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托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:causes of people's longevity today
The causes of people's longevity today
In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.
首先提供一份数据给大家参考:20世纪初全球平均年龄(life expectancy)大约45岁。到20世纪末,这个数字已经增长到70岁左右。考生可以结合这份数据来做一些文章。然后要分析人们越来越长寿的原因,大家可以从这几点来展开:越来越好的饮食条件,饮食卫生,越来越科学的饮食模式;越来越发达的医疗技术、越来越完善的医疗保健系统;经济稳定、社会稳定。举个极端一点的例子:前苏联(the previous Soviet Union)解体(disintegration/breakup)后,俄罗斯的平均年龄大幅度下降。
Among various factors that contribute to today's longevity of people are three most obvious ones: the improvement of food conditions, the development of modern medical technology, and finally current stability of economy in our country.
Food conditions are better than before and are still being developed with a rapid pace. First of all, foods are more hygienic. People today drink untainted mineral water, sterilized skim milk, which are cheaply supplied in supermarkets. Furthermore, foods are more nutrient. Not to mention various carefully designed nutrient products. People can just ignore the possibility of being dystrophic, since they can keep nutrient balance by simply taking a cheap pill of vitamin compound every day. Another essential improvement that contributes to people's longevity is swiftly developing medical technology. Development of modern medical technology has always been amazing. Certain diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery are now easy to remedy with low expenses, but in the past, they are all probably lethal ones. The dental technology seems developed little except its exorbitantly charged bill, yet the simplest technology contributes to people's longevity most. It is not difficult to imagine that if an individual who lived in the past got a toothache, without certain dental care which is common today, he was certainly in an awful prospect: he might even die of a toothache!
Current societal and economic stabilization is also a very indispensable factor. People have less pressure in a more stable society, the less pressure they suffer, the healthier they are. Today's ideal stabilization even provides people an opportunity to secure their future—buy insurances. Various types of insurances are readily available, which make people feel safe, and have to a large extent reduced people' anxieties, and therefore indirectly contribute significantly to the longevity of people.
托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:teenage student having a part-time job
Is it advisable for a teenage student to have a part-time job?
In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea?Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.
这道题目大家首先要注意审题。题目中说的是teenager而不是college students。Teenagers have jobs,这显然是一个BAD idea。Teenager,意指十几岁的孩子——16岁或者18岁以下(18岁以上就是adult了,16、7的孩子往往被称之为 young adults。雇用童工(Employing children labor)目前在很多国家是非法(illegal)的。也违反国际儿童保护条约(International Children Act )。允许雇用童工,或存在童工现象,都是一个国家落后愚昧的表现。所以大家不要说teenager打工可以锻炼自我,teenager需要的是接受教育,健康成长,也不要说teenager打工可以认识社会,teenager还不具备足够的心理承受能力(psychological endurance),过早步入社会 (early exposure to the real world),只能导致世界观、价值观(out look of world, value, etc.)的扭曲(deteriorated; distorted)。
People who oppose the idea of students taking part time jobs say that students should use their time to focus on exclusively on studying. I would argue instead that part-time jobs helps students focus on their studies, provides valuable practical experience, and allows them a feeling of success and independence that is a perfect complement to their academic pursuits.
A popular criticism of schools is that they are “ivory towers,” or places where study and research are divorced from the “real world”. A part-time job related to their major gives students an exciting chance to apply the theories they have learned in school. Chemistry is a notoriously abstract, boring, difficult subject. When a student takes a part-time job in a medical research lab, however, he/she might discover how important studying Chemistry is for saving people's lives. This student might then return to his/her Chemistry studies with renewed vigor. What was an abstract academic pursuit becomes a concrete and interesting goal with a real relationship to the student's life.
Part-time jobs also help students strengthen their resumes, build important contacts with companies, and familiarize them with the contemporary state of their respective fields. No matter how hard they try, Computer Science textbook publishers cannot keep up with the rapid development of new computer hardware, software, and programming languages. C.S. students who wish to maintain a competitive edge in the job market should find part-time positions where they can learn state-of-the-art techniques. After they graduate from college, they might then return to their part-time employer to look for a full-time position, or approach other employers with good references and cutting-edge work experience.
Finally, the feeling of success that comes from holding a part-time job can build students' confidence. Knowing that they can do a job well and be paid for it is an important character-building experience that many students put off for too long. Learning to manage the money that they make will be a critical part of their future lives. If they make mistakes handling their money in college, the results will probably not be disastrous, but will teach them valuable lessons that they will be sure to remember in the future, when they will be truly independent.
托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:advantages and disadvantages of my city
The advantages and disadvantages of my city.
A person you know is planning to move to your town or city. What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.
这是一道关系到大家实际情况的题目,但同时这是一个讨论假设问题的题目。因此小编建议大家可以尽量展开想象。注意:不要只说my city,要指出你所在城市的名字, 比如:Beijing, Shanghai等等。一般来说,人们会喜欢城市的原因有:女人喜欢商场;男人可能喜欢书店;大的公园、动物园;名胜古迹;文化氛围。而人们会讨厌的原因有:交通堵塞;空气不新鲜;大城市的排外主义(exclusivism)、不友善(unfriendly)等等。
If my friend Joey wants to move to Beijing, I think even though she might find something she dislikes, she will ultimately like this greatest city in our country. The weather might be one thing that she dislikes. The weather in Beijing is characterized by dry climate and it is much windy and dusty than that of Guangzhou city. Joey is very sensitive about her skin, so she will definitely hate dusty winds in Beijing. Moreover, Beijing's winter is far too much colder than that of Guangzhou, it might take Joey, as many other people came from the South, a very long time to get accustomed to. Nevertheless, she might well enjoy winter in the North, since she has never seen snowflakes in reality before. I remembered the shining of yearning and eager in her eyes when I once told her what the winter in the North looks like.
She might be always irritated by heavy traffic in Beijing, though taxis in Beijing cost much less than in Guangzhou. When I was in Guangzhou, seldom was I trapped by traffic jams. It must be ridiculous for her to have spent more than two hours and still didn't arrive at the destination which is merely 10 kilometers away. And the most ludicrous thing is, even if you possess a private car, it is more likely to be useless, for parking lots are always crowded, which means more time is to be wasted. Good news for her is that the bus system and that of subway in Beijing are well developed and more convenient, and she won't have to bear that odor of bromhidrosis owing to burning weather as she once experienced in buses of Guangzhou. What she will definitely love is the cultural ethos of the city. Beijing has a history probably longer than any other big city in China. To visit all historical landscapes in Beijing, she will need at least three years, no kidding!
Beijing has the most famous and excellent universities, the largest libraries, the richest museums, yet most important of all, her best friend! Amazingly, in this aged city, people are sometimes more international. Joey is especially fond of art, and Beijing is the right place for her, in which concerts of international singers or other musicians are much frequent, and she will even be able to attend Cui Jian's casual private concert in a coffee shop on a rainy autumn weekend.
【托福写作高分经验】托福写作高分经验分享 从22分到29分的飞跃
PS:我个人不是很建议大家把jj里面的文章全都写一遍,一方面浪费宝贵的复习时间,另一方面,你考试的时候如果真考到,就会比较刻意地去复制以前的作文。我觉得写作最重要的是创作的过程,只有写得你自己觉得才思泉涌,才能写出好文章。背出来的文章,说不定会有很多瑕疵。个人感觉,大家参考,我是比较喜欢创作的人。不喜欢按部就班。。。这就是为啥我的口语虽然pronounciation很好,但是停留在22 23的水平了。因为很大的原因是我不喜欢背东西。一旦背东西,我听起来就不是说口语了。
首先,是结构,怎么样让结构清晰?不是只有first, second这么土的词的。又不是写法律,如果不是黔驴技穷,尽量换点词。比如说in the first place啊,at the very beginning,again,also。。。。好多好多我就不说这种常识了。当然了,如果你确实是一下子想不起来(虽然有这种情况的备案,我还是这是unjustified的,你有一个晚上准备,这几个词应该是提前准备好的,随便用的),怎么办呢。如果你说了firstly,不一定要说secondly,就算你连secondly这个词也不知道怎么写,那千万别用thirdly,换个词嘛。furthermore,what's more, in addion....写文章我觉得最忌讳的是人家能预测到你的下一个词,这样人家就不想看了。当然回到托福这个问题上而言,结构一定要清楚!非常强调这一点。三战的时候我就是结构有点混乱了才24的。
但是结构也不是一层不变的,就只有首先然后再然后么?我觉得这个最好是放在小结构里面。一般文章我建议大家有两个框架,第一个是大框架,表明辩证关系,第二个是supporting 框架,表明递进关系。我就不信这样你都没得写了。是怕你写不完的。。。
最后是例子,有人说例子没有怎么办,没有什么怎么办的。挖掘你自己啊,用本山的小品说,就是往祖坟上刨。多数事情我们都有经历,往自己身上扯的好处是,1.木有考证,没有对错,名人就不同了,有对错之分。。。2.最熟悉,不会有不会写的词。你说你自己就是I吧,说issac Newton要多少字,打错了还有negative impression。当然了,有同学记忆力好,多写点也没关系。我写的时候是到处扯的。普遍联系的观点,这次作文我还说道北朝鲜的独裁制度啥的,这种东西新闻里面天天有,平常多看cnn,里面观点很火辣。你就有素材了。但是这是锦上添花,最基本的还是刨你自己,你爸妈,你七大姑八大姨。
不过supporting ideas可不需要段段都有for example的例子,你想想,那得多俗啊。我特别忌讳用for example,然后后一面一堆。不知道大家有没有经验,一般我们reading的时候看到这个词汇,是不是就不看了?看个主体,看个大概。你用这个词不是警示人家不要看么?我会说一堆推理,然后悄悄的灌输思想。等我说完,再来一句,this is how it works~他才发现他已经看完了,后悔也来不及了。哈哈~
但是转述也不是说没有自己观点的。你要证明给别人看,你用了脑子的,没有当复读机,所以我不建议大家重复原文的话,反而要总结成概括性的句子,放在每一段。当然模板也是很需要的,这个自己做吧~网上也有,但是我还是建议自己做。模板作用就是加快速度。模板的内容就是一个label和对比的作用。哪些是作者说的,哪些是professor说的,然后对比,比如while,however,on the contrary的样子。
但是人家没说的话你要不要说?很多人问这个问题,当然要说了。要不怎么证明你用了脑子,但是你不能说自己的观点。全文不能出现I believe这种话。关键是总结出作者的逻辑关系。实话告诉各位,哪怕没听全都不要怕,我这次就没听全,我听力的时候突然周围开始狂口语。我比他们进去得早,突然一下子吵不习惯。还好是到了尾声了。作者说全的话也不一定要全写出来。用自己的语言概括逻辑关系。我举个例子吧,eg.文章说A是错误的,但是作者refute了3个原因。其中一个原因是,虽然会出现这样的现象,但是有可能是被其它的原因干扰,比如云云,和A无关。这句话的核心就是与A无关。可以把这句话提出来。然后可以加上一些你自己认为的合理的分析。但是是从speech maker的角度去想的分析,他可以没说,你要把他没说的说了~而且还不能I think,因为是由ta 说的推出的。你分析好了再对比一次。“
gain 大家都认识的,获得,有同学就觉得很奇怪了,选项没有一个翻译出来是“获得”的意思,想要去上下文推断,这其实是不对的,我们要思考的应该是什么叫“获得”,以及gain 这个词一般出现在怎样的语境里面。如果你看到过这样的语境,说:某人最近吃的特别多,然后gain weight了,我想这个词汇题就完全难不倒你了,因为你知道这里的获得重量就是增重的意思,是lose weight的反义词。那刚刚的词汇题就肯定毫不犹豫选increases了。养成阅读习惯的好处,就是加强词汇在语境中意思的记忆,带着语境认识的单词才是你真正认识,真正理解的单词,同时,读文章过程中反复遇到单词,就是一遍遍加深记忆的过程,词汇记忆的奥义就是重复,反复记忆,阅读提供了这样的机会。
当然一定要保证阅读材料的质量。千万不要选择网上没有可靠来源的文章,而要选择正规出版物,以免受到误导。 最后,寻找难度适中的读物。刚刚我已经给大家推荐了一个阅读能力测评网站,大家的蓝思指数可以在ReadingPro官网通过阅读测试获得。下面就告诉大家原文书的蓝思指数在哪里,除了刚刚的ReadingPro官网也有不少读物的蓝思指数,更多更权威的原文书原文材料的蓝思指数是可以在蓝思官网www.lexile.com查询得到的,二者之间进行匹配就可以找到难度适中的读物了。比如我的蓝思指数是1600,那我就可以选择蓝思指数在1500-1650之间的书本进行阅读了。
有了合适的阅读材料,我们就要选择适合自己的阅读方式了。现在的阅读渠道比较多,除了纸质书,还可以从网页上,手机App上和Kindle上进行阅读。我个人比较推荐的是纸质书和Kindle。网页和手机比较容易让人在阅读时分心,同时屏幕对眼睛也不是特别好,不推荐使用。如果实在客观条件只允许使用电脑网页的话,可以选择依旧在ReadingPro的平台上阅读,他的优势是界面比较友好,有大量免费的经典文学名著和分级读物可供大家在网页上进行阅读,平台还自带查词功能。我个人最喜欢的是Kindle, 电子油墨屏跟纸张感觉很像,看久了也不会累,而且现在Kindle格式的书本网上资源非常多,大家只要百度书名.mobi就可以搜到Kindle上可以阅读的书本了。
【Paragraph 1】The story of the westward movement of population in the United States is, in the main, the story of the expansion of American agriculture—of the development of new areas for the raising of livestock and the cultivation of wheat, corn, tobacco, and cotton. After 1815 improved transportation enabled more and more western farmers to escape a self-sufficient way of life and enter a national market economy. During periods when commodity prices were high, the rate of westward migration increased spectacularly. ”Old America seemed to be breaking up and moving westward,“ observed an English visitor in 1817,during the first great wave of migration. Emigration to the West reached a peak in the 1830's. Whereas in 1810 only a seventh of the American people lived west of the Appalachian Mountains, by 1840 more than a third lived there.
1.What can be inferred from paragraph 1 about western farmers prior to 1815?
A.They had limited their crop production to wheat, corn, tobacco, and cotton.
B. They were able to sell their produce at high prices.
C. They had not been successful in raising cattle.
D. They did not operate in a national market economy.
本题中有非常明显的信息可以帮助我们定位,即年份数字“1815”,定位到原文After 1815 improved transportation enabled more and more western farmers to escape a self-sufficient way of life and enter a national market economy. 在18之后,改进的交通方式使得越来越多的西部弄明逃开了自给自足的生活方式,进入了国家市场经济。这是讲在1815年之后的事情,而题干中问的是“prior to 1815”,即在1815年之前,那么根据反向推理原理,直接对1815年之后的事情取反,即“在1815年之前,交通方式还未改进,人们是自给自足的生活方式,还未进入国家市场经济”,直接对应D选项。所以本题选择D选项。
【Paragraph 1】It was not until the Cambrian period, beginning about 600 million years ago, that a great proliferation of macroscopic species occurred on Earth and produced a fossil record that allows us to track the rise and fall of biodiversity. Since the Cambrian period, biodiversity has generally risen, but there have been some notable exceptions. Biodiversity collapsed dramatically during at least five periods because of mass extinctions around the globe. The five major mass extinctions receive most of the attention, but they are only one end of a spectrum of extinction events. Collectively, more species went extinct during smaller events that were less dramatic but more frequent. The best known of the five major extinction events, the one that saw the demise of the dinosaurs, is the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction.
2. Paragraph 1 supports which of the following statements about life on Earth before the Cambrian period?
A. Biodiversity levels were steady, as indicated by the fossil record.
B. Levels of biodiversity could not be tracked.
C. The most dramatic extinction episode occurred.
D. Few microscopic species existed.
本题中我们可以根据专业词汇“Cambrian period”定位到It was not until the Cambrian period, beginning about 600 million years ago, that a great proliferation of macroscopic species occurred on Earth and produced a fossil record that allows us to track the rise and fall of biodiversity. 直到六亿年前的寒武纪时期,肉眼可见的生物才在地球上大量出现并产生可以让我们了解物种多样性兴衰的化石。可是题干中用的是“before the Cambrian period”,即寒武纪之前,那么只要将原文中寒武纪之后的内容取反,即“在寒武纪之前,肉眼可见的生物还没有大量出现,我们还不能了解物种的多样性”,对应B选项。
其实对于考过GRE的人来说,与考过SAT的 人,对于这两种人来说,作文是两种截然不同的东西。对考过GRE的人来说,作文来自于理性星球,它是一个思辨的精灵,无论作文说了什么,我们都要尽力找出 其中的逻辑漏洞,然后用精密制导导弹击毁之,是否有例子来支撑自己的观点,其实并不特别重要,只要逻辑合理就可以。这里更像是几个哲学教授的辩论。
而托福考试的作文则是来自于第三个星球,这是一个属于校园的星球,这里的每个人都是嗷嗷待哺的小野兽,是的,你们可以想象一下《怪物大学》。这里面的每个人 都所知不多,但是求知欲很强,都想得到新的知识,但是对于新的知识,又很难理解。因此总是需要很多深入浅出的例子,来对于这些新的知识和概念进行解释。这 里的人不需要太多的思考,写作文的人是这个课堂上的绝对权威,这意味着不会有人质疑你,你只要能够用恰当的例子自圆其说就好了。请注意,你是一定要有例子 来自圆其说的!否则台底下的小野兽,是听不懂你在说什么的,因为他们无法理解这些抽象的概念和知识。
对于托福考试来说,其实要你做的事情十分的简单,就是给出你的3条理由,支持问题可以,反对提出的问题也可以,只要你最后有自己一个明确的观点即可,根 本不需要你有任何思辨的能力。而且也不建议有任何思辨的内容,因为按照中国学生的英语表达能力,很有可能写出,我看到你考上了清华,我很高兴,我真是含笑 九泉了,这样的句子。换句话说,在你表达能力不过关的时候,你这些思辨的内容,只会让判卷的考官,对你的想法丈二和尚摸不着头脑。
同时也不要像SAT作文一样全是例子,因为如果只在单纯的讲故事的话,你是没有论点的,而人家托福作文要的就是论点,你不给人家论点,这就不符合人家的要 求,这就好像是你女朋友家只有23平米,但是你非要给人家装一个厂房用的中央空调一样不合时宜,人家女神要什么,你就给什么吗,你虽然有更好的东西,等人 家要的时候你再给吗,人家不要,你偏要给,这多不合时宜啊,是吧,中央空调。
而且这里需要特别注意的是例子,一定要够细!最好说清在哪一年,哪一天,哪一个具体的人,这个人在大学或者公司当中处在什么位置,如果只想说公司的话,那就 要说清楚这个公司或者大学,在本行业当中排名第几,只有这样的例子才能让人信服。这就好像你说你的女神在跟你求婚,但是你如果说不出时间地点,别人是不会 相信的。只有你说出时间地点,女神的装束,最好再拿出现场的照片,人才会相信吗。
解题要点 “a”后面接以辅音开始的字词“an”后面接以元音开始的字词。当A、B、C、D四个选择答案中出现有a或an,应首先察看它后面的单词,以判断此不定冠词是否正确。
(1) The Montreal International Exposition,“Expo. 67”was applauded for displaying an degree of taste superior to that of similar expositions.
(答案) B 改为a degree。
(2) If a atom loses any of its electrons, it becomes positively charged and can combine chemically with other atoms.
(答案) A改为an atom
(3) Since the beginning of this century the United States government has played an role in the supervision and use of the nation’s natural resources.
(答案) A改为a role
(4) A electric current can consist of charges that are positive, negative, or both.
(答案) A 改为An election
2. 可数名词前面通常要有冠词或其它限定形容词, 非泛指的可数名词一般不能独立存在。
(1) A march is highly rhythmic piece of music first used by military bands to accompany marching. (94.1)
(答案) A 名词短语 piece of music 前面应加不定冠词:a highly rhythmic piece of music
(2) The sonometer is instrument used to study the mathematical relations of harmonic tones. (93.8)
(答案) A改为an instrument, instrument为可数名词,前面应有冠词。
(3) Accounting is described as art of classifying, recording, and reporting significant financial events.
(答案) A 名词art,表示“一门艺术”这个概念时,应加冠词。此句应改为an art。
(1) The Yukon River, which fllows into the Baring Sea, gives its name to a region of Alaska and a territory of the Canada.
(答案) D删掉定冠词the. Canada是专有名词,无需加冠词。表示“国家”“城市”“人物”等概念的专有名词前不加冠词。
(2) Langston Hughes, a prolific writer of the 1920’s was concerned with the depicting the experience of urban Black people in the United States.
(答案) C 删除冠词the。动名词前不应加冠词。特别是当这个动名词带有宾语,它的动词属性更强烈,因而不能加冠词。
(3) Some geologists predict that, by end of the next century, movement along the San Andreas Fault will have caused part of California to separate from the continent (88.1)
(答案) A 加入定冠词the,组成固定短语by the end。含冠词的词组不能随意删除或更换。
(4) At a first, the scientific method may appear to be a narrow and restrictive way of gaining (89.10)
(答案) A 删除不定冠词a。At first为固定短语结构,不能随意添入冠词。
(5) Seven of planets rotate in the same direction as their orbital motions, while Venus and Uranus rotate in the opposite direction. (91.8)
(答案) A 此句的planets特指太阳系中的九大行星,故应加入定冠词the,即Seven of the planets……。
举例来说,对于定语从句学习,在介绍完基本用法并巩固后,会结合在听力口语阅读及写作中的运用来一一讲解。譬如说,托福口语的第一道题是关于个人事项的提问,在45秒中的回答中,语法和词汇都是重要的评分标准,如何迅速提高语法结构,抓住定语从句是最直接并简单易行的一条。以Describe a place that you’d like to visit and is full of color 为例。作为回答,学生们往往会说,The place that I’d like to visit and is full of color is X.X.X. 但如果从提分、提高句子结构复杂性的角度,我就会建议在后面再加个非限定性从句,表示评价,(事实+评价的思路)。The place that I’d like to visit and is full of color is X.X.X, which is located in ….( which is the most beautiful…that I have ever seen)等等。写作作为另一门输出型考试,也是同理。
另外,针对定语从句在阅读中的运用,我会给学生看对应的托福阅读真题,要求理解。如Confidence is probably one of the most noticeable traits in the Americans. They show confidence in the way they talk, the way they smile, the way they dress and the way they walk. 要求学生做对应的理解练习。
This is the only bookstore in our town that is closed.
This is the only bookstore in our town, which is closed.
A. cotton grass is the only one of the caribou’s food sources that is becoming scarce as temperatures rise in arctic regions.
很多同学之前会理解成:Cotton grass 是caribou唯一的食物,而且它会随着北极温度升高而减少。然后误选这个选项。
而现在我们知道它其实是一个限定性定语从句,意思是:Cotton grass 是唯一一种会随着温度升高而减少的caribou食物;别的caribou的食物不会随着温度升高而减少。
托福写作5点高分经验分享 老师角度浅谈作文提分思路
托福写作通常是一个五段三点式的写作,通常我们也叫鱼骨头(Fish Bone)式。这样的结构就是最为普遍的议论文结构,开头段+中间三段+结尾段。千万不要小看这样的结构,以为这样的结构过于简单,过于八股。其实,新托福写作考查的也就是考生是否会熟练运用这样的结构去表达自己对一个观点的看法。美国的高中生会专门用一年的时间来学习这样的结构。所以在准备托福写作的时候,应该特别注意要熟练运用五段三点式这样的结构。
至于其他的中西方文化的差异,主要集中在语言上。例如,typical这个词,中文的翻译是“典型的”,而“典型的”的在中文的理解就是“特别的,少数的”,而在英文中,“典型的”就是代表广大群众的基本特征的,是“普遍的”。再例如,“热锅上的蚂蚁”这个表达,中国考生很容易表达成为“ants on a hot pot”,而正确的英文表达应该是“cat on hot bricks”。这些就是我们需要注意的中西方的文化差异。
Aeroplanes have the reputation of being dangerous and even hardened travelers are intimidated by them. They also have the disadvantage of being an expensive form of transport. But nothing can match them for speed and comfort. 段落的开头使用让步加转折的逻辑关系引出了段落的主题:飞机旅行的有点—速度快、舒适。
这也预示了段落内部的层次。 Travelling at a height of 30,000 feet, far above the clouds, and at over 500 miles an hour is an exhilarating experience. You do not have to devise ways of taking your mind off the journey, for an aeroplane g you to your destination rapidly. 论述飞机速度的过程中:替代笼统表达高和快,作者直接写出了飞机飞行的具体高度(30,000 feet)和具体时速(500 miles/hr)。充分体现出英文说理文章对细节的要求,因为只有细节才更具有真实性和说服力。而这一点往往是中国学生比较欠缺的。
紧接着开始展开段落的下一个层次:飞机的舒适度。而让我们以外的是从引入第二个层次到最后的全部展开‘comfortable’这个字样竟然从未出现过,那么取而代之让读者切身感受到这种舒适度不是别的正是细节的描写,这也是该段最最精彩的部分。For a few hours, you settle back in a deep armchair to enjoy the flight. The real escapist can watch a film and sip champagne on some services. Settle back in a deep armchair 和sip champagne 足以让读者身临其仿佛自己正懒懒地窝在座椅里舌尖流过美味的香槟酒。
But even when such refinements are not available, there is plenty to keep you occupied. An aeroplane offers you an unusual and breathtaking view of the world. You soar effortlessly over high mountains and deep valleys. You really see the shape of the land. If the landscape is hidden from view, you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plain that stretch out for miles before you, while the sun shines brilliantly in a clear sky…层层让步的逻辑让读者觉得似乎无论怎样,飞机总会给我们准备一份大礼。而对于机舱外面的景色描写之细致自然而然的在读者眼前展开了一副美妙的画卷。就这样,在没有一句的话直接告诉我们飞机的舒适感的情况下,作者就是用细致的文字描写带着每个读者舒舒服服的做了一回‘头等舱’。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to be a member of a group than to be the leader of a group. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
According to my opinion, it is always better to be a leader than a follower. True leader show initiative. They take actions and they assume responsibilities. A leader makes a decision. Some followers may approve of the decision, others may complain about it. However, these followers all chose to follow, not to lead. They chose not to make a decision. That's how I am different. I am not a follower. I want to make decisions.
A good leader will not react to events, but will anticipate them. A leader will start a plan of action and then will persuade others to follow. For example, a class president at a local college may feel that the relationship between the community and the campus is not a good one. The citizens may feel that the college kids make too much noise on the street, litter public areas, and shop in other communities. A good class president will recognize that the community and the campus depend on one another. The president will ask the student body to keep noise down, help clean up the neighborhood, and work with businesses to attract students. A good leader takes the initiative.
Good leaders must be action-oriented. Having taken the initiative, they must see the job though. They have to take charge and lead the followers. They have to motivate and encourage the followers. The followers (in this example, the student body) must understand why good relations with the community are necessary. The followers must be persuaded to do something about it.
I enjoy taking the initiative, determining the direction, and being responsible for my actions. I do not want to suffer through other people's stupid decisions. If there are going to be stupid ways to do something, let them be mine. Would not you agree?
在综合写作方面,主要通过课上讲评和课后练习的方式进行的。在做题时,要求江同学要注重阅读和听力部分的一一对应的反驳关系。在课程中,进行了对阅读的总观点和分论点进行改写的练习,于此同时也讲解了如何使表达更有简洁性。听力内容方面,则让江同学要做到尽量还原原文,尤其是细节部分更要表达完整准确。在注重技巧训练的同时也时刻提醒学员要打好基础,加强单词方面的背诵与默写。在单词背诵方面,我主要借鉴《词以类记》这 本书的按学科分类部分的方法来扩展江同学词汇量,并且让她在平时的学习中注意搭建单词发音与拼写之间的联系。
After your presentation, which way would you choose to identify your weakness and improve your presentation?
1) reviewing the recording on your own;
2) inviting your colleagues or classmates to make suggestions for improvement.
范文1:For Choice 1
To improve my performance after giving a presentation, it is best to review a recording of it by myself. This process lets me observe all aspects of the presentation, evaluate changes at my own pace, and avoid being defensive.
First, a video recording gives significantly more information than just relying on comments made by colleagues or classmates. I can analyze and improve on even small points that others may not have noticed or found worth mentioning. For example, a couple years ago, I gave a presentation that I had extensively prepared for. It had strong organization and flow. Classmates raved about the content, but mentioned that I looked scared. I was confused, because I had felt confident. However, I noticed in the video later that I was continually fingering my notes. For my next presentation, I placed the notes within view but did not hold them, rendering my appearance more professional.
Another reason I prefer watching a recording is my pace of learning. I can focus on the points I want to redo, replaying the material as often as I want, confirming even tiny details. In fact, I can even take long breaks to think about what I see or to try out alternate delivery styles. I do not have to inconvenience my friends by asking them for feedback or taking up their time. If others are involved in the evaluation process, I feel much more rushed because I do not want to bother people who have agreed to help me.
Finally, reviewing a recording by myself eliminates a serious problem that hinders progress: my pride. I do not like to admit it, but I often get defensive about feedback and want to explain why certain things happened. I feel resentful about negative comments rather than see them as stepping stones towards improvement. It is a natural tendency, but it definitely hinders my ability to assimilate outside feedback. Furthermore, friends try to be polite, so they may not mention minorpoints that I might have improved because they don’t want to seem too critical. Emotions get in the way of a thorough critique.
To improve my future performance, I find it best to review videos of my presentations by myself. I can evaluate all aspects of the presentation, take as much time as I need, and avoid the inevitable problem of emotional involvement swaying the critique.
at my own pace 按照自己的步伐走
rave about the content 对内容赞不绝口
place the notes within view 把笔记放在眼前,把笔记放在视线范围内
inconvenience my friends 麻烦我的朋友
take up their time 占用他们的时间
see them as stepping stones towards improvement 把它们看作是迈向进步的垫脚石
get in the way 妨碍,阻碍
范文2:For Choice 2
It is essential to get the feedback of people in the audience to learn about mistakes and improve on a presentation. Spectator critiques help identify the big picture and reveal points that you can’tsee in an honest, unbiased way.
No matter how impartial you want to be, a self-evaluation is biased. It incorporates points that are not relevant to the performance you gave. For example, you may think you did excellent given your limited practice time or great amount of stress, but your audience is unaware of these factors. The viewers only evaluate what they see, which is a far more accurate measure of a presentation. A self-evaluation may also ignore issues that were “just accidents.” However, such points may reallybe important detractors that need to be addressed.
People in the audience also provide insight into the big picture. They only have time to note specific glaring details or outstanding highlights. Otherwise, their feedback gives you the overallimpression of the performance, which is something intangible and essential to the presentation’ssuccess. If you compare the feedback of several observers, you can isolate the main patterns. As a result, you can understand the most important parts that need changed. If you only refer to a video on your own, you may get caught up changing minor details rather than addressing the key elements that are needed to alter the overall flow or lasting effect.
Finally, classmates or colleagues may identify things you take for granted such as mannerisms, repeated words, or even problems with visual aids. One example is a teacher who gave a presentation using an old slide projector that kept jamming. The teacher apologized when that happened and kept going with the lecture. He had no idea how distracting it was, to the point that students remembered joking about which slide would get stuck next better than they remembered the content. The teacher, however, was so used to fixing the projector that he barely noticed it. The feedback showed him the value of replacing his visual aids with newer equipment, an issue he had never considered was important.
Since an audience gives you honest evaluations of the overall impression of a presentation and identifies points you may not see on your own, it is important to get feedback from people in the audience in order to improve your presentations.
spectator critiques 旁观者的评论
in an honest, unbiased way 以诚实、公正的方式
a far more accurate measure of a presentation 对报告或展示一种更为准确的评价
provide insight into the big picture 洞察全局
glaring details 明显的细节
outstanding highlights 突出的亮点
visual aids 视觉辅助
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Students are more interested in politics today than they were in the past.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
范文1:Argument 1 (for)
Students today are more interested in politics than students were in the past. The methods of presenting politics to the general audience have changed. Now that it is more entertaining and easier to watch the progress of local and international events, students have a greater desire to follow political issues.
In the past, political issues were considered serious topics that needed to be treated with dignity and respect. That attitude has changed in recent years, so that now political events such as debates are colorful spectacles designed to engage and entertain. Politicians are often viewed asamusing and mocked by actors and the media. As a result, students enjoy seeing what antics the politicians are up to. This new attitude is a far cry from the dry, solemn tone of yesteryear.
Not only are political proceedings considered more entertaining, but they are also easier to access now than they were in the past. It is easy to look up issues on the internet or smart phones, so students can read about political events at any time. They do not have to buy a newspaper ordedicate a certain time to watching news on the television. Instead, they can read on the bus or while waiting to meet a friend. In fact, social media also rapidly spreads news about political events, allowing the news to reach millions more students than it would have in the past.
At the same time that technology makes news about politics more accessible, it encourages more awareness of events so that students do not feel left behind. Students want to follow issues so that they can converse in witty ways with their friends. They do not want to appear “out of the loop,” so they read up on what is happening. They take time to scan headlines and watch videos so that they are able to discuss such things with their peers.
Today, politics are presented as diverting and entertaining. New technology makes it easier for students to access news. In turn, students have more of a desire to learn about the news so they can keep up with their friends. As a result, students today follow politics much more than they did in the past.
the general audience
be viewed as X.X.X
被当做 X.X.X
be up to
be a far cry from the dry, solemn tone of yesteryear
dedicate a certain time to do
in witty ways
out of the loop
范文2:Argument 2 (against)
In the past, students were more aware of political issues than they are today. Most students today are raised in an environment that does not encourage insightful analysis of local and world events. Although technology has increased the availability of news, it does not mean that students regularly access it.
First, students lack the encouragement to interpret the news that they see. In the past, families often watched political news together around their single television. After seeing the news, they might argue different sides of the issue and analyze the ramifications of the decisions. Families sitting around the dinner table would invariably discuss politics. However, these opportunities are greatly reduced because families have more than one television, allowing members to view completely different shows. Very few families today sit down for a dinner with all members present. The structure of the home has changed so that students are not encouraged to participate in discussions about politics.
Second, priorities have changed so that students don’t have time or don’t want to watch politics. Why pay attention to dry, boring news when there are social media and extremely engaging video games? Students would prefer to gossip with friends about school and peers rather than discuss details of law and commerce. In the past, if students were not outside playing, they were isolated at home, leaving them with little to do other than pick up the newspaper and read events. However, today students can message friends or become absorbed in the internet, options that let them pursue other things than politics.
Finally, the way news is presented leaves students less educated about political events than they were in the past. Today, news is given as short, catchy headlines or video shots. For example, students may get a brief look at the highlight of a debate, but they do not understand the background or implications of the decision. They may see the funny moment when a politicianmakes a verbal slip, but they do not have any context for it. The current trend of making politics amusing is shifting the population’s awareness from a thoughtful analysis of politics to a humorous anecdote without a framework of reference.
Students today are not nearly as aware of political issues as they were in the past. Changing family structures, priorities, and news presentation methods have turned the tide towards a more superficial understanding of politics.
insightful analysis of local and world events
analyze the ramifications of the decisions
gossip with X
become absorbed in
catchy headlines
make a verbal slip
a thoughtful analysis of politics
托福写作高分学霸备考经验整理 常用功能性句式一览
1. 强调重要性的句式
(1) The importance of ... can never be overestimated.
注释:这个句子可在全文的任何地方出现,可以用于表达观点:As far as I'm concerned, the importance of learning English can never be overestimated.也可以用于总结:Thus, the importance of cultivating a sense of independence can never be overestimated.
(2) ... has been playing an increasingly important role in ...
注释:这个句子可用于开头:Today, Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our society。也可以在段落首用于表达观点,不过我个人通常用于表达观点,因为开头我有固定模板。
(3) ... is a strong determinant of ...
注释:这个句子类似(1)句,也是可以在任何地方出现,比如whether a student has developed some skills is a strong determinant of whether he can get a good job.
2. 权衡对比表达观点的句式
(1) when ..., we need to give full consideration to ...
注释:这句话很显然是用于表达观点的,我一般在第一段的最后一句使用:when deciding on building a chemical plant, the government should give full consideration to the advantages and disadvantages it will bring to the community.
(2) ... is valued more than ...
注释:这句也是用来表达观点的,我一般用在第一段:developing economy is valued more than protecting environment by some people。
(3) favor ... as opposed to ...
注释:相比之下更喜欢,也是用于表达观点:Many people favor protecting the environment as opposed to developing the economy alone.
3. 举例常用句式表达
A perfect example can be found in ...
... serves as a perfect example
... has well illustrated this
例如:A perfect example can be found in Microsoft which insists on clean technology.
Microsoft, which insists on clean technology, serves as a perfect example.
Microsoft, which insists on clean technology, has well illustrated this.
... is not alone in ...
比如:Microsoft is not alone in holding the idea。
4. 描述结果的句式
(1) the attempt by ... to ... has been a tremendous success.
注释:这个句子也可以用于举例也可以用于总结:The attempt by the government to help gaint panda has been a tremendous success.
(2) a better understanding of ... will enable ...
注释:这个句子超有用,可以用于表达观点,可以用于总结,可以用于引出例子:A better underdtanding of ourselves will enable us to live better lives.
(3) an examination of ... will confirm such a fact that ...
注释:这个也超有用,我主要用来引出例证和表达观点: An examination of those students with excellent academic performance will confirm such a fact that diligence and efficient methods contribute a lot to their success.
(4) ... have generally come to recognize the wisdom of ...
注释:这个句子可放在开头:Most people now have generally come to recognize the wisdom of being able to speak English.
托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:spend money for outer space or basic needs
Spend money exploring outer space, or for basic needs on Earth?
Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and to other planets). Other people disagree and think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
陈述exploring outer space的重要性:国力(national power)的体现。参考例子:CNN曾有过一个专题节目 (monograph)专门讨论“美国人是否真的曾经登陆月球”(Did American Astronauts Really Reach the Moon.)结论是,美国政府作假(that event was a cheat)。陈述basic needs on Earth的重要性:多举几个例子。立场上,选择后者应该更容易写一些。
In the last one hundred years, space exploration has become more and more common: a number of countries have reportedly sent spaceships to the moon, there are dozens of satellites orbiting the earth, and there are massive telescopes floating in space whose purpose is to find out what else could be out there. However, I tend to agree that governments should spend money for basic needs. Throughout the world, there are millions and millions of people who are homeless, and even cannot afford to eat. These people need help from the government. If the government has so much money to spend on space exploration, they should easily be able to have enough money to help these people gain entry to the working world. The government could set up programs which allow homeless people to train for jobs. This would be a much better way to spend money than exploring space. Pollution is another major problem which plagues all of the industrial nations. Instead of spending money on other planets, we should be focusing on how to fix the one we live on. The ozone layer is getting thinner and thinner every year, which means that the sun's radiation is causing more damage to people and the environment. The governments need to design a method to drastically reduce pollution, or else we might need to move to one of those other planets they are exploring! In addition to the problems of pollution and homelessness, the general population could use the money as well. In many countries, including our own, the health care and education system leave so many things to be desired. I think that more money should be put towards making citizens healthier and wiser. In conclusion, while the study of space is fascinating, I believe that governments spend too much money exploring the great unknown, when they should be focusing on the needs of people on earth.
托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:dancing play important role in culture
Does dancing play an important role in a culture?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Dancing plays an important role in a culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
这个题目乍看起来很不好写。同意这个观点(Dancing is really important in every culture.)。可以采取it depends 的策略。舞蹈的娱乐作用(as a important mean of entertainments)也是important role in a culture,所以种文化中都有其独特的舞蹈形式(dancing form)。原始社会(primitive society)时,舞蹈是非常重要的。庆祝(celebration; festival),祈祷(pray),宗教仪式(ritual) 等等活动中,舞蹈都是最主要的组成部分(one of the most important components)。随着社会的发展,宗教仪式(ritual)演变成了歌剧(opera),舞蹈仍然是很重要的娱乐手段。时间进入21世纪,各种娱乐手段开始丰富起来,舞蹈尽管已经不是主流的(main)娱乐方式,但是仍然非常重要。某年的奥斯卡(Oscar)得主就是一个歌舞剧(musical drama)——芝加哥(Chicago).
There are a number of qualities that have always been present in cultures, recent or ancient. These qualities can be anything from art forms to culturally gained knowledge. These qualities make the culture unique, and allow the culture to offer something interesting to the world. Throughout history, dancing has always played such a role in cultures. This is because dance allows us to express emotion, preserve heritage, and entertain. Dancing has always held a high position in culture, as it is an excellent way of expressing emotion. Much like the painter using color to convey emotion, dancers can use their body as a tool to show the onlooker their happiness, sadness, pain, etc. Dancing is also an excellent method of retaining and preserving culture. Many cultures have dance as part of their ceremonies, whether the ceremony is religious or patriotic in form. For example, it is a widely practiced norm to have people dance out a glorious moment in battle. In religion, it is common for people to dance to appease the God or Gods. Because of this, dancing is an excellent way to maintain culture, and ensure that important moments of the past are not forgotten. In modern days, it is much more common for dancing to be seen as a form of entertainment. Dancing has become somewhat of a sport in some countries, for example, ballroom dancing is very popular in the United States. There are hundreds of bars and disco clubs all over China which focus on dancing. They provide disc jockeys, more commonly referred to as ”D.J.s“, and play loud, repetitive music which encourages the young people to dance. There are many different styles of dance, but all bring the dancer to have fun, and get a good workout at the same time.
托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:Living places and weather changing
Living in places that have the same weather all year long, or in areas where the weather changes several times a year?
Some people prefer to live in places that have the same weather or climate all year long. Others like to live in areas where the weather changes several times a year. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
随便选择哪一个都无所谓,之后罗列三个好处。比如,作为出生在北方的人,到了一年四季天气差不多的南方才发现,原来没有四季变化有很大的经济意义:一年两套衣服足矣,不像在北方,四季分明,总是花很多钱去买换季的衣服(change dress proper for the season)。再比如,四季分明,就多了很多自然景观。有很多南方人一辈子都没有亲眼见到(witness; with one's own eyes) 过雪。
Because China is such a vast country, the weather and climate changes dramatically from one part of the country to another. Some parts have a mild, warm temperature all year long, whereas other regions of the country have weather patterns that shift dramatically from hot to cold over the year. Given the choice to live in one type of climate or the other, I would choose to live in a region where the weather is constantly changing throughout the year. The reasons for this are varied. First, I enjoy the different seasons. Second, I take pleasure in many different sports, some of which require warm weather, and others require the cold. Finally, I enjoy living in a region with constantly changing weather because I think that change is good for one's health. As mentioned above, one aspect I love about living in a region with changing climates is the shift in seasons. I really enjoy walking through a city and being able to see the trees turn from bright green in the summer, to brown in the fall, to bare in the winter, and then come back to life again in the spring. I find the process of nature very beautiful, and appreciate living in a city where I can observe these changes. In addition to enjoying the seasons, I also get pleasure from playing a wide variety of sports. Some of these sports require summer weather, like swimming, but others require winter weather, like skiing or ice-skating. By living in a region with extreme changes in seasons, I am able to enjoy all of my favorite activities. Finally, I enjoy living in an area with changing temperatures because I believe that the extreme temperatures are good for one's health. By allowing one's body to adjust to the extremes, one builds their immune system and is healthier overall. Overall, I find that living in a changing environment is more interesting than living in one where the climate is always constant. I find that if I am sick of the cold in the winter, I can always take a short plane ride to somewhere that is warmer.
托福写作高分学霸备考经验整理 独立综合两篇文章写法结构分析
综合写作因为有个reading 可以参考所以很好写,只要记下了listening里的要点,再依次呈现即可。
开篇:一句话,说明reading 和listening是有明显不同的。
中间段:每一段一个点,论述reading 和listening的不同。
开头段,请分为三句话。background statement描述背景,opinions描述两边的观点。topic 表达我自身的观点。我个人喜欢用一边倒的方式写托福作文,当然中立观点也能写。在topic段落中,除了表达观点,我建议把接下来会使用的论点全都用一两个词概括出来,总领全文。这样写下来,大概是80个字。
托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:choose a place to live at university
Living in university housing or in an apartment in the community?
Students at universities often have a choice of places to live. They may choose to live in university dormitories, or they may choose to live in apartments in the community. Compare the advantages of living in university housing with the advantages of living in an apartment in the community. Where would you prefer to live? Give reasons for your preference.
一定要进行比较。住在宿舍的优缺点:便宜(不用付或者付很少的租金;很少的交通费用);方便;但是可能不自由。自己租房子住的优缺点:自由;安静;干净;但是费用高 (也许合租的话,就会便宜很多)。根据自己的情况进行选择。
Being a new student at a university is an excitement. Choosing where to live, whether on campus in a dormitory, or off campus in an apartment, is in fact quite a big decision. Both of these options have their relative benefits. Living in a dormitory has many advantages over living off campus. For example, one has the opportunity to meet dozens of new students. One is usually placed in a room with a roommate, who can help with homework, and give much needed support during difficult times. Another advantage of living in a dormitory is not having to cook food. Most students coming to a university have lived their whole lives with their parents, and inexpert at preparing food, for they were not in charge of the cooking in home. Many students who first learn to cook their own food while going to school eat a very unhealthy diet. On top of this, many students are so preoccupied with their studies that they do not have time to cook a nutritious meal. Therefore, the fact that the dormitories include a cafeteria is very beneficial. However, living off campus has its advantages as well. In most situations, one has much more freedom to do what they want in these living conditions. For instance, one can stay up late studying or come home late without disturbing a roommate. Also, one is not limited to the cafeteria food if he/she is a particular eater. Living by oneself also has its benefits. One never has to deal with rude or messy roommates. Overall, I think that both of these options are good choices. However, I recommend that first or second year students live in a dormitory, and perhaps wait until they are older and more accustomed to university life before venturing out on their own. This way, one gets the best of both worlds: the camaraderie of living with many people and the independence of living by oneself.
托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:artists' contribution or scientists' contribution
Artists' contribution or scientists' contribution, which is more valuable?
It is generally agreed that society benefits from the work of its members. Compare the contributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society. Which type of contribution do you think is valued more by your society? Give specific reasons to support your answer.
Art and science are essentially a strange coupling. Yet more often than not, they are considered as divergent rather than consistent with each other. The artist employs image and metaphor; the scientist uses number and equation. By casual juxtaposition, these two fields seem to have little in common: there are few, if any, references to art in any standard textbook of science; art historians rarely interpret an artist's work in light of the conceptual framework of science. Despite what appear to be irreconcilable differences, however, they do have at least one thing in common—both of them have significant contribution to the society, but through probably distinctive way. The development of science and technology has always accompanied the progress of the society. The invention of the steam engine brought a new era of thrift of world economy; the employment of electricity has multiplied the productivity and virtually reproduced limited resources on the Earth; the innovation of computer technologies has made the Earth a little village and connected distant countries as a single market. While sometimes the progress of science and technology, such as that of human cloning, cause troubles or originate dilemmas, it seems always undeniable that in a broad sense, the development of science has provided people a much higher standard of living than that of their counterparts in any phrase of the history. Visualization and fascination have been the major power of any form of art. For example, any' religion in this world cannot exist without music, which helps realize the faith of the church to an astonishing extent. Each and every revolution on this earth was accompanied by numerous corresponding art productions, because the artists sense the circumstances, and then reflect their sensations with sophisticated techniques in their production, which can be easily perceived by the public through powerful empathy. Nobody could evaluate art as correct or not standard, needless to say the public, they simply feel it is good or not, therefore art has always had magic influence on the public and society in general. However, it's been said that there is no science without fancy and no art without facts. Science fictions have long been functioning as a major vehicle for the public dissemination of science; scientists share parallel view of space, time and light, etc. with artists. Not only are art and science interrelated with each other but they also contribute to each other in various way. Therefore, it is hard to compare the contributions of art and science, it is simply partial to say that either one contributes more to the society than another does.
托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:should students evaluate their teachers
Should schools ask students to evaluate their teachers?
Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
有保留地同意 (agree with reservations)。学生在评判教师时,是否全部学生都可以客观评价(objective evaluation)?是否有足够的能力(包括academic knowledge等等)去进行客观评价? 如果采取了这样的方式,就会出现老师迎合(cater to/ pander to/ play up to students' taste)学生而不是引导 (guide; lead)学生,违背了教育的原则。保留意见/这种方式:允许学生进行评价,但是应该作为一个参考,同时要有其他的评判方式。
Teachers have a very difficult job in society. They not only have to learn how to teach material effectively, but also must learn how to deal with a wide variety of personalities. While teaching is a difficult job, I think it is important for schools to ask students to evaluate their teachers. I think this is the right thing to do because it encourages teachers to try their best, it gives students the opportunity to choose effective teachers, and it allows the schools to have the best teachers possible teaching. If a teacher knows that at the end of the term, the students will be evaluating his/her work, then the teacher will be driven to do a very good job. If there is no pressure from evaluation, a teacher might be prone to doing a less than perfect job. I believe that everyone needs an occasional evaluation to ensure they are doing their job correctly. In the case of a teacher, the students will give the most important evaluations. If there was a public summary of which teacher scored the highest on his/her evaluations, then students would be able to take courses based on which teacher was the best at the job. This would allow students to excel in their studies, and achieve better grades. Finally, if schools ask students to evaluate their teachers, the schools themselves would be able to have the best teachers working on campus. If a teacher scored too low on an evaluation, a replacement could be found. This is a much better method than waiting for students to complain about a teacher. Teachers do have a difficult job, but regardless of this, they must excel at it. If a person is a particularly poor teacher, the students will not learn the required material, and suffer for it.
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