
时间:2025-01-27 03:37:50 作者:daydaychen 综合材料 收藏本文 下载本文




第一点,打字太慢。针对平日备考使用纸笔训练的同学,一定要千万注意!!!纸笔写作以及电脑敲字是不相同的感觉!!在平日不怎么用键盘打英文的同学,能够试试限时30分钟,你是可以打多少字,可以去边打字边拼单词,单词通常就会走形,并非是前后字母颠倒就是多字母、少字母。因此新托福培训老师建议大家,在备考时可以使用电脑写作,并且不要key在word里,因为word会帮你标注出错字并且纠正字母顺序。而是另开一个记事本,30分钟打完后,复制到word里,看你有多少红的波浪线:) 键盘打字虽然比起训练听力阅读算是小细节,但关键时刻会影响你的心态和发挥,大家一定要提前训练和适应。






主体段的写作理由应该是要大处落笔,小处着手,亮出自己的观点之后,马上用具体的例子进行支撑。但是实际上在写的时候,先想出观点是很难的,那么我们完全可以反其道而行之,先想例子,然后再提炼出自己的观点。比如说9月2日独立作文 题目:Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Competition with friends usually have negative effect on friendship?林丹与李宗韦两大顶尖高手的争锋,丝毫没有影响他们的友情,只会令他们惺惺相惜。乔布斯与比尔盖茨一直在竞争,比尔盖茨在个人PC 独领风骚,但是乔布斯的苹果手机有了自己的天下,这就是开创了新的领域。


这其实都是占据我们眼球的新闻,以及我们耳熟能详里的故事,这里的一个很重要的诀窍就是,先去想例子,从例子提炼观点,如果我们单独的想观点,就只能陷在假大空的深渊中越陷越深。这时候,退一步,海阔天空,想想我们每天看什么新闻,听什么故事,其实我们的理由很多很多。只要平时多加练习,自然会生成一个自己的 “理由库”,从而对各类题目应对自如。

托福写作总觉得时间不够怎么办? 3招教你轻松解决























冲刺托福写作高分 必须转变思维模式
















举个例子,像那篇“when young adults should leave their parents”,其实文章的只围绕了一个观点进行:“不少早早离开家里独立生活的年轻人其实思想上并不够成熟,他们实际上需要更多时间去学习和充实自己,才能更好地处理社会上的复杂和挑战”,评分者认为作者很好地“develop”了自己的观点,主线十分突出,论述很充分(既解释了为什么思想上不够成熟-因为21世纪竞争越来越大了,又解释了为什么需要更多时间去充实自己。

因为年轻人需要更充分地学习各种独立生活的技能才能更好地为以后充满挑战的生活做准备云云…),过渡很自然流畅(用一句“so living independently at an early age is not suitable for all young adults”就自然地将话题进一步展开),还引用了一些观察资料作为客观证据(an observation shows that many University graduated students are unemployed. Therefore, they will not be…)。



Television-----the most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth-is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world. It is an electronic revolution of sorts, made possible by the marriage of television and computer technologies.

The word “television”, derived from its Greek (tele: distant) and Latin (visio: sight) roots, can literally be interpreted as sight from a distance. Very simply put, it works in this way: through a sophisticated system of electronics, television provides the capability of converting an image (focused on a special photoconductive plate within a camera) into electronic impulses, which can be sent through a wire or cable. These impulses, when fed into a receiver (television set), can then be electronically reconstituted into that same image.

Television is more than just an electronic system, however. It is a means of expression, as well as a vehicle for communication, and as such becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings.

The field of television can be divided into two categories determined by its means of transmission. First, there is broadcast television, which reaches the masses through broad-based airwave transmission of television signals. Second, there is nonbroadcast television, which provides for the needs of individuals or specific interest groups through controlled transmission techniques.

Traditionally, television has been a medium of the masses. We are most familiar with broadcast television because it has been with us for about thirty-seven years in a form similar to what exists today. During those years, it has been controlled, for the most part, by the broadcast networks, ABC, NBC, and CBS, who have been the major purveyors of news, information, and entertainment. These giants of broadcasting have actually shaped not only television but our perception of it as well. We have come to look upon the picture tube as a source of entertainment, placing our role in this dynamic medium as the passive viewer.

托福写作范文:The Beginning of Drama

There are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece. The on most widely accepted today is based on the assumption that drama evolved from ritual. The argument for this view goes as follows. In the beginning, human beings viewed the natural forces of the world-even the seasonal changes-as unpredictable, and they sought through various means to control these unknown and feared powers. Those measures which appeared to bring the desired results were then retained and repeated until they hardened into fixed rituals. Eventually stories arose which explained or veiled the mysteries of the rites. As time passed some rituals were abandoned, but the stories, later called myths, persisted and provided material for art and drama.

Those who believe that drama evolved out of ritual also argue that those rites contained the seed of theater because music, dance, masks, and costumes were almost always used, furthermore, a suitable site had to be provided for performances and when the entire community did not participate, a clear division was usually made between the “acting area” and the “auditorium.” In addition, there were performers, and, since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task. Wearing masks and costumes, they often impersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mimed the desired effect-success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun-as an actor might. Eventually such dramatic representations were separated from religious activities.

Another theory traces the theater’s origin from the human interest in storytelling. According to this vies tales (about the hunt, war, or other feats) are gradually elaborated, at first through the use of impersonation, action, and dialogue by a narrator and then through the assumption of each of the roles by a different person. A closely related theory traces theater to those dances that are primarily rhythmical and gymnastic or that are imitations of animal movements and sounds.


The modern age is an age of electricity. People are so used to electric lights, radio, televisions, and telephones that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without them. When there is a power failure, people grope about in flickering candlelight, cars hesitate in the streets because there are no traffic lights to guide them, and food spoils in silent refrigerators.

Yet, people began to understand how electricity works only a little more than two centuries ago. Nature has apparently been experimenting in this field for million of years. Scientists are discovering more and more that the living world may hold many interesting secrets of electricity that could benefit humanity.

All living cell send out tiny pulses of electricity. As the heart beats, it sends out pulses of record; they form an electrocardiogram, which a doctor can study to determine how well the heart is working. The brain, too, sends out brain waves of electricity, which can be recorded in an electroencephalogram. The electric currents generated by most living cells are extremely small - often so small that sensitive instruments are needed to record them. But in some animals, certain muscle cells have become so specialized as electrical generators that they do not work as muscle cells at all. When large numbers of these cell are linked together, the effects can be astonishing.

The electric eel is an amazing storage battery. It can seed a jolt of as much as eight hundred volts of electricity through the water in which it live. (An electric house current is only one hundred twenty volts.) As many as four-fifths of all the cells in the electric eel’s body are specialized for generating electricity, and the strength of the shock it can deliver corresponds roughly to length of its body.







托福写作通常是一个五段三点式的写作,通常我们也叫鱼骨头(Fish Bone)式。这样的结构就是最为普遍的议论文结构,开头段+中间三段+结尾段。千万不要小看这样的结构,以为这样的结构过于简单,过于八股。其实,新托福写作考查的也就是考生是否会熟练运用这样的结构去表达自己对一个观点的看法。美国的高中生会专门用一年的时间来学习这样的结构。所以在准备托福写作的时候,应该特别注意要熟练运用五段三点式这样的结构。








托福写作怎么提高 三个方法增强文章连贯性


- 原词重复 (direct repetition) 、同义词 (synonyms)、反义词 (antonyms)

- 来自于相同语义场 (semantic field) 和词汇链 (lexical chains) 的单词

- 使用one/ ones进行词汇替代 (substitution)


- 指代 (reference): 代词、冠词

- 使用 so/ do/ does/ did 等进行从句元素替代

- 比较级

- 时态


- 提问与回答

-平行结构 (parallelism)

下面我们结合托福一个写作题目和对应的高分范文 (high-level responses) 进行讲解

Question:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People benefit more from traveling in their own country than from traveling to foreign countries.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Be sure to use your own words. Do not use memorized examples.

Source: TOEFL? Test Preparation: The Insider’s Guide

上面这个题目需要考生思考并比较在本国旅游和在外国旅游各自的好处,然后决定是否同意 “人们在本国旅游获得的益处比在外国旅游获得的益处更多” 这个观点。在这里我们给各位提供官方选取的高分回答,第一篇来自挪威的Aarcha Z.同学,第二篇来自中国的_同学。


Aarcha 同学对于题目持有不同意的观点 (Disagree),她认为到国外旅游好处更多。以下是她的主旨句 (Thesis Statement) 。

“I think that people benefit more from traveling to foreign countries.”


In addition to that, travelling to another country gives you the perfect excuse to learn a new language. For example, I’m planning to go to France next year, and I’ve already started learning basic French with the help of apps on my mobile phone. [Learning a new language] is a wonderful thing, as it not only helps you get around in foreign countries, but also makes you attractive in the job market. If you’re travelling in your own country, you will never truly need to learn a new language, and will therefore miss out on the opportunity that it brings.


该文段使用的衔接手段主要是:(一)词汇衔接中的同义词(二)语法衔接中的代词指代 (reference)

首先 “that” 是一个代词,指代文中第一个理由 “to experience new sights, cultures and food”; 另外, “another country” 是题目中 “foreign countries” 的另外一种表达形式; “it” 用来表示 “learning a new language” 的意思。全段100个单词,出现了4处衔接手段的使用,使得段落内容清晰紧密。


_同学对于题目持有同意的观点 (Agree),他认为在国内旅游好处更多。以下是他的主旨句 (Thesis Statement) 。

“I deem I can benefit more from travelling in my own countries.”


The most critical reason is time. As a traveler, I would prefer spending more time exploring my destination rather than getting stuck at the security checkpoint, sitting in the airplane, and waiting in a long queue at the custom, which are often associated with international travel. For example, if I have a week of vacation, instead of spending 2 days on the way, I could choose a destination that may only take me [a] couple [of] hours to get there that means I have 1 extra more vacation day.

Secondly, ….

Lastly, international trip can cost travelers significantly more comparing to a domestic one. Admittedly, cost of a trip is often determined personal choice and preference but a lot of fees, such as visa and currency exchange, are often inevitable. In addition, to save money in another unknown country can be a lot more challenging.


该文段使用的衔接手段主要是:(一)词汇衔接-同义词; 词汇衔接- one/ ones 替代(二)语法衔接中的比较级 (三)修辞衔接中的平行结构 (parallelism)

首先第一段中连续使用了三个平行结构来表达到国外旅游可能会遇到的不方便 “getting stuck at the security checkpoint” , “sitting in the airplane” , “waiting in a long queue at the custom”, 另外, “international travel” 以及第三段中的 “international trip” 是同义词,“domestic” 是题目中 “in their own country” 同义表达,最后 “domestic one” 当中的 “one” 也是为了避免重复前面的内容而进行指代的。

这些衔接手段的使用增加了上下文内容的连贯性,也丰富了语言表达形式,使得段落内容清晰紧密生动。 两段的内容不算多,但单从衔接手段的角度来讲还是值得各位考生学习和借鉴的。

托福写作考试如今考什么 考前如何准备

被托福残害了那么多次的同学们,每次考前都一直心中有疑问:老师,写作怎么准备啊?考前该看看什么啊? 可咋整啊?




Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (ages 5 to 10)? Why?

A Being helpful to others

B Being honest

C Being well-organized

Use specific examples and evidences to support your answer.

Some people like to buy and eat their meals at restaurants frequently, while others like to do this at home. Which do you prefer? Why?

It is better to work for business owned by someone else than to work for the business of one‘s own family

Three different ways to protect the environment?

1. biking or walking to school or the workplace

2.recycling or reusing the garbage

3.eating organic food without pesticide

A city wants to help teachers of its high school students (age14-18) improve their teaching. It is considering two plans:

1. Choose a small group of excellent teachers; these teachers will attend a class led by an expert for additional training in how to teach effectively, and they will then come back to their schools and provide that training for other teachers in school.

2. Provide additional training in teaching effectively for high school teachers, using online material that each teacher will study individually.

Some people think that we should keep away from others to improve our relationship, because being away from people reminds us of how important they are. Others think we should always stay with others to have good relationship because we can communicate with them more often. What do you think?

Would you prefer a higher pay job with longer work time or an average pay job with normal work time.



比如上面第二个题目就是个利弊类比较的题目,题目问我们是在饭馆点餐吃饭呢?还是在家吃饭呢? 解题思路其实很简单,带着比较去找利弊即可。比如在饭馆吃饭更好。主体段的三个段落我们可以这样展开:

1. 在饭馆吃比在家吃选择多样

2. 在饭馆吃比在家吃食物更新鲜

3. 虽然在家吃也有好处,比如更省时间,不用花时间浪费在路途中,但是实际上,在家吃有时候点餐的时候,送餐人员会因为各种原因比如天气,交通,生病等原因耽误送餐的时间,送餐的时间会持续很久,不仅不会省时,而给订餐者造成了不必要的麻烦。所以还是自己去餐厅吃饭更好。

主体段中我们选择了A+ A+ B+但让步转回的思路。


如果你单边的展开(一边倒)就写A好可以没问题,但是三段每个段落都是A好还不够,需要在段内比较,即A>B A>B A>B 我们称之为叫段内比。








首先,三选一题目中 我们如何选择? 请秉持一个原则叫做“两利相权取其重,两弊相权取其轻”,题干问哪一个最好,那么你就选择一个最有优势的即可。



1. A>B A>C

4. B- C- A+

5. A+ A+ BC+段内转折

















托福写作综合部分的开头段一般来说是首先提出听力部分的观点以及相应的论据内容。然后紧接着用连词“in addition”、”meanwhile”或者是“moreover”引出阅读部分相反或者是相同的观点以及对应的论据。托福综合写作的开头段起着交代文章主旨以及概括文章主要内容的作用。开篇交代出阅读和听力部分的关系以及相应的内容,给读者直观表达,从而方便接下来中间段的论述。因此,托福综合写作开头段的写作框架是固定不变的,考生只要根据题目内容不同,填入相应的内容即可。




托福综合写作的结尾段和所有英语写作形式差不多,都是起到总结和概括文章内容的作用。但是,在这里,一般来说就是再次申述一下阅读和听力之间的关系即可。在这部分,标志性的连接词就是“in all、to sum up、in summary”等。虽然,结尾段看似和开头段落的内容差不多,但是,结尾段更侧重于表达听力或者阅读部分的不足,从而确定文章的一个中心。此外,还要注意的一点就是,托福综合写作部分的结尾段可以省略。









1. 记笔记练习



2. 综合写作模板训练



3. 精读独立写作185范文



4. 思路的整理


5. 句型整理


6. 综合演练











托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:learning about life


Learning about life: by listening to the advice of others or through personal experience?

Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to the advice of family and friends. Other people believe that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience. Compare the advantages of these two different ways of learning about life. Which do you think is preferable? Use specific examples to support your preference.


两个观点都有些极端。所以,大家需要先比较分析,再选择自己的立场。听从他人劝告和建议的优缺点:综合许多人的看法,可能更容易得到正确的答案;但是久而久之(in the course of time; as time passes),可能会变得没有主见(lose one's own judgment) 自己做决定、从自己的经验出发的优缺点:可能不全面,但是能够培养自己的观察能力,分析能力。不同的事情,要有不同的选择。


Some people believe that the best way to learn about life is to listen to the advice of friends and family. Others argue that the most beneficial way to learn about life is through personal experience. I want to maintain that learning about life through personal experience is the best way. I believe this because one usually does not learn well unless he/she experiences something on his/her own, because one can have different opinions and views on life man his/her family and friends, and because it is simply a more interesting way to learn. There have been many times in my life where a family member told me that life was a certain way, but I still wanted to see for myself. After having the experience, I agreed with what my family member had told me. However, I never regretted trying the experience for myself. I think one can learn something more completely if he/she experiences it for himself. When a family member or a friend tells me to do something, I value his/her opinion. However, there are some occasions when I do not fully agree with their opinions. In these cases, I want to try out the experience. There is a possibility that I will disagree with their conclusions on the topic. For example, if a friend tells me that a movie is terrible, I might still go to see the movie. It is more than possible that we will have differing opinions on whether the movie was good or not. Finally, I think it is important to learn about life through personal experience because it is a much more interesting way to learn. If one never experienced anything for oneself, life would be very boring. For example, a friend told me that Urumchi was a city that I would not enjoy visiting. He said there were not many attractions there, and there were many other beautiful places in China that I should go instead. In spite of this warning, I went to see Urumchi for myself. I did not think the city was spectacular, but I did have a good time on my trip, and was glad that I went. Having the experience of going to the place was worthwhile enough for me.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:higher education be availabl


Should higher education be available to all students or only to good students?

Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.


两个观点都有些极端。所以,大家应该先分析,再选择自己的立场。义务教育制度(institution of compulsory education )说明社会已经认识到基础教育(fundamental education) 对所有的人都是必需的。但是大学教育是不是所有人都需要的?这个社会很多职业(比如,饮食业)不需要大学教育。让所有的人都上大学,是不是成为过分的财政负担(financial burden of the government)?用什么样的方法确定一个学生good enough so as to deserve higher education? 考试?考试制度也有缺陷。可能选择的立场比如:我们国家目前是需要更多的人接受大学教育。与此同时,一方面要保障大学教育的质量,另一方面,要改革考试制度,保障考生的公平机会。


Some people believe that only good students should have access to a university education. Others posit that higher education should be open to everyone, regardless of their academic abilities. I agree with the former opinion. Universities should only allow good students into their programs because these students value the importance of a good education and are interested in furthering their education. Furthermore, if all students were allowed into universities, the schools would quickly become saturated, and the quality of education received would diminish. A university education is very important to a good student. This type of student has set his/her sights on a university education from early on, and has put in the necessary work to earn a place in a good university. Poor students who did not try to achieve good grades in high school obviously do not care about their education, and therefore, do not deserve to go to university. However, if these poor students go back to school and improve their grades, they should also be allowed to go to university. Good students are very interested in furthering their education. They have put copious amounts of work into their education, and are interested in learning more. Poor students are usually not as interested in furthering their education. If they were interested in this, they would have tried harder to begin with. With that said, let us suppose for a moment that universities did allow all students, regardless of their grades, into university. The school would quickly become overfull, and good students, who really care about their education, would suffer because of it. They might not be able to get into the classes they want, and if they do get in, there might be so many students in the class that it is impossible to learn. In conclusion, I think that it is important to save a university education for those who really want it—good students. If a poor student wishes to go to university, then he/she will have to return to high school and improve his/her grades.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:choose your transportation


What kind of transportation you would choose?

You need to travel from your home to a place 40 miles (64 kilometers) away. Compare the different kinds of transportation you could use. Tell which method of travel you would choose. Give specific reasons for your choice.


这道题目虽然没有提供具体选项,但一般来说交通方式就是那么几种,所以大家可以根据自己的写法思路来展开。这里有个比较常识的陷阱在里面,就是飞机这种交通方式,不建议考生选飞机,因为题目里已经说了是64公里,为了64公里的路而乘坐飞机有点ridiculous。大家可以比较火车(train)、汽车(automobile; car)和自行车(bicycle)等方式。小编认为选择bicycle可能更容易写一些。


If I need to travel to a place 40 miles away from my home, there are a number of different modes of transport I could utilize, namely, I could take the bus, a car, or the train. The bus is a good choice as the bus system in Beijing has been well-developed. It is possible for me to travel almost anywhere within 40 miles of my house by bus. While on the bus, I can read a book, or relax, assuming it is not too full. The problem with taking the bus, however, is that it is often crowded. It is often uncomfortable, especially during hot summer days. Taking a car is an excellent option, assuming one can afford a car. Cars are notoriously expensive in China, and most people do not have this luxury. However, if it is available, a car is very convenient. You can travel to the exact desired location in record time. A car, especially a personal car, is never crowded. You never have to share space with anyone. However, one cannot relax while driving a car. There is no opportunity to just take in the sights, or read a book. One must always be focused on the road. The train, or the subway, is another option. If the location I am traveling to is on the subway line, then this option is by far the best. While trains can be congested, they are the fastest method of traveling. Subway trains are never subject to traffic jams, as they usually run underground. However, the subway system in Beijing does not go everywhere that I need to. Often, if I take the subway, I then have to either walk for 20 minutes, or take a bus. Overall, I think that the car is the best option, if it is available. The car is convenient and comfortable. However, the bus and the train are both good options if a car is not available






第二:记忆单词 肌肉>大脑












1. 大小写快速切换

托福作文中大小写切换是肯定要用到的,毕竟文章中每个句子开头都必须是大写,还有一些特定情况也需要用到大写,打字时切换大小写的方法其实很简单,那就是掌握shift的正确使用方法,大家可以多练习用小指来按shift键来提升切换速度,注意左右手的小指都要练,保证能够在盲打的情况下准确按到shift键是基本要求。另外,当需要连续输入的大写字母超过3个时,大家也需要用好Caps Lock键,这比起连续按shift键要方便很多。而在句子第一个字母需要大写的时候,在写完前一句打空格的同时考生就需要开始用小指去提前找shift键了。做到这3点,大家打字过程中的大小写切换速度就能得到提升。

2. 熟悉标题符号和数字位置










1. 大小写快速切换

托福作文中大小写切换是肯定要用到的,毕竟文章中每个句子开头都必须是大写,还有一些特定情况也需要用到大写,打字时切换大小写的方法其实很简单,那就是掌握shift的正确使用方法,大家可以多练习用小指来按shift键来提升切换速度,注意左右手的小指都要练,保证能够在盲打的情况下准确按到shift键是基本要求。另外,当需要连续输入的大写字母超过3个时,大家也需要用好Caps Lock键,这比起连续按shift键要方便很多。而在句子第一个字母需要大写的时候,在写完前一句打空格的同时考生就需要开始用小指去提前找shift键了。做到这3点,大家打字过程中的大小写切换速度就能得到提升。

2. 熟悉标题符号和数字位置





考题回忆:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One can learn a lot about a person from the type of friends this person has.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One can learn a lot about a person from the type of friends this person has.

Getting know about an individual personality through the type of their friends is not an unconvincing means to a certain extent. People would only friend with those attracted to them, so we can see the preferences or life values of that person from his or her friends, particularly intimate ones.

It is admitted that we all have some friends whose characters are so distinct from us, but if we observe carefully, it is not difficult to find out the friendship with conflicting humanity is bound to fade away gradually. At least this is true for me. We girls are so obsessed with constellation as a reference to judge whether a person is matched with us or not. I was born in April, and according to the illustration of constellation books, I was born with failure of getting along well with someone born in November. It is explained that they are over aggressive and like to control everything following their thought of train, which is virtually not my likes. I am described as generous, thoughtful, considerate and innocent. Even though there is no scientific evidence to prove this popular belief, it makes sense that people with so distinct characters will not build up a solid social connection.

Moreover, the commonest example for supporting this statement is how a man choose his partner, which is believed to have an underlying pattern showing the man's marital values, even they might have no consciousness themselves. A man constantly chasing after girls with sexy body shape and pretty appearance is regarded as a shallow one who simply weighs the extricate traits more than the inner beauty. In contrast, attracted to a plain-looking but wise and kind lady, the man will be honored as a reliable quality. Thus, we can judge a man from what his wife is like.

Additionally, analyzing from a wider angle, people with similar concerns tend to be more closely related to each other. On a higher level, this fact is also true with countries. Back to the Cold War, countries with similar social system fell into two major categories: the capitalist west led by US and the socialist east led by USSR. By looking at a country’s alliances, people could easily know what kind of country it was. On a lower level, people with similar social status or interests are more inclined to hang out together because their ways of life are subjected to similar factors (such as money and time) they share: housewives may become acquainted with housewives in the supermarkets; millionaires knows their kindred spirits in a luxurious golf club.

To sum up, there exists reasonable judgment about a person's character by observing their friend type. There is an old saying in Chinese, animals gather by family, human are divided by groups.

托福写作解析:Arts or environment

Topic:Arts or environment?

A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


选择哪一个都可以。只要列举出两三个sound reasons。并且要在作文中提及另外一个选择的好处,以显示“考虑周全”。


企业花钱,当然要考虑input-output ratio。投入哪一个活动中,公众效应更加明显?







Frankly speaking, both arts and environment are important to human being. However, if I were the CEO of a company, I would rather give the money to protect the environment than to support the arts. Because environment protection is quite urgent and matters the future of our globe, while arts is a continuous process to improve the quality of life.

First of all, environment protection is very urgent. Global warming is becoming more and more serious. Many spices are dying, the ice in South Pole is melting, and many rivers are being contaminated. Now it is time for us to do something to save our earth and our own future.

Secondly, environment protection is very important for all, including human being, plants, animals and the Earth. When I was a little boy, I often played in the river that is located beside my village. The water was so clean that we could just drink it directly. There were also many kinds of fishes in the river. It was such a beautiful place that I often played for a whole day. Now things are totally different, the water became brown in color due to pollution from factories, very few fishes can live there. Those small children can never enjoy the fun that I once did.

Thirdly, the art is a continuous process to improve the quality of life, which is not as urgent as environment protection. In addition, there are many ways by which funds can be raised for arts, such as exhibitions and auctions of artistic works. Environment protection needs money more urgently than arts do.

Although both arts and the environment are important, I prefer to give the money to support environment protection, due to the three reasons mentioned above.













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