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关于托福独立写作开头段的要求,大家可能都认为只要能够概括一下作文题目并提出自己的观点就算达成了考试要求。殊不知官方指南OG中其实还有一条要求,那就是It makes the reader want to read the essay. 用中文来说,就是要让读者感兴趣想读下去,这里的读者当然指的就是评分官。如果只是按照高分套路的各种官方非官方模板来写开头段,那么哪怕这个开头段写得再为规范标准,恐怕也难逃一个平淡无味的评价,毕竟大家都是这么写的,固定的套路看上千百遍可读性和阅读兴趣可想而知。因此,考生在练习托福独立写作时,也需要重视开头段的可读性和趣味性,从读者角度出发提升开头段的吸引力。



1. 戏剧化的开头段

大家可以发现,一些优秀的文学作品,其整篇文章的开头段都是很有特色的。比如名著《傲慢与偏见》的开头It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.就显得很有趣味性,用一条看似公认的真理瞬间就提升起了读者兴趣。这种写法其实颇有些类似如今网络资讯中常见的“震惊”系标题的意思,这样的写法思路考生就可以参考一下。比如,作文题目讨论的是teamwork,那么大家就可以结合近些年比较流行的超级英雄题材电影,来上这么一句:There are no superheroes in the real world. 之后再展开并亮出观点。这样的写法就颇有戏剧性,同时也能够满足开头段功能型上的要求。

2. 引用名人名言

另一种能够有效提升读者兴趣的开头段写法是在开头就引用一句名人名言。对于评分官来说,看多了大家在文章当中引用名人名言来进行论证,但在开头段就读到名人名言,这样的体验想必还是比较新奇独特的,阅读兴趣也会得到提升。比如讨论教育类的话题,那么曼德拉的那句名言Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.就可以在开头段直接亮出来。之后无论自己给出怎样的观点其实都能够符合要求。这种写法不仅能提升可读性,而且也有很高的适用性,涉及不同话题的题目只需要各准备一个关联性较强的名人名言句子就可以了,也是比较推荐的一种开头段写法。



How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.


Do movies and television affect our behavior? I believe that movies and television do influence our behavior, both for the better and for the worse.

Movies and television influence our behavior because they make us less active. Looking at films is a passive activity. If we watch too much, we become unhealthy, both mentally and physically. We stop using our own imagination when we see things acted out for us. Mental laziness becomes physical laziness; we'd rather watch sports on TV than play sports ourselves. We'd rather visit with the characters on “Seinfeld” or “Friends” than go chat with our own neighbors. Imaginary people have exciting lives. Is it any wonder that some people would rather live a fantasy life than their own? Movies and television also can make people more violent. The more we see violent acts on television, the less sensitive we become to them: Eventually violence doesn't seem wrong. We may even commit violent acts ourselves. This is especially true because we don't always realize that violence has consequences. Actors can be killed and come back for another movie. Sometimes we confuse that with reality. We forget that killing someone is permanent.

Of course, watching movies and television can also be good for us. It can give us a broader window on the world. For example, seeing movies can expose us to people of different races and cultures. We can then overcome some prejudices more easily. Recently there have been more handicapped people in films, and this also helps reduce prejudice.

The best influence on our behavior is that movies and television reduce stress. Watching films, we can escape our own problems for a little while. Also, sometime movies show positive ways to resolve problems we all face. While TV and movies shouldn't be a way to hide from life, sometimes they can help us cope.

It is true that movies and television can influence our behavior negatively. However, I also believe that they influence our behavior in positive ways. How they affect you depends on how much you watch, what you watch, and how you respond to what you watch.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the characteristics of successful leaders is their sense of responsibility in accepting their mistakes.


Undoubtedly, successful leaders may have various kinds of characteristics, such as honesty and loyalty. However, some people wonder if the sense of responsibility in accepting their mistakes is the characteristic they possess. I believe that successful leaders’ capability is great enough that they can handle the consequences of their mistakes, especially when considering the power they hold and the knowledge they possess.

Firstly, these leaders have great influence on society. This influence can help them resolve the very problem they cause. For example, the leaders in the government passed a policy of printing more currency for our country three years ago. After this policy was enforced, it had a significant impact on our society. Frankly, our society has experienced great inflation and the value of our money has depreciated greatly. One noticeable consequence is that the price of various products has increased largely. When the leaders in the government learned the destructive results of their policy, they took action to resolve the issue. Now the negative impact of this policy is all but extinct. Using this example we can see that leaders have the power to solve their own mistakes.

Further, these leaders have the wisdom to solve the errors they commit. Generally, such leaders all have a strong background in academics. Consequently, they are very likely to provide efficient solutions for their mistakes. For example, Andrew, the CEO of Siemens Cooperation, graduated with a Computer science degree from MIT. He designed a new office system for auto-management. In this system, some bugs were not discovered before implementation. Three months ago, he discovered the bugs. Now, he has proposed an efficient solution to eliminate the damage, which may have been inflicted by the bugs. With education in computer science, he was able to resolve the problems completely. Thus, it can be inferred that leaders in business can often find a solution for their problems. Further, it reveals that they can be responsible for their mistakes.

Admittedly, the mistakes caused by these leaders initially seem irrevocable. Sometimes, these mistakes might have already imposed tremendous influence on the public. However, leaders can still try their best to protect people from further harms. Only through admitting and correcting their mistakes timely can they maintain their success and win their reputation back.

In a nutshell, due to their abilities as leaders and their superior education, I believe that these successful leaders can be responsible for the mistakes they commit.


关于托福独立写作开头段的要求,大家可能都认为只要能够概括一下作文题目并提出自己的观点就算达成了考试要求。殊不知官方指南OG中其实还有一条要求,那就是It makes the reader want to read the essay. 用中文来说,就是要让读者感兴趣想读下去,这里的读者当然指的就是评分官。如果只是按照高分套路的各种官方非官方模板来写开头段,那么哪怕这个开头段写得再为规范标准,恐怕也难逃一个平淡无味的评价,毕竟大家都是这么写的,固定的套路看上千百遍可读性和阅读兴趣可想而知。因此,考生在练习托福独立写作时,也需要重视开头段的可读性和趣味性,从读者角度出发提升开头段的吸引力。



1. 戏剧化的开头段

大家可以发现,一些优秀的文学作品,其整篇文章的开头段都是很有特色的。比如名著《傲慢与偏见》的开头It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.就显得很有趣味性,用一条看似公认的真理瞬间就提升起了读者兴趣。这种写法其实颇有些类似如今网络资讯中常见的“震惊”系标题的意思,这样的写法思路考生就可以参考一下。比如,作文题目讨论的是teamwork,那么大家就可以结合近些年比较流行的超级英雄题材电影,来上这么一句:There are no superheroes in the real world. 之后再展开并亮出观点。这样的写法就颇有戏剧性,同时也能够满足开头段功能型上的要求。

2. 引用名人名言

另一种能够有效提升读者兴趣的开头段写法是在开头就引用一句名人名言。对于评分官来说,看多了大家在文章当中引用名人名言来进行论证,但在开头段就读到名人名言,这样的体验想必还是比较新奇独特的,阅读兴趣也会得到提升。比如讨论教育类的话题,那么曼德拉的那句名言Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.就可以在开头段直接亮出来。之后无论自己给出怎样的观点其实都能够符合要求。这种写法不仅能提升可读性,而且也有很高的适用性,涉及不同话题的题目只需要各准备一个关联性较强的名人名言句子就可以了,也是比较推荐的一种开头段写法。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the characteristics of successful leaders is their sense of responsibility in accepting their mistakes.


Undoubtedly, successful leaders may have various kinds of characteristics, such as honesty and loyalty. However, some people wonder if the sense of responsibility in accepting their mistakes is the characteristic they possess. I believe that successful leaders’ capability is great enough that they can handle the consequences of their mistakes, especially when considering the power they hold and the knowledge they possess.

Firstly, these leaders have great influence on society. This influence can help them resolve the very problem they cause. For example, the leaders in the government passed a policy of printing more currency for our country three years ago. After this policy was enforced, it had a significant impact on our society. Frankly, our society has experienced great inflation and the value of our money has depreciated greatly. One noticeable consequence is that the price of various products has increased largely. When the leaders in the government learned the destructive results of their policy, they took action to resolve the issue. Now the negative impact of this policy is all but extinct. Using this example we can see that leaders have the power to solve their own mistakes.

Further, these leaders have the wisdom to solve the errors they commit. Generally, such leaders all have a strong background in academics. Consequently, they are very likely to provide efficient solutions for their mistakes. For example, Andrew, the CEO of Siemens Cooperation, graduated with a Computer science degree from MIT. He designed a new office system for auto-management. In this system, some bugs were not discovered before implementation. Three months ago, he discovered the bugs. Now, he has proposed an efficient solution to eliminate the damage, which may have been inflicted by the bugs. With education in computer science, he was able to resolve the problems completely. Thus, it can be inferred that leaders in business can often find a solution for their problems. Further, it reveals that they can be responsible for their mistakes.

Admittedly, the mistakes caused by these leaders initially seem irrevocable. Sometimes, these mistakes might have already imposed tremendous influence on the public. However, leaders can still try their best to protect people from further harms. Only through admitting and correcting their mistakes timely can they maintain their success and win their reputation back.

In a nutshell, due to their abilities as leaders and their superior education, I believe that these successful leaders can be responsible for the mistakes they commit.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier for more people now than in the past to get an education.


The twentieth and twenty-first centuries have seen the development and advancement of many fields and areas of society. Education is an area that has developed tremendously in the past hundred years. The rise of the middle class, the standardization of education, and the opening of many more schools has made it possible for more people now than in the past to get an education.

In China specifically, education reform began with the opening up and reform period of the 1980’s. During this time China also opened up its economy and changed from a state run economy to a market economy. A market economy in China has made it possible for the development of the middle class. Historically throughout the world, education belonged to the social elites. People from the lower class, which always outnumbered the upper class, did not have the money or resources to become educated. The middle class is a group of people who are not necessarily the elites of society, but have the money to pay for education. Since the 1980’s, the middle class has been rapidly growing, increasing ten-fold the number of children who have the opportunity to get an education.

With the rise of the middle class, also comes an increase in pressure on the government. Since more people can afford education, more pressure is put on the government to provide teachers and schools for the children of the middle class. The government is then spurred into action to increase funding and resources for education nationwide. This has then prompted the opening of schools in many areas beyond the major cities and the training of many new teachers. More teachers and more schools mean that more people will be educated.

The government’s attention on education has helped with the standardization of education in China. This standardization has created nationwide tests that have made it so that every student, no matter his or her background or hometown, has the opportunity to attend high school and apply for college. Not only do more students have the opportunity to attend school, but they also have the opportunity to continue their education further than previous generations.

The rise of the middle class, the increased involvement of the government, and the standardization of education has made it so that more people, now than ever, have the opportunity to become educated.



1. 标准写法:直接表明立场开门见山


Businesses are as likely as are governments to establish large bureaucracies, but bureaucracy is far more damaging to a business than it is to a government.


Contrary to the statement’s premise, my view is that businesses are less likely than government to establish large bureaucracies, because businesses know that they are more vulnerable than government to damage resulting from bureaucratic inefficiencies. My position is well supported by common sense and by observation.



2. 创意写法:引用谚语名言联系现实


“As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business.


As a saying goes, “God helps those help themselves”, which is true in most cases. But as far as the large numbers of laid-off workers caused by the technological and market changes are concerned, I believe the government and the business certainly have an unshakable responsibility to take.



3. 稳妥写法:先复述原题再引出观点


“We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us.”


I believe this statement should be interpreted broadly—to mean that we are influenced by the exterior shape of buildings, as well as by the arrangement of multiple buildings and by a building’s various architectural and aesthetic elements. While I doubt that buildings determine our character or basic personality traits, I agree that they can greatly influence our attitudes, moods, and even life styles.



4. 设问写法:自问自答给出立场态度


”As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business.”


As technology and changing social needs render more and more jobs obsolete, who is responsible for helping displaced workers adjust? While individuals have primary responsibility for learning new skills and finding work, both industry and government have some obligation to provide them the means of doing so.





Nowadays,food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Nowadays, wherever we turn our gaze, we can see different types of food that are easier to prepare. For instance, we can buy frozen foods in a supermarket and just prepare it in a couple of minutes, whereas before it could have taken us maybe hours to prepare this kind of meals. I would accept that this so-called improvement has changed our lives, but I believe that there are some drawbacks as well.

It is true that these kinds of food do not involve hard work to prepare, but food that is easy to prepare generally has some artificial ingredients mixed in it that makes it “easy-to-cook”. If we take time to read the ingredients, we would definitely come across words like preservatives or artificial flavorings. It was just a couple of days ago that I came across a newspaper article which stated that someone was poisoned because he ate this type of food. He was hospitalized for almost a month.

Not having to cook has also taken the fun out of cooking. Cooking is an art, but in today's world, this is no more true. People are so busy with their work that they just rely on this simple foods. The invention and production of this foods have made people lazy not only for cooking but also for a well family get-together. It was not like former times when families would sit together and eat freshly baked food. Instead, they are getting these artificial things with minimal nutrients in them.

Cooking in the yesteryears was much better than today's. People would spend more time in the kitchen, preparing the food in the way that they liked it. This brought families closer together and also contributed to the high quality and nutrition of the food. Granted, people are busier nowadays and do not have as much time as they did in the past, but I believe that people have forgotten the importance of healthy, fresh food and of the time a family spends together preparing the food. So, I would say that having food that is easy to prepare has had many disadvantages.


In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.


I don't think it is a good idea for teenagers to have jobs while they are still students. It can interfere with their studies, it can disrupt their home life, and it takes away pan of their childhood that they can never replace.

Education today is very complex and difficult. In order to learn and get good grades, a student must work very hard and concentrate. This means attending classes from early in the morning until late afternoon, then doing research for projects, then going home and doing homework. It's a busy schedule for anyone. For someone trying to hold down a job, it's even harder. Students need all their energy for their studies. If they're working after class at night, they're going to be tired the next day. They won't be able to concentrate. This will have a negative impact on their learning, and eventually on their grades.

Having a job can also disrupt a teenager's home life. Families spend less and less time together. If a teenager has a job to go to after school, he won't be home for dinner. He won't be home after dinner, either, and may not get home until late at night. This means he doesn't have a lot of time to spend with his family. If he doesn't have a car, it can mean changes in his parents' schedules, too. They have to drive him to work and pick him up.

The main drawback of a teenager having a job while he's still a student is that he's missing out on the fun of being young. He has a whole lifetime in which he'll have to earn a living. This is the last free time he'll have. It's the last chance he'll have to hang out with friends and just enjoy himself.

Soon enough he'll have to worry about paying the rent and buying food.

Jobs bring money, but money isn't everything. A teenager with a job gives up too much. No one should spend all his time at work, and especially not a teenager.




以背景法为例。背景法一般会提出一种普遍的或值得关注的现象作为背景或者是由远到近,由大到小地谈论紧扣论题的社会观点作为背景。背景法开头段的结构通常如下:背景(1-3句)+论题+反方观点+(反方理由)+过度+(正方观点)+作者的观点+作者的理由。以8月11日的独立写作试题为例:Technologymakes people‘s lives more complicated.题目涉及到了现今社会比较热门的话题---科技。这样,我们就可以以这种社会比较关注的现象作为我们作文的开头背景。因此这个题目的首段就可以这样开始:Technologyhas had tremendous impacts on every aspect of modern life. However, people arehaving conflicting opinions about whether it has made people’s lives morecomplicated or not. I believe technology has by and large made our lives moreconvenient。第一句话就是一句紧贴社会的背景,这样写不但很容易打开考生自己的思路,抓住作文的焦点,还能引起考官的共鸣。








比如说是否同意“新的科技产品发布,过段时间购买比马上购买要好”,我们完全可以只提出过段时间购买的两个正面理由:一. 价格会更便宜; 二. 产品的性能会更优化,这样整篇作文的论点还是明确的。



比如作文题目“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing computer games is a waste of time. Children should not be allowed to play them.”。我们可以写正面的两个观点,即玩电脑游戏的两个好处,但是我们同样不能忽略玩电脑游戏的坏处,所以就要写让步段了,不然观点就会显得过于偏激。


重中之重: “让一小步,进一大步”!






——Admittedly / Undoubtedly / There is no denying that / It cannot be denied that

——May / might / possibly / probably

——One / one or two / a couple of / minor / several

——To some extent / to some degree



2. 让步如何实现



However, the advantages of A are more important than those of B.


However, the advantages of A are far more than those / that of B.

However, the advantages of A outnumber those / that of B.


However, the problem can be solved by …

However, the negative influence can be eliminated by …

3. 让步段范例赏析

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing computer games is a waste of time. Children should not be allowed to play them.


Admittedly, playing computer games does harbor several drawbacks.


Some children are addicted to playing computergames and ignore their studies, thereby suffering from poor academic performance. Also, over exposure to computer games with high concentration will sooner or later cause the impairment of their eyesight.


However, most children are able to control themselves to play games in moderation. Also, their parents can intervene and supervise as well. Specifically, they could set strict rules on how much time their children could play games everyday and on what conditions they could do so, therefore it is completely unnecessary to forbid them to play computer games.


托福写作主题句(topic sentence, 也有人叫它中心句),就是独立写作主体段中统领全文的那个句子,也就是表述在独立写作头脑风暴和谋篇布局时候想到的“主要理由”或者“论点”的那个句子。通常一篇托福独立写作有三个主题句。

例如在题目“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is betterto work in large companies than in small ones.”,选择agree,三个主题句可以是:

The first reason is that a large company can provide more opportunities to develop one’s ability

Another reason for choosing a big company involves welfare.

A third reason is that one who appreciates the unique culture of abig enterprise will become a more responsible person to the society.



首先,每段主题句通常都位于段首,紧跟于“first, second, third”这些“信号词”之后。除此之外还需要注意以下几点。




“First and foremost, television, invented in the last century, withits wide availability and increasingly prosperous programs ,becomes one of the most powerful means of communication in history, and is more and more difficult to ignore”

这个主题句涵盖的内容太多,读完这个句子,读者根本不明白本段是要陈述电视节目蓬勃发展(increasingly prosperous program), 要强调电视是最强力的交流工具(the most powerful means of communication in history),还是要论证电视不可被忽视(difficult to ignore),这就是一个典型的内容太复杂的主题句。


“First of all, following the new customs can show a sense of respect,which can allow a better and faster adaption inside the local population so that they make more friends.”

这个句子也有两个论点:表示尊重(show a sense of respect),扩大社交(make more friends),同样也使读者不能抓住本段的主要内容。

如何避免这种错误,使主题句内容简单呢?很简单,首先做到每个主题句有且只有一个论点。论点就是指我们头脑风暴时候想到的那些“key words”,比如健康,安全,情感等等,每段写一个,不要把健康和安全放在同一个段落,也不要把情感和成功放在同一个段落。


“To start with, accepting cultures in the foreign country is an indispensable element that contributes to the expansion of social circle.”这是一个简洁的主题句,只有扩大社交(contributes to the expansion of social circle)这一个论点。


“The first reason why letting children care for animals isnot the best way to teach them about responsibility is that it could negatively impact a child’s health.”

这句话虽然只有一个论点,可是用语太繁杂,让人头晕。主题句的语法不建议太复杂,建议大家把花式操作留到其他部分去秀,在主题句,只要写一些简单句,例如:“First, raising pets will exert a negative impact on a child’shealth.”就行了。



A: “First, some children might be infected by feeding animals.”

B: “First, raising pets could negatively impact a child’s health.”



因为A句的内容是一个“纯粹的事实”,而B句则是“抽象的概念”(exert negative impact),换言之,A句可以作为B句的例子,但B句不能作为A句的例子。

陈述事实的句子是不能作为主题句的,事实是不言自明的。不言自明,也就不需要后面的文字来“论证”了。主题句需要写“a sentence that you could give examples for”,而不能写一个 “example”。


A: “Second, the academic performance of some children becomes poor after they are responsible for caring for a pet.”

B:“Second, caring for a pet could disrupt a child’s regular studies.”

A: “First, people could learn how to communicate with eachother through participating in community activities”

B: “First, participating in community activities is apractical and effective approach to enhance their social skills.”

A: “First, letting children take care of animal is a good suggestion for the reason that kids like animals.”

B: “To start with, raising pets fill friendship vacuums and satisfy people’s need to nurture“




“First, go to museums can teach people different kinds of knowledge”

→ “First, visiting museums provide people with an opportunity to comprehend a vast amount of knowledge”

想想看,如果原本句子中只会写“good”之处,替换为“advantageous, beneficial, effective, efficacious, favorable,invaluable, rewarding, unparalleled, unprecedented”等等词汇,效果是不是更好呢?如果多次出现“important”的地方,改写为“central, critical ,crucial, decisive, essential, pivotal, primary,principal, vital,a key to, an indispensable part, play a pivotal role, attach great importance to”会不会增加可读性呢?






1. 背景铺垫

在独立写作的背景铺垫中,首先我们需要明晰独立写作常考的15个topic,其中包括education,technology,sports等。在审题、理解题意之后,可以适当定位关键词进行文题分析和头脑风暴,进行社会背景定位。如托福独立写作真题:Which is more important in one's career life? The working knowledge and skills or the ability to adapt to new conditions.我们可以定位其核心关键词为 career life;working knowledge and skills和adaptability为选择项;可以定位本题所属topic为work,因此可以以“work or career life”作为背景铺垫进行开头段第一句话的写作。


Increasingly,under the backdrop of the fierce social competition and the need for searching for individual growth,people especially employees show great concern to their career development.

2. 文题引入



Naturally,considering the career development,several necessary factors should be taken into account.Then,compared with the ability to adapt to new conditions,is the working knowledge more important for that ?

3. 立场点明


4. 过渡承接



… with several reasons to exemplify.




对于托福写作来说,规范的写作布局还是必不可少的。五段三点式文章结构的文章结构,永远就是托福独立写作主线脉络,比如,在托福写作的过程中。中间段落的文章结构就是Transitional words + topic sentence +development。如果考生在平时能熟练运用这样的一个结构来展开作文,那么考场上就会凭借这份思维定势来帮助自己抓住每一分。

Transitional words主要有以下三种,即表顺序:firstly, secondly, finally(last but not least);表并列:besides, in addition;表对比:in contrast, in comparison。这些衔接词会让文章看起来脉络清晰,组织严密,也就做到了评分标准中的“well-organized”一条。







As the most important event for the human race, the significance of the Olympic games has extended from a traditional global sports extravaganza to a celebration of diversifiedcultures and a ceremony in the hope of peace. The Olympics is undoubtedly an ideal international proving ground for athletes. It gives them the opportunity to compete against athletes of similar abilities on an international stage. This gives them the opportunity to compare themselves against each other and to determine how good they are internationally. The sportsmanship shown by this magnificent event inspires those who are pursuing their dreams. Although a gold medal is what all participants strive for, it is more crucial to realize that the most valuable fortune in life is not any triumph but the struggle. As the Olympic symbol demonstrates, the strength of cooperation, combined with the significance of every nation’s participation, is far greater than winning a competition.


diversified 多元化的

=diverse, various

The coverage of diversified knowledge makes the campus life colorful and interesting; it also prepares students for a successful tomorrow.

sportsmanship 运动员精神


田径 track and field

专业运动 professional sport

业余运动 amateur sport

全能选手 all-round athlete

体育设施 sports facility

令人难忘的比赛 memorable/unforgettable match

赢得比赛 win a match

打破世界纪录 break the world record

创造世界新纪录 set a new world record













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