitive

自由职业者 n. freelancer

自雇的 self-employed people

人员,员工(集合概念) n. personnel

有竞争力的 adj. competent

完美的 adj. flawless

失眠 n. insomnia

加班 work overtime

工作狂 n. workaholic

激励物,奖励条件 n. incentive

奖励,回报 n. reward

以身作则 lead by example

团结 n. solidarity

一致 n. unity

苛刻的 adj. demanding

薪酬 n. compensation

抱怨 vt. whine

员工福利 fringe benefits/ perks/ employee benefits

偏执的 adj. compulsive

礼仪 n. etiquette

合作 n. collaboration

超级忙碌的 adj. hectic

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:is daily homework necessary for students


Is daily homework necessary for students?

Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.


基本上同意。给学生留作业的是因为学生缺乏自学能力。因此,老师通过留作业可以使学生不知不觉地完成知识的吸收。学习是一个系统的过程。系统的重复(systematical repetition)是学习过程中的一个重要机制 (mechanism)。而留作业,也正是通过这个机制使学习更加有效。但是,有些老师留作业不科学,还不如不留。留作业太多,造成副作用(counter-effect; negative effect),使学生厌学(be weary of studying) 另外,要看是哪个阶段的学生:小学(elementary school)一二年级,就不要留作业了吧?初中以上,留作业的同时是不是应该更注重培养学生的自学能力呢?上了大学之后,还要每天留作业,就很古怪了吧?

For students the only good homework is no homework. This has been a truism for as long as schools have existed. However, the practice of newly acquired knowledge and the preparation for new lessons are essential parts of the learning process. Teachers understand this and give assignments accordingly.

Nevertheless, there is such thing as too much homework. Whether daily homework is useful or not depends on the age of the students and the subjects in which the work is assigned, and teachers also have to take into account the possible negative effects of overwork. The age of a student or, better yet, the stage of the personal development of a student has to be considered when deciding on the amount of homework assigned. Elementary school students respond differently to daily homework than senior school students. They are more limited in their ability to concentrate on a subject and take in knowledge. These are skills that are developed over time. In addition, they will need time to learn other important lessons, for example how to interact socially and behave in a group of their peers.

Thus, instead of daily homework, these students need time to play with their friends. The need for daily homework also differs from subject to subject. For example, in the areas of mathematics and languages continuous engagement with the subject matter is necessary, because it allows a student to internalize important concepts and mechanisms. In the field of history, on the other hand, it is more important that students grasp greater concepts. Memorizing dates and places is important, surely, but, if forgotten, these can always be looked up in the textbook. In these subjects daily homework is not only unnecessary but it might discourage students from taking an interest in the topic.

After all, learning is largely a voluntary activity, and teachers have to consider the possibility that too much homework will frustrate the students. As a result, students might become less interested in the subject or less willing to learn. Consequently, the good intentions of the teacher could very well have the opposite effect and a student will learn less.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:opportunity to study new subject


Choose a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study.

If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.


比较自由的题目,选一个科目,然后罗列三个理由。比如,学医可能比自己目前的专业更容易找工作(可以给自己编造一个非常偏僻的专业);救死扶伤很有成就感;家人身体不舒服却束手无策(have no more arrows left in one's quiver; at one's wits' end)很不好受等等。


Students graduating from colleges today are not fully prepared to deal with the “real world.” It is my belief that college students need to be taught more skills and information about personal finance management to enable them to meet the challenges that face everyone in daily life, which includes playing the credit game, planning their personal financial strategy, and consumer awareness.

Learning how to obtain and use credit is probably the most valuable knowledge a young person can have.

Credit is a dangerous tool that can be of tremendous help if it is handled with caution. Having credit can enable people to obtain material necessities before they have the money to purchase them outright. But unfortunately, many, many young people get carried away with their handy plastic credit cards and awake one day to find they are in serious financial debt. Learning how to use credit properly can be a very difficult and painful lesson indeed.

Of equal importance is learning how to plan a personal budget. People have to know how to control money; otherwise, it can control them. Students should leave college knowing how to allocate their money for living expenses, insurance, savings, and so forth in order to avoid the “Oh, no! I'm flat broke and I don't get paid again for two weeks!” anxiety syndrome.

Along with learning about credit and personal financial planning, graduating college students should be trained as consumers. The consumer market today is flooded with a variety of products and services of varying quality and prices. A young person entering the “real world” is suddenly faced with difficult decisions about which product to buy or whose services to engage. He/She is usually unaware of such things as return policies, guarantees, or repair procedures, information of this sort is vital knowledge to everyday living.

For a newly graduated college student, the “real world” can be a scary place to be when he or she is faced with such issues as handling credit, planning a budget, or knowing what to look for, when to make a purchase and whom to purchase it from. Entering this “real world” could be made less painful if people were educated in dealing with these areas of daily life. What better place to accomplish this than college?


托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍 成就类高频词一览

决心 n. determination

座右铭 n. motto

家喻户晓的名字 a household name

有一定成就的(形容人) adj. established

辉煌的 adj. glorious

绝望 n.&vi. despair

适应能力强的 adj. adaptable

名望 n. fame

(很高的)声望 n. prestige

名声 n. reputation

不幸 n. misfortune

概率 n. probability

残疾的 adj. disabled

在某方面成功 succeed in sth.

态度 n. attitude

毅力 n. tenacity/ perseverance

一种直接而且被证明有效的去除……的方法 a proven and straightforward way to do sth.

努力去做的事情 n. commitment/ undertaking/ endeavor

很有本事极容易成功的人 go-getter

很多人都希望得到的 adj. highly-sought-after

逆境 n. adversity/ hardship

很渴望得到…… have a yearning/ longing/ craving for sth.

个人通过自身努力获得更高社会地位的可能性 upward mobility

优秀的 adj. remarkable→excellent→outstanding→distinguished

意志力 n. willpower

挫折 n. setback

坚忍不拔的 adj. rugged

顽固的 adj. stubborn

决定性的,有决断力的 adj. decisive

不可逾越的 adj. insurmountable

某方面技能很高 be adept in

不知名的,默默无闻的 adj. obscure

身份和地位的象征 status symbol

战略,行动安排 n. strategy

坚持 adhere to

对手 n. rival

不切实际的幻想 n. illusion

不可缺少的,绝对必要的 adj. indispensable

深思熟虑的 adj. well-thought-out

从贫穷到富有的成功故事 a rags-to-riches story

昙花一现 be a flash in the pan

长处 n. (pl.) strengths

弱点 n. (pl.) weaknesses

重大的过错 n. blunder

可以原谅的错误 n. peccadillo

有魅力的 adj. charismatic

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:computers and human life


Computers and human life

Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


观点是:计算机带来了方便的同时也造成了很多的麻烦。尽管如此,计算机的发明仍然是伟大的进步。计算机带来的方便,数不胜数(beyond count; countless; too numerous to count) 计算机带来的麻烦,比如:千年虫(Y2K)问题;电子游戏的负面作用;网络即时聊天系统(instant message programs such as ICQ, MSN messenger, Yahoo paper etc.)


For every individual who praises the advent of the computer age there seems to be a computer phobic person. Truly, many people are having a difficult time warning up to this machine and its ubiquity. The computer appears to have made life more complex because it can be difficult to understand and it has quickened our pace of life and thus caused stress, but once people learn how to use it they will be able to appreciate the conveniences it has to offer.

Many people, especially older generations, are not familiar with computers and therefore uncomfortable with them. They find the machine's workings too complex and difficult to understand. Even the terminology seems like a completely different language, because twenty years ago nobody knew what words like software, hardware, or network connection meant. When people heard the word mouse they thought of a rodent. This has changed today, and few teenagers would make the same mistake as their grandparents. It is also true that computers have quickened the pace of life by allowing us to communicate and do business more efficiently, and this can certainly result in stress. After all, time saved is usually spent on accomplishing more tasks, and thus personal and professional schedules have become more crowded. The stress factor increases yet again when the technology on which we rely breaks down. Few people understand their computers well enough to fix them, and as entire companies depend on this technology to handle all of their business needs, a single broken computer can wreck a lot of havoc. Nevertheless, computers and the Internet have become an integral part of everyday life. Computers are here to stay, because they facilitate many of our everyday processes and we have already grown dependent on them. Today computer owners use their machines not only to communicate and do business but also for entertainment. As people learn more about computers they will become more comfortable with them, and technological progress will fix many of the small annoyances that cause stress to their owners.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:do grades encourage students to learn


Do grades encourage students to learn?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


不同意比较好写一些。承认grades的一些意义的情况下,指出grades的众多副作用。观点:Grades do not always encourage students to learn. Grade对学生的好处:便于教学体系的整体管理。有利于学生循序渐进(follow the principle of gradual improvement)地学习。可以使学生了解自我的学习效果。 Grade带来的副作用:无情的竞争使学生们为了高分而不择手段(resort to every expedient),比如作弊 (cheat)。高分带来骄傲(arrogant; be too big for one's shoes/boots),而低分使学生灰心失望(lose hope) 甚至放弃(abandon learning motivation)。


Does grade really encourage students to learn, and guarantee a qualified education? Hardly. Given the opportunity, students spend time using their intelligence to figure out how to get a higher or top grade without doing the real work of the course and without thinking, rather than spending the same time thinking and exploring, regardless of what grade this may bring them. It isn't that these students are not motivated. It's just that they're not motivated to learn as much as they're motivated to get good grades. Once one became grade-oriented in your thinking, it is difficult for him/her to stop thinking that way.

Anybody who gets top grades is, in some sense, a winner of the system. But these seeming winners are, far too often, losers of a more important game. To win the grade competition in high school, most of these “winners” learned to ask what was expected of them and then do just that. They had to make sure they got high SAT scores by memorizing endless vocabulary words and by practicing a 1001 uses of the Pythagorean Theorem. They wanted to know from their high school teachers if the material being covered on a given day was going to be on the test, because they realized early on that the test is all that matters.

When these “successes” of the system arrive in college, they, of course, have not changed their attitudes. They fear open-ended assignments. They are impatient with discussions mat are not going in any particular direction except where the interests of the discussants dictate, since they know that such discussions waste time that could have been better spent studying for a test. What these students have learned from school is the underlying message that the world is run by authorities who have definite points of view. The system has taught them that the way to get along in the world is to understand and to cater to those points of view espoused by the educational “authorities”.

Cleverness pays, but disagreement does not. Such students are in the process of becoming “yes men.” On the other hand, students who do less well in high school are often rebelling against curricula they see as irrelevant to their lives. This type of student judges what goes on in school according to how well it relates to his own day-to-day concerns. If algebra does not seem relevant to the problems such students face, then they see little need to pay attention to it. Under such circumstance, the school might have been able to embed algebra instruction inside a task they cared about, causing them to want to know algebra because it would help them do something they wanted to do. But schools generally don't think like this, so the conclusion drawn by many students is mat since so much is irrelevant, they might as well tune it out. These students learn to get by as well as they can, separating themselves from other kids who are willing to play the game.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:how to choose a job


Choosing a job: high-paying with long working hours, or low-paying with short working hours?

Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.




I am optimistic that through my studies and continued hard work I will be able to find a job that will provide my future family and me with financial security. We should be able to afford the necessities of life, such as a modest home, enough food to nourish us and keep us in good health, as well as education for our children. Hopefully, I will find myself in the fortunate situation where I can decide between a high-paying job with long hours and a lower-paying job with shorter hours. I would choose the job with the lower salary and greater personal time without hesitation, because my family and friends are the most important things in my life.

Time is the greatest investment I can make into the relationships with my wife and my children. A marriage is not just a decision one makes but a promise that one keeps. In order to do so one has to be there for the other person and share moments of joy as well as times of difficulty. Nowadays, too many relationships wither away as the partners are unable to work out their problems or bond through meaningful experiences. Personal careers become too important and family time becomes a rare occurrence.

The absence of one parent, due to professional career or divorce, can have a very negative effect on a child's development. The child might question his value to father or mother (depending on which one is continually absent) and develop low self-esteem. Without the presence of either or, worse, both parents, the child will be more likely to make bad decisions as he is lacking proper guidance. And there is one point should also be mentioned, i.e. neither expensive toys nor fancy clothes can compensate for this.

Lastly, I can derive more pleasure from spending time with my friends than I ever could from driving a sports car or taking luxury vacations. The inner peace and balance that I enjoy from their company are invaluable to me. Also, a million dollars in the bank would be worth nothing if I didn't have the time to enjoy these riches with my friends.


托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍 友谊类高频词一览

察觉到 vt. detect

外貌 n. appearance

吸引,吸引力 n. attraction

喜欢社交的 adj. sociable

忠实的 adj. loyal

志向 ambition

陪伴 n. company

(人)动手能力强的,(物品)轻便的 adj. handy

乐于并善于合作的 adj. cooperative

有条理的 adj. organized

聪明的 adj. intelligent

有天赋的,有才华的 adj. gifted/ talented

体育好的 adj. athletic

无忧无虑的,乐天派的 happy-go-lucky/ carefree

相互的 adj. mutual

有艺术气息的 adj. artistic

真诚的 adj. sincere

直率的 adj. candid/ frank

背叛 vt. betray

敌意 n. animosity/ antagonism

靠不住的朋友 fair-weather friend

好感,关爱 n. affection

拥抱 n.&vt. hug

安慰某人 vt. reassure sb./ comfort sb.

肤浅的,表面化的 adj. superficial/ shallow

表述清晰的,口才好的 adj. eloquent

永恒的 adj. eternal

活泼的,活跃的 adj. lively

谦虚的 adj. modest

尴尬的 adj. awkward

对自己所处状态感到紧张或缺乏自信的心态 adj. self-conscious

两难的困境 n. dilemma

确定性 n. certainty

真实的,真正的 adj. genuine

低估 v. underestimate

美德 n. virtue

调解 v. reconcile

荒.唐可笑的 adj. absurd/ ridiculous

很烦人的 adj. irritating

承受力或者恢复能力强的 adj. resilient

低调的 adj. low-profile/ low-key

很支持的 adj. supportive

有感染力的 adj. contagious

豁达的,接受能力强的 adj. open-minded

狭隘的生活态度 a parochial outlook toward life


内向的 adj. reserved

富有同情心的 adj. compassionate

不爱多说话的 adj. reticent

让某人逐渐放得开 bring a person out of his/ her shell

本意虽好但把事情做砸了的 adj. well-intentioned/ well-meaning

自我欺骗 n. self-deception

爱骗人的 adj. deceitful

自信的 adj. assertive/ self-assured

容忍的 adj. tolerant

机灵的 adj. witty

有智慧的 adj. wise

体贴人的 adj. considerate/ thoughtful

理解他人的,善解人意的 adj. understanding

口齿清楚的,表达能力强的 adj. articulate

很逗的 adj. amusing

极度搞笑的 adj. hilarious

过于自我的 adj. egotistical

漠然的 adj. indifferent (to )

孤立的 adj. isolated

喜欢虚荣的 adj. vain

懒散的 adj. laid-back

很友善的 adj. congenial

优雅的 adj. elegant≈ graceful

好朋友 n. chum

花束 n. bouquet

杰出的 adj. prominent

(人)老练的,(工具)复杂高端的 adj. sophisticated

顽强的 adj. touch

琐碎的adj. trivial

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:the best way to travel


Is traveling in a group led by a tour guide the best way to travel?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


不能同意这个观点。因为题目中用到了绝对修饰词the best。建议大家罗列两三个除了用导游之外的旅游方法:独自旅游;与同事、朋友相伴等等。或者按照不同的情况下有不同的选择的思路来写也是不错的选择。


Those lucky enough to travel, particularly those fortunate enough to visit foreign countries, face the decision of traveling in a group with an experienced tour guide or traveling by themselves. The choice is a difficult one as both ways of travel have advantages. personally, I believe that, although traveling in a group with a tour guide is obviously convenient, the benefits are often not significant enough and in many ways traveling in this kind of way can limit one's travel experience.

The conveniences of group travel with a tour guide include the fact that one easily meets other people and thus has a more enjoyable and comfortable travel experience. This is particularly important when traveling in a foreign country where a language barrier prevents interaction with the locals and isolation can become a problem. The tour guide is often experienced in generating a jovial atmosphere within the group, and his/her knowledge of the foreign culture and places of interest provide travelers with a greater appreciation of their trip. Also, and maybe most importantly, when traveling with a guide the individual traveler normally does not have to worry about hotel reservations and transportation. Those aspects are taken care of.

On the other hand, convenience might not be important to a traveler, and traveling alone allows far more personal freedoms. For example, one can easily make changes to the travel itinerary. The traveler can choose to stay in certain places or move on more quickly than otherwise possible, because he does not follow a set schedule.

Learning about culture and places of interest is also easy as that information is readily available in books.Furthermore, travelers tend to congregate, and it is very easy to meet fellow vacationers who might have insightful tips as far as where to go and what to do. Generally, basic command of the English language suffices to have such informative exchanges with other travelers and locals, who are often eager to share their customs and culture.

Therefore, traveling outside a large tour group can result in a richer and more genuine experience, and I believe this experience to be more exciting to me.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:what discovery benefit your country the most


What discovery in the last century has been most beneficial for your compatriot?

What discovery in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.


这是一道比较自由的题目,可以随意发挥。比如:发现很多油田(经济意义、政治意义、社会意义);发现必须改革开放(reform and open; reform and open to the outside world; reform and open up; reform and openness◇改革开放政策 the policy of reformation and opening);发现计划经济(planned economy)体制 (planning system)问题等等。


In the last hundred years man has set a new mind-blowing rate for the development of new technologies. New products are being conceived every minute of every day, all of which will impact man in some respect. However I believe that the most beneficial invention, over the last hundred years is the Internet. Internet allows us to access any information our hearts desire. With the power of the World Wide Web, one can receive information from any country in the world allowing individuals the ability to locate and acquire anything imaginable. Locally, computers via the Internet allow us to search out a variety of services that are necessary for day to day living. This can make living in one of China's many big cities a much more comfortable experience. From net games to online chatting to viewing movies or Websites, Internet has the ability to entertain us in a wide variety of ways. For example, many people join forums where they can chat with their peers about any variety of topics. Many movie trailers are first released on the Internet where enthusiastic fans can be the first to catch a glimpse of the latest and greatest blockbusters. Computers also bring us the world of instant messaging, allowing people with a computer and an Internet connection to chat for free with their friends and colleagues anywhere in the world. Internet has changed the very way businesses operate, bringing efficiency and convenience to the work place. The most obvious development is the use of emails instead of surface mail. Emails allow businesses to communicate large amounts of information almost instantly, saving time, paper and postage fees. Instead of making long distance telephone calls, some businesses have started using Web conferencing. Web conferencing not only eliminates long distance fees, but also allows two parties to see each other in real time and simultaneously work on projects through program sharing.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:is Internet information valuable or problematic


Internet information: valuable or problematic?

Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to so much information creates problems. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


不要急于选择,先进行比较。 Internet带来的好处:更多的信息。更多的交流。Internet一定程度上提升了言论自由,进而导致社会发生变化。 Internet带来的坏处:大量的信息是uneditted的,可信度无保障(less reliable);大量的有害内容;大量的游戏网站导致孩子们浪费大量时间。 Internet在技术上是进步。尽管internet也带来了一些不好的影响,但是我们不应该拒绝进步。


The Internet is a great invention be cause it disseminates information freely. Freedom of information is in the interest of a country and its citizens, but, in light of the information anarchy on the Internet, people need to learn and understand how to evaluate and use the information they find at their fingertips.

The Internet promotes freedom of information and freedom of speech, which are integral part of a successful modern democratic society. With innumerable news sources at their disposal citizens have the opportunity to educate themselves, and this knowledge will allow them to contribute to the progression of their society.

Similarly, the ability to consult different viewpoints, especially those diverging from their own, will allow people engage in meaningful dialogue with other citizens. The result of this continued discourse will be a more open minded and also tolerant society. As a vehicle of communication the Internet will connect people of the same interests and the same concerns. Thus connected citizens will be encouraged to work together and they will become active participants of society rather than passive subjects.

Critics of the Internet's free flow of information are concerned that people will fall victim to bad or rather incorrect information and act on it. This concern is warranted in so far that the Internet is intrinsically anarchic, and anybody with a computer can create Website and post information thereon. As a result, it can be very difficult to determine what information is correct or reliable and which is not. However, difficult as it may seem, there are ways that one can navigate the information jungle of the Internet and arrive at conclusions. In order to do so one has to learn to valuate sources of information. For example, the Website of a research scientist at a major university or that of a well-known non-profit organization is a more reliable source of information than the personal Website of a senior school student.












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