- 目录
我们对一个句子的理解,有很多种解释。通常人们看到一个句子,会首先确定单词。这个时间很快,快到我们反映不过来,不过语言学家们已经证实有这个过程。确定单词后,大脑会反应单词的意思。最先反应的是经常用到的意思。比如The old manthe boat. 这里,眼睛定位单词后,大脑迅速把old man认为是一个名词组。当我们接着看,感觉不对,才会回头去分析这个句子。
这个理论告诉我们,你大脑中的高频词,直接影响你对句子的理解。应用到托福阅读考试中,各位需要把各个学科的高频词多看一下,比如生物的光合作用、新陈代谢,地理的地壳、_X岩石之类的。 对各种名词片语、动词片语进行修饰的形容词,副词。说起来很多,其实各位有坚持做老托真题和新托的黄金23篇,可以发现这些词语重复率很高。
另外,人对句子的理解是线性的。语言能力越差的(比如小孩子),只能理解句子的越前面,造成理解错误。(此理论仅限英语。中文不行,其他各种语言本人水平有限,不知道)从小孩子的实验来看,3到5岁的小孩理解句子只能记住前面部分。比如:Put the frog on the red paper in the box.小孩子会把青蛙放到红纸上。这里可以看到,他们阅读的时候把句子意思理解错了,没有看完。但是,非常有趣的现象是,这句话我们说给小孩子听的时候,100%的小孩子都做出了正确的选择 - 即把红纸上的青蛙装到了盒子里。
语言学给出了我们解释,影响人们认知句子的,还有语音。根据这个实验,再结合平时我自己的情况,我推出了一个有理论依据的猜测: 阅读时候习惯读出声来的,会让你对句子的理解偏靠语音!从而让你对直接托福阅读句子的能力下降!很多人肯定喜欢边阅读边读,感觉这样可以加深理解。我同意,但是,如果你花了30分钟在阅和读上,那至少再花30分钟在阅上!不能让读的时间超过你看的时间。
就像我以前一样,喜欢边看边读,结果习惯了,看文章的时候,眼睛已经定位一个比较长的词语,很熟悉很熟悉,但是语音还没读到那个单词上,我的思维就卡住了,直到我读出了那个单词,我才知道这个单词的意思。 这里可以看到,我已经对语音很依赖了!这个现象非常危险。
朗读的速度太慢了,浪费时间。而且ETS给出的文章中有大量故意制造的难句,就像刚才的例子:The old man the boat,肯定要导致你回头重读。你的时间是不够的。
Geologists have long known that the Earth's mantle is heterogeneous, but its spatial arrangement remains unresolved—is the mantle essentially layered or irregularly heterogeneous? The best evidence for the layered-mantle thesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found on oceanic islands, islands believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle,are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the midocean ridge system, whose source, most geologists contend, is the upper mantle.Some geologists, however, on the basis of observations concerning mantle xenoliths, argue that the mantle is not layered, but that heterogeneity is created by fluids rich in “incompatible elements” (elements tending toward liquid rather than solid state) percolating upward and transforming portions of the upper mantle irregularly, according to the vagaries of the fluids' pathways. We believe, perhaps unimaginatively, that this debate can be resolved through further study, and that the underexplored midocean ridge system is the key.
spatial: a.1.空间的,太空的;2.存在(或者发生)于宇宙空间的
plume: n.1.羽状物2.柱,地柱
portions: n.一部分
1.the best evidence for the layered-mantle thesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found on oceanic islands,islands believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle,are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the mid-ocean ridge system, whose source,most geologists contend,is the upper mantle.
对于地幔分层论点来说,最好的证据乃这样一个确认的事实,即在那些海洋岛屿——这些岛屿据信是源于由下层地幔升上来的地幔柱状溶岩流(mantle plume)——上发现的火山岩石,是由与海洋中部山脊系统的物质根本不同的物质构成的,而这一海洋中部山脊系统的成因,大多数地质学家论辩道,为上部地幔。
解释:本句前面的主干并不算难,即the evidence is the fact that,难就难在fact之后说明fact 的同位语从句。此从句中既有大段插入语,又有从句,较为难读。同位语从句的主语是volcanic rocks,主语后面的found on oceanic islands是分词修饰volcanic rocks的;islands后面又有一个说明islands的同位语islands believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle,此同位语实际起到一个分隔主谓的同位语的作用。其后是谓语动词are composed/of fundamentally different from that of the midocean ridge system, whose source, most geologists contend, is the upper mantle。
句中有一些专有词汇。如果抛开文章不说,单看这一个句子,则句首的layered mantle thesis就难以理解。但是如果读者能够读懂句子的大致意思,看到layered mantle thesisr最有力证据就是其材料fundamentally different from… the upper mantle,这应该可以推测出,既然不同于上层地幔,则这个理论一定是在说地幔有不同的层面。
2. some geologists,however,on the basis of observations concerning mantle xenoliths, argue that the mantle is not layered,but that heterogeneity is created by fluids rich in “incompatible elements” (elements tending toward liquid rather than solid state)percolating upward and transforming portions of the upper mantle irregularly,according to the vagaries of the fluids’ pathways. (4+)
解释:本句的主句中有一个长插入语however,on the basis of observations concerning mantle xenoliths,割裂了主谓,但句子的主要难度还是在that引导的宾语从句中,从句中有由but 所连接的两个句子,一起延续到句末。首选是rich in incompatible elements修饰fluids;后面又有一个同位语和一个分词结构,都是修饰incompatible elements的,最后还有一个状语来修饰那个分词结构,层层修饰,比较复杂。
Ts是文章的第一句,因此这一篇短文章是结论解释型。文章开始说出了地幔是heterogeneous,然后又指出了他的spatial arrangement remains unresolved,然后提出了两种理论,一是layyered-mantle thesis,另外一个是irregularly heterogeneous.然后分别对这两种理论进行describe.最后作者指出,We believe,perhaps unimaginatively, that this debate can be resolved through further study, and that the underexplored midocean ridge system is the key.
1.以一周为单位阅读一份英语报纸, 每次整理笔记。
2.每天保证一个小时的背单词时间, 但是背单词会很枯燥, 所以建议同学们参考有趣的方法来背单词, 或者不妨尝试下“拓词”背单词APP哦~
二、整体阅读对summary questions的帮助
对于阅读速度不高,英语水平中等或中等以下的“托儿”们普遍反映的一个问题就是:没有时间做最后的summary questions,或是做summary questions的时候不知道到哪里找答案或是正确率低。
我们先来分析一下summary questions,大家都知道这个题型出现在阅读文章的最后一道题,而且是对全文观点的总结。那么,既然是对于全篇文章观点的总结,那么它考察的内容是文章的分论点,即一段或是几段的主要内容。如果是时间不够,考生要直接选,很容易选错,为什么?因为前面的12道题考察的基本上是文章的细节内容。我们都知道细节信息是summary questions的禁忌;所以,凭做题印象直接解题,那么就受前面解题思路的影响,很容易被误导。但如果这时你在做题之前对整篇文章有了一个整体的阅读,并在演草纸上做了大致的笔记,那么summary questions就可以轻而易举的攻破。
这样,整体阅读的步骤结束后,在演草纸上就能出来一片文章的框架,并且这个框架大纲可以在最短时间能基本解决summary questions中80%。而且可以帮助考生轻松排除summary questions中的错误选项。
托福双语阅读素材:The oil industry struggles to enter the digital age
Oil and technology
Data drilling
The oil industry struggles to enter the digital age
IT SOUNDS like a spectacular feat of engineering. Employees of Royal Dutch Shell located in Calgary, Canada, recently drilled a well 6,200 miles (10,000km) away in Vaca Muerta, Argentina. In fact, the engineers of the Anglo-Dutch oil major were using computers to perform what they call “virtual drilling”, based on their knowledge of Fox Creek, a shale bed in Alberta, which has similar geological features to Argentina’s biggest shale deposit. They used real-time data sent from a rig in Vaca Muerta to design the well and control the speed and pressure of the drilling. On their second try, they completed the well for $5.4m, down from $15m a few years ago. “It’s the cheapest well we’ve drilled in Argentina,” says Ben van Beurden, Shell’s chief executive.
这听上去是一个令人叹为观止的工程壮举(第N次…别老achievement)——身在加拿大卡尔加里(Calgary)的荷兰皇家壳牌公司员工最近在10,000公里之外的阿根廷瓦卡姆尔塔(Vaca Muerta)油田远程钻探了一口油井。实际上,这家英荷合资石油巨头的工程师是使用计算机完成了这次“虚拟钻井”。他们的操作是基于对加拿大阿尔伯塔省页岩矿区福克斯溪(Fox Creek)的了解,该矿区与瓦卡姆尔塔这个阿根廷最大的页岩沉积区具有相似的地质特征。他们运用瓦卡姆尔塔的一个钻井平台传送的实时数据来设计油井并控制钻探的速度和压力。在第二次尝试时,他们以540万美元的成本完成了钻井,低于几年前的1500万美元。“这是我们在阿根廷成本最低的钻井。”壳牌首席执行官本·范伯登(Ben van Beurden)表示。
Shell is not alone in deploying computer wizards alongside geologists in an attempt to lower costs in an era of moderate oil prices. The industry as a whole is waking up to the fact that digitisation and automation have transformed other industries, such as commerce and manufacturing, and that they have been left behind. Technology firms and consultancies are knocking on their doors peddlingalluring concepts like the “digital oil rig” and the “oilfield of the future”. Some argue that the embrace of digital technologies could be the next big thing after the shale revolution that started to transform oil and gas production in America a decade ago. But this is an industry that embraces new technologies only in fits and starts.
Once, Big Oil was at the forefront of digitisation, pioneering the use of 3-D seismic data and supercomputers to help find resources. But priorities changed, especially during the past decade when oil prices rose above $100 a barrel and the primary goal was to find more of it, whatever the cost. Whizzy new technology took second place. Ulrich Spiesshofer, chief executive of ABB, a Swedish-Swiss automation-technology company, says the oil industry puts to use in exploration activities barely 5% of the seismic data it has collected. During production of oil, less than 1% of data from an oil rig reaches the people making decisions, reckons McKinsey, a consultancy.
石油巨头集团曾一度处于数字化前沿,开创使用三维地震数据和超级计算机来辅助资源勘探。但后来首要任务发生了改变,尤其是在过去十年。当时油价升至每桶超过100美元,不惜一切代价寻找更多石油成为了主要目标,高新技术则退居次席。瑞典瑞士合资自动化技术公司ABB的首席执行官乌利齐·史毕福(Ulrich Spiesshofer)表示,石油业收集的地震数据中只有不到5%被用于勘探活动中。咨询公司麦肯锡认为,在石油开采过程中,石油钻井平台收集的数据只有不足1%为决策层所知悉。
It is the process of extracting oil and gas that is considered most ripe成熟 for digitisation and automation. Drilling often takes place miles below the surface in rock formations where drill bits and pipes can be broken or snagged, which halts activity for long periods. Baker Hughes, an oil-services firm, has recently developed what it calls the first automated drill bit, capable of self-adjusting depending on the nature of the rock. McKinsey says undersea robots are also being deployed to fix problems.
如今,油气开采的过程被认为最适合应用数字化和自动化。钻探通常在岩层表面下方几英里处进行,钻头和钻杆可能会破损或卡住,这会导致钻探作业长期停顿。油田服务公司贝克休斯(Baker Hughes)最近开发出了号称全球首创的自动化钻头,能根据岩石的性质(别老character)自我调节。麦肯锡表示,海底机器人也正用于解决问题。
Above the surface, efforts are under way to reduce the amount of people and plant on oil rigs, helping improve safety in a dangerous industry. James Aday, a veteran oil driller now at Wood Mackenzie, a consultancy, says that on the drilling platform itself, automation is not new. Others say that more rigs are being controlled semi-remotely; in the Gulf of Mexico, engineers in Houston use real-time data from oil rigs to make decisions, reducing the cost of shuttling them by helicopter to rigs. “The aim is to bring the data to the expert, not the expert to the data,” says Peter Zornio of Emerson, an automation firm. “There’s a huge incentive to get the people and the choppers off the platform.”
在地面上,人们正努力减少石油钻井平台上的工作人员和机械数量,以助提高这一高危行业的安全性。资深钻探人员詹姆斯·阿代(James Aday)现任职咨询公司伍德麦肯兹(Wood Mackenzie),他表示,就钻井平台而言,自动化并非新鲜事。其他人也表示,更多钻井平台已转为半远程操控。在墨西哥湾,身在休斯敦的工程师们使用石油钻机的实时数据做决策,从而减少了用直升机运送他们往返钻井平台的成本。“这么做的目的是把数据传送给专家,而不是把专家送到数据发生地,”自动化公司艾默生电气的彼特·左尼欧(Peter Zornio)说道,“石油企业有着巨大的动力去减少派往钻井平台的人员和直升机。”
Wider use of data, sensors and automation will produce new challenges for the industry. It will have to learn about cyber-security—oil rigs are critical infrastructure—and invest in ways to prevent theft of data. But digitisation may also attract millennials to replace an ageing workforce, where mass retirement is a looming threat.
As to whether the workforce could shrink across the industry in the digital age, ultimately geologists and engineers believe technology will not put them out of a job, because producing oil is art as well as science. Nor will tech startups be likely to overcome the barriers to entry—such as high capital requirements—that protect incumbents. But they add to a sense, born out of the shale revolution, that innovation will make oil and gas more accessible and that the days when oil was considered a scarce resource are long gone.
no, not, never, nor, none neither 显而易见的,fail to, refuse, remove, reject就是稍微隐蔽一点的,另外还有a-, ab-前缀等。
while, whereas, on the other hand,but, although, despite等这次词汇大家都应该熟记于心。掌握这些转折词对考试非常有帮助。
提起因果关系,大家能够很快的想到because, because of, for, as以及对应的so, so that, therefore等,但因果关系除了传统意义上的显性因果表达词外,隐性的因果同样是不可忽略的一个重要部分。
例子: The increased presures of expanding population have led to the removal of woody plants so that many cities and tow are surrounded by large areas completely lacking in trees.
在这段话中,有lead to,表示了导致的意思,即结果;而so that 更进一步表示了后面的结果,所以可以充分判定这段话有因果关系的逻辑。
另外还有其他的一些常见的词汇,比如result from,reflect, present, demotrate,rely on, depend on等,这些词汇都需要考生在被考时就需要多加留意和注意。
比较关系主要分为同级比较、比较级、变化及差异四种,主要有ahellias, -er than,change, alter,different, distinguish等。
托福双语阅读素材:The oil industry struggles to enter the digital age
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A)A tool to assist in making complex decisions.
(B)A comparison of actual decisions and ideal decisions
(C) Research on how people make decisions
(D) Differences between long-range and short-range decision making
2. The word “essential” in line 7 is closest in meaning to
(A) introductory
(B) changeable
(C) beneficial
(D) fundamental
3. The word “pertinent” in line 9 is closest in meaning to
(A) relevant
(B) preceding
(C) insightful
(D) responsive
4. Of the following steps, which occurs before the others in making a decision worksheet?
(A) Listing the consequences of each solution
(B) Calculating a numerical summary of each solution
(C) Deciding which consequences are most important
(D) Writing down all possible solutions
5.According to decision-worksheet theory, an optimal decision is defined as one that
(A) has the fewest variables to consider
(B) uses the most decision worksheets
(C) has the most points assigned to it
(D) is agreed to by the greatest number of people
6. The author develops the discussion in paragraph 1 by means of
(A) describing a process
(B) classifying types of worksheets
(C) providing historical background
(D) explaining a theory
7. The author states that “On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at once
(lines 17-18) to explain that
(A) most decisions involve seven steps
(B) human mental capacity has limitations
(C) some people have difficulty making minor as well as major decisions
(D) people can learn to keep more than seven ideas in their minds with practice
8. The word ”succinct “in line 24 is closest in meaning to
(A) creative
(B) satisfactory
(C) personal
(D) concise
9. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?
(A) Proponents (line 5)
(B) Optimal (line 5)
(C) Variables (line 17)
(D) Long-range goals (line 25)
10. The word ”it“ in line 24 refers to
(A) worksheet
(B) problem
(C) distinction
(D) decision
11. The word ”revise“ in line 26 is closest in meaning to
(A) ask
(B) explain
(C) change
(D) predict
TPO10 lecture 4关于儿童健忘症的两种解释。一种是儿童在3岁之前的阶段确实也形成了记忆,但是在我们长大的过程中就慢慢遗忘了;另一种是3岁以下的孩子缺乏记忆认知能力。
TPO15 lecture 1做事情时的精力分散和怎么集中精力做事情。首先讲的分散精力的一种遗忘;以电脑上敲字母为例子,后来又举分辨字母大小写的例子,讲到大脑区域的一部分V5与注意力的关系。
TPO14 lecture 1举了一个关于单词的例子解释了认识能力,记忆力和想象力,这些都是引导我们熟悉某事物并相信其存在的内在精神过程。每一个过程都有其局限性,可能会让我们产生错误的新年或做出错误的预测。
TPO2 lecture 1肌肉运动规律反应出我们的想法。约翰沃森认为喉部的运动是我们思想的符号。这是因为我们
psychology n. 心理学;心理状态
behaviorism n. 行为主义
muscular adj. 肌肉的;肌肉发达的;强健的
amnesia n. 健忘症,[内科] 记忆缺失
cognitive adj. 认知的,认识的
psychology n. 心理学;心理状态
infants n. 婴儿(infant的复数);婴幼儿
cognitive adj. 认知的,认识的
distraction n. 注意力分散;消遣;心烦意乱
Rice yields falling under global warming
Global warming is cutting rice yields in many parts of Asia, according to research, with more declines to come.
Yields have fallen by 10-20% over the last 25 years in some locations.
The group of mainly US-based scientists studied records from 227 farms in six important rice-producing countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, India and China.
This is the latest in a line of studies to suggest that climate change will make it harder to feed the world's growing population by cutting yields.
In 2004, other researchers found that rice yields in the Philippines were dropping by 10% for every 1C increase in night-time temperature.
That finding, like others, came from experiments on a research station.
The latest data, by contrast, comes from working, fully-irrigated farms that grow ”green revolution“ crops, and span the rice-growing lands of Asia from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu to the outskirts of Shanghai.
Describing the findings, which are published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), lead researcher Jarrod Welch said:
”We found that as the daily minimum temperature increases, or as nights get hotter, rice yields drop.“
The mechanism involved is not clear but may involve rice plants having to respire more during warm nights, so expending more energy, without being able to photosynthesise.
By contrast, higher temperatures during the day were related to higher yields; but the effect was less than the yield-reducing impact of warmer nights.
However, if temperatures continue to rise as computer models of climate project, Mr Welch says hotter days will eventually begin to bring yields down.
We see a benefit of [higher] daytime temperatures principally because we haven't seen a scenario where daytime temperatures cross over a threshold where they'd stop benefiting yields and start reducing them,” he told BBC News.
“There have been some recent studies on US crops, in particular corn, that showed the drop-off after that threshold is substantial,” said the University of California at San Diego researcher.
The 2007 assessment of climate impacts from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that although a modest temperature rise could increase crop yields in some regions, for “temperature increases more than 3C, average impacts are stressful to all crops assessed and to all regions”.
A study published at the begining of last year concluded that half of the world's population could face a climate-induced food crisis by 2100, with the most extreme summers of the last century becoming routine towards the end of this century.
Death rate doubles in Moscow's smoke, heat
Scorching heat and acrid smoke have nearly doubled death rates in Moscow, a city official said on Monday, as a shroud of smog from raging forest and peat fires beset Russia's capital for a third week.
Firefighters battled wildfires covering 1,740 square km (672 sq miles) -- bigger than the area of Greater London -- in what the state weather forecaster said was Russia's worst heat wave for a millennium.
“The average death rate in the city during normal times is between 360 and 380 people per day. Today, we are around 700,” Andrei Seltsovsky, Moscow's health department chief, told a city government meeting.
Russia's worst drought in decades has spooked world grain markets, driving wheat prices up at the swiftest rate in more than 30 years and raising the specter of a food crisis.
Seltsovsky said heat stroke was the main cause of the recent increase in deaths. He said ambulance dispatches in Moscow were up by about a quarter to 10,000 a day and problems linked to heart disease, bronchial asthma and strokes had increased.
“This is no secret,” Seltsovsky said. “Everyone thinks we're making secrets out of it. It's 40 degrees (Celsius, or 104 Fahrenheit) on the street. Abroad, people drown like flies and no one asks questions.”
Moscow morgues and hospitals were overcrowded, funeral parlors were doing a brisk business in coffins, and a sign in one crematorium said it was fully booked and taking no new orders.
“Today we have 80 bodies. We store them anywhere we can because the refrigerators are full,” an attendant at Hospital No. 62's morgue, designed to hold up to 35 corpses, told Reuters.
Until Monday, neither federal nor Moscow authorities had announced data on deaths from heat and pollution, giving rise to suspicion of a Soviet-style cover-up in the face of criticism of the government's handling of the wildfire crisis.
Officials say 52 people have been killed by fires that have ravaged forests and fields and destroyed a handful of villages since late July.
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin last week announced a grain export ban from August 15 to December 31, sending prices higher and hurting shares of brewers such as Carlsberg and Heineken.
SovEcon, a leading agricultural analyst, said on Monday the government might extend the ban even longer, reducing 2010-11 wheat exports to about 3 million tonnes instead of the earlier expected 10-11 million tonnes.
SovEcon also said Russia's wheat crop might be about one-third smaller than last year's, dropping to 43 million tonnes from 61.7 million tonnes in 2009.
Russia's main sugar lobby warned on Monday that the drought may hamper this year's beet sugar output, reducing it from the earlier expected 4 million tonnes to 3.2-3.5 million tonnes.
The downgraded sugar beet forecast is not expect to change Russia's import needs as it has large domestic reserves. Almost all sugar produced in Russia is consumed domestically.
Kremlin critics have blamed Putin for what they call a sluggish and ineffective government response to the fires, but polls have so far shown no decline in his popularity.
Russia has begun to feel economic effects from the horrid weather conditions, which have prompted banks and businesses to reduce staffing and slowed activity in the service sector.
Alfa Bank, a Moscow investment bank, said it would not publish a daily research bulletin on Monday or Tuesday.
“Owing to severe weather in Moscow, there is only a limited presence at the bank,” an Alfa official said in an e-mail.
According to the business daily Kommersant, investment bank Uralsib shortened its workday on Monday, and state-controlled behemoth Sberbank closed some of its back offices.
But many Muscovites did report for work, trudging to metro stations or driving on streets where visibility was far below normal and smog veiled buildings.
Many people wore facemasks to try to filter the smoke, but the masks were increasingly hard to find and some doctors raised concerns about an official whitewash of the real impact of the smoke in Moscow.
An unnamed doctor at a Moscow clinic wrote on his Internet site over the weekend that he was wary of diagnosing patients with heat- and smoke-related illnesses for fear of dismissal.
Another doctor at a major hospital, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters on Sunday that senior management had instructed staff not to link patients' illnesses with the heat.
Moscow authorities said over the weekend that reception centers were operating city-wide as refuges from the heat. But Vitaly Bredikhin, deputy manager of one of the centers, said that about 90 percent of the facilities lacked air-conditioning.
At one of the shelters, in an old building near Pushkin Square in the center of the city, about 10 elderly people sat in a hot dining room with no air-conditioning or even a fan.
Judge orders US to keep protecting 'endangered' wolves
A federal judge has ordered the US to put Rocky Mountain grey wolves back on a list of protected endangered species.
Encouraged by the recovery of the once nearly-extinct wolf, the US last year moved to allow wolf hunts in two states while protecting them in a third.
But a judge ruled the law did not permit the US to protect part of a species population while allowing hunting of the rest.
Despite the ruling, Idaho said it would seek federal approval for a wolf hunt.
The decision puts wolves in the states of Montana and Idaho back on the endangered species list following their removal last year.
Wyoming's wolves had remained protected because the US government was unsatisfied with the state's wolf protection plan.
In Montana, US District Judge Donald Molloy came down on the side of a coalition of conservation groups who had challenged the US Fish and Wildlife Service's move to take the grey wolf off the endangered species list in Montana and Idaho.
Among several arguments, the coalition said the law did not permit the Fish and Wildlife Service to “partially delist” protected species - protecting the wolf in one state but not others.
Significant protection
“The plain language of the Endangered Species Act does not allow the agency to divide a [population segment] into a smaller taxonomy,” Judge Molloy wrote.
Grey wolves were once abundant in the US, but a government-sponsored hunting programme nearly eradicated them. The wolves were gone from Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and south-western Canada by the 1930s.
The US passed the Endangered Species Act in 1973 and the wolf was listed as endangered in 1974, affording it significant protection from hunters.
In the 1990s, the government reintroduced wild wolf populations into the northern Rocky Mountains, situated in the western US.
Powerful ranching interests in the states concerned have opposed protection of the wolves, saying they threaten livestock.
正面影响 A. For customers, advertising plays an imperative part in making them aware of the worth of the product or service.
B. For business, advertising facilitates manufacturers in creating product awareness among the public.
C. Apart from commercial advertising, public service advertisement plays a vital and irreplaceable role in our society.
负面影响 A. Advertisements create stereotyped aesthetic and behavioral models that may influence people’s values early in their lives.
B. Too many advertisements are seen on TV screens and in newspapers or magazines.
C. Advertising has an overall adverse impact on children and young people. For example, children or young people often misunderstand advertising which in turn can lead to inappropriate behavior.
Times have not become more violent. They have just become more televised.
--Marilyn Manson
The Internet is like alcohol in some sense. It accentuates what you would do anyway. If you want to be a loner, you can be more alone. If you want to connect, it makes it easier to connect.
Do you think all the news is true?
Not all the news is true. Broadsheet newspapers sometimes dig for information and twist its importance for political purposes. And news in tabloids is more sensational and contains more half-truth and biased opinions. The problem is that people everywhere confuse what they read in newspapers with news.
Advertising is the modern substitute for argument; its function is to make the worse appear the better.
Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.
Advertising is a valuable economic factor because it is the cheapest way of selling goods, particularly if the goods are worthless.
环境话题: 政府职责(所有政府类题目通吃) A. Public enthusiasm for improving the environment often lacks necessary expertise and funding that only comes from the more established, well-funded government organizations dedicated to the work.
B. Governments can promote public transport usage, use cleaner burning and renewable energy, encourage recycling by example and through active enforcement, watch hazardous substance discharges, and prevent developments that cause water contamination and soil erosion.
C. Governments and big enterprises are responsible for most of the environmental problems and therefore should take the lead in resolving these issues.
个人职责: A. The public has the biggest stake in environmental protection and is, therefore, the biggest driving force behind environment undertakings. Local communities, non-governmental protection bodies, as well as every single citizen all need to do their part.
B. While important policy decisions are needed at the national level, there are many things that everybody can do and should do, to reduce waste as well as their individual and household impact on the environment.
C. Public involvement could provide an indispensable supplement to scarce government resources and serve to supervise government agencies as well.
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